DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 2804 (0xaf4) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦bfaa708f6⟧ Bits:30000531 8mm tape, Rational 1000, INSIGHT 1_3_0 └─ ⟦c51948655⟧ »DATA« └─⟦266b31e86⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Seat_Controls; with Screen; package body Panel_Interface is function "<" (A, B : Seats.Seat_Id) return Boolean renames Seats."<"; The_Panel : Screen.Panel; procedure Dump_O2 (Open : Boolean; Seat : Seats.Seat_Id) is begin [statement] end Dump_O2; function Is_Passenger_Reading_Light (Seat : Seats.Seat_Id) return Boolean is begin return Seat < 100; -- Total kludge!! end Is_Passenger_Reading_Light; procedure Light_On (Seat : Seats.Seat_Id) is begin if Is_Passenger_Reading_Light (Seat) then Screen.Set_Light (Screen.On, The_Panel); else -- Must be the service call light. Screen.Set_Service_Call (Screen.On, The_Panel); end if; end Light_On; procedure Light_Off (Seat : Seats.Seat_Id) is begin if Is_Passenger_Reading_Light (Seat) then Screen.Set_Light (Screen.Off, The_Panel); else -- Must be the service call light. Screen.Set_Service_Call (Screen.Off, The_Panel); end if; end Light_Off; procedure Interact_Passenger is Selection : Screen.Display_Item_With_Label; use Screen; Available_Choices : constant array (Screen.Display_Item_With_Passenger_Choices) of String (1 .. 40) := (Audio_Channel => "1,2,3,4,5,6 ", Game => "Pong, Pac_Man, Chess, Go, Tic_Tac_Toe ", Movie => "Airport, Witness, Silver_Streak, Big "); begin Screen.Create (The_Panel); loop Selection := Screen.Get_Selection (The_Panel); case Selection is when Weather | Flight_Info | Reservations | Call | Redial | Modem => null; when Audio_Channel | Game | Movie => declare Choice : constant String := Screen.Get_Choice (For_Item => Selection, From_List => Available_Choices (Selection), On_The_Panel => The_Panel); begin null; -- don't need to do anything with the choice yet. end; when Stock_Market => null; -- Hard coded message! when Light_On => Seat_Controls.Light_On (23); when Light_Off => Seat_Controls.Light_Off (23); when Service_Call => Seat_Controls.Call_Button (23); end case; end loop; Screen.Close (The_Panel); end Interact_Passenger; end Panel_Interface;