DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 17509 (0x4465) Types: TextFile Names: »V«
└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00 └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« └─⟦1abbe589f⟧ └─⟦059497ac5⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Unchecked_Deallocation; with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; package Xlbt_Basic3 is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Basic Types - Full Interface -- -- Xlbt_Basic3 - Types are declared here because they are "low level" types. -- They are types which are used to create many other composite types. -- They are in some sense "primitive" types. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- Copyright 1985 - 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT or Rational not be -- used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software -- without specific, written prior permission. -- -- MIT and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, -- including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no -- event shall MIT or Rational be liable for any special, indirect or -- consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, -- data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other -- tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance -- of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Atom - a blob used to refer to a string whose contents are known mutually -- between us and the server; shorter and easier to use than the string. -- -- None_X_Atom - No atom in particular -- Any_Property_Type - Special Atom, passed to X_Get_Window_Property. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Atom is record Number : S_Long; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Atom'Size use 32; --/ end if; type X_Atom_Array is array (S_Natural range <>) of X_Atom; type X_Atom_List is access X_Atom_Array; --/ if Pack then --// pragma Pack (X_Atom_Array); --/ end if; --/ if Enable_Deallocation then pragma Enable_Deallocation (X_Atom_List); --/ end if; None_X_Atom : constant X_Atom := (Number => 0); None_X_Atom_List : constant X_Atom_List := null; Any_Property_Type : constant X_Atom := (Number => 0); procedure Free_X_Atom_List is new Unchecked_Deallocation (X_Atom_Array, X_Atom_List); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Display_Number - simple index to the N'th display of a library ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Display_Number is new S_Natural; None_X_Display_Number : constant X_Display_Number := 0; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X's Resource Type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Id is record Number : S_Long; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Id'Size use 32; --/ end if; None_X_Id : constant X_Id := (Number => 0); ----Special value indicating no-ID-specified All_Temporary : constant X_Id := (Number => 0); ----Special Resource ID passed to X_Kill_Client Release_By_Freeing_Colormap : constant X_Id := (Number => 1); ----Special Resource ID used in X_Standard_Colormap.Kill_Id. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Drawable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Drawable is record Id : X_Id; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Drawable'Size use 32; --/ end if; None_X_Drawable : constant X_Drawable := (Id => (Number => 0)); type X_Drawable_Array is array (S_Natural range <>) of X_Drawable; type X_Drawable_List is access X_Drawable_Array; --/ if Enable_Deallocation then pragma Enable_Deallocation (X_Drawable_List); --/ end if; None_X_Drawable_List : constant X_Drawable_List := null; -- procedure Free_X_Drawable_List is new Unchecked_Deallocation (X_Drawable_Array, X_Drawable_List); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Event_Mask - Input Event Masks. Used as event-mask window attribute and -- as arguments to Grab requests. Not to be confused with event -- names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --/ if Bit0_Sign_Bit then type X_Event_Mask_Index is (Xemi31, Xemi30, Xemi29, Xemi28, Xemi27, Xemi26, Xemi25, -- Unused Owner_Grab_Button_Mask, Colormap_Change_Mask, Property_Change_Mask, Focus_Change_Mask, Substructure_Redirect_Mask, Substructure_Notify_Mask, Resize_Redirect_Mask, Structure_Notify_Mask, Visibility_Change_Mask, Exposure_Mask, Keymap_State_Mask, Button_Motion_Mask, Button_5_Motion_Mask, Button_4_Motion_Mask, Button_3_Motion_Mask, Button_2_Motion_Mask, Button_1_Motion_Mask, Pointer_Motion_Hint_Mask, Pointer_Motion_Mask, Leave_Window_Mask, Enter_Window_Mask, Button_Release_Mask, Button_Press_Mask, Key_Release_Mask, Key_Press_Mask); --/ else -- not Bit0_Sign_Bit then --// --// type X_Event_Mask_Index is --// (Key_Press_Mask, --// Key_Release_Mask, --// Button_Press_Mask, --// Button_Release_Mask, --// Enter_Window_Mask, --// Leave_Window_Mask, --// Pointer_Motion_Mask, --// Pointer_Motion_Hint_Mask, --// Button_1_Motion_Mask, --// Button_2_Motion_Mask, --// Button_3_Motion_Mask, --// Button_4_Motion_Mask, --// Button_5_Motion_Mask, --// Button_Motion_Mask, --// Keymap_State_Mask, --// Exposure_Mask, --// Visibility_Change_Mask, --// Structure_Notify_Mask, --// Resize_Redirect_Mask, --// Substructure_Notify_Mask, --// Substructure_Redirect_Mask, --// Focus_Change_Mask, --// Property_Change_Mask, --// Colormap_Change_Mask, --// Owner_Grab_Button_Mask, --// Xemi25, Xemi26, Xemi27, Xemi28, Xemi29, Xemi30, Xemi31); -- Unused --// --/ end if; type X_Event_Mask_Array is array (X_Event_Mask_Index range <>) of Boolean; type X_Event_Mask is new X_Event_Mask_Array (X_Event_Mask_Index'First .. X_Event_Mask_Index'Last); --/ if not R1000_Size_Bug and then Length_Clauses then --// for X_Event_Mask'Size use 32; --/ elsif Pack then --// pragma Pack (X_Event_Mask_Array); --/ end if; --/ if Bit0_Sign_Bit then type X_Event_Mask_Short is new X_Event_Mask_Array (Exposure_Mask .. Key_Press_Mask); --/ else -- not Bit0_Sign_Bit then --// --// type X_Event_Mask_Short is --// new X_Event_Mask_Array (Key_Press_Mask .. Exposure_Mask); --// --/ end if; --/ if not R1000_Size_Bug and then Length_Clauses then --// for X_Event_Mask_Short'Size use 16; --/ end if; None_X_Event_Mask : constant X_Event_Mask := (others => False); All_Pointers : constant X_Event_Mask := X_Event_Mask'(Pointer_Motion_Mask | Pointer_Motion_Hint_Mask | Button_Motion_Mask => True, others => False); All_Buttons : constant X_Event_Mask := X_Event_Mask'(Button_1_Motion_Mask | Button_2_Motion_Mask | Button_3_Motion_Mask | Button_4_Motion_Mask | Button_5_Motion_Mask => True, others => False); All_Event_Mask : constant X_Event_Mask := X_Event_Mask' (Xemi31 | Xemi30 | Xemi29 | Xemi28 | Xemi27 | Xemi26 | Xemi25 => False, Owner_Grab_Button_Mask | Colormap_Change_Mask | Property_Change_Mask | Focus_Change_Mask | Substructure_Redirect_Mask | Substructure_Notify_Mask | Resize_Redirect_Mask | Structure_Notify_Mask | Visibility_Change_Mask | Exposure_Mask | Keymap_State_Mask | Button_Motion_Mask | Button_5_Motion_Mask | Button_4_Motion_Mask | Button_3_Motion_Mask | Button_2_Motion_Mask | Button_1_Motion_Mask | Pointer_Motion_Hint_Mask | Pointer_Motion_Mask | Leave_Window_Mask | Enter_Window_Mask | Button_Release_Mask | Button_Press_Mask | Key_Release_Mask | Key_Press_Mask => True); function X_Event_Mask_Short_To_Long (A : X_Event_Mask_Short) return X_Event_Mask; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A - Specifies a short event mask -- -- Called to convert a short event mask into a long event mask. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Pixel - encodes what a Pixel is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Pixel is new S_Long; type X_Pixel_Array is array (S_Natural range <>) of X_Pixel; type X_Pixel_List is access X_Pixel_Array; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Pixel'Size use 32; --/ end if; --/ if Pack then --// pragma Pack (X_Pixel_Array); --/ end if; --/ if Enable_Deallocation then pragma Enable_Deallocation (X_Pixel_List); --/ end if; None_X_Pixel : constant X_Pixel := 0; None_X_Pixel_List : constant X_Pixel_List := null; procedure Free_X_Pixel_List is new Unchecked_Deallocation (X_Pixel_Array, X_Pixel_List); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Pixmap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Pixmap is record Drawable : X_Drawable; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Pixmap'Size use 32; --/ end if; None_X_Pixmap : constant X_Pixmap := (Drawable => (Id => (Number => 0))); Copy_From_Parent_Pixmap : constant X_Pixmap := (Drawable => (Id => (Number => 0))); ----Border pixmap in X_Create_Window and X_Change_Window_Attributes Parent_Relative : constant X_Pixmap := (Drawable => (Id => (Number => 1))); ----Background pixmap in X_Create_Window and X_Change_Window_Attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Plane_Mask - used to indicate the display planes affected by an operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Plane_Mask is new S_Long; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Plane_Mask'Size use 32; --/ end if; type X_Plane_Mask_Array is array (S_Natural range <>) of X_Plane_Mask; type X_Plane_Mask_List is access X_Plane_Mask_Array; --/ if Pack then --// pragma Pack (X_Plane_Mask_Array); --/ end if; --/ if Enable_Deallocation then pragma Enable_Deallocation (X_Plane_Mask_List); --/ end if; None_X_Plane_Mask : constant X_Plane_Mask := 0; None_X_Plane_Mask_List : constant X_Plane_Mask_List := null; No_Planes : constant X_Plane_Mask := 0; All_Planes : constant X_Plane_Mask := -1; procedure Free_X_Plane_Mask_List is new Unchecked_Deallocation (X_Plane_Mask_Array, X_Plane_Mask_List); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Screen_Number - simple index to the N'th screen of the display ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Screen_Number is new U_Char; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Screen_Number'Size use 8; --/ end if; None_X_Screen_Number : constant X_Screen_Number := 0; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Time - it is important to be able to do arithmetic with these ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Time is new S_Long; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Time'Size use 32; --/ end if; Current_Time : constant X_Time := 0; None_X_Time : constant X_Time := 0; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Colormap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Colormap is record Id : X_Id; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Colormap'Size use 32; --/ end if; type X_Colormap_Array is array (S_Natural range <>) of X_Colormap; type X_Colormap_List is access X_Colormap_Array; --/ if Pack then --// pragma Pack (X_Colormap_Array); --/ end if; --/ if Enable_Deallocation then pragma Enable_Deallocation (X_Colormap_List); --/ end if; None_X_Colormap : constant X_Colormap := (Id => (Number => 0)); None_X_Colormap_List : constant X_Colormap_List := null; Copy_From_Parent_Colormap : constant X_Colormap := (Id => (Number => 0)); procedure Free_X_Colormap_List is new Unchecked_Deallocation (X_Colormap_Array, X_Colormap_List); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Cursor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Cursor is record Id : X_Id; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Cursor'Size use 32; --/ end if; None_X_Cursor : constant X_Cursor := (Id => (Number => 0)); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Font ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Font is record Id : X_Id; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Font'Size use 32; --/ end if; None_X_Font : constant X_Font := (Id => (Number => 0)); Font_Change : constant := 255; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_G_Context ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_G_Context is record Id : X_Id; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_G_Context'Size use 32; --/ end if; None_X_G_Context : constant X_G_Context := (Id => (Number => 0)); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Status - Status for Procedure returns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Status is (Failed, -- Operation did not succeed/work/complete Successful); -- Operation completed/worked ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Visual_Id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Visual_Id is record Number : S_Long; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Visual_Id'Size use 32; --/ end if; None_X_Visual_Id : constant X_Visual_Id := (Number => 0); Copy_From_Parent_Visual_Id : constant X_Visual_Id := (Number => 0); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Window -- -- Input_Focus - Destination window in X_Send_Event -- Pointer_Window - Destination window in X_Send_Event -- Pointer_Root - Focus window in X_Set_Input_Focus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Window is record Drawable : X_Drawable; end record; --/ if Length_Clauses then for X_Window'Size use 32; --/ end if; type X_Window_Array is array (S_Natural range <>) of X_Window; type X_Window_List is access X_Window_Array; --/ if Pack then --// pragma Pack (X_Window_Array); --/ end if; --/ if Enable_Deallocation then pragma Enable_Deallocation (X_Window_List); --/ end if; None_X_Window : constant X_Window := (Drawable => (Id => (Number => 0))); Input_Focus : constant X_Window := (Drawable => (Id => (Number => 1))); Pointer_Root : constant X_Window := (Drawable => (Id => (Number => 1))); Pointer_Window : constant X_Window := (Drawable => (Id => (Number => 0))); None_X_Window_List : constant X_Window_List := null; procedure Free_X_Window_List is new Unchecked_Deallocation (X_Window_Array, X_Window_List); end Xlbt_Basic3;