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⟦b74419113⟧ TextFile

    Length: 56294 (0xdbe6)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2
    └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« 


--    The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and
--    conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer.
--                Copyright 1988 by Rational.
--                          RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND
--    Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
--    restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in
--    Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013.
--                Rational
--                3320 Scott Boulevard
--                Santa Clara, California 95054-3197
--   1976.  CREATED 1988, 1989.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

with Debug_Io;
with Semaphore;
with Exceptions;
with Heap_Management;
with Debug_Definitions;
with System;
with System_Definitions;
with Unchecked_Conversion;

-- Given the following Ada declarations:
--      type T (Variant : Natural) is
--          record
--              F1 : String (1 .. Variant);
--              F2 : ...
--          end record;
--      type Tp is access T;
--      P : Tp;
-- The compiler will access a variable which corresponds to the
-- collection for accessor Tp.  During the elaboration of
-- type Tp, the following runtime call will be made:
--      local_var_tp := Allocate_Collection (Collection_Size, Extend_Collection);
-- If Collection_Size is 0, a default size will be used.  If Extend_Collection
-- is False, then the initial collection will not be allowed to be extended.
-- A collection looks like:
--      local_var_tp -> Extendible (Boolean)         \            \
--                      Chunk_List (Collection_Link) |            |
--                      Units_Free (Integer)         } Collection |
--                      Free_List  (Fragment_Link)   | header     |
--                      Chunk_Size (Integer)         |            } a "chunk"
--                      Lock       (Semaphore)       /            | or a
--                      <Collection_Size bytes>                   | collection
--                      <4 bytes>                                 /
-- Note that this structure differs from that used in other targets (more
-- on that later.)  If a collection is allowed to be extendible, then
-- each extension results in a structure like above, and they are all
-- linked together via the Chunk_List field.  A single allocation, like
-- variable P in the example, must be completely contained in a single
-- collection, or chunk - an allocation cannot span 2 or more chunks.
-- Other products use a simpler collection header.  They do not include
-- a Units_Free field, which is presently used to speed up the allocation
-- of new objects in the collection, and they do not include a Lock field,
-- which is necessary when Ada tasks are implemented as real OS processes.
-- Within each chunk, there is a list (possibly empty) of free "fragments"
-- of memory.  Each fragment is at least 8 bytes long and contains a
-- pointer to the next fragment in the list and a byte count of the
-- number of bytes which are free in the fragment (not including the 8 bytes
-- used to contain this fragment header).  Since fragments must be at least
-- eight bytes long, the minimum size of an object which can be allocated
-- on the heap is 8 bytes.  A request to allocate, say a 3 byte object,
-- would result in 8 bytes being allocated.  This is so that if the 3 byte
-- object were to be deallocated later the object's allocation would be
-- large enough to contain a fragment descriptor so that the fragment could
-- be added to the list of free fragments.  For each chunk, the list of
-- free fragments is rooted in the chunk's Free_List field.  This is an
-- ordered list, sorted by increasing fragment address, so that the
-- coalesce algorithm can be small and have a linear time complexity.
-- For architectural efficiency reasons, each allocation is placed on an
-- 8 byte address boundary.  Thus not only is an allocation made to be
-- at least 8 bytes long, it is also made to be a 8 byte multiple in
-- length.  Thus a request to allocate a 13 byte object will actually
-- result in 16 bytes being allocated for the object.
--      The code below may operate slightly quicker if the "size of fragment"
--      field in the fragment header actually included the 8 bytes contained
--      in the fragment header.  There is some amount of unnecessary adding
--      and subtracting of this constant 8 in the algorithms below.
-- If our sample program now contains the statement:
--      P := new T (13);
-- the following runtime call will be made:
--      P := Allocate_Fixed_Cell (13 + fixed_record_size, local_var_tp);
-- This implementation then searches each chunk in the chunk list rooted
-- in local_var_tp for a chunk whose Units_Free is greater than or equal
-- to the "13 + fixed_record_size" expression.  If no such chunk is found,
-- the collection will be extended if allowed and possible.  Once a possible
-- chunk is found, the free list is searched for a fragment large enough
-- to contain the allocation.  If not is found, the search continues with
-- the next chunk in the list.  Once a fragment is found, one of two
-- possibilities exist.  If the fragment is 8 or more bytes bigger than
-- the requested allocation, then the fragment is split into two new fragments.
-- One of the new fragments is made just large enought to contain the
-- allocation and P will be made to point to it, and the other fragment will
-- be returned to the free list for the chunk.  If the original fragment is
-- not 8 or more bytes larger than the requested allocation, the whole
-- fragment is used for the allocation - that is because there would not
-- be enough room in the origianl fragment to both grant the requested
-- allocation and to form a new fragment header so that the remaining bytes
-- could be returned to the free list.
-- For algorithmic efficiency reasons, when a fragment is split, the allocation
-- is given from the end of the fragment and the new fragment header which
-- describes the remaining unused bytes in the original fragment is kept
-- in the same location as the original fragment header.  That way no
-- ajustments need be made in the linked list of fragments.
-- This implementation does allocations slightly differently than in some
-- of our other products.  Each request is actually allocated 4 bytes
-- more than requested.  The extra 4 bytes contains the length (not including
-- the 4 bytes used to hold the length) of the allocation.  Note that this
-- is the adjusted allocation, not necessarily the original allocation.
-- This adjustment accounts for the 8 byte minimum and 8 byte multiple
-- requirements as described above.  This length is used as an extra
-- sanity or security check if the object is disposed later.  When an object
-- is to be disposed, both a pointer to the object and the unadjusted length
-- of the object is passed to the deallocator.  The deallocator forms an
-- adjusted object length and checks that the length associated with the
-- actual allocated object matches this saved length.  If P were to be
-- allocated simply 13 bytes, then P might contain, say, 16#7B27C# and
-- would look like:
--                          7B278: 00000010
--      P = 16#7b27C# ->    7B27C: xxxxxxxx
--                          7B780: xxxxxxxx
--                          7B784: xxxxxxxx
--                          7B788: xxxxxxxx
--                          7B78C: ........ (to make 8 byte multiple)
-- See that P points to a block of memory which can hold at least the requested
-- 13 bytes.  It actually can hold 16 bytes, which is the next 8 byte multiple
-- value greater or equal to "min (13, 8)".  As such, the 4 byte length value
-- stored at an address which is 4 bytes less than that pointed at by P
-- contains the value 16 (or 16#00000010#).  If the program ever attempts to
-- deallocate P, the deallocator will apply the same adjustment algorithm to
-- the 13 value, yielding 16, and check that the 4 byte integer located 4
-- bytes lower than P contains 16.  If not, something is seriously wrong
-- and a Storage_Error exception will be raised.
-- The last bit of background needed for understanding this package is to
-- know that when objects are disposed, the free list needs to be coalesced.
-- This involves merging adjacent free fragments into one larger free fragment.
-- If this is not done, it is likely that after some number of allocations
-- and deallocations that the next allocation request could fail, thinking
-- that there is no free fragment big enough to contain the requested
-- allocation, when in fact the whole heap might be free, consisting of
-- of large number of tiny fragments.

package body Storage_Management is

    pragma Suppress (Access_Check);
    pragma Suppress (Storage_Check);

    use System_Definitions.Operators;

    Byte        : constant := System_Definitions.Byte_Size;
    Byte_Length : constant := Byte * System_Definitions.Unit_Size;
    Word        : constant := System_Definitions.Word;
    Word_Length : constant := System_Definitions.Word_Length;

    Debug_Mode   : Boolean renames Debug_Definitions.Debug_Storage_Management;
    Safety_Check : Boolean renames Debug_Definitions.Safety_Check;

    Chunk_Size_Divisor : constant := 8;
    Default_Chunk_Size : constant := System_Definitions.Minimum_Block_Size;

    --pragma Assert (Default_Chunk_Size mod Chunk_Size_Divisor = 0);

    Boolean_Size : constant := System_Definitions.Boolean_Size;
    Pointer_Size : constant := System_Definitions.Pointer_Size;
    Integer_Size : constant := System_Definitions.Integer_Size;

    type Fragment;

    type Fragment_Link is access Fragment;
    for Fragment_Link'Storage_Size use 0;
    -- System_Definitions.Fake_Collection_Storage_Size;

    type Fragment is
            Next : Fragment_Link;
            Size : Integer;
        end record;

    for Fragment use
            Next at 0 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Size at 1 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
        end record;

    --for Fragment'Size use 2 * Length_Word;

    Fragment_Descriptor_Size : constant := Pointer_Size + Integer_Size;
    -- pragma Assert (Fragment_Descriptor_Size mod Chunk_Size_Divisor = 0);

    type Collection;

    type Collection_Link is access Collection;
    for Collection_Link'Storage_Size use
       0;  -- System_Definitions.Fake_Collection_Storage_Size;

    type Collection is
            Attributes     : Collection_Attributes;
            Free_List      : Fragment_Link;
            Chunk_Size     : Integer;
            Units_Free     : Integer;
            Chunk_List     : Collection_Link;
            Lock           : Semaphore.Lock;  
            Extension_Size : Integer;
        end record;

    for Collection use
        record at mod 4;
            Attributes at 0 * Word range 0 .. Byte_Length - 1; -- 3 bytes filler
            Chunk_List at 1 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Units_Free at 2 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Free_List at 3 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Chunk_Size at 4 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
            Lock at 5 * Word range 0 .. 2 * Word_Length - 1;
            Extension_Size at 7 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
        end record;

    --for Collection'Size use 8 * Word_Length;

    Collection_Descriptor_Size : constant :=
       5 * Integer_Size + 3 * Pointer_Size;
    -- pragma Assert (Collection_Descriptor_Size mod Chunk_Size_Divisor = 0);

    type Cell;

    type Cell_Link is access Cell;
    for Cell_Link'Storage_Size use
       0;  -- System_Definitions.Fake_Collection_Storage_Size;

    type Cell is
            Size : Integer;
        end record;

    for Cell use
            Size at 0 * Word range 0 .. Word_Length - 1;
        end record;

    --for Cell'Size use 1 * Word_Length;

    Cell_Descriptor_Size : constant := Integer_Size;

    Free_Fragment_List : Fragment_Link;
    pragma Import_Object (Free_Fragment_List, "__STORAGE_MGMT_FREELIST");

    Storage_Lock : Semaphore.Lock;
    pragma Import_Object (Storage_Lock, "__STORAGE_MGMT_SEMAPHORE");

    function Address is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Fragment_Link,
                                                  Target => System_Address);
    function Value   is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System_Address,
                                                  Target => Fragment_Link);

    function Address is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => Collection_Link,
                                                  Target => System_Address);
    function Value   is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System_Address,
                                                  Target => Collection_Link);

    function Address is new Unchecked_Conversion
                               (Source => Cell_Link, Target => System_Address);
    function Value   is new Unchecked_Conversion
                               (Source => System_Address, Target => Cell_Link);

    -- package Debugging is
    --     procedure Put_Fragment_List (Header : String; Start : Fragment_Link);
    --     pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Put_Fragment_List);
    --     procedure Put_Collection_List
    --                  (Header : String; Start : Collection_Link);
    --     pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Put_Collection_List);
    --     procedure Put_Cell_Info (Header : String;
    --                              Item : Cell_Link;
    --                              Clctn : Collection_Link);
    --     pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Put_Cell_Info);
    --     procedure Put_Message (Msg : String);
    --     pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Put_Message);
    -- end Debugging;

    package Utilities is

        function Align_Address (A : System_Address) return System_Address;
        pragma Interface (Asm, Align_Address);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Align_Address);
        pragma Import_Function
           (Align_Address, "__HEAP_ALIGN_VALUE", Mechanism => (Value));

        function Align_Integer (I : Integer) return Integer;
        pragma Interface (Asm, Align_Integer);
        pragma Suppress (Elaboration_Check, Align_Integer);
        pragma Import_Function
           (Align_Integer, "__HEAP_ALIGN_VALUE", Mechanism => (Value));

    end Utilities;

    function Align (I : Integer) return Integer renames Utilities.Align_Integer;
    function Align (A : System_Address) return System_Address
        renames Utilities.Align_Address;

    function "<" (L, R : Fragment_Link) return Boolean is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return System."<" (Address (L), Address (R));
    end "<";

    function Coalescible (Collection : Collection_Link) return Boolean is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return ((Collection.Attributes = Coalesce_And_No_Extend) or
                (Collection.Attributes = Coalesce_And_Extend));
    end Coalescible;
    function Extendible (Attributes : Collection_Attributes) return Boolean is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return ((Attributes = Extend_And_No_Coalesce) or
                (Attributes = Coalesce_And_Extend));
    end Extendible;
    function Extendible (Collection : Collection_Link) return Boolean is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        return Extendible (Attributes => Collection.Attributes);
    end Extendible;

    -- function Align (I : Integer) return Integer is
    --     pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
    --     Result : Integer := I;
    -- begin
    --     if I mod Chunk_Size_Divisor /= 0 then
    --         Result := I + (Chunk_Size_Divisor - I mod Chunk_Size_Divisor);
    --     end if;
    --     if Debug_Mode then
    --         Debugging.Put_Message (Integer'Image (I) & " aligns to " &
    --                                Integer'Image (Result));
    --     end if;
    --     return Result;
    -- end Align;
    -- function Align (A : System_Address) return System_Address is
    --     pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
    -- begin
    --     return To_Address (Align (To_Integer (A)));
    -- end Align;
    -- procedure Assert_Aligned (A : System_Address) is
    --     pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
    -- begin
    --     if To_Integer (A) mod Chunk_Size_Divisor /= 0 then
    --         Debugging.Put_Message ("*** Storage Management alignment error");
    --     end if;
    -- end Assert_Aligned;


    -- Allocate a segment of memory from the heap for use in creating
    -- a collection.
    -- This routine is NOT used to allocate user level objects, only
    -- "chunks" of memory which contain a collection.  The Units
    -- parameter is assumed to have already been adjusted as necessary.
    -- The allocation is merely added to the front of the free list of
    -- fragments, rooted in Free_Fragment_List.  The caller must remove
    -- the segment from that list.
    -- Exceptions:
    --  o If unable to allocated "Units" bytes of memory, Storage_Error
    --    will be raised.
    -- Assertions:
    --  o Free_Fragment_List points to a (possibly empty) free list of
    --    fragments.
    --  o Storage_Lock semaphore has been aquired before invoking this code.
    -- Note: this routine is designed to be called by only Allocate_Collection
    --       which has aquired Storage_Lock before calling here.  This routine
    --       must release Storage_Lock before raising any exceptions.
    procedure New_Segment (Units : Integer) is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        Allocated    : System_Address;
        New_Fragment : Fragment_Link;
        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered New_Segment: units = " &
        --                            Integer'Image (Units));
        -- end if;

        Allocated := Heap_Management.Allocate (Units);

        if To_Integer (Allocated) = 0 then
            Semaphore.Release (Storage_Lock);
            raise Storage_Error;
        end if;

        New_Fragment := Value (Allocated);

        New_Fragment.Next := Free_Fragment_List;
        New_Fragment.Size := Units - Fragment_Descriptor_Size;

        Free_Fragment_List := New_Fragment;
    end New_Segment;

    -- Find the FIRST fragment in the free fragment list rooted in Free_List
    -- which contains at least Size bytes.
    -- Searches the fragment list for a first fit.  If a large enough fragment
    -- is found, one of two actions takes place:
    --  o If the fragment is larger than Size bytes by at least the size
    --    of a fragment descriptor, the fragment is split in two.  One
    --    fragment is made exactly Size bytes long and is returned.  The
    --    other fragment is the original fragment size minus Size bytes and
    --    is left on the free fragment list.  Note that the free portion is
    --    left on the original free list so no pointers need to be adjusted.
    --    This means that the allocated portion is taken from the end of
    --    the original fragment.
    --  o If the fragment is exactly large enough to contain Size, or if
    --    it has fewer extra bytes than needed to contain a fragment
    --    descriptor, then the whole fragment is removed from the free list
    --    and returned as the allocation.
    -- If no fragment on the list is large enough to contain Size bytes,
    -- NULL is returned.
    -- Exceptions:
    --  none.
    -- Assertions:
    --  The list of free fragments, rooted in Free_List is non circular and
    --  terminates with NULL.
    -- Note:
    --  o The size field in a fragment header does not include the byte
    --    count required to contain the fragment header itself.  So, for
    --    instance, if a fragment were exactly the size of a fragment
    --    header (this is the minimum size of any possible entry in
    --    the list), the size field for that element would be zero.
    procedure Find_First_Spare (Size       :        Integer;
                                Free_List  : in out Fragment_Link;
                                Item_Found : out    Fragment_Link) is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        Next_Spare   : Fragment_Link := Free_List;
        Prev_Spare   : Fragment_Link := null;
        Units_Remain : Integer;
        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered Find_First_Spare: size = " &
        --                            Integer'Image (Size));
        -- end if;

        while Next_Spare /= null loop
            Units_Remain := (Next_Spare.Size + Fragment_Descriptor_Size) - Size;

            if Units_Remain >= 0 then
                if Units_Remain < Fragment_Descriptor_Size then
                    if Prev_Spare /= null then
                        Prev_Spare.Next := Next_Spare.Next;
                        Free_List := Next_Spare.Next;
                    end if;
                    Next_Spare.Size := Units_Remain - Fragment_Descriptor_Size;
                    Next_Spare      := Value (Plus_Ai (Address (Next_Spare),
                end if;

                Item_Found := Next_Spare;
                Prev_Spare := Next_Spare;
                Next_Spare := Next_Spare.Next;
            end if;
        end loop;

        Item_Found := null;
    end Find_First_Spare;

    function Allocate_Collection
                (Units : Integer; Extend : Boolean) return System_Address is

-- just a skin for Create_Collection

        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Allocate_Collection);
        if Extend then
            return Create_Collection (Units, Coalesce_And_Extend, 0);
            return Create_Collection (Units, Coalesce_And_No_Extend, 0);
        end if;
    end Allocate_Collection;

    -- Allocate a NEW collection.
    -- This routine is NOT used to extend an existing collection.  A collection
    -- large enough to contain a Units sized element is created.  If Units is
    -- zero, a default size is used.  Note that in this implementation, an
    -- allocated element also contains an extra 4 byte attribute which
    -- indicates the size of the allocated element, thus Units is made at
    -- least 4 bytes larger before the actual allocation is made (i.e.
    -- Cell_Descriptor_Size).  Also, as a collection is being made to contain
    -- at least a Units sized object, bytes must also be reserved to contain
    -- a collection header (i.e. Collection_Descriptor_Size bytes).  Finally,
    -- for architectural efficiency reasons, all objects on the heap are
    -- allocated on 8 byte boundaries, so Units may be adjusted upward by
    -- up to 7 bytes to insure that the next object allocated on the heap
    -- will be at a 8 byte boundary.  Although it is erroneous for the
    -- compiler to call this routine with a negative Units value, this
    -- condition is tested herein.
    -- Access to the global heap as a whole (vs. heap within an allocated
    -- collection) and the list of collections itself is guarded by the
    -- Storage_Lock semaphore.  This is necessary for this implementation
    -- as Ada tasks are mapped to OS processes, so these runtime routines
    -- must manage these resources in critical regions.
    -- Upon completion, a collection containing a single free fragment is
    -- returned.
    -- Exceptions:
    --  Storage_Error may be raised by the underlying routines if no
    --  storage is available for the collection.
    -- Assertions:
    --  o New_Segment will cause an exception to be raised if it fails.
    --  o No deadlock detection is tested in the contention between the
    --    task management semaphore and the Storage_Lock semaphore.
    --  o Find_First_Spare ensures that the returned fragment is no longer
    --    on the free fragment list.
    --  o Semaphore.Release raises no exceptions.
    --  o New_Segment will release Storage_Lock semaphore if it fails.
    -- Notes:
    --  o The Units_Free and Chunk_Size fields of the collection header
    --    do not include the byte count required to contain the collection
    --    header itself.
    function Create_Collection
                (Units          : Integer;
                 Attributes     : Collection_Attributes := Coalesce_And_Extend;
                 Extension_Size : Integer := 0) return System_Address is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Allocate_Collection);
        Actual_Units   : Integer;
        New_Chunk      : Fragment_Link;
        New_Collection : Collection_Link;
        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered Allocate_Collection: units = " &
        --                            Integer'Image (Units));
        -- end if;

        if Units <= Use_Default_Chunk_Size then
            -- Negative => Start with the default size
            Actual_Units := Default_Chunk_Size;
        elsif Units = Use_Descriptor_Or_Null_Size then  
            if Extendible (Attributes) then
                -- Zero and extendible => Start with zero use
                Actual_Units := Collection_Descriptor_Size +
                                   Align (Cell_Descriptor_Size);
                -- Zero and non extensible => no collection allocated
                return System.Address_Zero;
            end if;
            -- Positive => Start with passed size
            Actual_Units := Collection_Descriptor_Size +
                               Align (Units + Cell_Descriptor_Size);
        end if;

        Semaphore.Acquire (Storage_Lock);

        Find_First_Spare (Actual_Units, Free_Fragment_List, New_Chunk);

        if New_Chunk = null then
            New_Segment (Actual_Units);
            Find_First_Spare (Actual_Units, Free_Fragment_List, New_Chunk);
        end if;

        Semaphore.Release (Storage_Lock);

        New_Collection := Value (Address (New_Chunk));
        New_Chunk      := Value (Plus_Ai (Address (New_Chunk),

        New_Collection.Attributes := Attributes;
        New_Collection.Chunk_List := null;
        New_Collection.Units_Free := Actual_Units - Collection_Descriptor_Size;
        New_Collection.Free_List  := New_Chunk;
        New_Collection.Chunk_Size := Actual_Units - Collection_Descriptor_Size;
        New_Collection.Lock.Next  := null;
        New_Collection.Lock.Key   := 0;

        New_Chunk.Size := Actual_Units - Collection_Descriptor_Size -
        New_Chunk.Next := null;

        if Extension_Size > 0 then
            New_Collection.Extension_Size :=
               Align (Extension_Size + Cell_Descriptor_Size);
            New_Collection.Extension_Size := Default_Chunk_Size;
        end if;

        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Message ("After Allocate_Collection -->");
        --     Debugging.Put_Fragment_List (Header => "Spare pool",
        --                                  Start => Free_Fragment_List);
        --     Debugging.Put_Collection_List
        --        (Header => "Collection list", Start => New_Collection);
        -- end if;

        return Address (New_Collection);
    end Create_Collection;

    -- Deallocate a collection.
    -- Deallocate a collection and any extensions associated with it
    -- by placing all storage used by the collection in the global list of
    -- free fragments.  For program security reasons, the collection
    -- pointer is NULLed after it is deallocated.  If a NULL pointer
    -- is given to this routine, no action is performed and no error
    -- is signalled - thus it is valid to attempt to deallocate a
    -- collection more than once.
    -- Access to the global heap as a whole (vs. heap within an allocated
    -- collection) and the list of collections itself is guarded by the
    -- Storage_Lock semaphore.  This is necessary for this implementation
    -- as Ada tasks are mapped to OS processes, so these runtime routines
    -- must manage these resources in critical regions.
    -- Exceptions:
    --  none.
    -- Assertions:
    --  o Addr points to a valid collection object.  In particular,
    --    it must no point to one of the extensions for a collection
    --    but the collection object itself.
    --  o No deadlock detection is tested in the contention between the
    --    task management semaphore and the Storage_Lock semaphore.
    --  o The list of free fragments, rooted in Free_List is non circular and
    --    terminates with NULL.
    -- Note:
    --  If an exception is raised in the loop following aquisition of
    --  the Storage_Lock semaphore, Storage_Lock is not released.  This
    --  could result in a deadlock condition later on.
    -- Change History:
    --  891016 MDW  Added code to coalesce the free fragment list.  The
    --              free fragment list is thus also now sorted in order
    --              of increasing address.
    procedure Deallocate_Collection (Addr : in out Address_Ref) is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Deallocate_Collection);
        Addr_Value      : System_Address := Addr.all;
        Collection_Base : Collection_Link;
        Next_Collection : Collection_Link;
        New_Fragment    : Fragment_Link;
        Prev_Fragment   : Fragment_Link;
        Search_Fragment : Fragment_Link;
        Temp_Collection : Collection_Link;
        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered Deallocate_Collection");
        -- end if;

        if To_Integer (Addr_Value) = 0 then
            -- if Debug_Mode then
            --     Debugging.Put_Message ("Collection already null");
            -- end if;
        end if;

        Collection_Base := Value (Addr_Value);
        Next_Collection := Collection_Base;

        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Collection_List
        --        ("Deallocating Collection", Collection_Base);
        -- end if;

        Semaphore.Acquire (Storage_Lock);

            -- Iterate over a collection and its extensions.
            Temp_Collection := Next_Collection.Chunk_List;  
            New_Fragment    := Value (Address (Next_Collection));
            Prev_Fragment   := null;
            Search_Fragment := Free_Fragment_List;
            while (Search_Fragment /= null) and then
                     (Search_Fragment < New_Fragment) loop
                -- Find the fragments which surround New_Fragment.
                Prev_Fragment   := Search_Fragment;
                Search_Fragment := Search_Fragment.Next;
            end loop;

            New_Fragment.Next := Search_Fragment;
            New_Fragment.Size := Next_Collection.Chunk_Size +
                                    Collection_Descriptor_Size -
            if Prev_Fragment = null then
                -- New_Fragment is new head of free fragment list.
                Free_Fragment_List := New_Fragment;  
                -- Link New_Fragment into middle or end of free list.
                Prev_Fragment.Next := New_Fragment;
                if Value (Plus_Ai
                             (Address (Prev_Fragment),
                              Prev_Fragment.Size + Fragment_Descriptor_Size)) =
                   New_Fragment then
                    -- Coalesce Prev_Fragment with New_Fragment.
                    -- Note: Fragment_Descriptor_Size is already accounted
                    --       for in both fragments and so must be backed
                    --       out of one.
                    Prev_Fragment.Next := New_Fragment.Next;
                    Prev_Fragment.Size :=
                       Prev_Fragment.Size + New_Fragment.Size +
                    New_Fragment       := Prev_Fragment;
                end if;
            end if;

            if (Search_Fragment /= null) and then
               (Value (Plus_Ai (Address (New_Fragment),
                                New_Fragment.Size + Fragment_Descriptor_Size)) =
                Search_Fragment) then
                -- Coalesce New_Fragment with Search_Fragment.
                -- Note that both New_Fragment and Search_Fragment have
                -- accounted for Fragment_Descriptor_Size, so we must
                -- discount it once when we coalesce.
                New_Fragment.Next := Search_Fragment.Next;
                New_Fragment.Size := New_Fragment.Size + Search_Fragment.Size +
            end if;

            exit when Temp_Collection = null;
            Next_Collection := Temp_Collection;
        end loop;

        Semaphore.Release (Storage_Lock);

        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Message ("After Deallocate_Collection -->");
        --     Debugging.Put_Fragment_List (Header => "Spare pool",
        --                                  Start => Free_Fragment_List);
        -- end if;

        Addr.all := To_Address (0);
    end Deallocate_Collection;

    -- Compute a size to extend a collection.
    -- There is a non obvious optimization in this routine.  The ">"
    -- relational is used instead of ">=" so that when Allocate_Collection
    -- is ultimately called it will do slightly less work.
    -- Note: this code assumes that the call to create the collection
    --       occurred in one of two ways.  Either the original call
    --       had a non zero Units (size) parameter, in which case the
    --       collection is not extensible and this routine will not get
    --       invoked, or the Units parameter is zero and the default
    --       collection size is used for the first collection.
    -- Exceptions:
    --  none.
    -- Assertions:
    --  none.
    function Size_For_Extension
                (Object_Size : Integer; Base_Clctn_Size : Integer)
                return Integer is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        if Object_Size > Base_Clctn_Size then
            return Object_Size;
            return Base_Clctn_Size;
        end if;
    end Size_For_Extension;

    -- Extend a collection.
    -- Exceptions:
    --  Storage_Error is raised if collection is not extensible.  The
    --  actual allocation may also raise Storage_Error.
    -- Assertions:
    function Extend_Collection (Units : Integer; Clctn : Collection_Link)
                               return Collection_Link is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        Extension : Collection_Link;
        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered Extend_Collection");
        -- end if;

        if not Extendible (Clctn) then
            raise Storage_Error;
        end if;

        Extension := Value (Create_Collection
                               (Size_For_Extension (Units,
                                Clctn.Attributes, Clctn.Extension_Size));
        Extension.Chunk_List := Clctn.Chunk_List;
        Clctn.Chunk_List := Extension;

        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Message ("After Extend_Collection");
        --     Debugging.Put_Fragment_List (Header => "Spare pool",
        --                                  Start => Free_Fragment_List);
        --     Debugging.Put_Collection_List
        --        (Header => "Collection list", Start => Clctn);
        -- end if;

        return Extension;
    end Extend_Collection;

    -- Allocate a cell large enough to contain an object of Units bytes in
    -- a collection.
    -- A collection and all of its extensions are checked to find a fragment
    -- large enough to contain a Units byte length object.  If not found,
    -- an attempt is made to extend the collection.
    -- Exceptions:
    --  Storage_Error is raised if the object cannot be allocated in a
    --  collection and the collection is not extensible, or if the
    --  collection is extensible but could not be extended to contain
    --  an object of Units bytes.
    -- Assertions:
    --  o Extend_Collection will raise a Storage_Error exception if
    --    it is unsuccessful.
    -- Notes:
    --  It is invalid for this routine to be called with a negative Units
    --  value, but the condition is checked anyway. In this implementation,
    --  each allocated object has an additional 4 byte attribute which
    --  names the length of the allocation.  This routine automatically
    --  accounts for that additional attribute field.  The result of this
    --  routine is a pointer to this attribute field, it is the caller's
    --  responsibility to ultimately return a pointer to the user's
    --  program which points beyond this attribute field.
    function Insert_Cell
                (Units : Integer; Clctn : Collection_Link) return Cell_Link is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        Actual_Size : Integer         := Align (Units + Cell_Descriptor_Size);
        Next_Clctn  : Collection_Link := Clctn;
        New_Chunk   : Fragment_Link;
        New_Cell    : Cell_Link;
        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered Insert_Cell: units = " &
        --                            Integer'Image (Units));
        -- end if;

        if Units < 0 or Next_Clctn = null then
            raise Exceptions.Runtime_Error;
        end if;

        for Retry_After_Extend_Collection in Boolean loop
            while Next_Clctn /= null loop
                if Next_Clctn.Units_Free >= Actual_Size then
                    Find_First_Spare (Actual_Size,
                                      Next_Clctn.Free_List, New_Chunk);
                    if New_Chunk /= null then
                        Next_Clctn.Units_Free :=
                           Next_Clctn.Units_Free - Actual_Size;
                        New_Cell := Value (Address (New_Chunk));
                        New_Cell.Size := Actual_Size - Cell_Descriptor_Size;
                        -- if Debug_Mode then
                        --     Debugging.Put_Cell_Info
                        --        (Header => "After Insert_Cell ->",
                        --         Item => New_Cell,
                        --         Clctn => Clctn);
                        -- end if;
                        return New_Cell;
                    end if;
                end if;
                Next_Clctn := Next_Clctn.Chunk_List;
            end loop;

            -- if Debug_Mode then
            --     Debugging.Put_Message ("Extending collection");
            -- end if;

            Next_Clctn := Extend_Collection (Actual_Size, Clctn);

            -- if Debug_Mode then
            --     Debugging.Put_Message ("Looping for retry in Insert_Cell");
            -- end if;
        end loop;

        raise Exceptions.Runtime_Error;
        return null;
    end Insert_Cell;

    -- Allocate an object in a collection.
    -- The name of this routine is misleading as it is used to allocate all
    -- types of objects in a collection.  A pointer to a block of memory
    -- large enough to contain a Units byte length object in the collection
    -- is returned.  Note that an additional 4 bytes (Cell_Descriptor_Size)
    -- is allocated for the object to contain the cell length attribute
    -- field (see discussions above).
    -- Each collection contains its own semaphore which is used to guard
    -- the update operation for free list manipulation and object allocation.
    -- This is necessary in this implementation as Ada tasks are mapped to
    -- OS processes.
    -- Exceptions:
    --  Storage_Error can be raised by the underlying routines.
    -- Assertions:
    --  o Collection points to a valid collection object.
    -- Change History:
    --  891016 MDW  Added code to release the In_Clctn.Lock semaphore in
    --              the event that Storage_Error is raised.
    function Allocate_Fixed_Cell (Units : Integer; Collection : System_Address)
                                 return System_Address is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Allocate_Fixed_Cell);
        In_Clctn : Collection_Link;
        New_Cell : Cell_Link;
        Result   : System_Address;
        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered Allocate_Fixed_Cell");
        -- end if;

        In_Clctn := Value (Collection);
        Semaphore.Acquire (In_Clctn.Lock);

            New_Cell := Insert_Cell (Units, In_Clctn);
            Result   := Plus_Ai (Address (New_Cell), Cell_Descriptor_Size);
            Semaphore.Release (In_Clctn.Lock);
            when Storage_Error =>
                Semaphore.Release (In_Clctn.Lock);

        return Result;
    end Allocate_Fixed_Cell;

    -- Determine if a cell is contained within a chunk.
    -- This routine is used to determine which chunk (extension) of a
    -- collection contains a cell which is to be disposed.
    -- Exceptions:
    --  none.
    -- Assertions:
    --  o A_Chunk points to a valid collection object.
    function Is_Contained_In (A_Chunk : Collection_Link; The_Cell : Cell_Link)
                             return Boolean is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        Cell_Addr  : System_Address := Address (The_Cell);
        First_Byte : System_Address := Address (A_Chunk);
        Last_Byte  : System_Address :=
           Plus_Ai (Plus_Ai (First_Byte, Collection_Descriptor_Size),
        return Lt (First_Byte, Cell_Addr) and then Le (Cell_Addr, Last_Byte);
    end Is_Contained_In;

    -- Deallocate an object in a collection.
    -- Exceptions:
    --  none.
    -- Assertions:
    --  o Clctn points to a valid collection object.
    -- Note:
    --  It is invalid to provide a Cell parameter which does not represent
    --  a valid object in the Clctn collection.  This routine checks that
    --  Cell has a valid attribute field (see discussion above) located at
    --  4 bytes before the cell pointer and that the cell is within the
    --  set of collections owned by the access type.
    -- Change History:
    --  891016 MDW  Added code to colesce the free list for the collection.
    --              Free list entries for the collection are now maintained
    --              in sorted order by address.
    procedure Remove_Cell
                 (Units : Integer; Clctn : Collection_Link; Cell : Cell_Link) is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
        Free_Chunk      : Fragment_Link;
        Freed_Size      : Integer := Align (Units + Cell_Descriptor_Size);
        Next_Clctn      : Collection_Link := Clctn;
        Prev_Fragment   : Fragment_Link;
        Search_Fragment : Fragment_Link;
        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered Remove_Cell");
        -- end if;

        if Safety_Check and then Cell.Size /=
                                    (Freed_Size - Cell_Descriptor_Size) then
            -- Debugging.Put_Message ("Cell.Size = " & Integer'Image (Cell.Size));
            -- Debugging.Put_Message ("Units     = " & Integer'Image (Units));
            raise Exceptions.Runtime_Error;
        end if;

        while Next_Clctn /= null loop
            if Is_Contained_In (Next_Clctn, Cell) then  
                if Coalescible (Next_Clctn) then
                    Next_Clctn.Units_Free := Next_Clctn.Units_Free + Freed_Size;
                    Free_Chunk            := Value (Address (Cell));
                    Prev_Fragment         := null;
                    Search_Fragment       := Next_Clctn.Free_List;
                    while (Search_Fragment /= null) and then
                             (Search_Fragment < Free_Chunk) loop
                        -- Find fragments surrounding Free_Chunk.
                        Prev_Fragment   := Search_Fragment;
                        Search_Fragment := Search_Fragment.Next;
                    end loop;

                    Free_Chunk.Size := Freed_Size - Fragment_Descriptor_Size;
                    Free_Chunk.Next := Search_Fragment;
                    if Prev_Fragment = null then
                        -- Free chunk is new head of free list.
                        Next_Clctn.Free_List := Free_Chunk;
                        -- Insert Free_Chunk into middle or end of free list.
                        Prev_Fragment.Next := Free_Chunk;
                        if Value (Plus_Ai (Address (Prev_Fragment),
                                           Prev_Fragment.Size +
                                              Fragment_Descriptor_Size)) =
                           Free_Chunk then
                            -- Coalesce Prev_Fragment and Free_Chunk.
                            -- Note that Fragment_Descriptor_Size was accounted
                            -- for in both fragments and so must be backed out
                            -- of one.
                            Prev_Fragment.Next := Free_Chunk.Next;
                            Prev_Fragment.Size :=
                               Prev_Fragment.Size + Free_Chunk.Size +
                            Free_Chunk         := Prev_Fragment;
                        end if;
                    end if;

                    if (Search_Fragment /= null) and then
                       (Value (Plus_Ai (Address (Free_Chunk),
                                        Free_Chunk.Size +
                                           Fragment_Descriptor_Size)) =
                        Search_Fragment) then
                        -- Coalesce Free_Chunk and Search_Fragment.
                        -- Note that Fragment_Descriptor_Size was accounted
                        -- for in both fragments and so must be backed out
                        -- of one.
                        Free_Chunk.Next := Search_Fragment.Next;
                        Free_Chunk.Size := Free_Chunk.Size +
                                              Search_Fragment.Size +
                    end if;

                    -- if Debug_Mode then
                    --     Debugging.Put_Message ("After Deallocate_Cell ->");
                    --     Debugging.Put_Collection_List
                    --        (Header => "Collection list", Start => Clctn);
                    -- end if;

                else -- not coalescible, stick at head of unordered free_list
                    Next_Clctn.Units_Free := Next_Clctn.Units_Free + Freed_Size;
                    Free_Chunk := Value (Address (Cell));
                    Free_Chunk.Size := Freed_Size - Fragment_Descriptor_Size;
                    Free_Chunk.Next := Next_Clctn.Free_List;
                    Next_Clctn.Free_List := Free_Chunk;
                end if;
                Next_Clctn := Next_Clctn.Chunk_List;
            end if;
        end loop;

        raise Exceptions.Runtime_Error;
    end Remove_Cell;

    -- Deallocate an object in a collection.
    -- This routine name is misleading as it is used to deallocate any
    -- type of object.  After the cell is deallocated, the pointer is
    -- set to NULL.  If this routine is called with a NULL cell pointer,
    -- no action takes place and no error is raised, thus it is valid
    -- to repeatedly deallocate a cell.  As described above, each collection
    -- has a semaphore used to guard the free list and allocate/deallocate
    -- process.
    -- Exceptions:
    --  none.
    -- Assertions:
    --  o Collection points to a valid collection.
    --  o Cell points to a valid cell in the named collection.
    --  o No exceptions are raised during deallocation (which could
    --    cause the In_Clctn.Lock semaphore to remain aquired and
    --    possibly cause a later deadlock).
    procedure Deallocate_Fixed_Cell (Units      : Integer;
                                     Collection : System_Address;
                                     Cell       : Address_Ref) is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Deallocate_Fixed_Cell);
        Cell_Addr : System_Address := Cell.all;
        In_Clctn  : Collection_Link;
        -- if Debug_Mode then
        --     Debugging.Put_Message ("Entered Deallocate_Fixed_Cell");
        -- end if;

        if Cell_Addr = To_Address (0) then
        end if;

        In_Clctn := Value (Collection);
        Semaphore.Acquire (In_Clctn.Lock);
        Remove_Cell (Units => Units,
                     Clctn => In_Clctn,
                     Cell  => Value (Minus_Ai
                                        (Cell_Addr, Cell_Descriptor_Size)));
        Semaphore.Release (In_Clctn.Lock);

        Cell.all := To_Address (0);
    end Deallocate_Fixed_Cell;

    -- Return the size of heap allocated to contain the collection(s) for
    -- an access type.
    -- Note that each collection has a semaphore used to guard the collection
    -- (see discussion above).
    -- Exceptions:
    --  none.
    -- Assertions:
    --  o Cp points to a valid collection.
    --  o No exceptions are raised (which could cause the Base_Collection.Lock
    --    semaphore to remain aquired which could later cause a deadlock).
    -- Note:
    function Collection_Size (Cp : System_Address) return Integer is
        pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Collection_Size);
        Base_Collection : Collection_Link;
        Next_Collection : Collection_Link;
        Total_Size      : Integer;
        Base_Collection := Value (Cp);
        Semaphore.Acquire (Base_Collection.Lock);

        Total_Size := Base_Collection.Chunk_Size;

        if Extendible (Base_Collection) then
            Next_Collection := Base_Collection;
                Next_Collection := Next_Collection.Chunk_List;
                exit when Next_Collection = null;
                Total_Size := Total_Size + Next_Collection.Chunk_Size;
            end loop;
        end if;

        Semaphore.Release (Base_Collection.Lock);

        return Total_Size;
    end Collection_Size;

    -- package body Debugging is
    --     pragma Suppress (Storage_Check);
    --     procedure Put_Message (Msg : String) is
    --         pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
    --     begin
    --         Debug_Io.New_Line;
    --         Debug_Io.Put_Line (Msg);
    --     end Put_Message;
    --     procedure Put_Fragment_List (Header : String; Start : Fragment_Link) is
    --         pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
    --         Next : Fragment_Link := Start;
    --     begin
    --         if Header /= "" then
    --             Debug_Io.Put_Line (Header);
    --         end if;
    --         while Next /= null loop
    --             Debug_Io.Put_Line ("  Address    Size      Next");
    --             Debug_Io.Put
    --                (To_Integer (Address (Next)), Width => 8, In_Hex => True);
    --             Debug_Io.Put (": ");
    --             Debug_Io.Put (Next.Size);
    --             if Next.Next /= null then
    --                 Debug_Io.Put ("  ");
    --                 Debug_Io.Put (To_Integer (Address (Next.Next)),
    --                               Width => 8,
    --                               In_Hex => True);
    --             else
    --                 Debug_Io.Put ("    null");
    --             end if;
    --             Debug_Io.New_Line;
    --             Next := Next.Next;
    --         end loop;
    --         Debug_Io.New_Line;
    --     end Put_Fragment_List;
    --     procedure Put_Collection_List
    --                  (Header : String; Start : Collection_Link) is
    --         pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
    --         Next : Collection_Link := Start;
    --     begin
    --         if Header /= "" then
    --             Debug_Io.Put_Line (Header);
    --         end if;
    --         while Next /= null loop
    --             Debug_Io.Put_Line
    --                ("  Address   SizeAC   NextAC    NxtFre    SizFre  Ext");
    --             Debug_Io.Put
    --                (To_Integer (Address (Next)), Width => 8, In_Hex => True);
    --             Debug_Io.Put (": ");
    --             Debug_Io.Put (Next.Chunk_Size);
    --             Debug_Io.Put ("  ");
    --             if Next.Chunk_List /= null then
    --                 Debug_Io.Put (To_Integer (Address (Next.Chunk_List)),
    --                               Width => 8,
    --                               In_Hex => True);
    --             else
    --                 Debug_Io.Put ("  null  ");
    --             end if;
    --             Debug_Io.Put ("   ");
    --             Debug_Io.Put (To_Integer (Address (Next.Free_List)),
    --                           Width => 8,
    --                           In_Hex => True);
    --             Debug_Io.Put (Next.Units_Free);
    --             Debug_Io.Put ("   ");
    --             if Next.Extendible then
    --                 Debug_Io.Put ('T');
    --             else
    --                 Debug_Io.Put ('F');
    --             end if;
    --             Debug_Io.New_Line;
    --             Put_Fragment_List (Header => "", Start => Next.Free_List);
    --             Debug_Io.New_Line;
    --             Debug_Io.New_Line;
    --             Next := Next.Chunk_List;
    --         end loop;
    --         Debug_Io.New_Line;
    --     end Put_Collection_List;
    --     procedure Put_Cell_Info (Header : String;
    --                              Item : Cell_Link;
    --                              Clctn : Collection_Link) is
    --         pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal);
    --     begin
    --         if Header /= "" then
    --             Debug_Io.Put_Line (Header);
    --         end if;
    --         Debug_Io.Put ("Allocated cell of size ");
    --         Debug_Io.Put (Item.Size);
    --         Debug_Io.Put (" at address ");
    --         Debug_Io.Put
    --            (To_Integer (Address (Item)), Width => 8, In_Hex => True);
    --         Debug_Io.New_Line;
    --     end Put_Cell_Info;
    -- end Debugging;

    Free_Fragment_List := null;
    Storage_Lock       := (null, 0);
end Storage_Management;
pragma Export_Elaboration_Procedure ("__STORAGE_MGMT_BODY_ELAB");
pragma Runtime_Unit (Unit_Number         => Runtime_Ids.Runtime_Compunit,
                     Elab_Routine_Number => Runtime_Ids.Internal);