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⟦b364ca50d⟧ TextFile

    Length: 58180 (0xe344)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »OS2000_INTERNALS_LIST«


└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2
    └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« 


                                                ;    The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and
                                                ;    conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer.
                                                ;                Copyright 1988 by Rational.
                                                ;                          RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND
                                                ;    Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
                                                ;    restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in
                                                ;    Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013.
                                                ;                Rational
                                                ;                3320 Scott Boulevard
                                                ;                Santa Clara, California 95054-3197
                                                ;   PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL;
                                                ;   USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION
                                                ;   IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.  THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS
                                                ;   AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF
                                                ;   1976.  CREATED 1988.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
                                                        .module "OS2000_INTERNALS"
                                                ;    Implements operations which depend on the location and
                                                ;    organization of OS-9 and OS2000 internal data structures. 
                                                        .include "^^standard_assembler_include_file"
        00000000                                        .push_list
        00000000                                        .pop_list
        00000000                                        .list macro_expansion = none
                                                        .include "^^common.os2000_definitions"
                                                ;       Definitions for CCT (Communication Control Table)
                                                cct_start       equ     1024     ; CCT offset from window start
                                                pi_cpt          equ     88       ; Offset for pointer to CPT
                                                ;       HSI addressing conventions
                                                a32_size        equ     16#02000000#;
                                                ;       Offsets in the Configuration Parameter Table.
                                                CPT_System_Time         equ     0       ; Offset to system time HW pointer
                                                CPT_Political_Time      equ     4       ; Offset to political time offset
                                                CPT_Current_Proc        equ     64      ; Offset to Os9 current process pointer 
                                                CPT_MsgQ_Pointer        equ     144     ; Offset to Message_Queues pointer
                                                                                        ; points to MqGlobals control block
                                                CPT_Ada_Runtime_Ptr     equ     152     ; Offset in CPT to Ada Runtime pointer
                                                                                        ; points to beginning of table of
                                                                                        ; runtime entry points
                                                ;       OS9 system call definitions
                                                        os9_call        equ     0
                                                ;       An OS9 system call is perform with the following sequence:
                                                ;               trap    #OS9_Call
                                                ;               .dc.w   call_code
                                                ;       where call code is one of the following user mode calls
                                                ;       or I/O calls
                                                ;       User mode system call definitions
                                                        F$Exit          equ     16#006#
                                                        F$Fork          equ     16#003#
                                                        F$Icpt          equ     16#009#
                                                        F$Julian        equ     16#020#
                                                        F$Link          equ     16#000#
                                                        F$PEAB          equ     16#0FA#
                                                        F$PErr          equ     16#00F#
                                                        F$RTE           equ     16#01E#
                                                        F$SPrior        equ     16#00D#
                                                        F$SRqMem        equ     16#028#
                                                        F$STime         equ     16#016#
                                                        F$STrap         equ     16#00E#
                                                        F$Send          equ     16#008#
                                                        F$Sleep         equ     16#00A#
                                                        F$Time          equ     16#015#
                                                ;       OS9 I/O system call definitions
                                                        I$Close         equ     16#08F#
                                                        I$Create        equ     16#083#
                                                        I$Delete        equ     16#087#
                                                        I$GetStt        equ     16#08D#
                                                        I$Last          equ     16#093#
                                                        I$Open          equ     16#084#
                                                        I$Read          equ     16#089#
                                                        I$ReadLn        equ     16#08B#
                                                        I$SGetSt        equ     16#092#
                                                        I$Seek          equ     16#088#
                                                        I$SetStt        equ     16#08E#
                                                        I$WritLn        equ     16#08C#
                                                        I$Write         equ     16#08A#;
                                                ;       Access mode for Open
                                                        Read_Mode       equ     1
                                                        Write_Mode      equ     2
                                                        Execute         equ     4
                                                ;       Function codes for the I$GetStt call
                                                        SS_Opt          equ     16#0000#
                                                        SS_Size         equ     16#0002#
                                                        SS_Pos          equ     16#0005#
                                                        SS_EOF          equ     16#0006#
                                                        SS_DevNm        equ     16#000E#
                                                ;       Standard paths
                                                        Standard_Input  equ     0
                                                        Standard_Output equ     1
                                                        Standard_Error  equ     2
                                                ;       I/O Error Codes
                                                        E$BPNum         equ     16#00C9#        ; bad path number
                                                ;       OS9 trap definitions
                                                        T_AddErr        equ     16#000C#
                                                        T_BusErr        equ     16#0008#
                                                        T_IllIns        equ     16#0010#
                                                        T_CHK           equ     16#0018#
                                                        T_TRAPV         equ     16#001C#
                                                        T_FPDivZer      equ     16#00C8#
                                                        T_FPInxact      equ     16#00C4#
                                                        T_FPNotNum      equ     16#00D8#
                                                        T_FPOprErr      equ     16#00D0#
                                                        T_FPOverFl      equ     16#00D4#
                                                        T_FPUndrFl      equ     16#00CC#
                                                        T_FPUnordC      equ     16#00C0#
                                                        T_ZerDiv        equ     16#0014#
                                                ;       OS2000 process descriptor definitions
                                                P$DefIOSiz      equ 32          ; Default I/O data area size
                                                P$NumPaths      equ 32          ; Number of local paths            
                                                P$MemBlks       equ 32          ; Number of separate memory blocks per process
                                                                .offset 0       ; Process descriptor
        00000398                                p$JobCon:
        000003A8                                P$AdaWrk:
        000003E8                                P$Last:                         ; Size of a process header
        00000800                                P$Stack:                        ; Top of system stack for process
        00000800                                P$Size:                         ; Size of process descriptor
                                                ;       Values for process state (P$STATE)
                                                P$SysState      equ     16#80#  ; Executing system state routine
                                                P$TimSleep      equ     16#40#  ; Timed sleep
                                                P$TimOut        equ     16#20#  ; time slice has expired
                                                P$ImgChg        equ     16#10#  ; SPU/MMU protection map has changed
                                                P$Condemn       equ     16#02#  ; process is condemned
                                                P$Dead          equ     16#01#  ; Process has terminated
                                                ;       Values for process queue id (P$QUEUID
                                                P$QActive       equ     'a'     ; active process queue
                                                P$QSleep        equ     's'     ; sleep queue
                                                P$QWait         equ     'w'     ; Waiting queue
                                                P$QEvent        equ     'e'     ; Event queue
                                                P$QCurrnt       equ     '*'     ; No queue, currently running
                                                P$QDebug        equ     'd'     ; No queue, inactively debugging
                                                P$QDead         equ     '-'     ; No queue, dead process
                                                ; User register stack image
                                                                .offset 0
        00000048                                R$Size:                         ; Size of register package
                                                ; Status register equates
                                                R$TraceBit      equ     16#8000#    ; Trace bit in SR word
                                                R$SupvrBit      equ     16#2000#    ; Supervisor bit in SR word
                                                R$IntMask       equ     16#0700#    ; Interrupt mask in SR word
                                                R$Extend        equ     16#0010#    ; Extend bit
                                                R$Negative      equ     16#0008#    ; Negative bit
                                                R$Zero          equ     16#0004#    ; Zero bit
                                                R$Ov            equ     16#0002#    ; Overflow
                                                R$Carry         equ     16#0001#    ; Carry 
                                                ; 68881 FPU context save area
                                                                .offset 0
                                                        .include "^^common.runtime_definitions"
                                                ;   This number is used to check the compatibility
                                                ;   of the program and the loaded shared runtime.
                                                ;   The value must be incremented whenever an execution
                                                ;   incompatible change is made in the runtime.
                                                ;       Version         Incompatible changes in this version
                                                ;       -------         ------------------------------------
                                                ;           0           Initial release of shared runtime
                                                ;           1           Changed Os2000_Process_Defs to use
                                                ;                       special Ada work area rather than
                                                ;                       user accounting area.
                                                ;           2           Added 12 long words of spare storage
                                                ;                       in Runtime_Data; this will permit
                                                ;                       some addition of data in the shared
                                                ;                       runtime to be compatible. 
                                                ;           3           1.) Rev 6 compiler
                                                ;                       2.) Runtime entry point table now 16-bit
                                                ;                           offset from table to entry in words.
                                                ;                       3.) Deleted some unnecessary shared data items.
                                                ;                       4.) General cleanup
                                                        compatibility_version   equ 3
                                                ;   Amount of stack space reserved for the runtime in bytes
                                                        runtime$stack$cushion  equ 1024  
                                                ;   Values for certain runtime error messages and warnings.
                                                        error$code                      equ     16#8000#    
                                                        warning$code                    equ     16#8100#
                                                        elaboration$ferror              equ     1
                                                        finalization$ferror             equ     2
                                                        unhandled$main$trap$ferror      equ     3
                                                        lib$exception$ferror            equ     5
                                                        main$exception$ferror           equ     6
                                                        init$trap$handler$ferror        equ     37
                                                        insufficient$stack$ferror       equ     44
                                                        no$runtime$ferror               equ     45
                                                        rt$incompatible$ferror          equ     46
                                                        task$exception$warning          equ     1
                                                        heap$create$warning             equ     2       
                                                        stack$request$warning           equ     4
                                                ;   Values used in exit system call
                                                        No$Error                        equ     0
                                                        Some$Error                      equ     1
                                                ;   Comp Unit id for all runtime units except predefined exceptions 
                                                        runtime_compunit                equ     17      
                                                ;   Comp Unit id for predefined exception
                                                        exception_compunit              equ     1
                                                ;   Subprogram kind for runtime suprograms
                                                        sp_rt                           equ     1
                                                ;   Special statement numbers
                                                        stmt.end_prolog                 equ     1
                                                        stmt.begin_epilog               equ     16#7FFF#
                                                ;   Subprogram ids for debug directives within runtime
                                                ;   entry points.
                                                        sp.internal                             equ     16#0_00#
                                                        sp.enum_image                           equ     16#1_00#
                                                        sp.enum_pos                             equ     16#1_01#
                                                        sp.enum_pred                            equ     16#1_02#
                                                        sp.enum_succ                            equ     16#1_03#
                                                        sp.enum_value                           equ     16#1_04#
                                                        sp.enum_width                           equ     16#1_05#
                                                        sp.int_image                            equ     16#1_06#
                                                        sp.int_value                            equ     16#1_07#
                                                        sp.int_width                            equ     16#1_08#
                                                        sp.allocate_collection                  equ     16#2_00#
                                                        sp.allocate_fixed_cell                  equ     16#2_01#
                                                        sp.deallocate_collection                equ     16#2_02#
                                                        sp.deallocate_fixed_cell                equ     16#2_03#
                                                        sp.collection_size                      equ     16#2_04#
                                                        sp.initialize_master                    equ     16#3_00#
                                                        sp.create_task                          equ     16#3_01#
                                                        sp.activate_offspring                   equ     16#3_02#
                                                        sp.notify_parent                        equ     16#3_03#
                                                        sp.task_end                             equ     16#3_04#
                                                        sp.await_dependents                     equ     16#3_05#
                                                        sp.task_completion                      equ     16#3_06#
                                                        sp.terminate_allocated_offspring        equ     16#3_07#
                                                        sp.terminate_dependent_offspring        equ     16#3_08#
                                                        sp.entry_call                           equ     16#3_09#
                                                        sp.conditional_entry_call               equ     16#3_0A#
                                                        sp.timed_entry_call                     equ     16#3_0B#
                                                        sp.begin_accept                         equ     16#3_0C#
                                                        sp.end_accept                           equ     16#3_0D#
                                                        sp.quick_accept                         equ     16#3_0E#
                                                        sp.close_alternatives                   equ     16#3_0F#
                                                        sp.open_delay                           equ     16#3_10#
                                                        sp.open_entry                           equ     16#3_11#
                                                        sp.open_terminate                       equ     16#3_12#
                                                        sp.select_rendezvous                    equ     16#3_13#
                                                        sp.abort_multiple_tasks                 equ     16#3_14#
                                                        sp.check_return_task                    equ     16#3_15#
                                                        sp.delay_statement                      equ     16#3_16#
                                                        sp.entry_count                          equ     16#3_17#
                                                        sp.task_callable                        equ     16#3_18#
                                                        sp.task_stack_size                      equ     16#3_19#
                                                        sp.task_terminated                      equ     16#3_1A#
                                                        sp.raise_exception                      equ     16#4_00#
                                                        sp.raise_constraint_error               equ     16#4_01#
                                                        sp.propagate_exception                  equ     16#4_02#
                                                        sp.stack_check                          equ     16#4_03#
                                                        sp.mantissa                             equ     16#5_00#
                                                        sp.large                                equ     16#5_01#
                                                        sp.fixed_multiply                       equ     16#5_02#
                                                        sp.compare_8_bit_unsigned               equ     16#5_03#
                                                        sp.compare_8_bit_signed                 equ     16#5_04#
                                                        sp.compare_16_bit_unsigned              equ     16#5_05#
                                                        sp.compare_16_bit_signed                equ     16#5_06#
                                                        sp.compare_32_bit_unsigned              equ     16#5_07#
                                                        sp.compare_32_bit_signed                equ     16#5_08#
                                                ;   Linkage mechanisms used in assembly routines.
                                                ;       Identification of the mechanism in a .subprogram directive
                                                ;       and information provided in .statement directives enable
                                                ;       the debugger to find the return pc.
                                                        linkage.frame   equ 16#00_00_00_00#     ; return pc may be found at
                                                                                                ; offset from frame pointer
                                                        linkage.simple  equ 16#10_00_00_00#     ; return pc may be found at
                                                                                                ; offset from stack pointer
                                                        linkage.none    equ 16#50_00_00_00#     ; no return pc exists,
                                                                                                ; in bottom routine
                                                        linkage.trap    equ 16#60_00_00_00#     ; in trap handling code
                                                ;       Definitions for locking primitives
                                                                .offset 0       ;  type Q_Element is
                                                                                ;      record
        00000008                                element'size:                   ;      end record;
                                                ;       Ada task control block (TCB) definitions
                                                                                .offset 0
        00000050                                tcb'size:
                                                b.action_state.exception_pending        equ     3
                                                        comp_unit  runtime_compunit
                                                        .sect   ada_runtime_code,code,relocatable,alignment:=2
                                                        .gbl.a  __get_current_task_id
                                                        .gbl.a  __verify_stack
                                                        .gbl.a  __fork_process
                                                        .gbl.a  __current_process_id
                                                        .gbl.a  __current_process_priority
                                                        .gbl.a  __set_process_priority  
                                                        .gbl.l  __serialization.acquire_lock
                                                        .gbl.l  __serialization.release_lock
                                                        .gbl.l  __release_task_lock
                                                        .ext.a  __process_descriptor_pointer
                                                        .ext.a  __tasking_lock
                                                        .ext.a  __report_fatal_error;
                                                        .ext.l  __abort_main_indirect
                                                        .ext.b  __abort_main_flag
                                                ;    function Get_Current_Task_Id return Task_Id;
                                                        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        00000000                                __get_current_task_id:
        00000000   2075017000000000                     movea.l (__process_descriptor_pointer,a5),A0
        00000008   2050                                 movea.l (a0),a0
        0000000A   202803A8                             move.l  (art$tsk_id,a0),d0
        0000000E   4E75                                 rts
                                                ;   function Current_Process_Id return Integer;
                                                        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        00000010                                __current_process_id:
        00000010   7000                                 moveq.l #0,d0
        00000012   2075017000000000                     movea.l (__process_descriptor_pointer,a5),a0
        0000001A   2050                                 movea.l (a0),a0
        0000001C   3010                                 move.w  (p$id,a0),d0
        0000001E   4E75                                 rts
                                                ;   function Current_Priority return Integer;
                                                        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        00000020                                __current_process_priority:
                                                        statement    0,0,0
        00000020   7000                                 moveq.l #0,D0
        00000022   2075017000000000                     movea.l (__process_descriptor_pointer,a5),a0
        0000002A   2050                                 movea.l (a0),a0
        0000002C   30280018                             move.w  (p$prior,a0),d0
        00000030   4E75                                 rts
                                                ;    procedure Fork (Parameter_Ref      : System.Address;  
                                                ;                    Parameter_Size     : Integer;  
                                                ;                    Priority           : Integer;  
                                                ;                    Memory_Size        : Integer;
                                                ;                    Result             : out Status);
                                                        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        00000032                                __Fork_Process:
                                                        $param_ref'offset       equ 4+20
                                                        $param_size'offset      equ 8+20
                                                        $priority'offset        equ 12+20
                                                        $memory_size'offset     equ 16+20
                                                        $status'offset          equ 20+20
        00000032   48E73C20                             movem.l d2/d3/d4/d5/a2,-(a7)
                                                        statement    20,0,0
        00000036   7000                                 moveq.l #0,d0                           ; module type/revision
        00000038   222F0024                             move.l  ($memory_size'offset,sp),d1     ; memory size
        0000003C   068100000400                         addi.l  #runtime$stack$cushion,d1       ; add cushion to mem size
        00000042   242F001C                             move.l  ($param_size'offset,sp),d2      ; parameter size
        00000046   42AF0028                             clr.l   ($status'offset,sp)             ; successful status
        0000004A   7604                                 moveq.l #4,d3                           ; I/O paths
        0000004C   282F0020                             move.l  ($priority'offset,sp),d4        ; priority
        00000050   41FA0000                             lea     (_ada_task_module_name:16,pc),a0; module name 
        00000054   226F0018                             movea.l ($param_ref'offset,sp),a1       ; parameter address
        00000058                                $save_child_id:                                                            
        00000058   2475017000000000                     movea.l (__process_descriptor_pointer,a5),a2
        00000060   2452                                 movea.l (a2),a2
        00000062   2A2A0006                             move.l  (p$cid,a2),d5                   ; save value of child id
        00000066   4E40                                 trap    #os9_call
        00000068   0003                                 .dc.w   f$fork
        0000006A   6500                                 bcs.b   $error
        0000006C                                $restore_child_id:
        0000006C   25450006                             move.l  d5,(p$cid,a2)                   ; restore value of child id
        00000070   4CDF043C                     $done:  movem.l (a7)+,d2/d3/d4/d5/a2
                                                        statement     0,0,0
        00000074   4E75                                 rts
        00000076   2F410028                     $error: move.l  d1, ($status'offset,sp)         ; error status
        0000007A   60F4                                 bra.b   $done
        0000007C                                _ada_task_module_name:
        0000007C   4144415F5441534B00                   .asciz  "ADA_TASK"
                                                ;    procedure Set_Priority (Process_Id : Integer; Priority : Integer);
                                                        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        00000086                                __Set_Process_Priority:
                                                        $process_id'offset      equ 4
                                                        $priority'offset        equ 8
        00000086   202F0004                             move.l  ($process_id'offset,sp),d0
        0000008A   222F0008                             move.l  ($priority'offset,sp),d1
        0000008E   4E40                                 trap    #os9_call
        00000090   000D                                 .dc.w   f$sprior
        00000092   4E740008                             rtd     #8
                                                ;    function Acquire_Lock (The_Lock : Lock) return Task_Id is
                                                ;       Item : Q_Element;
                                                ;    begin
                                                ;        Item.Key := Get_Current_Task_Id;
                                                ;        if Tasking_Lock.Key = Null_Id then  \
                                                ;            Tasking_Lock.Key := Item.Key;    \
                                                ;            Tasking_Lock.Next := null;        \
                                                ;            return True;                       - Atomic
                                                ;        else                                  /
                                                ;            Item.Next := Tasking_Lock.Next;  /
                                                ;            Tasking_Lock.Next := Item;      /
                                                ;            while Tasking_Lock.Key /= Item.Key loop            
                                                ;               Sleep (Some_Amount); -- awakened either by release signal
                                                ;                                    -- or delay expiration; 
                                                ;            end loop;
                                                ;        end if;
                                                ;    end Acquire;
                                                        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        00000096                                __serialization.acquire_lock:
                                                        $lock'offset    equ 4+4
                                                        $allocate_size  equ element'size;
        00000096   2F03                                 move.l  d3,-(SP)                    ; save d3
                                                        statement 0,0,1
        00000098   206F0008                             movea.l ($lock'offset,sp),a0        ; get address of The_Lock
        0000009C   2275017000000000                     movea.l (__process_descriptor_pointer,a5),a1
        000000A4   2251                                 movea.l (a1),a1
        000000A6   262903A8                             move.l  (art$tsk_id,a1),d3      ; fetch current task id
        000000AA   2F03                                 move.l  d3,-(SP)                ; Element.Key  := Get_Current_Task_Id
                                                        statement 0,0,2
        000000AC   598F                                 subq.l  #4,sp                   ; Element.Next uninitialized 
                                                        statement 0,0,3
        000000AE   2248                                 movea.l a0, a1                  ; The_Lock'Address is in A0 
        000000B0   5889                                 addq.l  #element.key,a1         ; The_Lock.Key'Address
        000000B2   7200                         $retry: moveq.l #0,d1
        000000B4   0ED100C1                             cas.l   d1,d3,(a1)              ; if The_Lock.Key = 0 then
                                                                                        ;     The_Lock.Key  := The_Element.Key;
        000000B8   6600                                 bne.b   $failed                 ; if Key /= 0 then failed
        000000BA   20280004                     $done:  move.l  (element.key,a0),d0     ; get The_Lock.Key
        000000BE   508F                                 addq.l  #$allocate_size,sp      ; pop local queue element
                                                        statement 0,0,1
        000000C0   261F                                 move.l  (sp)+,d3                ; restore d3
                                                        statement 0,0,0
        000000C2   4E740004                             rtd     #4
        000000C6   2010                         $failed:move.l  (a0),d0                 ; get The_Lock.Next
        000000C8   2E80                                 move.l  d0,(sp)                 ; Item.Next := Lock.Next
        000000CA   260F                                 move.l  SP,d3                   ; The_Element.Next'Address
        000000CC   0EFC80C09041                         cas2.l  d0:d1,d3:d1,(a0):(a1)   ; if Lock unchanged then
                                                                                        ;     Lock.Next := Item and
        000000D2   6700                                 beq.b   $sleep                  ; if equal then properly enqueued 
                                                                                        ; else concurrent interference,
        000000D4   262F0004                             move.l   (Element.Key,SP),d3    ; so get The_Element.Key
        000000D8   60D8                                 bra.b    $retry                 ; and try again to enqueue
                                                ;   Didn't get lock, so sleep until become head of queue
                                                ;   and lock is released.  Don't sleep indefinitely, because
                                                ;   OS-9 signals are lost (not queued) if receiver is not
                                                ;   already sleeping when signal is sent.  This introduces
                                                ;   a race condition.
        000000DA   203C80000004                 $sleep: move.l  #-2147483644,d0         ; sleep time
        000000E0   4E40                                 trap    #os9_call               ; do system call
        000000E2   000A                                 .dc.w   f$sleep
        000000E4   20280004                             move.l  (element.key,a0),d0     ; get the_Lock.Key
        000000E8   B0AF0004                             cmp.l   (element.key,sp),d0     ; compare to The_Element.Key
        000000EC   67CC                                 beq.b   $done                   ; if equal then got the lock
        000000EE   60EA                                 bra.b   $sleep                  ; else try again 
                                                ;       procedure Release_Task_Lock
                                                        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        000000F0                                __release_task_lock:
        000000F0   08350000017000000000                 btst.b  #0,(__abort_main_flag,a5)       ; test for main program abort
        000000FA   6700                                 beq.b   $release
        000000FC   2075017000000000                     movea.l (__abort_main_indirect,a5),a0
        00000104   4E90                                 jsr     (a0)
        00000106                                $release:
        00000106   4875017000000000                     pea     (__Tasking_Lock,a5)             ; get address of Tasking_Lock
        0000010E   6100                                 bsr.b   __serialization.release_lock
        00000110   4E75                                 rts
                                                ;       procedure Release_Lock (The_Lock : Address);
                                                        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        00000112                                __Serialization.Release_Lock:
                                                        $lock'offset    equ 4
        00000112   206F0004                             movea.l ($lock'offset,sp),a0    ; get address of The_Lock
        00000116   2248                                 movea.l a0,a1                        
        00000118   5889                                 addq.l  #Element.Key,a1         ; Lock.Key'Address
        0000011A   2211                                 move.l  (a1),d1                 ; Lock.Key
        0000011C   7000                                 moveq.l #0,d0                   ; null, null id
        0000011E   0EFC80009001                         cas2.l  d0:d1,d0:d0,(a0):(a1)   ; if Lock.Next = null and
                                                                                        ;    Lock.Key =  Lock.Key then
                                                                                        ;     Lock.Next := null; and
                                                                                        ;     Lock.Key  := null id; 
        00000124   6600                                 bne.b   $waiters                ;
        00000126   4E740004                             rtd     #4                      ; released the lock, no waiters
        0000012A                                $waiters:
        0000012A   48E73010                             movem.l  d2/d3/a3,-(a7)
                                                        statement 0,0,3
        0000012E   2640                         $retry: movea.l d0, a3                  ; Lock.Next
        00000130   2413                                 move.l  (a3), d2                ; Lock.Next.Next
        00000132   262B0004                             move.l  (Element.Key,a3), d3    ; Lock.Next.Key 
        00000136   0EFC808090C1                         cas2.l  d0:d1,d2:d3,(a0):(a1)   ; if Lock unchanged then
                                                                                        ;     Lock.Next := Lock.Next.Next;
                                                                                        ;     Lock.Key  := Lock.Next.Key;
        0000013C   66F0                                 bne.b   $Retry                  ; concurrent interference
        0000013E   2043                                 movea.l d3,a0                   ; get The_Lock.Key
        00000140   4CDF080C                             movem.l (a7)+,d2/d3/a3          ; restore d2, d3, and a3
                                                        statement 0,0,0                        
        00000144   7201                                 moveq.l #1,d1                   ; wakeup signal
        00000146   20280014                             move.l  (tcb.process_id,a0),d0  ; get The_Lock.Key.Process_Id
        0000014A   4E40                                 trap    #os9_call               ; do system call
        0000014C   0008                                 .dc.w   f$send              
        0000014E   4E740004                             rtd     #4
                                                ;    procedure Verify_Stack;
                                                ;     Verify that the current stack pointer does not
                                                ;     exceed the limits for the process; if it does
                                                ;     then issue an error message and die.  This routine
                                                ;     is called only from runtime routines which do not
                                                ;     do normal stack checking, but must be able to execute
                                                ;     in order to insure correct program semantics.
                                                        subprogram sp_rt,sp.internal,linkage.simple
        00000152                                __verify_stack:
        00000152   220F                                 move.l  sp,d1                           ; get current stack pointer
        00000154   068100000400                         addi.l  #runtime$stack$cushion,d1       ; give back cushion for runtime
        0000015A   6500                                 blo.s   $failed                         ; wraps around past zero
        0000015C   2075017000000000                     movea.l (__process_descriptor_pointer,a5),a0
        00000164   2050                                 movea.l (a0),a0                         ; get descriptor ptr
        00000166   B2A803AC                             cmp.l   (art$stk_lo,a0),d1              ; compare to low bound
        0000016A   6500                                 blo.s   $failed                         ; past low bound
        0000016C   4E75                                 rts
        0000016E                                $failed:
        0000016E   2F3C0000002C                         move.l  #insufficient$stack$ferror,-(sp); push fatal error value
        00000174   61FF00000000                         bsr.l   __report_fatal_error            ; give error message
        0000017A   7001                                 moveq.l  #some$error,d0                 ; return status
        0000017C   4E40                                 trap     #os9_call
        0000017E   0006                                 .dc.w    f$exit

      Program Section Name       Kind   Length   Patches Fixups
-------------------------------- ---- ---------- ------- -------
ADA_RUNTIME_CODE                  Rel        384       8      20
DEBUG_BODY                        Rel        243      28       9
DEBUG_HDR_CU                      Rel         40       2       0

Standard include file: <none>
Object module version: 11

        Assembled 3983 lines in 34.053 elapsed, 25.852 CPU.
         7018 lines per elapsed minute.
         9244 lines per CPU minute.
         70 disk waits for this job.
         1118881 bytes of heap used by this job.