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⟦8eb5d6bd5⟧ TextFile

    Length: 31312 (0x7a50)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2
    └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« 


--    The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and
--    conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer.
--                Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990 by Rational.
--                          RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND
--    Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
--    restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in
--    Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013.
--                Rational
--                3320 Scott Boulevard
--                Santa Clara, California 95054
--   1976.  CREATED 1988, 1989, 1990.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

with Runtime_Ids;
with Storage_Management;
with System;
with Target;
package Shared_Code_Generic_Support is

    -- The standard rename for this package is Scg_Support

    -- This package provides some runtime support routines needed to
    -- implement Shared Code Generics.

    subtype Integer  is Target.Integer;
    subtype Natural  is Target.Natural;
    subtype Positive is Target.Positive;
    -- Integers in this package are as defined in Target.  An Integer and
    -- an Address MUST have the same size.

    -- We require a contract with the compiler.  The compiler MUST
    -- generate a type descriptor for an instantiation that is as
    -- described as below.  The type declarations below are used
    -- in the body of this package and are exported here for docu-
    -- mentation purposes only.

    -- We REQUIRE the compiler to generate storage for an object
    -- declared in a shared code generic as described below:
    --    Scalars, Accesses :
    --       32 bit entity with value
    --    Unconstrained_Arrays :
    --       Unconstrained_Descriptor Pointer
    --                -->  Data Pointer  --> Data
    --                     Dope Pointer  --> Dope
    --    Unconstrained_Records :
    --       Unconstrained_Descriptor Pointer
    --                -->  Data_Pointer  --> Data
    --                     Is_Constrained
    --    others :
    --       Data Pointer -> Data

    type Unconstrained_Descriptor is
            Data : System.Address;
            -- Pointer to the data

            Constraint : System.Address;
            -- Could be either a pointer to the dope in the case of
            -- an unconstrained array type, or a boolean value in
            -- the case of an unconstrained record type.  In the
            -- case of the former, the first byte only is used.
        end record;

    Data_Offset       : constant := 0;
    Constraint_Offset : constant := Data_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Address;

    for Unconstrained_Descriptor use
        record at mod 4;
            Data at Data_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Address;

            Constraint at Constraint_Offset
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Address;
        end record;

    Nil_Unconstrained_Descriptor : constant Unconstrained_Descriptor :=
       Unconstrained_Descriptor'(Data       => System.Address_Zero,  
                                 Constraint => System.Address_Zero);
    -- An Unconstrained_Descriptor is the runtime representation of an un-
    -- constrained type when a shared code generic is instantiated with
    -- either Unconstrained_Arrays or Unconstrained_Records.

    type Formal_Type_Kind is (Scalars,  

    -- The Formal_Type_Kind describes the kind of actual type that
    -- is used in a particular instantiation for a generic formal
    -- type.

    type Constraint_Descriptor is
            Constraint_1 : Integer;
            Constraint_2 : Integer;
            Constraint_3 : Integer;
            Constraint_4 : Integer;
        end record;

    Constraint_1_Offset               : constant := 0;
    Constraint_2_Offset               : constant :=
       Constraint_1_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Integer;
    Constraint_3_Offset               : constant :=
       Constraint_2_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Integer;
    Constraint_4_Offset               : constant :=
       Constraint_3_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Integer;
    Bytes_Per_Constraint_Descriptor   : constant :=
       Constraint_4_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Integer;
    Last_Bit_Of_Constraint_Descriptor : constant :=  
       Bytes_Per_Constraint_Descriptor * Target.Bits_Per_Byte - 1;

    for Constraint_Descriptor use
        record at mod 4;
            Constraint_1 at Constraint_1_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Integer;

            Constraint_2 at Constraint_2_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Integer;

            Constraint_3 at Constraint_3_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Integer;

            Constraint_4 at Constraint_4_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Integer;
        end record;

    Nil_Constraints : constant Constraint_Descriptor := (0, 0, 0, 0);
    -- Before we describe the contents of a Constraint_Descriptor, it is
    -- useful to describe the contents of a Type_Descriptor.
    -- A Type_Descriptor is laid out as follows:
    --      Size      : Integer
    --      Base_Size : Integer
    --      Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor
    --      Value_Size_Subp           : Subprogram_Variable
    --      Init_Subp                 : Subprogram_Variable
    --      Allocate_Subp             : Subprogram_Variable
    --      Dscrmt_Record_Assign_Subp : Subprogram_Variable
    --      Init_Literal : Address
    --      Type_Kind        : (Scalar, Access, ...)
    --      Is_Short_Pointer : Boolean
    -- NOTE: the size fields are ALWAYS in storage (i.e. addressable units).
    -- Constraint_Descriptor's are needed as part of a Type_Descriptor, and
    -- as part of Formal_Object_Descriptor's.  A Constraint_Descriptor  is
    -- laid out as follows:
    --      Constraint_1 : Integer
    --      Constraint_2 : Integer
    --      Constraint_3 : Integer
    --      Constraint_4 : Integer
    -- These fields have the following interpretation based on the type kind.
    --      Type_Kind => Scalars:
    --        for both Type_Descriptor's and Formal_Object_Descriptors:
    --           Constraint_1 => Lower Bound
    --           Constraint_2 => Upper Bound
    --      Type_Kind => Accesses
    --         Since access types may be constrained, we have the following
    --         three situations to consider:
    --            type Array_Type is array (Integer range <>) of Integer;
    --            type Record_Type (D : Boolean) is
    --                record
    --                    X : Integer;
    --                end record;
    --            type    Access_Array              is access Array_Type;
    --            subtype Constrained_Access_Array  is Access_Array (1 .. 5);
    --            type    Access_Record             is access Record_Type;
    --            subtype Constrained_Access_Record is Access_Record (False);
    --         We distinguish between "Normal" access types, and "Constrained"
    --         access types which get their constraints by applying a const-
    --         raint to an access type.  Thus, in the above, we have:
    --         Normal access                : Access_Array, Access_Record
    --         Constrained access to array  : Constrained_Access_Array
    --         Constrained access to record : Constrained_Access_Record
    --         In the case of the two "Constrained" access types, we need to
    --         do constraint checks.
    --         When the Type_Kind is Accesses, we can distinguish between
    --         the above cases as follows:
    --            Dope_Vector_Address (i.e. Constraint_1) is 0 and
    --            Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies_Subp (i.e. Constraint_2) is nil =>
    --                  Normal access
    --            Dope_Vector_Address /= 0 =>
    --                  Constrained access to array
    --            Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies_Subp is non-nil =>
    --                  Constrained access to record
    --         Now for the constraint information:
    --            Normal access                : no constraint information
    --            Constrained access to array  : Constraints as in Constrained_
    --                                           Arrays.
    --            Constrained access to record : Constraints as in Constrained_
    --                                           Records.
    --      Type_Kind => Tasks:
    --           Constraint_1 .. Constraint_4 => unused
    --      Type_Kind => Long_Scalars:
    --        for both Type_Descriptor's and Formal_Object_Descriptors:
    --           Constraint_1 .. Constraint_2 => Lower Bound
    --           Constraint_3 .. Constraint_4 => Upper_Bound
    --      Type_Kind => Simple_Records:
    --           Constraint_1 .. Constraint_4 => unused
    --      Type_Kind => Constrained_Records:
    --         for Type_Descriptor's:
    --           Constraint_1 => unused
    --           Constraint_2 .. Constraint_4 => Satisfies_Subp
    --         for Formal_Object_Descriptor's:
    --           Constraint_1 .. Constraint_4 => unused.
    --      Type_Kind => Constrained_Arrays:
    --        for Type_Descriptor's:
    --           Constraint_1 => Dope_Vector_Address
    --           Constraint_2 => Dope_Vector_Size
    --           Constraint_3 .. Constraint_4 => unused
    --        for Formal_Object_Descriptor's:
    --           Constraint_1 => Dope_Vector_Address
    --           Constraint_2 .. Constraint_4 => unused
    --      Type_Kind => Unconstrained_Arrays:
    --        for Type_Descriptor's:
    --           Constraint_2 => Dope_Vector_Size
    --           Constraint_1, Constraint_3 .. Constraint_4 => unused
    --        for Formal_Object_Descriptor's:
    --           Constraint_1 => Dope_Vector_Address
    --           Constraint_2 .. Constraint_4 => unused.
    --      Type_Kind => Unconstrained_Records:
    --         for Type_Descriptor's and Formal_Object_Descriptor's:
    --           Constraint_1 .. Constraint_4 => unused
    -- Note how the above algorithm REQUIRES Dope_Vector_Address and Dscrmt_
    -- Record_Satisfies_Subp to NOT BE OVERLAID.  In summary, for structures
    -- we have:
    --   Arrays : Constraint_1 => Dope_Vector_Address
    --            Constraint_2 => Dope_Vector_Size
    --   Records: Constraint_2 .. Constraint_4 => Dscrmt_Record_Satisfies_Subp
    -- Note that it is illegal to refer to constraints fields that do not
    -- exist.

    subtype Subprogram_Variable is Target.Subprogram_Variable;

    Nil_Code                : System.Address renames Target.Nil_Code;
    Nil_Static_Link         : System.Address renames Target.Nil_Static_Link;
    Nil_Subprogram_Variable : Subprogram_Variable
        renames Target.Nil_Subprogram_Variable;
    -- For subprogram variables in descriptors

    type Type_Descriptor is
            Size      : Natural;
            Base_Size : Natural;
            -- Object Sizes

            Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor;
            -- Constraints

            Value_Size_Subp           : Subprogram_Variable;
            Init_Subp                 : Subprogram_Variable;
            Allocate_Subp             : Subprogram_Variable;
            Dscrmt_Record_Assign_Subp : Subprogram_Variable;
            -- Subprogram variables

            Subp_Iv : System.Address;
            -- Instance variable passed to all thunks
            Init_Literal : System.Address;
            -- Initialization literal (if any)

            Type_Kind        : Formal_Type_Kind;
            Is_Short_Pointer : Boolean;
            -- Enumeration values
        end record;

    Size_Offset                      : constant := 0;
    Base_Size_Offset                 : constant :=  
       Size_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Integer;
    Constraints_Offset               : constant :=
       Base_Size_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Integer;
    Value_Size_Subp_Offset           : constant :=  
       Constraints_Offset + Bytes_Per_Constraint_Descriptor;
    Init_Subp_Offset                 : constant :=  
       Value_Size_Subp_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Subprogram_Variable;
    Allocate_Subp_Offset             : constant :=  
       Init_Subp_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Subprogram_Variable;
    Dscrmt_Record_Assign_Subp_Offset : constant :=  
       Allocate_Subp_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Subprogram_Variable;
    Subp_Iv_Offset                   : constant :=  
       Dscrmt_Record_Assign_Subp_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Subprogram_Variable;
    Init_Literal_Offset              : constant :=  
       Subp_Iv_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Address;
    Type_Kind_Offset                 : constant :=  
       Init_Literal_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Address;
    Is_Short_Pointer_Offset          : constant :=  
       Type_Kind_Offset + Target.Bytes_Per_Enumeration;

    for Type_Descriptor use
        record at mod 4;  
            Size at Size_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Integer;

            Base_Size at Base_Size_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Integer;

            Constraints at Constraints_Offset  
               range 0 .. Last_Bit_Of_Constraint_Descriptor;

            Value_Size_Subp at Value_Size_Subp_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Subprogram_Variable;

            Init_Subp at Init_Subp_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Subprogram_Variable;

            Allocate_Subp at Allocate_Subp_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Subprogram_Variable;

            Dscrmt_Record_Assign_Subp at Dscrmt_Record_Assign_Subp_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Subprogram_Variable;

            Subp_Iv at Subp_Iv_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Address;

            Init_Literal at Init_Literal_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Address;

            Type_Kind at Type_Kind_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Enumeration;

            Is_Short_Pointer at Is_Short_Pointer_Offset  
               range 0 .. Target.Last_Bit_Of_Enumeration;
        end record;

    -- NOTE: This package ASSUMES that the middle pass constructs
    -- a type descriptor of the above layout.

    -- This ends the description of the instance variable

    type Expression is new System.Address;
    Nil_Expression : constant Expression := Expression (System.Address_Zero);
    -- An Expression is an uninterpreted 32 bits.  The type Expression_Kind
    -- (below) defines how to interpret an expression.

    type Expression_Kind is (Nil_Kind,  

    -- Nil_Kind indicates that the given expression is meaningless.
    -- Local_Object consists of top level declarations inside the generic,
    --  parameters of subprograms declared inside the generic, and the results
    --  of functions declared inside the generic.
    -- Formal_Object is like Local_Object, except that the object and/or
    --  subprogram in question is a generic formal rather than declared inside
    --  the generic.  Note that generic in parameters (formal constants) are
    --  considered Local_Object; this is because the formal constant must
    --  satisfy the subtype constraints of its type mark.  Formal_Object
    --  Expression_Kind is needed because the ada language has loopholes in
    --  contract model for generics; Formal_Object is used in those cases
    --  (where the subtype constraints cannot be trusted).
    -- Formal_Object_Reference is the same as Formal_Object, except that
    -- non-structures are represented as references rather than as values.
    -- Component applies to array elements and record fields.
    -- Allocator applies to the result of a pointer dereference
    -- Formal_Homogeneous_Allocator applies to a pointer dereference where the
    --  access type is a generic formal parameter and refers to a homogenous
    --  collection.
    -- Formal_Heterogenous_Allocator applies to a pointer dereference where the
    --  access type is a generic formal parameter that refers to a heterogenous
    --  collection.
    -- We distinguish between Formal_Homogenous_Allocator and Formal_Heterogen-
    --  eous_Allocator because the formal access type may point into a non-ho-
    --  mogeneous collection even if the designated private type is constrai-
    --  ned.  The format of an expression of Formal_Allocator is determined by
    --  the formal access type; it the address of a contiguous (dope vector,
    --  data) pair if and only if the designated type of the formal collection
    --  is unconstrained.
    -- The following table shows the possible layouts of a value of a formal
    -- private type:
    --                            Data Kind Table
    --                  Local_Object   Formal_Object Component   Allocator
    --                                 &Frml_Obj_Ref
    -- --------------+---------------+--------------+---------+------------+
    -- not a         |  1 word       | 1 word       | @data   | @data      |
    -- structure     |               | (@data for   |         |            |
    --               |               |  Frml_Obj_Rf)|         |            |
    -- --------------+---------------+--------------+---------+------------+
    -- simple record,|  @data        | @data        | @data   | @data      |
    -- long_scalar   |               |              |         |            |
    -- --------------+---------------+--------------+---------+------------+
    -- constrained   |  @data        | same as not  | @data   | @data      |
    -- structure     |               | constrained  |         |            |
    -- --------------+---------------+--------------+---------+------------+
    -- unconstrained |  @(@data,@dv) | @(@data,@dv) | illegal | @(dv,data) |
    -- array         |               |              |         |            |
    -- --------------+---------------+--------------+---------+------------+
    -- unconstrained | @(@data,      | @(@data,     | @data   | @data      |
    -- record        |   cnstrnd?)   |   cnstrnd?)  |         |            |
    -- --------------+---------------+--------------+---------+------------+
    --                  Formal_Homogeneous_Alloc Formal_Heterogeneous_Alloc
    -- --------------+--------------------------|--------------------------|
    -- not a         |            @data         |        illegal           |
    -- structure     |                          |                          |
    -- --------------+--------------------------|--------------------------+
    -- simple record,|            @data         |        illegal           |
    -- long_scalar   |                          |                          |
    -- --------------+--------------------------|--------------------------+
    -- constrained   |            @data         | same as not constrained  |
    -- structure     |                          |                          |
    -- --------------+--------------------------|--------------------------+
    -- unconstrained |           illegal        |      @(dv,data)          |
    -- array         |                          |                          |
    -- --------------+--------------------------|--------------------------+
    -- unconstrained |           illegal        |         @data            |
    -- record        |                          |                          |
    -- --------------+--------------------------|--------------------------|
    -- where @        means address of
    --       dv       means dope vector
    --       cnstrnd? means is_constrained
    --       maxsize  means the maximum size (applicable only to discriminated
    --                      records with default discriminants)
    -- Note that in the above notation, (@data,@dv) and (@data,cnstrnd?) refer
    -- to an Unconstrained_Descriptor.

    subtype Conversion_Kind is  
       Expression_Kind range Local_Object .. Formal_Object;
    -- We only allow conversion between the above Expression_Kinds.

    type    Check_Kind      is (Nil_Check, Length_Check, Subtype_Check);
    subtype Copy_Check_Kind is Check_Kind range Nil_Check .. Length_Check;
    -- Check_Kind indicates the kind of check to make.
    --     Nil_Check     : No check
    --     Length_Check  : Check length only, thus allowing sliding
    --     Subtype_Check : Check full subtype constraints, thus disallowing
    --                     sliding.

    -- Now we are ready to define the runtime calls.  Fundamentally, each
    -- runtime call has the following parameters:
    --     1. The runtime type descriptor
    --     2. 1 or 2 Expression's.  When an expression is to be modified,
    --        we require the ADDRESS of the expression to be passed in.
    --     3. Expression_Kind's associated with each expression stating
    --        how the expression is to be interpreted.
    --     4. An indication of the check (if any) that is to be performed.

    procedure Copy (Type_Desc        : Type_Descriptor;
                    Source           : Expression;
                    Source_Kind      : Expression_Kind;
                    Dest_Address     : System.Address;
                    Dest_Kind        : Expression_Kind;
                    Dest_Constraints : Constraint_Descriptor;
                    Chk              : Copy_Check_Kind);

    -- Assign value Source to the destination at Dest_Address.

    function Convert (Type_Desc           : Type_Descriptor;
                      Exp                 : Expression;
                      Exp_Kind            : Expression_Kind;
                      Target_Kind         : Conversion_Kind;  
                      Uncons_Desc_Address : System.Address;
                      Chk                 : Check_Kind) return Expression;

    -- Convert Exp to the kind required by Target_Kind.  This is called for
    -- instance in type conversion, and parameter passing.  Because of its
    -- use in parameter passing, in the particular case of Long_Scalars,
    -- it regards Uncons_Desc_Address as a data area where the value of Exp
    -- should be copied into to have value-result semantics.  The copy that
    -- this causes in other cases for Long_Float's that do not involve para-
    -- meter passing is deemed a negligble overhead.

    function Satisfies (Type_Desc : Type_Descriptor;
                        Exp       : Expression;
                        Exp_Kind  : Expression_Kind;
                        Chk       : Check_Kind) return Boolean;

    -- Returns True if Exp satisfies Chk.

    function Equal (Type_Desc  : Type_Descriptor;
                    Left       : Expression;
                    Left_Kind  : Expression_Kind;
                    Right      : Expression;
                    Right_Kind : Expression_Kind) return Boolean;

    -- Returns True iff the two are equal.  Note that this implies DATA
    -- equality.  Subtypes may be unequal in the case of array types.

    function Allocate (Type_Desc          : Type_Descriptor;
                       Collection_Or_Heap : System.Address;
                       Is_Collection      : Boolean;
                       Is_Homogenous      : Boolean;
                       Initial_Value      : Expression;
                       Initial_Value_Kind : Expression_Kind;
                       Master_Layer       : System.Address;
                       Activation_Group   : System.Address)  
                      return System.Address;

    -- Allocate in a collection or a heap, and initialize it with Initial_Va-
    -- lue if Initial_Value_Kind is not Nil_Kind.  Other parameters are:
    --    Is_Collection    : True iff Collection_Or_Heap is a collection.
    --    Is_Homogeneous   : True iff the access type is Homogenous, in which
    --                       case the dope vector is not written out with the
    --                       data.
    --    Master_Layer,
    --    Activation_Group : Nonzero when the actual type contains a task type.

    function Return_Value (Type_Desc      : Type_Descriptor;
                           Exp            : Expression;
                           Exp_Kind       : Expression_Kind;
                           Size_Address   : System.Address;
                           Result_Address : System.Address;
                           Result_Kind    : Conversion_Kind)  
                          return System.Address;

    -- This function provides the support needed to implement returning values
    -- of private types.  There are two models we support which fundamentally
    -- support two different ways in which the coder deals with returning an
    -- unconstrained value.  These models are referred to below as the "Copy
    -- Down" model and the "No Copy Down" model, indicating whether the coder
    -- will copy down the data or not in the case of an unconstrained type.
    -- Conceptually, this runtime routine needs to do what the coder will not
    -- do, such as the copy in the "No Copy Down" case.  The parameters to
    -- this routine are:
    --    Type_Desc      : The Type_Descriptor
    --    Exp, Exp_Kind  : The value of the expression to be returned
    --    Size_Address   : If copy down is needed, this is the address
    --                     that should be set to the size to copy down.
    --                     If copy down is not needed, this address has
    --                     the value size of Value.
    --    Result_Address : The address of the object descriptor that will
    --                     hold the result.  If for an unconstrained type,
    --                     this object descriptor points to an unconstrained
    --                     descriptor.  Furthermore, if this is an uncons-
    --                     trained array, the unconstrained descriptor's dope
    --                     address field is already pointing at a dope vector
    --                     that has to be filled in.
    --    Result_Kind    : The format in which the result is to be returned.
    -- Now for details of exactly what this function does.  Assume that Size
    -- refers to the variable at Size_Address and Result refers to the varia-
    -- ble at Result_Address.
    -- Copy Down:
    --   Returned value is interpreted as the address of the data to be
    --   copied down when copy down is needed.  Size is interpreted as
    --   the size to copy down.
    --   Unconstrained_Array,
    --   Unconstrained_Record : 1. Set Size to Value_Size of Exp.
    --                          2. Copy Dope_Vector of Exp into dope vector
    --                             address obtained from Result if it is an
    --                             Unconstrained_Array.  Note that WE MUST
    --                             NOT SHARE the dope vector of Exp.
    --                          3. Return the data address of Exp to copy down.
    --   others               : 1. Set Size to 0.
    --                          2. Copy Exp into Result.
    --                          3. Returned value is 0.
    -- No Copy Down:
    --   Returned value is interpreted as the VALUE of the resultant
    --   Expression.  Size is the Value_Size
    --   Copy Exp into Result.
    -- The "Copy Exp into Result" refers to a copy that simply copies the
    -- data at Exp into Result.  Even if Dscrmt_Record_Assign_Subp exists,
    -- WE SHOULD NOT CALL IT, and simply do the copy.

    procedure Unchecked_Convert (Source         : Expression;
                                 Source_Desc    : Type_Descriptor;
                                 Source_Kind    : Expression_Kind;
                                 Source_Size    : Integer;
                                 Target_Address : System.Address;
                                 Target_Desc    : Type_Descriptor;
                                 Target_Kind    : Expression_Kind;
                                 Target_Size    : Integer);

    -- This routine implements unchecked conversion to and from private
    -- types.  Either Source or Target may be an object of a private type,
    -- or they may be non-private.  If they are non-private, the appropriate
    -- size value must be the length of the object in bytes.  Likewise, if
    -- an object is private, the size must be zero and the kind must be
    -- the appropriate kind for the private type.

    procedure Unchecked_Deallocate (Collection : System.Address;
                                    Cell       : Storage_Management.Address_Ref;
                                    Desc       : Type_Descriptor;
                                    Kind       : Expression_Kind);

    -- This routine implements unchecked deallocation for formal private
    -- types.

    pragma Export_Procedure (Copy, "__SCG_COPY");
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Copy);

    pragma Export_Function (Convert, "__SCG_CONVERT");
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Convert);

    pragma Export_Function (Satisfies, "__SCG_SATISFIES");
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Satisfies);

    pragma Export_Function (Equal, "__SCG_EQUAL");
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Equal);

    pragma Export_Function (Allocate, "__SCG_ALLOCATE");
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Allocate);

    pragma Export_Function (Return_Value, "__SCG_RETURN");
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Return_Value);

    pragma Export_Procedure (Unchecked_Convert, "__SCG_UNCHECKED");
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Unchecked_Convert);

    -- pragma Export_Procedure (Unchecked_Deallocate, "__SCG_DEALLOCATE");
    pragma Export_Procedure (Unchecked_Deallocate, "__SPARE_1");
    pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Unchecked_Deallocate);

end Shared_Code_Generic_Support;
pragma Export_Elaboration_Procedure ("__SCG_SPEC");
pragma Runtime_Unit (Unit_Number         => Runtime_Ids.Runtime_Compunit,
                     Elab_Routine_Number => Runtime_Ids.Internal);