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Length: 228268 (0x37bac) Types: R1K_ARCHIVE_DATA, TextFile Names: »DATA«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
package Bounded_String is subtype String_Length is Natural; type Variable_String (Maximum_Length : String_Length) is private; -- initialized to have a length of 0 procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Variable_String); procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String); procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character); procedure Move (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : in out Variable_String); function Image (V : Variable_String) return String; -- Value function with maximum length = current length function Value (S : String) return Variable_String; -- Value function with specified maximum length function Value (S : String; Max_Length : Natural) return Variable_String; pragma Inline (Image); procedure Free (V : in out Variable_String); procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Variable_String); procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String); procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character); procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character; Count : Natural); procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Variable_String); procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : String); procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character); procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character; Count : Natural); procedure Delete (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Count : Natural := 1); procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character); procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character; Count : Natural); procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : String); procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Variable_String); -- Truncate or extend with fill procedure Set_Length (Target : in out Variable_String; New_Length : Natural; Fill_With : Character := ' '); -- Get information about or contents of a string function Length (Source : Variable_String) return Natural; function Char_At (Source : Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive) return Character; function Extract (Source : Variable_String; Start_Pos : Positive; End_Pos : Natural) return String; -- get the allocated length of the string function Max_Length (Source : Variable_String) return Natural; pragma Inline (Length); pragma Inline (Char_At); pragma Inline (Max_Length); private type Variable_String (Maximum_Length : String_Length) is record Length : String_Length := 0; Contents : String (1 .. Maximum_Length); end record; end Bounded_String;package body Bounded_String is procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Variable_String) is begin Target.Contents (1 .. Source.Length) := Source.Contents (1 .. Source.Length); Target.Length := Source.Length; end Copy; procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String) is begin Target.Contents (1 .. Source'Length) := Source; Target.Length := Source'Length; end Copy; procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character) is begin Target.Contents (1) := Source; Target.Length := 1; end Copy; procedure Move (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : in out Variable_String) is begin Target.Contents (1 .. Source.Length) := Source.Contents (1 .. Source.Length); Target.Length := Source.Length; Source.Length := 0; end Move; function Image (V : Variable_String) return String is begin return V.Contents (1 .. V.Length); end Image; function Value (S : String; Max_Length : Natural) return Variable_String is String_Value : String (1 .. Max_Length); begin String_Value (1 .. S'Length) := S; return Variable_String'(Maximum_Length => Max_Length, Length => S'Length, Contents => String_Value); end Value; function Value (S : String) return Variable_String is begin return Variable_String'(Maximum_Length => S'Length, Length => S'Length, Contents => S); end Value; procedure Free (V : in out Variable_String) is begin V.Length := 0; end Free; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String) is Len : Natural := Target.Length + Source'Length; begin Target.Contents (Target.Length + 1 .. Len) := Source; Target.Length := Len; end Append; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Variable_String) is begin Append (Target, Image (Source)); end Append; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character) is Len : Natural := Target.Length + 1; begin Target.Contents (Len) := Source; Target.Length := Len; end Append; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character; Count : Natural) is Value_String : String (1 .. Count) := String'(1 .. Count => Source); begin Append (Target, Value_String); end Append; procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : String) is begin if At_Pos = Target.Length + 1 then Append (Target, Source); elsif At_Pos <= Target.Length then declare Len : Natural := Target.Length + Source'Length; begin Target.Contents (At_Pos .. Len) := Source & Target.Contents (At_Pos .. Target.Length); Target.Length := Len; end; else raise Constraint_Error; end if; end Insert; procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Variable_String) is begin Insert (Target, At_Pos, Source.Contents (1 .. Source.Length)); end Insert; procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character) is New_Len : Natural := Target.Length + 1; begin if At_Pos = New_Len then Append (Target, Source); elsif At_Pos > New_Len then raise Constraint_Error; else Target.Contents (At_Pos + 1 .. New_Len) := Target.Contents (At_Pos .. Target.Length); Target.Contents (At_Pos) := Source; Target.Length := New_Len; end if; end Insert; procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character; Count : Natural) is Value_String : String (1 .. Count) := String'(1 .. Count => Source); begin Insert (Target, At_Pos, Value_String); end Insert; procedure Delete (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Count : Natural := 1) is Len : Natural := Target.Length - Count; begin if At_Pos - 1 > Len then raise Constraint_Error; end if; if At_Pos <= Len then Target.Contents (At_Pos .. Len) := Target.Contents (At_Pos + Count .. Target.Length); end if; Target.Length := Len; end Delete; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character) is begin if At_Pos > Target.Length then raise Constraint_Error; else Target.Contents (At_Pos) := Source; end if; end Replace; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : String) is End_Pos : constant Positive := At_Pos + Source'Length - 1; begin if End_Pos > Target.Length then raise Constraint_Error; else Target.Contents (At_Pos .. End_Pos) := Source; end if; end Replace; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character; Count : Natural) is Value_String : String (1 .. Count) := String'(1 .. Count => Source); begin Replace (Target, At_Pos, Value_String); end Replace; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Variable_String) is begin Replace (Target, At_Pos, Image (Source)); end Replace; procedure Set_Length (Target : in out Variable_String; New_Length : Natural; Fill_With : Character := ' ') is Current_Length : Natural := Target.Length; begin for I in Current_Length + 1 .. New_Length loop Target.Contents (I) := Fill_With; end loop; Target.Length := New_Length; end Set_Length; function Length (Source : Variable_String) return Natural is begin return Source.Length; end Length; function Max_Length (Source : Variable_String) return Natural is begin return Source.Maximum_Length; end Max_Length; function Char_At (Source : Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive) return Character is begin if At_Pos > Source.Length then raise Constraint_Error; else return Source.Contents (At_Pos); end if; end Char_At; function Extract (Source : Variable_String; Start_Pos : Positive; End_Pos : Natural) return String is begin if End_Pos > Source.Length then raise Constraint_Error; else return Source.Contents (Start_Pos .. End_Pos); end if; end Extract; end Bounded_String;generic Size : Integer; -- number of buckets type Domain_Type is private; type Range_Type is private; -- both types are pure values -- no initialization or finalization is necessary -- = and := can be used for equality and copy with function Hash (Key : Domain_Type) return Integer is <>; -- for efficiency, spread hash over an interval at least as great as size pragma Must_Be_Constrained (Yes => Domain_Type, Range_Type); package Concurrent_Map_Generic is type Map is private; type Pair is record D : Domain_Type; R : Range_Type; end record; function Eval (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type) return Range_Type; procedure Find (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type; R : in out Range_Type; Success : out Boolean); procedure Find (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type; P : in out Pair; Success : out Boolean); procedure Define (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type; R : Range_Type; Trap_Multiples : Boolean := False); procedure Undefine (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type); procedure Initialize (The_Map : out Map); function Is_Empty (The_Map : Map) return Boolean; procedure Make_Empty (The_Map : in out Map); procedure Copy (Target : in out Map; Source : Map); type Iterator is private; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; The_Map : Map); procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator); function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Domain_Type; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean; Undefined : exception; -- raised by eval if the domain value in not in the map Multiply_Defined : exception; -- raised by define if the domain value is already defined and -- the trap_multiples flag has been specified (ie. is true) function Nil return Map; function Is_Nil (The_Map : Map) return Boolean; function Cardinality (The_Map : Map) return Natural; ------------------------------------------------------ -- Implementation Notes and Non-Standard Operations -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- := and = operate on references -- := implies sharing (introduces an alias) -- = means is the same map, not the same value of type map -- Initializing a map also makes it empty -- Maps must be initialized before use. -- garbage may be generated -- Concurrent Properties -- any number of find/eval/is_empty/copy may be safely done while one -- define/undefine/make_empty is taking place. -- Define/undefine/make_empty operations are serialized. -- Iterators may be used asynchronously, however the sequence of values -- yielded may never have been in the map at any one time. private type Node; type Set is access Node; type Node is record Value : Pair; Link : Set; end record; type Map_Data; type Map is access Map_Data; type Iterator is record The_Map : Map; Index_Value : Natural; Set_Iter : Set; Done : Boolean; end record; subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. Size - 1; type Table is array (Index) of Set; type Map_Data is record Cache : Set; -- of at most one node Bucket : Table; Size : Natural := 0; end record; end Concurrent_Map_Generic;package body Concurrent_Map_Generic is task Serialize is entry Define (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type; R : Range_Type; Trap_Multiples : Boolean := False); entry Undefine (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type); entry Make_Empty (The_Map : in out Map); end Serialize; function Myhash (D : Domain_Type) return Index is begin return Index (Hash (D) mod Size); end Myhash; pragma Inline (Myhash); function Find (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type) return Set is -- result = null ==> D not in S Rest : Set := The_Map.Bucket (Myhash (D)); begin while Rest /= null and then Rest.Value.D /= D loop Rest := Rest.Link; end loop; if Rest /= null then The_Map.Cache := Rest; end if; return Rest; end Find; procedure Find (S : Set; D : Domain_Type; Ptr : in out Set; Prev : in out Set) is -- ptr = null ==> D not in S -- ptr /= null and prev = null ==> D = first element of S begin Ptr := S; Prev := null; while (Ptr /= null) and then (Ptr.Value.D /= D) loop Prev := Ptr; Ptr := Ptr.Link; end loop; end Find; function Eval (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type) return Range_Type is Cache : Set := The_Map.Cache; -- cached pointer value must be fetched only once -- since cache may be concurrently updated begin if Cache /= null then declare Value : Pair renames Cache.Value; begin if Value.D = D then return Value.R; end if; end; end if; declare Ptr : Set := Find (The_Map, D); begin if Ptr /= null then return Ptr.Value.R; else raise Undefined; end if; end; end Eval; procedure Find (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type; R : in out Range_Type; Success : out Boolean) is Cache : Set := The_Map.Cache; -- cached pointer value must be fetched only once -- since cache may be concurrently updated begin if Cache /= null then declare Value : Pair renames Cache.Value; begin if Value.D = D then R := Value.R; Success := True; return; end if; end; end if; declare Ptr : Set := Find (The_Map, D); begin if Ptr /= null then R := Ptr.Value.R; Success := True; else Success := False; end if; end; end Find; procedure Find (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type; P : in out Pair; Success : out Boolean) is Cache : Set := The_Map.Cache; -- cached pointer value must be fetched only once -- since cache may be concurrently updated begin if Cache /= null then declare Value : Pair renames Cache.Value; begin if Value.D = D then P := Value; Success := True; return; end if; end; end if; declare Ptr : Set := Find (The_Map, D); begin if Ptr /= null then P := Ptr.Value; Success := True; else Success := False; end if; end; end Find; procedure Define (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type; R : Range_Type; Trap_Multiples : Boolean := False) is begin Serialize.Define (The_Map, D, R, Trap_Multiples); end Define; procedure Real_Define (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type; R : Range_Type; Trap_Multiples : Boolean := False) is Cache : Set renames The_Map.Cache; -- cache can be written but not fetched -- since cache may be concurrently updated The_Set : Set renames The_Map.Bucket (Myhash (D)); Ptr : Set; Prev : Set; begin Find (The_Set, D, Ptr, Prev); if Ptr = null then The_Set := new Node'(Pair'(D => D, R => R), The_Set); Cache := The_Set; The_Map.Size := The_Map.Size + 1; elsif Trap_Multiples then raise Multiply_Defined; elsif Prev = null then The_Set := new Node'(Pair'(D => D, R => R), Ptr.Link); Cache := The_Set; else Prev.Link := new Node'(Pair'(D => D, R => R), Ptr.Link); Cache := Prev.Link; end if; end Real_Define; procedure Undefine (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type) is begin Serialize.Undefine (The_Map, D); end Undefine; procedure Real_Undefine (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type) is Cache : Set renames The_Map.Cache; -- cache must be written but not fetched -- since cache may be concurrently updated Start : Set renames The_Map.Bucket (Myhash (D)); Current : Set; Previous : Set; begin Find (Start, D, Current, Previous); if Current = null then raise Undefined; elsif Previous = null then -- old node cannot be reused due to concurrent readers Start := Current.Link; else -- old node cannot be reused due to concurrent readers Previous.Link := Current.Link; end if; The_Map.Size := The_Map.Size - 1; Cache := null; end Real_Undefine; procedure Copy (Target : in out Map; Source : Map) is procedure Copy_Set (Target_Set : in out Set; Source_Set : Set) is Rest : Set := Source_Set; begin Target_Set := null; while Rest /= null loop Target_Set := new Node'(Rest.Value, Target_Set); Target.Size := Target.Size + 1; Rest := Rest.Link; end loop; end Copy_Set; begin Target.Size := 0; for I in Index loop Copy_Set (Target_Set => Target.Bucket (I), Source_Set => Source.Bucket (I)); end loop; Target.Cache := null; end Copy; procedure Initialize (The_Map : out Map) is begin The_Map := new Map_Data; end Initialize; function Is_Empty (The_Map : Map) return Boolean is begin for I in Index loop if The_Map.Bucket (I) /= null then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end Is_Empty; procedure Make_Empty (The_Map : in out Map) is begin Serialize.Make_Empty (The_Map); end Make_Empty; procedure Real_Make_Empty (The_Map : in out Map) is begin The_Map.Cache := null; for I in Index loop The_Map.Bucket (I) := null; end loop; end Real_Make_Empty; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; The_Map : Map) is The_Iter : Iterator; begin if The_Map = null then Iter.Done := True; return; end if; for I in Index loop The_Iter.Set_Iter := The_Map.Bucket (I); if The_Iter.Set_Iter /= null then The_Iter.Done := False; The_Iter.Index_Value := I; The_Iter.The_Map := The_Map; Iter := The_Iter; return; end if; end loop; The_Iter.Done := True; Iter := The_Iter; end Init; procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator) is begin Iter.Set_Iter := Iter.Set_Iter.Link; while Iter.Set_Iter = null loop if Iter.Index_Value = Index'Last then Iter.Done := True; return; end if; Iter.Index_Value := Iter.Index_Value + 1; Iter.Set_Iter := Iter.The_Map.Bucket (Iter.Index_Value); end loop; end Next; function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Domain_Type is begin return Iter.Set_Iter.Value.D; end Value; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iter.Done; end Done; task body Serialize is begin loop begin select accept Define (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type; R : Range_Type; Trap_Multiples : Boolean := False) do Real_Define (The_Map, D, R, Trap_Multiples); end Define; or accept Undefine (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type) do Real_Undefine (The_Map, D); end Undefine; or accept Make_Empty (The_Map : in out Map) do Real_Make_Empty (The_Map); end Make_Empty; or terminate; end select; exception when others => null; end; end loop; end Serialize; function Nil return Map is begin return null; end Nil; function Is_Nil (The_Map : Map) return Boolean is begin return The_Map = null; end Is_Nil; function Cardinality (The_Map : Map) return Natural is begin return The_Map.Size; end Cardinality; end Concurrent_Map_Generic;with Floating_Characteristics; use Floating_Characteristics; package Core_Functions is Exp_Large : Float; Exp_Small : Float; function Sqrt (X : Float) return Float; function Cbrt (X : Float) return Float; function Log (X : Float) return Float; function Log10 (X : Float) return Float; function Exp (X : Float) return Float; function "**" (X, Y : Float) return Float; end Core_Functions;with Text_Io; use Text_Io; with Floating_Characteristics; use Floating_Characteristics; with Numeric_Io; use Numeric_Io; with Numeric_Primitives; use Numeric_Primitives; package body Core_Functions is -- The following routines are coded directly from the algorithms and -- coeficients given in "Software Manual for the Elementry Functions" -- by William J. Cody, Jr. and William Waite, Prentice_Hall, 1980 -- CBRT by analogy -- A more general formulation uses MANTISSA_TYPE, etc. -- The coeficients are appropriate for 25 to 32 bits floating significance -- They will work for less but slightly shorter versions are possible -- The routines are coded to stand alone so they need not be compiled together -- These routines have been coded to accept a general MANTISSA_TYPE -- That is, they are designed to work with a manitssa either fixed of float -- There are some explicit conversions which are required but these will -- not cause any extra code to be generated -- 16 JULY 1982 W A WHITAKER AFATL EGLIN AFB FL 32542 -- T C EICHOLTZ USAFA function Sqrt (X : Float) return Float is M, N : Exponent_Type; F, Y : Mantissa_Type; Result : Float; subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 100; -- ######################### Sqrt_L1 : Index := 3; -- Could get away with SQRT_L1 := 2 for 28 bits -- Using the better Cody-Waite coeficients overflows MANTISSA_TYPE Sqrt_C1 : Mantissa_Type := 8#0.3317777777#; Sqrt_C2 : Mantissa_Type := 8#0.4460000000#; Sqrt_C3 : Mantissa_Type := 8#0.55202_36314_77747_36311_0#; begin if X = Zero then Result := Zero; return Result; elsif X = One then -- To get exact SQRT(1.0) Result := One; return Result; elsif X < Zero then New_Line; Put ("CALLED SQRT FOR NEGATIVE ARGUMENT "); raise Program_Error; --Put (X); Put (" USED ABSOLUTE VALUE"); New_Line; Result := Sqrt (abs (X)); return Result; else Defloat (X, N, F); Y := Sqrt_C1 + Mantissa_Type (Sqrt_C2 * F); for J in 1 .. Sqrt_L1 loop Y := Y / Mantissa_Divisor_2 + Mantissa_Type ((F / Mantissa_Divisor_2) / Y); end loop; if (N mod 2) /= 0 then Y := Mantissa_Type (Sqrt_C3 * Y); N := N + 1; end if; M := N / 2; Refloat (M, Y, Result); return Result; end if; exception when others => New_Line; Put (" EXCEPTION IN SQRT, X = "); raise Program_Error; --Put (X); Put (" RETURNED 1.0"); New_Line; return One; end Sqrt; function Cbrt (X : Float) return Float is M, N : Exponent_Type; F, Y : Mantissa_Type; Result : Float; subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 100; -- ######################### Cbrt_L1 : Index := 3; Cbrt_C1 : Mantissa_Type := 0.5874009; Cbrt_C2 : Mantissa_Type := 0.4125990; Cbrt_C3 : Mantissa_Type := 0.62996_05249; Cbrt_C4 : Mantissa_Type := 0.79370_05260; begin if X = Zero then Result := Zero; return Result; else Defloat (X, N, F); F := abs (F); Y := Cbrt_C1 + Mantissa_Type (Cbrt_C2 * F); for J in 1 .. Cbrt_L1 loop Y := Y - (Y / Mantissa_Divisor_3 - Mantissa_Type ((F / Mantissa_Divisor_3) / Mantissa_Type (Y * Y))); end loop; case (N mod 3) is when 0 => null; when 1 => Y := Mantissa_Type (Cbrt_C3 * Y); N := N + 2; when 2 => Y := Mantissa_Type (Cbrt_C4 * Y); N := N + 1; when others => null; end case; M := N / 3; if X < Zero then Y := -Y; end if; Refloat (M, Y, Result); return Result; end if; exception when others => Result := One; if X < Zero then Result := -One; end if; New_Line; Put ("EXCEPTION IN CBRT, X = "); raise Program_Error; --Put (X); Put (" RETURNED "); raise Program_Error; --Put (Result); New_Line; return Result; end Cbrt; function Log (X : Float) return Float is -- Uses fixed formulation for generality Result : Float; N : Exponent_Type; Xn : Float; Y : Float; F : Mantissa_Type; Z, Zden, Znum : Mantissa_Type; C0 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.20710_67811_86547_52440; -- SQRT(0.5) - 0.5 C1 : constant Float := 8#0.543#; C2 : constant Float := -2.12194_44005_46905_82767_9E-4; function R (Z : Mantissa_Type) return Mantissa_Type is -- Use fixed formulation here because the float coeficents are > 1.0 -- and would exceed the limits on a MANTISSA_TYPE A0 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.04862_85276_587; B0 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.69735_92187_803; B1 : constant Mantissa_Type := -0.125; C : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.01360_09546_862; begin return Z + Mantissa_Type (Z * Mantissa_Type (Mantissa_Type (Z * Z) * (C + Mantissa_Type (A0 / (B0 + Mantissa_Type (B1 * Mantissa_Type (Z * Z))))))); end R; begin if X < Zero then New_Line; Put ("CALLED LOG FOR NEGATIVE "); raise Program_Error; --put (X);; Put (" USE ABS => "); Result := Log (abs (X)); raise Program_Error; --Put (Result); New_Line; elsif X = Zero then New_Line; Put ("CALLED LOG FOR ZERO ARGUMENT, RETURNED "); Result := -Xmax; -- SUPPOSED TO BE -LARGE raise Program_Error;--Put (Result); New_Line; else Defloat (X, N, F); Znum := F - Mantissa_Half; Y := Convert_To_Float (Znum); Zden := Znum / Mantissa_Divisor_2 + Mantissa_Half; if Znum > C0 then Y := Y - Mantissa_Half; Znum := Znum - Mantissa_Half; Zden := Zden + Mantissa_Half / Mantissa_Divisor_2; else N := N - 1; end if; Z := Mantissa_Type (Znum / Zden); Result := Convert_To_Float (R (Z)); if N /= 0 then Xn := Convert_To_Float (N); Result := (Xn * C2 + Result) + Xn * C1; end if; end if; return Result; exception when others => New_Line; Put (" EXCEPTION IN LOG, X = "); raise Program_Error; --put (X);; Put (" RETURNED 0.0"); New_Line; return Zero; end Log; function Log10 (X : Float) return Float is Log_10_Of_2 : constant Float := Convert_To_Float (Mantissa_Type ( 8#0.33626_75425_11562_41615#)); begin return Log (X) * Log_10_Of_2; end Log10; function Exp (X : Float) return Float is Result : Float; N : Exponent_Type; Xg, Xn, X1, X2 : Float; F, G : Mantissa_Type; Bigx : Float := Exp_Large; Smallx : Float := Exp_Small; One_Over_Log_2 : constant Float := 1.4426_95040_88896_34074; C1 : constant Float := 0.69335_9375; C2 : constant Float := -2.1219_44400_54690_58277E-4; function R (G : Mantissa_Type) return Mantissa_Type is Z, Gp, Q : Mantissa_Type; P0 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.24999_99999_9992; P1 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.00595_04254_9776; Q0 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.5; Q1 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.05356_75176_4522; Q2 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.00029_72936_3682; begin Z := Mantissa_Type (G * G); Gp := Mantissa_Type ((Mantissa_Type (P1 * Z) + P0) * G); Q := Mantissa_Type ((Mantissa_Type (Q2 * Z) + Q1) * Z) + Q0; return Mantissa_Half + Mantissa_Type (Gp / (Q - Gp)); end R; begin if X > Bigx then New_Line; Put (" EXP CALLED WITH TOO BIG A POSITIVE ARGUMENT, "); raise Program_Error; --put (X);; Put (" RETURNED XMAX"); New_Line; Result := Xmax; elsif X < Smallx then New_Line; Put (" EXP CALLED WITH TOO BIG A NEGATIVE ARGUMENT, "); raise Program_Error; --put (X);; Put (" RETURNED ZERO"); New_Line; Result := Zero; elsif abs (X) < Eps then Result := One; else N := Exponent_Type (X * One_Over_Log_2); Xn := Convert_To_Float (N); X1 := Round (X); X2 := X - X1; Xg := ((X1 - Xn * C1) + X2) - Xn * C2; G := Mantissa_Type (Xg); N := N + 1; F := R (G); Refloat (N, F, Result); end if; return Result; exception when others => New_Line; Put (" EXCEPTION IN EXP, X = "); raise Program_Error; --put (X);; Put (" RETURNED 1.0"); New_Line; return One; end Exp; function "**" (X, Y : Float) return Float is -- This is the last function to be coded since it appeared that it really -- was un-Ada-like and ought not be in the regular package -- Nevertheless it was included in this version -- It is specific for FLOAT and does not have the MANTISSA_TYPE generality M, N : Exponent_Type; G : Mantissa_Type; P, Temp, Iw1, I : Integer; Result, Z, V, R, U1, U2, W, W1, W2, W3, Y1, Y2 : Float; K : constant Float := 0.44269_50408_88963_40736; Ibigx : constant Integer := Integer (Truncate (16.0 * Log (Xmax) - 1.0)); Ismallx : constant Integer := Integer (Truncate (16.0 * Log (Xmin) + 1.0)); P1 : constant Float := 0.83333_32862_45E-1; P2 : constant Float := 0.12506_48500_52E-1; Q1 : constant Float := 0.69314_71805_56341; Q2 : constant Float := 0.24022_65061_44710; Q3 : constant Float := 0.55504_04881_30765E-1; Q4 : constant Float := 0.96162_06595_83789E-2; Q5 : constant Float := 0.13052_55159_42810E-2; A1 : array (1 .. 17) of Float := (8#1.00000_0000#, 8#0.75222_5750#, 8#0.72540_3067#, 8#0.70146_3367#, 8#0.65642_3746#, 8#0.63422_2140#, 8#0.61263_4520#, 8#0.57204_2434#, 8#0.55202_3631#, 8#0.53254_0767#, 8#0.51377_3265#, 8#0.47572_4623#, 8#0.46033_7602#, 8#0.44341_7233#, 8#0.42712_7017#, 8#0.41325_3033#, 8#0.40000_0000#); A2 : array (1 .. 8) of Float := (8#0.00000_00005_22220_66302_61734_72062#, 8#0.00000_00003_02522_47021_04062_61124#, 8#0.00000_00005_21760_44016_17421_53016#, 8#0.00000_00007_65401_41553_72504_02177#, 8#0.00000_00002_44124_12254_31114_01243#, 8#0.00000_00000_11064_10432_66404_42174#, 8#0.00000_00004_72542_16063_30176_55544#, 8#0.00000_00001_74611_03661_23056_22556#); function Reduce (V : Float) return Float is begin return Float (Integer (16.0 * V)) * 0.0625; end Reduce; begin if X <= Zero then if X < Zero then Result := (abs (X)) ** Y; New_Line; Put ("X**Y CALLED WITH X = "); raise Program_Error; --put (X); New_Line; Put ("USED ABS, RETURNED "); raise Program_Error;--Put (Result); New_Line; else if Y <= Zero then if Y = Zero then Result := Zero; else Result := Xmax; end if; New_Line; Put ("X**Y CALLED WITH X = 0, Y = "); raise Program_Error; --put (Y); New_Line; Put ("RETURNED "); raise Program_Error;--Put (Result); New_Line; else Result := Zero; end if; end if; else Defloat (X, M, G); P := 1; if G <= A1 (9) then P := 9; end if; if G <= A1 (P + 4) then P := P + 4; end if; if G <= A1 (P + 2) then P := P + 2; end if; Z := ((G - A1 (P + 1)) - A2 ((P + 1) / 2)) / (G + A1 (P + 1)); Z := Z + Z; V := Z * Z; R := (P2 * V + P1) * V * Z; R := R + K * R; U2 := (R + Z * K) + Z; U1 := Float (Integer (M) * 16 - P) * 0.0625; Y1 := Reduce (Y); Y2 := Y - Y1; W := U2 * Y + U1 * Y2; W1 := Reduce (W); W2 := W - W1; W := W1 + U1 * Y1; W1 := Reduce (W); W2 := W2 + (W - W1); W3 := Reduce (W2); Iw1 := Integer (Truncate (16.0 * (W1 + W3))); W2 := W2 - W3; if W > Float (Ibigx) then Result := Xmax; Put ("X**Y CALLED X ="); raise Program_Error; --put (X); Put (" Y ="); raise Program_Error; --put (Y); Put (" TOO LARGE RETURNED "); raise Program_Error;--Put (Result); New_Line; elsif W < Float (Ismallx) then Result := Zero; Put ("X**Y CALLED X ="); raise Program_Error; --put(X); Put (" Y ="); raise Program_Error; Put (" TOO SMALL RETURNED "); raise Program_Error;--Put (Result); New_Line; else if W2 > Zero then W2 := W2 - 0.0625; Iw1 := Iw1 + 1; end if; if Iw1 < Integer (Zero) then I := 0; else I := 1; end if; M := Exponent_Type (I + Iw1 / 16); P := 16 * Integer (M) - Iw1; Z := ((((Q5 * W2 + Q4) * W2 + Q3) * W2 + Q2) * W2 + Q1) * W2; Z := A1 (P + 1) + (A1 (P + 1) * Z); Refloat (M, Z, Result); end if; end if; return Result; end "**"; begin Exp_Large := Log (Xmax) * (One - Eps); Exp_Small := Log (Xmin) * (One - Eps); end Core_Functions; generic type Enumeration is (<>); procedure Enumeration_Value (S : String; Result : out Enumeration; Prefix : out Boolean; Unique : out Boolean);with String_Utilities; procedure Enumeration_Value (S : String; Result : out Enumeration; Prefix : out Boolean; Unique : out Boolean) is Already_Matched : Boolean := False; Exact : Boolean; Match : Boolean; Up_S : constant String := String_Utilities.Upper_Case (S); begin Prefix := False; Unique := False; Result := Enumeration'Last; for Enum in Enumeration loop declare Enum_Image : constant String := Enumeration'Image (Enum); begin Match := Up_S'Length <= Enum_Image'Length and then Up_S = Enum_Image (1 .. Up_S'Length); Exact := Match and then (Up_S'Length = Enum_Image'Length); end; if Exact then Result := Enum; Unique := True; Prefix := False; return; elsif Match then Unique := not Already_Matched; Already_Matched := True; Prefix := True; Result := Enum; end if; end loop; end Enumeration_Value;package Floating_Characteristics is -- This package is a floating mantissa definition of a binary FLOAT -- It was first used on the DEC-10 and the VAX but should work for any -- since the parameters are obtained by initializing on the actual hardware -- Otherwise the parameters could be set in the spec if known -- This is a preliminary package that defines the properties -- of the particular floating point type for which we are going to -- generate the math routines -- The constants are those required by the routines described in -- "Software Manual for the Elementary Functions" W. Cody & W. Waite -- Prentice-Hall 1980 -- Actually most are needed only for the test programs -- rather than the functions themselves, but might as well be here -- Most of these could be in the form of attributes if -- all the floating types to be considered were those built into the -- compiler, but we also want to be able to support user defined types -- such as software floating types of greater precision than -- the hardware affords, or types defined on one machine to -- simulate another -- So we use the Cody-Waite names and derive them from an adaptation of the -- MACHAR routine as given by Cody-Waite in Appendix B -- Ibeta : Integer; -- The radix of the floating-point representation -- It : Integer; -- The number of base IBETA digits in the DIS_FLOAT significand -- Irnd : Integer; -- TRUE (1) if floating addition rounds, FALSE (0) if truncates -- Ngrd : Integer; -- Number of guard digits for multiplication -- Machep : Integer; -- The largest negative integer such that -- 1.0 + FLOAT(IBETA) ** MACHEP /= 1.0 -- except that MACHEP is bounded below by -(IT + 3) -- Negep : Integer; -- The largest negative integer such that -- 1.0 -0 FLOAT(IBETA) ** NEGEP /= 1.0 -- except that NEGEP is bounded below by -(IT + 3) -- Iexp : Integer; -- The number of bits (decimal places if IBETA = 10) -- reserved for the representation of the exponent (including -- the bias or sign) of a floating-point number -- Minexp : Integer; -- The largest in magnitude negative integer such that -- FLOAT(IBETA) ** MINEXP is a positive floating-point number -- Maxexp : Integer; -- The largest positive exponent for a finite floating-point number -- Eps : Float; -- The smallest positive floating-point number such that -- 1.0 + EPS /= 1.0 -- In particular, if IBETA = 2 or IRND = 0, -- EPS = FLOAT(IBETA) ** MACHEP -- Otherwise, EPS = (FLOAT(IBETA) ** MACHEP) / 2 -- Epsneg : Float; -- A small positive floating-point number such that 1.0-EPSNEG /= 1.0 -- Xmin : Float; -- The smallest non-vanishing floating-point power of the radix -- In particular, XMIN = FLOAT(IBETA) ** MINEXP -- Xmax : Float; -- The largest finite floating-point number -- Here the structure of the floating type is defined -- I have assumed that the exponent is always some integer form -- The mantissa can vary -- Most often it will be a fixed type or the same floating type -- depending on the most efficient machine implementation -- Most efficient implementation may require details of the machine hardware -- In this version the simplest representation is used -- The mantissa is extracted into a FLOAT and uses the predefined operations -- subtype Exponent_Type is Integer; -- should be derived ########## subtype Mantissa_Type is Float; -- range -1.0..1.0; -- -- A consequence of the rigorous constraints on MANTISSA_TYPE is that -- operations must be very carefully examined to make sure that no number -- greater than one results -- Actually this limitation is important in constructing algorithms -- which will also run when MANTISSA_TYPE is a fixed point type -- If we are not using the STANDARD type, we have to define all the -- operations at this point -- We also need PUT for the type if it is not otherwise available -- Now we do something strange -- Since we do not know in the following routines whether the mantissa -- will be carried as a fixed or floating type, we have to make some -- provision for dividing by two -- We cannot use the literals, since FIXED/2.0 and FLOAT/2 will fail -- We define a type-dependent factor that will work -- Mantissa_Divisor_2 : constant Float := 2.0; Mantissa_Divisor_3 : constant Float := 3.0; -- -- This will work for the MANTISSA_TYPE defined above -- The alternative of defining an operation "/" to take care of it -- is too sweeping and would allow unAda-like errors -- Mantissa_Half : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.5; procedure Defloat (X : in Float; N : in out Exponent_Type; F : in out Mantissa_Type); procedure Refloat (N : in Exponent_Type; F : in Mantissa_Type; X : in out Float); -- Since the user may wish to define a floating type by some other name -- CONVERT_TO_FLOAT is used rather than just FLOAT for explicit coersion function Convert_To_Float (K : Integer) return Float; -- function CONVERT_TO_FLOAT(N : EXPONENT_TYPE) return FLOAT; function Convert_To_Float (F : Mantissa_Type) return Float; end Floating_Characteristics;with Text_Io; use Text_Io; package body Floating_Characteristics is -- This package is a floating mantissa definition of a binary FLOAT A, B, Y, Z : Float; I, K, Mx, Iz : Integer; Beta, Betam1, Betain : Float; One : Float := 1.0; Zero : Float := 0.0; procedure Defloat (X : in Float; N : in out Exponent_Type; F : in out Mantissa_Type) is -- This is admittedly a slow method - but portable - for breaking down -- a floating point number into its exponent and mantissa -- Obviously with knowledge of the machine representation -- it could be replaced with a couple of simple extractions Exponent_Length : Integer := Iexp; M : Exponent_Type; W, Y, Z : Float; begin N := 0; F := 0.0; Y := abs (X); if Y = 0.0 then return; elsif Y < 0.5 then for J in reverse 0 .. (Exponent_Length - 2) loop -- Dont want to go all the way to 2.0**(EXPONENT_LENGTH - 1) -- Since that (or its reciprocal) will overflow if exponent biased -- Ought to use talbular values rather than compute each time M := Exponent_Type (2 ** J); Z := 1.0 / (2.0 ** M); W := Y / Z; if W < 1.0 then Y := W; N := N - M; end if; end loop; else for J in reverse 0 .. (Exponent_Length - 2) loop M := Exponent_Type (2 ** J); Z := 2.0 ** M; W := Y / Z; if W >= 0.5 then Y := W; N := N + M; end if; end loop; -- And just to clear up any loose ends from biased exponents end if; while Y < 0.5 loop Y := Y * 2.0; N := N - 1; end loop; while Y >= 1.0 loop Y := Y / 2.0; N := N + 1; end loop; F := Mantissa_Type (Y); if X < 0.0 then F := -F; end if; return; exception when others => N := 0; F := 0.0; return; end Defloat; procedure Refloat (N : in Exponent_Type; F : in Mantissa_Type; X : in out Float) is -- Again a brute force method - but portable -- Watch out near MAXEXP M : Integer; Y : Float; begin if F = 0.0 then X := Zero; return; end if; M := Integer (N); Y := abs (Float (F)); while Y < 0.5 loop M := M - 1; if M < Minexp then X := Zero; end if; Y := Y + Y; exit when M <= Minexp; end loop; if M = Maxexp then M := M - 1; X := Y * 2.0 ** M; X := X * 2.0; elsif M <= Minexp + 2 then M := M + 3; X := Y * 2.0 ** M; X := ((X / 2.0) / 2.0) / 2.0; else X := Y * 2.0 ** M; end if; if F < 0.0 then X := -X; end if; return; end Refloat; function Convert_To_Float (K : Integer) return Float is begin return Float (K); end Convert_To_Float; -- function CONVERT_TO_FLOAT(N : EXPONENT_TYPE) RETURN FLOAT is -- begin -- RETURN FLOAT(N); -- end CONVERT_TO_FLOAT; function Convert_To_Float (F : Mantissa_Type) return Float is begin return Float (F); end Convert_To_Float; -- begin -- Initialization for the VAX with values derived by MACHAR -- In place of running MACHAR as the actual initialization Ibeta := 2; It := 24; Irnd := 1; Negep := -24; Epsneg := 5.9604644E-008; Machep := -24; Eps := 5.9604644E-008; Ngrd := 0; Xmin := 5.9E-39; Minexp := -126; Iexp := 8; Maxexp := 127; Xmax := 8.5E37 * 2.0; ---- This initialization is the MACHAR routine of Cody and Waite Appendix B. --PUT("INITIALIZATING WITH MACHAR - "); -- A := ONE; -- while (((A + ONE) - A) - ONE) = ZERO loop -- A := A + A; -- end loop; -- B := ONE; -- while ((A + B) - A) = ZERO loop -- B := B + B; -- end loop; -- IBETA := INTEGER((A + B) - A); -- BETA := CONVERT_TO_FLOAT(IBETA); -- -- -- IT := 0; -- B := ONE; -- while (((B + ONE) - B) - ONE) = ZERO loop -- IT := IT + 1; -- B := B * BETA; -- end loop; -- -- -- IRND := 0; -- BETAM1 := BETA - ONE; -- if ((A + BETAM1) - A) /= ZERO then -- IRND := 1; -- end if; -- -- -- NEGEP := IT + 3; -- BETAIN := ONE / BETA; -- A := ONE; -- -- for I in 1..NEGEP loop -- for I in 1..50 loop -- exit when I > NEGEP; -- A := A * BETAIN; -- end loop; -- B := A; -- while ((ONE - A) - ONE) = ZERO loop -- A := A * BETA; -- NEGEP := NEGEP - 1; -- end loop; -- NEGEP := -NEGEP; -- -- -- EPSNEG := A; -- if (IBETA /= 2) and (IRND /= 0) then -- A := (A * (ONE + A)) / (ONE + ONE); -- if ((ONE - A) - ONE) /= ZERO then -- EPSNEG := A; -- end if; -- end if; -- -- -- MACHEP := -IT - 3; -- A := B; -- while ((ONE + A) - ONE) = ZERO loop -- A := A * BETA; -- MACHEP := MACHEP + 1; -- end loop; -- -- -- EPS := A; -- if (IBETA /= 2) and (IRND /= 0) then -- A := (A * (ONE + A)) / (ONE + ONE); -- if ((ONE + A) - ONE) /= ZERO then -- EPS := A; -- end if; -- end if; -- -- -- NGRD := 0; -- if ((IRND = 0) and ((ONE + EPS) * ONE - ONE) /= ZERO) then -- NGRD := 1; -- end if; -- -- -- I := 0; -- K := 1; -- Z := BETAIN; -- loop -- Y := Z; -- Z := Y * Y; -- A := Z * ONE; -- exit when ((A + A) = ZERO) or (ABS(Z) >= Y); -- I := I + 1; -- K := K + K; -- end loop; -- if (IBETA /= 10) then -- IEXP := I + 1; -- MX := K + K; -- else -- IEXP := 2; -- IZ := IBETA; -- while (K >= IZ) loop -- IZ := IZ * IBETA; -- IEXP := IEXP + 1; -- end loop; -- MX := IZ + IZ - 1; -- end if; -- -- loop -- XMIN := Y; -- Y := Y * BETAIN; -- A := Y * ONE; -- exit when ((A + A) = ZERO) or (ABS(Y) >= XMIN); -- K := K + 1; -- end loop; -- -- -- MINEXP := -K; -- -- -- if ((MX <= (K + K - 3)) and (IBETA /= 10)) then -- MX := MX + MX; -- IEXP := IEXP + 1; -- end if; -- -- -- MAXEXP := MX + MINEXP; -- I := MAXEXP + MINEXP; -- if ((IBETA = 2) and (I = 0)) then -- MAXEXP := MAXEXP - 1; -- end if; -- if (I > 20) then -- MAXEXP := MAXEXP - 1; -- end if; -- if (A /= Y) then -- MAXEXP := MAXEXP - 2; -- end if; -- -- -- XMAX := ONE - EPSNEG; -- if ((XMAX * ONE) /= XMAX) then -- XMAX := ONE - BETA * EPSNEG; -- end if; -- XMAX := XMAX / (BETA * BETA * BETA * XMIN); -- I := MAXEXP + MINEXP + 3; -- if I > 0 then -- for J in 1..50 loop -- exit when J > I; -- if IBETA = 2 then -- XMAX := XMAX + XMAX; -- else -- XMAX := XMAX * BETA; -- end if; -- end loop; -- end if; -- --PUT("INITIALIZED"); NEW_LINE; end Floating_Characteristics; generic type Element is private; -- must be a pure value -- ie. no initialization or finalization is necessary -- = and := are equality and copy pragma Must_Be_Constrained (Yes => Element); package List_Generic is type List is private; -- may generate garbage -- = and := operate on references -- "make" constructs lists with structural sharing -- constraint error is raised when nil i provided to any of -- first, rest, set_first, or set_rest function Make (X : Element; L : List) return List; function Nil return List; function Is_Empty (L : List) return Boolean; procedure Free (L : in out List); -- make L empty function First (L : List) return Element; function Rest (L : List) return List; procedure Set_Rest (L : List; To_Be : List); procedure Set_First (L : List; To_Be : Element); function Length (L : List) return Natural; type Iterator is limited private; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; L : List); procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator); function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Element; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean; private type Listdata; type List is access Listdata; -- variables of type list are initialized to null type Listdata is record First : Element; Rest : List; end record; type Iterator is new List; end List_Generic;package body List_Generic is function Nil return List is begin return null; end Nil; function Is_Empty (L : List) return Boolean is begin return L = Nil; end Is_Empty; function First (L : List) return Element is begin return L.First; end First; function Rest (L : List) return List is begin return L.Rest; end Rest; function Make (X : Element; L : List) return List is begin return new Listdata'(X, L); end Make; procedure Set_Rest (L : List; To_Be : List) is begin L.Rest := To_Be; end Set_Rest; procedure Set_First (L : List; To_Be : Element) is begin L.First := To_Be; end Set_First; procedure Free (L : in out List) is begin L := null; end Free; function Length (L : List) return Natural is Count : Natural := 0; Iter : Iterator; begin Init (Iter, L); while not Done (Iter) loop Count := Count + 1; Next (Iter); end loop; return Count; end Length; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; L : List) is begin Iter := Iterator (L); end Init; procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator) is begin Iter := Iterator (Iter.Rest); end Next; function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Element is begin return Iter.First; end Value; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iter = null; end Done; end List_Generic;package Machine_Independent_Integer32 is -- -- This package provides integer operations for signed integers that fit -- comfortable into 32 bits. -- This spec is "kludged" in that it assumes there is an existing -- integer or fixed type that will support 32 bit integer operations. -- -- Current minimal implementation is provided to support the functionality -- required by the Time_Utilities package. -- type Integer32 is range Integer'First .. Integer'Last; function "*" (L : Integer32; R : Integer) return Integer32; function "/" (L : Integer32; R : Integer) return Integer32; procedure Div_Rem (L : Integer32; R : Integer; Quotient, Remainder : out Integer32); end Machine_Independent_Integer32;package body Machine_Independent_Integer32 is function "*" (L : Integer32; R : Integer) return Integer32 is begin return L * Integer32 (R); end "*"; function "/" (L : Integer32; R : Integer) return Integer32 is begin return L / Integer32 (R); end "/"; procedure Div_Rem (L : Integer32; R : Integer; Quotient, Remainder : out Integer32) is Local_Quotient : Integer32 := L / R; begin Quotient := Local_Quotient; Remainder := L - Local_Quotient * R; end Div_Rem; end Machine_Independent_Integer32;generic Size : Integer; -- number of buckets type Domain_Type is private; type Range_Type is private; -- both types are pure values -- no initialization or finalization of values of either -- domain_type or range_type is necessary -- = and := can be used for equality and copy with function Hash (Key : Domain_Type) return Integer is <>; -- efficiency => spread hash over an interval at least as great as size pragma Must_Be_Constrained (Yes => Domain_Type, Range_Type); package Map_Generic is type Map is private; type Pair is record D : Domain_Type; R : Range_Type; end record; function Eval (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type) return Range_Type; procedure Find (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type; R : in out Range_Type; Success : out Boolean); procedure Find (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type; P : in out Pair; Success : out Boolean); procedure Define (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type; R : Range_Type; Trap_Multiples : Boolean := False); procedure Undefine (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type); procedure Initialize (The_Map : out Map); function Is_Empty (The_Map : Map) return Boolean; procedure Make_Empty (The_Map : in out Map); procedure Copy (Target : in out Map; Source : Map); type Iterator is limited private; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; The_Map : Map); procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator); function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Domain_Type; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean; Undefined : exception; -- raised by eval if the domain value in not in the map Multiply_Defined : exception; -- raised by define if the domain value is already defined and -- the trap_multiples flag has been specified (ie. is true) function Cardinality (The_Map : Map) return Natural; function Nil return Map; function Is_Nil (The_Map : Map) return Boolean; ------------------------------------------------------ -- Implementation Notes and Non-Standard Operations -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- := and = operate on references -- := implies sharing (introduces an alias) -- = means is the same set, not the same value of type set -- Initializing a map also makes it empty -- Accessing an uninitialized map will raise CONSTRAINT_ERROR. -- garbage may be generated -- Concurrent Properties -- any number of find/eval/is_empty may be safely done while one -- define/undefine is taking place. If the define is redefining -- an -- existing element in the domain of the map, concurrrent -- reading is -- safe if and only if := on range_type is atomic. private type Node; type Set is access Node; type Node is record Value : Pair; Link : Set; end record; subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. Size - 1; type Table is array (Index) of Set; type Map_Data is record Bucket : Table; Size : Integer := 0; end record; type Map is access Map_Data; type Iterator is record The_Map : Map; Index_Value : Index; Set_Iter : Set; Done : Boolean; end record; end Map_Generic;package body Map_Generic is function Find (S : Set; D : Domain_Type) return Set is Rest : Set := S; begin while Rest /= null loop if Rest.Value.D = D then return Rest; end if; Rest := Rest.Link; end loop; return null; end Find; function Myhash (D : Domain_Type) return Index is begin return Index (Hash (D) mod Size); end Myhash; function Eval (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type) return Range_Type is Ptr : Set := Find (The_Map.Bucket (Myhash (D)), D); begin if Ptr /= null then return Ptr.Value.R; else raise Undefined; end if; end Eval; procedure Find (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type; R : in out Range_Type; Success : out Boolean) is Ptr : Set := Find (The_Map.Bucket (Myhash (D)), D); begin if Ptr /= null then R := Ptr.Value.R; Success := True; else Success := False; end if; end Find; procedure Find (The_Map : Map; D : Domain_Type; P : in out Pair; Success : out Boolean) is Ptr : Set := Find (The_Map.Bucket (Myhash (D)), D); begin if Ptr /= null then P := Ptr.Value; Success := True; else Success := False; end if; end Find; procedure Define (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type; R : Range_Type; Trap_Multiples : Boolean := False) is The_Set : Set renames The_Map.Bucket (Myhash (D)); Ptr : Set := Find (The_Set, D); Success : Boolean; begin if Ptr = null then The_Set := new Node'(Pair'(D => D, R => R), The_Set); The_Map.Size := The_Map.Size + 1; elsif Trap_Multiples then raise Multiply_Defined; else Ptr.Value.R := R; end if; end Define; procedure Undefine (The_Map : in out Map; D : Domain_Type) is Start : Set renames The_Map.Bucket (Myhash (D)); Current : Set := Start; Previous : Set := null; begin while Current /= null loop if Current.Value.D = D then if Previous /= null then Previous.Link := Current.Link; else Start := Current.Link; end if; The_Map.Size := The_Map.Size - 1; return; else Previous := Current; Current := Current.Link; end if; end loop; raise Undefined; end Undefine; procedure Copy (Target : in out Map; Source : Map) is procedure Copy_Set (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) is Rest : Set := Source; begin Target := null; while Rest /= null loop Target := new Node'(Rest.Value, Target); Rest := Rest.Link; end loop; end Copy_Set; begin for I in Index loop Copy_Set (Target => Target.Bucket (I), Source => Source.Bucket (I)); end loop; Target.Size := Source.Size; end Copy; procedure Initialize (The_Map : out Map) is begin The_Map := new Map_Data; end Initialize; function Is_Empty (The_Map : Map) return Boolean is Iter : Iterator; begin for I in Index loop if The_Map.Bucket (I) /= null then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end Is_Empty; procedure Make_Empty (The_Map : in out Map) is begin for I in Index loop The_Map.Bucket (I) := null; end loop; end Make_Empty; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; The_Map : Map) is The_Iter : Iterator; begin for I in Index loop The_Iter.Set_Iter := The_Map.Bucket (I); if The_Iter.Set_Iter /= null then The_Iter.Done := False; The_Iter.Index_Value := I; The_Iter.The_Map := The_Map; Iter := The_Iter; return; end if; end loop; The_Iter.Done := True; Iter := The_Iter; end Init; procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator) is begin Iter.Set_Iter := Iter.Set_Iter.Link; while Iter.Set_Iter = null loop if Iter.Index_Value = Index'Last then Iter.Done := True; return; end if; Iter.Index_Value := Iter.Index_Value + 1; Iter.Set_Iter := Iter.The_Map.Bucket (Iter.Index_Value); end loop; end Next; function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Domain_Type is begin return Iter.Set_Iter.Value.D; end Value; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iter.Done; end Done; function Cardinality (The_Map : Map) return Natural is begin return The_Map.Size; end Cardinality; function Nil return Map is begin return null; end Nil; function Is_Nil (The_Map : Map) return Boolean is begin return The_Map = null; end Is_Nil; end Map_Generic;with Floating_Characteristics; use Floating_Characteristics; package Numeric_Io is Exp_Large : Float; Exp_Small : Float; function Sqrt (X : Float) return Float; function Cbrt (X : Float) return Float; function Log (X : Float) return Float; function Log10 (X : Float) return Float; function Exp (X : Float) return Float; function "**" (X, Y : Float) return Float; end Numeric_Io;with Text_Io; use Text_Io; with Floating_Characteristics; use Floating_Characteristics; --with Numeric_Io; --use Numeric_Io; with Numeric_Primitives; use Numeric_Primitives; package body Numeric_Io is -- The following routines are coded directly from the algorithms and -- coeficients given in "Software Manual for the Elementry Functions" -- by William J. Cody, Jr. and William Waite, Prentice_Hall, 1980 -- CBRT by analogy -- A more general formulation uses MANTISSA_TYPE, etc. -- The coeficients are appropriate for 25 to 32 bits floating significance -- They will work for less but slightly shorter versions are possible -- The routines are coded to stand alone so they need not be compiled together -- These routines have been coded to accept a general MANTISSA_TYPE -- That is, they are designed to work with a manitssa either fixed of float -- There are some explicit conversions which are required but these will -- not cause any extra code to be generated -- 16 JULY 1982 W A WHITAKER AFATL EGLIN AFB FL 32542 -- T C EICHOLTZ USAFA function Sqrt (X : Float) return Float is M, N : Exponent_Type; F, Y : Mantissa_Type; Result : Float; subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 100; -- ######################### Sqrt_L1 : Index := 3; -- Could get away with SQRT_L1 := 2 for 28 bits -- Using the better Cody-Waite coeficients overflows MANTISSA_TYPE Sqrt_C1 : Mantissa_Type := 8#0.3317777777#; Sqrt_C2 : Mantissa_Type := 8#0.4460000000#; Sqrt_C3 : Mantissa_Type := 8#0.55202_36314_77747_36311_0#; begin if X = Zero then Result := Zero; return Result; elsif X = One then -- To get exact SQRT(1.0) Result := One; return Result; elsif X < Zero then New_Line; Put ("CALLED SQRT FOR NEGATIVE ARGUMENT "); raise Program_Error; --Put (X); Put (" USED ABSOLUTE VALUE"); New_Line; Result := Sqrt (abs (X)); return Result; else Defloat (X, N, F); Y := Sqrt_C1 + Mantissa_Type (Sqrt_C2 * F); for J in 1 .. Sqrt_L1 loop Y := Y / Mantissa_Divisor_2 + Mantissa_Type ((F / Mantissa_Divisor_2) / Y); end loop; if (N mod 2) /= 0 then Y := Mantissa_Type (Sqrt_C3 * Y); N := N + 1; end if; M := N / 2; Refloat (M, Y, Result); return Result; end if; exception when others => New_Line; Put (" EXCEPTION IN SQRT, X = "); raise Program_Error --Put (X); ; Put (" RETURNED 1.0"); New_Line; return One; end Sqrt; function Cbrt (X : Float) return Float is M, N : Exponent_Type; F, Y : Mantissa_Type; Result : Float; subtype Index is Integer range 0 .. 100; -- ######################### Cbrt_L1 : Index := 3; Cbrt_C1 : Mantissa_Type := 0.5874009; Cbrt_C2 : Mantissa_Type := 0.4125990; Cbrt_C3 : Mantissa_Type := 0.62996_05249; Cbrt_C4 : Mantissa_Type := 0.79370_05260; begin if X = Zero then Result := Zero; return Result; else Defloat (X, N, F); F := abs (F); Y := Cbrt_C1 + Mantissa_Type (Cbrt_C2 * F); for J in 1 .. Cbrt_L1 loop Y := Y - (Y / Mantissa_Divisor_3 - Mantissa_Type ((F / Mantissa_Divisor_3) / Mantissa_Type (Y * Y))); end loop; case (N mod 3) is when 0 => null; when 1 => Y := Mantissa_Type (Cbrt_C3 * Y); N := N + 2; when 2 => Y := Mantissa_Type (Cbrt_C4 * Y); N := N + 1; when others => null; end case; M := N / 3; if X < Zero then Y := -Y; end if; Refloat (M, Y, Result); return Result; end if; exception when others => Result := One; if X < Zero then Result := -One; end if; New_Line; Put ("EXCEPTION IN CBRT, X = "); raise Program_Error --Put (X); ; Put (" RETURNED "); raise Program_Error --Put (Result); ; New_Line; return Result; end Cbrt; function Log (X : Float) return Float is -- Uses fixed formulation for generality Result : Float; N : Exponent_Type; Xn : Float; Y : Float; F : Mantissa_Type; Z, Zden, Znum : Mantissa_Type; C0 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.20710_67811_86547_52440; -- SQRT(0.5) - 0.5 C1 : constant Float := 8#0.543#; C2 : constant Float := -2.12194_44005_46905_82767_9E-4; function R (Z : Mantissa_Type) return Mantissa_Type is -- Use fixed formulation here because the float coeficents are > 1.0 -- and would exceed the limits on a MANTISSA_TYPE A0 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.04862_85276_587; B0 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.69735_92187_803; B1 : constant Mantissa_Type := -0.125; C : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.01360_09546_862; begin return Z + Mantissa_Type (Z * Mantissa_Type (Mantissa_Type (Z * Z) * (C + Mantissa_Type (A0 / (B0 + Mantissa_Type (B1 * Mantissa_Type (Z * Z))))))); end R; begin if X < Zero then New_Line; Put ("CALLED LOG FOR NEGATIVE "); raise Program_Error --Put (X); ; Put (" USE ABS => "); Result := Log (abs (X)); raise Program_Error --Put (Result); ; New_Line; elsif X = Zero then New_Line; Put ("CALLED LOG FOR ZERO ARGUMENT, RETURNED "); Result := -Xmax; -- SUPPOSED TO BE -LARGE raise Program_Error --Put (Result); ; New_Line; else Defloat (X, N, F); Znum := F - Mantissa_Half; Y := Convert_To_Float (Znum); Zden := Znum / Mantissa_Divisor_2 + Mantissa_Half; if Znum > C0 then Y := Y - Mantissa_Half; Znum := Znum - Mantissa_Half; Zden := Zden + Mantissa_Half / Mantissa_Divisor_2; else N := N - 1; end if; Z := Mantissa_Type (Znum / Zden); Result := Convert_To_Float (R (Z)); if N /= 0 then Xn := Convert_To_Float (N); Result := (Xn * C2 + Result) + Xn * C1; end if; end if; return Result; exception when others => New_Line; Put (" EXCEPTION IN LOG, X = "); raise Program_Error; --Put (X); Put (" RETURNED 0.0"); New_Line; return Zero; end Log; function Log10 (X : Float) return Float is Log_10_Of_2 : constant Float := Convert_To_Float (Mantissa_Type ( 8#0.33626_75425_11562_41615#)); begin return Log (X) * Log_10_Of_2; end Log10; function Exp (X : Float) return Float is Result : Float; N : Exponent_Type; Xg, Xn, X1, X2 : Float; F, G : Mantissa_Type; Bigx : Float := Exp_Large; Smallx : Float := Exp_Small; One_Over_Log_2 : constant Float := 1.4426_95040_88896_34074; C1 : constant Float := 0.69335_9375; C2 : constant Float := -2.1219_44400_54690_58277E-4; function R (G : Mantissa_Type) return Mantissa_Type is Z, Gp, Q : Mantissa_Type; P0 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.24999_99999_9992; P1 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.00595_04254_9776; Q0 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.5; Q1 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.05356_75176_4522; Q2 : constant Mantissa_Type := 0.00029_72936_3682; begin Z := Mantissa_Type (G * G); Gp := Mantissa_Type ((Mantissa_Type (P1 * Z) + P0) * G); Q := Mantissa_Type ((Mantissa_Type (Q2 * Z) + Q1) * Z) + Q0; return Mantissa_Half + Mantissa_Type (Gp / (Q - Gp)); end R; begin if X > Bigx then New_Line; Put (" EXP CALLED WITH TOO BIG A POSITIVE ARGUMENT, "); raise Program_Error --Put (X); ; Put (" RETURNED XMAX"); New_Line; Result := Xmax; elsif X < Smallx then New_Line; Put (" EXP CALLED WITH TOO BIG A NEGATIVE ARGUMENT, "); raise Program_Error; --Put (X); Put (" RETURNED ZERO"); New_Line; Result := Zero; elsif abs (X) < Eps then Result := One; else N := Exponent_Type (X * One_Over_Log_2); Xn := Convert_To_Float (N); X1 := Round (X); X2 := X - X1; Xg := ((X1 - Xn * C1) + X2) - Xn * C2; G := Mantissa_Type (Xg); N := N + 1; F := R (G); Refloat (N, F, Result); end if; return Result; exception when others => New_Line; Put (" EXCEPTION IN EXP, X = "); raise Program_Error; --Put (X); Put (" RETURNED 1.0"); New_Line; return One; end Exp; function "**" (X, Y : Float) return Float is -- This is the last function to be coded since it appeared that it really -- was un-Ada-like and ought not be in the regular package -- Nevertheless it was included in this version -- It is specific for FLOAT and does not have the MANTISSA_TYPE generality M, N : Exponent_Type; G : Mantissa_Type; P, Temp, Iw1, I : Integer; Result, Z, V, R, U1, U2, W, W1, W2, W3, Y1, Y2 : Float; K : constant Float := 0.44269_50408_88963_40736; Ibigx : constant Integer := Integer (Truncate (16.0 * Log (Xmax) - 1.0)); Ismallx : constant Integer := Integer (Truncate (16.0 * Log (Xmin) + 1.0)); P1 : constant Float := 0.83333_32862_45E-1; P2 : constant Float := 0.12506_48500_52E-1; Q1 : constant Float := 0.69314_71805_56341; Q2 : constant Float := 0.24022_65061_44710; Q3 : constant Float := 0.55504_04881_30765E-1; Q4 : constant Float := 0.96162_06595_83789E-2; Q5 : constant Float := 0.13052_55159_42810E-2; A1 : array (1 .. 17) of Float := (8#1.00000_0000#, 8#0.75222_5750#, 8#0.72540_3067#, 8#0.70146_3367#, 8#0.65642_3746#, 8#0.63422_2140#, 8#0.61263_4520#, 8#0.57204_2434#, 8#0.55202_3631#, 8#0.53254_0767#, 8#0.51377_3265#, 8#0.47572_4623#, 8#0.46033_7602#, 8#0.44341_7233#, 8#0.42712_7017#, 8#0.41325_3033#, 8#0.40000_0000#); A2 : array (1 .. 8) of Float := (8#0.00000_00005_22220_66302_61734_72062#, 8#0.00000_00003_02522_47021_04062_61124#, 8#0.00000_00005_21760_44016_17421_53016#, 8#0.00000_00007_65401_41553_72504_02177#, 8#0.00000_00002_44124_12254_31114_01243#, 8#0.00000_00000_11064_10432_66404_42174#, 8#0.00000_00004_72542_16063_30176_55544#, 8#0.00000_00001_74611_03661_23056_22556#); function Reduce (V : Float) return Float is begin return Float (Integer (16.0 * V)) * 0.0625; end Reduce; begin if X <= Zero then if X < Zero then Result := (abs (X)) ** Y; New_Line; Put ("X**Y CALLED WITH X = "); raise Program_Error; --Put (X); New_Line; Put ("USED ABS, RETURNED "); raise Program_Error --Put (Result); ; New_Line; else if Y <= Zero then if Y = Zero then Result := Zero; else Result := Xmax; end if; New_Line; Put ("X**Y CALLED WITH X = 0, Y = "); raise Program_Error; --Put (Y); New_Line; Put ("RETURNED "); raise Program_Error --Put (Result); ; New_Line; else Result := Zero; end if; end if; else Defloat (X, M, G); P := 1; if G <= A1 (9) then P := 9; end if; if G <= A1 (P + 4) then P := P + 4; end if; if G <= A1 (P + 2) then P := P + 2; end if; Z := ((G - A1 (P + 1)) - A2 ((P + 1) / 2)) / (G + A1 (P + 1)); Z := Z + Z; V := Z * Z; R := (P2 * V + P1) * V * Z; R := R + K * R; U2 := (R + Z * K) + Z; U1 := Float (Integer (M) * 16 - P) * 0.0625; Y1 := Reduce (Y); Y2 := Y - Y1; W := U2 * Y + U1 * Y2; W1 := Reduce (W); W2 := W - W1; W := W1 + U1 * Y1; W1 := Reduce (W); W2 := W2 + (W - W1); W3 := Reduce (W2); Iw1 := Integer (Truncate (16.0 * (W1 + W3))); W2 := W2 - W3; if W > Float (Ibigx) then Result := Xmax; Put ("X**Y CALLED X ="); raise Program_Error; --Put (X); Put (" Y ="); raise Program_Error --Put (Y); ; Put (" TOO LARGE RETURNED "); raise Program_Error; --Put (Result); New_Line; elsif W < Float (Ismallx) then Result := Zero; Put ("X**Y CALLED X ="); raise Program_Error; --Put (X); Put (" Y ="); raise Program_Error --Put (Y); ; Put (" TOO SMALL RETURNED "); raise Program_Error --Put (Result); ; New_Line; else if W2 > Zero then W2 := W2 - 0.0625; Iw1 := Iw1 + 1; end if; if Iw1 < Integer (Zero) then I := 0; else I := 1; end if; M := Exponent_Type (I + Iw1 / 16); P := 16 * Integer (M) - Iw1; Z := ((((Q5 * W2 + Q4) * W2 + Q3) * W2 + Q2) * W2 + Q1) * W2; Z := A1 (P + 1) + (A1 (P + 1) * Z); Refloat (M, Z, Result); end if; end if; return Result; end "**"; begin Exp_Large := Log (Xmax) * (One - Eps); Exp_Small := Log (Xmin) * (One - Eps); end Numeric_Io; with Floating_Characteristics; use Floating_Characteristics; package Numeric_Primitives is -- This may seem a little much but is put in this form to allow the -- same form to be used for a generic package -- If that is not needed, simple litterals could be substituted Zero : Float := Convert_To_Float (Integer (0)); One : Float := Convert_To_Float (Integer (1)); Two : Float := One + One; Three : Float := One + One + One; Half : Float := One / Two; -- The following "constants" are effectively deferred to -- the initialization part of the package body -- This is in order to make it possible to generalize the floating type -- If that capability is not desired, constants may be included here Pi : Float; One_Over_Pi : Float; Two_Over_Pi : Float; Pi_Over_Two : Float; Pi_Over_Three : Float; Pi_Over_Four : Float; Pi_Over_Six : Float; function Sign (X, Y : Float) return Float; -- Returns the value of X with the sign of Y function Max (X, Y : Float) return Float; -- Returns the algebraicly larger of X and Y function Min (X, Y : Float) return Float; -- Returns the algebraicly smaller of X and Y function Truncate (X : Float) return Float; -- Returns the floating value of the integer no larger than X -- AINT(X) function Round (X : Float) return Float; -- Returns the floating value nearest X -- AINTRND(X) function Ran return Float; -- This uses a portable algorithm and is included at this point -- Algorithms that presume unique machine hardware information -- should be initiated in FLOATING_CHARACTERISTICS end Numeric_Primitives;with Floating_Characteristics; use Floating_Characteristics; package body Numeric_Primitives is function Sign (X, Y : Float) return Float is -- Returns the value of X with the sign of Y begin if Y >= 0.0 then return X; else return -X; end if; end Sign; function Max (X, Y : Float) return Float is begin if X >= Y then return X; else return Y; end if; end Max; function Min (X, Y : Float) return Float is begin if X <= Y then return X; else return Y; end if; end Min; function Truncate (X : Float) return Float is -- Optimum code depends on how the system rounds at exact halves begin if Float (Integer (X)) = X then return X; end if; if X > Zero then return Float (Integer (X - Half)); elsif X = Zero then return Zero; else return Float (Integer (X + Half)); end if; end Truncate; function Round (X : Float) return Float is begin return Float (Integer (X)); end Round; package Key is X : Integer := 10_001; Y : Integer := 20_001; Z : Integer := 30_001; end Key; function Ran return Float is -- This rectangular random number routine is adapted from a report -- "A Pseudo-Random Number Generator" by B. A. Wichmann and I. D. Hill -- NPL Report DNACS XX (to be published) -- In this stripped version, it is suitable for machines supporting -- INTEGER at only 16 bits and is portable in Ada W : Float; begin Key.X := 171 * (Key.X mod 177 - 177) - 2 * (Key.X / 177); if Key.X < 0 then Key.X := Key.X + 30269; end if; Key.Y := 172 * (Key.Y mod 176 - 176) - 35 * (Key.Y / 176); if Key.Y < 0 then Key.Y := Key.Y + 30307; end if; Key.Z := 170 * (Key.Z mod 178 - 178) - 63 * (Key.Z / 178); if Key.Z < 0 then Key.Z := Key.Z + 30323; end if; -- CONVERT_TO_FLOAT is used instead of FLOAT since the floating -- type may be software defined W := Convert_To_Float (Key.X) / 30269.0 + Convert_To_Float (Key.Y) / 30307.0 + Convert_To_Float (Key.Z) / 30323.0; return W - Convert_To_Float (Integer (W - 0.5)); end Ran; begin Pi := Convert_To_Float (Integer (3)) + Convert_To_Float (Mantissa_Type (0.14159_26535_89793_23846)); One_Over_Pi := Convert_To_Float (Mantissa_Type (0.31830_98861_83790_67154)); Two_Over_Pi := Convert_To_Float (Mantissa_Type (0.63661_97723_67581_34308)); Pi_Over_Two := Convert_To_Float (Integer (1)) + Convert_To_Float (Mantissa_Type ( 0.57079_63267_94896_61923)); Pi_Over_Three := Convert_To_Float (Integer (1)) + Convert_To_Float (Mantissa_Type (0.04719_75511_96597_74615)); Pi_Over_Four := Convert_To_Float (Mantissa_Type (0.78539_81633_97448_30962)); Pi_Over_Six := Convert_To_Float (Mantissa_Type (0.52359_87755_98298_87308)); end Numeric_Primitives; generic type Element is private; pragma Must_Be_Constrained (Yes => Element); package Queue_Generic is type Queue is private; procedure Initialize (Q : out Queue); function Is_Empty (Q : Queue) return Boolean; procedure Make_Empty (Q : in out Queue); procedure Copy (Target : in out Queue; Source : Queue); procedure Add (Q : in out Queue; X : Element); procedure Delete (Q : in out Queue); function First (Q : Queue) return Element; -- on calls to delete and first, not is_empty(q) is assumed -- constraint error will be raises is is_empty(q) type Iterator is limited private; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; Q : Queue); procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator); function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Element; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean; ------------------------------------------------------ -- Implementation Notes and Non-Standard Operations -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- variables of type queue are initially empty -- therefore, the call to initialize is optional -- := and = are meaningless -- := implies sharing (introduces an alias) for sub-structures -- garbage may be generated private type Node; type Pointer is access Node; type Node is record Value : Element; Link : Pointer; end record; type Queue is record Head : Pointer; Tail : Pointer; end record; type Iterator is new Queue; end Queue_Generic;package body Queue_Generic is procedure Initialize (Q : out Queue) is begin null; end Initialize; function Is_Empty (Q : Queue) return Boolean is begin return Q.Head = null; end Is_Empty; procedure Make_Empty (Q : in out Queue) is begin Q.Head := null; Q.Tail := null; end Make_Empty; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; Q : Queue) is begin Iter := Iterator (Q); end Init; procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator) is begin Iter.Head := Iter.Head.Link; end Next; function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Element is begin return Iter.Head.Value; end Value; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iter.Head = null; end Done; procedure Copy (Target : in out Queue; Source : Queue) is Iter : Iterator; begin Make_Empty (Target); Init (Iter, Source); while not Done (Iter) loop Add (Target, Value (Iter)); Next (Iter); end loop; end Copy; procedure Add (Q : in out Queue; X : Element) is New_Node : constant Pointer := new Node'(X, null); begin if Q.Head = null then Q.Head := New_Node; else Q.Tail.Link := New_Node; end if; Q.Tail := New_Node; end Add; procedure Delete (Q : in out Queue) is First : constant Pointer := Q.Head; begin Q.Head := First.Link; First.Link := null; if Q.Head = null then Q.Tail := null; end if; end Delete; function First (Q : Queue) return Element is begin return Q.Head.Value; end First; end Queue_Generic;generic type Element is private; -- must be a pure value -- ie. no initialization or finalization is necessary -- = and := are equality and copy pragma Must_Be_Constrained (Yes => Element); package Set_Generic is type Set is private; procedure Initialize (S : out Set); function Is_Empty (S : Set) return Boolean; procedure Make_Empty (S : in out Set); procedure Copy (Target : in out Set; Source : Set); function Is_Member (S : Set; X : Element) return Boolean; procedure Add (S : in out Set; X : Element); procedure Delete (S : in out Set; X : Element); -- X is (is not) in S then the operation add (delete) is a no op. type Iterator is limited private; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; S : Set); procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator); function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Element; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean; ------------------------------------------------------ -- Implementation Notes and Non-Standard Operations -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- variables of type set are initially empty -- therefore, the call to initialize is optional -- initialize does make the set empty -- := and = operate on references -- := implies sharing (introduces an alias) -- = means is the same set, not the same value of type set -- garbage may be generated -- Concurrency Properties -- any number of read operations (is_empty,is_member) can procede -- concurrently with one write operations (add/delete/make_empty) private type Node is record Value : Element; Link : Set; end record; type Set is access Node; type Iterator is new Set; end Set_Generic;package body Set_Generic is procedure Initialize (S : out Set) is begin S := null; end Initialize; function Is_Empty (S : Set) return Boolean is begin return S = null; end Is_Empty; procedure Make_Empty (S : in out Set) is begin S := null; end Make_Empty; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; S : Set) is begin Iter := Iterator (S); end Init; procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator) is begin Iter := Iterator (Iter.Link); end Next; function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Element is begin return Iter.Value; end Value; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iter = null; end Done; procedure Copy (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) is Rest : Set := Source; begin Target := null; while Rest /= null loop Target := new Node'(Rest.Value, Target); Rest := Rest.Link; end loop; end Copy; function Is_Member (S : Set; X : Element) return Boolean is Rest : Set := S; begin while Rest /= null loop if Rest.Value = X then return True; end if; Rest := Rest.Link; end loop; return False; end Is_Member; procedure Add (S : in out Set; X : Element) is begin if not Is_Member (S, X) then S := new Node'(X, S); end if; end Add; procedure Delete (S : in out Set; X : Element) is Current : Set := S; Previous : Set := null; begin while Current /= null loop if Current.Value = X then if Previous /= null then Previous.Link := Current.Link; else S := Current.Link; end if; return; end if; Previous := Current; Current := Current.Link; end loop; end Delete; end Set_Generic;generic type Element is private; pragma Must_Be_Constrained (Yes => Element); package Stack_Generic is type Stack is private; Empty_Stack : constant Stack; -- It is expected that a declared stack is initialized to Empty_Stack procedure Make_Empty (S : in out Stack); procedure Pop (S : in out Stack); procedure Push (X : Element; S : in out Stack); function Empty (S : Stack) return Boolean; function Top (S : Stack) return Element; procedure Copy (Target : in out Stack; Source : Stack); Underflow : exception; type Iterator is private; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; S : Stack); procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator); function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Element; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean; private type Stack_Node; type Stack is access Stack_Node; Empty_Stack : constant Stack := null; type Iterator is new Stack; end Stack_Generic;package body Stack_Generic is type Stack_Node is record Elt : Element; Link : Stack; end record; procedure Make_Empty (S : in out Stack) is begin S := null; end Make_Empty; procedure Pop (S : in out Stack) is begin if S = null then raise Underflow; else S := S.Link; end if; end Pop; procedure Push (X : Element; S : in out Stack) is New_Node : Stack; begin New_Node := new Stack_Node'(Elt => X, Link => S); S := New_Node; end Push; function Empty (S : Stack) return Boolean is begin return S = null; end Empty; function Top (S : Stack) return Element is begin if S = null then raise Underflow; else return S.Elt; end if; end Top; procedure Copy (Target : in out Stack; Source : Stack) is Rest_Of_Source : Stack; Last_Of_Target : Stack; begin if Source /= null then Target := new Stack_Node'(Elt => Source.Elt, Link => null); Last_Of_Target := Target; Rest_Of_Source := Source.Link; while Rest_Of_Source /= null loop Last_Of_Target.Link := new Stack_Node'(Elt => Rest_Of_Source.Elt, Link => null); Last_Of_Target := Last_Of_Target.Link; Rest_Of_Source := Rest_Of_Source.Link; end loop; else Target := null; end if; end Copy; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; S : Stack) is begin Iter := Iterator (S); end Init; procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator) is begin Iter := Iterator (Iter.Link); end Next; function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Element is begin return Iter.Elt; end Value; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iter = null; end Done; end Stack_Generic;generic Size : Integer; type Range_Type is private; -- Range_Type is a pure value -- no initialization or finalization of values of range_type is -- necessary -- = and := can be used for equality and copy Ignore_Case : Boolean := True; pragma Must_Be_Constrained (Yes => Range_Type); package String_Map_Generic is type Map is private; function Eval (The_Map : Map; D : String) return Range_Type; procedure Find (The_Map : Map; D : String; R : in out Range_Type; Success : out Boolean); procedure Define (The_Map : in out Map; D : String; R : Range_Type; Trap_Multiples : Boolean := False); procedure Undefine (The_Map : in out Map; D : String); procedure Initialize (The_Map : out Map); function Is_Empty (The_Map : Map) return Boolean; procedure Make_Empty (The_Map : in out Map); procedure Copy (Target : in out Map; Source : Map); type Iterator is private; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; The_Map : Map); procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator); function Value (Iter : Iterator) return String; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean; Undefined : exception; -- raised by eval if the domain value in not in the map Multiply_Defined : exception; -- raised by define if the domain value is already defined and -- the trap_multiples flag has been specified (ie. is true) function Nil return Map; function Is_Nil (The_Map : Map) return Boolean; function Cardinality (The_Map : Map) return Natural; ------------------------------------------------------ -- Implementation Notes and Non-Standard Operations -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- := and = operate on references -- := implies sharing (introduces an alias) -- = means is the same set, not the same value of type set -- Initializing a map also makes it empty -- Accessing an uninitialized map will raise CONSTRAINT_ERROR. -- garbage may be generated private subtype Index is Natural range 0 .. Size - 1; type Node (Size : Natural); type Set is access Node; type Table is array (Index) of Set; type Map_Data is record Bucket : Table; Size : Integer := 0; end record; type Map is access Map_Data; type Iterator is record The_Map : Map; Index_Value : Index; Set_Iter : Set; Done : Boolean; end record; type Node (Size : Natural) is record Link : Set; Value : Range_Type; Name : String (1 .. Size); end record; end String_Map_Generic;with String_Utilities; package body String_Map_Generic is function Find (S : Set; Name : String) return Set is Rest : Set := S; begin if Ignore_Case then declare Upper_Name : constant String := String_Utilities.Upper_Case (Name); begin while Rest /= null loop if Rest.Name'Length = Upper_Name'Length and then String_Utilities.Upper_Case (Rest.Name) = Upper_Name then return Rest; end if; Rest := Rest.Link; end loop; end; else while Rest /= null loop if Rest.Name = Name then return Rest; end if; Rest := Rest.Link; end loop; end if; return null; end Find; function Hash (Name : String) return Index is begin return Index'(String_Utilities.Hash_String (Name) mod Size); end Hash; pragma Inline (Hash); function Eval (The_Map : Map; D : String) return Range_Type is Ptr : Set := Find (The_Map.Bucket (Hash (D)), D); begin if Ptr /= null then return Ptr.Value; else raise Undefined; end if; end Eval; procedure Find (The_Map : Map; D : String; R : in out Range_Type; Success : out Boolean) is Ptr : Set := Find (The_Map.Bucket (Hash (D)), D); begin if Ptr /= null then R := Ptr.Value; Success := True; else Success := False; end if; end Find; procedure Define (The_Map : in out Map; D : String; R : Range_Type; Trap_Multiples : Boolean := False) is This_Node : Set renames The_Map.Bucket (Hash (D)); The_Set : Set := This_Node; Ptr : Set := Find (The_Set, D); begin if Ptr = null then This_Node := new Node (D'Length); declare N : Node renames This_Node.all; begin N.Link := The_Set; N.Value := R; N.Name := D; end; The_Map.Size := The_Map.Size + 1; elsif Trap_Multiples then raise Multiply_Defined; else Ptr.Value := R; end if; end Define; procedure Undefine (The_Map : in out Map; D : String) is The_Bucket : Index := Hash (D); Current : Set := The_Map.Bucket (The_Bucket); Previous : Set := null; begin while Current /= null loop if Current.Name = D then if Previous /= null then Previous.Link := Current.Link; else The_Map.Bucket (The_Bucket) := Current.Link; end if; The_Map.Size := The_Map.Size - 1; return; else Previous := Current; Current := Current.Link; end if; end loop; raise Undefined; end Undefine; procedure Copy (Target : in out Map; Source : Map) is Rest : Set; begin for I in Index loop Rest := Source.Bucket (I); Target.Bucket (I) := null; while Rest /= null loop Target.Bucket (I) := new Node'(Size => Rest.Name'Length, Name => Rest.Name, Value => Rest.Value, Link => Target.Bucket (I)); Rest := Rest.Link; end loop; end loop; Target.Size := Source.Size; end Copy; procedure Initialize (The_Map : out Map) is begin The_Map := new Map_Data; end Initialize; function Is_Empty (The_Map : Map) return Boolean is Iter : Iterator; begin for I in Index loop if The_Map.Bucket (I) /= null then return False; end if; end loop; return True; end Is_Empty; procedure Make_Empty (The_Map : in out Map) is begin for I in Index loop The_Map.Bucket (I) := null; end loop; end Make_Empty; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; The_Map : Map) is The_Iter : Iterator; begin for I in Index loop The_Iter.Set_Iter := The_Map.Bucket (I); if The_Iter.Set_Iter /= null then The_Iter.Done := False; The_Iter.Index_Value := I; The_Iter.The_Map := The_Map; Iter := The_Iter; return; end if; end loop; The_Iter.Done := True; Iter := The_Iter; end Init; procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator) is begin Iter.Set_Iter := Iter.Set_Iter.Link; while Iter.Set_Iter = null loop if Iter.Index_Value = Index'Last then Iter.Done := True; return; end if; Iter.Index_Value := Iter.Index_Value + 1; Iter.Set_Iter := Iter.The_Map.Bucket (Iter.Index_Value); end loop; end Next; function Value (Iter : Iterator) return String is begin return Iter.Set_Iter.Name; end Value; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iter.Done; end Done; function Nil return Map is begin return null; end Nil; function Is_Nil (The_Map : Map) return Boolean is begin return The_Map = null; end Is_Nil; function Cardinality (The_Map : Map) return Natural is begin return The_Map.Size; end Cardinality; end String_Map_Generic;package String_Table is type Item is private; type Table is private; Table_Full : exception; -- create a table for unique strings function New_Table (Minimum_Table_Size : Natural := 127) return Table; function Nil return Item; -- return unique item in table, ignore_case => upper_case storage function Unique (Source : String; In_Table : Table; Ignore_Case : Boolean := True) return Item; -- return item if present, otherwise Nil function Find (Source : String; In_Table : Table; Ignore_Case : Boolean := True) return Item; -- return an item without entering in table function Allocate (Source : String; In_Table : Table) return Item; -- compare strings for identity, then same contents function Equal (L, R : Item) return Boolean; -- representation of string, suitable for hashing function Unique_Index (U : Item) return Integer; -- value of character or entire string function Char_At (Source : Item; At_Pos : Natural) return Character; function Image (Source : Item) return String; function Length (Source : Item) return Natural; function Is_Nil (Source : Item) return Boolean; type Iterator is private; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; The_Table : Table); procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator); function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Item; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean; private type Table_Storage; type Table is access Table_Storage; type Item is access String; type Sym_Rec; type Long_Sym_Pointer is access Sym_Rec; type Sym_Pointer is new Long_Sym_Pointer; subtype Element_Index is Integer; type Iterator is record The_Table : Table; Bucket : Element_Index; Member : Long_Sym_Pointer; end record; end String_Table;with String_Utilities; with Unchecked_Conversion; package body String_Table is function Item_To_Integer is new Unchecked_Conversion (Item, Integer); package Util renames String_Utilities; type Sym_Rec is record Value : Item; Next : Sym_Pointer; end record; type Table_Storage is array (Element_Index range <>) of Sym_Pointer; function Nil return Item is begin return null; end Nil; function Hash_Code (S : String; Hash_Size : Positive) return Element_Index is begin return Element_Index (abs (Util.Hash_String (S) mod Hash_Size)); end Hash_Code; pragma Inline (Hash_Code); function New_Table (Minimum_Table_Size : Natural := 127) return Table is begin return new Table_Storage (0 .. Minimum_Table_Size); end New_Table; function Unique (Source : String; In_Table : Table; Ignore_Case : Boolean := True) return Item is Bucket : Sym_Pointer renames In_Table (Hash_Code (Source, In_Table'Length)); Chain : Sym_Pointer := Bucket; begin if Source'Length = 0 then return null; end if; if Ignore_Case then declare S : constant String := Util.Upper_Case (Source); begin while Chain /= null loop if Util.Upper_Case (Chain.Value.all) = S then return Chain.Value; end if; Chain := Chain.Next; end loop; end; else while Chain /= null loop if Chain.Value.all = Source then return Chain.Value; end if; Chain := Chain.Next; end loop; end if; Chain := new Sym_Rec; Chain.Value := new String'(Source); Chain.Next := Bucket; Bucket := Chain; return Chain.Value; end Unique; function Find (Source : String; In_Table : Table; Ignore_Case : Boolean := True) return Item is Chain : Sym_Pointer := In_Table (Hash_Code (Source, In_Table'Length)); begin if Source'Length = 0 then return null; end if; if Ignore_Case then declare S : constant String := Util.Upper_Case (Source); begin while Chain /= null loop if Util.Upper_Case (Chain.Value.all) = S then return Chain.Value; end if; Chain := Chain.Next; end loop; end; else while Chain /= null loop if Chain.Value.all = Source then return Chain.Value; end if; Chain := Chain.Next; end loop; end if; return null; end Find; function Allocate (Source : String; In_Table : Table) return Item is begin if Source'Length > 0 then return new String'(Source); else return Nil; end if; end Allocate; function Equal (L, R : Item) return Boolean is begin return L = R or else ((L /= Nil and then R /= Nil) and then L.all = R.all); end Equal; function Unique_Index (U : Item) return Integer is begin return Item_To_Integer (U); end Unique_Index; function Char_At (Source : Item; At_Pos : Natural) return Character is begin return Source (At_Pos - 1 + Source'First); end Char_At; function Image (Source : Item) return String is begin if Source = Nil then return ""; else return Source.all; end if; end Image; function Length (Source : Item) return Natural is begin if Source = Nil then return 0; else return Source.all'Length; end if; end Length; function Is_Nil (Source : Item) return Boolean is begin return Source = Nil; end Is_Nil; procedure Incr (Iter : in out Iterator) is begin loop Iter.Member := Long_Sym_Pointer (Iter.The_Table (Iter.Bucket)); exit when Iter.Member /= null or else Iter.Bucket = Iter.The_Table'Last; Iter.Bucket := Iter.Bucket + 1; end loop; end Incr; procedure Init (Iter : out Iterator; The_Table : Table) is The_Iter : Iterator; begin The_Iter.The_Table := The_Table; The_Iter.Bucket := 0; Incr (The_Iter); Iter := The_Iter; end Init; procedure Next (Iter : in out Iterator) is begin Iter.Member := Long_Sym_Pointer (Iter.Member.Next); if Iter.Member = null and then Iter.Bucket /= Iter.The_Table'Last then Iter.Bucket := Iter.Bucket + 1; Incr (Iter); end if; end Next; function Value (Iter : Iterator) return Item is begin return Iter.Member.Value; end Value; function Done (Iter : Iterator) return Boolean is begin return Iter.Member = null; end Done; end String_Table;package String_Utilities is function Hash_String (S : String) return Integer; procedure Upper_Case (C : in out Character); procedure Lower_Case (C : in out Character); function Upper_Case (C : Character) return Character; function Lower_Case (C : Character) return Character; procedure Upper_Case (S : in out String); procedure Lower_Case (S : in out String); -- string returned has same 'First and 'Last as S function Upper_Case (S : String) return String; function Lower_Case (S : String) return String; function Number_To_String (Value : Integer; Base : Natural := 10; Width : Natural := 0; Leading : Character := ' ') return String; -- function Number_To_String (Value : Long_Integer; -- Base : Natural := 10; -- Width : Natural := 0; -- Leading : Character := ' ') return String; procedure String_To_Number (Source : String; Target : out Integer; Worked : out Boolean; Base : Natural := 10); -- procedure String_To_Number (Source : String; -- Target : out Long_Integer; -- Worked : out Boolean; -- Base : Natural := 10); function Strip_Leading (From : String; Filler : Character := ' ') return String; function Strip_Trailing (From : String; Filler : Character := ' ') return String; function Strip (From : String; Filler : Character := ' ') return String; -- Searches and compares -- Locate returns the index value in Within if found, 0 otherwise function Locate (Fragment : String; Within : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Natural; function Locate (Fragment : Character; Within : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Natural; function Reverse_Locate (Fragment : String; Within : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Natural; function Reverse_Locate (Fragment : Character; Within : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Natural; function Equal (Str1 : String; Str2 : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Boolean; function Less_Than (Str1 : String; Str2 : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Boolean; function Greater_Than (Str1 : String; Str2 : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Boolean; procedure Capitalize (S : in out String); function Capitalize (S : String) return String; end String_Utilities;with Bounded_String; package body String_Utilities is type Translate_Table is array (Character) of Character; type Equality_Table is array (Character, Character) of Boolean; pragma Pack (Equality_Table); Upper_Ascii : Translate_Table; Lower_Ascii : Translate_Table; Equal_Mod_Case : Equality_Table := (others => (others => False)); subtype Translation is Integer range 0 .. 2 ** 8 - 1; -- Next_Cap is 0..1 * 2**7 -- Lower_Char is 0..127 type Caps_Array is array (Translation) of Translation; Caps : Caps_Array; Char : constant Translation := 2 ** 7; Base_Characters : array (0 .. 15) of Character := ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'); procedure Capitalize (S : in out String) is Upper : Translation := 0; begin for I in S'Range loop declare C : Character renames S (I); T : Translation renames Caps (Character'Pos (C) + Upper); begin C := Character'Val (T mod Char); Upper := T - Character'Pos (C); end; end loop; end Capitalize; function Capitalize (S : String) return String is Upper : Translation := 0; New_S : String (S'Range) := S; begin for I in New_S'Range loop declare C : Character renames New_S (I); T : Translation renames Caps (Character'Pos (C) + Upper); begin C := Character'Val (T mod Char); Upper := T - Character'Pos (C); end; end loop; return New_S; end Capitalize; function Upper_Case (C : Character) return Character is begin return Upper_Ascii (C); end Upper_Case; function Lower_Case (C : Character) return Character is begin return Lower_Ascii (C); end Lower_Case; procedure Upper_Case (C : in out Character) is begin C := Upper_Ascii (C); end Upper_Case; procedure Lower_Case (C : in out Character) is begin C := Lower_Ascii (C); end Lower_Case; procedure Upper_Case (S : in out String) is begin for I in S'Range loop S (I) := Upper_Ascii (S (I)); end loop; end Upper_Case; procedure Lower_Case (S : in out String) is begin for I in S'Range loop S (I) := Lower_Ascii (S (I)); end loop; end Lower_Case; function Upper_Case (S : String) return String is New_S : String (S'First .. S'Last); begin for I in S'Range loop New_S (I) := Upper_Ascii (S (I)); end loop; return New_S; end Upper_Case; function Lower_Case (S : String) return String is New_S : String (S'First .. S'Last); begin for I in S'Range loop New_S (I) := Lower_Ascii (S (I)); end loop; return New_S; end Lower_Case; -- It is expected that specific targets will be able to get better hashes -- using code insertions. function Hash_String (S : String) return Integer is L : constant Integer := S'Length; Result : Integer := L; begin if L > 0 then Result := Result + 2 ** 5 * Character'Pos (Upper_Ascii (S (S'First))) + Character'Pos (Upper_Ascii (S (S'First + (1 + S'Last - S'First) / 2))) + 2 ** 3 * Character'Pos (Upper_Ascii (S (S'Last))); end if; return Result; end Hash_String; function Number_To_String (Value : Integer; Base : Natural := 10; Width : Natural := 0; Leading : Character := ' ') return String is Sign : Boolean := False; Result : Bounded_String.Variable_String (80); Ch : Integer; procedure N2s (Num : Integer; Width : Integer) is begin if Num = 0 then -- Handle leading stuff for I in 1 .. Width loop Bounded_String.Append (Result, Leading); end loop; if Sign then Bounded_String.Append (Result, '-'); end if; if Value = 0 then if Width > 0 then Bounded_String.Replace (Result, Bounded_String.Length (Result), '0'); else Bounded_String.Append (Result, '0'); end if; end if; else N2s (Num / Base, Width - 1); if not Sign then Ch := Num mod Base; else Ch := Base - Num mod Base; if Ch = Base then Ch := 0; end if; end if; Bounded_String.Append (Result, Base_Characters (Ch)); end if; end N2s; begin Bounded_String.Set_Length (Result, 0); if Value < 0 then Sign := True; N2s (Value, Width - 1); else N2s (Value, Width); end if; return Bounded_String.Image (Result); end Number_To_String; -- the above used to be the long_integer version -- function Number_To_String (Value : Integer; -- Base : Natural := 10; -- Width : Natural := 0; -- Leading : Character := ' ') return String is -- begin -- return Number_To_String (Long_Integer (Value), Base, Width, Leading); -- end Number_To_String; -- the following used to be the long_integer version procedure String_To_Number (Source : String; Target : out Integer; Worked : out Boolean; Base : Natural := 10) is Sign : Integer; Result : Integer; Ch : Character; Char_Val : Integer; Prefix : Boolean := True; begin Worked := False; Target := 0; Result := 0; Sign := +1; for I in Source'Range loop Ch := Source (I); if Ch = ' ' then if not Prefix then return; end if; else if Prefix and Ch = '-' then Sign := -1; else if Ch in '0' .. '9' then Char_Val := (Character'Pos (Ch) - 48); else Upper_Case (Ch); if Ch in 'A' .. 'F' then Char_Val := Character'Pos (Ch) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10; else -- set Char_Val > any legal base Char_Val := 500; end if; end if; if Char_Val >= Base then return; end if; Result := Result * Base + Char_Val; end if; Prefix := False; end if; end loop; if Source'Length /= 0 and then (Source'Length > 1 or else Sign = +1) then Target := Result * Sign; Worked := True; end if; exception when others => Worked := False; end String_To_Number; -- procedure String_To_Number (Source : String; -- Target : out Integer; -- Worked : out Boolean; -- Base : Natural := 10) is -- Result : Long_Integer; -- begin -- String_To_Number (Source, Result, Worked, Base); -- Target := Integer (Result); -- end String_To_Number; function Locate (Fragment : Character; Within : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Natural is begin if Ignore_Case then for I in Within'Range loop if Equal_Mod_Case (Fragment, Within (I)) then return I; end if; end loop; else for I in Within'Range loop if Fragment = Within (I) then return I; end if; end loop; end if; return 0; end Locate; function Locate (Fragment : String; Within : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Natural is Dec_Length : Integer := Fragment'Length - 1; First : Positive := Fragment'First; First_Char : Character; begin if Dec_Length >= 1 then First_Char := Fragment (First); if Ignore_Case then for I in Within'First .. Within'Last - Dec_Length loop if Equal_Mod_Case (Within (I), First_Char) then for J in reverse 1 .. Dec_Length loop if not Equal_Mod_Case (Fragment (First + J), Within (I + J)) then exit; elsif J = 1 then return I; end if; end loop; end if; end loop; else for I in Within'First .. Within'Last - Dec_Length loop if Within (I) = First_Char then for J in reverse 1 .. Dec_Length loop if Fragment (First + J) /= Within (I + J) then exit; elsif J = 1 then return I; end if; end loop; end if; end loop; end if; return 0; elsif Dec_Length = 0 then return Locate (Fragment (First), Within, Ignore_Case); else return Within'First; end if; end Locate; function Reverse_Locate (Fragment : Character; Within : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Natural is begin if Ignore_Case then for I in reverse Within'Range loop if Equal_Mod_Case (Fragment, Within (I)) then return I; end if; end loop; else for I in reverse Within'Range loop if Fragment = Within (I) then return I; end if; end loop; end if; return 0; end Reverse_Locate; function Reverse_Locate (Fragment : String; Within : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Natural is Dec_Length : Integer := Fragment'Length - 1; First : Positive := Fragment'First; First_Char : Character; begin if Dec_Length >= 1 then First_Char := Fragment (First); if Ignore_Case then for I in reverse Within'First .. Within'Last - Dec_Length loop if Equal_Mod_Case (Within (I), First_Char) then for J in reverse 1 .. Dec_Length loop if not Equal_Mod_Case (Fragment (First + J), Within (I + J)) then exit; elsif J = 1 then return I + Dec_Length; end if; end loop; end if; end loop; else for I in reverse Within'First .. Within'Last - Dec_Length loop if Within (I) = First_Char then for J in reverse 1 .. Dec_Length loop if Fragment (First + J) /= Within (I + J) then exit; elsif J = 1 then return I + Dec_Length; end if; end loop; end if; end loop; end if; return 0; elsif Dec_Length = 0 then return Reverse_Locate (Fragment (First), Within, Ignore_Case); else return Within'Last; end if; end Reverse_Locate; function Equal (Str1 : String; Str2 : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Boolean is Length : Integer := Str1'Length; First1 : Positive := Str1'First; First2 : Positive := Str2'First; begin if Length = Str2'Length then if Ignore_Case then for I in 0 .. Length - 1 loop if not Equal_Mod_Case (Str1 (First1 + I), Str2 (First2 + I)) then return False; end if; end loop; return True; else return Str1 = Str2; end if; else return False; end if; end Equal; function Less_Than (Str1 : String; Str2 : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Boolean is begin if Ignore_Case then return Lower_Case (Str1) < Lower_Case (Str2); else return Str1 < Str2; end if; end Less_Than; function Greater_Than (Str1 : String; Str2 : String; Ignore_Case : Boolean := False) return Boolean is begin if Ignore_Case then return Lower_Case (Str1) > Lower_Case (Str2); else return Str1 > Str2; end if; end Greater_Than; function Strip_Leading (From : String; Filler : Character := ' ') return String is begin for I in From'First .. From'Last loop if From (I) /= Filler then return From (I .. From'Last); end if; end loop; return ""; end Strip_Leading; function Strip_Trailing (From : String; Filler : Character := ' ') return String is begin for I in reverse From'First .. From'Last loop if From (I) /= Filler then return From (From'First .. I); end if; end loop; return ""; end Strip_Trailing; function Strip (From : String; Filler : Character := ' ') return String is begin return Strip_Leading (Strip_Trailing (From, Filler), Filler); end Strip; begin for C in Character loop Upper_Ascii (C) := C; Equal_Mod_Case (C, C) := True; end loop; Lower_Ascii := Upper_Ascii; for C in 'A' .. 'Z' loop Lower_Ascii (C) := Character'Val (Character'Pos (C) + 32); Equal_Mod_Case (C, Lower_Ascii (C)) := True; end loop; for C in 'a' .. 'z' loop Upper_Ascii (C) := Character'Val (Character'Pos (C) - 32); Equal_Mod_Case (C, Upper_Ascii (C)) := True; end loop; declare Alphanumeric : Integer; Upper : Character; Lower : Character; begin for C in Character loop Upper := Upper_Ascii (C); Lower := Lower_Ascii (C); Alphanumeric := Boolean'Pos (Upper /= Lower or else C in '0' .. '9') * Char; Caps (Character'Pos (C)) := Alphanumeric + Character'Pos (Upper); Caps (Character'Pos (C) + Char) := Alphanumeric + Character'Pos (Lower); end loop; end; end String_Utilities;with Text_Io; -- This package is used to produce neatly formatted tables with centered -- headers and even amounts of white space between the columns. The first -- N calls should be to header, which defines a header and a type of -- justification for the items that will go into each column. Then the M*N -- items of an M line table are sent into the package a row at a time. An -- item is defined by either a single call to Item, or a series of zero or -- more calls to Subitem terminated by a call to Last_Subitem. Multiple -- parts of an item are separated by the subitem separator. After all the -- items have been defined, the table is output with a call to Display. -- The package internally allocates enough memory to save a copy of the -- entire table. It is therefore a good idea to instantiate this -- procedure in a local frame so that all the memory it allocates will go -- away when the frame does. generic Number_Of_Columns : Positive; Subitem_Separator : String := " "; package Table_Formatter is type Adjust is (Left, Right, Centered); procedure Header (S : String; Format : Adjust := Left); procedure Item (S : String); procedure Subitem (S : String); procedure Last_Subitem; procedure Display (On_File : Text_Io.File_Type); type Field_List is array (Integer range <>) of Positive; procedure Sort (On_Field : Positive := 1); procedure Sort (On_Fields : Field_List); end Table_Formatter;with Table_Sort_Generic; package body Table_Formatter is Intercolumn_Spacing : constant := 2; subtype Column_Index is Natural range 1 .. Number_Of_Columns; type Width_List is array (Column_Index) of Natural; type A_String is access String; type An_Item (Subitem_Length : Natural); type Access_Item is access An_Item; type An_Item (Subitem_Length : Natural) is record Subitem : String (1 .. Subitem_Length); Next : Access_Item; end record; type Item_List is array (Column_Index) of Access_Item; type Line; type Access_Line is access Line; type Access_Line_Array is array (Integer range <>) of Access_Line; Current_Line : Access_Line; type Line is record Values : Item_List; Width : Width_List := (others => 0); Next : Access_Line := Current_Line; end record; Current_Column : Column_Index := Column_Index'Last; In_Subitem : Boolean := False; Max_Width : Width_List := (others => 0); Headers : array (Column_Index) of A_String; Header_Column : Natural := 0; Column_Format : array (Column_Index) of Adjust; function Max (Left, Right : Integer) return Integer is begin if Left >= Right then return Left; else return Right; end if; end Max; procedure Insert (S : String) is -- Put the String into the current row/column, appending it if -- there is already something there. Cell : Access_Item renames Current_Line.Values (Current_Column); Width : Natural renames Current_Line.Width (Current_Column); Max : Natural renames Max_Width (Current_Column); begin if Cell = null then Width := S'Length; else Width := Width + Subitem_Separator'Length + S'Length; end if; if Width > Max then Max := Width; end if; Cell := new An_Item'(S'Length, S, Cell); end Insert; procedure Item (S : String) is -- Begin a new cell, put S there, and mark the cell closed by -- setting In_Subitem to be false. begin if Current_Column = Column_Index'Last then Current_Line := new Line; Current_Column := Column_Index'First; else Current_Column := Current_Column + 1; end if; Insert (S); In_Subitem := False; end Item; procedure Header (S : String; Format : Adjust := Left) is -- Set Header and Column Format begin Header_Column := Header_Column + 1; Column_Format (Header_Column) := Format; Headers (Header_Column) := new String'(S); end Header; procedure Subitem (S : String) is -- If the current cell is open, add S to it. Otherwise start a new -- cell, but leave it open. begin if In_Subitem then Insert (S); else Item (S); end if; In_Subitem := True; end Subitem; procedure Last_Subitem is -- If the current cell is open, close it. If the current cell is -- closed, we have an item that consists of zero subitems. Give it -- a visible representation. begin if In_Subitem then In_Subitem := False; else Item ("(none)"); end if; end Last_Subitem; function Image (P : Access_Item) return String is -- P must be non-null begin if P.Next = null then return P.Subitem; end if; return Image (P.Next) & Subitem_Separator & P.Subitem; -- Recall that subitem lists are stored in reverse order end Image; procedure Display (On_File : Text_Io.File_Type) is -- Dump the data structure we have been building by traversing it -- recursively. Note that all of the lists are stored in reverse -- order so that they were easy to build. procedure Replicate (C : Character; N : Natural) is -- Output N copies of C S : constant String (1 .. N) := (others => C); begin Text_Io.Put (On_File, S); end Replicate; procedure Display (P : Access_Item) is begin if P /= null then Text_Io.Put (On_File, Image (P)); end if; end Display; procedure Display_Headers is Excess : Width_List; begin for J in Column_Index loop Excess (J) := Max (Headers (J).all'Length, Max_Width (J)) - Headers (J).all'Length; end loop; Replicate (' ', Excess (1) / 2); for J in Column_Index loop Text_Io.Put (On_File, Headers (J).all); if J /= Column_Index'Last then Replicate (' ', (Excess (J) + 1) / 2 + Excess (J + 1) / 2 + Intercolumn_Spacing); end if; end loop; Text_Io.New_Line (On_File); end Display_Headers; procedure Display_Adjusted (L : Line) is Inner_Excess, Outer_Excess : Natural; begin for J in Column_Index loop Inner_Excess := Max_Width (J) - L.Width (J); Outer_Excess := Max (Headers (J).all'Length, Max_Width (J)) - Max_Width (J); case Column_Format (J) is when Left => Replicate (' ', Outer_Excess / 2); Display (L.Values (J)); if J /= Column_Index'Last then Replicate (' ', (Outer_Excess + 1) / 2 + Inner_Excess + Intercolumn_Spacing); end if; when Right => Replicate (' ', Outer_Excess / 2 + Inner_Excess); Display (L.Values (J)); if J /= Column_Index'Last then Replicate (' ', (Outer_Excess + 1) / 2 + Intercolumn_Spacing); end if; when Centered => Replicate (' ', (Inner_Excess + Outer_Excess) / 2); Display (L.Values (J)); if J /= Column_Index'Last then Replicate (' ', (Inner_Excess + Outer_Excess + 1) / 2 + Intercolumn_Spacing); end if; end case; end loop; Text_Io.New_Line (On_File); end Display_Adjusted; procedure Display (L : Access_Line) is begin if L = null then -- Center the header Display_Headers; -- A separator line for J in Column_Index loop Replicate ('=', Max (Headers (J).all'Length, Max_Width (J))); if J /= Column_Index'Last then Replicate (' ', Intercolumn_Spacing); end if; end loop; Text_Io.New_Line (On_File); else -- Display the head of the table Display (L.Next); -- Display the final line Display_Adjusted (L.all); end if; end Display; begin Display (Current_Line); end Display; function Normalize return Natural is -- Traverse the current structure looking for cells that consist -- of more than one subitem, and concatentate the subitems into -- a single item. -- Return the number of rows in the table. Result : Natural := 0; Line : Access_Line := Current_Line; P : Access_Item; begin while Line /= null loop for J in Line.Values'Range loop P := Line.Values (J); if P = null then Line.Values (J) := new An_Item'(0, "", null); elsif P.Next /= null then Line.Values (J) := new An_Item'(Line.Width (J), Image (P), null); end if; end loop; Line := Line.Next; Result := Result + 1; end loop; return Result; end Normalize; procedure Fill (Table : out Access_Line_Array) is -- Transfers the linked list pointed to by Current_Line into -- the sequential table. P : Access_Line; begin P := Current_Line; for J in reverse Table'Range loop Table (J) := P; P := P.Next; end loop; end Fill; procedure Empty (Table : Access_Line_Array) is -- rebuilds the Current_Line link list from the sequential table, -- preserving the convention that lists are stored backwards. begin if Table'Length = 0 then Current_Line := null; return; end if; Table (Table'First).Next := null; for J in Table'First + 1 .. Table'Last loop Table (J).Next := Table (J - 1); end loop; Current_Line := Table (Table'Last); end Empty; procedure Sort (On_Field : Positive := 1) is Table : Access_Line_Array (1 .. Normalize); function "<" (Left, Right : Access_Line) return Boolean is begin return Left.Values (On_Field).Subitem < Right.Values (On_Field).Subitem; end "<"; procedure Table_Sort is new Table_Sort_Generic (Element => Access_Line, Index => Integer, Element_Array => Access_Line_Array); begin Fill (Table); Table_Sort (Table); Empty (Table); end Sort; procedure Sort (On_Fields : Field_List) is Table : Access_Line_Array (1 .. Normalize); function "<" (Left, Right : Access_Line) return Boolean is begin for J in On_Fields'Range loop if Left.Values (On_Fields (J)).Subitem < Right.Values (On_Fields (J)).Subitem then return True; end if; if Left.Values (On_Fields (J)).Subitem > Right.Values (On_Fields (J)).Subitem then return False; end if; end loop; return False; end "<"; procedure Table_Sort is new Table_Sort_Generic (Element => Access_Line, Index => Integer, Element_Array => Access_Line_Array); begin Fill (Table); Table_Sort (Table); Empty (Table); end Sort; begin -- Default to empty left justified headers. for J in Column_Index loop Column_Format (J) := Left; Headers (J) := new String'(""); end loop; end Table_Formatter;generic type Element is private; pragma Must_Be_Constrained (Yes => Element); type Index is (<>); type Element_Array is array (Index range <>) of Element; with function "<" (Left, Right : Element) return Boolean is <>; procedure Table_Sort_Generic (Table : in out Element_Array);procedure Table_Sort_Generic (Table : in out Element_Array) is First_Index : Integer := Index'Pos (Table'First); Last_Index : Integer := Index'Pos (Table'Last); J : Integer; Jg : Integer; Gap : Integer; Temp : Element; begin Gap := Last_Index - First_Index; while Gap > 0 loop for I in Index'Val (Gap + First_Index) .. Table'Last loop J := Index'Pos (I) - Gap; while J >= First_Index loop Jg := J + Gap; declare Op1 : Element renames Table (Index'Val (J)); Op2 : Element renames Table (Index'Val (Jg)); begin if Op2 < Op1 then Temp := Op1; Op1 := Op2; Op2 := Temp; else exit; end if; end; J := J - Gap; end loop; end loop; Gap := Gap / 2; end loop; end Table_Sort_Generic;with Calendar; package Time_Utilities is Minute : constant Duration := 60.0; Hour : constant Duration := 3600.0; Day : constant Duration := 86_400.0; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Time_Utilities.Time is a segmented version of Calendar.Time -- with image and value functions -------------------------------------------------------------------- type Years is new Calendar.Year_Number; type Months is (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December); type Days is new Calendar.Day_Number; type Hours is new Integer range 1 .. 12; type Minutes is new Integer range 0 .. 59; type Seconds is new Integer range 0 .. 59; type Sun_Positions is (Am, Pm); type Time is record Year : Years; Month : Months; Day : Days; Hour : Hours; Minute : Minutes; Second : Seconds; Sun_Position : Sun_Positions; end record; function Get_Time return Time; function Convert_Time (Date : Calendar.Time) return Time; function Convert_Time (Date : Time) return Calendar.Time; function Nil return Time; function Is_Nil (Date : Time) return Boolean; function Nil return Calendar.Time; function Is_Nil (Date : Calendar.Time) return Boolean; type Time_Format is (Expanded, -- 11:00:00 PM Military, -- 23:00:00 Short, -- 23:00 Ada -- 23_00_00 ); type Date_Format is (Expanded, -- September 29, 1983 Month_Day_Year, -- 09/29/83 Day_Month_Year, -- 29-SEP-83 Year_Month_Day, -- 83/09/29 Ada -- 83_09_29 ); type Image_Contents is (Both, Time_Only, Date_Only); function Image (Date : Time; Date_Style : Date_Format := Time_Utilities.Expanded; Time_Style : Time_Format := Time_Utilities.Expanded; Contents : Image_Contents := Time_Utilities.Both) return String; function Value (S : String) return Time; -- Gives incorrect results for dates earlier than 1924. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Time_Utilities.Interval is a segmented version of Duration -- with image and value functions -------------------------------------------------------------------- type Day_Count is new Integer range 0 .. Integer'Last; type Military_Hours is new Integer range 0 .. 23; type Milliseconds is new Integer range 0 .. 999; type Interval is record Elapsed_Days : Day_Count; Elapsed_Hours : Military_Hours; Elapsed_Minutes : Minutes; Elapsed_Seconds : Seconds; Elapsed_Milliseconds : Milliseconds; end record; function Convert (I : Interval) return Duration; function Convert (D : Duration) return Interval; function Image (I : Interval) return String; function Value (S : String) return Interval; function Image (D : Duration) return String; function Duration_Until (T : Time) return Duration; function Duration_Until (T : Calendar.Time) return Duration; function Duration_Until_Next (H : Military_Hours; M : Minutes := 0; S : Seconds := 0) return Duration; -- Day of week support; Monday is 1. type Weekday is new Positive range 1 .. 7; function Day_Of_Week (T : Calendar.Time) return Weekday; function Day_Of_Week (T : Time := Get_Time) return Weekday; function Image (D : Weekday) return String; function "+" (D : Weekday; I : Integer) return Weekday; function "-" (D : Weekday; I : Integer) return Weekday; end Time_Utilities;with Enumeration_Value; with Machine_Independent_Integer32; with String_Utilities; package body Time_Utilities is package Mii renames Machine_Independent_Integer32; subtype Integer32 is Mii.Integer32; function "+" (L, R : Integer32) return Integer32 renames Mii."+"; function "-" (L, R : Integer32) return Integer32 renames Mii."-"; function "*" (L : Integer32; R : Integer) return Integer32 renames Mii."*"; function "/" (L : Integer32; R : Integer) return Integer32 renames Mii."/"; function "=" (L, R : Integer32) return Boolean renames Mii."="; function "<" (L, R : Integer32) return Boolean renames Mii."<"; Zero : constant Integer32 := Integer32 (0); Seconds_Per_Minute : constant := 60; Seconds_Per_Hour : constant := 60 * Seconds_Per_Minute; Seconds_Per_Half_Day : constant := 12 * Seconds_Per_Hour; Null_Calendar_Time : Calendar.Time; type Number_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Natural; type Character_Map is array (Character) of Boolean; Is_Numeric : constant Character_Map := Character_Map'('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' => True, others => False); Is_Alphabetic : constant Character_Map := Character_Map'('a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' => True, others => False); Null_Time : constant Time := Time'(Year => Years'First, Month => Months'First, Day => Days'First, Hour => Hours'First, Minute => Minutes'First, Second => Seconds'First, Sun_Position => Sun_Positions'First); Null_Interval : constant Interval := Interval'(Elapsed_Days => Day_Count'First, Elapsed_Hours => Military_Hours'First, Elapsed_Minutes => Minutes'First, Elapsed_Seconds => Seconds'First, Elapsed_Milliseconds => Milliseconds'First); Military_Hour : constant array (Sun_Positions, Hours) of Military_Hours := (Am => (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0), Pm => (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 12)); -- used in day of week calculation Days_In_Month : constant array (Months) of Integer := (January | March | May | July | August | October | December => 31, April | June | September | November => 30, February => 28); function Image (Value : Integer; Base : Natural := 10; Width : Natural := 2; Leading : Character := '0') return String renames String_Utilities.Number_To_String; package Interval_Value is -- Hack to get around RCG bug function Value (S : String) return Interval; end Interval_Value; procedure Unique_Prefix is new Enumeration_Value (Months); function Convert_Time (Date : Calendar.Time) return Time is Result : Time; C_Year : Calendar.Year_Number; C_Month : Calendar.Month_Number; C_Day : Calendar.Day_Number; C_Second : Calendar.Day_Duration; Total_Seconds : Integer32; Hour_Offset : Integer32; Junk, Min, Sec : Integer32; begin Calendar.Split (Date, C_Year, C_Month, C_Day, C_Second); Result.Year := Years (C_Year); Result.Month := Months'Val (C_Month - 1); Result.Day := Days (C_Day); Total_Seconds := Integer32 (C_Second); if Total_Seconds < Integer32 (Seconds_Per_Half_Day) then Result.Sun_Position := Am; else Result.Sun_Position := Pm; Total_Seconds := Total_Seconds - Integer32 (Seconds_Per_Half_Day); end if; Hour_Offset := Total_Seconds / Seconds_Per_Hour; if Hour_Offset = Zero then Result.Hour := 12; Result.Sun_Position := Pm; else Result.Hour := Hours (Hour_Offset); end if; --- Total_Seconds := Total_Seconds rem Seconds_Per_Hour; --tjl was MOD Mii.Div_Rem (Total_Seconds, Seconds_Per_Hour, Junk, Total_Seconds); Mii.Div_Rem (Total_Seconds, Seconds_Per_Minute, Min, Sec); Result.Minute := Minutes (Min); Result.Second := Seconds (Sec); --- Result.Minute := Minutes (Total_Seconds / Seconds_Per_Minute); --- Result.Second := Seconds (Total_Seconds rem Seconds_Per_Minute);--tjl return Result; end Convert_Time; function Convert_Time (Date : Time) return Calendar.Time is C_Year : Calendar.Year_Number; C_Month : Calendar.Month_Number; C_Day : Calendar.Day_Number; Total_Seconds : Integer32; begin C_Year := Calendar.Year_Number (Date.Year); C_Month := Calendar.Month_Number (Months'Pos (Date.Month) + 1); C_Day := Calendar.Day_Number (Date.Day); Total_Seconds := Integer32 (Date.Second) + Integer32 (Date.Minute) * Seconds_Per_Minute; if Date.Hour /= 12 then Total_Seconds := Total_Seconds + Integer32 (Date.Hour) * Seconds_Per_Hour; end if; if Date.Sun_Position = Pm then Total_Seconds := Total_Seconds + Integer32 (Seconds_Per_Half_Day); end if; return Calendar.Time_Of (C_Year, C_Month, C_Day, Duration (Total_Seconds)); exception when Calendar.Time_Error => return Calendar.Clock; end Convert_Time; function Get_Time return Time is begin return Convert_Time (Calendar.Clock); end Get_Time; function Image (Month : Months; Full_Width : Boolean := True) return String is Name : constant String := Months'Image (Month); begin if Full_Width then return String_Utilities.Capitalize (Name); else return Name (Name'First .. Name'First + 2); end if; end Image; function Time_Image (Date : Time; Time_Style : Time_Format) return String is Sep : Character := ':'; Hour : Integer := Integer (Military_Hour (Date.Sun_Position, Date.Hour)); begin case Time_Style is when Expanded => return Image (Integer (Date.Hour), Width => 0) & Sep & Image (Integer (Date.Minute)) & Sep & Image (Integer (Date.Second)) & ' ' & Sun_Positions'Image (Date.Sun_Position); when Military | Ada => if Time_Style = Ada then Sep := '_'; end if; return Image (Hour) & Sep & Image (Integer (Date.Minute)) & Sep & Image (Integer (Date.Second)); when Short => return Image (Hour) & Sep & Image (Integer (Date.Minute)); end case; end Time_Image; function Date_Image (Date : Time; Date_Style : Date_Format) return String is Sep : Character := '/'; Year : Integer := Integer (Date.Year) mod 100; Month : Integer := Months'Pos (Date.Month) + 1; begin case Date_Style is when Expanded => return Image (Date.Month) & ' ' & Image (Integer (Date.Day), Width => 0) & ',' & Image (Integer (Date.Year), Leading => ' ', Width => 5); when Month_Day_Year => return Image (Month, Leading => ' ') & Sep & Image (Integer (Date.Day)) & Sep & Image (Year); when Day_Month_Year => Sep := '-'; return Image (Integer (Date.Day), Leading => ' ') & Sep & Image (Date.Month, Full_Width => False) & Sep & Image (Year); when Year_Month_Day | Ada => if Date_Style = Ada then Sep := '_'; end if; return Image (Year) & Sep & Image (Month) & Sep & Image (Integer (Date.Day)); end case; end Date_Image; function Separator (Date_Style : Date_Format; Time_Style : Time_Format) return String is begin if Date_Style = Ada and then Time_Style = Ada then return "_at_"; elsif Date_Style = Expanded then return " at "; else return " "; end if; end Separator; function Image (Date : Time; Date_Style : Date_Format := Expanded; Time_Style : Time_Format := Expanded; Contents : Image_Contents := Both) return String is begin case Contents is when Both => return Date_Image (Date, Date_Style) & Separator (Date_Style, Time_Style) & Time_Image (Date, Time_Style); when Date_Only => return Date_Image (Date, Date_Style); when Time_Only => return Time_Image (Date, Time_Style); end case; end Image; function Time_Stamp_Image (Date : Time := Get_Time; Style : Time_Format := Military) return String is begin if Style = Short then return Image (Integer (Date.Minute)) & ':' & Image (Integer (Date.Second)); else return Time_Image (Date, Style); end if; end Time_Stamp_Image; function Convert (I : Interval) return Duration is Seconds : Duration := Duration (I.Elapsed_Milliseconds) / 1000; begin Seconds := Duration (I.Elapsed_Seconds) + Seconds; Seconds := Duration (Duration (I.Elapsed_Minutes) * Minute) + Seconds; Seconds := Duration (Duration (I.Elapsed_Hours) * Hour) + Seconds; Seconds := Duration (Duration (I.Elapsed_Days) * Day) + Seconds; return Seconds; end Convert; function Convert (D : Duration) return Interval is I : Interval; Milliseconds_Per_Second : constant := 1000; Milliseconds_Per_Minute : constant := 60 * Milliseconds_Per_Second; Milliseconds_Per_Hour : constant := 60 * Milliseconds_Per_Minute; Milliseconds_Per_Day : constant := 24 * Milliseconds_Per_Hour; Rest : Integer32 := Integer32 (D) * Milliseconds_Per_Second ; begin if D < 0.0 then return Null_Interval; end if; I.Elapsed_Days := Day_Count (Rest / Milliseconds_Per_Day); Rest := Rest - (Integer32 (I.Elapsed_Days) * Milliseconds_Per_Day); I.Elapsed_Hours := Military_Hours (Rest / Milliseconds_Per_Hour); Rest := Rest - (Integer32 (I.Elapsed_Hours) * Milliseconds_Per_Hour); I.Elapsed_Minutes := Minutes (Rest / Milliseconds_Per_Minute); Rest := Rest - (Integer32 (I.Elapsed_Minutes) * Milliseconds_Per_Minute); I.Elapsed_Seconds := Seconds (Rest / Milliseconds_Per_Second); Rest := Rest - (Integer32 (I.Elapsed_Seconds) * Milliseconds_Per_Second); I.Elapsed_Milliseconds := Milliseconds (Rest); return I; end Convert; package body Interval_Value is separate; function Value (S : String) return Interval is begin return Interval_Value.Value (S); end Value; function Time_Value (S : String) return Time is separate; function Value (S : String) return Time is begin return Time_Value (S); end Value; function Image (D : Duration) return String is begin return Image (Convert (D)); end Image; function Image (I : Interval) return String is begin if I.Elapsed_Days > 99999 then return Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Days), Width => 0) & 'D'; elsif I.Elapsed_Days > 99 then return Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Days), Width => 5, Leading => ' ') & '/' & Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Hours)); elsif I.Elapsed_Days > 0 then return Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Days), Leading => ' ') & '/' & Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Hours)) & ':' & Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Minutes)); elsif I.Elapsed_Hours > 0 then return Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Hours), Leading => ' ') & ':' & Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Minutes)) & ':' & Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Seconds)); elsif I.Elapsed_Minutes > 0 then return Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Minutes), Leading => ' ') & ':' & Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Seconds)) & '.' & Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Milliseconds), Width => 3); else return Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Seconds), Leading => ' ') & '.' & Image (Natural (I.Elapsed_Milliseconds), Width => 3); end if; end Image; function Nil return Time is begin return Null_Time; end Nil; function Is_Nil (Date : Time) return Boolean is begin return Date = Nil; end Is_Nil; function Nil return Calendar.Time is begin return Null_Calendar_Time; end Nil; function Is_Nil (Date : Calendar.Time) return Boolean is begin return Calendar."=" (Date, Nil); end Is_Nil; function Image (D : Weekday) return String is begin case D is when 1 => return "Monday"; when 2 => return "Tuesday"; when 3 => return "Wednesday"; when 4 => return "Thursday"; when 5 => return "Friday"; when 6 => return "Saturday"; when 7 => return "Sunday"; end case; end Image; function Make_Weekday (D : Integer) return Weekday is Day : Integer := D mod 7; begin if Day = 0 then return 7; else return Weekday (Day); end if; end Make_Weekday; pragma Inline (Make_Weekday); function Day_Of_Week (T : Time := Get_Time) return Weekday is -- Uses Zeller's congruence to compute the day of week of given date. -- See "Problems for Computer Solutions", Gruenberger & Jaffray, Wiley, -- 1965, p. 255ff. Zyear, Zmonth, Zcentury, Zyy : Integer; begin -- Remap month# so Mar=1 & Jan, Feb=11, 12 of PRECEDING year if Months'Pos (T.Month) >= 3 then Zyear := Integer (T.Year); Zmonth := Months'Pos (T.Month) - 1; else -- Jan or Feb Zyear := Integer (T.Year) - 1; Zmonth := Months'Pos (T.Month) + 11; end if; Zcentury := Zyear / 100; Zyy := Zyear rem 100; return Make_Weekday (((26 * Zmonth - 2) / 10) + Integer (T.Day) + Zyy + (Zyy / 4) + (Zcentury / 4) - 2 * Zcentury); end Day_Of_Week; function Day_Of_Week (T : Calendar.Time) return Weekday is begin return Day_Of_Week (Convert_Time (T)); end Day_Of_Week; function "+" (D : Weekday; I : Integer) return Weekday is begin return Make_Weekday (Integer (D) + I); end "+"; function "-" (D : Weekday; I : Integer) return Weekday is begin return Make_Weekday (Integer (D) - I); end "-"; function Duration_Until (T : Calendar.Time) return Duration is begin return Calendar."-" (T, Calendar.Clock); end Duration_Until; function Duration_Until (T : Time) return Duration is begin return Duration_Until (Convert_Time (T)); end Duration_Until; function Duration_Until_Next (H : Military_Hours; M : Minutes := 0; S : Seconds := 0) return Duration is T : Time := Get_Time; D : Duration; Hr : Natural := Natural (H); begin T.Minute := M; T.Second := S; if Hr >= 12 then T.Sun_Position := Pm; Hr := Hr - 12; else T.Sun_Position := Am; end if; if Hr = 0 then T.Hour := 12; else T.Hour := Hours (Hr); end if; D := Duration_Until (T); if D < 0.0 then D := Day + D; end if; return D; end Duration_Until_Next; begin Null_Calendar_Time := Convert_Time (Null_Time); end Time_Utilities;separate (Time_Utilities) package body Interval_Value is function Value (S : String) return Interval is -- format is ddDhh:mm:ss.milli -- upper or lower case D is a deliminator -- all non-numeric non delimiters are ignored -- if only one : is given, it is assumed to separate hrs and seconds -- 10:17 is 10hrs 17min, :10:17 is 0hrs 10min 17sec Position : Natural := S'First; Result : Interval; type Kind_Value is (Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond, Number); type Item; type Item_Ptr is access Item; type Item is record Kind : Kind_Value; Value : Natural; Next : Item_Ptr; end record; First_Item : Item_Ptr; Last_Item : Item_Ptr; Dot_Observed : Boolean := False; Colons_Observed : Natural := 0; function Is_Digit (Char : Character) return Boolean is begin case Char is when '0' .. '9' => return True; when others => return False; end case; end Is_Digit; function Is_Delimiter (Char : Character) return Boolean is begin case Char is when ':' | 'D' | 'd' | '/' | '.' => return True; when others => return False; end case; end Is_Delimiter; function Get_Number return Item_Ptr is Start : Natural := Position; Last : Natural; function Pad_To_Three_Digits (S : String) return Natural is begin if S'Length = 1 then return Natural'Value (S & "00"); elsif S'Length = 2 then return Natural'Value (S & '0'); else return Natural'Value (S (S'First .. S'First + 2)); end if; end Pad_To_Three_Digits; function Get_Item (N : Natural) return Item_Ptr is begin return new Item'(Kind => Number, Value => N, Next => null); end Get_Item; begin while Position <= S'Last and then Is_Digit (S (Position)) loop Position := Position + 1; end loop; if Position <= S'Last then Last := Position - 1; else Last := S'Last; end if; if Dot_Observed then return Get_Item (Pad_To_Three_Digits (S (Start .. Last))); else return Get_Item (Natural'Value (S (Start .. Last))); end if; end Get_Number; function Get_Item return Item_Ptr is Char : Character; function Item_Value (Ch : Character) return Item_Ptr is Result : Item_Ptr := new Item; begin case Ch is when 'D' | 'd' | '/' => Result.Kind := Day; when ':' => Result.Kind := Hour; Colons_Observed := Colons_Observed + 1; if Colons_Observed > 2 then raise Constraint_Error; end if; when '.' => Result.Kind := Second; Dot_Observed := True; when others => raise Constraint_Error; end case; return Result; end Item_Value; begin while Position <= S'Last loop Char := S (Position); if Is_Delimiter (Char) then Position := Position + 1; return Item_Value (Char); elsif Is_Digit (Char) then return Get_Number; else Position := Position + 1; end if; end loop; return null; end Get_Item; procedure Build_List (First, Last : in out Item_Ptr) is Next_Item : Item_Ptr; begin -- build list of items Next_Item := Get_Item; First := Next_Item; Last := First; loop Next_Item := Get_Item; exit when Next_Item = null; Last.Next := Next_Item; Last := Next_Item; end loop; end Build_List; procedure Normalize (First, Last : in out Item_Ptr) is Hour_Item : Item_Ptr; Next_Item : Item_Ptr := First; procedure Add (Kind : Kind_Value) is New_Item : Item_Ptr := new Item'(Kind, 0, null); begin Last.Next := New_Item; Last := New_Item; end Add; begin if Colons_Observed = 2 or else Dot_Observed then -- find right_most hour and make it minute while Next_Item /= null loop if Next_Item.Kind = Hour then Hour_Item := Next_Item; end if; Next_Item := Next_Item.Next; end loop; if Hour_Item /= null then Hour_Item.Kind := Minute; end if; end if; if Last.Kind = Number then if Dot_Observed then Add (Millisecond); else case Colons_Observed is when 2 => Add (Second); when 1 => Add (Minute); when 0 => Add (Hour); when others => raise Constraint_Error; end case; end if; end if; end Normalize; function Build_Value (First, Last : Item_Ptr) return Interval is Number_Kind : constant Kind_Value := Number; Result : Interval := Null_Interval; Next_Item : Item_Ptr := First; Number : Natural := 0; procedure Get_Number (Ptr : in out Item_Ptr; Value : in out Natural) is begin if Ptr.Kind = Number_Kind then Value := Ptr.Value; Ptr := Ptr.Next; else Value := 0; end if; end Get_Number; procedure Set_Field (Kind : Kind_Value; Number : Natural; Result : in out Interval) is Value : Natural := Number; begin if Value = 0 then return; end if; case Next_Item.Kind is when Day => Result.Elapsed_Days := Result.Elapsed_Days + Day_Count (Value); when Hour => Value := Value + Natural (Result.Elapsed_Hours); Set_Field (Day, Value / 24, Result); Result.Elapsed_Hours := Military_Hours (Value mod 24); when Minute => Value := Value + Natural (Result.Elapsed_Minutes); Set_Field (Hour, Value / 60, Result); Result.Elapsed_Minutes := Minutes (Value mod 60); when Second => Value := Value + Natural (Result.Elapsed_Seconds); Set_Field (Minute, Value / 60, Result); Result.Elapsed_Seconds := Seconds (Value mod 60); when Millisecond => Value := Value + Natural (Result.Elapsed_Milliseconds); Set_Field (Second, Value / 1000, Result); Result.Elapsed_Milliseconds := Milliseconds (Value mod 1000); when others => raise Constraint_Error; end case; end Set_Field; begin while Next_Item /= null loop Get_Number (Next_Item, Number); -- increments next_item (if appropriate) Set_Field (Next_Item.Kind, Number, Result); Next_Item := Next_Item.Next; end loop; return Result; end Build_Value; begin Build_List (First_Item, Last_Item); Normalize (First_Item, Last_Item); return Build_Value (First_Item, Last_Item); end Value; end Interval_Value;separate (Time_Utilities) function Time_Value (S : String) return Time is -- accepts all of the formats output by value -- algorithm consists of parsing for a series of numbers -- and assigning them to positions in the date according -- to heuristics about size and position. -- recognizes unique prefixes of month names Pm_Detected : Boolean := False; Month_Position : Integer := 0; function Value (Month : Positive; Day : Natural; Year : Natural; Hour : Natural; Minute : Natural; Second : Natural) return Time is Result : Time; begin if Year < 100 then Result.Year := Years (Integer'(1900 + Year)); else Result.Year := Years (Year); end if; Result.Month := Months'Val (Month - 1); Result.Day := Days (Day); Result.Minute := Minutes (Minute); Result.Second := Seconds (Second); case Hour is when 0 => Result.Sun_Position := Am; Result.Hour := 12; when 12 => Result.Sun_Position := Pm; Result.Hour := 12; when others => if Hour > 12 then Result.Sun_Position := Pm; Result.Hour := Hours (Hour - 12); else if Pm_Detected then Result.Sun_Position := Pm; else Result.Sun_Position := Am; end if; Result.Hour := Hours (Hour); end if; end case; return Result; end Value; function This_Year return Natural is begin return Natural (Get_Time.Year); end This_Year; function Value (Number : Number_Array) return Time is Now : Time; begin case Number'Length is when 6 => case Month_Position is when 1 => -- May 1, 1985 at 00:00:00 return Value (Number (1), Number (2), Number (3), Number (4), Number (5), Number (6)); when 2 => -- 1-May-85 at 00:00:00 return Value (Number (2), Number (1), Number (3), Number (4), Number (5), Number (6)); when 4 => -- 00:00:00 May 1, 1985 return Value (Number (4), Number (5), Number (6), Number (1), Number (2), Number (3)); when 5 => -- 00:00:00 1-May-85 return Value (Number (5), Number (4), Number (6), Number (1), Number (2), Number (3)); when 0 => -- no alphabetic year given if Number (1) > 23 then -- 85/5/1 00:00:00 return Value (Number (2), Number (3), Number (1), Number (4), Number (5), Number (6)); else -- 5/1/85 00:00:00 return Value (Number (1), Number (2), Number (3), Number (4), Number (5), Number (6)); end if; when others => raise Constraint_Error; end case; when 5 => case Month_Position is when 1 => -- May 1, 1985 at 00:00 return Value (Number (1), Number (2), Number (3), Number (4), Number (5), 0); when 2 => -- 1-May-85 at 00:00 return Value (Number (2), Number (1), Number (3), Number (4), Number (5), 0); when 3 => -- 00:00 May 1, 1985 return Value (Number (3), Number (4), Number (5), Number (1), Number (2), 0); when 5 => -- 00:00:00 1-May return Value (Number (5), Number (4), Natural (Get_Time.Year), Number (1), Number (2), Number (3)); when 0 => -- no alphabetic year given if Number (1) > 23 then -- 85/5/1 00:00 return Value (Number (2), Number (3), Number (1), Number (4), Number (5), 0); elsif Number (3) > 23 then -- 5/1/85 00:00 return Value (Number (1), Number (2), Number (3), Number (4), Number (5), 0); else -- 5/1 00:00:00 return Value (Number (1), Number (2), Natural (Get_Time.Year), Number (3), Number (4), Number (5)); end if; when others => raise Constraint_Error; end case; when 4 => case Month_Position is when 0 | 1 => -- 5/1 00:00 -- May 1 00:00 return Value (Number (1), Number (2), Natural (Get_Time.Year), Number (3), Number (4), 0); when 2 => -- 1-May 00:00 return Value (Number (2), Number (1), Natural (Get_Time.Year), Number (3), Number (4), 0); when others => raise Constraint_Error; end case; when 3 => Now := Get_Time; case Month_Position is when 0 => if Number (1) > 23 then -- 85/5/1 Pm_Detected := Now.Sun_Position = Pm; return Value (Number (2), Number (3), Number (1), Natural (Now.Hour), Natural (Now.Minute), Natural (Now.Second)); elsif Number (3) > 59 then -- 5/1/85 Pm_Detected := Now.Sun_Position = Pm; return Value (Number (1), Number (2), Number (3), Natural (Now.Hour), Natural (Now.Minute), Natural (Now.Second)); else -- 00:00:00 return Value (Natural (Months'Pos (Now.Month) + 1), Natural (Now.Day), Natural (Now.Year), Number (1), Number (2), Number (3)); end if; when 1 => -- May 1, 1985 Pm_Detected := Now.Sun_Position = Pm; return Value (Number (1), Number (2), Number (3), Natural (Now.Hour), Natural (Now.Minute), Natural (Now.Second)); when 2 => -- 1-May-85 Pm_Detected := Now.Sun_Position = Pm; return Value (Number (2), Number (1), Number (3), Natural (Now.Hour), Natural (Now.Minute), Natural (Now.Second)); when others => raise Constraint_Error; end case; when 2 => Now := Get_Time; case Month_Position is when 0 => -- 00:00 return Value (Natural (Months'Pos (Now.Month) + 1), Natural (Now.Day), Natural (Now.Year), Number (1), Number (2), 0); when 1 => -- May 1 Pm_Detected := Now.Sun_Position = Pm; return Value (Number (1), Number (2), Natural (Now.Year), Natural (Now.Hour), Natural (Now.Minute), Natural (Now.Second)); when 2 => -- 1-May Pm_Detected := Now.Sun_Position = Pm; return Value (Number (2), Number (1), Natural (Now.Year), Natural (Now.Hour), Natural (Now.Minute), Natural (Now.Second)); when others => raise Constraint_Error; end case; when others => raise Constraint_Error; end case; end Value; procedure Find_Number (S : String; First : Positive; Position : out Positive; Success : out Boolean) is begin for I in First .. S'Last loop if Is_Numeric (S (I)) then Success := True; Position := I; return; end if; end loop; Position := First; Success := False; end Find_Number; procedure Find_Non_Number (S : String; First : Positive; Position : out Positive) is begin for I in First .. S'Last loop if not Is_Numeric (S (I)) then Position := I; return; end if; end loop; Position := S'Last + 1; end Find_Non_Number; procedure Find_Alphabetic (S : String; First : Positive; Position : out Positive; Success : out Boolean) is begin for I in First .. S'Last loop exit when Is_Numeric (S (I)); if Is_Alphabetic (S (I)) then Success := True; Position := I; return; end if; end loop; Position := First; Success := False; end Find_Alphabetic; procedure Find_Non_Alphabetic (S : String; First : Positive; Position : out Positive) is begin for I in First .. S'Last loop if not Is_Alphabetic (S (I)) then Position := I; return; end if; end loop; Position := S'Last + 1; end Find_Non_Alphabetic; procedure Get_Number (S : String; First : in out Positive; Result : out Natural; Success : out Boolean) is Found : Boolean; Start : Positive; begin Find_Number (S, First, Start, Found); if not Found then Success := False; Result := 0; return; end if; Find_Non_Number (S, Start, First); Success := True; Result := Natural'Value (S (Start .. First - 1)); end Get_Number; procedure Get_Month (S : String; First : in out Positive; Result : out Natural; Success : out Boolean) is Found : Boolean; Start : Natural; Stop : Natural; Prefix : Boolean; M : Months; begin Find_Alphabetic (S, First, Start, Found); if Found then Find_Non_Alphabetic (S, Start, Stop); Unique_Prefix (S (Start .. Stop - 1), M, Prefix, Found); if Found then Result := Months'Pos (M) + 1; First := Stop; Success := True; return; end if; end if; Success := False; Result := 0; exception when others => Result := 0; Success := False; end Get_Month; function Get_Number_Array (S : String) return Number_Array is Result : Number_Array (1 .. 6); First : Positive := S'First; Success : Boolean; I : Integer := Result'First; begin Pm_Detected := String_Utilities.Locate ("PM", S, Ignore_Case => True) /= 0; while I <= Result'Last loop if Month_Position = 0 and then First <= S'Last and then not Is_Numeric (S (First)) then Get_Month (S, First, Result (I), Success); if Success then Month_Position := I; I := I + 1; exit when I > Result'Last; end if; end if; Get_Number (S, First, Result (I), Success); if not Success then return Result (1 .. I - 1); end if; I := I + 1; end loop; return Result; end Get_Number_Array; begin return Value (Get_Number_Array (String_Utilities.Strip (S))); end Time_Value;package Trig_Lib is function Sin (X : Float) return Float; function Cos (X : Float) return Float; function Tan (X : Float) return Float; function Cot (X : Float) return Float; function Asin (X : Float) return Float; function Acos (X : Float) return Float; function Atan (X : Float) return Float; function Atan2 (V, U : Float) return Float; function Sinh (X : Float) return Float; function Cosh (X : Float) return Float; function Tanh (X : Float) return Float; end Trig_Lib;with Text_Io; use Text_Io; with Floating_Characteristics; use Floating_Characteristics; with Numeric_Io; use Numeric_Io; with Numeric_Primitives; use Numeric_Primitives; with Core_Functions; use Core_Functions; package body Trig_Lib is -- PRELIMINARY VERSION ********************************* -- The following routines are coded directly from the algorithms and -- coeficients given in "Software Manual for the Elementry Functions" -- by William J. Cody, Jr. and William Waite, Prentice_Hall, 1980 -- This particular version is stripped to work with FLOAT and INTEGER -- and uses a mantissa represented as a FLOAT -- A more general formulation uses MANTISSA_TYPE, etc. -- The coeficients are appropriate for 25 to 32 bits floating significance -- They will work for less but slightly shorter versions are possible -- The routines are coded to stand alone so they need not be compiled together -- 16 JULY 1982 W A WHITAKER AFATL EGLIN AFB FL 32542 -- T C EICHOLTZ USAFA function Sin (X : Float) return Float is Sgn, Y : Float; N : Integer; Xn : Float; F, G, X1, X2 : Float; Result : Float; Ymax : Float := Float (Integer (Pi * Two ** (It / 2))); Beta : Float := Convert_To_Float (Ibeta); Epsilon : Float := Beta ** (-It / 2); C1 : constant Float := 3.140625; C2 : constant Float := 9.6765_35897_93E-4; function R (G : Float) return Float is R1 : constant Float := -0.16666_66660_883; R2 : constant Float := 0.83333_30720_556E-2; R3 : constant Float := -0.19840_83282_313E-3; R4 : constant Float := 0.27523_97106_775E-5; R5 : constant Float := -0.23868_34640_601E-7; begin return ((((R5 * G + R4) * G + R3) * G + R2) * G + R1) * G; end R; begin if X < Zero then Sgn := -One; Y := -X; else Sgn := One; Y := X; end if; if Y > Ymax then New_Line; Put (" SIN CALLED WITH ARGUMENT TOO LARGE FOR ACCURACY "); New_Line; end if; N := Integer (Y * One_Over_Pi); Xn := Convert_To_Float (N); if N mod 2 /= 0 then Sgn := -Sgn; end if; X1 := Truncate (abs (X)); X2 := abs (X) - X1; F := ((X1 - Xn * C1) + X2) - Xn * C2; if abs (F) < Epsilon then Result := F; else G := F * F; Result := F + F * R (G); end if; return (Sgn * Result); end Sin; function Cos (X : Float) return Float is Sgn, Y : Float; N : Integer; Xn : Float; F, G, X1, X2 : Float; Result : Float; Ymax : Float := Float (Integer (Pi * Two ** (It / 2))); Beta : Float := Convert_To_Float (Ibeta); Epsilon : Float := Beta ** (-It / 2); C1 : constant Float := 3.140625; C2 : constant Float := 9.6765_35897_93E-4; function R (G : Float) return Float is R1 : constant Float := -0.16666_66660_883; R2 : constant Float := 0.83333_30720_556E-2; R3 : constant Float := -0.19840_83282_313E-3; R4 : constant Float := 0.27523_97106_775E-5; R5 : constant Float := -0.23868_34640_601E-7; begin return ((((R5 * G + R4) * G + R3) * G + R2) * G + R1) * G; end R; begin Sgn := 1.0; Y := abs (X) + Pi_Over_Two; if Y > Ymax then New_Line; Put (" COS CALLED WITH ARGUMENT TOO LARGE FOR ACCURACY "); New_Line; end if; N := Integer (Y * One_Over_Pi); Xn := Convert_To_Float (N); if N mod 2 /= 0 then Sgn := -Sgn; end if; Xn := Xn - 0.5; -- TO FORM COS INSTEAD OF SIN X1 := Truncate (abs (X)); X2 := abs (X) - X1; F := ((X1 - Xn * C1) + X2) - Xn * C2; if abs (F) < Epsilon then Result := F; else G := F * F; Result := F + F * R (G); end if; return (Sgn * Result); end Cos; function Tan (X : Float) return Float is Sgn, Y : Float; N : Integer; Xn : Float; F, G, X1, X2 : Float; Result : Float; Ymax : Float := Float (Integer (Pi * Two ** (It / 2))) / 2.0; Beta : Float := Convert_To_Float (Ibeta); Epsilon : Float := Beta ** (-It / 2); C1 : constant Float := 8#1.444#; C2 : constant Float := 4.8382_67948_97E-4; function R (G : Float) return Float is P0 : constant Float := 1.0; P1 : constant Float := -0.11136_14403_566; P2 : constant Float := 0.10751_54738_488E-2; Q0 : constant Float := 1.0; Q1 : constant Float := -0.44469_47720_281; Q2 : constant Float := 0.15973_39213_300E-1; begin return ((P2 * G + P1) * G * F + F) / (((Q2 * G + Q1) * G + 0.5) + 0.5); end R; begin Y := abs (X); if Y > Ymax then New_Line; Put (" TAN CALLED WITH ARGUMENT TOO LARGE FOR ACCURACY "); New_Line; end if; N := Integer (X * Two_Over_Pi); Xn := Convert_To_Float (N); X1 := Truncate (X); X2 := X - X1; F := ((X1 - Xn * C1) + X2) - Xn * C2; if abs (F) < Epsilon then Result := F; else G := F * F; Result := R (G); end if; if N mod 2 = 0 then return Result; else return -1.0 / Result; end if; end Tan; function Cot (X : Float) return Float is Sgn, Y : Float; N : Integer; Xn : Float; F, G, X1, X2 : Float; Result : Float; Ymax : Float := Float (Integer (Pi * Two ** (It / 2))) / 2.0; Beta : Float := Convert_To_Float (Ibeta); Epsilon : Float := Beta ** (-It / 2); Epsilon1 : Float := 1.0 / Xmax; C1 : constant Float := 8#1.444#; C2 : constant Float := 4.8382_67948_97E-4; function R (G : Float) return Float is P0 : constant Float := 1.0; P1 : constant Float := -0.11136_14403_566; P2 : constant Float := 0.10751_54738_488E-2; Q0 : constant Float := 1.0; Q1 : constant Float := -0.44469_47720_281; Q2 : constant Float := 0.15973_39213_300E-1; begin return ((P2 * G + P1) * G * F + F) / (((Q2 * G + Q1) * G + 0.5) + 0.5); end R; begin Y := abs (X); if Y < Epsilon1 then New_Line; Put (" COT CALLED WITH ARGUMENT TOO NEAR ZERO "); New_Line; if X < 0.0 then return -Xmax; else return Xmax; end if; end if; if Y > Ymax then New_Line; Put (" COT CALLED WITH ARGUMENT TOO LARGE FOR ACCURACY "); New_Line; end if; N := Integer (X * Two_Over_Pi); Xn := Convert_To_Float (N); X1 := Truncate (X); X2 := X - X1; F := ((X1 - Xn * C1) + X2) - Xn * C2; if abs (F) < Epsilon then Result := F; else G := F * F; Result := R (G); end if; if N mod 2 /= 0 then return -Result; else return 1.0 / Result; end if; end Cot; function Asin (X : Float) return Float is G, Y : Float; Result : Float; Beta : Float := Convert_To_Float (Ibeta); Epsilon : Float := Beta ** (-It / 2); function R (G : Float) return Float is P1 : constant Float := -0.27516_55529_0596E1; P2 : constant Float := 0.29058_76237_4859E1; P3 : constant Float := -0.59450_14419_3246; Q0 : constant Float := -0.16509_93320_2424E2; Q1 : constant Float := 0.24864_72896_9164E2; Q2 : constant Float := -0.10333_86707_2113E2; Q3 : constant Float := 1.0; begin return (((P3 * G + P2) * G + P1) * G) / (((G + Q2) * G + Q1) * G + Q0); end R; begin return X; end Asin; function Acos (X : Float) return Float is G, Y : Float; Result : Float; Beta : Float := Convert_To_Float (Ibeta); Epsilon : Float := Beta ** (-It / 2); function R (G : Float) return Float is P1 : constant Float := -0.27516_55529_0596E1; P2 : constant Float := 0.29058_76237_4859E1; P3 : constant Float := -0.59450_14419_3246; Q0 : constant Float := -0.16509_93320_2424E2; Q1 : constant Float := 0.24864_72896_9164E2; Q2 : constant Float := -0.10333_86707_2113E2; Q3 : constant Float := 1.0; begin return (((P3 * G + P2) * G + P1) * G) / (((G + Q2) * G + Q1) * G + Q0); end R; begin return X; end Acos; function Atan (X : Float) return Float is F, G : Float; subtype Region is Integer range 0 .. 3; -- ########## N : Region; Result : Float; Beta : Float := Convert_To_Float (Ibeta); Epsilon : Float := Beta ** (-It / 2); Sqrt_3 : constant Float := 1.73205_08075_68877_29353; Sqrt_3_Minus_1 : constant Float := 0.73205_08075_68877_29353; Two_Minus_Sqrt_3 : constant Float := 0.26794_91924_31122_70647; function R (G : Float) return Float is P0 : constant Float := -0.14400_83448_74E1; P1 : constant Float := -0.72002_68488_98; Q0 : constant Float := 0.43202_50389_19E1; Q1 : constant Float := 0.47522_25845_99E1; Q2 : constant Float := 1.0; begin return ((P1 * G + P0) * G) / ((G + Q1) * G + Q0); end R; begin F := abs (X); if F > 1.0 then F := 1.0 / F; N := 2; else N := 0; end if; if F > Two_Minus_Sqrt_3 then F := (((Sqrt_3_Minus_1 * F - 0.5) - 0.5) + F) / (Sqrt_3 + F); N := N + 1; end if; if abs (F) < Epsilon then Result := F; else G := F * F; Result := F + F * R (G); end if; if N > 1 then Result := -Result; end if; case N is when 0 => Result := Result; when 1 => Result := Pi_Over_Six + Result; when 2 => Result := Pi_Over_Two + Result; when 3 => Result := Pi_Over_Three + Result; end case; if X < 0.0 then Result := -Result; end if; return Result; end Atan; function Atan2 (V, U : Float) return Float is X, Result : Float; begin if U = 0.0 then if V = 0.0 then Result := 0.0; New_Line; Put (" ATAN2 CALLED WITH 0/0 RETURNED "); New_Line; elsif V > 0.0 then Result := Pi_Over_Two; else Result := -Pi_Over_Two; end if; else X := abs (V / U); -- If underflow or overflow is detected, go to the exception Result := Atan (X); if U < 0.0 then Result := Pi - Result; end if; if V < 0.0 then Result := -Result; end if; end if; return Result; exception when Numeric_Error => if abs (V) > abs (U) then Result := Pi_Over_Two; if V < 0.0 then Result := -Result; end if; else Result := 0.0; if U < 0.0 then Result := Pi - Result; end if; end if; return Result; end Atan2; function Sinh (X : Float) return Float is begin return X; end Sinh; function Cosh (X : Float) return Float is begin return X; end Cosh; function Tanh (X : Float) return Float is begin return X; end Tanh; begin null; end Trig_Lib;generic Default_Maximum_Length : Natural := 20; package Unbounded_String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Managed Pointer Sequential Unbounded Strings: -- Restrictions and assumptions -- Storage management performed -- All new allocations for extensions are twice requirements -- CANNOT be used by multiple tasks unless user guarantees sequential use -- := is reference copy, use copy to assign contents -- uninitialized or Free'd objects are true null's and changes to one -- of the referents will not be reflected in the other; -- use Free prior to assignment to prevent garbage -- = is object identity, use string_utilities for comparison -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subtype String_Length is Natural; type Variable_String is private; -- release storage associated with a string procedure Free (V : in out Variable_String); -- Get information about current length or contents of a string function Length (Source : Variable_String) return String_Length; function Char_At (Source : Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive) return Character; function Extract (Source : Variable_String; Start_Pos : Positive; End_Pos : Natural) return String; function Image (V : Variable_String) return String; function Value (S : String) return Variable_String; -- Image (Target) := Image (Source); procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Variable_String); procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String); procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character); -- Target := Source; Source := ""; with appropriate storage management procedure Move (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : in out Variable_String); -- Target := Target & Source; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Variable_String); procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String); procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character); procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character; Count : String_Length); -- Target := Target (1..At_Pos-1) & Source & Target (At_Pos..Target'Length) procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Variable_String); procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : String); procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character); procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character; Count : String_Length); -- Target (At_Pos .. At_Pos + Count -1) := ""; procedure Delete (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Count : String_Length := 1); -- Target (At_Pos .. At_Pos + Source'Length - 1) := Source; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character); procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character; Count : String_Length); procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : String); procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Variable_String); -- Target'Length := New_Length; -- Target (Target'Length .. New_Length) := Fill_With; procedure Set_Length (Target : in out Variable_String; New_Length : String_Length; Fill_With : Character := ' '); private type Pointer is access String; type Real_String; type Variable_String is access Real_String; subtype String_Bound is Integer range -1 .. Integer'Last; type Real_String is record Length : String_Bound; Contents : Pointer; Next_Free : Variable_String; end record; Null_String : Pointer := new String (1 .. 0); Free_List_Item : constant String_Bound := -1; Free_List : Real_String := Real_String'(Free_List_Item, Null_String, new Real_String'(Free_List_Item, Null_String, null)); end Unbounded_String;package body Unbounded_String is function Max (X : Integer; Y : Integer) return Integer is begin if X > Y then return X; else return Y; end if; end Max; pragma Inline (Max); procedure Free (V : in out Variable_String) is begin if V /= null then if V.Length /= Free_List_Item then V.Next_Free := Free_List.Next_Free; V.Length := Free_List_Item; Free_List.Next_Free := V; end if; V := null; end if; end Free; function Length (Source : Variable_String) return String_Length is begin if Source /= null then return Source.Length; else return 0; end if; exception when others => return 0; end Length; function Allocated_Length (Source : Variable_String) return String_Length is begin if Source /= null and then Source.Length /= Free_List_Item then return Source.Contents'Length; else return 0; end if; end Allocated_Length; procedure Real_Allocate (Target : in out Variable_String; Length : String_Length; Room_For_Growth : Boolean := True) is function Allocation (Length : String_Length) return String_Length is begin if Room_For_Growth then return Max (2 * Length, Default_Maximum_Length); else return Max (Length, Default_Maximum_Length); end if; end Allocation; procedure Find (Free : in out Real_String; This : in out Variable_String) is begin This := Free.Next_Free; if This /= null then if This.Contents'Length > Length then Free.Next_Free := This.Next_Free; This.Next_Free := null; else Find (This.all, This); end if; end if; end Find; begin Find (Free_List, Target); if Target = null then Target := new Real_String' (Length => Length, Contents => new String (1 .. Allocation (Length)), Next_Free => null); else Target.Length := Length; Target.Next_Free := null; end if; end Real_Allocate; procedure Move (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : in out Variable_String) is begin Free (Target); Target := Source; Source := null; end Move; procedure Allocate (Target : in out Variable_String; Length : String_Length; Preserve_Contents : Boolean := True) is Max_Length : String_Length := Allocated_Length (Target); begin -- check for alias of freed string and remove pointer to free list if Max_Length = 0 then Real_Allocate (Target, Length, Room_For_Growth => False); elsif Max_Length >= Length then Target.Length := Length; else declare Temp : Variable_String; begin Real_Allocate (Temp, Length, Preserve_Contents); if Preserve_Contents then Temp.Contents (1 .. Target.Length) := Target.Contents (1 .. Target.Length); end if; Move (Target, Temp); end; end if; end Allocate; function Value (S : String) return Variable_String is Result : Variable_String; begin Real_Allocate (Result, S'Length, Room_For_Growth => False); Copy (Result, S); return Result; end Value; procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Variable_String) is begin Copy (Target, Image (Source)); end Copy; procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String) is begin Allocate (Target, Source'Length, Preserve_Contents => False); declare T : Real_String renames Target.all; begin T.Contents (1 .. Source'Length) := Source; T.Length := Source'Length; end; end Copy; procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character) is begin Allocate (Target, 1, Preserve_Contents => False); Target.Contents (1) := Source; end Copy; function Image (V : Variable_String) return String is begin return V.all.Contents (1 .. V.all.Length); exception when others => return String'(1 .. 0 => ' '); end Image; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String) is Len : String_Length := Length (Target); begin Allocate (Target, Len + Source'Length, Preserve_Contents => True); declare T : Real_String renames Target.all; begin T.Contents (Len + 1 .. T.Length) := Source; end; end Append; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Variable_String) is begin Append (Target, Image (Source)); end Append; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character) is Len : String_Length := Length (Target) + 1; begin Allocate (Target, Len, Preserve_Contents => True); Target.Contents (Len) := Source; end Append; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character; Count : String_Length) is Value_String : String (1 .. Count) := String'(1 .. Count => Source); begin Append (Target, Value_String); end Append; procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : String) is Len : String_Length := Length (Target); begin if At_Pos = Len + 1 then Append (Target, Source); elsif At_Pos <= Len then Allocate (Target, Len + Source'Length); declare T : Real_String renames Target.all; begin T.Contents (At_Pos .. T.Length) := Source & T.Contents (At_Pos .. Len); end; else raise Constraint_Error; end if; end Insert; procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Variable_String) is begin Insert (Target, At_Pos, Image (Source)); end Insert; procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character) is Len : String_Length := Length (Target) + 1; begin if At_Pos = Len then Append (Target, Source); elsif At_Pos > Len then raise Constraint_Error; else Allocate (Target, Len, Preserve_Contents => True); declare T : Real_String renames Target.all; begin T.Contents (At_Pos + 1 .. Len) := T.Contents (At_Pos .. Len - 1); T.Contents (At_Pos) := Source; end; end if; end Insert; procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character; Count : String_Length) is Value_String : String (1 .. Count) := String'(1 .. Count => Source); begin Insert (Target, At_Pos, Value_String); end Insert; procedure Delete (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Count : String_Length := 1) is T : Real_String renames Target.all; Len : String_Length := T.Length - Count; begin if At_Pos - 1 > Len then raise Constraint_Error; end if; if At_Pos <= Len then T.Contents (At_Pos .. Len) := T.Contents (At_Pos + Count .. T.Length); end if; T.Length := Len; end Delete; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character) is T : Real_String renames Target.all; begin if At_Pos > T.Length then raise Constraint_Error; else T.Contents (At_Pos) := Source; end if; end Replace; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : String) is T : Real_String renames Target.all; End_Pos : constant Natural -- not positive JMK 28 Sep 84 := At_Pos + Source'Length - 1; begin if End_Pos > T.Length then raise Constraint_Error; else T.Contents (At_Pos .. End_Pos) := Source; end if; end Replace; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character; Count : String_Length) is Value_String : String (1 .. Count) := String'(1 .. Count => Source); begin Replace (Target, At_Pos, Value_String); end Replace; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Variable_String) is begin Replace (Target, At_Pos, Image (Source)); end Replace; procedure Set_Length (Target : in out Variable_String; New_Length : String_Length; Fill_With : Character := ' ') is Current_Length : String_Length := Length (Target); begin if New_Length > Current_Length then Allocate (Target, New_Length, Preserve_Contents => True); declare C : String renames Target.Contents.all; begin for I in Current_Length + 1 .. New_Length loop C (I) := Fill_With; end loop; end; elsif Target /= null then Target.Length := New_Length; end if; end Set_Length; function Char_At (Source : Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive) return Character is S : Real_String renames Source.all; begin if At_Pos > S.Length then raise Constraint_Error; else return S.Contents (At_Pos); end if; end Char_At; function Extract (Source : Variable_String; Start_Pos : Positive; End_Pos : Natural) return String is begin if End_Pos > Source.Length then raise Constraint_Error; else return Source.Contents (Start_Pos .. End_Pos); end if; end Extract; end Unbounded_String;
INDEX: ⟦6c5555414⟧ R1K_ARCHIVE_INDEX DATA: ⟦9b477e385⟧ R1K_ARCHIVE_DATA, TextFile
0x00000…00ef7 ⟦a61fc1b33⟧ 0x00ef7…02e21 ⟦b1a22725d⟧ 0x02e21…03cdc ⟦4771a9fdb⟧ 0x03cdc…065ce ⟦e2acccd93⟧ 0x065ce…06777 ⟦b3867145c⟧ 0x06777…0a62b ⟦fed769ff7⟧ 0x0a62b…0a720 ⟦3234ae6f9⟧ 0x0a720…0abd6 ⟦e2101317a⟧ 0x0abd6…0c1c8 ⟦a5f87a3e3⟧ 0x0c1c8…0e128 ⟦9d78b1705⟧ 0x0e128…0e6f3 ⟦542922de3⟧ 0x0e6f3…0ed0a ⟦0bd5f6717⟧ 0x0ed0a…0f03b ⟦8fe15431f⟧ 0x0f03b…0f2d3 ⟦7fcfa08b6⟧ 0x0f2d3…1017a ⟦e895802c4⟧ 0x1017a…11758 ⟦00165936c⟧ 0x11758…118f9 ⟦bf031df25⟧ 0x118f9…15990 ⟦fc4cf5bf4⟧ 0x15990…1603a ⟦1c0bbedf7⟧ 0x1603a…16d81 ⟦b9a400e68⟧ 0x16d81…173c8 ⟦e77559783⟧ 0x173c8…17aa1 ⟦5ac55847a⟧ 0x17aa1…181bb ⟦f53809862⟧ 0x181bb…189ae ⟦83d22651a⟧ 0x189ae…18d8b ⟦45771e695⟧ 0x18d8b…19580 ⟦aa5d4c50f⟧ 0x19580…1a110 ⟦ca85a278a⟧ 0x1a110…1b8e0 ⟦cf7e9341c⟧ 0x1b8e0…1c0c2 ⟦38a93f2bb⟧ 0x1c0c2…1d5bf ⟦90180af14⟧ 0x1d5bf…1e1c9 ⟦5237038ed⟧ 0x1e1c9…221c3 ⟦49ee8ac96⟧ 0x221c3…2277c ⟦14c84e96e⟧ 0x2277c…25411 ⟦90b99a8d4⟧ 0x25411…25545 ⟦ccd5b9857⟧ 0x25545…2597f ⟦3b498eefe⟧ 0x2597f…26a0e ⟦0f1fd616e⟧ 0x26a0e…2ad23 ⟦c33d138f9⟧ 0x2ad23…2d026 ⟦bef1e4ed8⟧ 0x2d026…3079b ⟦03ee9b8d7⟧ 0x3079b…309ab ⟦f72d7a424⟧ 0x309ab…33aeb ⟦0319a08b0⟧ 0x33aeb…34ecb ⟦e556502e5⟧ 0x34ecb…37bac ⟦1510af14f⟧