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Length: 10912 (0x2aa0) Types: TextFile Names: »ROBOT_ADA«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with expertSystem; use expertSystem; package Brique is subtype tTaille is natural; type tCouleur is (rose, grise, blanche); type tLieu is (tas, pince, boite); subtype tCase is positive; type object is private; function lesBriques return collection.object; function surTas (r : reference) return boolean; function dansPince (r : reference) return boolean; function laPlusGrandeDuTas(r : reference) return boolean; function taille (r : reference) return tTaille; procedure creer; procedure modifierLieu (r : reference ; l : tLieu); procedure modifierBoite (r : reference ; c : tCase); private type object is record taille : tTaille :=1; couleur : tCouleur :=rose; lieu : tLieu :=tas; boite : tCase; end record; end Brique; with expertSystem ; use expertSystem; package body Brique is package Behavior is new classBehavior(object,"BRIQUES "); function lesBriques return collection.object is begin return Behavior.allInstances; end lesBriques; function surTas(r : reference) return boolean is begin return Behavior.get(r).lieu = tas; end surTas; function dansPince(r : reference) return boolean is begin return Behavior.get(r).lieu = pince; end dansPince; function briquesSurTas is new collection.restrict(surTas); function plusGrande(r, any : reference) return boolean is begin return Behavior.get(r).taille > Behavior.get(any).taille; end plusGrande; function laPlusGrande is new collection.theMost(plusGrande); function laPlusGrandeDuTas(r : reference) return boolean is begin return Behavior.get(r).taille = Behavior.get(laPlusGrande(briquesSurTas(Behavior.instances))).taille; end laPlusGrandeDuTas; function taille(r : reference) return tTaille is begin return Behavior.get(r).taille; end taille; procedure creer is begin for i in 10..30 loop behavior.allocate(object'(tTaille(i),rose,tas,tCase(1))); end loop; put_line(" "); put(" Nb briques : "); put(Behavior.cardinality); put_line(" "); end creer; procedure modifierLieu(r : reference ; l : tLieu) is uneBrique : object; begin uneBrique := Behavior.get(r); uneBrique.lieu := l; Behavior.set(r,uneBrique); end modifierLieu; procedure modifierBoite(r : reference ; c : tCase) is uneBrique : object; begin uneBrique := Behavior.get(r); uneBrique.boite := c; Behavior.set(r,uneBrique); end modifierBoite; end Brique; with expertSystem ; use expertSystem; package Robot is type object is private; subtype tNom is string(1..10); type tTache is (prendre, deposer); subtype tCase is positive; function lesRobots return collection.object; function derniereBoite return tCase; function nom (r : reference) return tNom; function numeroBoite (r : reference) return tCase; function peutPrendre (r : reference) return boolean; function peutDeposer (r : reference) return boolean; function tientBrique (r : reference) return boolean; procedure creer; procedure modifierPince(r : reference ; b : boolean); procedure modifierTache(r : reference ; a : tTache); procedure modifierBoite(r : reference ; c : tCase); procedure seSuicide (r : reference); private NumeroCourant : tCase :=1; type object is record nom : tNom; boite : tCase; tache : tTache; pinceOccupee : boolean :=FALSE; end record; end Robot; with expertSystem ; use expertSystem; package body Robot is package Behavior is new classBehavior(object,"ROBOTS "); function lesRobots return collection.object is begin return Behavior.instances; end lesRobots; function peutPrendre(r : reference) return boolean is begin return Behavior.get(r).tache = prendre; end peutPrendre; function peutDeposer(r : reference) return boolean is begin return Behavior.get(r).tache = deposer; end peutDeposer; function tientBrique(r : reference) return boolean is begin return Behavior.get(r).pinceOccupee; end tientBrique; function nom(r : reference) return tNom is begin return Behavior.get(r).nom; end nom; function numeroBoite(r : reference) return tCase is begin return Behavior.get(r).boite; end numeroBoite; function derniereBoite return tCase is begin NumeroCourant := NumeroCourant+1; return NumeroCourant-1; end derniereBoite; procedure creer is begin behavior.allocate(object'("Robot No 1",1,prendre,FALSE)); behavior.allocate(object'("Robot No 2",1,prendre,FALSE)); put(" Nb robots : "); put(Behavior.cardinality); put_line(" "); end creer; procedure modifierPince(r : reference ; b : boolean) is unRobot : object; begin unRobot := Behavior.get(r); unRobot.pinceOccupee := b; Behavior.set(r,unRobot); end modifierPince; procedure modifierTache(r : reference ; a : tTache) is unRobot : object; begin unRobot := Behavior.get(r); unRobot.tache := a; Behavior.set(r,unRobot); end modifierTache; procedure modifierBoite(r : reference ; c : tCase) is unRobot : object; begin unRobot := Behavior.get(r); unRobot.boite := c; Behavior.set(r,unRobot); end modifierBoite; procedure seSuicide(r : reference) is begin Behavior.dispose(r); end seSuicide; end Robot; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DESCRIPTION DES REGLES -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with expertSystem ; use expertSystem; with Robot,Brique ; use Robot,Brique; procedure travailler is package robotEtBrique is procedure miseEnBoite; end robotEtBrique; package body robotEtBrique is function peutMettreEnBoite return boolean is begin regleSaisir: declare RB : tuple.object; uneBrique, unRobot: reference; function match(R, B : reference) return boolean is begin return peutPrendre(R) and then not tientBrique(R) and then surTas(B) and then laPlusGrandeDuTas(B); end match; function robotSaisir is new tupleCollection.join2(match); begin RB := tupleCollection.first( robotSaisir(lesRobots,lesBriques)); if tuple.isNotNull(RB) then unRobot := tuple.first(RB); uneBrique := tuple.second(RB); Robot.modifierPince(unRobot,TRUE); Brique.modifierLieu (uneBrique,pince); put("Le ") ; put(Robot.nom(unRobot)); put(" prend la plus grande brique (taille="); put(integer(Brique.taille(uneBrique))); put_line(") du tas dans sa pince "); return TRUE; end if; end regleSaisir; regleTenir: declare RB : tuple.object; unRobot : reference; function match(R, B: reference) return boolean is begin return peutPrendre(R) and then tientBrique(R) and then dansPince(B); end match; function robotTenir is new tupleCollection.join2(match); begin RB := tupleCollection.first(robotTenir(lesRobots,lesBriques)); if tuple.isNotNull(RB) then unRobot := tuple.first(RB); Robot.modifierTache(unRobot,deposer); put("Le "); put(Robot.nom(unRobot)); put_line(" va deposer la brique "); return TRUE; end if; end regleTenir; regleCaser: declare RB : tuple.object; uneBrique, unRobot : reference; function match(R, B: reference) return boolean is begin return peutDeposer(R) and then dansPince(B); end match; function robotCaser is new tupleCollection.join2(match); begin RB := tupleCollection.first(robotCaser(lesRobots,lesBriques)); if tuple.isNotNull(RB) then unRobot := tuple.first(RB); uneBrique := tuple.second(RB); Brique.modifierLieu(uneBrique,boite); Robot.modifierTache(unRobot,prendre); Robot.modifierBoite(unRobot,Robot.derniereBoite); Brique.modifierBoite(uneBrique,Robot.numeroBoite(unRobot)); put("Le "); put(Robot.nom(unRobot)); put(" depose la brique dans la case"); put(integer(Robot.numeroBoite(unRobot))); put_line(""); Robot.modifierPince(unRobot,FALSE); return TRUE; end if; end regleCaser; regleArreter: declare RB : tuple.object; unRobot : reference; function match(R, B: reference) return boolean is begin return peutPrendre(R) and then not tientBrique(R) and then not surTas(B); end match; function robotArreter is new tupleCollection.join2(match); begin RB := tupleCollection.first(robotArreter(lesRobots,lesBriques)); if not tuple.isNull(RB) then unRobot := tuple.first(RB); put("Le "); put(Robot.nom(unRobot)); put_line(" se suicide (plus de briques)"); Robot.seSuicide(unRobot); return TRUE; end if; end regleArreter; return FALSE; end peutMettreEnBoite; procedure mettreEnBoite is begin loop exit when not peutMettreEnBoite; end loop; end mettreEnBoite; procedure miseEnBoite is begin Robot.creer; Brique.creer; loop mettreEnBoite; -- autres contextes a traiter exit; end loop; end miseEnBoite; end robotEtBrique; begin robotEtBrique.miseEnBoite; end travailler;