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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦a6ad428de⟧ TextFile

    Length: 14920 (0x3a48)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


--/ if R1000 then
with Debug_Tools;  
with Log;  
with Profile;
--/ else
--// with Calendar;
--// with Text_Io;
--/ end if;
--/ if TeleGen2 then
--// with Integer_Text_Io;
--/ end if;

with Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
use Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
with Xlbt_Basic;  
use Xlbt_Basic;  
with Xlbt_Proc_Var;  
use Xlbt_Proc_Var;  
with Xlbt_Rm;  
use Xlbt_Rm;  
with Xlbt_String;  
use Xlbt_String;

with Xlbp_Error;  
use Xlbp_Error;  
with Xlbp_Rm;  
use Xlbp_Rm;  
with Xlbp_Rm_Name;  
use Xlbp_Rm_Name;

with Xlbp_Proc_Var;  
use Xlbp_Proc_Var;

with Xlbit_Library3;  
use Xlbit_Library3;

with Xlbmt_Error_Log;  
use Xlbmt_Error_Log;  
with Xlbmt_Network_Types;  
use Xlbmt_Network_Types;  
with Xlbmt_Parameters;  
use Xlbmt_Parameters;

package body Xlbmp_Error_Log is
-- X Library Error Log
-- Xlbp_Error_Log - Used internally by the X Library to "log" error messages.
-- Each target machine/operating-system will have it's own conventions
-- so these are isolated to this package.
-- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California.
--                  All Rights Reserved.
-- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that
-- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in
-- supporting documentation, and that the name of Rational not be used in
-- advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
-- without specific, written prior permission.
-- Rational disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including
-- all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall
-- Rational be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
-- any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether
-- in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out
-- of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.


--/ if R1000 then

    function X_Exception_Name return X_String is  

        return To_X_String (Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True));

    end X_Exception_Name;

--/ else
--//     function X_Exception_Name return X_String is
--//     begin
--//         return "";
--//     end X_Exception_Name;
--/ end if;


--/ if R1000 then

    procedure Shoot (Kind : X_Report_Message_Kind;  
                     Msg  : X_String) is
--  Kind  - Specifies the kind of message to put out
--  Msg     - Specifies the message to put out
-- Put out a line of the form "*** <date> <msg>".
        K : Profile.Msg_Kind;  

        case Kind is  
            when Report_Information =>  
                K := Profile.Note_Msg;  
            when Report_Warning =>  
                K := Profile.Warning_Msg;  
            when Report_Error =>  
                K := Profile.Error_Msg;  
            when Report_Exception =>  
                K := Profile.Exception_Msg;  
            when Report_Fatal =>  
                K := Profile.Error_Msg;  
        end case;  
        Log.Put_Line (To_String (Msg), K, Profile.Get);

    end Shoot;

--/ else
--//     procedure Shoot (Kind : X_Report_Message_Kind;
--//                      Msg  : X_String) is
--// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--// --  Kind  - Specifies the kind of message to put out
--// --  Msg   - Specifies the message to put out
--// --
--// -- Put out a line of the form "<prefix> <date> <msg>".
--// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--//         use Calendar;
--//         Dur      : Day_Duration := Seconds (Clock);
--//         Hrs      : S_Natural := S_Natural (Dur / Duration (3600.0));
--//         Dur_Hrs  : Day_Duration :=
--//            Day_Duration (Day_Duration (Hrs) * Day_Duration (3600.0));
--//         Mins     : S_Natural := S_Natural ((Dur - Dur_Hrs) / Day_Duration (60.0));
--//         Dur_Mins : Day_Duration :=
--//            Day_Duration (Day_Duration (Mins) * Day_Duration (60.0));
--//         Secs     : S_Natural := S_Natural (Dur - Dur_Hrs - Dur_Mins);
--//     begin
--//         case Kind is
--//             when Report_Information =>
--//                 Text_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, "---");
--//             when Report_Warning =>
--//                 Text_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, "!!!");
--//             when Report_Error =>
--//                 Text_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, "***");
--//             when Report_Exception =>
--//                 Text_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, "%%%");
--//             when Report_Fatal =>
--//                 Text_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, "***");
--//         end case;
--//         Text_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, ' ');
--//         if Hrs < 10 then
--//             Text_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, '0');
--//         end if;
--//         S_Long_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, Hrs, Width => 0);
--//         Text_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, ':');
--//         if Mins < 10 then
--//             Text_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, '0');
--//         end if;
--//         S_Long_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, Mins, Width => 0);
--//         Text_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, ':');
--//         if Secs < 10 then
--//             Text_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, '0');
--//         end if;
--//         S_Long_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, Secs, Width => 0);
--//         Text_Io.Put (Text_Io.Standard_Output, ' ');
--//         Text_Io.Put_Line (Text_Io.Standard_Output, To_String (Msg));
--//     end Shoot;
--/ end if; -- not R1000


--  generic
--      with procedure Put_Line (Kind : X_Report_Message_Kind;
--                               Msg  : X_String);
    procedure X_Format_Error_String (Error : X_String;  
                                     Arg1  : X_String;  
                                     Arg2  : X_String;  
                                     Arg3  : X_String;  
                                     Arg4  : X_String;  
                                     Arg5  : X_String;  
                                     Arg6  : X_String;  
                                     Kind  : X_Report_Message_Kind) is
-- The message is scanned for two things.  Any Lf character found is taken as
-- a "start a new line here" command.  Thus a message can span multiple lines
-- in the error output.  A single preceding Lf character on a message is
-- ignored.  The other trigger is the '%' character.  "%%" will produce a
-- single '%' in the output.  "%n" where n is 1..6 will introduce the contents
-- of Argn in that place.  "%.n" will simply use up argument n without
-- producing any output; this can be useful when you want to "use" an argument
-- without actually doing so.

        Buffer  : X_String (1 .. 128);  
        Bufferi : S_Natural;  
        I       : S_Natural;  
        Flag1   : Boolean := Arg1 /= "";  
        Flag2   : Boolean := Arg2 /= "";  
        Flag3   : Boolean := Arg3 /= "";  
        Flag4   : Boolean := Arg4 /= "";  
        Flag5   : Boolean := Arg5 /= "";  
        Flag6   : Boolean := Arg6 /= "";

        procedure Append (C : X_Character) is  
            if Bufferi >= Buffer'Last then  
                Put_Line (Kind, Buffer);  
                Bufferi := 0;  
            end if;  
            Bufferi          := Bufferi + 1;  
            Buffer (Bufferi) := C;  
        end Append;

        procedure Append (S : X_String) is  
            if Bufferi + S'Length > Buffer'Last then  
                for I in S'Range loop  
                    Append (S (I));  
                end loop;  
            end if;  
            Buffer (Bufferi + 1 .. Bufferi + S'Length) := S;  
            Bufferi := Bufferi + S'Length;  
        end Append;


----Process the error message as usual.

        Bufferi := 0;  
        I       := Error'First;  

----If we have reached an Lf or end-of-string (logical-Lf) then put out the
--  contents of the buffer.  Exit the loop on end-of-string.

            if I > Error'Last or else  
               Error (I) = Lf then  
                if Bufferi > 0 then  
                    Put_Line (Kind, Buffer (1 .. Bufferi));  
                    Bufferi := 0;  
                end if;  
                if I > Error'Last then  
                end if;

----See if we have a '%'.

            elsif Error (I) = '%' and then I < Error'Last then

----%% is the same as %.

                if Error (I + 1) = '%' then  
                    Append ('%');

----If we have found a %.1 then mark that argument as used.

                elsif Error (I + 1) = '.' and then  
                      I + 1 < Error'Last and then  
                      Error (I + 2) in '1' .. '6' then  
                    case Natural'(X_Character'Pos (Error (I + 2)) -  
                                  X_Character'Pos ('0')) is  
                        when 1 =>  
                            Flag1 := False;  
                        when 2 =>  
                            Flag2 := False;  
                        when 3 =>  
                            Flag3 := False;  
                        when 4 =>  
                            Flag4 := False;  
                        when 5 =>  
                            Flag5 := False;  
                        when 6 =>  
                            Flag6 := False;  
                        when others =>  
                            raise Program_Error;  
                    end case;  
                    I := I + 2;

----If we have found a %1 then put that argument into the buffer.

                elsif Error (I + 1) in '1' .. '6' then  
                    case Natural'(X_Character'Pos (Error (I + 1)) -  
                                  X_Character'Pos ('0')) is  
                        when 1 =>  
                            Append (Arg1);  
                            Flag1 := False;  
                        when 2 =>  
                            Append (Arg2);  
                            Flag2 := False;  
                        when 3 =>  
                            Append (Arg3);  
                            Flag3 := False;  
                        when 4 =>  
                            Append (Arg4);  
                            Flag4 := False;  
                        when 5 =>  
                            Append (Arg5);  
                            Flag5 := False;  
                        when 6 =>  
                            Append (Arg6);  
                            Flag6 := False;  
                        when others =>  
                            raise Program_Error;  
                    end case;  
                    I := I + 1;

----% and anything else is an error.

                    Append ('?');  
                    Append (Error (I));  
                    Append (Error (I + 1));  
                    Append ('?');  
                    I := I + 1;  
                end if;

----All other characters go into the buffer.

                Append (Error (I));  
            end if;  
            I := I + 1;  
        end loop;

----If we have any non-"" arguments left unused then put them onto a separate
--  *** error line.

        Bufferi := 0;  
        if Flag1 then  
            Append (" {1:" & Arg1 & '}');  
        end if;  
        if Flag2 then  
            Append (" {2:" & Arg2 & '}');  
        end if;  
        if Flag3 then  
            Append (" {3:" & Arg3 & '}');  
        end if;  
        if Flag4 then  
            Append (" {4:" & Arg4 & '}');  
        end if;  
        if Flag5 then  
            Append (" {5:" & Arg5 & '}');  
        end if;  
        if Flag6 then  
            Append (" {6:" & Arg6 & '}');  
        end if;  
        if Bufferi > 0 then  
            Put_Line (Kind, Buffer (1 .. Bufferi));  
        end if;

    end X_Format_Error_String;


    procedure Default_X_Report_Error_Worker is  
       new X_Format_Error_String (Shoot);

    procedure Default_X_Report_Error (Name1   : X_String;  
                                      Name2   : X_String;  
                                      Default : X_String;  
                                      Arg1    : X_String;  
                                      Arg2    : X_String;  
                                      Arg3    : X_String;  
                                      Arg4    : X_String;  
                                      Arg5    : X_String;  
                                      Arg6    : X_String;  
                                      Kind    : X_Report_Message_Kind) is
-- Extract the correct error message string from the database (using the
-- X_Get_Error_String subprogram), format it with X_Format_Error_String,
-- and print it using Shoot.

           (X_Get_Error_String (Name1, Name2, Default),  
            Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Kind);  
    end Default_X_Report_Error;


    procedure X_Report (Name1   : X_String;  
                        Name2   : X_String;  
                        Default : X_String;  
                        Arg1    : X_String;  
                        Arg2    : X_String;  
                        Arg3    : X_String;  
                        Arg4    : X_String;  
                        Arg5    : X_String;  
                        Arg6    : X_String;  
                        Kind    : X_Report_Message_Kind) is
-- Invoke the current X_Lib.Report_Error procedure.
        use Proc_Var_X_Report_Error;  
        Proc : X_Procedure_Variable;  

        X_Lib.Get_Report_Error (Proc);  
        Call (To_Pv (Proc), Name1, Name2, Default, Arg1,  
              Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Kind);

    end X_Report;

end Xlbmp_Error_Log;