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⟦8e035aa2b⟧ TextFile

    Length: 4952 (0x1358)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »dep-scan.awk«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 
                └─ ⟦this⟧ »rev6-0-0/tools/config/dep-scan.awk« 


# dep-scan.awk
# Used to scan an Ada source file and extract inter-module dependencies.
# We simply scan the file and:
#  1) A WITH is always followed by a single name and the name is on that same
#     line.  "with name;", "with name ;", "WITH name;", etc. are all ok.
#  2) A PACKAGE, PACKAGE BODY, PROCEDURE, or FUNCTION declaration aways begins
#     on a line by itself and the name of the Ada unit is on that same line.
#  3) Any unit that has a line beginning with the word END  followed by
#     anything other than RECORD is a BODY unit.  Any other unit is a SPEC
#     unit.
#  4) Any unit that has a line beginning with the word GENERIC is a GENERIC
#     unit unless it is a BODY unit.
# If you have a coding style that puts more than one name in a WITH list or
# if you put names on different lines than the keywords or otherwise violate
# these assuptions then you get to rewrite this script or reformat your Ada
# code.
# Our output usually consists of a single line of this form:
#	<unit name> <filename> <GENERIC/BODY/SPEC> <lib> <dep. units>
# The <unit name> is the name of the Ada unit as extracted from the main
# declaration line as described above as #2.  The <filename> is simply the
# name of the file we are scanning.  The <GENERIC/BODY/SPEC> is obtained
# by means of #3 or #4 above.  The <dep. units> are simply the Ada unit names
# mentioned in the WITHs scanned as #1 describes.  <lib> is the library we
# are using for compilations.
# If we are processing an Ada IS SEPARATE body then we also put out a second
# line of the form:
#	<unit name> <filename> SEPARATE <separate>
# The <separate> is the name of our parent body.

#---We assume it is a SPEC.

	HaveName = 0;
	What = "SPEC";
	Deps[""] = "";

#---Any line that begins with WITH is a line for us.  It is a dependency.
#   Remove any ';'s that may be present.

$1 ~ /^[Ww][Ii][Tt][Hh]$/ {
	if ($0 ~ /^[^;]*,/) {
		print "Line is not of the form 'WITH <name> ;'?";
		print "{", $0, "}";
		exit 1;
	With = $2 ;
	i = index( With, ";" );
	if (i > 0) { With = substr( With, 1, i-1 ); }
	Deps[With] = With;

#---SEPARATE lines are similar to WITH's in terms of what they require.

/^ *[Ss][Ee][Pp][Aa][Rr][Aa][Tt][Ee] *\( *[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ *\)/ {
	Separate = $0 ;
	i = index( Separate, "(" );
	Separate = substr( Separate, i+1 );
	i = index( Separate, ")" );
	Separate = substr( Separate, 1, i-1 );
	i = split( Separate, j, " " );
	Separate = j[1];
	What = "BODY";

#---Any of these lines will determine the name of the Ada unit.

$1 ~ /^[Pp][Aa][Cc][Kk][Aa][Gg][Ee]$/ && $2 ~ /^[Bb][Oo][Dd][Yy]$/ {
	if (NF < 3) {
		print "Expected 'package body <name>' and found:", $0 ;
		exit 1;
	Name = $3;
	if (Name ~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/) {
		for (i = 1; i <= length(Name); i++) {
			if (substr( Name, i, 1 ) ~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/) {
				Name = substr( Name, 1, i-1 );
	Name = Name " " FILENAME;
	What = "BODY";

$1 ~ /^[Pp][Aa][Cc][Kk][Aa][Gg][Ee]$/ && HaveName == 0 {
	if (NF < 2) {
		print "Expected 'package <name>' and found: " $0 ;
		exit 1;
	Name = $2;
	if (Name ~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/) {
		for (i = 1; i <= length(Name); i++) {
			if (substr( Name, i, 1 ) ~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/) {
				Name = substr( Name, 1, i-1 );
	Name = Name " " FILENAME;
	HaveName = 1;

$1 ~ /^[Ff][Uu][Nn][Cc][Tt][Ii][Oo][Nn]$/ && HaveName == 0 {
	if (NF < 2) {
		print "Expected 'function <name>' and found: " $0 ;
		exit 1;
	if (Name != "") { next; }
	Name = $2;
	if (Name ~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/) {
		for (i = 1; i <= length(Name); i++) {
			if (substr( Name, i, 1 ) ~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/) {
				Name = substr( Name, 1, i-1 );
	Name = Name " " FILENAME;
	HaveName = 1;

$1 ~ /^[Pp][Rr][Oo][Cc][Ee][Dd][Uu][Rr][Ee]$/ && HaveName == 0 {
	if (NF < 2) {
		print "Expected 'procedure <name>' and found: " $0 ;
		exit 1;
	if (Name != "") { next; }
	Name = $2;
	if (Name ~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/) {
		for (i = 1; i <= length(Name); i++) {
			if (substr( Name, i, 1 ) ~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/) {
				Name = substr( Name, 1, i-1 );
	Name = Name " " FILENAME;
	HaveName = 1;

#---These things determine that the unit is not (just) a SPEC.

$1 ~ /^[Gg][Ee][Nn][Ee][Rr][Ii][Cc]$/ {
	if (What == "SPEC") { What = "GENERIC"; }
	if (HaveName != 0) { exit; }

$1 ~ /^[Bb][Ee][Gg][Ii][Nn]$/ {
	if (NF == 1 || $2 !~ /^[Rr][Ee][Cc][Oo][Rr][Dd]($|[^a-zA-Z0-9_])/) {
		What = "BODY";

#---Skip any other lines.

{ next; }

#---Put out our single result line.

	if (Name == "") {
		print "No name was found for the Ada unit in", FILENAME, ".";
		exit 1;
	Dep = "";
	for (i in Deps) {
		Dep = Dep " " Deps[i];
		if (length( Dep ) > 128) {
			print "@" Dep				>> OFile;
			Dep = "";
	if (Separate != "") {
		print Name, "SEPARATE", Working, Separate Dep 	>> OFile;
	} else {
		print Name, What, Working Dep 			>> OFile;