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Length: 16379 (0x3ffb) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2 └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« └─⟦f794ecd1d⟧ └─⟦4c85d69e2⟧ └─⟦this⟧
-- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1988 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054-3197 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1988. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- with Machine_Primitive_Operations; with Unchecked_Deallocation; -- For debugging: with Primitive_Io; package body Buffering is -- For debugging only: --Buffering_Absorb_Output : Boolean renames Primitive_Io.Global_Absorb_Output; -- procedure Pput (S : String; -- Absorb_Output : Boolean := Buffering_Absorb_Output) -- renames Primitive_Io.Put_Line; procedure Clear (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) is begin Buffer.Head := 0; Buffer.Tail := 1; end Clear; function Allocate (Max_Length : in Natural) return Data_Buffer is -- Nb : constant Data_Buffer := new Buffer (Max_Length => Max_Length); Nb : Data_Buffer; begin Nb := new Buffer (Max_Length); Clear (Nb); -- If currently debugging, then fill the buffer with a special -- character ('.') so that the debugging display will look ok. -- If not debugging, then don't bother. -- if not Buffering_Absorb_Output then -- if Max_Length > 0 then -- Machine_Primitive_Operations.Fill_Bytes -- (Nb.Buffer, Max_Length, Character'Pos ('.')); -- end if; -- -- Pput ("Buffering.Allocate allocated a buffer"); -- end if; return Nb; exception when Storage_Error => -- Pput ("Buffering.Allocate got Storage_Error; size = " & -- Integer'Image (Max_Length), -- Absorb_Output => False); raise Storage_Error; when others => -- Pput ("Buffering.Allocate got an exception", -- Absorb_Output => False); raise; end Allocate; procedure Free (Buffer : in out Data_Buffer) is procedure Free_It is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Buffering.Buffer, Data_Buffer); begin Free_It (Buffer); end Free; function Is_Allocated (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Boolean is begin return Buffer /= null; end Is_Allocated; function Is_Empty (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Boolean is begin -- return Left (Buffer) = 0; return Buffer.Head + 1 = Buffer.Tail; end Is_Empty; function Is_Full (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Boolean is begin -- return Room (Buffer) = 0; return Buffer.Max_Length - Buffer.Head + Buffer.Tail = 1; end Is_Full; function Left (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Natural is begin return Buffer.Head - Buffer.Tail + 1; end Left; function Room (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Natural is begin -- return Buffer.Max_Length - Left (Buffer); return Buffer.Max_Length - Buffer.Head + Buffer.Tail - 1; end Room; function Max_Length (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Natural is begin return Buffer.Max_Length; end Max_Length; function Room_At_End (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Natural is begin return Buffer.Max_Length - Buffer.Head; end Room_At_End; procedure Slide (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) is Left : constant Natural := Buffering.Left (Buffer); begin if Left > 0 then -- Maybe an overlapping slide so do it in Ada! Buffer.Buffer (1 .. Left) := Buffer.Buffer (Buffer.Tail .. Buffer.Head); Buffer.Tail := 1; Buffer.Head := Left; else Clear (Buffer); end if; end Slide; function Next (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Byte is begin if Left (Buffer) < 1 then raise Empty; else declare T : constant Natural := Buffer.Tail; begin Buffer.Tail := Buffer.Tail + 1; -- if Buffer.Tail > Buffer.Head then -- Clear (Buffer); -- end if; return Buffer.Buffer (T); end; end if; end Next; function Next (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Character is begin return To_Character (Next (Buffer)); end Next; procedure Next (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; S : out Byte_String) is N : constant Natural := S'Length; begin if Left (Buffer) < N then raise Empty; elsif N > 0 then declare T : constant Natural := Buffer.Tail; begin Machine_Primitive_Operations.Move_Bytes (Buffer.Buffer (T .. Buffer.Max_Length), S, N); Buffer.Tail := T + N; -- if Buffer.Tail > Buffer.Head then -- Clear (Buffer); -- end if; end; end if; end Next; procedure Next (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; S : out String) is N : constant Natural := S'Length; begin if Left (Buffer) < N then raise Empty; elsif N > 0 then declare T : constant Natural := Buffer.Tail; begin Machine_Primitive_Operations.Move_Bytes (Buffer.Buffer (T .. Buffer.Max_Length), S, N); Buffer.Tail := T + N; -- if Buffer.Tail > Buffer.Head then -- Clear (Buffer); -- end if; end; end if; end Next; function Next (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; N : in Natural) return Byte_String is begin if Left (Buffer) < N then raise Empty; else declare T : constant Natural := Buffer.Tail; begin -- Cleverly, the buffer's pointers are modified before the -- data is taken. But this is fine. Buffer.Tail := Buffer.Tail + N; -- if Buffer.Tail > Buffer.Head then -- Clear (Buffer); -- end if; return Buffer.Buffer (T .. T + N - 1); end; end if; end Next; function Next (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; N : in Natural) return String is begin if Left (Buffer) < N then raise Empty; elsif N = 0 then return ""; else -- It is necessary to make an extra copy in order to do the -- conversion to String (*). But why are you using the -- functional form instead of the procedural form anyway? -- (*) Actually, we could take the address of the first character -- of the valid part of the buffer, uncheck-convert the address -- to a pointer to an unconstrained string, and then slice off -- the right part, but this involves knowing where a pointer to -- a string points to. And since the procedural form exists, -- why bother? (Also the cross-compiler will currently make -- an extra copy anyway, instead of passing the slice around.) declare S : String (1 .. N); begin Machine_Primitive_Operations.Move_Bytes (Buffer.Buffer (Buffer.Tail .. Buffer.Max_Length), S, N); Buffer.Tail := Buffer.Tail + N; -- if Buffer.Tail > Buffer.Head then -- Clear (Buffer); -- end if; return S; end; end if; end Next; procedure Rest (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; S : out Byte_String; N : out Natural) is T : constant Natural := Buffer.Tail; H : constant Natural := Buffer.Head; L : constant Natural := H - T + 1; begin N := L; if L /= 0 then Machine_Primitive_Operations.Move_Bytes (Buffer.Buffer (T .. Buffer.Max_Length), S, L); end if; Clear (Buffer); end Rest; procedure Rest (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; S : out String; N : out Natural) is T : constant Natural := Buffer.Tail; H : constant Natural := Buffer.Head; L : constant Natural := H - T + 1; begin N := L; if L /= 0 then Machine_Primitive_Operations.Move_Bytes (Buffer.Buffer (T .. Buffer.Max_Length), S, L); end if; Clear (Buffer); end Rest; function Rest (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Byte_String is T : constant Natural := Buffer.Tail; H : constant Natural := Buffer.Head; begin Clear (Buffer); return Buffer.Buffer (T .. H); end Rest; function Rest (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return String is T : constant Natural := Buffer.Tail; H : constant Natural := Buffer.Head; N : constant Natural := H - T + 1; begin if N = 0 then Clear (Buffer); return ""; else declare S : String (1 .. N); begin -- Makes an extra copy, but see comments in the functional -- form of Next, above. Machine_Primitive_Operations.Move_Bytes (Buffer.Buffer (T .. Buffer.Max_Length), S, N); Clear (Buffer); return S; end; end if; end Rest; procedure Stuff (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; C : in Byte) is begin if Room (Buffer) < 1 then raise Full; end if; if Room_At_End (Buffer) < 1 then Slide (Buffer); end if; Buffer.Head := Buffer.Head + 1; Buffer.Buffer (Buffer.Head) := C; end Stuff; procedure Stuff (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; C : in Character) is begin if Room (Buffer) < 1 then raise Full; end if; if Room_At_End (Buffer) < 1 then Slide (Buffer); end if; Buffer.Head := Buffer.Head + 1; Buffer.Buffer (Buffer.Head) := To_Byte (C); end Stuff; procedure Stuff (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; S : in Byte_String) is L : constant Natural := S'Length; begin if L = 0 then return; end if; if Room (Buffer) < L then raise Full; end if; if Room_At_End (Buffer) < L then Slide (Buffer); end if; Machine_Primitive_Operations.Move_Bytes (S, Buffer.Buffer (Buffer.Head + 1 .. Buffer.Max_Length), L); Buffer.Head := Buffer.Head + L; end Stuff; procedure Stuff (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; S : in String) is L : constant Natural := S'Length; begin if L = 0 then return; end if; if Room (Buffer) < L then raise Full; end if; if Room_At_End (Buffer) < L then Slide (Buffer); end if; Machine_Primitive_Operations.Move_Bytes (S, Buffer.Buffer (Buffer.Head + 1 .. Buffer.Max_Length), L); Buffer.Head := Buffer.Head + L; end Stuff; function Peek (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Byte is begin if Left (Buffer) < 1 then raise Empty; else return Buffer.Buffer (Buffer.Tail); end if; end Peek; function Peek (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Character is begin return To_Character (Peek (Buffer)); end Peek; function Peek_At_Last (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Byte is begin if Left (Buffer) < 1 then raise Empty; else return Buffer.Buffer (Buffer.Head); end if; end Peek_At_Last; function Peek_At_Last (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) return Character is begin return To_Character (Peek_At_Last (Buffer)); end Peek_At_Last; procedure Consume (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; N : in Natural := 1) is begin if Left (Buffer) < N then raise Empty; else Buffer.Tail := Buffer.Tail + N; end if; end Consume; procedure Throwback (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; N : in Natural := 1) is begin if Room (Buffer) < N then raise Full; elsif Buffer.Tail - N < 1 then -- Buffer has already been slid? Should never happen raise Full; else Buffer.Tail := Buffer.Tail - N; end if; end Throwback; procedure Ensure_Room_For (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; N : in Natural) is begin if Room (Buffer) >= N then Slide (Buffer); else raise Full; end if; end Ensure_Room_For; procedure Bump (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; N : in Natural) is begin if Room (Buffer) >= N then Buffer.Head := Buffer.Head + N; else raise Full; end if; end Bump; procedure Unbump (Buffer : in Data_Buffer; N : in Natural := 1) is begin if Left (Buffer) >= N then Buffer.Head := Buffer.Head - N; else raise Empty; end if; end Unbump; procedure Display_Buffer (Buffer : in Data_Buffer) is function Integer_Image (I : Integer) return String renames Primitive_Io.Integer_Image; -- -- procedure Display80 (S : in String) is -- begin -- if S'Length <= 79 then -- Pput (S); -- else -- Pput (S (S'First .. S'First + 78)); -- Display80 (S (S'First + 79 .. S'Last)); -- end if; -- end Display80; begin -- if Buffering_Absorb_Output then return; -- end if; -- if Buffer = null then -- Pput ("Buffer is not allocated"); -- else -- Pput ("Buffer:"); -- declare -- S : String (1 .. Buffer.Max_Length); -- begin -- if Buffer.Max_Length > 0 then -- Machine_Primitive_Operations.Move_Bytes -- (Buffer.Buffer, S, Buffer.Max_Length); -- end if; -- Pput ("Buffer [" & Integer_Image (Buffer.Max_Length) & -- "] head = " & Integer_Image (Buffer.Head) & -- ", tail = " & Integer_Image (Buffer.Tail)); -- Display80 (S (Buffer.Tail .. Buffer.Head)); -- Pput (" "); -- Display80 ('<' & S & '>'); -- declare -- Ptrs : String (1 .. Buffer.Max_Length + 2) := -- (1 .. Buffer.Max_Length + 2 => ' '); -- procedure Show_Ptrs (Index : Natural) is -- begin -- Display80 (Ptrs (1 .. Index + 1)); -- end Show_Ptrs; -- -- begin -- if Buffer.Head = Buffer.Tail then -- Ptrs (Buffer.Head + 1) := '^'; -- else -- Ptrs (Buffer.Head + 1) := 'h'; -- Ptrs (Buffer.Tail + 1) := 't'; -- end if; -- if Buffer.Head > Buffer.Tail then -- Show_Ptrs (Buffer.Head); -- Display80 (Ptrs (1 .. Buffer.Head + 1)); -- else -- Show_Ptrs (Buffer.Tail); -- Display80 (Ptrs (1 .. Buffer.Tail + 1)); -- end if; -- end; -- end; --end if; end Display_Buffer; end Buffering;