Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ B T

⟦b17ccd84b⟧ TextFile

    Length: 15090 (0x3af2)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13
    └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11
    └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16
    └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04
    └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« 


with Asa_Definitions;
with Debug_Tools;
with Device_Independent_Io;
with Directory_Tools;
with Io;
with Logger;
with Profile;
with Remote_Operations;
with String_Utilities;
with Unix_Definitions;
pragma Elaborate (Asa_Definitions);
package body Asaopen is

    package Asac renames Asa_Definitions.Commands;
    package Asas renames Asa_Definitions.Switches;
    package Dio renames Device_Independent_Io;
    package Dna renames Directory_Tools.Naming;
    package Ro renames Remote_Operations;
    package Ss renames Simple_Status;
    package Su renames String_Utilities;
    package Unix renames Unix_Definitions;

    Local_Annotations : constant String :=
       Asa_Definitions.Main_Class_Directory & ".ANNOTATIONS";
    Local_Annotation_Types : constant String :=
       Asa_Definitions.Main_Class_Directory & ".ANNOTATION_TYPES";

    Template_Error : exception;

    function "-" (S1 : in String; S2 : in String) return String is
        pragma Assert (S1'Length >= S2'Length and then
                       S1 (S1'Last - S2'Length + 1 .. S1'Last) = S2);
        return S1 (S1'First .. S1'Last - S2'Length);
    end "-";

    --                    ------------------------------
    --                    ( ) Body of external procedure
    --                    ------------------------------

    procedure Execute (In_Context : in Remote_Operations.Context;
                       Model : in String;  
                       Template_Name : in String;
                       State : in out State_Record;
                       Status : out Simple_Status.Condition) is

        --                 ----------------
        --                 ( . ) Local data
        --                 ----------------

        S : Ss.Condition;

        Error_File : Io.File_Type;   -- The remote stderr and stdout.
        Null_Input_File : Dio.File_Type;
        Output_File : Io.File_Type;  -- The result of executing the script.
        Script_File : Io.File_Type;
        Template_File : Io.File_Type;

        Remote_Annotations : constant String :=
           Unix.Temporary_Filename (Asac.Annotations_Extension);
        Remote_Annotation_Types : constant String :=
           Unix.Temporary_Filename (Asac.Annotation_Types_Extension);
        Remote_Output : constant String := Unix.Temporary_Filename ("");
        Remote_Processed_Model : constant String :=
           Unix.Temporary_Filename (Asac.Model_Extension);
        Remote_Script : constant String :=
           Unix.Temporary_Filename (Asac.Asaopen_Extension);

        -- Due to a bug in ASA, the .opn extension cannot be included on
        -- the command line.
        -- Due to a bug in REMOTE_OPERATIONS.EXECUTE, we put a leading
        -- space to make sure that the lower bound of the command string
        -- is 1.
        Asaopen_Command : constant String :=
           ' ' &  
              Asas.Bin_Directory (Ro.Machine (In_Context)) &  
              Unix.Context_Separator &  
              Asac.Asaopen &  
              ' ' &  
              (Remote_Script - Asac.Asaopen_Extension);

        Rm_Command : constant String := Unix.Remove &  
                                           ' ' &  
                                           Remote_Annotations &  
                                           ' ' &  
                                           Remote_Annotation_Types &  
                                           ' ' &  
                                           Remote_Output &  
                                           ' ' &  
                                           Remote_Script &  
                                           ' ' &  

        Sed_Command : constant String :=
           Unix.Stream_Editor &  
              ' ' &  
              Unix.Edit &  
              ' ' &  
              "'/&requirement_[1-9] '""'""'.*'""'""'/s/ /_/g'" &  
              ' ' &  
              Unix.Edit &  
              ' ' &  
              "'/&requirement_[1-9] '""'""'[^'""'""']*$/,/'""'""';/s/ /_/g'" &  
              ' ' &  
              Unix.Edit &  
              ' ' &  
              "'/&requirement_[1-9]/s/_*\(&requirement_[1-9]\)_*'""'""'/  \1 '""'""'/'" &  
              ' ' &  
              Unix.Edit &  
              ' ' &  
              """s/_*;/;/""" &  
              ' ' &  
              Model &  
              ' ' &  
              Unix.Output_Redirect &  
              ' ' &  

        --                 ------------------------
        --                 ( . ) Template expansion
        --                 ------------------------

        procedure Expand (Template_File : in Io.File_Type;
                          Script_File : in Io.File_Type) is
            use Io;
            pragma Assert (Io.Is_Open (Template_File) and then
                           Io.Mode (Template_File) = Io.In_File and then
                           Io.Is_Open (Script_File) and then
                           Io.Mode (Script_File) = Io.Out_File);

            -- A line is decomposed into symbol fields and constant fields.
            -- Fields are separated by the separator.  The first field of a
            -- line is always a constant field.  BOUNDARY is the first
            -- character of the current field.

            type Field is (Constant_Field, Symbol_Field);

            Current_Field : Field;
            Boundary : Natural;
            The_Symbol : Symbol;
            while not Io.End_Of_File (Template_File) loop

                    Line : constant String := Io.Get_Line (Template_File);
                    Current_Field := Constant_Field;
                    Boundary := Line'First;

                    for I in Line'First .. Line'Last - Separator'Length + 1 loop
                        if Line (I .. I + Separator'Length - 1) = Separator then

                            case Current_Field is

                                when Constant_Field =>

                                    -- Found the initial symbol separator.  First write
                                    -- the text preceding it.
                                    Io.Put (Script_File,
                                            Line (Boundary .. I - 1));
                                    Current_Field := Symbol_Field;
                                    Boundary := I + Separator'Length;

                                when Symbol_Field =>

                                    -- Found the final symbol separator.  Write the
                                    -- value of the symbol.
                                    The_Symbol := Symbol'Value
                                                     (Line (Boundary .. I - 1));
                                    case The_Symbol is

                                        when Annotations =>
                                            Io.Put (Script_File,

                                        when Annotation_Types =>
                                            Io.Put (Script_File,

                                        when Asaopen.Model =>
                                            Io.Put (Script_File,

                                        when Output =>
                                            Io.Put (Script_File, Remote_Output);
                                    end case;
                                    Current_Field := Constant_Field;
                                    Boundary := I + Separator'Length;
                            end case;
                        end if;
                    end loop;
                    Io.Put_Line (Script_File, Line (Boundary .. Line'Last));

            end loop;
            when others =>
                raise Template_Error;
        end Expand;

        -- Create a script file to hold the expanded asaopen text.  Open
        -- the template, expand it, close it.  Reset the script file to
        -- read mode.
        Io.Create (File => Script_File,  
                   Mode => Io.Out_File,
                   Name => "");
        Io.Open (File => Template_File,  
                 Mode => Io.In_File,
                 Name => Template_Name);
        Logger.Note ("Expanding template file " & Io.Name (Template_File) &
                     " into " & Io.Name (Script_File));
        Expand (Template_File => Template_File,  
                Script_File => Script_File);
        Io.Close (Template_File);
        Io.Reset (File => Script_File,  
                  Mode => Io.In_File);

        -- Download the script file and close it.
        Logger.Note ("Copying file " & Io.Name (Script_File) &
                     " to " & Remote_Script);
        Ro.Put (From_File => Io.Convert (Script_File),
                To_File => Remote_Script,
                In_Context => In_Context,
                Status => S);
        Logger.Status (S, Interactive => False);
        Io.Close (Script_File);

        -- Download the annotation files.
        Logger.Note ("Copying file " & Local_Annotations &
                     " to " & Remote_Annotations);
        Ro.Put (From_File => Local_Annotations,
                To_File => Remote_Annotations,
                In_Context => In_Context,
                Status => S);
        Logger.Status (S, Interactive => False);

        Logger.Note ("Copying file " & Local_Annotation_Types &
                     " to " & Remote_Annotation_Types);
        Ro.Put (From_File => Local_Annotation_Types,
                To_File => Remote_Annotation_Types,
                In_Context => In_Context,
                Status => S);
        Logger.Status (S, Interactive => False);

        -- Create error files.
        Io.Create (File => Error_File,  
                   Mode => Io.Out_File,
                   Name => "");

        -- Due to a bug in asaopen, the blanks are stripped from the
        -- requirements' text.  Before calling asaopen, we run sed on the
        -- model file to change every space into an underscore.  The
        -- reverse transformation will be made by package HIERARCHY.
        Logger.Note ("Executing command """ & Sed_Command & '"');
        Ro.Execute (Command => Sed_Command,
                    In_Context => In_Context,
                    Input => Null_Input_File,
                    Output => Io.Convert (Error_File),
                    Error => Io.Convert (Error_File),
                    Status => S,
                    Timeout => Ro.Wait_Forever);
        Logger.Status (S, Interactive => False);

        -- Execute asaopen on the downloaded script file.  Do not separate
        -- output and error flows.
        Logger.Note ("Executing command """ & Asaopen_Command & '"');
        Ro.Execute (Command => Asaopen_Command,
                    In_Context => In_Context,
                    Input => Null_Input_File,
                    Output => Io.Convert (Error_File),
                    Error => Io.Convert (Error_File),
                    Status => S,
                    Timeout => Ro.Wait_Forever);

        -- Process the error file.
        Io.Reset (File => Error_File,  
                  Mode => Io.In_File);
        while not Io.End_Of_File (Error_File) loop
            Logger.Debug (Io.Get_Line (Error_File));
        end loop;  
        Logger.Status (S, Interactive => False);

        -- Upload the result of execution.
        Io.Create (File => Output_File,  
                   Mode => Io.Out_File,
                   Name => "");  
        Logger.Note ("Copying file " & Remote_Output &
                     " to " & Io.Name (Output_File));
        Ro.Get (From_File => Remote_Output,
                In_Context => In_Context,
                To_File => Io.Convert (Output_File),
                Status => S);
        Logger.Status (S, Interactive => False);

        -- Clean up temporary files.
        Io.Reset (File => Error_File,  
                  Mode => Io.Out_File);
        Logger.Note ("Executing command """ & Rm_Command & '"');
        Ro.Execute (Command => Rm_Command,
                    In_Context => In_Context,
                    Input => Null_Input_File,
                    Output => Io.Convert (Error_File),
                    Error => Io.Convert (Error_File),
                    Status => S,
                    Timeout => Ro.Wait_Forever);

        -- Process the error file and close it.
        Io.Reset (File => Error_File,  
                  Mode => Io.In_File);
        while not Io.End_Of_File (Error_File) loop

                The_Line : constant String := Io.Get_Line (Error_File);
                if Su.Locate (Fragment => "ERROR", Within => The_Line) = 0 then
                    Logger.Debug (The_Line);
                    Logger.Error (The_Line);
                end if;

        end loop;
        Io.Close (Error_File);
        Logger.Status (S, Interactive => False);

        -- Process the output file and close it.
        Io.Reset (File => Output_File,  
                  Mode => Io.In_File);
        while not Io.End_Of_File (Output_File) loop
            Process (State => State,  
                     Line => Io.Get_Line (Output_File));
        end loop;  
        Io.Close (Output_File);

        Status := S;
        when Profile.Error =>
               (Status => S,
                Error_Type => "",
                Message => "asaopen execution is quitting after errors",
                Severity => Ss.Problem);
            Status := S;

        when Template_Error =>
               (Status => S,
                Error_Type => "Asaopen",
                Message => "syntax error in template or template not found",
                Severity => Ss.Problem);
            Status := S;

        when others =>
            Ss.Create_Condition (Status => S,
                                 Error_Type => "Asaopen",
                                 Message => "execution aborted by exception " &
                                 Severity => Ss.Problem);
            Status := S;
    end Execute;

end Asaopen;