Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦93d1b94c0⟧ TextFile

    Length: 2372 (0x944)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


separate (Xev_Main)  
procedure Set_Sizehints (Hintp      : in out X_Size_Hints;  
                         Min_Width  :        S_Long;  
                         Min_Height :        S_Long;  
                         Defwidth   :        S_Long;  
                         Defheight  :        S_Long;  
                         Defx       :        S_Long;  
                         Defy       :        S_Long;  
                         Geom       :        X_String) is  
    Geom_Result : X_Parse_Geometry_Flags;  

----Set the size hints, algorithm from xlib xbiff

    Hintp.Width := Min_Width;  
    Hintp.Min_Width := Min_Width;  
    Hintp.Height := Min_Height;  
    Hintp.Min_Height := Min_Height;  
    Hintp.Flags := X_Size_Hints_Flags'(P_Min_Size => True, others => False);  
    Hintp.X := 0;  
    Hintp.Y := 0;  
    Geom_Result := None_X_Parse_Geometry_Flags;  
    if Geom /= "" then  
        X_Parse_Geometry (Geom,  
                          S_Short (Hintp.X), S_Short (Hintp.Y),  
                          U_Short (Hintp.Width), U_Short (Hintp.Height),  
        if Geom_Result (Width_Value) and then  
           Geom_Result (Height_Value) then  
            Hintp.Width            := Max (Hintp.Width, Hintp.Min_Width);  
            Hintp.Height           := Max (Hintp.Height, Hintp.Min_Height);  
            Hintp.Flags (U_S_Size) := True;  
        end if;  
        if Geom_Result (X_Value) and then  
           Geom_Result (Y_Value) then  
            Hintp.Flags (U_S_Position) := True;  
        end if;  
    end if;  
    if not Hintp.Flags (U_S_Size) then  
        Hintp.Width          := Defwidth;  
        Hintp.Height         := Defheight;  
        Hintp.Flags (P_Size) := True;  
    end if;  
    if not Hintp.Flags (U_S_Position) then  
        Hintp.X                  := Defx;  
        Hintp.Y                  := Defy;  
        Hintp.Flags (P_Position) := True;  
    end if;

    if Geom_Result (X_Negative) then  
        Hintp.X := S_Long (X_Display_Width (Dpy, X_Default_Screen (Dpy))) +  
                      Hintp.X - S_Long (Hintp.Width);  
    end if;  
    if Geom_Result (Y_Negative) then  
        Hintp.Y := S_Long (X_Display_Height (Dpy, X_Default_Screen (Dpy))) +  
                      Hintp.Y - S_Long (Hintp.Height);  
    end if;

end Set_Sizehints;