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Length: 11042 (0x2b22) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13 └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Text_Io; package body Octet is -- VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------------- Bit_Octet_1, Bit_Octet_2, Bit_Flag : T_Bit_Octet := (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False); -- PROCEDURES ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURES D'AFFICHAGE ET DE LECTURE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Afficher_Octet_Binaire (Un_Octet : T_Octet) is Bit_Octet : T_Bit_Octet; begin Bit_Octet := Convert_Bit (Un_Octet); for I in reverse Octet.Num_Bit loop if Bit_Octet (I) then Text_Io.Put (" 1"); else Text_Io.Put (" 0"); end if; end loop; end Afficher_Octet_Binaire; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Afficher_Octet_Hexa (Un_Octet : T_Octet) is Tab_Hexa : constant array (Integer range 0 .. 15) of Character := ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'); begin Text_Io.Put (Tab_Hexa (Un_Octet / 16)); Text_Io.Put (Tab_Hexa (Un_Octet mod 16)); end Afficher_Octet_Hexa; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function Lire_Octet_Binaire return T_Octet is Resultat : T_Octet := 0; Chaine_Lue : String (1 .. 8); begin Text_Io.Get (Chaine_Lue); for I in reverse 1 .. 8 loop if (Chaine_Lue (I) = '1') then Resultat := Resultat + 2 ** (8 - I); end if; end loop; return Resultat; end Lire_Octet_Binaire; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function Lire_Octet_Hexa return T_Octet is Resultat : T_Octet := 0; Chaine_Lue : String (1 .. 2); begin Text_Io.Get (Chaine_Lue); case Chaine_Lue (1) is when '0' .. '9' => Resultat := Character'Pos (Chaine_Lue (1)) - Character'Pos ('0'); when 'a' .. 'f' => Resultat := Character'Pos (Chaine_Lue (1)) - Character'Pos ('a') + 10; when 'A' .. 'F' => Resultat := Character'Pos (Chaine_Lue (1)) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10; when others => Text_Io.Put_Line ("Valeur non hexa"); raise Constraint_Error; end case; Resultat := Resultat * 16; case Chaine_Lue (2) is when '0' .. '9' => Resultat := Resultat + Character'Pos (Chaine_Lue (2)) - Character'Pos ('0'); when 'a' .. 'f' => Resultat := Resultat + Character'Pos (Chaine_Lue (2)) - Character'Pos ('a') + 10; when 'A' .. 'F' => Resultat := Resultat + Character'Pos (Chaine_Lue (2)) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10; when others => Text_Io.Put_Line ("Valeur non hexa"); raise Constraint_Error; end case; Text_Io.Put_Line (""); return Resultat; end Lire_Octet_Hexa; -------------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURES NE MODIFIANT PAS LES FLAGS -------------------------------------------------- function Test_Bit (Octet_1 : T_Octet; Bit : Num_Bit) return Boolean is begin Bit_Octet_1 := Convert_Bit (Octet_1); return Bit_Octet_1 (Bit); end Test_Bit; -------------------------------------------------- procedure Set_Bit (Octet_1 : in out T_Octet; Bit : Num_Bit) is begin Bit_Octet_1 := Convert_Bit (Octet_1); Bit_Octet_1 (Bit) := True; Octet_1 := Convert_Octet (Bit_Octet_1); end Set_Bit; -------------------------------------------------- procedure Res_Bit (Octet_1 : in out T_Octet; Bit : Num_Bit) is begin Bit_Octet_1 := Convert_Bit (Octet_1); Bit_Octet_1 (Bit) := False; Octet_1 := Convert_Octet (Bit_Octet_1); end Res_Bit; -------------------------------------------------- function "and" (Octet_1, Octet_2 : T_Octet) return T_Octet is begin Bit_Octet_1 := Convert_Bit (Octet_1); Bit_Octet_2 := Convert_Bit (Octet_2); Bit_Octet_1 := Bit_Octet_1 and Bit_Octet_2; return (Convert_Octet (Bit_Octet_1)); end "and"; -------------------------------------------------- function "or" (Octet_1, Octet_2 : T_Octet) return T_Octet is begin Bit_Octet_1 := Convert_Bit (Octet_1); Bit_Octet_2 := Convert_Bit (Octet_2); Bit_Octet_1 := Bit_Octet_1 or Bit_Octet_2; return (Convert_Octet (Bit_Octet_1)); end "or"; -------------------------------------------------- function "xor" (Octet_1, Octet_2 : T_Octet) return T_Octet is begin Bit_Octet_1 := Convert_Bit (Octet_1); Bit_Octet_2 := Convert_Bit (Octet_2); Bit_Octet_1 := Bit_Octet_1 xor Bit_Octet_2; return (Convert_Octet (Bit_Octet_1)); end "xor"; -------------------------------------------------- function "not" (Octet_1 : T_Octet) return T_Octet is begin Bit_Octet_1 := Convert_Bit (Octet_1); return (Convert_Octet (not Bit_Octet_1)); end "not"; -------------------------------------------------- function Neg (Octet_1 : T_Octet) return T_Octet is Oct : T_Octet; begin Oct := not Octet_1; Oct := Add (Oct, 1); return (Oct); end Neg; -------------------------------------------------- function Add (Octet_1, Octet_2 : T_Octet) return T_Octet is La_Carry : Boolean := False; Oct : T_Octet; begin Bit_Octet_1 := Convert_Bit (Octet_1); Bit_Octet_2 := Convert_Bit (Octet_2); for I in Num_Bit loop Add_Bit_C (Bit_Octet_1 (I), Bit_Octet_2 (I), La_Carry); end loop; return Convert_Octet (Bit_Octet_1); end Add; -------------------------------------------------- function Sub (Octet_1, Octet_2 : T_Octet) return T_Octet is begin return (Add (Octet_1, Neg (Octet_2))); end Sub; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURES D'ADDITION ENTRE 2 BITS (avec carry) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Add_Bit_C (Bit_1 : in out Boolean; Bit_2 : Boolean; Carry : in out Boolean) is -- ajoute 2 bits entre eux en tenant compte et en modifiant la carry -- passee en parametre begin case Carry is when False => Carry := Bit_1 and Bit_2; Bit_1 := Bit_1 xor Bit_2; when True => Carry := Bit_1 or Bit_2; Bit_1 := not (Bit_1 xor Bit_2); end case; end Add_Bit_C; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURES DE CONVERSION octet <--> tableau de bits -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Convert_Bit (Octet_1 : T_Octet) return T_Bit_Octet is Bit_Oct : T_Bit_Octet; Octet : T_Octet := Octet_1; begin for I in Num_Bit loop Bit_Oct (I) := ((Octet mod 2) /= 0); Octet := Octet / 2; end loop; return Bit_Oct; end Convert_Bit; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Convert_Octet_Ascii (Un_Octet : Octet.T_Octet; Car_1, Car_2 : in out Character) is Tab_Hexa : constant array (Integer range 0 .. 15) of Character := ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'); begin Car_1 := Tab_Hexa (Un_Octet / 16); Car_2 := Tab_Hexa (Un_Octet mod 16); end Convert_Octet_Ascii; ----------------------------------------------- function Convert_Car_Ascii (Car : Character) return Octet.T_Octet is Resultat : T_Octet := 0; begin case Car is when '0' .. '9' => Resultat := Character'Pos (Car) - Character'Pos ('0'); when 'A' .. 'F' => Resultat := Character'Pos (Car) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10; when others => Resultat := 0; end case; return Resultat; end Convert_Car_Ascii; --------------- function Convert_Ascii_Octet (Car_1, Car_2 : Character) return Octet.T_Octet is Resultat : T_Octet := 0; begin Resultat := Convert_Car_Ascii (Car_1); Resultat := (Resultat * 16) + Convert_Car_Ascii (Car_2); return Resultat; end Convert_Ascii_Octet; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Convert_Octet (Bit_Octet : T_Bit_Octet) return T_Octet is Oct : T_Octet := 0; Val_Add : T_Octet := 1; begin for I in Num_Bit loop if Bit_Octet (I) then Oct := Oct + 2 ** I; end if; end loop; return Oct; end Convert_Octet; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Rld (Octet_1, Octet_2 : in out T_Octet) is Bit_Octet_Temp : T_Bit_Octet := (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False); begin Bit_Octet_1 := Convert_Bit (Octet_1); Bit_Octet_2 := Convert_Bit (Octet_2); for I in 0 .. 3 loop Bit_Octet_Temp (I) := Bit_Octet_1 (I); Bit_Octet_1 (I) := Bit_Octet_2 (I + 4); Bit_Octet_2 (I + 4) := Bit_Octet_2 (I); Bit_Octet_2 (I) := Bit_Octet_Temp (I); end loop; Octet_1 := Convert_Octet (Bit_Octet_1); Octet_2 := Convert_Octet (Bit_Octet_2); end Rld; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Rrd (Octet_1, Octet_2 : in out T_Octet) is Bit_Octet_Temp : T_Bit_Octet := (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False); begin Bit_Octet_1 := Convert_Bit (Octet_1); Bit_Octet_2 := Convert_Bit (Octet_2); for I in 0 .. 3 loop Bit_Octet_Temp (I) := Bit_Octet_1 (I); Bit_Octet_1 (I) := Bit_Octet_2 (I); Bit_Octet_2 (I) := Bit_Octet_2 (I + 4); Bit_Octet_2 (I + 4) := Bit_Octet_Temp (I); end loop; Octet_1 := Convert_Octet (Bit_Octet_1); Octet_2 := Convert_Octet (Bit_Octet_2); end Rrd; end Octet;