Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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Index: ┃ T V

⟦a1ecdc2bd⟧ TextFile

    Length: 32845 (0x804d)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 


with Action;
with Calendar;
with Default;
with Directory;
with Io;
with Machine;
with System;
with Work_Order_Errors;

package Work_Order_Implementation is

    pragma Subsystem (Cmvc);
    pragma Module_Name (4, 3780);
    pragma Bias_Key (9);

    subtype User_Id is Machine.Session_Id;

    subtype Venture_Id         is Directory.Object;
    subtype Work_Order_Id      is Directory.Object;
    subtype Work_Order_List_Id is Directory.Object;

    function Nil return Directory.Object renames Directory.Nil;
    function Is_Nil (Id : Directory.Object) return Boolean
        renames Directory.Is_Nil;

    type Venture_Handle         is private;
    type Work_Order_Handle      is private;
    type Work_Order_List_Handle is private;

    Null_Venture_Handle         : constant Venture_Handle;
    Null_Work_Order_Handle      : constant Work_Order_Handle;
    Null_Work_Order_List_Handle : constant Work_Order_List_Handle;

    subtype Status is Work_Order_Errors.Status;

    type Open_Mode is (None, Read, Update);

    -- Types used in Fields.

    type Venture_Field    is private;
    type Work_Order_Field is private;

    Null_Venture_Field    : constant Venture_Field;
    Null_Work_Order_Field : constant Work_Order_Field;

    type Field_Type_Enum is (Bool, Str, Int);

    type Descriptor_Info_Record is
            Element_Type : Field_Type_Enum;  -- Elements have this type.
            Is_Vector    : Boolean;             -- Are elements arrays?
        end record;

    -- A Venture is a Work Order Database created in a subsystem.
    -- This subsystem can be at any level in the hierarchy
    -- (see CMVC.Project_Hierarchy_Operations).

    package Venture_Control is

        procedure Find (Venture_Name :     String;
                        Result       : out Venture_Id;
                        Success      : out Status);
        -- Invoke name resolution on a string.
        -- Returns bad status if the venture cannot be found.

        procedure Create (Venture_Name : String;
                          The_Handle   : out Venture_Handle;
                          Success      : out Status;
                          Notes        : String := "";
                          Storage      : System.Segment := System.Null_Segment;
                          Action_Id    : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id);
        -- New venture will be open for Update.

        procedure Open (The_Venture :     Venture_Id;
                        The_Handle  : out Venture_Handle;
                        Success     : out Status;
                        Mode        :     Open_Mode      := Read;
                        Storage     :     System.Segment := System.Null_Segment;
                        Action_Id   :     Action.Id      := Action.Null_Id);
        -- The_Venture may not be opened with mode None.

        procedure Close (The_Handle : in out Venture_Handle;
                         Success    : out    Status);
        -- The_Handle will be set to Null_Venture_Handle after closing.

        function Id        (The_Handle : Venture_Handle) return Venture_Id;
        function Mode      (The_Handle : Venture_Handle) return Open_Mode;
        function Full_Name (The_Handle : Venture_Handle) return String;

        -- These information functions may be used on any handle.

    end Venture_Control;

    package Venture_Operations is

        procedure Set_Default (To       :     Venture_Id;
                               Success  : out Status;
                               For_User :     User_Id := Default.Session);
        -- Set the appropriate session switch.  To may be Nil.

        procedure Get_Default (Result         : out Venture_Id;
                               Success        : out Status;
                               For_User       :     User_Id := Default.Session;
                               Ignore_Garbage :     Boolean := True);
        -- If Ignore_Garbage is True and the default venture no longer
        -- exists, Nil will be returned instead.

        function Require_Default_Venture return Boolean;

        procedure Set_Require_Default_Venture
                     (To_Val : Boolean; Success : out Status);
        -- System wide setting.  Maybe this should be controlled?

        type Policy_Switches_Enum is (Require_Current_Work_Order,  
        type Policy_Switches      is array (Policy_Switches_Enum) of Boolean;

        procedure Get_Policy_Switch (Value       : out Policy_Switches;
                                     For_Venture :     Venture_Handle;
                                     Success     : out Status);

        procedure Set_Policy_Switch (To_Value    :     Policy_Switches;
                                     For_Venture :     Venture_Handle;
                                     Success     : out Status);
        -- For_Venture must be writable before its policy may be changed.

        function Get_Notes (For_Venture : Venture_Handle) return String;
        -- Constraint_Error will be raised if the handle is not open.

        procedure Set_Notes (To_Value    :     String;
                             For_Venture :     Venture_Handle;
                             Success     : out Status);
        -- For_Venture must be writable before its notes may be changed.

        procedure Count_Orders (For_Venture :     Venture_Handle;
                                Work_Orders : out Natural;
                                Success     : out Status);

            with procedure Visit (Value : Work_Order_Id);
        procedure Traverse_Orders
                     (The_Venture : Venture_Handle; Success : out Status);
        -- Do not Create or Delete Work_Orders while traversing.

        procedure Count_Lists (For_Venture      :     Venture_Handle;
                               Work_Order_Lists : out Natural;
                               Success          : out Status);

            with procedure Visit (Value : Work_Order_List_Id);
        procedure Traverse_Lists
                     (The_Venture : Venture_Handle; Success : out Status);
        -- Do not Create or Delete Work_Order_Lists while traversing.

        procedure Count_Default_Orders (For_Venture :     Venture_Handle;
                                        Users       : out Natural;
                                        Success     : out Status);
        -- Returns the number of users who have ever set a default
        -- work_order for this venture.

            with procedure Visit (The_User : User_Id; Value : Work_Order_Id);
        procedure Traverse_Default_Orders
                     (The_Venture : Venture_Handle; Success : out Status);
        -- Do not Set_Default Work_Orders while traversing.

        procedure Count_Default_Lists (For_Venture :     Venture_Handle;
                                       Users       : out Natural;
                                       Success     : out Status);
        -- Returns the number of users who have ever set a default
        -- work_order_list for this venture.

            with procedure Visit (The_User : User_Id;
                                  Value    : Work_Order_List_Id);
        procedure Traverse_Default_Lists
                     (The_Venture : Venture_Handle; Success : out Status);
        -- Do not Set_Default Work_Order_Lists while traversing.

    end Venture_Operations;

    package Venture_Field_Operations is

        subtype Field is Venture_Field;
        function Null_Field return Field;

        type Modifiable_Info_Record is
                Is_Controlled    : Boolean;
                Display_Position : Natural;
            end record;

        procedure Create (Field_Name      :     String;
                          Descriptor_Info :     Descriptor_Info_Record;
                          Modifiable_Info :     Modifiable_Info_Record;
                          Default         :     String;
                          Result          : out Field;
                          Success         : out Status;
                          For_Venture     :     Venture_Handle;
                          Propagate       :     Boolean := True);
        -- Creates a new user-defined field in a venture.
        -- Field names may not contain Ascii.Lf, '"', or " => ".
        -- All fields will have a default value.  If the Default string
        -- cannot be parsed, a value of False or 0 will be assumed.
        -- Creating a new field will not affect any existing Work_Orders.
        -- For_Venture must be writable.
        -- If Propagate is true, all existing work_orders will be
        -- updated to have this new field.

        procedure Delete (Field_Name           :     String;
                          Success              : out Status;
                          In_Venture           :     Venture_Handle;
                          Even_If_Data_Present :     Boolean := False);
        -- Deletes the field from the venture.
        -- If work orders exist that have data in the field, the
        -- operation fails unless Even_If_Data_Present is true.
        -- This can be a very time consuming operation, as it must
        -- cycle through all of the work orders and remove the field.
        -- Each Work_Order will be opened with the Venture's action_id.
        -- In_Venture must be writable.

        procedure Find (Field_Name :     String;
                        The_Field  : out Field;
                        Success    : out Status;
                        In_Venture :     Venture_Handle);
        -- Search for the named field.
        -- Returns Null_Field (and a warning) if Field_Name cannot be found.
        -- Letter case and leading and trailing spaces are ignored.

        function  Modifiable_Info (The_Field : Field)
                                 return Modifiable_Info_Record;
        procedure Set_Modifiable_Info (The_Field       : Field;
                                       Modifiable_Info : Modifiable_Info_Record;
                                       Success         : out Status);

        function Name            (The_Field : Field) return String;
        function Descriptor_Info (The_Field : Field)
                                 return Descriptor_Info_Record;

        function Default (The_Field : Field) return String;
        function Default (The_Field : Field) return Integer;
        function Default (The_Field : Field) return Boolean;
        -- May raise Constraint_Error or Work_Order_Errors.Type_Mismatch

        procedure Set_Default (The_Field  : in out Field;
                               In_Venture :        Venture_Handle;
                               Value      :        String;
                               Success    : out    Status;
                               Propagate  :        Boolean := False);
        procedure Set_Default (The_Field  : in out Field;
                               In_Venture :        Venture_Handle;
                               Value      :        Boolean;
                               Success    : out    Status;
                               Propagate  :        Boolean := False);
        procedure Set_Default (The_Field  : in out Field;
                               In_Venture :        Venture_Handle;
                               Value      :        Integer;
                               Success    : out    Status;
                               Propagate  :        Boolean := False);
        -- Changing the default value for a field will only affect existing
        -- work_orders if Propagate is True.  New work orders will have their
        -- fields initialized to the current default values.

        procedure Count (For_Venture :     Venture_Handle;
                         Fields      : out Natural;
                         Success     : out Status);

            with procedure Visit (Value : Field);
        procedure Traverse (The_Venture : Venture_Handle; Success : out Status);
        -- Do not Create or Delete fields while traversing.

    end Venture_Field_Operations;

    package Venture_Display is

        procedure Display (Which   : Venture_Id;
                           Options : String       := "";
                           To_File : Io.File_Type := Io.Current_Output);
        -- Write out a venture to a text file.

        procedure Edit (Which : Venture_Id);
        -- Cause the Venture_Object_Editor to display a unit.

    end Venture_Display;

    package Work_Order_Control is

        procedure Find (Name    :     String;
                        Result  : out Work_Order_Id;
                        Success : out Status);
        -- Invoke name resolution on a string.
        -- Returns bad status if the work_order cannot be found.

        procedure Find (Work_Order_Number :     Long_Integer;
                        Result            : out Work_Order_Id;
                        Success           : out Status);
        -- A Work_Order_Number can be obtained from the function of
        -- that name below.  Numbers are unique.

        procedure Create (Work_Order_Name : String;
                          The_Handle : out Work_Order_Handle;
                          Success : out Status;
                          On_Venture : Venture_Handle;
                          On_List : Work_Order_List_Handle :=
                          Notes : String := "";
                          Storage : System.Segment := System.Null_Segment;
                          For_User : User_Id := Default.Session);
        -- New work_order will be open for Update.
        -- On_Venture (and On_List if supplied) must be writable.
        -- The Venture's action will be used, so close The_Handle
        -- (and On_List) before closing On_Venture.

        procedure Open (The_Work_Order : Work_Order_Id;
                        The_Handle     : out Work_Order_Handle;
                        Success        : out Status;
                        Mode           : Open_Mode := Read;
                        Storage        : System.Segment := System.Null_Segment;
                        Action_Id      : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id);
        -- The_Work_Order may not be opened with mode None.

        procedure Close (The_Handle : in out Work_Order_Handle;
                         Success    : out    Status);
        -- The_Handle will be set to Null_Work_Order_Handle after closing.

        function Id (The_Handle : Work_Order_Handle) return Work_Order_Id;
        function Mode (The_Handle : Work_Order_Handle) return Open_Mode;
        function Full_Name (The_Handle : Work_Order_Handle) return String;

        -- These information functions may be used on any handle.

    end Work_Order_Control;

    package Work_Order_Operations is

        procedure Set_Default (To_Order    :     Work_Order_Handle;
                               For_Venture :     Venture_Handle;
                               Success     : out Status;
                               For_User    :     User_Id := Default.Session);
        -- To_Order may be the Null_Work_Order_Handle.
        -- For_Venture must be writable.

        procedure Get_Default (On_Venture     :     Venture_Handle;
                               Result         : out Work_Order_Id;
                               Success        : out Status;
                               For_User       :     User_Id := Default.Session;
                               Ignore_Garbage :     Boolean := True);
        -- If Ignore_Garbage is True and the default work_order no
        -- longer exists, Nil will be returned instead.

        -- These two operations are really Venture operations.

        type Status_Enumeration is (Pending, In_Progress, Closed);

        subtype Configuration_Object is Directory.Object;
        subtype Element_Name         is String;
        subtype Generation           is Natural;

        procedure Close (The_Order : Work_Order_Handle; Success : out Status);
        -- Sets the Status_Enumeration to Closed.
        -- The_Order must be writable.

        procedure Add_User (To_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                            Success  : out Status;
                            The_User :     User_Id := Default.Session);

        procedure Add_Version (To_Order : Work_Order_Handle;
                               The_Configuration : Configuration_Object;
                               The_Element : Element_Name;
                               The_Generation : Generation;
                               Success : out Status;
                               When_Added : Calendar.Time := Calendar.Clock);

        procedure Add_Configuration
                     (To_Order          :     Work_Order_Handle;
                      The_Configuration :     Configuration_Object;
                      Success           : out Status;
                      When_Added        :     Calendar.Time := Calendar.Clock);

        procedure Add_Comment_Line
                     (To_Order         :     Work_Order_Handle;
                      The_Comment_Line :     String;
                      The_Element_Name :     Element_Name;
                      Success          : out Status;
                      The_User         :     User_Id       := Default.Session;
                      When_Added       :     Calendar.Time := Calendar.Clock);

        -- The procedures above add new elements to the pre-defined fields.
        -- To_Order must be writable.

        function Work_Order_Number
                    (The_Order : Work_Order_Id) return Long_Integer;
        -- 0 is a nil Work_Order_Number.

        procedure Get_Parent (The_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                              Result    : out Venture_Id;
                              Success   : out Status);

        procedure Get_Status (The_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                              Result    : out Status_Enumeration;
                              Success   : out Status);

        type User_Info is
                The_User : User_Id;
                The_Time : Calendar.Time;
            end record;

        procedure Create_Info (The_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                               The_Info  : out User_Info;
                               Success   : out Status);

        procedure Close_Info (The_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                              The_Info  : out User_Info;
                              Success   : out Status);

        function Create_User_Name (The_Order : Work_Order_Handle) return String;

        function Close_User_Name (The_Order : Work_Order_Handle) return String;


        function Get_Notes (For_Order : Work_Order_Handle) return String;
        -- Constraint_Error will be raised if the handle is not open.

        procedure Set_Notes (To_Value  :     String;
                             For_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                             Success   : out Status);
        -- For_Order must be writable before its notes may be changed.
        -- Changing the notes will not mark an order as being In_Progress.

        procedure Count_Versions (For_Work_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                                  Versions       : out Natural;
                                  Success        : out Status);

            with procedure Visit (The_Configuration : Configuration_Object;
                                  The_Element       : Element_Name;
                                  The_Generation    : Generation;
                                  The_Time          : Calendar.Time);
        procedure Traverse_Versions
                     (For_Work_Order : Work_Order_Handle; Success : out Status);
        -- Do not Add_Versions while traversing.
        -- Versions are time-ordered.

        procedure Count_Configurations (For_Work_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                                        Configurations : out Natural;
                                        Success        : out Status);

            with procedure Visit (The_Configuration : Configuration_Object;
                                  The_Time          : Calendar.Time);
        procedure Traverse_Configurations
                     (For_Work_Order : Work_Order_Handle; Success : out Status);
        -- Do not Add_Configurations while traversing.
        -- Configurations are time-ordered.

        procedure Count_Users (For_Work_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                               Users          : out Natural;
                               Success        : out Status);

            with procedure Visit (The_User : User_Id);
        procedure Traverse_Users
                     (For_Work_Order : Work_Order_Handle; Success : out Status);
        -- Do not Add_Users while traversing.

        procedure Count_Comments (For_Work_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                                  Comments       : out Natural;
                                  Success        : out Status);

            with procedure Visit (The_User    : User_Id;
                                  User_Name   : String;
                                  The_Comment : String;
                                  The_Element : Element_Name;
                                  The_Time    : Calendar.Time);
        procedure Traverse_Comments
                     (For_Work_Order : Work_Order_Handle; Success : out Status);
        -- Do not Add_Comments while traversing.
        -- Comments are time-ordered
        -- The User_Name may be good even if the The_User no longer
        -- exists.  If the comment was generated in a Delta 2 system
        -- then the user name is stored separately.

    end Work_Order_Operations;

    package Work_Order_Field_Operations is

        subtype Field is Work_Order_Field;
        function Null_Field return Work_Order_Field;

        procedure Find (Field_Name    :     String;
                        The_Field     : out Field;
                        Success       : out Status;
                        In_Work_Order :     Work_Order_Handle);
        -- Search for the named field.
        -- Returns Null_Field (and a warning) if Field_Name cannot be found.
        -- Letter case and leading and trailing spaces are ignored.

        function Name            (The_Field : Field) return String;
        function Descriptor_Info (The_Field : Field)
                                 return Descriptor_Info_Record;

        procedure High_Index (The_Field :     Field;
                              Result    : out Natural;
                              Success   : out Status);
        -- Return the highest index which has been used.

        function Value (The_Field : Field) return String;
        function Value (The_Field : Field) return Integer;
        function Value (The_Field : Field) return Boolean;

        function Value (The_Field : Field; Index : Natural) return String;
        function Value (The_Field : Field; Index : Natural) return Integer;
        function Value (The_Field : Field; Index : Natural) return Boolean;

        -- Returns the current value.
        -- If there is no current value, returns the default value.
        -- Raises Type_Mismatch if the selector doesn't conform to the
        --   type of the field.
        -- Raises Mismatched_Vector_Operation if the selector doesn't
        --   conform to the vector type.
        -- Raises Constraint_Error on the Null_Field.
        -- All uninitialized fields in a vector return the default.
        -- An Index of 0 is interpreted as High_Index (1 if High_Index = 0).

        function Is_Default (The_Field : Field)           return Boolean;
        function Is_Default
                    (The_Field : Field; Index : Positive) return Boolean;
        -- Returns True if the field in question has never been
        -- assigned a value using one of the procedures below.

        procedure Set_Value (The_Field  : in out Field;
                             The_Handle :        Work_Order_Handle;
                             Value      :        String;
                             Success    : out    Status);
        procedure Set_Value (The_Field  : in out Field;
                             The_Handle :        Work_Order_Handle;
                             Value      :        Boolean;
                             Success    : out    Status);
        procedure Set_Value (The_Field  : in out Field;
                             The_Handle :        Work_Order_Handle;
                             Value      :        Integer;
                             Success    : out    Status);

        procedure Set_Value (The_Field  : in out Field;
                             The_Handle :        Work_Order_Handle;
                             Index      :        Natural;
                             Value      :        String;
                             Success    : out    Status);
        procedure Set_Value (The_Field  : in out Field;
                             The_Handle :        Work_Order_Handle;
                             Index      :        Natural;
                             Value      :        Boolean;
                             Success    : out    Status);
        procedure Set_Value (The_Field  : in out Field;
                             The_Handle :        Work_Order_Handle;
                             Index      :        Natural;
                             Value      :        Integer;
                             Success    : out    Status);
        -- Sets the value of the field.
        -- The field must not already have a (non-default) value.
        -- An index of 0 is interpreted as High_Index + 1.
        -- The_Handle must be writable.

        procedure Count (For_Work_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                         Fields         : out Natural;
                         Success        : out Status);

            with procedure Visit (Value : Field);
        procedure Traverse (The_Work_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                            Success        : out Status);
        -- Do not Create or Delete fields while traversing.

    end Work_Order_Field_Operations;

    package Work_Order_Display is

        procedure Display (Which   : Work_Order_Id;
                           Options : String       := "";
                           To_File : Io.File_Type := Io.Current_Output);
        -- Write out a work_order to a text file.

        procedure Edit (Which : Work_Order_Id);
        -- Cause the Work_Order_Object_Editor to display an object.

    end Work_Order_Display;

    package Work_Order_List_Control is

        procedure Find (List_Name :     String;
                        Result    : out Work_Order_List_Id;
                        Success   : out Status);
        -- Invoke name resolution on a string.
        -- Returns bad status if the list cannot be found.

        procedure Create (List_Name  : String := ">>OBJECT NAME<<";
                          The_Handle : out Work_Order_List_Handle;
                          Success    : out Status;
                          On_Venture : Venture_Handle;
                          Notes      : String := "";
                          Storage    : System.Segment := System.Null_Segment);
        -- New work_order_list will be open for Update.
        -- On_Venture must be writable.
        -- The Venture's action will be used, so close The_Handle
        -- before closing On_Venture.

        procedure Open (The_List   :     Work_Order_List_Id;
                        The_Handle : out Work_Order_List_Handle;
                        Success    : out Status;
                        Mode       :     Open_Mode      := Read;
                        Storage    :     System.Segment := System.Null_Segment;
                        Action_Id  :     Action.Id      := Action.Null_Id);
        -- The_List may not be opened with mode None.

        procedure Close (The_Handle : in out Work_Order_List_Handle;
                         Success    : out    Status);
        -- The_Handle is set to Null_Work_Order_List_Handle after closing.

        function Id (The_Handle : Work_Order_List_Handle)
                    return Work_Order_List_Id;
        function Mode (The_Handle : Work_Order_List_Handle) return Open_Mode;
        function Full_Name (The_Handle : Work_Order_List_Handle) return String;

        -- These information functions may be used on any handle.

    end Work_Order_List_Control;

    package Work_Order_List_Operations is

        procedure Set_Default (To_List     :     Work_Order_List_Handle;
                               For_Venture :     Venture_Handle;
                               Success     : out Status;
                               For_User    :     User_Id := Default.Session);
        -- To_List may be the Null_Work_Order_List_Handle.
        -- For_Venture must be writable.

        procedure Get_Default (On_Venture     :     Venture_Handle;
                               Result         : out Work_Order_List_Id;
                               Success        : out Status;
                               For_User       :     User_Id := Default.Session;
                               Ignore_Garbage :     Boolean := True);
        -- If Ignore_Garbage is True and the default list no longer
        -- exists, Nil will be returned instead.

        -- These two operations are really Venture operations.

        procedure Add (The_Work_Order :     Work_Order_Handle;
                       To_List        :     Work_Order_List_Handle;
                       Success        : out Status);
        -- Adds a work order to a list.
        -- The_Work_Order must have the same parent venture as To_List.
        -- To_List must be writable.

        procedure Remove (The_Work_Order :     Work_Order_Id;
                          From_List      :     Work_Order_List_Handle;
                          Success        : out Status);
        -- Remove a work_order from a list.
        -- The work order itself is unaffected.
        -- From_List must be writable.

        procedure Get_Parent (The_List :     Work_Order_List_Handle;
                              Result   : out Venture_Id;
                              Success  : out Status);

        function Get_Notes (For_List : Work_Order_List_Handle) return String;
        -- Constraint_Error will be raised if the handle is not open.

        procedure Set_Notes (To_Value :     String;
                             For_List :     Work_Order_List_Handle;
                             Success  : out Status);
        -- For_List must be writable before its notes may be changed.

        procedure Count (For_List    :     Work_Order_List_Handle;
                         Work_Orders : out Natural;
                         Success     : out Status);

            with procedure Visit (The_Work_Order : Work_Order_Id);
        procedure Traverse (For_List :     Work_Order_List_Handle;
                            Success  : out Status);
        -- Do not Add or Remove work orders while traversing.

    end Work_Order_List_Operations;

    package Work_Order_List_Display is

        procedure Display (Which   : Work_Order_List_Id;
                           Options : String       := "";
                           To_File : Io.File_Type := Io.Current_Output);
        -- Write out a Work_Order_List to a text file.

        procedure Edit (Which : Work_Order_List_Id);
        -- Cause the Work_Order_List_Object_Editor to display an object.

    end Work_Order_List_Display;

end Work_Order_Implementation;