Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ T V

⟦951af3f19⟧ TextFile

    Length: 7526 (0x1d66)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13
    └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16
    └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04
    └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« 


with Calendar;
with Gateway_Object;
with Requirements;
with Unix_Definitions;
package Asa_Definitions is

    -- Product name.

    Asa : constant String := "ASA";

    -- Gateway classes.

    type Gateway_Class is (Asa_Model, Asa_Module, Asa_Requirement);

    Main_Class_Directory : constant String :=
       "!MACHINE.GATEWAY_CLASSES." & Gateway_Class'Image (Asa_Model);

    package Commands is

        package Unix renames Unix_Definitions;

        -- Asaedit command and options.

        Asaedit : constant String := "asaedit";

        Annotations_Extension : constant String :=
           Unix.Extension_Separator & "ann";
        Annotation_Types_Extension : constant String :=
           Unix.Extension_Separator & "aty";
        Model_Extension : constant String := Unix.Extension_Separator & "lsa";

        Annotations : constant String := "-ann";
        Annotation_Types : constant String := "-aty";
        Asa : constant String := "-asa";  
        Coupling : constant String := "-mcag";
        Device : constant String := "-dev";
        Geode : constant String := "-geode";  
        Node : constant String := "-node";
        No_Comments : constant String := "-ncom";
        No_Factorize : constant String := "-nfact";
        No_Labels : constant String := "-nlabel";
        No_Limits : constant String := "-nlimit";
        No_Warnings : constant String := "-nw";
        Options : constant String := "-config";
        Read_Only : constant String := "-read";  
        Show_Annotations : constant String := "-seeann";
        Start_Node : constant String := "-startnode";  
        Undo : constant String := "-undo";

        -- Asaopen command and options.

        Asaopen : constant String := "asaopen";

        Asaopen_Extension : constant String := Unix.Extension_Separator & "opn";

        Listing : constant String := "-list";

    end Commands;

    package Properties is

        package Gwo renames Gateway_Object;

        function Asa_Comment (H : in Gwo.Handle) return String;
        function Asa_Dependents (H : in Gwo.Handle) return String;
        function Asa_Dependents
                    (H : in Gwo.Handle;
                     Number : in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number)
                    return String;
        function Asa_Id (H : in Gwo.Handle) return Positive;
        function Asa_Last_Id (H : in Gwo.Handle) return Natural;
        function Asa_Last_Requirement_Id (H : in Gwo.Handle) return Natural;
        function Asa_Node_Number (H : in Gwo.Handle) return String;
        function Asa_Requirement
                    (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                     Number : in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number)
                    return String;
        function Asa_Requirement_Kind (H : in Gwo.Handle)
                                      return Requirements.Non_Functional;
        function Asa_Requirement_Text (H : in Gwo.Handle) return String;
        function Asa_Update_Time (H : in Gwo.Handle) return Calendar.Time;
        function Class (H : in Gwo.Handle) return Gateway_Class;
        function Data_Context (H : in Gwo.Handle) return String;
        function Data_Host (H : in Gwo.Handle) return String;
        function Data_Name (H : in Gwo.Handle) return String;

        procedure Set_Asa_Comment (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                                   Value : in String);
        procedure Set_Asa_Dependents (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                                      Value : in String);
        procedure Set_Asa_Dependents
                     (H : in Gwo.Handle;
                      Number : in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number;
                      Value : in String);
        procedure Set_Asa_Id (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                              Value : in Positive);
        procedure Set_Asa_Last_Id (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                                   Value : in Natural);
        procedure Set_Asa_Last_Requirement_Id (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                                               Value : in Natural);
        procedure Set_Asa_Node_Number (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                                       Value : in String);
        procedure Set_Asa_Requirement
                     (H : in Gwo.Handle;
                      Number : in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number;
                      Value : in String);
        procedure Set_Asa_Requirement_Kind
                     (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                      Value : in Requirements.Non_Functional);
        procedure Set_Asa_Requirement_Text (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                                            Value : in String);
        procedure Set_Asa_Update_Time (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                                       Value : in Calendar.Time);
        procedure Set_Data_Context (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                                    Value : in String);  
        procedure Set_Data_Host (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                                 Value : in String);
        procedure Set_Data_Name (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                                 Value : in String);  
        procedure Set_Parent_Name (H : in Gwo.Handle;  
                                   Value : in String);

        Asa_Comment_N : constant String := Asa & ".COMMENT";
        Asa_Dependents_F_N : constant String := Asa & ".DEPENDENTS_";
        Asa_Dependents_Nf_N : constant String := Asa & ".DEPENDENTS";
        Asa_Id_N : constant String := Asa & ".ID";
        Asa_Last_Id_N : constant String := Asa & ".LAST_ID";
        Asa_Last_Requirement_Id_N : constant String :=
           Asa & ".LAST_REQUIREMENT_ID";
        Asa_Node_Number_N : constant String := Asa & ".NODE_NUMBER";  
        Asa_Requirement_N : constant String := Asa & ".REQUIREMENT_";
        Asa_Requirement_Kind_N : constant String := Asa & ".REQUIREMENT_KIND";
        Asa_Requirement_Text_N : constant String := Asa & ".REQUIREMENT_TEXT";
        Asa_Update_Time_N : constant String := Asa & ".UPDATE_TIME";
        Class_Name_N : constant String := "CLASS_NAME";
        Data_Context_N : constant String := "DATA.CONTEXT";
        Data_Host_N : constant String := "DATA.HOST";  
        Data_Name_N : constant String := "DATA.NAME";
        Parent_Name_N : constant String := "PARENT_NAME";
    end Properties;

    package Switches is

        type Action is (Abandon, Accept_Changes, Continue);

        type Control_Level is (Control_None,  

        function Action_When_Out_Of_Date return Action;
        function Bin_Directory (Host : in String) return String;
        function Cmvc_Control_Level return Control_Level;
        function Remote_Display return String;

        -- Exactly one task of the following type MUST be declared in a
        -- library package by the gateway server.  This object declaration
        -- must NOT be part of the transitive closure of any user program:
        -- such a program would not terminate.
        task type Register is
            entry Stop;
        end Register;

        Action_When_Out_Of_Date_N : constant String :=
        Bin_Directories_N : constant String := "BIN_DIRECTORIES";
        Cmvc_Control_Level_N : constant String := "CMVC_CONTROL_LEVEL";
        Remote_Display_N : constant String := "REMOTE_DISPLAY";
    end Switches;

end Asa_Definitions;