Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ T V

⟦93b408e89⟧ TextFile

    Length: 4460 (0x116c)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 


package Access_List is

    subtype Name is String;  -- an object name

    Read : constant Character := 'R';  -- objects and worlds
    Write : constant Character := 'W';  -- objects only
    Delete : constant Character := 'D';  -- worlds only; same bit as W
    Create : constant Character := 'C';  -- worlds only
    Owner : constant Character := 'O';  -- worlds only

    subtype Acl is String;
    -- String representations of access lists have the following syntax:
    --  Acl       ::= Acl_Entry [',' Acl_Entry]*
    --  Acl_Entry ::= Group '=>' Access
    --  Group     ::= Identifier
    --  Access    ::= Acc_Type+
    --  Acc_Type  ::= 'R' | 'W' | 'D' | 'C' | 'O' |
    --                'r' | 'w' | 'd' | 'c' | 'o'
    --  Examples:  "Phil => R , TRW => rw",  "Public=>RCOD"

    procedure Display (For_Object : Name := "<CURSOR>");

    -- Display the access list of the specified object(s).
    -- Output and error messages are send to current output.

    procedure Set (To_List : Acl := "Network_Public => RWCOD";
                   For_Object : Name := "<SELECTION>";
                   Response : String := "<PROFILE>");

    -- Set the access list for the specified object(s).
    -- Setting the access list requires "Owner" access to the containing world.
    -- Sends messages to a log that is under control of the Response parameter.

    procedure Default_Display (For_World : Name := "<CURSOR>");

    -- Display the default acl of the specified world(s) in an output window.
    -- Error messages are sent to the window in case of any error.
    -- Wildcards in the name are allowed.
    -- Non-world objects are filtered out of the display.
    -- A null display is produced if no worlds are referenced.

    procedure Set_Default (To_List : Acl := "Network_Public => RW";
                           For_World : Name := "<SELECTION>";
                           Response : String := "<PROFILE>");

    -- Set the default ACL for the specified world(s).
    -- Owner access to each world is required.
    -- Sends messages to a log that is under control of the Response parameter.
    -- A log is written indicating success or errors.
    -- Wildcards are allowed in the name.
    -- Any non-world objects referenced are ignored.
    -- A summary of the number of objects affected is included in the log.

    procedure Add (To_List : Acl := "Network_Public => RWCOD";
                   For_Object : Name := "<SELECTION>";
                   Response : String := "<PROFILE>");

    -- Add the access list to the existing value for the specified object(s).
    -- Changing the access list requires "Owner" access to the containing world.
    -- Sends messages to a log that is under control of the
    -- Response parameter.

    procedure Add_Default (To_List : Acl := "Network_Public => RW";
                           For_World : Name := "<SELECTION>";
                           Response : String := "<PROFILE>");

    -- Add the default ACL to the existing value for the specified world(s).
    -- Owner access to each world is required.
    -- Sends messages to a log that is under control of the Response parameter.
    -- A log is written indicating success or errors.
    -- Wildcards are allowed in the name.
    -- Any non-world objects referenced are ignored.
    -- A summary of the number of objects affected is included in the log.

    procedure Remove (Group : String := ">>SIMPLE NAME<<";
                      For_Object : Name := "<SELECTION>";
                      Response : String := "<PROFILE>");
    -- Remove the group from the specified object(s)' access list(s).
    -- Changing the access list requires "Owner" access to the containing
    -- world.  Sends messages to a log that is under control of the
    -- Response parameter.

    procedure Remove_Default (Group : String := ">>SIMPLE NAME<<";
                              For_World : Name := "<SELECTION>";
                              Response : String := "<PROFILE>");
    -- Remove the group from the specified world(s)' default access list(s).
    -- Owner access to each world is required.  Sends messages to the log that
    -- is under control of the Response parameter.  Wildcards are allowed
    -- in the name.  Any non-world objects referenced are ignored.
    -- A summary of the number of objects affected is included in the log.

    pragma Subsystem (Os_Commands);
    pragma Module_Name (4, 3507);

end Access_List;