Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦a5e3e1679⟧ TextFile

    Length: 29469 (0x731d)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »PPI_FM«


└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13
    └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16
    └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04
    └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« 


widget TopLevelShell {
    flag {
    resources {
        x = 342
        y = 278
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        background = gray80
        geometry = +350+320
        destroyCallback = PutEvent(toplevel,"PushButton","Cancel","");
    children {
        widget XmBulletinBoard {
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                    resources {
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                        highlightThickness = 1
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                        bottomShadowColor = black
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                } Cancel
                widget XmForm {
                    flag {
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                        topShadowColor = white
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                    children {
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                            flag {
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                                height = 30
                                width = 45
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
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                                topShadowColor = white
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                        widget XmText {
                            flag {
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                                editable = false
                                sensitive = false
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
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                                blinkRate = 0
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                        widget XmLabel {
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                                x = 10
                                y = 45
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                                width = 45
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
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                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
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                                editable = false
                                sensitive = false
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                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                                blinkRate = 0
                        } Vector
                        widget XmLabel {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 170
                                y = 10
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                                background = gray80
                                fontList = *helvetica-bold-r-*-12-*
                                height = 30
                                width = 105
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
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                        widget XmText {
                            flag {
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                                x = 285
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                                editable = false
                                sensitive = false
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                                blinkRate = 0
                        } Memory
                        widget XmLabel {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 170
                                y = 45
                                labelString = IT connected
                                background = gray80
                                fontList = *helvetica-bold-r-*-12-*
                                height = 30
                                width = 105
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
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                        widget XmText {
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                                editable = false
                                sensitive = false
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                                blinkRate = 0
                        } It
                } F1
                widget XmForm {
                    flag {
                    resources {
                        x = 15
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                        topShadowColor = white
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                        shadowThickness = 1
                    children {
                        widget XmLabel {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 10
                                y = 10
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                                labelString = Status
                                fontList = *helvetica-bold-r-*-12-*
                                height = 30
                                width = 45
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                        } LabelStatus
                        widget XmText {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 65
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                                maxLength = 8
                                editable = false
                                sensitive = false
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                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                                blinkRate = 0
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                        widget XmLabel {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 190
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                                height = 30
                                width = 45
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
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                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
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                        widget XmText {
                            flag {
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                                x = 245
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                                width = 85
                                height = 30
                                background = gray75
                                fontList = fixed-screen-r-12
                                maxLength = 8
                                activateCallback = SetFalse(toplevel);\
                                losingFocusCallback = if (FieldChanged(toplevel)) \
                                focusCallback = SetFalse(toplevel);
                                valueChangedCallback = ValueChanged(toplevel);
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                                blinkRate = 0
                        } Control
                } F2
                widget XmForm {
                    flag {
                    resources {
                        x = 15
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                        bottomShadowColor = white
                        topShadowColor = white
                        borderWidth = 1
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                    children {
                        widget XmLabel {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 10
                                y = 10
                                width = 50
                                height = 30
                                labelString = Port A
                                background = gray80
                                fontList = *helvetica-bold-r-*-12-*
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
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                            flag {
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                                x = 65
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                                fontList = fixed-screen-r-12
                                maxLength = 2
                                activateCallback = SetFalse(toplevel);\
                                losingFocusCallback = if (FieldChanged(toplevel)) \
                                focusCallback = SetFalse(toplevel);
                                valueChangedCallback = ValueChanged(toplevel);
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
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                        widget XmLabel {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 200
                                y = 10
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                                height = 30
                                labelString = Mode
                                background = gray80
                                fontList = *helvetica-bold-r-*-12-*
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                        } LModeA
                        widget XmText {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 245
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                                editable = false
                                sensitive = false
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                                topShadowColor = white
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                            flag {
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                                x = 285
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                                editable = false
                                sensitive = false
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                                blinkRate = 0
                        } SensA
                        widget XmLabel {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 10
                                y = 50
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                                background = gray80
                                fontList = *helvetica-bold-r-*-12-*
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
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                        widget XmText {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 65
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                                maxLength = 2
                                activateCallback = SetFalse(toplevel);\
                                losingFocusCallback = if (FieldChanged(toplevel)) \
                                focusCallback = SetFalse(toplevel);
                                valueChangedCallback = ValueChanged(toplevel);
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                                blinkRate = 0
                        } B
                        widget XmLabel {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 200
                                y = 50
                                width = 35
                                height = 30
                                labelString = Mode
                                background = gray80
                                fontList = *helvetica-bold-r-*-12-*
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                        } LModeB
                        widget XmText {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 245
                                y = 50
                                width = 25
                                height = 30
                                background = gray80
                                fontList = fixed-screen-r-12
                                editable = false
                                sensitive = false
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                                blinkRate = 0
                        } ModeB
                        widget XmText {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 285
                                y = 50
                                width = 43
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                                background = gray80
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                                editable = false
                                sensitive = false
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                                blinkRate = 0
                        } SensB
                        widget XmLabel {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 10
                                y = 90
                                width = 50
                                height = 30
                                labelString = Port C
                                background = gray80
                                fontList = *helvetica-bold-r-*-12-*
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                        } LPortC
                        widget XmText {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 65
                                y = 90
                                width = 85
                                height = 30
                                background = gray75
                                fontList = fixed-screen-r-12
                                maxLength = 8
                                activateCallback = SetFalse(toplevel);\
                                losingFocusCallback = if (FieldChanged(toplevel)) \
                                focusCallback = SetFalse(toplevel);
                                valueChangedCallback = ValueChanged(toplevel);
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                                blinkRate = 0
                        } C
                        widget XmLabel {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 160
                                y = 90
                                width = 30
                                height = 30
                                labelString = Low
                                background = gray80
                                fontList = *helvetica-bold-r-*-12-*
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                        } LLowC
                        widget XmText {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 195
                                y = 90
                                width = 43
                                height = 30
                                background = gray80
                                fontList = fixed-screen-r-12
                                editable = false
                                sensitive = false
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                                blinkRate = 0
                        } LowC
                        widget XmLabel {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 250
                                y = 90
                                width = 30
                                height = 30
                                labelString = High
                                background = gray80
                                fontList = *helvetica-bold-r-*-12-*
                                alignment = alignment_beginning
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                        } LHighC
                        widget XmText {
                            flag {
                            resources {
                                x = 285
                                y = 90
                                width = 43
                                height = 30
                                background = gray80
                                fontList = fixed-screen-r-12
                                editable = false
                                sensitive = false
                                bottomShadowColor = gray40
                                topShadowColor = white
                                highlightThickness = 1
                                blinkRate = 0
                        } HighC
                } Port
        } BB