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Length: 26676 (0x6834) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Nodes; with Lexical; with Bounded_Strings; with Gen_Stack; with Error; with Text_Io; package body Symbol is type Object (Length : Positive); type Pobject is access Object; type Symbols (A_Kind : Kind := None) is record Name : Lexical.Lexeme; case A_Kind is when Category => Actors : Pobject := null; when Station => Sta_Type : Lexical.Lexeme; -- Un nom de categorie Sta_Adress : Natural; Sta_Category : Pobject := null; -- Ptr sur table des acteurs when Actor => Act_Type : Types := T_Void; Act_Number : Natural range 0 .. Actor_Table_Size - 1 := 0; when Variable => Var_Type : Types := T_Void; Var_Value : Integer := 0; when Effect | Scene => Local_Table : Pobject := null; Code : Nodes.Pnode := null; when Begining => Beg_Code : Nodes.Pnode := null; when Argument => Arg_Number : Positive := 1; Arg_Value : Natural := 0; -- Un index dans la globale when None => null; end case; end record; type Psymbols is access Symbols; -- MUTABLE !!! type Symbols_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Psymbols; type Object (Length : Positive) is record The_Previous : Pobject; The_Index : Natural; The_Content : Symbols_Array (1 .. Length); end record; -- Pile des tables => profondeur d'appel de 20 package Table_Stack is new Gen_Stack (20, Pobject); -- Variables du package symbol Null_Lexeme : Lexical.Lexeme; Number : Natural := 0; Current_Table : Pobject := null; -- Table Courante (Active) Global_Table : Pobject := null; -- Table Globale Symbol_Table_Stack : Table_Stack.Object; -- Pile des tables -- Fonctions de gestion locales function Is_In_Table (The_Name : in Lexical.Lexeme; The_Table : in Pobject) return Boolean is begin for I in 1 .. The_Table.The_Index loop if Bounded_Strings.Is_Equal (The_Table.The_Content (I).Name, The_Name) then return True; end if; end loop; return False; end Is_In_Table; function Is_Existing (The_Name : in Lexical.Lexeme) return Boolean is Table_Pointer : Pobject; begin Table_Pointer := Current_Table; while Table_Pointer /= null loop if Is_In_Table (The_Name, Table_Pointer) then return True; end if; Table_Pointer := Table_Pointer.The_Previous; end loop; return False; end Is_Existing; function Get_Index (From_Name : in Lexical.Lexeme; In_Table : in Pobject) return Positive is begin for I in 1 .. In_Table.The_Index loop if Bounded_Strings.Is_Equal (In_Table.The_Content (I).Name, From_Name) then return I; end if; end loop; end Get_Index; function Is_Arg_Number (The_Number : in Positive) return Boolean is begin for I in 1 .. Current_Table.The_Index loop if (Current_Table.The_Content (I).A_Kind = Argument) then if (Current_Table.The_Content (I).Arg_Number = The_Number) then return True; end if; end if; end loop; return False; end Is_Arg_Number; -- Creation/Liberation procedure New_Table (Length : in Positive) is Table_Pointer : Pobject; begin Number := 0; if (Current_Table = null) then Current_Table := new Object (Length); Current_Table.The_Previous := null; Current_Table.The_Index := 0; Global_Table := Current_Table; -- Init du pointeur sur la globale else Table_Pointer := new Object (Length); Table_Pointer.The_Previous := Current_Table; Table_Pointer.The_Index := 0; case Current_Table.The_Content (Current_Table.The_Index).A_Kind is when Category => -- On rattache la table des acteurs a la categorie correspondante -- Suppose que la derniere entree dans la table a ete cette categorie Current_Table.The_Content (Current_Table.The_Index). Actors := Table_Pointer; when Effect | Scene => -- On rattache la table locale a l'effet ou la scene correspondante -- Suppose que la derniere entree dans la table a ete cet effet ou -- cette scene ! Current_Table.The_Content (Current_Table.The_Index). Local_Table := Table_Pointer; when Station | Actor | Variable | Begining | Argument | None => null; end case; Current_Table := Table_Pointer; end if; end New_Table; procedure Release_Table is begin if Current_Table /= Global_Table then Current_Table := Global_Table; end if; end Release_Table; procedure Init_Tables_Stack is begin Table_Stack.Push (Symbol_Table_Stack, Global_Table); end Init_Tables_Stack; procedure Set_Current_Table (Name : in Lexical.Lexeme) is use Table_Stack; Crt_Index : Positive; begin if not Is_In_Table (Name, Global_Table) then Error.Handle (Bounded_Strings.Image (Name) & " absent de la table !", Error.Internal); else if Is_Full (Symbol_Table_Stack) then Error.Handle ("pile des tables pleine !", Error.Internal); else Crt_Index := Get_Index (Name, Global_Table); Current_Table := Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Local_Table; Push (Symbol_Table_Stack, Current_Table); end if; end if; end Set_Current_Table; procedure Reset_Current_Table is use Table_Stack; begin if Is_Empty (Symbol_Table_Stack) then Error.Handle ("pile des tables vide !", Error.Internal); Current_Table := Global_Table; Init_Tables_Stack; else Pop (Symbol_Table_Stack); Current_Table := Get_Top (Symbol_Table_Stack); end if; end Reset_Current_Table; -- Modification procedure Add (The_Name : in Lexical.Lexeme; Of_Kind : in Kind) is Table_Pointer : Pobject; Crt_Index : Positive; begin if Current_Table.The_Index < Current_Table.Length then if Is_Existing (The_Name) then if Is_In_Table (The_Name, Global_Table) then Table_Pointer := Global_Table; else Table_Pointer := Current_Table; end if; Crt_Index := Get_Index (The_Name, Table_Pointer); if Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).A_Kind /= Variable then Error.Handle ("nom d'identificateur " & Bounded_Strings.Image (The_Name) & " deja utilise !", Error.External); end if; else Current_Table.The_Index := Current_Table.The_Index + 1; case Of_Kind is when Category => Current_Table.The_Content (Current_Table.The_Index) := new Symbols'(A_Kind => Category, Name => The_Name, Actors => null); when Station => Current_Table.The_Content (Current_Table.The_Index) := new Symbols'(A_Kind => Station, Name => The_Name, Sta_Type => Null_Lexeme, Sta_Adress => 0, Sta_Category => null); when Actor => Current_Table.The_Content (Current_Table.The_Index) := new Symbols'(A_Kind => Actor, Name => The_Name, Act_Type => T_Error, Act_Number => Number); Number := Number + 1; when Variable => Current_Table.The_Content (Current_Table.The_Index) := new Symbols'(A_Kind => Variable, Name => The_Name, Var_Type => T_Error, Var_Value => 0); when Effect => Current_Table.The_Content (Current_Table.The_Index) := new Symbols'(A_Kind => Effect, Name => The_Name, Local_Table => null, Code => null); when Scene => Current_Table.The_Content (Current_Table.The_Index) := new Symbols'(A_Kind => Scene, Name => The_Name, Local_Table => null, Code => null); when Begining => Current_Table.The_Content (Current_Table.The_Index) := new Symbols'(A_Kind => Begining, Name => The_Name, Beg_Code => null); when Argument => Number := Number + 1; -- car Number init et raj a 0 Current_Table.The_Content (Current_Table.The_Index) := new Symbols'(A_Kind => Argument, Name => The_Name, Arg_Number => Number, Arg_Value => 0); when None => null; end case; end if; else Error.Handle ("table des symboles pleine !!", Error.Internal); end if; end Add; procedure Set_Code (Name : in Lexical.Lexeme; The_Code : in Nodes.Pnode) is Crt_Index : Positive; begin if not Is_In_Table (Name, Global_Table) then Error.Handle ("symbole absent de la table globale !", Error.Internal); else Crt_Index := Get_Index (Name, Global_Table); case Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).A_Kind is when Effect | Scene => Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Code := The_Code; when Begining => Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Beg_Code := The_Code; when Category | Actor | Station | Variable | Argument | None => null; end case; end if; end Set_Code; procedure Set_Value (Name : in Lexical.Lexeme; The_Value : in Integer) is Table_Pointer : Pobject; Crt_Index : Positive; begin if not Is_Existing (Name) then Error.Handle (Bounded_Strings.Image (Name) & " inexistant !", Error.Internal); else if Is_In_Table (Name, Current_Table) then Table_Pointer := Current_Table; else Table_Pointer := Global_Table; end if; Crt_Index := Get_Index (Name, Table_Pointer); case Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).A_Kind is when Station => Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).Sta_Adress := The_Value; when Variable => Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).Var_Value := The_Value; when Category | Actor | Effect | Scene | Argument | Begining | None => null; end case; end if; end Set_Value; procedure Set_Arg_Value (With_Value : in Lexical.Lexeme; Arg_Number : in Positive) is Crt_Index : Positive; begin if not Is_Arg_Number (Arg_Number) then Error.Handle ("argument " & Integer'Image (Arg_Number) & " inexistant !", Error.Internal); else if not Is_In_Table (With_Value, Global_Table) then Error.Handle ("station " & Bounded_Strings.Image (With_Value) & " inexistante !", Error.Internal); else Crt_Index := Get_Index (With_Value, Global_Table); Current_Table.The_Content (Arg_Number).Arg_Value := Crt_Index; end if; end if; end Set_Arg_Value; procedure Set_Type (Name : in Lexical.Lexeme; The_Type : in Types) is Crt_Index : Positive; begin if not Is_In_Table (Name, Current_Table) then Error.Handle (Bounded_Strings.Image (Name) & " inexistant !", Error.External); else Crt_Index := Get_Index (Name, Current_Table); case Current_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).A_Kind is when Variable => Current_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Var_Type := The_Type; when Actor => Current_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Act_Type := The_Type; when Category | Station | Argument | Effect | Scene | Begining | None => null; end case; end if; end Set_Type; procedure Set_Type (From_Station : in Lexical.Lexeme; With_Category : in Lexical.Lexeme) is Crt_Index : Positive; begin if not Is_In_Table (From_Station, Global_Table) then Error.Handle ("station " & Bounded_Strings.Image (From_Station) & " inexistante !", Error.Internal); else if not Is_In_Table (With_Category, Global_Table) then Error.Handle ("categorie " & Bounded_Strings.Image (With_Category) & " inexistante !", Error.External); else Crt_Index := Get_Index (From_Station, Global_Table); if (Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).A_Kind = Station) then Bounded_Strings.Affect (Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Sta_Type, With_Category); Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Sta_Category := Global_Table.The_Content (Get_Index (With_Category, Current_Table)).Actors; else null; end if; end if; end if; end Set_Type; -- Consultation function Get_Code (From_Name : in Lexical.Lexeme) return Nodes.Pnode is Crt_Index : Positive; begin if not Is_In_Table (From_Name, Global_Table) then Error.Handle ("code de " & Bounded_Strings.Image (From_Name) & " absent !", Error.Internal); return null; else Crt_Index := Get_Index (From_Name, Global_Table); case Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).A_Kind is when Effect | Scene => return Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Code; when Begining => return Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Beg_Code; when Category | Actor | Station | Variable | Argument | None => return null; end case; end if; end Get_Code; function Get_Value (From_Name : in Lexical.Lexeme) return Integer is Crt_Index : Positive; Table_Pointer : Pobject; begin if not Is_Existing (From_Name) then Error.Handle (Bounded_Strings.Image (From_Name) & " inexistant !", Error.Internal); return 0; else if Is_In_Table (From_Name, Current_Table) then Table_Pointer := Current_Table; else Table_Pointer := Global_Table; end if; Crt_Index := Get_Index (From_Name, Table_Pointer); case Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).A_Kind is when Station => return Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).Sta_Adress; when Variable => return Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).Var_Value; when Argument => Crt_Index := Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).Arg_Value; return Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Sta_Adress; when Category | Actor | Effect | Scene | Begining | None => return 0; end case; end if; end Get_Value; function Get_Effectfiv_Arg_Name (Formal_Param : in Lexical.Lexeme) return Lexical.Lexeme is use Table_Stack; My_Table : Pobject; Crt_Index : Positive; begin if Is_In_Table (Formal_Param, Global_Table) then return Formal_Param; else Pop (Symbol_Table_Stack); My_Table := Get_Top (Symbol_Table_Stack); end if; if not Is_In_Table (Formal_Param, My_Table) then Error.Handle ("argument " & Bounded_Strings.Image (Formal_Param) & " inexistant !", Error.Internal); Push (Symbol_Table_Stack, Current_Table); return Null_Lexeme; else Crt_Index := Get_Index (Formal_Param, My_Table); Crt_Index := My_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Arg_Value; Push (Symbol_Table_Stack, Current_Table); return Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Name; end if; end Get_Effectfiv_Arg_Name; function Get_Sta_Actor (In_Station : in Lexical.Lexeme; From_Actor : in Lexical.Lexeme) return Integer is Crt_Index : Positive; Table_Pointer : Pobject; begin if not Is_In_Table (In_Station, Global_Table) then Error.Handle ("station " & Bounded_Strings.Image (In_Station) & " inexistante !", Error.Internal); return 0; else Crt_Index := Get_Index (In_Station, Global_Table); Table_Pointer := Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Sta_Category; if not Is_In_Table (From_Actor, Table_Pointer) then Error.Handle ("acteur " & Bounded_Strings.Image (From_Actor) & " inexistant !", Error.Internal); return 0; else Crt_Index := Get_Index (From_Actor, Table_Pointer); return Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).Act_Number; end if; end if; end Get_Sta_Actor; function Get_Arg_Actor (In_Station : in Lexical.Lexeme; From_Actor : in Lexical.Lexeme) return Integer is Crt_Index : Positive; Table_Pointer : Pobject; begin Crt_Index := Get_Index (In_Station, Current_Table); Crt_Index := Current_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Arg_Value; Table_Pointer := Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Sta_Category; if not Is_In_Table (From_Actor, Table_Pointer) then Error.Handle ("acteur " & Bounded_Strings.Image (From_Actor) & " inexistant !", Error.Internal); return 0; else Crt_Index := Get_Index (From_Actor, Table_Pointer); return Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).Act_Number; end if; end Get_Arg_Actor; function Get_Actor_Number (In_Station : in Lexical.Lexeme; From_Actor : in Lexical.Lexeme) return Integer is Crt_Index : Positive; Table_Pointer : Pobject; begin if not Is_In_Table (In_Station, Current_Table) then Table_Pointer := Global_Table; else Table_Pointer := Current_Table; end if; Crt_Index := Get_Index (In_Station, Table_Pointer); if (Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).A_Kind = Argument) then return Get_Arg_Actor (In_Station, From_Actor); else return Get_Sta_Actor (In_Station, From_Actor); end if; end Get_Actor_Number; function Get_Type (From_Name : in Lexical.Lexeme) return Types is Crt_Index : Positive; Table_Pointer : Pobject; begin if not Is_Existing (From_Name) then Error.Handle (Bounded_Strings.Image (From_Name) & " inexistant !", Error.Internal); return T_Error; else if Is_In_Table (From_Name, Current_Table) then Table_Pointer := Current_Table; else Table_Pointer := Global_Table; end if; Crt_Index := Get_Index (From_Name, Table_Pointer); case Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).A_Kind is when Category => return T_Category; when Station => return T_Station; when Variable => return Current_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Var_Type; when Effect => return T_Effect; when Scene => return T_Scene; when Begining => return T_Begining; when Argument => return Get_Type (Global_Table.The_Content (Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index). Arg_Value).Name); when Actor | None => return T_Error; end case; end if; end Get_Type; function Get_Type (In_Station : in Lexical.Lexeme; From_Actor : in Lexical.Lexeme) return Types is Crt_Index : Positive; Table_Pointer : Pobject; begin if not Is_In_Table (In_Station, Global_Table) then Error.Handle ("station " & Bounded_Strings.Image (From_Actor) & " inexistante !", Error.External); return T_Error; else Crt_Index := Get_Index (In_Station, Global_Table); Table_Pointer := Global_Table.The_Content (Crt_Index).Actors; if not Is_In_Table (From_Actor, Table_Pointer) then Error.Handle ("acteur " & Bounded_Strings.Image (From_Actor) & "inexistant pour cette station !", Error.External); return T_Error; else Crt_Index := Get_Index (From_Actor, Table_Pointer); return Table_Pointer.The_Content (Crt_Index).Act_Type; end if; end if; end Get_Type; -- Tests procedure Print_Recur (P : in Pobject) is use Text_Io; Done : Boolean := False; I : Natural; Index : Natural; begin I := 1; Put_Line ("Debut-------------"); while ((P /= null) and then (not Done)) loop Put (Integer'Image (I) & " "); Put (Bounded_Strings.Image (P.The_Content (I).Name) & " "); case P.The_Content (I).A_Kind is when Category => Put_Line ("CAT"); Print_Recur (P.The_Content (I).Actors); when Station => Put (Bounded_Strings.Image (P.The_Content (I).Sta_Type)); Put_Line (Integer'Image (P.The_Content (I).Sta_Adress)); -- Print_Recur (P.The_Content(I).Sta_Category); when Actor => Put ("ACT "); Put_Line (Integer'Image (P.The_Content (I).Act_Number)); when Variable => Put ("VAR = "); Put_Line (Integer'Image (Get_Value (P.The_Content (I).Name))); when Effect => Put_Line ("EFF"); Current_Table := P.The_Content (I).Local_Table; Print_Recur (Current_Table); Release_Table; when Scene => Put_Line ("SCE"); Current_Table := P.The_Content (I).Local_Table; Print_Recur (Current_Table); Release_Table; when Argument => Put ("ARG"); Put (Integer'Image (P.The_Content (I).Arg_Number) & " : "); Index := P.The_Content (I).Arg_Value; if Index /= 0 then Put (Bounded_Strings.Image (Global_Table.The_Content (Index).Name)); Put_Line (Integer'Image (Get_Value (P.The_Content (I).Name))); else Put_Line ("0"); end if; when Begining => Put_Line ("BEG"); when None => null; end case; if I >= P.The_Index then Done := True; else I := I + 1; end if; end loop; Put_Line ("Fin--------------"); end Print_Recur; procedure Print is begin Print_Recur (Current_Table); end Print; end Symbol;