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Length: 10239 (0x27ff) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Class_String; with Class_Printer; with Class_Integer; with Block; with Bounded_String; with String_Utilities; with Bug_Report; package body Class_Window is function Send (This_Message : Message.Keyword; To : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is type E_Message is (Tonnom, Tonx, Tony, Talargeur, Tahauteur); Token : E_Message; package Bs renames Bounded_String; package Su renames String_Utilities; Mess : Message.Keyword := This_Message; use Object; begin Message.Init (This => Mess); while not Message.Is_Done_Name (Mess) loop Token := E_Message'Value (Bs.Image (Message.Get (Name_From => Mess))); case Token is when Tonnom => if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.String_Class then Easy_Y.Put_Title (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)), Class_String.Get (Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)))); else raise Bug_Report.Window_Bad_Type; end if; when Tonx => if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Easy_Y.Put_Left (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)), Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess))); else raise Bug_Report.Window_Bad_Type; end if; when Tony => if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Easy_Y.Put_Right (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)), Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess))); else raise Bug_Report.Window_Bad_Type; end if; when Talargeur => if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Easy_Y.Put_Width (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)), Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess))); else raise Bug_Report.Window_Bad_Type; end if; when Tahauteur => if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Easy_Y.Put_Height (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)), Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess))); else raise Bug_Report.Window_Bad_Type; end if; end case; Message.Next (Mess); end loop; return To; exception when Constraint_Error => raise Bug_Report.Unknown_Keyword_Message; end Send; function Send (This_Message : Message.Binary; To : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is begin raise Bug_Report.Unknown_Binary_Message; return Object.Void_Reference; end Send; function Send (This_Message : Message.Unary; To : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is type E_Message is (Dupliquetoi, Tonnom, Tonx, Tony, Talargeur, Tahauteur, Affichetoi, Cachetoi, Entexte); Token : E_Message; package Bs renames Bounded_String; begin Token := E_Message'Value (Bs.Image (Message.Get (Name_From => This_Message))); case Token is when Dupliquetoi => return Create (From => Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To))); when Tonnom => return Class_String.Create (Easy_Y.Get_Title (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)))); when Tonx => return Class_Integer.Create (Easy_Y.Get_Left (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)))); when Tony => return Class_Integer.Create (Easy_Y.Get_Right (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)))); when Talargeur => return Class_Integer.Create (Easy_Y.Get_Width (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)))); when Tahauteur => return Class_Integer.Create (Easy_Y.Get_Height (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)))); when Affichetoi => Easy_Y.Open (Bounded_String.Image (Terminal_Name), Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To))); Easy_Y.Update; return To; when Cachetoi => Easy_Y.Close (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To))); return To; when Entexte => Put (To); return To; end case; exception when Constraint_Error => raise Bug_Report.Unknown_Unary_Message; end Send; function Create (From : Easy_Y.Window_Type) return Object.Reference is use Object; begin Last := Last + 1; Easy_Y.Put_Title (Table (Last), Easy_Y.Get_Title (From)); Easy_Y.Put_Left (Table (Last), Easy_Y.Get_Left (From)); Easy_Y.Put_Right (Table (Last), Easy_Y.Get_Right (From)); Easy_Y.Put_Width (Table (Last), Easy_Y.Get_Width (From)); Easy_Y.Put_Height (Table (Last), Easy_Y.Get_Height (From)); return Object.Create (Class => Object.Window_Class, Object => Last); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Bug_Report.Full_Block_Table; end Create; procedure Create is use Object; Node : Block.Node := Block.Get_Current_Node; begin Last := Last + 1; Block.Put_Into_Table (This_Object => Object.Create (Class => Object.Window_Class, Object => Last), Named => Bounded_String.Value ("fenetre", 80), Into_Block => Node); Easy_Y.Put_Title (Table (1), Bounded_String.Value ("Tiny Talk", 80)); Easy_Y.Open (Bounded_String.Image (Terminal_Name), Table (1)); Easy_Y.Update; end Create; function Get (Index : Object.Index) return Easy_Y.Window_Type is begin return Table (Index); end Get; procedure Put (Window : Easy_Y.Window_Type; Index : Object.Index) is begin Table (Index) := Window; end Put; function Get_Terminal_Name return Object.Tiny_String is begin return Terminal_Name; end Get_Terminal_Name; procedure Put_Terminal_Name (What : Object.Tiny_String) is begin Bounded_String.Copy (Terminal_Name, What); end Put_Terminal_Name; procedure Put (An_Object : Object.Reference) is begin Class_Printer.Put ("Objet Fenetre {"); Class_Printer.Forward (4); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Put ("Numero => " & Object.Index'Image (Object.Get (Index_From => An_Object))); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Put ("Title => " & '"' & Bounded_String.Image (Easy_Y.Get_Title (Table (Object.Get (An_Object)))) & '"'); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Put ("X => " & Object.Index'Image (Easy_Y.Get_Left (Table (Object.Get (An_Object))))); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Put ("Y => " & Object.Index'Image (Easy_Y.Get_Right (Table (Object.Get (An_Object))))); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Put ("Largeur => " & Object.Index'Image (Easy_Y.Get_Width (Table (Object.Get (An_Object))))); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Put ("Hauteur => " & Object.Index'Image (Easy_Y.Get_Height (Table (Object.Get (An_Object))))); -- Class_Printer.New_Line; -- Class_Printer.Put ("Block => "); -- Class_Printer.Forward (4); -- Class_Printer.New_Line; -- Class_Block.Put -- (Object.Create -- (Class => Object.Block_Class, -- Object => Table (Object.Get (Index_From => An_Object)).Block)); -- Class_Printer.Backward (8); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Backward (4); Class_Printer.Put_Tab ("}"); Class_Printer.New_Line (2); end Put; end Class_Window;