Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ T V

⟦adf12288d⟧ TextFile

    Length: 3824 (0xef0)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 


package Errors is

    procedure Parse_Log (The_Error : String;
                         Terminal : String;
                         With_Line_Nb : Boolean := True);
    procedure Save_Interpret_Line (Line_Number : Natural);
    procedure Interpret_Log (The_Error : String;
                             Terminal : String;
                             With_Line_Nb : Boolean := True);
    procedure Run_Log (The_Error : String; Terminal : String);

-- Raised in package Arguments...
    Expecting_Id_After_Keyword : exception;
    Expecting_Id_Or_Keyword : exception;
    Expecting_Other_Id_Or_Dot : exception;
    Expecting_Other_Keyword_Or_Dot : exception;

-- Raised in package Binary...
    Expecting_Unary : exception;

-- Raised in package Block...
    Expecting_Closing_Brace : exception;
    Expecting_Opening_Brace : exception;

-- Raised in package Block_Class...
    Block_Argument_Required_For_Tantque_Msg : exception;
    Bloc_Msg_With_Not_Enough_Arguments : exception;
    Bloc_Msg_With_Too_Many_Arguments : exception;
    Get_Value_Of_Undefined_Identifier : exception;
    Inconsistent_Msg_Selector_For_Block : exception;
    Max_Block_Number_Exceeded : exception;
    Multiply_Defined_Argument : exception;
    Set_Value_To_Undefined_Identifier : exception;
    Several_Arguments_With_Same_Name : exception;
    Tantque_Msg_To_Non_Boolean_Block : exception;
    Unary_Message_To_Block_With_Arguments : exception;
    Unknown_Message_For_Block : exception;

-- Raised in package Boolean_Class...
    Block_Argument_Required_For_Boolean : exception;
    Boolean_Object_Required_As_Argument : exception;
    Unknown_Message_For_Boolean : exception;

-- Raised in package Expression...
    Affectation_To_Predefined_Id : exception;
    Expecting_Id_After_Pour : exception;
    Expecting_Pour_Or_Value : exception;
    Expecting_Prendre_After_Id : exception;
    Expecting_Value_After_Prendre : exception;

-- Raised in package Integer_Class...
    Block_Argument_Required_For_Integer : exception;
    Division_By_Zero : exception;
    Integer_Object_Required_As_Argument : exception;
    Unknown_Message_For_Integer : exception;

-- Raised in package More_Binary...
    Expecting_Unary_After_Binary_Message : exception;

-- Raised in package More_Statements ...
    Expecting_Dot : exception;

-- Raised in package More_Value...
    Expecting_Binary_After_Keyword : exception;

-- Raised in package pen_Class...
    Max_Pen_Number_Exceeded : exception;
    Unknown_Message_For_Pen : exception;
    Integer_Required_As_Argument_For_Pen : exception;
    String_Required_As_Argument_For_Pen : exception;

-- Raised in package Primary...
    Expecting_Closing_Parenthesis : exception;
    Expecting_Primary_First : exception;
    Expecting_Value : exception;

-- Raised in package String_Class...
    Max_String_Number_Exceeded : exception;
    String_Object_Required_As_Argument : exception;
    Target_String_Is_Too_Long : exception;
    Unknown_Message_For_String : exception;

--- Raised in package Broker...
    Message_Sent_To_Empty_Object : exception;
    Undefined_Message_For_Block : exception;
    Undefined_Message_For_Pen : exception;
    Undefined_Message_For_String : exception;
    Undefined_Message_For_Turtle : exception;

-- Raised in package Interpreter...
    Stop_Interpreting : exception;

--- Raised in package Parser...
    Empty_Source_File : exception;
    Stop_Parsing : exception;
    Unknown_Lexeme_Found : exception;

-- Raised in package turtle_Class...
    Max_Turtle_Number_Exceeded : exception;
    Unknown_Message_For_Turtle : exception;
    Integer_Required_As_Argument_For_Turtle : exception;

-- Raised in package Unary...
    Expecting_Primary : exception;

-- Raised in package Value...
    Expecting_Binary : exception;

    Interpreting_Line : Natural;

end Errors;