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⟦9da0a9bd7⟧ TextFile

    Length: 30744 (0x7818)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


with Text_Io;

with Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
use Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
with Xlbt_Basic3;  
use Xlbt_Basic3;  
with Xlbt_Display3;  
use Xlbt_Display3;  
with Xlbt_Proc_Var;  
use Xlbt_Proc_Var;

with Xlbit_Library4;  
use Xlbit_Library4;

with Xlbip_String_Map_Generic;

with Xlbmt_Network_Types;  
use Xlbmt_Network_Types;  
with Xlbmt_Parameters;  
use Xlbmt_Parameters;

with Xlbmp_Error_Log;  
use Xlbmp_Error_Log;

package body Xlbit_Library3 is
-- X Library Internal State
-- Xlbit_Library3 - Library State - No packages have any non-constant state
-- other than this set of packages.
-- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California.
-- Copyright 1985 - 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--                  All Rights Reserved.
-- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that
-- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in
-- supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT or Rational not be
-- used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
-- without specific, written prior permission.
-- MIT and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this software,
-- including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no
-- event shall MIT or Rational be liable for any special, indirect or
-- consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use,
-- data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other
-- tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance
-- of this software.
-- *****************************************************************************
-- * Date      - /Name/ Comment
-- *
-- *  6-NOV-90 - /GEB/ Implement the new multitasking protection scheme for
-- *           -  library state.
-- *****************************************************************************

--/ if Multitask_Locking then
    -- Multi-tasking capability *has* been turned on.
--/ else
--//        -- Multi-tasking capability has *not* been turned on.
--/ end if;


-- Protected Global Library State

    type X_Library_State is  

            Authorization_Name : U_Char_List := None_U_Char_List;  
            Authorization_Data : U_Char_List := None_U_Char_List;
            ----Data used when connecting to a server.  Used to authorize
            --  access.  Values of None mean that we use the default
            --  mechanisms and default data.  Typically this is the "xhost"
            --  method.

            Debug : Boolean := False;
            ----Turn on special debug/synchronization code.

            Report_Error : X_Procedure_Variable := None_X_Procedure_Variable;
            ----Report_Error is the lowest level error reporter, and is
            --  called by all default higher level reporters.  This should
            --  not be assumed to be a fatal condition.

            Error : X_Procedure_Variable := None_X_Procedure_Variable;
            ----Error will be called whenever an error event is received.
            --  This is not assumed to be a fatal condition, i.e., it is
            --  acceptable for this procedure to return.  However, Error
            --  should NOT perform any operations (directly or indirectly)
            --  on the DISPLAY.

            Display_Num_Counter : X_Display_Number := 0;
            ----Used to give displays a unique number that can be
            --  used with the RM as "contexts" for display-specific
            --  values that aren't entered into a display-specific database.

            Head_Of_Display_List : X_Display := null;
            ----There are all of the open displays in this X_Library instance.

            Io_Error : X_Procedure_Variable := None_X_Procedure_Variable;
            ----IO_Error will be called if any sort of network error occurs.
            --  This is assumed to be a fatal condition, i.e., IO_Error should
            --  not return.  It should abort the program or raise an exception.

            Quark_Map : X_Rm_Quark_Map.Map;
            ----Map of all known Quarks.
            Next_Quark : X_Rm_Quark := (Id => 1);
            ----Next available quark number
            Resource_Quarks : X_Rm_Quark_Bit_List := None_X_Rm_Quark_Bit_List;
            ----Used by the RM to optimize resource lookup.

--         Rm_Conversion_Error : X_Procedure_Variable := None_X_Procedure_Variable;
--         ----X_Rm_Converter_Error.Pv
--         ----Rm_Conversion_Error is called whenever a conversion routine
--         --  fails.  Presumably the From value is invalid or does not
--         --  map into the To value.
--         Rm_No_Converter : X_Procedure_Variable := None_X_Procedure_Variable;
--         ----X_Rm_Converter_Error.Pv
--         ----Rm_No_Converter is called whenever we need to make a conversion
--         --  but there is no routine registered to perform it.
--         Rm_Converter_Table : X_Rm_Converter_List := null;
--         ----Cache of all registered RM type conversion routines.

        end record;

    X : X_Library_State;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
    task body X_Lib is  
        Seized_Display_List    : Boolean := False;  
        Seized_Quark_Map       : Boolean := False;  
        Seized_Resource_Quarks : Boolean := False;  
--/ else
--//    package body X_Lib is
--/ end if;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Get_Authorization  
                          (Authorization_Name : out U_Char_List;  
                           Authorization_Data : out U_Char_List) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Get_Authorization (Authorization_Name : out U_Char_List;
--//                                      Authorization_Data : out U_Char_List) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Authorization_Name  - Specifies/Receives the authorization name to use
--  Authorization_Data  - Specifies/Receives the authorization data to use
-- Gets/Sets the data used when connecting to a server.  It is used to authorize
-- access to the server.  Values of None_U_Char_List mean that we use the
-- default mechanisms and default data.  Typically this is the "xhost"
-- method.

                    Authorization_Name := X.Authorization_Name;  
                    Authorization_Data := X.Authorization_Data;

                end Get_Authorization;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Set_Authorization (Authorization_Name : U_Char_List;  
                                          Authorization_Data : U_Char_List) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Set_Authorization (Authorization_Name : U_Char_List;
--//                                      Authorization_Data : U_Char_List) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Authorization_Name  - Specifies/Receives the authorization name to use
--  Authorization_Data  - Specifies/Receives the authorization data to use
-- Gets/Sets the data used when connecting to a server.  It is used to authorize
-- access to the server.  Values of None_U_Char_List mean that we use the
-- default mechanisms and default data.  Typically this is the "xhost"
-- method.

                    X.Authorization_Name := Authorization_Name;  
                    X.Authorization_Data := Authorization_Data;

                end Set_Authorization;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Get_Debug (On_Off : out Boolean) do
--/ else
--//         procedure get_Debug (On_Off : out Boolean) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  On_Off  - Specifies TRUE to turn synchronization on.
-- Turn on/off special debug/synchronization code.  When a new display is
-- opened, it will have synchronization turned on by default if this flag has
-- been previously set to true.

                    On_Off := X.Debug;

                end Get_Debug;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Set_Debug (On_Off : Boolean) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Set_Debug (On_Off : Boolean) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  On_Off  - Specifies TRUE to turn synchronization on.
-- Turn on/off special debug/synchronization code.  When a new display is
-- opened, it will have synchronization turned on by default if this flag has
-- been previously set to true.

                    X.Debug := On_Off;

                end Set_Debug;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Add_Display (Display : X_Display) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Add_Display (Display : X_Display) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Display - Specifies the display to affect
-- Adds a new display to the library's list of open displays or else removes
-- a display from that list.  This is used to give displays a unique number
-- that can be used with the RM as "contexts" for display-specific
-- values that aren't entered into a display-specific database.

                    Display.Next           := X.Head_Of_Display_List;  
                    X.Head_Of_Display_List := Display;  
                    Display.Display_Num    := X.Display_Num_Counter;  
                    X.Display_Num_Counter  := X.Display_Num_Counter + 1;  
                    if X.Display_Num_Counter = X_Display_Number'Last then
                        ----2**32 sequential display connections in one library?  Wow.
                        --  Don't allow 'Last as a valid display number value; the RM
                        --  uses that for a don't-care value.
                        X.Display_Num_Counter := 0;  
                    end if;

                end Add_Display;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Remove_Display (Display : X_Display) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Remove_Display (Display : X_Display) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Display - Specifies the display to affect
-- Adds a new display to the library's list of open displays or else removes
-- a display from that list.  This is used to give displays a unique number
-- that can be used with the RM as "contexts" for display-specific
-- values that aren't entered into a display-specific database.

                        Dp : X_Display;  
                        Cp : X_Display;  
                        if X.Head_Of_Display_List = Display then  
                            X.Head_Of_Display_List := Display.Next;  
                            Dp := X.Head_Of_Display_List;  
                            Cp := Dp.Next;  
                            while Cp /= null loop  
                                if Cp = Display then  
                                    Dp.Next := Cp.Next;  
                                end if;  
                                Dp := Cp;  
                                Cp := Cp.Next;  
                            end loop;  
                        end if;  

                end Remove_Display;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Get_Report_Error (Proc : out X_Procedure_Variable) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Get_Report_Error (Proc    : out X_Procedure_Variable) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Proc            - Specifies/Receives the procedure to use; a value of
--                      None_X_Procedure_Variable restores the library default
--                      value for this procedure.
-- Actaul type of Proc is X_Report_Error.Pv.
-- Report_Error is the lowest level error reporter, and is
-- called by all of the default higher level reporters.  It is used to format
-- error messages and to send them to the appropriate file/device/terminal.
-- Messages should not be assumed to be fatal conditions.

                    if X.Report_Error /= None_X_Procedure_Variable then  
                        Proc := X.Report_Error;  
                        Proc := X_Lib_Default_X_Report_Error;  
                    end if;

                end Get_Report_Error;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Set_Report_Error (Proc     :     X_Procedure_Variable;  
                                         Old_Proc : out X_Procedure_Variable) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Set_Report_Error (Proc         :     X_Procedure_Variable;
--//                                     Old_Proc     : out X_Procedure_Variable) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Proc            - Specifies/Receives the procedure to use; a value of
--                      None_X_Procedure_Variable restores the library default
--                      value for this procedure.
--  Old_Proc        - Receives the previous procedure setting.
-- Actaul type of Proc is X_Report_Error.Pv.
-- Report_Error is the lowest level error reporter, and is
-- called by all of the default higher level reporters.  It is used to format
-- error messages and to send them to the appropriate file/device/terminal.
-- Messages should not be assumed to be fatal conditions.
                        Old :  
                           X_Procedure_Variable; -- Prevent aliasing problems.

                        Old            := X.Report_Error;  
                        X.Report_Error := Proc;  
                        Old_Proc       := Old;  

                end Set_Report_Error;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Get_Error (Display :     X_Display;  
                                  Proc    : out X_Procedure_Variable) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Get_Error (Display :     X_Display;
--//                              Proc    : out X_Procedure_Variable) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Display         - Specifies a display to use
--  Proc            - Specifies/Receives the procedure to use; a value of
--                      None_X_Procedure_Variable restores the library default
--                      value for this procedure.
--  Old_Proc        - Receives the previous procedure setting.
--  All_Displays    - Specifies TRUE to set a global default
-- Actaul type of Proc is X_Error_Function.Pv.
-- The Error procedure will be called whenever an error event is received.
-- This is not assumed to be a fatal condition, i.e., it is acceptable for
-- this procedure to return.  However, Error should NOT perform any operations
-- (directly or indirectly) on any X_Display.
-- All_Displays => True means that we are setting the global default value.
-- All_Displays => False means we are setting this display's default value.

                    if Display.Error /= None_X_Procedure_Variable then  
                        Proc := Display.Error;  
                    elsif X.Error /= None_X_Procedure_Variable then  
                        Proc := X.Error;  
                        Proc := X_Lib_Default_X_Error_Function;  
                    end if;

                end Get_Error;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Set_Error (Display      :     X_Display;  
                                  Proc         :     X_Procedure_Variable;  
                                  Old_Proc     : out X_Procedure_Variable;  
                                  All_Displays :     Boolean := True) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Set_Error (Display      :     X_Display;
--//                              Proc         :     X_Procedure_Variable;
--//                              Old_Proc     : out X_Procedure_Variable;
--//                              All_Displays :     Boolean := True) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Display         - Specifies a display to use
--  Proc            - Specifies/Receives the procedure to use; a value of
--                      None_X_Procedure_Variable restores the library default
--                      value for this procedure.
--  Old_Proc        - Receives the previous procedure setting.
--  All_Displays    - Specifies TRUE to set a global default
-- Actaul type of Proc is X_Error_Function.Pv.
-- The Error procedure will be called whenever an error event is received.
-- This is not assumed to be a fatal condition, i.e., it is acceptable for
-- this procedure to return.  However, Error should NOT perform any operations
-- (directly or indirectly) on any X_Display.
-- All_Displays => True means that we are setting the global default value.
-- All_Displays => False means we are setting this display's default value.
                        Old :  
                           X_Procedure_Variable; -- Prevent aliasing problems.

                        if All_Displays then  
                            Old      := X.Error;  
                            X.Error  := Proc;  
                            Old_Proc := Old;  
                            Old           := Display.Error;  
                            Display.Error := Proc;  
                            Old_Proc      := Old;  
                        end if;  

                end Set_Error;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Get_Io_Error (Display :     X_Display;  
                                     Proc    : out X_Procedure_Variable) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Get_Io_Error (Display :     X_Display;
--//                                 Proc    : out X_Procedure_Variable) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Display         - Specifies a display to use
--  Proc            - Specifies/Receives the procedure to use; a value of
--                      None_X_Procedure_Variable restores the library default
--                      value for this procedure.
--  Old_Proc        - Receives the previous procedure setting.
--  All_Displays    - Specifies TRUE to set a global default
-- Actaul type of Proc is X_Io_Error_Function.Pv.
-- The IO_Error procedure will be called if any sort of network error occurs.
-- This is assumed to be a fatal condition, i.e., IO_Error should not return.
-- It should abort the program or raise an exception.  In a multitasking
-- program it should presumably raise an exception.
-- All_Displays => True means that we are setting the global default value.
-- All_Displays => False means we are setting this display's default value.

                    if Display.Io_Error /= None_X_Procedure_Variable then  
                        Proc := Display.Io_Error;  
                    elsif X.Io_Error /= None_X_Procedure_Variable then  
                        Proc := X.Io_Error;  
                        Proc := X_Lib_Default_X_Io_Error_Function;  
                    end if;

                end Get_Io_Error;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Set_Io_Error (Display      :     X_Display;  
                                     Proc         :     X_Procedure_Variable;  
                                     Old_Proc     : out X_Procedure_Variable;  
                                     All_Displays :     Boolean := True) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Set_Io_Error (Display      :     X_Display;
--//                                 Proc         :     X_Procedure_Variable;
--//                                 Old_Proc     : out X_Procedure_Variable;
--//                                 All_Displays :     Boolean := True) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Display         - Specifies a display to use
--  Proc            - Specifies/Receives the procedure to use; a value of
--                      None_X_Procedure_Variable restores the library default
--                      value for this procedure.
--  Old_Proc        - Receives the previous procedure setting.
--  All_Displays    - Specifies TRUE to set a global default
-- Actaul type of Proc is X_Io_Error_Function.Pv.
-- The IO_Error procedure will be called if any sort of network error occurs.
-- This is assumed to be a fatal condition, i.e., IO_Error should not return.
-- It should abort the program or raise an exception.  In a multitasking
-- program it should presumably raise an exception.
-- All_Displays => True means that we are setting the global default value.
-- All_Displays => False means we are setting this display's default value.
                        Old :  
                           X_Procedure_Variable; -- Prevent aliasing problems.

                        if All_Displays then  
                            Old        := X.Io_Error;  
                            X.Io_Error := Proc;  
                            Old_Proc   := Old;  
                            Old              := Display.Io_Error;  
                            Display.Io_Error := Proc;  
                            Old_Proc         := Old;  
                        end if;  

                end Set_Io_Error;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                when not Seized_Display_List =>  
                    accept Seize_Display_List (Display : out X_Display) do  
                        Seized_Display_List := True;
--/ else
--//         procedure Seize_Display_List (Display : out X_Display) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Display - Receives the display list.
-- Called to Seize the list of all currently open displays.  While this list
-- is Seized, no displays can be opened or closed.  Be sure to Release it.
-- Do not modify the list in any way.

                        Display := X.Head_Of_Display_List;

                    end Seize_Display_List;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                when Seized_Display_List =>  
                    accept Release_Display_List do  
                        Seized_Display_List := False;
--/ else
--//         procedure Release_Display_List is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Display - Receives the display list.
-- Called to Seize the list of all currently open displays.  While this list
-- is Seized, no displays can be opened or closed.  Be sure to Release it.
-- Do not modify the list in any way.


                    end Release_Display_List;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                when not Seized_Quark_Map =>  
                    accept Seize_Quark_Map (Map : out X_Rm_Quark_Map.Map) do  
                        Seized_Quark_Map := True;
--/ else
--//         procedure Seize_Quark_Map (Map : out X_Rm_Quark_Map.Map) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Map - Specifies/Receives the quark map for the library
-- Map of all known Quarks.  All displays share the same set of quark values.
-- Seize the map, use it in some way, and then Release it.  Whatever you
-- Release will become the new map for all displays.

                        Map := X.Quark_Map;

                    end Seize_Quark_Map;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                when Seized_Quark_Map =>  
                    accept Release_Quark_Map  
                              (Map : in out X_Rm_Quark_Map.Map) do  
                        Seized_Quark_Map := False;
--/ else
--//         procedure Release_Quark_Map (Map : in out X_Rm_Quark_Map.Map) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Map - Specifies/Receives the quark map for the library
-- Map of all known Quarks.  All displays share the same set of quark values.
-- Seize the map, use it in some way, and then Release it.  Whatever you
-- Release will become the new map for all displays.

                        X.Quark_Map := Map;  
                        Map         := X_Rm_Quark_Map.None_Map;

                    end Release_Quark_Map;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                accept Get_Next_Quark (Quark : out X_Rm_Quark) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Get_Next_Quark (Quark : out X_Rm_Quark) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Quark   - Specifies/Receives the new quark value
-- Used to generate new quark values.  The Set interface is only for debugging
-- and library testing.

                    Quark           := X.Next_Quark;  
                    X.Next_Quark.Id := X.Next_Quark.Id + 1;

                end Get_Next_Quark;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                when not Seized_Quark_Map =>  
                    accept Set_Next_Quark (Quark : X_Rm_Quark) do
--/ else
--//         procedure Set_Next_Quark (Quark : X_Rm_Quark) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  Quark   - Specifies/Receives the new quark value
-- Used to generate new quark values.  The Set interface is only for debugging
-- and library testing.

                        X.Next_Quark := Quark;

                    end Set_Next_Quark;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                when not Seized_Resource_Quarks =>  
                    accept Seize_Resource_Quarks  
                              (List : out X_Rm_Quark_Bit_List) do  
                        Seized_Resource_Quarks := True;
--/ else
--//         procedure Seize_Resource_Quarks (List : out X_Rm_Quark_Bit_List) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  List    - Specifies/Receives the boolean array of known resource quarks
-- Used by the RM to optimize resource lookup.  Seize the list, modify it,
-- then Release it so that others can use the modified/reallocated list.

                        List := X.Resource_Quarks;

                    end Seize_Resource_Quarks;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
                when Seized_Resource_Quarks =>  
                    accept Release_Resource_Quarks  
                              (List : in out X_Rm_Quark_Bit_List) do  
                        Seized_Resource_Quarks := False;
--/ else
--//         procedure Release_Resource_Quarks (List : in out X_Rm_Quark_Bit_List) is
--//         begin
--/ end if;
--  List    - Specifies/Receives the boolean array of known resource quarks
-- Used by the RM to optimize resource lookup.  Seize the list, modify it,
-- then Release it so that others can use the modified/reallocated list.

                        X.Resource_Quarks := List;  
                        List              := None_X_Rm_Quark_Bit_List;

                    end Release_Resource_Quarks;


--/ if Multitask_Locking then
            end select;
--/ end if;

-- Loop and get the next rendezvous.

        end loop;  
    end X_Lib;


end Xlbit_Library3;