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Length: 13389 (0x344d) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2 └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« └─⟦f794ecd1d⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Action; with Cmvc; with Compilation; with Debug_Tools; with Directory; with Io; with Links_Implementation; with Log; with Object_Set; with Profile; with String_Map_Generic; procedure Update_Models_To_7_2 is package Naming renames Directory.Naming; package Object_Op renames Directory.Object_Operations; function "=" (X, Y : Naming.Name_Status) return Boolean renames Naming."="; function "=" (X, Y : Directory.Error_Status) return Boolean renames Directory."="; function "=" (X, Y : Links_Implementation.Error_Status) return Boolean renames Links_Implementation."="; Skip_View : exception; Release_Directory : constant String := "!targets.implementation.release_7_2_2"; Flavor_Directory : constant String := Release_Directory & ".motorola_68k.mc68020_os2000"; Map_Name : constant String := Flavor_Directory & ".model_map"; Worlds_Name : constant String := Flavor_Directory & ".model_world_list"; type String_Link is access String; package Map is new String_Map_Generic (Size => 10, Range_Type => String_Link); Mm : Map.Map; procedure Initialize_Map is Map_File : Io.File_Type; begin Map.Initialize (Mm); Io.Open (Map_File, Io.In_File, Map_Name); while not Io.End_Of_File (Map_File) loop declare Domain_Name : constant String := Io.Get_Line (Map_File); Range_Name : constant String := Io.Get_Line (Map_File); begin Map.Define (Mm, Domain_Name, new String'(Range_Name)); end; end loop; Io.Close (Map_File); end Initialize_Map; function Current_Model (View : String) return String is Obj_Set_Name : constant String := View & ".state.model"; Obj_Set_Obj : Directory.Object; Model_Set : Object_Set.Set; Model_Obj : Directory.Object; Iter : Object_Set.Iterator; Nstatus : Naming.Name_Status; Status : Directory.Error_Status; begin Directory.Naming.Resolve (Obj_Set_Name, Obj_Set_Obj, Nstatus); if Nstatus /= Directory.Naming.Successful then Log.Put_Line ("Could not find model " & Obj_Set_Name & "; skipping view", Profile.Error_Msg); raise Skip_View; end if; Object_Set.Open (Set_Id => Obj_Set_Obj, The_Set => Model_Set, Status => Status); if Status /= Directory.Successful then Log.Put_Line ("Could not open model " & Obj_Set_Name & "; skipping view", Profile.Error_Msg); raise Skip_View; end if; Object_Set.Init (Iter, Model_Set); begin Model_Obj := Object_Set.Value (Iter); exception when others => -- model corrupt for some reason Log.Put_Line ("Model for " & View & " is corrupt; using default model", Profile.Warning_Msg); Object_Set.Close (Model_Set, Status); return "!MODEL.MC68020_OS2000_PORTABLE"; end; Object_Set.Close (Model_Set, Status); return Naming.Get_Full_Name (Model_Obj); end Current_Model; function Is_View (World_Obj : Directory.Object) return Boolean is Subc : constant String := Directory.Subclass_Image (Directory.Get_Subclass (World_Obj)); begin return Subc = "LOAD_VIEW" or else Subc = "COMBINED_VIEW" or else Subc = "SPEC_VIEW"; end Is_View; function Is_Released_View (World_Obj : Directory.Object) return Boolean is Name : constant String := Naming.Get_Full_Name (World_Obj); Last : constant Integer := Name'Last; begin if Name (Last - 4 .. Last) = "_SPEC" then return False; elsif Name (Last - 7 .. Last) = "_WORKING" then return False; else return True; end if; end Is_Released_View; function Is_World (World_Obj : Directory.Object) return Boolean is Subc : constant String := Directory.Subclass_Image (Directory.Get_Subclass (World_Obj)); begin return Subc = "WORLD"; end Is_World; procedure Replace_Model (View : String) is Old_Model : constant String := Current_Model (View); begin Cmvc.Replace_Model (New_Model => Map.Eval (Mm, Old_Model).all, In_View => View); exception when Map.Undefined => Log.Put_Line ("In view " & View & ", could not map model " & Old_Model & " to new model - not specified in mapping", Profile.Warning_Msg); end Replace_Model; procedure Update_Links (World : Directory.Object) is package Li renames Links_Implementation; Pack_Handle : Li.Pack_Handle; Status : Li.Error_Status; Iter : Li.Iterator; Old_Path : constant String := "!Targets.Mc68020_Os2000"; New_Path : constant String := "!Targets.Predefined.Mc68020_Os2000_7_2.Units"; World_Name : constant String := Naming.Get_Full_Name (World); Ul_Action : Action.Id; begin if World_Name (World_Name'First .. World_Name'First + 5) = "!MODEL" or else (World_Name'Length > 22 and then World_Name (World_Name'First .. World_Name'First + 22) = "!TARGETS.MC68020_OS2000") then -- don't change the links for models return; end if; Log.Put_Line ("Updating links for " & World_Name, Profile.Auxiliary_Msg); Ul_Action := Action.Start; Li.Open (Pack_Handle, World, Status, Mode => Li.Update, Action_Id => Ul_Action); if Status /= Li.Successful then Log.Put_Line ("Error in opening link pack for " & World_Name & ": " & Li.Image (Status), Profile.Error_Msg); Action.Finish (Ul_Action, Do_Commit => False); else begin Li.Init (Iter, Pack_Handle, Status, Old_Path & ".?"); if Status /= Li.Successful then Log.Put_Line ("Error in obtaining iterator for " & World_Name & ": " & Li.Image (Status), Profile.Error_Msg); else while not Li.Done (Iter) loop declare Source_String : constant String := Li.Source (Iter); begin Li.Delete (Pack_Handle, Status, Source_String); if Status /= Li.Successful then Log.Put_Line ("Error in deleting " & Source_String & "from " & World_Name & ": " & Li.Image (Status), Profile.Error_Msg); else Li.Add (Pack_Handle, Status, New_Path & Source_String (Old_Path'Length + 1 .. Source_String'Length)); if Status /= Li.Successful then Log.Put_Line ("Error in adding " & New_Path & Source_String (Old_Path'Length + 1 .. Source_String'Length) & ": " & Li.Image (Status), Profile.Error_Msg); end if; end if; Li.Next (Iter); end; end loop; end if; Li.Close (Pack_Handle, Status); Action.Finish (Ul_Action, Do_Commit => True); exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Exception while updating " & World_Name & ": " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); Li.Close (Pack_Handle, Status); Action.Finish (Ul_Action, Do_Commit => False); end; end if; end Update_Links; procedure Process_Worlds is World_File : Io.File_Type; begin begin Io.Open (World_File, Io.In_File, Worlds_Name); exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Could not open world file: " & Worlds_Name, Profile.Warning_Msg); return; end; while not Io.End_Of_File (World_File) loop declare Worlds : constant String := Io.Get_Line (World_File); Iter : Naming.Iterator; World : Directory.Object; Nstatus : Naming.Name_Status; Estatus : Directory.Error_Status; begin Naming.Resolve (Iter, Worlds, Nstatus); if Nstatus /= Naming.Successful and then Nstatus /= Naming.Ambiguous then Log.Put_Line ("Could not resolve world " & Worlds, Profile.Warning_Msg); raise Skip_View; end if; while not Naming.Done (Iter) loop begin Naming.Get_Object (Iter, World, Estatus); if Estatus /= Directory.Successful then Log.Put_Line ("Could not resolve world " & Naming.Target_Name (Iter, Worlds), Profile.Error_Msg); else if Is_View (World) then if Is_Released_View (World) then Log.Put_Line ("Not updating released view " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (World), Profile.Warning_Msg); else -- Unfreeze World Object_Op.Unfreeze_Object (World, Estatus); if Estatus /= Directory.Successful then Log.Put_Line ("Could not unfreeze " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (World), Profile.Warning_Msg); end if; -- Alter Model Replace_Model (Naming.Get_Full_Name (World)); end if; elsif Is_World (World) then -- Unfreeze World Object_Op.Unfreeze_Object (World, Estatus); if Estatus /= Directory.Successful then Log.Put_Line ("Could not unfreeze " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (World), Profile.Warning_Msg); end if; -- Update Links Update_Links (World); end if; end if; exception when Skip_View => null; when others => Log.Put_Line ("Exception while processing " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (World), Profile.Error_Msg); end; Naming.Next (Iter); end loop; exception when Skip_View => null; end; end loop; Io.Close (World_File); end Process_Worlds; begin Log.Put_Line ("Updating worlds to 7_2", Profile.Auxiliary_Msg); Log.Put_Line ("Initializing model map", Profile.Auxiliary_Msg); Initialize_Map; Log.Put_Line ("Processing Worlds", Profile.Auxiliary_Msg); Process_Worlds; Log.Put_Line ("End of updating worlds", Profile.Auxiliary_Msg); exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Exception while fixing up models: " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True), Profile.Exception_Msg); end Update_Models_To_7_2; pragma Main;