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Length: 7084 (0x1bac) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13 └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Ihm, Z80_Defs, Z80, Verif_Input, Mot, Octet, Erreur, Registres, Desassembleur, Memoire, Text_Io; use Z80_Defs, Z80; package body Z80_Scr is type Strptr is access String; subtype Regope is Z80_Defs.Operande range A .. Pc; Affreg : array (Regope) of Strptr := (A => new String'("R.Form.RA.A"), B => new String'("R.Form.RB.B"), C => new String'("R.Form.RC.C"), D => new String'("R.Form.RD.D"), E => new String'("R.Form.RE.E"), H => new String'("R.Form.RH.H"), L => new String'("R.Form.RL.L"), F => new String'("R.Form.RF.F"), I => new String'("RS.Form.RI.I"), R => new String'("NONE"), A_Prime => new String'("RP.Form.RA.A"), F_Prime => new String'("RP.Form.RF.F"), B_Prime => new String'("RP.Form.RB.B"), C_Prime => new String'("RP.Form.RC.C"), D_Prime => new String'("RP.Form.RD.D"), E_Prime => new String'("RP.Form.RE.E"), H_Prime => new String'("RP.Form.RH.H"), L_Prime => new String'("RP.Form.RL.L"), Af_Prime .. Hl => new String'("NONE"), Ix => new String'("RS.Form.RIX.IX"), Iy => new String'("RS.Form.RIY.IY"), Sp => new String'("RS.Form.RSP.SP"), Pc => new String'("RS.Form.RPC.PC")); procedure Afficher_Ecran is begin for I in Z80_Defs.A .. Z80_Defs.I loop Afficher_Ecran_Reg (I); end loop; for I in Z80_Defs.A_Prime .. Z80_Defs.L_Prime loop Afficher_Ecran_Reg (I); end loop; for I in Z80_Defs.Ix .. Z80_Defs.Pc loop Afficher_Ecran_Reg (I); end loop; Afficher_Ecran_Reg (Im); Afficher_Ecran_Reg (Iff); Afficher_Ecran_Reg (Int); end Afficher_Ecran; procedure Afficher_Ecran_Reg (Reg : Z80_Defs.Operande) is Un_Octet : Octet.T_Octet; Un_Mot : Mot.T_Mot; Trouvee : Boolean := False; begin if Etat_Z80 = Endormi then if Reg in Registre_Simple then Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Main_Win, "MW.BB." & Affreg (Reg).all, Octet.Convert_Octet_String (Registres.Lire_Simple (Reg))); else Un_Mot := Registres.Lire_Double (Reg); Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Main_Win, "MW.BB." & Affreg (Reg).all, Mot.Convert_Mot_String (Un_Mot)); case Reg is when Ix => Memoire.Acces_Octet (Memoire.Lire, Un_Mot, Un_Octet); Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Main_Win, "MW.BB.RS.Form.RIIX.IIX", Octet.Convert_Octet_String (Un_Octet)); when Iy => Memoire.Acces_Octet (Memoire.Lire, Un_Mot, Un_Octet); Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Main_Win, "MW.BB.RS.Form.RIIY.IIY", Octet.Convert_Octet_String (Un_Octet)); when Sp => Memoire.Acces_Octet (Memoire.Lire, Un_Mot, Un_Octet); Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Main_Win, "MW.BB.RS.Form.RISP.ISP", Octet.Convert_Octet_String (Un_Octet)); when Pc => while not Trouvee loop Memoire.Acces_Octet (Memoire.Lire, Un_Mot, Un_Octet); Un_Mot := Mot.Add (Un_Mot, 1); Trouvee := Desassembleur.Traiter_Code (Un_Octet); end loop; Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Main_Win, "MW.BB.RS.Form.RINST.INST", Desassembleur.Instruction_En_Texte); when others => null; end case; end if; end if; end Afficher_Ecran_Reg; procedure Afficher_Ecran_Reg (Fld : T_Fld) is begin if Etat_Z80 = Endormi then case Fld is when Im => Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Main_Win, "MW.BB.It.F.IM", Integer'Image (Z80.Son_Mode) (2 .. 2)); when Iff => if Z80.Iff_1 then Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Main_Win, "MW.BB.It.F.Interrupt", "ENABLE"); else Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Main_Win, "MW.BB.It.F.Interrupt", "DISABLE"); end if; when Int => if Z80.Interrupt then Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Main_Win, "MW.BB.It.F.INT", "LOW"); else Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Main_Win, "MW.BB.It.F.INT", "HIGH"); end if; end case; end if; end Afficher_Ecran_Reg; procedure Lecture_Ecran_Reg (Field : String; Value : String) is Reg : Operande; Val : Integer; begin Z80.Stopper; if Field = "IM" then if Verif_Input.Is_Digit (Value) then Val := Integer'Value (Value); if Val <= 2 then Z80.Son_Mode := Val; else Erreur.Detectee (2); end if; else Erreur.Detectee (2); end if; Afficher_Ecran_Reg (Im); elsif Field = "Interrupt" then if Value (1) = 'e' or Value (1) = 'E' then Z80.Iff_1 := True; Z80.Iff_2 := True; elsif Value (1) = 'd' or Value (1) = 'D' then Z80.Iff_1 := False; Z80.Iff_2 := False; else Erreur.Detectee (2); end if; Afficher_Ecran_Reg (Iff); else Reg := Operande'Value (Field); if Reg in Registre_Simple then if Verif_Input.Is_Hexadecimal_Byte_Value (Value) then Registres.Ecrire_Simple (Reg, Octet.Convert_String_Octet (Value)); else Erreur.Detectee (2); Afficher_Ecran_Reg (Reg); end if; elsif Reg in Registre_Double then if Verif_Input.Is_Hexadecimal_Word_Value (Value) then Registres.Ecrire_Double (Reg, Mot.Convert_String_Mot (Value)); else Erreur.Detectee (2); Afficher_Ecran_Reg (Reg); end if; else Text_Io.Put_Line ("Lecture_Ecran_Reg ERROR : register id not found"); end if; end if; end Lecture_Ecran_Reg; end Z80_Scr;