Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ T V

⟦985205f08⟧ TextFile

    Length: 3661 (0xe4d)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦db1c56801⟧ Bits:30000748 8mm tape, Rational 1000, TESTMATE 2_2_0
    └─ ⟦866d14df1⟧ »DATA« 


with Po_Handle;
with Executable_Code;
with Parallel_Termination_Control;
with Access_String;
with System;

package Test_Case_Data is

  type Object is private;

  function Constructor (Heap : System.Segment) return Test_Case_Data.Object;

  procedure Destructor (Of_The_Obj : in out Test_Case_Data.Object);

  type Handle_Elements is (No_Element, Subject_Program_Handle,
                           Test_Driver_Handle, Execution_Context_Handle,
                           Evaluation_Action_Handle, Input_Data_Handle,
                           Output_Data_Handle, Expected_Output_Handle,
                           Error_Output_Handle, Coverage_Analyzer_Handle,
                           Rci_Cmd_Template_Handle, Pre_Condition_Handle,
                           Prolog_Handle, Epilog_Handle);

  type Run_Modes is (Direct_Call, Separate_Job, Connected_Job);

  function Get_Handle (Using_Element             : Handle_Elements;
                       From_The_Obj              : Test_Case_Data.Object;
                       Substitute_Test_Case_Name : Boolean := False;
                       Source_Value_Only         : Boolean := False)
                      return Po_Handle.Object;

  -- Get_Handle is not defined for Coverage_Analyzer_Handle

  function Get_Params (Using_Element : Handle_Elements;
                       From_The_Obj  : Test_Case_Data.Object)
                      return Access_String.Object;
  -- Get_Params is only defined for
  -- Executable_Test_Code_Handle,Coverage_Analyzer_Handle,
  -- Pre_Condition_Handle,Prolog_Handle,Epilog_Handle,
  -- Evaluation_Action_Handle

  function Test_Description
            (From_The_Obj : Test_Case_Data.Object) return String;

  function Term_Control (From_The_Obj : Test_Case_Data.Object)
                        return Parallel_Termination_Control.Object;

  function Keywords (From_The_Obj : Test_Case_Data.Object) return String;

  function Run_Mode (From_The_Obj : Test_Case_Data.Object) return Run_Modes;

  function Allow_Coverage_Analysis
            (From_The_Obj : Test_Case_Data.Object) return Boolean;

  procedure Set_Handle (Using_Element :        Handle_Elements;
                        In_The_Obj    : in out Test_Case_Data.Object;
                        New_Handle    :        Po_Handle.Object);

  function Relative_Name (From_The_Obj : Test_Case_Data.Object)
                         return Po_Handle.Object;

  procedure Set_Params (Using_Element :        Handle_Elements;
                        In_The_Obj    : in out Test_Case_Data.Object;
                        New_Params    :        Access_String.Object);

  procedure Set_Test_Description (In_The_Obj : in out Test_Case_Data.Object;
                                  New_Description : String);

  procedure Set_Keywords (In_The_Obj   : in out Test_Case_Data.Object;
                          New_Keywords :        String);

  procedure Set_Term_Control
             (In_The_Obj  : in out Test_Case_Data.Object;
              New_Control :        Parallel_Termination_Control.Object);

  procedure Set_Run_Mode (In_The_Obj   : in out Test_Case_Data.Object;
                          New_Run_Mode :        Run_Modes);

  procedure Set_Allow_Coverage_Analysis
             (In_The_Obj : in out Test_Case_Data.Object; Allow : Boolean);

  function Constructor
            (With_Value : String; Heap : System.Segment) return Object;

  function Equal (L, R : Object) return Boolean;

  procedure Copy (Target : in out Object;
                  Source :        Object;
                  Heap   :        System.Segment);

end Test_Case_Data;