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Length: 44086 (0xac36) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00 └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« └─⟦1abbe589f⟧ └─⟦059497ac5⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbt_Display2; use Xlbt_Display2; with Xlbt_Graphics; use Xlbt_Graphics; with Xlbt_Misc; use Xlbt_Misc; with Xlbt_Request; use Xlbt_Request; with Xlbp_Gc; use Xlbp_Gc; with Xlbip_Graphic_Converters; use Xlbip_Graphic_Converters; with Xlbip_Internal; use Xlbip_Internal; with Xlbip_Put_Request; use Xlbip_Put_Request; package body Xlbp_Graphics is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Graphics -- -- Xlbp_Graphics - Draw various types of things on a window ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- Copyright 1985 - 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT or Rational not be -- used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software -- without specific, written prior permission. -- -- MIT and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, -- including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no -- event shall MIT or Rational be liable for any special, indirect or -- consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, -- data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other -- tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance -- of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\f procedure X_Clear_Area (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; Exposures : Boolean) is begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Send the request. Put_X_Clear_Area_Request (Display, (Kind => Clear_Area, Length => X_Clear_Area_Request'Size / 32, Exposures => From_Boolean (Exposures), Window => Window, X => X, Y => Y, Width => Width, Height => Height)); ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; and return. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Clear_Area; --\f procedure X_Clear_Window (Display : X_Display; Window : X_Window) is begin ----These X/Y/Width/Height values mean "the entire window". X_Clear_Area (Display, Window, 0, 0, 0, 0, False); end X_Clear_Window; --\f procedure X_Copy_Area (Display : X_Display; Source : X_Drawable; Destination : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Source_X : S_Short; Source_Y : S_Short; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; Destination_X : S_Short; Destination_Y : S_Short) is begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use and send the request. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); Put_X_Copy_Area_Request (Display, (Kind => Copy_Area, Length => X_Copy_Area_Request'Size / 32, Pad => 0, Src_Drawable => Source, Dst_Drawable => Destination, Gc => Gc.Gid, Src_X => Source_X, Src_Y => Source_Y, Dst_X => Destination_X, Dst_Y => Destination_Y, Width => Width, Height => Height)); ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; and return. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Copy_Area; --\f procedure X_Copy_Plane (Display : X_Display; Source : X_Drawable; Destination : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Source_X : S_Short; Source_Y : S_Short; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; Destination_X : S_Short; Destination_Y : S_Short; Bit_Plane : X_Plane_Mask) is begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC and send the request. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); Put_X_Copy_Plane_Request (Display, (Kind => Copy_Plane, Length => X_Copy_Plane_Request'Size / 32, Pad => 0, Src_Drawable => Source, Dst_Drawable => Destination, Gc => Gc.Gid, Src_X => Source_X, Src_Y => Source_Y, Dst_X => Destination_X, Dst_Y => Destination_Y, Width => Width, Height => Height, Bit_Plane => Bit_Plane)); ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; and return. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Copy_Plane; --\f procedure X_Draw_Arcs (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Arcs : X_Arc_Array) is N_Arcs : S_Natural; Arcsi : S_Natural; Size : S_Natural; N : S_Natural; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use and send the request. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); N_Arcs := Arcs'Length; Arcsi := Arcs'First; while N_Arcs > 0 loop ----Figure out how many arcs we can send this time. if N_Arcs > S_Natural (Display.Poly_Arc_Limit) then N := S_Natural (Display.Poly_Arc_Limit); else N := N_Arcs; end if; Size := N * (X_Arc'Size / 32); ----Send the request. Put_X_Poly_Arc_Request (Display => Display, Req => (Kind => Poly_Arc, Length => X_Poly_Arc_Request'Size / 32 + U_Short (Size), Pad => 0, Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid), Extra => 4 * Size); ----Send the extra data. Put_X_Arc_Array (Display, Arcs (Arcsi .. Arcsi - 1 + N)); Arcsi := Arcsi + N; N_Arcs := N_Arcs - N; end loop; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; and return Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Draw_Arcs; --\f procedure X_Draw_Arc (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; Angle1 : S_Short; Angle2 : S_Short) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note to future maintainers: XDrawArc does NOT batch successive PolyArc -- requests into a single request like XDrawLine, XDrawPoint, etc. -- We don't do this because X_PolyArc applies the GC's join-style if -- the last point in one arc coincides with the first point in another. -- The client wouldn't expect this and would have no easy way to defeat it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use. If the previous request was a Draw_Arc with the -- same drawable then batch the request. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); Put_X_Poly_Arc_Request (Display => Display, Req => (Kind => Poly_Arc, Pad => 0, Length => X_Poly_Arc_Request'Size / 32 + X_Arc'Size / 32, Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid), Extra => X_Arc'Size / 8); Put_X_Arc (Display, X_Arc'(X => X, Y => Y, Width => Width, Height => Height, Angle1 => Angle1, Angle2 => Angle2)); ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; and return Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Draw_Arc; --\f procedure X_Fill_Arcs (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Arcs : X_Arc_Array) is N_Arcs : S_Natural := Arcs'Length; Arcsi : S_Natural := Arcs'First; N : S_Natural; Size : S_Natural; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); ----Loop until all arcs are sent. while N_Arcs > 0 loop ----Figure out how many arcs we can send this time. if N_Arcs > S_Natural (Display.Poly_Arc_Limit) then N := S_Natural (Display.Poly_Arc_Limit); else N := N_Arcs; end if; Size := N * (X_Arc'Size / 32); ----Send the request. Put_X_Poly_Fill_Arc_Request (Display => Display, Req => (Kind => Poly_Fill_Arc, Length => X_Poly_Fill_Arc_Request'Size / 32 + U_Short (Size), Pad => 0, Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid), Extra => 4 * Size); ----Send the extra data. Put_X_Arc_Array (Display, Arcs (Arcsi .. Arcsi + N - 1)); Arcsi := Arcsi + N; N_Arcs := N_Arcs - N; end loop; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; and return Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Fill_Arcs; --\f procedure X_Fill_Arc (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short; Angle1 : S_Short; Angle2 : S_Short) is Lreq : X_Last_Request renames Display.Last_Request; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use. If the previous request was a Fill_Arc with the -- same drawable then batch the request. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); if Lreq.Kind = Poly_Fill_Arc and then Lreq.Poly_Fill_Arc_Req.Drawable = Drawable and then Lreq.Poly_Fill_Arc_Req.Gc = Gc.Gid then ----Increment the length of the request and put out the new data element. Lreq.Poly_Fill_Arc_Req.Length := Lreq.Poly_Fill_Arc_Req.Length + X_Arc'Size / 32; Put_X_Arc (Display, (X => X, Y => Y, Width => Width, Height => Height, Angle1 => Angle1, Angle2 => Angle2)); ----If we just used the last available space then put out the request and -- turn "off" the Last_Request.Kind. Lreq.Spaces_Left := Lreq.Spaces_Left - 1; if Lreq.Spaces_Left = 0 then Put_X_Poly_Fill_Arc_Request (Display => Display, Req => Lreq.Poly_Fill_Arc_Req, Reservation => Lreq.Request_Position); Lreq.Kind := Invalid_Request; end if; ----We are to start a new request. Flush the last request if necessary. else if Lreq.Kind /= Invalid_Request then Internal_X_Flush_Last_Request (Display); end if; ----Create the request and then reserve space for it and its data. Lreq.Poly_Fill_Arc_Req := (Kind => Poly_Fill_Arc, Pad => 0, Length => X_Poly_Fill_Arc_Request'Size / 32 + X_Arc'Size / 32, Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid); Reserve_X_Poly_Fill_Arc_Request (Display, Display.Poly_Arc_Limit, Lreq.Poly_Fill_Arc_Req, (1 => (X => X, Y => Y, Width => Width, Height => Height, Angle1 => Angle1, Angle2 => Angle2)), Lreq.Request_Position, Lreq.Spaces_Left); ----If there are no Spaces_Left then the request is already on the way out -- and we cannot add anything to it later. if Lreq.Spaces_Left = 0 then Lreq.Kind := Invalid_Request; else Lreq.Kind := Poly_Fill_Arc; end if; end if; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; and return Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Fill_Arc; --\f procedure X_Draw_Points (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Points : X_Point_Array; Mode : X_Coordinate_Mode) is N_Points : S_Natural := Points'Length; Pointsi : S_Natural := Points'First; N : S_Natural; Size : S_Natural; Xoff : S_Short; Yoff : S_Short; Pt : X_Point; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); ----Go into a loop where each time through the loop we send as many individual -- points as possible. Maybe we can send it all in one request and maybe not. Xoff := 0; Yoff := 0; while N_Points > 0 loop ----Figure out how many points we can send in this one request. if N_Points > S_Natural (Display.Poly_Point_Limit) then N := S_Natural (Display.Poly_Point_Limit); else N := N_Points; end if; Size := N * (X_Point'Size / 32); ----Make the basic request. Put_X_Poly_Point_Request (Display => Display, Req => (Kind => Poly_Point, Length => X_Poly_Point_Request'Size / 32 + U_Short (Size), Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid, Coord_Mode => Mode), Extra => 4 * Size); ----If this isn't the first request then start our request with the coordinates -- that the last request terminated upon. if Xoff /= 0 or else Yoff /= 0 then Pt.X := Xoff + Points (Pointsi).X; Pt.Y := Yoff + Points (Pointsi).Y; Put_X_Point (Display, Pt); if N > 1 then Put_X_Point_Array (Display, Points (Pointsi + 1 .. Pointsi + N - 1)); end if; else Put_X_Point_Array (Display, Points (Pointsi .. Pointsi + N - 1)); end if; N_Points := N_Points - N; if N_Points > 0 and then Mode = Coord_Mode_Previous then for I in 0 .. N - 1 loop Xoff := Xoff + Points (Pointsi + I).X; Yoff := Yoff + Points (Pointsi + I).Y; end loop; end if; Pointsi := Pointsi + N; end loop; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; and return. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Draw_Points; --\f procedure X_Draw_Point (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) is Lreq : X_Last_Request renames Display.Last_Request; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); ----Try to merge with a previous request. if Lreq.Kind = Poly_Point and then Lreq.Poly_Point_Req.Drawable = Drawable and then Lreq.Poly_Point_Req.Gc = Gc.Gid and then Lreq.Poly_Point_Req.Coord_Mode = Coord_Mode_Origin then ----Increment the length of the request and put out the new data element. Lreq.Poly_Point_Req.Length := Lreq.Poly_Point_Req.Length + X_Point'Size / 32; Put_X_Point (Display, (X => X, Y => Y)); ----If we just used the last available space then put out the request and -- turn "off" the Last_Request.Kind. Lreq.Spaces_Left := Lreq.Spaces_Left - 1; if Lreq.Spaces_Left = 0 then Put_X_Poly_Point_Request (Display => Display, Req => Lreq.Poly_Point_Req, Reservation => Lreq.Request_Position); Lreq.Kind := Invalid_Request; end if; ----We are to start a new request. Flush the last request if necessary. else if Lreq.Kind /= Invalid_Request then Internal_X_Flush_Last_Request (Display); end if; ----Create the request and then reserve space for it and its data. Lreq.Poly_Point_Req := (Kind => Poly_Point, Length => X_Poly_Point_Request'Size / 32 + X_Point'Size / 32, Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid, Coord_Mode => Coord_Mode_Origin); Reserve_X_Poly_Point_Request (Display, Display.Poly_Point_Limit, Lreq.Poly_Point_Req, (1 => (X => X, Y => Y)), Lreq.Request_Position, Lreq.Spaces_Left); ----If there are no Spaces_Left then the request is already on the way out -- and we cannot add anything to it later. if Lreq.Spaces_Left = 0 then Lreq.Kind := Invalid_Request; else Lreq.Kind := Poly_Point; end if; end if; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; and return. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Draw_Point; --\f procedure X_Fill_Polygon (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Points : X_Point_Array; Shape : X_Polygon_Shape; Mode : X_Coordinate_Mode) is begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); ----Send the request. Put_X_Fill_Poly_Request (Display => Display, Req => (Kind => Fill_Poly, Length => X_Fill_Poly_Request'Size / 32 + Points'Length * X_Point'Size / 32, Drawable => Drawable, Pad => 0, Pad1 => 0, Gc => Gc.Gid, Shape => Shape, Coord_Mode => Mode), Extra => Points'Length * X_Point'Size / 8); ----Send the extra data. Put_X_Point_Array (Display, Points); ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; and return. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Fill_Polygon; --\f procedure X_Draw_Lines (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Points : X_Point_Array; Mode : X_Coordinate_Mode) is begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use; send the request. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); Put_X_Poly_Line_Request (Display => Display, Req => (Kind => Poly_Line, Length => X_Poly_Line_Request'Size / 32 + Points'Length * X_Point'Size / 32, Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid, Coord_Mode => Mode), Extra => Points'Length * X_Point'Size / 8); ----Send the extra data. Put_X_Point_Array (Display, Points); ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync and return; Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Draw_Lines; --\f procedure X_Draw_Line (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; X1 : S_Short; Y1 : S_Short; X2 : S_Short; Y2 : S_Short) is Lreq : X_Last_Request renames Display.Last_Request; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); ----If the previous request was the same kind and used the same drawable then -- batch the request. if Lreq.Kind = Poly_Segment and then Lreq.Poly_Segment_Req.Drawable = Drawable and then Lreq.Poly_Segment_Req.Gc = Gc.Gid then ----Increment the length of the request and put out the new data element. Lreq.Poly_Segment_Req.Length := Lreq.Poly_Segment_Req.Length + X_Segment'Size / 32; Put_X_Segment (Display, (X1 => X1, Y1 => Y1, X2 => X2, Y2 => Y2)); ----If we just used the last available space then put out the request and -- turn "off" the Last_Request.Kind. Lreq.Spaces_Left := Lreq.Spaces_Left - 1; if Lreq.Spaces_Left = 0 then Put_X_Poly_Segment_Request (Display => Display, Req => Lreq.Poly_Segment_Req, Reservation => Lreq.Request_Position); Lreq.Kind := Invalid_Request; end if; ----We are to start a new request. Flush the last request if necessary. else if Lreq.Kind /= Invalid_Request then Internal_X_Flush_Last_Request (Display); end if; ----Create the request and then reserve space for it and its data. Lreq.Poly_Segment_Req := (Kind => Poly_Segment, Length => X_Poly_Segment_Request'Size / 32 + X_Segment'Size / 32, Pad => 0, Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid); Reserve_X_Poly_Segment_Request (Display, Display.Poly_Segment_Limit, Lreq.Poly_Segment_Req, (1 => (X1 => X1, Y1 => Y1, X2 => X2, Y2 => Y2)), Lreq.Request_Position, Lreq.Spaces_Left); ----If there are no Spaces_Left then the request is already on the way out -- and we cannot add anything to it later. if Lreq.Spaces_Left = 0 then Lreq.Kind := Invalid_Request; else Lreq.Kind := Poly_Segment; end if; end if; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync and return; Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Draw_Line; --\f procedure X_Draw_Segments (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Segments : X_Segment_Array) is N_Segments : S_Natural := Segments'Length; Segmentsi : S_Natural := Segments'First; N : S_Natural; Size : S_Natural; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); ----Loop until all segments have been sent. while N_Segments > 0 loop ----Figure out how many we can send this time. if N_Segments > S_Natural (Display.Poly_Segment_Limit) then N := S_Natural (Display.Poly_Segment_Limit); else N := N_Segments; end if; Size := N * (X_Segment'Size / 32); ----Send the request. Put_X_Poly_Segment_Request (Display => Display, Req => (Kind => Poly_Segment, Length => X_Poly_Segment_Request'Size / 32 + U_Short (Size), Pad => 0, Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid), Extra => 4 * Size); ----Send the extra data. Put_X_Segment_Array (Display, Segments (Segmentsi .. Segmentsi + N - 1)); Segmentsi := Segmentsi + N; N_Segments := N_Segments - N; end loop; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; return. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Draw_Segments; --\f procedure X_Draw_Rectangles (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Rectangles : X_Rectangle_Array) is N_Rectangles : S_Natural := Rectangles'Length; Rectanglesi : S_Natural := Rectangles'First; N : S_Natural; Size : S_Natural; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); ----Loop until we have sent every rectangle. We try for as few requests as -- possible. while N_Rectangles > 0 loop ----Figure out how many we can send with this request. if N_Rectangles > S_Natural (Display.Poly_Rectangle_Limit) then N := S_Natural (Display.Poly_Rectangle_Limit); else N := N_Rectangles; end if; Size := N * (X_Rectangle'Size / 32); ----Make the request. Put_X_Poly_Rectangle_Request (Display => Display, Req => (Kind => Poly_Rectangle, Length => X_Poly_Rectangle_Request'Size / 32 + U_Short (Size), Pad => 0, Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid), Extra => 4 * Size); ----Send the extra data. Put_X_Rectangle_Array (Display, Rectangles (Rectanglesi .. Rectanglesi + N - 1)); Rectanglesi := Rectanglesi + N; N_Rectangles := N_Rectangles - N; end loop; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; return. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Draw_Rectangles; --\f procedure X_Draw_Rectangle (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short) is Lreq : X_Last_Request renames Display.Last_Request; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); ----If possible then batch this request with a previous one. if Lreq.Kind = Poly_Rectangle and then Lreq.Poly_Rectangle_Req.Drawable = Drawable and then Lreq.Poly_Rectangle_Req.Gc = Gc.Gid then ----Increment the length of the request and put out the new data element. Lreq.Poly_Rectangle_Req.Length := Lreq.Poly_Rectangle_Req.Length + X_Rectangle'Size / 32; Put_X_Rectangle (Display, (X => X, Y => Y, Width => Width, Height => Height)); ----If we just used the last available space then put out the request and -- turn "off" the Last_Request.Kind. Lreq.Spaces_Left := Lreq.Spaces_Left - 1; if Lreq.Spaces_Left = 0 then Put_X_Poly_Rectangle_Request (Display => Display, Req => Lreq.Poly_Rectangle_Req, Reservation => Lreq.Request_Position); Lreq.Kind := Invalid_Request; end if; ----We are to start a new request. Flush the last request if necessary. else if Lreq.Kind /= Invalid_Request then Internal_X_Flush_Last_Request (Display); end if; ----Create the request and then reserve space for it and its data. Lreq.Poly_Rectangle_Req := (Kind => Poly_Rectangle, Length => X_Poly_Rectangle_Request'Size / 32 + X_Rectangle'Size / 32, Pad => 0, Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid); Reserve_X_Poly_Rectangle_Request (Display, Display.Poly_Rectangle_Limit, Lreq.Poly_Rectangle_Req, (1 => (X => X, Y => Y, Width => Width, Height => Height)), Lreq.Request_Position, Lreq.Spaces_Left); ----If there are no Spaces_Left then the request is already on the way out -- and we cannot add anything to it later. if Lreq.Spaces_Left = 0 then Lreq.Kind := Invalid_Request; else Lreq.Kind := Poly_Rectangle; end if; end if; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; return. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Draw_Rectangle; --\f procedure X_Fill_Rectangles (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; Rectangles : X_Rectangle_Array) is N_Rectangles : S_Natural := Rectangles'Length; Rectanglesi : S_Natural := Rectangles'First; N : S_Natural; Size : S_Natural; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); ----Loop until all Rectangles are sent. while N_Rectangles > 0 loop ----Figure out how many Rectangles we can send this time. if N_Rectangles > S_Natural (Display.Poly_Rectangle_Limit) then N := S_Natural (Display.Poly_Rectangle_Limit); else N := N_Rectangles; end if; Size := N * (X_Rectangle'Size / 32); ----Send the request. Put_X_Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Request (Display => Display, Req => (Kind => Poly_Fill_Rectangle, Length => X_Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Request'Size / 32 + U_Short (Size), Pad => 0, Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid), Extra => 4 * Size); ----Send the extra data. Put_X_Rectangle_Array (Display, Rectangles (Rectanglesi .. Rectanglesi + N - 1)); Rectanglesi := Rectanglesi + N; N_Rectangles := N_Rectangles - N; end loop; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; return. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Fill_Rectangles; --\f procedure X_Fill_Rectangle (Display : X_Display; Drawable : X_Drawable; Gc : X_Gc; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Width : U_Short; Height : U_Short) is Lreq : X_Last_Request renames Display.Last_Request; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Flush the GC before use. Private_X_Flush_Gc_Cache (Display, Gc); ----Batch with a previous request if possible. if Lreq.Kind = Poly_Fill_Rectangle and then Lreq.Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Req.Drawable = Drawable and then Lreq.Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Req.Gc = Gc.Gid then ----Increment the length of the request and put out the new data element. Lreq.Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Req.Length := Lreq.Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Req.Length + X_Rectangle'Size / 32; Put_X_Rectangle (Display, (X => X, Y => Y, Width => Width, Height => Height)); ----If we just used the last available space then put out the request and -- turn "off" the Last_Request.Kind. Lreq.Spaces_Left := Lreq.Spaces_Left - 1; if Lreq.Spaces_Left = 0 then Put_X_Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Request (Display => Display, Req => Lreq.Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Req, Reservation => Lreq.Request_Position); Lreq.Kind := Invalid_Request; end if; ----We are to start a new request. Flush the last request if necessary. else if Lreq.Kind /= Invalid_Request then Internal_X_Flush_Last_Request (Display); end if; ----Create the request and then reserve space for it and its data. Lreq.Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Req := (Kind => Poly_Fill_Rectangle, Length => X_Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Request'Size / 32 + X_Rectangle'Size / 32, Pad => 0, Drawable => Drawable, Gc => Gc.Gid); Reserve_X_Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Request (Display, Display.Poly_Rectangle_Limit, Lreq.Poly_Fill_Rectangle_Req, (1 => (X => X, Y => Y, Width => Width, Height => Height)), Lreq.Request_Position, Lreq.Spaces_Left); ----If there are no Spaces_Left then the request is already on the way out -- and we cannot add anything to it later. if Lreq.Spaces_Left = 0 then Lreq.Kind := Invalid_Request; else Lreq.Kind := Poly_Fill_Rectangle; end if; end if; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; return. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Fill_Rectangle; --\f end Xlbp_Graphics;