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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦ab9f224fa⟧ R1K_ARCHIVE_DATA, TextFile

    Length: 28284 (0x6e7c)
    Types: R1K_ARCHIVE_DATA, TextFile
    Names: »DATA«


└─⟦6c4f54b10⟧ Bits:30000747 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ACCESS 0_8_0 INTERNAL RELEASE
    └─ ⟦5d1d5404f⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦6ac9a67ca⟧ Bits:30000548 8mm tape, Rational 1000, access 1_0_1
    └─ ⟦78f173837⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 


package Menu_Operations is

    -- This package is not yet fully implemented.  Most routines will    --
    -- cause the exception Nonexistent_Page_Error to be raised.  It is   --
    -- included as part of the environment in anticipation of the        --
    -- requirements of future Rational products.                         --

    subtype Menu_Item is Integer;
    procedure Dispatch (Item : Menu_Item; Parameter : String := "");
    procedure Fastpatch (Item : Menu_Item; Parameter : String := "");

    -- Dialog box completion operations.  Do not call directly!

    subtype Box_Id is Natural;
    procedure Click_Ok (Id : Box_Id := 0; Parms : String := "");
    -- unless id /= 0 and parms non null, read the input from the
    -- keyboard in raw mode.

    type Subsystem_Kind is (Spec_Load, Combined);
    type View_Kind is (Spec_Load, Combined);
    type Switch_Kind is (Library_Switches, Session_Switches);
    type Activity_Copy_Kind is (Exact_Copy, Value_Copy, Differential);
    type Goal_State is (Archived, Source, Installed, Coded);
    type Compilation_Limit is (This_View_Or_World, All_Views_Or_Worlds);
    type Backup_Kind is (Full, Incremental);

    -- File Menu --

    package File is
        procedure New_File;      -- Create a new file
        procedure New_File (Name : String);
        procedure New_Ada;
        procedure New_World;
        procedure New_World (Name : String;
                             Acl : String;
                             Default_Acl : String;
                             Retention_Count : Natural;
                             Model : String);
        procedure New_Directory;
        procedure New_Directory (Name : String);
        procedure New_Subsystem;  
        procedure New_Subsystem (Name : String;
                                 Kind : Subsystem_Kind;
                                 Initial_View_Kind : View_Kind;
                                 Initial_View_Name : String;
                                 Model : String;
                                 Comments_For_History : String);
        procedure New_Working_View;  
        procedure New_Working_View (Name : String;
                                    Copy_Of_View : String;
                                    Kind : View_Kind;  
                                    Join : Boolean;
                                    Imports : String;
                                    Model : String;
                                    Comments_For_History : String);
        procedure New_Spec_View;
        procedure New_Spec_View (Name : String;
                                 Copy_Of_View : String;
                                 Join : Boolean;
                                 Imports : String;
                                 Model : String;
                                 Comments_For_History : String);
        procedure New_Release_View;  
        procedure New_Release_View (Name : String;
                                    Copy_Of_View : String;
                                    Join : Boolean;
                                    Imports : String;
                                    Kind_Of_View : View_Kind;
                                    Model : String;
                                    Comments_For_History : String;
                                    Configuration_Only : Boolean);
        procedure New_Code_View;  
        procedure New_Code_View (Name : String;
                                 Copy_Of_View : String;
                                 Comments_For_History : String);
        procedure New_Switch_File;
        procedure New_Switch_File (Name : String; Kind : Switch_Kind);
        procedure New_Activity;
        procedure New_Activity (Name : String;
                                Copy_Of : String;
                                Copy_Mode : Activity_Copy_Kind);

        procedure New_Mailbox;
        procedure New_Mailbox (Name : String);
        procedure New_Venture;  
        procedure New_Venture
                     (Name : String; Notes : String; Make_Default : Boolean);
        procedure New_Work_Order;
        procedure New_Work_Order (Name : String;
                                  Notes : String;
                                  Venture : String;
                                  Work_Order_List : String);
        procedure New_Work_Order_List;
        procedure New_Work_Order_List
                     (Name : String; Venture : String; Make_Default : Boolean);
        procedure New_System;
        procedure New_System (Name : String; Initial_View_Name : String);
        procedure New_Gateway;
        procedure New_Gateway (Name : String; Gateway_Class : String);

        procedure Open;         -- Open a window on an object
        procedure Open (Name : String; For_Edit : Boolean);
        procedure Open_With_Demote (Name : String);
        procedure Open_With_Check_Out (Name : String;
                                       Comments_For_History : String);
        -- should include comment about implicit accept changes
        procedure Close;        -- Close a window.
        procedure Close_Commit (Do_Commit : Boolean);

        procedure Save;         -- Commit changes
        procedure Revert;       -- Revert to previous value.  Ask about
                                -- losing changes if necessary.
        procedure Revert_Lose_Changes;
        procedure Print;        -- Print an object or set of objects
        procedure Print (Object_Or_Image : String;
                         From_First_Page : Natural;
                         To_Last_Page : Natural;
                         Display_As_Twoup : Boolean;
                         Display_Border : Boolean;
                         Display_Filename : Boolean;
                         Display_Date : Boolean;
                         Ignore_Display_Parameters_For_Postscript : Boolean;
                         Highlight_Reserved_Words_For_Ada : Boolean;
                         Other_Options : String;
                         Number_Of_Copies : Natural;
                         Printer : String;
                         Effort_Only : Boolean);

        procedure Properties;   -- View and edit properties of an object.
        procedure File_Properties (Name : String;
                                   Acl : String;
                                   Frozen : Boolean;
                                   Controlled : Boolean;
                                   Checked_Out : Boolean);  -- ***
        procedure World_Properties (Name : String;
                                    Acl : String;
                                    Default_Acl : String;
                                    Switch_File : String;
                                    Retention_Count : Natural); -- ***
        procedure Subsystem_Properties (Name : String); -- ***
        procedure View_Properties (Name : String);   -- ***
        procedure Copy;         -- Copy an object or objects
        procedure Copy (Source : String; Destination : String);
        procedure Move;         -- Move an object or objects
        procedure Move (Source : String; Destination : String);
        procedure Delete;       -- Delete an object or objects
        procedure Delete (Name : String);
        procedure Delete_Confirm (Name : String);
        procedure Run;          -- Run a command
        procedure Run (Command_Name : String;
                       Parameters : String;
                       On_Machine : String);
        procedure Quit;         -- Logoff
        procedure Quit_Confirm;
    end File;

    -- Edit menu --

    package Edit is
        procedure Format;               -- Reformat object as appropriate
        procedure Cut;             -- delete selected text
        procedure Copy;            -- Copy selected text to buffer
        procedure Paste;           -- Paste in text from cut buffer
        procedure Copy_To_Clipboard; -- Copy selected text to Motif clipboard
        procedure Search_Forward;  -- search text
        procedure Search_Backward; -- search text toward beginning
        procedure Replace;         -- search and replace
        procedure Check_Spelling_Word;
        procedure Check_Spelling_Document; -- Spelling checker
        procedure Insert_File;     -- Insert contents of file
        procedure Overwrite_Mode;  -- enter overwrite mode
        procedure Insert_Mode;     -- enter insert mode
        procedure Fill_Mode;       -- enter fill mode
        procedure No_Fill_Mode;    -- exit fill mode
        procedure Rename_Ada;      -- withdraw Ada unit to rename.
        procedure Underlines_Off;
    end Edit;

    -- Region menu --

    package Region is
        procedure Unselect;
        procedure Beginning_Of;
        procedure End_Of;
        procedure Capitalize;
        procedure Uppercase;
        procedure Lowercase;
        procedure Make_Comment;
        procedure Uncomment;
        procedure Fill;
        procedure Justify;
    end Region;

    -- Traverse Menu --

    package Traverse is
        procedure Next_Item;
        procedure Previous_Item;
        procedure Definition;
        procedure Enclosing;
        procedure Other_Part;
        procedure Home_Library;
        procedure Resolve_Name;
        procedure Resolve_Name (Name : String);
    end Traverse;

    -- Compile Menu --

    package Compile is
        procedure Semanticize;
        procedure Code;
        procedure Install;  
        procedure Install_Confirm;
        procedure Source;
        procedure Source_Confirm;
        procedure Archive;
        procedure Archive_Confirm;
        procedure Options;
        procedure Promote;  
        procedure Promote (Name : String;
                           Goal : Goal_State;
                           Limit : Compilation_Limit);
        procedure Demote;
        procedure Demote (Name : String;
                          Goal : Goal_State;
                          Limit : Compilation_Limit);
        procedure Show_Usage;
        procedure Show_Unused;              -- not used anywhere
        procedure Show_Unused_Local;        -- unused in this unit
        procedure Load;
        procedure Load (Name : String; Result : String);
        procedure Parse;  
        procedure Parse (Name : String; Destination_Directory : String);
        procedure Build_Private_Part;
        procedure Build_Body;
        procedure Make_Separate;
        procedure Make_Inline;
    end Compile;

    -- CM menu --

    package Cm is
        procedure Check_Out;
        procedure Check_Out (Name : String; Comments : String);
        procedure Check_Out_Confirm (Name : String; Comments : String);
        procedure Check_In;
        procedure Check_In (Name : String; Comments : String);
        procedure Abandon;
        procedure Abandon (Name : String);
        procedure Abandon_Confirm (Name : String);
        procedure Accept_Changes;
        procedure Accept_Changes
                     (Name : String; Entire_View : Boolean; Source : String);
        procedure Accept_Changes_Confirm
                     (Name : String; Entire_View : Boolean; Source : String);
        procedure Join;  
        procedure Join (Name : String;
                        To_View : String;
                        Comments_For_History : String);
        procedure Sever;
        procedure Sever (Name : String; Comments_For_History : String);
        procedure Imports;
        procedure Imports (Views_To_Import : String;
                           Into_View : String;
                           Only_Change_Existing : Boolean);
        procedure Properties;
    end Cm;

    -- Debug Menu --

    package Debug is
        procedure Go;
        procedure Stop;
        procedure Step;
        procedure Step_Local;
        procedure Step_Returned;
        procedure Break_Here;
        procedure Break;
        procedure Break (Location : String;
                         Count : Natural;
                         In_Task : String;
                         Permanent : Boolean);
        procedure Activate_Break;
        procedure Activate_Break (Break_List : String);
        procedure Remove_Break;  
        procedure Remove_Break (Break_List : String; Delete : Boolean);
        procedure Show_All;
        procedure Show_Breakpoints;
        procedure Show_Exception_Handling;
        procedure Show_Stops_And_Holds;
        procedure Show_Stepping;
        procedure Show_Tracing;
        procedure Show_History;
        procedure Context_Control;
        procedure Context_Control (Location : String);
        procedure Context_Evaluation;  
        procedure Context_Evaluation (Location : String);
        procedure Information_Tasks;
        procedure Information_Exceptions;
        procedure Information_Rendezvous;
        procedure Information_Space;
        procedure Put_Selection;
        procedure Put_Parameters;
        procedure Stack;
        procedure Source;
        procedure Modify;
        procedure Modify (Variable : String; Value : String);
        procedure Quit;
        procedure Quit (Kill_Job : Boolean; Kill_Debugger : Boolean);
    end Debug;

    -- Session menu --

    package Session is
        procedure Search_List;
        procedure Switches;
        procedure Profile;
        procedure Profile (Error_Reaction : String;
                           Line_Width : Natural;
                           Activity : String;
                           Log_Filter : String;
                           Log_Prefixes : String;
                           Log_File : String;
                           Remote_Passwords_File : String;
                           Remote_Sessions_File : String);
        procedure Disable_Job;
        procedure Disable_Job (Number : Natural);
        procedure Enable_Job;  
        procedure Enable_Job (Number : Natural);
        procedure Kill_Job;  
        procedure Kill_Job (Number : Natural; Session : String := ""); -- ??
        procedure Users;
        procedure My_Jobs;
        procedure All_Jobs;
        procedure Machine_Information;
        procedure End_Of_Input;
    end Session;

    package Tools is
        procedure Read_Mail;
        procedure Send_Mail;
        procedure Find_Image;
        procedure Image_Directory;
        procedure Macro_Begin;
        procedure Macro_End;
        procedure Macro_Execute;
        procedure Macro_Bind_To_Key;
        procedure Screen_Push;
        procedure Screen_Pop;
        procedure Operator_Backup;
        procedure Operator_Backup (Start_At : String;
                                   Kind : Backup_Kind;
                                   Tape_Drive : String);
        procedure Operator_Verify_Backup;
        procedure Operator_Verify_Backup
                     (Start_At : String; Tape_Drive : String);
        procedure Operator_Backup_History;
        procedure Operator_Edit_User;
        procedure Operator_Edit_User (User_Name : String;
                                      Password : String;
                                      Add_To_Groups : String;
                                      Remove_From_Groups : String;
                                      Create_Mailbox : Boolean);
        procedure Operator_Edit_Group;
        procedure Operator_Edit_Group (Group_Name : String;
                                       Create : Boolean;
                                       Delete : Boolean;
                                       Add_Users : String;
                                       Remove_Users : String);
        procedure Operator_Force_Logoff;
        procedure System_Manager_Password_Policy;
        procedure System_Manager_Report;
        procedure System_Manager_Report (Report_Kinds : String;
                                         Start_Time : String;
                                         End_Time : String;
                                         Result_File : String);
        procedure System_Manager_Shutdown;
        procedure System_Manager_Shutdown
                     (At_Time : String;
                      Reason : String;
                      Message_To_Send_Periodically : String);
        procedure System_Manager_Cancel_Shutdown;
        procedure Show_Locks;
        procedure Bind_To_Key;
    end Tools;

    package Help is  
        procedure Explain_Underline;
        procedure On_Command;
        procedure On_Key;
        procedure On_Keybindings;
        procedure On_Help;
    end Help;

    procedure Load_Image_Palette;
    procedure Load_Debug_Palette;

    pragma Module_Name (4, 2229);

end Menu_Operations;package Design_Implementation is

    procedure Complete (Include_Optional_Annotations : Boolean := False);
    procedure Definition (In_Place : Boolean := False;
                          Visible : Boolean := True);
    procedure Enclosing (In_Place : Boolean := False);
    procedure Explain;
    procedure Format;
    procedure Show_Usage (In_World : String := "$$");

    procedure Display_All_Targets;
    procedure Display_Target (For_World : String := "$$");

    procedure Set_Target (To_Value : String := ">>DESIGN TARGET<<";
                          For_World : String := "$$");

    procedure Display_All_Phases (For_World : String := "$$");
    procedure Display_Phase (For_World : String := "$$");

    procedure Set_Phase (To_Value : String := ">>DESIGN PHASE<<";
                         For_World : String := "$$");

    function Current_Target_Image (For_World : String := "$$") return String;
    function Current_Phase_Image (For_World : String := "$$") return String;

    procedure Create_Model (Compiler_Model : String;
                            Design_Facility_Model : String;
                            New_Model_Name : String);

    pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed);
    pragma Module_Name (4, 3599);
    pragma Bias_Key (27);

end Design_Implementation;package Speller is

    pragma Subsystem (Speller);
    pragma Module_Name (4, 3623);
    pragma Bias_Key (19);

    --                                                              --
    -- Top level commands:                                          --
    --                                                              --
    -- These are the standard commands that are used to invoke the --
    -- speller, and to bring up the speller window.                 --
    --                                                              --

    procedure Check_Text (Data : String := "<TEXT>");
    -- Check the selected text, or (if no selection exists or the
    -- cursor is not in the selection) the word nearest the cursor.

    procedure Check_Image;
    -- Have the speller underline all of the unknown words in the
    -- current image.  Automatic corrections will be made immediately.

    procedure Check_File (Name : String := "<IMAGE>");
    -- Run the speller in a batch mode over the named file.
    -- Send all unknown words to the log file.

    procedure Speller_Window (In_Place : Boolean := False);
    -- Bring up the speller window.
    -- Dictionary and Switch settings may be altered in this window
    -- before running the Check_Image procedure above.

    --                                                             --
    -- Keys:                                                       --
    --                                                             --
    -- These procedures are meant to be bound to keys, and invoked --
    -- when the cursor is on a misspelled word.                    --
    --                                                             --

    procedure Learn_Word (The_Word : String := ""; Dictionary : Natural := 0);
    -- Insert the current word into a dictionary.

    procedure Exchange_Word (Choice : Positive := 1);
    -- Replace the current word with the indicated alternative.

    procedure Learn_Replacement (The_Word : String := "";
                                 Choice : Positive := 1;
                                 Dictionary : Natural := 0);
    procedure Learn_Replacement (The_Word : String := "";
                                 Replacement : String := ">>Correction<<";
                                 Dictionary : Natural := 0);
    -- Make an automatic correction from the current word to the
    -- indicated alternative.

    procedure Explain_Next;
    -- Simply a combination of Editor.Cursor.Next and Common.Explain.

    --                                                              --
    -- Speller OE Commands:                                         --
    --                                                              --
    -- These procedures are meant to configure the speller.         --
    -- They can be run from any window, but are easier to run from  --
    -- the speller window.                                          --
    --                                                              --

    procedure Set_Switch (To_Value : Boolean := True;
                          Switch_Name : String := ">>Speller Switch<<");
    -- Change the value of a speller switch.

    procedure Create (Dictionary_Name : String := ">>New name<<");
    -- Create (and open for update) a new dictionary.

    procedure Open (Dictionary_Name : String := "<CURSOR>";
                    Writable : Boolean := False);
    -- Open another auxiliary dictionary.

    procedure Save (Dictionary : Natural := 0);
    -- Save any changes which have been made to a dictionary.

    procedure Close (Dictionary : Natural; Save_Changes : Boolean := True);
    -- Close a dictionary.  All changes will be saved.

    function Number (Dictionary_Name : String := "<CURSOR>") return Natural;
    -- Return the number of a named dictionary.

    procedure Read (File_Name : String := "<CURSOR>";  
                    Dictionary : Natural := 0);
    -- Insert a specially formatted text file into an open,
    -- writable dictionary.

    procedure Write (To_File : String := ">>New file name<<";
                     Dictionary : Natural := 0);
    -- Dump the contents of a dictionary to a text file.

end Speller;with System_Utilities;

package Mail is

    procedure Create (Mailbox : String := ">>SIMPLE NAME<<";
                      For_User : String := "");

    -- Create a mailbox.  For_User defaults to current user.
    -- The user is added to the local machine name map.

    procedure Edit (Mailbox : String := "MAIN"; For_User : String := "");

    -- Enters the mail object editor.  If no window exists for the given
    -- mailbox, a new window will be created.
    -- For_User defaults to current user.

    procedure Expunge;

    --  This command is only valid in a command window off of a mailbox
    --  window.  The given mailbox is expunged.

    procedure Answer (To_All : Boolean := False);

    --  This command may be used in a mailbox window or a read mail window.
    --  It causes an answer window to be created with certain fields
    --  initialized with appropriate default values.
    --  In a mailbox window, the selected message is answered.  In a read
    --  mail window, the current message is answered.

    procedure Reply (To_All : Boolean := False) renames Answer;

    procedure Forward;

    --  Same as answer, except a forward window is created.

    procedure Remail;

    --  Same as answer, except a remail window is created.

    procedure Send;

    --  Brings up a send window.

    procedure Reload_Name_Map;

    --  Causes the mail object editor to read in the name map.

    function New_Messages return Natural;

    -- returns number of unread messages in the mailbox;  if the mailbox is
    -- locked by another session or user the function returns 99999999.

    procedure Send_Message (To : String := ">>USER_NAMES<<";
                            Subject : String := "";
                            Text : String := "";
                            Cc : String := "";
                            From : String := System_Utilities.User_Name;
                            Response : String := "<PROFILE>");

    -- Composes and sends a message with content as specified by the parameters

    procedure Notify;

    -- Display the number of unread messages in the message window banner.


    --  The mail object editor manages three types of windows:
    --      1)  Mailbox windows
    --      2)  Read message windows and
    --      3)  Transmit windows (answer, forward, remail, and send).
    --  The following is a list of supported common commands per window type.

    --  Mailbox window common commands:
    --  Release (obj-x and obj-g).  Deletes the window and closes the mailbox.
    --  Any windows on objects within this mailbox will also be deleted.

    --  Copy.  Copy the selected message(s) from one mailbox to another.

    --  Delete.  Delete the selected message(s).  If the selected message(s)
    --  is already flagged for deletion, the message(s) are expunged.

    --  Definition.  If the cursor is on a message header, brings up a window
    --  on the underlying message.  If the cursor is on a mailbox name, brings
    --  up a window on the underlying mailbox.

    --  Format.  Reads in new messages, and positions the cursor on the first
    --  new message.
    --  Insert.  Bring up a send window.
    --  Move.  Move selected message from one mailbox to another.

    --  Redo.  If the selected message is an undeliverable notification a
    --  send window is brought up with the original message ready to be
    --  resent.  Otherwise a reply window is brought up.

    --  Revert.  Same as format.

    --  Sort_Image.  Change the sort order in which the messages are displayed.

    --  Undo.  Undeleted selected message(s).

    --  Read message window common commands:

    --  Release.  Delete the window, and position the cursor on the next
    --  undeleted message in the mailbox window.

    --  Delete.  Same as Release, but underlying message is deleted.

    --  Enclosing.  Go to enclosing mailbox window.

    --  Redo.  Same as redo in a mailbox window.

    --  Transmit window common commands:

    --  Release.  Obj-G deletes the window.  Obj-X send the message, then
    --  deletes the window.

    --  Edit.  Make the window editable.

    --  Enclosing.  If in a send window, goes to the users main mailbox.
    --  Otherwise goes to the message being answered, forwarded or remailed.

    --  Promote.  Sends the message, and makes the window read only.

    --  Semanticize.  Check names in the to and cc lists, and underlines
    --  names which can't be found.

    -- The sort fields specified by the format parameter are as follows:
    -- 1  From
    -- 2  Date Received
    -- 3  Date Sent
    -- 4  Read/Unread
    -- 5  Deleted/Non-deleted
    -- Use the negatives of these numbers for reverse sorting.

    -- Mail Switches:

    --  Mail_Multiple_Message_Windows
    --    Boolean indicating whether read window should be reused
    --  Mail_Default_Sort_Order
    --    Integer  (see comment on sort orders)

    pragma Subsystem (Mail);
    pragma Module_Name (4, 3604);
    pragma Bias_Key (15);

end Mail;


DATA:  ⟦ab9f224fa⟧ R1K_ARCHIVE_DATA, TextFile


0x0000…42c5 ⟦5ef84c56d⟧
0x42c5…47d4 ⟦0f6c25167⟧
0x47d4…5a5e ⟦c64185b4f⟧
0x5a5e…6e7c ⟦ffac8993c⟧