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⟦9857d9e95⟧ TextFile

    Length: 26555 (0x67bb)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


with Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
use Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
with Xlbt_Basic;  
use Xlbt_Basic;  
with Xlbt_Window;  
use Xlbt_Window;  
with Xlbt_Visual;  
use Xlbt_Visual;

package Xlbp_Window is
-- X Library Window Controls
-- Xlbp_Window - Control functions for windows.
-- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California.
-- Copyright 1985 - 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--                  All Rights Reserved.
-- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that
-- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in
-- supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT or Rational not be
-- used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
-- without specific, written prior permission.
-- MIT and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this software,
-- including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no
-- event shall MIT or Rational be liable for any special, indirect or
-- consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use,
-- data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other
-- tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance
-- of this software.


    procedure X_Change_Window_Attributes  
                 (Display     : X_Display;  
                  Window      : X_Window;  
                  Values_Mask : X_New_Window_Attributes;  
                  Values      : X_Set_Window_Attributes);
--  Display     - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window      - Specifies the window to use.
--  Values_Mask - Specifies the fields within Attributes to be used in
--                making changes to the windows attributes.
--  Values      - Specifies the attributes to be changed; only those fields
--                indicated as valid by the Values_Mask need be set.
-- Uses the Values as indicated by Values_Mask to make changes in the basic
-- attributes of the indicated window.  The contents of the window are not
-- changed.  X_Clear_Area can be used to force a redisplay of the window's
-- contents.  See the Xlib manual for the extensive details.

    procedure X_Circulate_Subwindows (Display   : X_Display;  
                                      Window    : X_Window;  
                                      Direction : X_Circulate_Place);
--  Display   - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window    - Specifies the window whose subwindows are to be circulated.
--  Direction - Specifies the direction.
-- Circulates the subwindow(s) of the specified window in the chosen direction.
-- Raise_Lowest raises the lowest mapped child (if any) that is occluded by
-- another child to the top of the stack.
-- Lower_Highest lowers the highest mapped child (if any) that occludes another
-- child to the bottom of the stack.

    procedure X_Circulate_Subwindows_Down (Display : X_Display;  
                                           Window  : X_Window);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window whose subwindows are to be circulated.
-- Just like X_Circulate_Subwindows with Raise_Lowest.

    procedure X_Circulate_Subwindows_Up (Display : X_Display;  
                                         Window  : X_Window);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window whose subwindows are to be circulated.
-- Just like X_Circulate_Subwindows with Lower_Highest.

    procedure X_Configure_Window (Display     : X_Display;  
                                  Window      : X_Window;  
                                  Values_Mask : X_Window_Changes_Mask;  
                                  Values      : X_Window_Changes);
--  Display     - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window      - Specifies the window to configure.
--  Values_Mask - Specifies which fields in Changes are to be used.
--  Values      - Specifies the configuration changes to be made to the window.
-- Uses the values from Values as indicated by flags in Mask to reconfigure
-- a window's size, position, border, and/or stacking order.

    function X_Create_Simple_Window  
                (Display      : X_Display;  
                 Parent       : X_Window;  
                 X            : S_Short;  
                 Y            : S_Short;  
                 Width        : U_Short_Positive;  
                 Height       : U_Short_Positive;  
                 Border_Width : U_Short;  
                 Border       : X_Pixel;  
                 Background   : X_Pixel) return X_Window;
--  Display       - Specifies the display to use
--  Parent        - Specifies the parent window ID.
--  X             - Specify the X coordinate.
--  Y             - Specify the Y coordinate.  These coordinates are the top
--                  left outside corner of the created window's borders and are
--                  relative to the inside of the parent window's borders.
--  Width         - Specify the width of the window.
--  Height        - Specify the height of the window.  These are the created
--                  window's inside dimensions.  These dimensions do not
--                  include the created window's borders, which are entirely
--                  outside of the window.  The dimensions must be non-zero.
--  Border_Width  - Specifies, in pixels, the width of the created window's
--                  border.  Must be non-zero for Input_Only windows.
--  Border        - Specifies the border pixel value of the window.
--  Background    - Specifies the background pixel value of the window.
-- Creates and returns an unmapped Input_Output window for the specified
-- parent window.  Causes the X server to generate a Create_Notify event.
-- The new window is place on top of the stacking order.

    function X_Create_Window (Display : X_Display;  
                              Parent : X_Window;  
                              X : S_Short;  
                              Y : S_Short;  
                              Width : U_Short_Positive;  
                              Height : U_Short_Positive;  
                              Border_Width : U_Short;  
                              Depth : U_Char;  
                              Class : X_Window_Class;  
                              Visual : X_Visual;  
                              Values_Mask : X_New_Window_Attributes;  
                              Values : X_Set_Window_Attributes) return X_Window;
--  Display       - Specifies the display to use
--  Parent        - Specifies the parent window ID.
--  X             - Specify the X coordinate.
--  Y             - Specify the Y coordinate.  These coordinates are the top
--                  left outside corner of the created window's borders and are
--                  relative to the inside of the parent window's borders.
--  Width         - Specify the width of the window.
--  Height        - Specify the height of the window.  These are the created
--                  window's inside dimensions.  These dimensions do not
--                  include the created window's borders, which are entirely
--                  outside of the window.  The dimensions must be non-zero.
--  Border_Width  - Specifies, in pixels, the width of the created window's
--                  border.  Must be non-zero for Input_Only windows.
--  Depth         - Specifies the depth of the new window.  A depth of zero
--                  for class Input_Output or Copy_From_Parent means the depth
--                  is taken from the parent.
--  Class         - Specifies the created window's class.  A class of
--                  Copy_From_Parent means the class is taken from the parent.
--  Visual        - Specifies the visual type.  A visual of
--                  Copy_From_Parent_Class means the visual type is taken from
--                  the parent.
--  Values_Mask   - Specifies which window attributes are defined in the
--                  Attributes argument.
--  Values        - Specifies the attributes to be set at creation time.  The
--                  Values_Mask should have the appropriate bits set to indicate
--                  which Attributes have been set in this structure.
-- Creates and returns a new unmapped window with the specified characteristics.
-- Causes the X server to generate a Create_Notify event.  The new window is
-- place on top of the stacking order.

    procedure X_Destroy_Subwindows (Display : X_Display;  
                                    Window  : X_Window);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window whose subwindows are to be destroyed.
-- Destroys all inferior windows of the specified window, in bottom to top
-- stacking order.  It causes the X server to generate a Destroy_Notify event
-- for each window.  The subwindows should never again be referenced.

    procedure X_Destroy_Window (Display : X_Display;  
                                Window  : X_Window);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to destroy.
-- Destroys the specified window as well as all of its subwindows and causes
-- the X server to generate a Destroy_Notify event for each window.  The window
-- should never again be referenced.

    procedure X_Iconify_Window (Display :     X_Display;  
                                Window  :     X_Window;  
                                Screen  :     X_Screen_Number;  
                                Status  : out X_Status);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to affect.
--  Screen  - Specifies the screen
--  Status  - Receives Successful if the request has been made; receives
--              Failed if the request could not be made
-- Sends an Xa_Wm_Change_State Client_Message event with a format of 32 and a
-- first data element of Iconic_State (as described in section 4.14 of the
-- ICCCM) to the root window of the specified screen.  If the window is in
-- its normal state and if the window manager has elected to receive these
-- events then the window should change to the iconic state.

    procedure X_Lower_Window (Display : X_Display;  
                              Window  : X_Window);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to lower.
-- Lowers the specified window to the bottom of the stack so that it does not
-- obscure any sibling windows.

    procedure X_Map_Raised (Display : X_Display;  
                            Window  : X_Window);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to map and raise.
-- Just like X_Map_Window except that it also raises the window to the top of
-- the window stack.

    procedure X_Map_Subwindows (Display : X_Display;  
                                Window  : X_Window);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window whose subwindows are to be mapped.
-- Maps all subwindows for a specified window in top-to-bottom stacking order.
-- The X server generates an Expose event on each newly displayed window.

    procedure X_Map_Window (Display : X_Display;  
                            Window  : X_Window);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to map.
-- Maps the window and all of its subwindows which have had previous map
-- requests.  A subwindow will appear on the screen as long as all of its
-- ancestors are mapped and not obscured by a sibling or are not clipped by
-- and ancestor.

    procedure X_Move_Resize_Window (Display : X_Display;  
                                    Window  : X_Window;  
                                    X       : S_Short;  
                                    Y       : S_Short;  
                                    Width   : U_Short_Positive;  
                                    Height  : U_Short_Positive);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to resize.
--  X       - Specifies the new X coordinate.
--  Y       - Specifies the new Y coordinate.  These coordinates define the new
--            location of the top left pixel of the window's border or of the
--            window itself if it has no border.
--  Width   - Specifies the new width, in pixels.
--  Height  - Specifies the new height, in pixels.
-- Changes the size and location of the specified window without raising it.
-- Moving and resizing a window may generate an Expose event on the window.

    procedure X_Move_Window (Display : X_Display;  
                             Window  : X_Window;  
                             X       : S_Short;  
                             Y       : S_Short);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to move.
--  X   - Specifies the new X coordinate.
--  Y   - Specifies the new Y coordinate.  These coordinates define the new
--        location of the top left pixel of the window's border or of the
--        window itself if it has no border.
-- Moves the specified window to the indicated X and Y coordinates.  Does not
-- change the size, does not raise the window, and does not change the
-- mapping state of the window.  Moving a window may or may not lose the
-- contents and cause Expose events.

    procedure X_Raise_Window (Display : X_Display;  
                              Window  : X_Window);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to raise.
-- Raises the specified window to the top of the stack so that no sibling
-- window obscures it.  May generate Expose events on this window and its
-- mapped subwindows.

    procedure X_Reconfigure_Wm_Window (Display     :     X_Display;  
                                       Window      :     X_Window;  
                                       Screen      :     X_Screen_Number;  
                                       Values_Mask :     X_Window_Changes_Mask;  
                                       Values      :     X_Window_Changes;  
                                       Status      : out X_Status);
--  Display     - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window      - Specifies the window to affect.
--  Screen      - Specifies the screen of the window.
--  Values_Mask - Specifies the values within the Values record.
--  Values      - Specifies the values to change for the window.
--  Status      - Receives Successful if we made the request or Failed if we
--                could not make it for some reason.
-- Issues a Configure_Window request on the specified top-level window.  If
-- the stacking mode is changed and the request fails with a Bad_Match error
-- then the error event is trapped and a synthetic Configure_Request_Event
-- containing the same configuration parameters is sent to the root of the
-- specified window.  Window managers may elect to receive this event and treat
-- it as a request to reconfigure the window.

    procedure X_Reparent_Window (Display : X_Display;  
                                 Window  : X_Window;  
                                 Parent  : X_Window;  
                                 X       : S_Short;  
                                 Y       : S_Short);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to reparent.
--  Parent  - Specifies the new parent window.
--  X       - Specifies the X coordinate relative to the parent for the window.
--  Y       - Specifies the Y coordinate relative to the parent for the window.
-- Reparents the specified window by inserting it as the child of the
-- specified parent.

    procedure X_Resize_Window (Display : X_Display;  
                               Window  : X_Window;  
                               Width   : U_Short_Positive;  
                               Height  : U_Short_Positive);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to resize.
--  Width   - Specifies the new width, in pixels.
--  Height  - Specifies the new height, in pixels.
-- Changes the inside dimensions of the specified window, not including its
-- borders.  This function does not change the window's upper-left coordinate
-- or the origin and does not raise the window.  Changing the size may lose
-- the contents of the window and may cause an Expose event.

    procedure X_Restack_Windows (Display : X_Display;  
                                 Windows : X_Window_Array);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Windows - Specifies the windows to be restacked.  All of these windows
--            must have the same parent.
-- Restacks the windows in the order specified, from top to bottom.  The
-- stacking order of the first window in the windows array will be unaffected,
-- but the other windows in the array will be stacked underneath the first
-- window in the order of their appearance in the array.  The stacking order
-- of windows not appearing in the array are unaffected.

    procedure X_Set_Window_Background (Display : X_Display;  
                                       Window  : X_Window;  
                                       Pixel   : X_Pixel);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to use.
--  Pixel - Specifies the new background pixel value.
-- Sets the background pixel of the window.  This does not change the contents
-- of the window; use X_Clear_Area to cause the window to be redrawn.

    procedure X_Set_Window_Background_Pixmap (Display : X_Display;  
                                              Window  : X_Window;  
                                              Pixmap  : X_Pixmap);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to use.
--  Pixmap  - Specifies the new background pixmap value.
-- Sets the background pixmap of the window.  If no background pixmap is
-- specified then the background pixmap of the parent is used.  On the root
-- window the default background will be restored.  The pixmap can be
-- immediately freed if no further explicit references to it are to be made.
-- This can not be performed on an Input_Only window.  This does not change
-- the contents of the window; use X_Clear_Area to cause the window to be
-- redrawn.

    procedure X_Set_Window_Border (Display : X_Display;  
                                   Window  : X_Window;  
                                   Pixel   : X_Pixel);
--  Display    - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window - Specifies the window to use.
--  Pixel  - Specifies the new border pixel.
-- Sets the border pixel of the window.  It uses this value as an entry in the
-- color map to determine which color is to be used to paint the border.  This
-- change takes immediate effect and the border is redrawn (if necessary).

    procedure X_Set_Window_Border_Pixmap (Display : X_Display;  
                                          Window  : X_Window;  
                                          Pixmap  : X_Pixmap);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to use.
--  Pixmap  - Specifies the new border pixmap value.
-- Sets the border pixmap of the window.  If no background pixmap is
-- specified then the background pixmap of the parent is used.  On the root
-- window the default background will be restored.  The pixmap can be
-- immediately freed if no further explicit references to it are to be made.
-- This can not be performed on an Input_Only window.  This change takes
-- immediate effect and the border is redrawn (if necessary).

    procedure X_Set_Window_Border_Width (Display : X_Display;  
                                         Window  : X_Window;  
                                         Width   : U_Short);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to set.
--  Width   - Specifies the width of the window border, in pixels.
-- Sets the specified window's border width to the specified width.

    procedure X_Unmap_Subwindows (Display : X_Display;  
                                  Window  : X_Window);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window whose subwindows are to be unmapped.
-- Unmaps all subwindows for the specified window in bottom to top stacking
-- order.  Causes the X server to generate an Unmap_Notify event for each
-- window unmapped.  Has no effect if there are no mapped subwindows.

    procedure X_Unmap_Window (Display : X_Display;  
                              Window  : X_Window);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to unmap.
-- Unmaps the specified window and causes the X server to generate an
-- Unmap_Notify event.  Has not effect if the window is already unmapped.

    procedure X_Withdraw_Window (Display :     X_Display;  
                                 Window  :     X_Window;  
                                 Screen  :     X_Screen_Number;  
                                 Status  : out X_Status);
--  Display - Specifies the display to use.
--  Window  - Specifies the window to affect.
--  Screen  - Specifies the screen
--  Status  - Receives Successful if the request has been made; receives
--              Failed if the request could not be made
-- Unmaps the specified window and sends a synthetic Unmap_Notify event to
-- the root window of the specified screen.  If the window  has elected to
-- receive these events then the window should change to the withdraw state
-- where neither the window nor its icon are visible.


end Xlbp_Window;