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Length: 3447 (0xd77) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Slot, Instance, Text_Io; with Tuple; with Ball_Features, Box_Features, Sticker_Features; with New_Ball, New_Box, New_Sticker; package body Bbs_Actions is use Ball_Features, Box_Features, Sticker_Features, Slot.Operators; type Col is (Black, Red, Green, Blue, White, Yellow); procedure Pack_It_Action (The_Tuple : Tuple.Object) is A_Ball : New_Ball.Object; A_Box : New_Box.Object; A_Sticker : New_Sticker.Object; begin Tuple.Split (The_Tuple, A_Ball, A_Box, A_Sticker); New_Ball.Change (The_Object => A_Ball, Attribute => Place, To => In_The_Box); New_Box.Change (The_Object => A_Box, Attribute => State, To => State_Slot_Box.Value (Is_Full)); New_Sticker.Change (The_Object => A_Sticker, Attribute => State, To => State_Slot_Sticker.Value (Is_Used)); Text_Io.Put_Line ("=>Rule PACK_IT : ball (" & Col'Image (Col'Val (Slot.Get (New_Ball.Value_Of (A_Ball, Colour)))) & "/" & Slot.Image (New_Ball.Value_Of (A_Ball, Size)) & ") in box (" & Slot.Image (New_Box.Value_Of (A_Box, Size)) & ") with label: " & Col'Image (Col'Val (Slot.Get (New_Sticker.Value_Of (A_Sticker, Colour)))) & "(" & State_Slot_Sticker.Image (New_Sticker.Value_Of (A_Sticker, State)) & ")"); end Pack_It_Action; ------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Sticker_Lack_Action (The_Tuple : Tuple.Object) is A_Ball : New_Ball.Object; begin Tuple.Split (The_Tuple, A_Ball); New_Ball.Change (The_Object => A_Ball, Attribute => Place, To => In_The_Box); Text_Io.Put_Line ("=>Rule STICKER_LACK : there are no stickers left with color " & Col'Image (Col'Val (Slot.Get (New_Ball.Value_Of (A_Ball, Colour))))); end Sticker_Lack_Action; ------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Box_Lack_Action (The_Tuple : Tuple.Object) is A_Ball : New_Ball.Object; begin Tuple.Split (The_Tuple, A_Ball); New_Ball.Change (The_Object => A_Ball, Attribute => Place, To => In_The_Box); Text_Io.Put_Line ("=>Rule BOX_LACK : there are no boxes left with size greater then " & Slot.Image (New_Ball.Value_Of (A_Ball, Size))); end Box_Lack_Action; ------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Too_Big_Action (The_Tuple : Tuple.Object) is A_Ball : New_Ball.Object; begin Tuple.Split (The_Tuple, A_Ball); New_Ball.Change (The_Object => A_Ball, Attribute => Place, To => In_The_Box); Text_Io.Put_Line ("=>Rule TOO_BIG : the colour " & Col'Image (Col'Val (Slot.Get (New_Ball.Value_Of (A_Ball, Colour)))) & " ball with size " & Slot.Image (New_Ball.Value_Of (A_Ball, Size)) & " is too BIG"); end Too_Big_Action; end Bbs_Actions;