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Length: 27594 (0x6bca) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with System; with Unchecked_Conversion; with Mac_Types; use Mac_Types; with Memory; with Osutils; with Devices; package body Tcp is -- MacTCP return Codes in the range -23000 through -23049 Inprogress : constant := 1; -- I/O in progress Ipbadlaperr : constant := -23000; -- bad network configuration Ipbadcnfgerr : constant := -23001; -- bad IP configuration error Ipnocnfgerr : constant := -23002; -- missing IP or LAP configuration error Iploaderr : constant := -23003; -- error in MacTCP load Ipbadaddr : constant := -23004; -- error in getting address Connectionclosing : constant := -23005; -- connection is closing Invalidlength : constant := -23006; Connectionexists : constant := -23007; -- request conflicts with existing connection Connectiondoesntexist : constant := -23008; -- connection does not exist Insufficientresources : constant := -23009; -- insufficient resources to perform request Invalidstreamptr : constant := -23010; Streamalreadyopen : constant := -23011; Connectionterminated : constant := -23012; Invalidbufptr : constant := -23013; Invalidrds : constant := -23014; Invalidwds : constant := -23014; Openfailed : constant := -23015; Commandtimeout : constant := -23016; Duplicatesocket : constant := -23017; -- Error codes from internal IP functions Ipdontfragerr : constant := -23032; -- Packet too large to send w/o fragmenting Ipdestdeaderr : constant := -23033; -- destination not responding Ipnofragmemerr : constant := -23036; -- no memory to send fragmented pkt Iprouteerr : constant := -23037; -- can't route packet off-net Namesyntaxerr : constant := -23041; Cachefault : constant := -23042; Noresultproc : constant := -23043; Nonameserver : constant := -23044; Authnameerr : constant := -23045; Noanserr : constant := -23046; Dnrerr : constant := -23047; Outofmemory : constant := -23048; -- Command codes Ipctlgetaddr : constant := 15; Tcpcreate : constant := 30; Tcppassiveopen : constant := 31; Tcpactiveopen : constant := 32; Tcpsend : constant := 34; Tcpnocopyrcv : constant := 35; Tcprcvbfrreturn : constant := 36; Tcprcv : constant := 37; Tcpclose : constant := 38; Tcpabort : constant := 39; Tcpstatus : constant := 40; Tcpextendedstat : constant := 41; Tcprelease : constant := 42; Tcpglobalinfo : constant := 43; Tcpctlmax : constant := 49; type Ippb is record Fill1 : Mac_Types.Longint; Fill2 : Mac_Types.Longint; Fill3 : Mac_Types.Longint; Iocompletion : Mac_Types.Procptr; Ioresult : Mac_Types.Integer; Ionameptr : Mac_Types.Stringptr; Iovrefnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Iocrefnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Cscode : Mac_Types.Integer; Ouraddress : Ip_Addr; Ournetmask : Mac_Types.Longint; end record; type Ippbptr is access Ippb; type Tcpcreatepb is record Fill1 : Mac_Types.Longint; Fill2 : Mac_Types.Longint; Fill3 : Mac_Types.Longint; Iocompletion : Mac_Types.Procptr; -- TCPIOCompletionProc; Ioresult : Mac_Types.Integer; Ionameptr : Mac_Types.Stringptr; Iovrefnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Iocrefnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Cscode : Mac_Types.Integer; Tcpstream : Stream_Ptr; Rcvbuff : Mac_Types.Ptr; Rcvbufflen : Mac_Types.Longint; Notifyproc : Mac_Types.Procptr; -- TCPNotifyProc Userdataptr : Mac_Types.Ptr; end record; type Tcpcreatepbptr is access Tcpcreatepb; type Tcpclosepb is record Fill1 : Mac_Types.Longint; Fill2 : Mac_Types.Longint; Fill3 : Mac_Types.Longint; Iocompletion : Mac_Types.Procptr; -- TCPIOCompletionProc; Ioresult : Mac_Types.Integer; Ionameptr : Mac_Types.Stringptr; Iovrefnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Iocrefnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Cscode : Mac_Types.Integer; Tcpstream : Stream_Ptr; Ulptimeoutvalue : Mac_Types.Byte; Ulptimeoutaction : Mac_Types.Byte; Validityflags : Mac_Types.Byte; Userdataptr : Mac_Types.Ptr; end record; type Tcpclosepbptr is access Tcpclosepb; type Tcpabortpb is record Fill1 : Mac_Types.Longint; Fill2 : Mac_Types.Longint; Fill3 : Mac_Types.Longint; Iocompletion : Mac_Types.Procptr; -- TCPIOCompletionProc; Ioresult : Mac_Types.Integer; Ionameptr : Mac_Types.Stringptr; Iovrefnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Iocrefnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Cscode : Mac_Types.Integer; Tcpstream : Stream_Ptr; Userdataptr : Mac_Types.Ptr; end record; type Tcpabortpbptr is access Tcpabortpb; type Tcpglobalinfopb is record Fill1 : Mac_Types.Longint; Fill2 : Mac_Types.Longint; Fill3 : Mac_Types.Longint; Iocompletion : Mac_Types.Procptr; -- TCPIOCompletionProc; Ioresult : Mac_Types.Integer; Ionameptr : Mac_Types.Stringptr; Iovrefnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Iocrefnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Cscode : Mac_Types.Integer; Tcpstream : Stream_Ptr; Tcpparamptr : Tcp.Tcpparamptr; Tcpstatsptr : Tcp.Tcpstatsptr; Tcpcdbtable : Mac_Types.Varlongint; Userdataptr : Mac_Types.Ptr; end record; type Tcpglobalinfopbptr is access Tcpglobalinfopb; Csleeptime : constant := 0.3; Refnum : Mac_Types.Integer := 0; -- Conversion function As_Varinteger is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Mac_Types.Varinteger); function As_Ippbptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ptr, Target => Ippbptr); function As_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ippbptr, Target => Ptr); function As_Parmblkptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ippbptr, Target => Osutils.Parmblkptr); function As_Tcpcreatepbptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ptr, Target => Tcpcreatepbptr); function As_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpcreatepbptr, Target => Ptr); function As_Parmblkptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpcreatepbptr, Target => Osutils.Parmblkptr); function As_Tcpopenpbptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ptr, Target => Tcpopenpbptr); function As_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpopenpbptr, Target => Ptr); function As_Parmblkptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpopenpbptr, Target => Osutils.Parmblkptr); function As_Tcpsendpbptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ptr, Target => Tcpsendpbptr); function As_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpsendpbptr, Target => Ptr); function As_Parmblkptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpsendpbptr, Target => Osutils.Parmblkptr); function As_Tcpreceivepbptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ptr, Target => Tcpreceivepbptr); function As_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpreceivepbptr, Target => Ptr); function As_Parmblkptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpreceivepbptr, Target => Osutils.Parmblkptr); function As_Tcpclosepbptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ptr, Target => Tcpclosepbptr); function As_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpclosepbptr, Target => Ptr); function As_Parmblkptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpclosepbptr, Target => Osutils.Parmblkptr); function As_Tcpabortpbptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ptr, Target => Tcpabortpbptr); function As_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpabortpbptr, Target => Ptr); function As_Parmblkptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpabortpbptr, Target => Osutils.Parmblkptr); function As_Tcpstatuspbptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ptr, Target => Tcpstatuspbptr); function As_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpstatuspbptr, Target => Ptr); function As_Parmblkptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpstatuspbptr, Target => Osutils.Parmblkptr); function As_Tcpglobalinfopbptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Ptr, Target => Tcpglobalinfopbptr); function As_Ptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Tcpglobalinfopbptr, Target => Ptr); function As_Parmblkptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Tcpglobalinfopbptr, Target => Osutils.Parmblkptr); -- Raise an exception if an error occured procedure Check_Error (Err : Mac_Types.Oserr) is begin case Err is when Mac_Types.Noerr => null; when Commandtimeout => raise Timeout_Error; when others => raise Device_Error; end case; end Check_Error; -- Opens the MacTCP driver. use Mac_Types; procedure Open_Tcp_Driver is Err : Oserr; Ipp_Name : Str255; begin Ipp_Name (0) := Char'Val (4); Ipp_Name (1 .. 4) := ".IPP"; Err := Devices.Opendriver (Ipp_Name, As_Varinteger (Refnum'Address)); Check_Error (Err); end Open_Tcp_Driver; -- Creates a new TCP stream in preparation for initiating a connection. -- A buffer must be provided for storing incoming data waiting to be processed procedure Low_Tcp_Create_Stream (A_Stream : out Stream_Ptr; Connectionbuffer : Ptr; Connbufferlen : Natural; Notify_Proc : Procptr; Userdataptr : Ptr) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Tcpcreatepbptr; begin Pb := As_Tcpcreatepbptr (Memory.Newptr (Tcpcreatepb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Cscode := Tcpcreate; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Rcvbuff := Connectionbuffer; Pb.Rcvbufflen := Connbufferlen; Pb.Notifyproc := Notify_Proc; Pb.Userdataptr := Userdataptr; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; A_Stream := Pb.Tcpstream; Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Check_Error (Err); end Low_Tcp_Create_Stream; -- If TCPWaitForConnection is called asynchronously, this command retrieves the -- result of the call. It should be called when the above command completes. procedure Low_Finish_Tcp_Wait_For_Connection (Pb : in out Tcpopenpbptr; Remotehost : out Ip_Addr; Remoteport : out Tcp_Port; Localhost : out Ip_Addr; Localport : out Tcp_Port) is Err : Oserr; begin Remotehost := Pb.Remotehost; Remoteport := Pb.Remoteport; Localhost := Pb.Localhost; Localport := Pb.Localport; Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Pb := null; Check_Error (Err); end Low_Finish_Tcp_Wait_For_Connection; -- Waits for a connection to be opened on a specified port from a specified address. -- It completes when a connection is made, or a timeout value is reached. This call -- may be made asynchronously. procedure Low_Tcp_Wait_For_Connection (A_Stream : Stream_Ptr; Timeout : Byte; Remotehost : in out Ip_Addr; Remoteport : in out Tcp_Port; Localhost : out Ip_Addr; Localport : in out Tcp_Port; Async : Boolean; Userdataptr : Ptr; Returnblock : out Tcpopenpbptr) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Tcpopenpbptr; begin Pb := As_Tcpopenpbptr (Memory.Newptr (Tcpopenpb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Cscode := Tcppassiveopen; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Tcpstream := A_Stream; Pb.Ulptimeoutvalue := Timeout; Pb.Ulptimeoutaction := 1; Pb.Validityflags := 16#C0#; Pb.Commandtimeoutvalue := Timeout; Pb.Remotehost := Remotehost; Pb.Remoteport := Remoteport; Pb.Localport := Localport; Pb.Tosflags := 0; Pb.Precedence := 0; Pb.Dontfrag := False; Pb.Timetolive := 0; Pb.Security := 0; Pb.Optioncnt := 0; Pb.Userdataptr := Userdataptr; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); if not Async then while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; Low_Finish_Tcp_Wait_For_Connection (Pb, Remotehost, Remoteport, Localhost, Localport); end if; Returnblock := Pb; end Low_Tcp_Wait_For_Connection; -- Attempts to initiate a connection with a host specified by host and port. procedure Low_Tcp_Open_Connection (A_Stream : Stream_Ptr; Timeout : Byte; Remotehost : Ip_Addr; Remoteport : Tcp_Port; Localhost : out Ip_Addr; Localport : in out Tcp_Port; Userdataptr : Ptr) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Tcpopenpbptr; begin Pb := As_Tcpopenpbptr (Memory.Newptr (Tcpopenpb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Cscode := Tcpactiveopen; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Tcpstream := A_Stream; Pb.Ulptimeoutvalue := Timeout; Pb.Ulptimeoutaction := 1; Pb.Validityflags := 16#C0#; Pb.Commandtimeoutvalue := Timeout; Pb.Remotehost := Remotehost; Pb.Remoteport := Remoteport; Pb.Localport := Localport; Pb.Tosflags := 0; Pb.Precedence := 0; Pb.Dontfrag := False; Pb.Timetolive := 0; Pb.Security := 0; Pb.Optioncnt := 0; Pb.Userdataptr := Userdataptr; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; Localhost := Pb.Localhost; Localport := Pb.Localport; Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Check_Error (Err); end Low_Tcp_Open_Connection; -- This routine should be called when a TCPSendData call completes. It returns the -- error code generated upon completion of the CallTCPSend. procedure Low_Finish_Tcp_Send (Pb : in out Tcpsendpbptr) is Err : Oserr; begin Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Pb := null; Check_Error (Err); end Low_Finish_Tcp_Send; -- Sends data through an open connection stream. Note that the connection must be -- open before any data is sent. This call may be made asynchronously. procedure Low_Tcp_Send_Data (A_Stream : Stream_Ptr; Timeout : Byte; Push : Boolean; Urgent : Boolean; Wdsptr : Ptr; Async : Boolean; Userdataptr : Ptr; Returnblock : out Tcpsendpbptr) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Tcpsendpbptr; begin Pb := As_Tcpsendpbptr (Memory.Newptr (Tcpsendpb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Cscode := Tcpsend; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Tcpstream := A_Stream; Pb.Ulptimeoutvalue := Timeout; Pb.Ulptimeoutaction := 1; Pb.Validityflags := 16#C0#; Pb.Pushflag := Push; Pb.Urgentflag := Urgent; Pb.Wdsptr := Wdsptr; Pb.Userdataptr := Userdataptr; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); if not Async then while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; Low_Finish_Tcp_Send (Pb); end if; Returnblock := Pb; end Low_Tcp_Send_Data; -- procedure Low_Finish_Tcp_No_Copy_Rcv (Pb : in out Tcpreceivepbptr; Urgent : out Boolean; Mark : out Boolean) is Err : Oserr; begin Urgent := Pb.Urgentflag; Mark := Pb.Markflag; Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Pb := null; Check_Error (Err); end Low_Finish_Tcp_No_Copy_Rcv; -- procedure Low_Tcp_No_Copy_Rcv (A_Stream : Stream_Ptr; Timeout : Byte; Urgent : out Boolean; Mark : out Boolean; Rdsptr : Ptr; Numentry : B_16; Async : Boolean; Userdataptr : Ptr; Returnblock : out Tcpreceivepbptr) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Tcpreceivepbptr; begin Pb := As_Tcpreceivepbptr (Memory.Newptr (Tcpreceivepb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Cscode := Tcpnocopyrcv; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Tcpstream := A_Stream; Pb.Commandtimeoutvalue := Timeout; Pb.Rdsptr := Rdsptr; Pb.Rdslength := Numentry; Pb.Userdataptr := Userdataptr; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); if not Async then while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; Low_Finish_Tcp_No_Copy_Rcv (Pb, Urgent, Mark); end if; Returnblock := Pb; end Low_Tcp_No_Copy_Rcv; -- procedure Low_Tcp_Bfr_Return (A_Stream : Stream_Ptr; Rdsptr : Ptr) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Tcpreceivepbptr; begin Pb := As_Tcpreceivepbptr (Memory.Newptr (Tcpreceivepb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Cscode := Tcprcvbfrreturn; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Tcpstream := A_Stream; Pb.Rdsptr := Rdsptr; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Pb := null; Check_Error (Err); end Low_Tcp_Bfr_Return; -- If the below is called asynchronously, this routine returns the data that was -- received from the remote host. procedure Low_Finish_Tcp_Recv (Pb : in out Tcpreceivepbptr; Urgent : out Boolean; Mark : out Boolean; Rcvlen : out B_16) is Err : Oserr; begin Rcvlen := Pb.Rcvbufflen; Urgent := Pb.Urgentflag; Mark := Pb.Markflag; Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Check_Error (Err); end Low_Finish_Tcp_Recv; -- Attempts to pull data out of the incoming stream for a connection. If data is -- not present, the routine waits a specified amout of time before returning with -- a timeout error. This call may be made asynchronously. procedure Low_Tcp_Recv_Data (A_Stream : Stream_Ptr; Timeout : Byte; Urgent : out Boolean; Mark : out Boolean; Rcvbuff : Ptr; Rcvlen : in out B_16; Async : Boolean; Userdataptr : Ptr; Returnblock : out Tcpreceivepbptr) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Tcpreceivepbptr; begin Pb := As_Tcpreceivepbptr (Memory.Newptr (Tcpreceivepb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Cscode := Tcprcv; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Tcpstream := A_Stream; Pb.Commandtimeoutvalue := Timeout; Pb.Rcvbuff := Rcvbuff; Pb.Rcvbufflen := Rcvlen; Pb.Userdataptr := Userdataptr; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); if not Async then while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; Low_Finish_Tcp_Recv (Pb, Urgent, Mark, Rcvlen); end if; Returnblock := Pb; end Low_Tcp_Recv_Data; -- Gracefully closes a connection with a remote host. This is not always possible, -- and the programmer might have to resort to CallTCPAbort, described next. procedure Low_Tcp_Close (A_Stream : Stream_Ptr; Timeout : Byte) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Tcpclosepbptr; begin Pb := As_Tcpclosepbptr (Memory.Newptr (Tcpclosepb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Cscode := Tcpclose; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Tcpstream := A_Stream; Pb.Ulptimeoutvalue := Timeout; Pb.Validityflags := 16#C0#; Pb.Ulptimeoutaction := 1; Pb.Userdataptr := null; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Check_Error (Err); end Low_Tcp_Close; -- Should be called if a CallTCPClose fails to close a connection properly. -- This call should not normally be used to terminate connections. procedure Low_Tcp_Abort (A_Stream : Stream_Ptr) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Tcpabortpbptr; begin Pb := As_Tcpabortpbptr (Memory.Newptr (Tcpabortpb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Cscode := Tcpabort; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Tcpstream := A_Stream; Pb.Userdataptr := null; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Check_Error (Err); end Low_Tcp_Abort; -- procedure Low_Tcp_Status (A_Stream : Stream_Ptr; Thestatus : out Tcpstatuspb) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Tcpstatuspbptr; begin Pb := As_Tcpstatuspbptr (Memory.Newptr (Tcpstatuspb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Cscode := Tcpstatus; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Tcpstream := A_Stream; Pb.Userdataptr := null; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; Thestatus := Pb.all; Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Check_Error (Err); end Low_Tcp_Status; -- Deallocates internal buffers used to hold connection data. This should be -- called after a connection has been closed. procedure Low_Tcp_Release (A_Stream : Stream_Ptr; Recvptr : out Ptr; Recvlen : out Longint) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Tcpcreatepbptr; begin Pb := As_Tcpcreatepbptr (Memory.Newptr (Tcpcreatepb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Cscode := Tcprelease; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Tcpstream := A_Stream; Pb.Userdataptr := null; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; Recvptr := Pb.Rcvbuff; Recvlen := Pb.Rcvbufflen; Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Check_Error (Err); end Low_Tcp_Release; -- procedure Low_Tcp_Global_Info (Tcpparam : out Tcpparamptr; Tcpstat : out Tcpstatsptr) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Tcpglobalinfopbptr; begin Pb := As_Tcpglobalinfopbptr (Memory.Newptr (Tcpglobalinfopb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Cscode := Tcpglobalinfo; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Userdataptr := null; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; Tcpparam := Pb.Tcpparamptr; Tcpstat := Pb.Tcpstatsptr; Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Check_Error (Err); end Low_Tcp_Global_Info; -- Returns the IP address of the local computer. procedure Get_My_Ip (Ipnum : out Ip_Addr) is Err : Oserr; Pb : Ippbptr; begin Pb := As_Ippbptr (Memory.Newptr (Ippb'Size / 8)); Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Iocrefnum := Refnum; Pb.Ioresult := 1; Pb.Cscode := Ipctlgetaddr; Err := Devices.Pbcontrol (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), True); while Pb.Ioresult = 1 loop delay Csleeptime; end loop; Ipnum := Pb.Ouraddress; Err := Pb.Ioresult; Memory.Disposptr (As_Ptr (Pb)); Check_Error (Err); end Get_My_Ip; -- Kills any pending calls to the TCP driver procedure Low_Kill_Tcp (Pb : Tcpopenpbptr) is begin Check_Error (Devices.Pbkillio (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), False)); end Low_Kill_Tcp; procedure Low_Kill_Tcp (Pb : Tcpsendpbptr) is begin Check_Error (Devices.Pbkillio (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), False)); end Low_Kill_Tcp; procedure Low_Kill_Tcp (Pb : Tcpreceivepbptr) is begin Check_Error (Devices.Pbkillio (As_Parmblkptr (Pb), False)); end Low_Kill_Tcp; end Tcp;