Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦c20126991⟧ TextFile

    Length: 20409 (0x4fb9)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »B«


└─⟦25882cbde⟧ Bits:30000536 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RCI_RS6000_AIX_IBM 2_0_2
    └─ ⟦b8efda8ac⟧ »DATA« 


with Log;  
with Operational_Characteristics;
with Telnet_Characteristics;
with Product_Authorization;
with Profile;  
with Rci_Customization_Interface;
with Simple_Status;
with String_Utilities;
with Universal;
package body Rci_Semantics is
    package Op renames Operational_Characteristics;
    package Tc renames Telnet_Characteristics;
    package Rci renames Rci_Customization_Interface;
    package Ss renames Simple_Status;
    package Checking renames Sc.Checking;
    package Text renames Sc.Text;

    package Su renames String_Utilities;

    Rs6000_Target : constant String := "Rs6000_Aix_Ibm";
    Supported_Targets : array (1 .. 7) of String (1 .. 16) :=
       (1 => "Rs6000_Aix_Ibm  ",
        2 => "Vax_Vms_Dec     ",
        3 => "I386_Lynx_Als   ",
        4 => "I486_Iux_Als    ",
        5 => "I960_Vms_Tar    ",
        6 => "IC30_Vms_Tar    ",
        7 => "Sparc_SunOs_Sun ");

    function Is_Authorized (Target_Key_Name : String) return Boolean is
        for I in Supported_Targets'First .. Supported_Targets'Last loop
            if Su.Equal (Str1 => Su.Strip (Target_Key_Name),
                         Str2 => Su.Strip (Supported_Targets (I)),
                         Ignore_Case => True) then

                return Product_Authorization.Is_Registered (Target_Key_Name);

            end if;
        end loop;

        return True;
    end Is_Authorized;

    function Get_Attribute_Info
                (Target_Key_Name : String) return Attributes.Object is
        if not Is_Authorized (Rs6000_Target) then

               (Message =>
                   "The " & Rs6000_Target &
                      " target has not been authorized on this machine.",
                Kind => Profile.Error_Msg);
            raise Program_Error;
        end if;

        return Attributes.Build (For_Target => Target_Key_Name);
    end Get_Attribute_Info;

    function Get_Predefined_Info
                (Target_Key_Name : String) return Predefined.Object is

        Short_Int : constant Predefined.Integer_Type_Descriptor :=
              (Name => "SHORT_INTEGER",
               Size => 16,
               Lo_Bound => Universal.Value (Integer'(-2 ** 15)),
               Hi_Bound => Universal.Value (Integer'(2 ** 15 - 1)),
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Int : constant Predefined.Integer_Type_Descriptor :=
              (Name => "INTEGER",
               Size => 32,
               Lo_Bound => Universal.Value (Long_Integer'(-2 ** 31)),
               Hi_Bound => Universal.Value (Long_Integer'(2 ** 31 - 1)),
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Integers : constant Predefined.Integer_Type_Array := (Short_Int, Int);


        Single_Last : constant Universal.Real := Universal.Value (3.40282E+38);
        Double_Last : constant Universal.Real :=
           Universal.Value (1.79769313486231E+308);

        Flo : constant Predefined.Float_Type_Descriptor :=
              (Name => "FLOAT",
               Digitz => 6,
               Size => 32,
               Lo_Bound => Universal."-" (Single_Last),
               Hi_Bound => Single_Last,
               Safe_Emax => 125,
               Machine_Emin => -125,
               Machine_Emax => 128,
               Machine_Radix => 2,
               Machine_Mantissa => 21,
               Machine_Rounds => True,       -- We don't know this
               Machine_Overflows => True,       -- We don't know this
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Long_Flo : constant Predefined.Float_Type_Descriptor :=
              (Name => "LONG_FLOAT",
               Digitz => 15,
               Size => 64,
               Lo_Bound => Universal."-" (Double_Last),
               Hi_Bound => Double_Last,
               Safe_Emax => 1020,
               Machine_Emin => -1021,
               Machine_Emax => 1024,
               Machine_Radix => 2,
               Machine_Mantissa => 53,
               Machine_Rounds => True,       -- We don't know this
               Machine_Overflows => True,       -- We don't know this
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Floats : constant Predefined.Float_Type_Array := (Flo, Long_Flo);


        Dur : constant Predefined.Fixed_Type_Descriptor :=
           Predefined.Build (Name => "DURATION",
                             Size => 32,
                             Scale => -14,
                             Lo_Bound => Universal.Value (-86400.0),
                             Hi_Bound => Universal.Value (86400.0),
                             For_Target => Target_Key_Name);


        Predefined_Characteristics : constant Predefined.Object :=
           Predefined.Build (Standard_Version => 1,
                             Integer_Types => Integers,
                             Float_Types => Floats,
                             Duration_Type => Dur,
                             For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        if not Is_Authorized (Rs6000_Target) then

               (Message =>
                   "The " & Rs6000_Target &
                      " target has not been authorized on this machine.",
                Kind => Profile.Error_Msg);
            raise Program_Error;
        end if;

        return Predefined_Characteristics;

    end Get_Predefined_Info;

    function Get_Pragma_Info (Target_Key_Name : String) return Pragmas.Object is

        Comment_Arguments : constant Pragmas.Argument_Array :=
           (1 => Pragmas.Build_Expression_Argument
                    (Name => "String_Literal",
                     Valid_Expressions =>
                           (Expression_Type => "String",
                            Constraint => Checking.Null_Constraint
                                             (For_Target => Target_Key_Name),
                            For_Target => Target_Key_Name),
                     For_Target => Target_Key_Name));

        Comment_Pragma : constant Pragmas.Target_Pragma :=
           Pragmas.Build (Name => "Comment",
                          Valid_Locations => (others => True),
                          Arguments => Comment_Arguments,
                          Last_Required_Argument => 1,
                          For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Images_Types : Checking.Type_Set :=
           Checking.Build (Enforced_Type_Restrictions =>
                           Valid_Structural_Types =>
                              (Checking.Enumeration_Type => True,
                               others => False),
                           For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Images_Arg1 : constant Pragmas.Argument :=
           Pragmas.Build_Name_Argument (Name => "Enumeration_Type",
                                        Valid_Types => Images_Types,
                                        For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Images_Arg2 : constant Pragmas.Argument :=
              (Name => "When_Generated",
               Valid_Special_Identifiers =>
                  (Text.Build ("Immediate", Target_Key_Name),
                   Text.Build ("Deferred", Target_Key_Name)),
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Images_Arguments : constant Pragmas.Argument_Array :=
           (Images_Arg1, Images_Arg2);

        Images_Pragma : constant Pragmas.Target_Pragma :=
           Pragmas.Build (Name => "Images",
                          Valid_Locations => (Pragmas.Declaration => True,
                                              Pragmas.Task_Spec => True,
                                              others => False),
                          Arguments => Images_Arguments,
                          Last_Required_Argument => 2,
                          For_Target => Target_Key_Name);


        Linkname_Arguments : constant Pragmas.Argument_Array :=
               (Name => "Interfaced_Subprogram_Name",
                Valid_Miscellaneous_Names =>
                   Checking.Build (Valid_Kinds =>
                                      (Checking.Function_Kind => True,
                                       Checking.Procedure_Kind => True,
                                       others => False),
                                   Ambiguity_Allowed => False,
                                   For_Target => Target_Key_Name),
                For_Target => Target_Key_Name),
               (Name => "Link_Name",
                Valid_Expressions =>
                   Checking.Build (Expression_Type => "String",
                                   Constraint => Checking.Null_Constraint
                                   For_Target => Target_Key_Name),
                For_Target => Target_Key_Name));

        Linkname_Pragma : constant Pragmas.Target_Pragma :=
           Pragmas.Build (Name => "Linkname",
                          Valid_Locations => (Pragmas.Declaration => True,
                                              Pragmas.Statement => True,
                                              Pragmas.Task_Spec => True,
                                              others => False),
                          Arguments => Linkname_Arguments,
                          Last_Required_Argument => 2,
                          For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        --PRAGMA INTERFACE_INFORMATION (Ada_Name,"LinkName" [, "Stack_Size=>Bytes"]);

        Interface_Information_Allowed_Types : constant Checking.Type_Set :=  
              (Enforced_Type_Restrictions => Checking.No_Type_Restrictions,
               Valid_Structural_Types =>  
                  (Checking.Array_Type => False,  
                   Checking.Record_Type => False,  
                   Checking.Task_Type => False,  
                   others => True  
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Interface_Information_Objects : Checking.Object_Set :=
              (Valid_Kinds =>  
                  (Checking.Variable => True,  
                   others => False  
               Allowed_Types => Interface_Information_Allowed_Types,
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Interface_Information_Required_Pragmas :
           constant Checking.Pragma_Array :=
           (1 => Text.Build (S => "Interface", For_Target => Target_Key_Name));

        Interface_Information_Misc_Names : Checking.Miscellaneous_Name_Set :=
              (Valid_Kinds =>  
                  (Checking.Function_Kind => True,
                   Checking.Procedure_Kind => True,
                   others => False),
               Ambiguity_Allowed => False,
               Required_Pragmas => Interface_Information_Required_Pragmas,
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Null_Constraint : constant Checking.Range_Constraint :=
           Checking.Null_Constraint (For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        String_Expression : constant Checking.Expression :=
           Checking.Build (Expression_Type => "String",
                           Constraint => Null_Constraint,
                           For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Link_Name_Arg : constant Pragmas.Argument :=
              (Name => "Link_Name",
               Valid_Expressions => String_Expression,
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Stack_Arg : constant Pragmas.Argument :=
              (Name => "Stack_Size",
               Valid_Expressions => String_Expression,
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Interface_Information_Arg_1 : constant Pragmas.Argument :=
              (Name => "Ada_Name",
               Valid_Objects => Interface_Information_Objects,
               Valid_Miscellaneous_Names => Interface_Information_Misc_Names,
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Interface_Information_Arguments : constant Pragmas.Argument_Array :=
           (Interface_Information_Arg_1, Link_Name_Arg, Stack_Arg);

        Interface_Information_Pragma : constant Pragmas.Target_Pragma :=
              (Name => "Interface_Information",
               Valid_Locations =>  
                  (Pragmas.Declaration => True,  
                   others => False),
               Arguments => Interface_Information_Arguments,
               Last_Required_Argument => 2,
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);


        Null_Argument : Pragmas.Argument;
        Unknown_Arguments : constant Pragmas.Argument_Array :=
           (1 => Null_Argument);

        Suppress_All_Pragma : Pragmas.Target_Pragma :=
           Pragmas.Build (Name => "Suppress_All",
                          Valid_Locations =>
                             (Pragmas.Declaration => True, others => False),
                          Arguments => Unknown_Arguments,
                          Last_Required_Argument => 0,
                          For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Suppress_Check_Arg : constant Pragmas.Argument :=
              (Name => "Conditions",
               Valid_Special_Identifiers =>
                  (Text.Build ("ACCESS_CHECK", Target_Key_Name),
                   Text.Build ("DISCRIMINANT_CHECK", Target_Key_Name),
                   Text.Build ("INDEX_CHECK", Target_Key_Name),
                   Text.Build ("LENGTH_CHECK", Target_Key_Name),
                   Text.Build ("RANGE_CHECK", Target_Key_Name),
                   Text.Build ("DIVISION_CHECK", Target_Key_Name),
                   Text.Build ("OVERFLOW_CHECK", Target_Key_Name),
                   Text.Build ("ELABORATION_CHECK", Target_Key_Name),
                   Text.Build ("STORAGE_CHECK", Target_Key_Name)),
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        No_Suppress_Check_Args : constant Pragmas.Argument_Array :=
           (1 => Suppress_Check_Arg);

        No_Suppress_Pragma : constant Pragmas.Target_Pragma :=
           Pragmas.Build (Name => "NO_SUPPRESS",
                          Valid_Locations =>
                             (Pragmas.Declaration => True, others => False),
                          Arguments => No_Suppress_Check_Args,
                          Last_Required_Argument => 1,
                          For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Layout_Type_Record_Only : constant Checking.Structural_Type_Array :=
              (Checking.Record_Type => True, others => False);

        Layout_Type_Set : constant Checking.Type_Set :=
           Checking.Build (Enforced_Type_Restrictions =>
                           Valid_Structural_Types => Layout_Type_Record_Only,
                           For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Preserve_Layout_Arg : constant Pragmas.Argument :=
              (Name => "RECORD_TYPE",
               Valid_Objects => Checking.Null_Object_Set,
               Valid_Miscellaneous_Names =>
               Valid_Types => Layout_Type_Set,
               Valid_Special_Identifiers => Checking.No_Identifiers,
               For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Preserve_Layout_Args : constant Pragmas.Argument_Array :=
           (1 => Preserve_Layout_Arg);

        Preserve_Layout_Pragma : constant Pragmas.Target_Pragma :=
           Pragmas.Build (Name => "PRESERVE_LAYOUT",
                          Valid_Locations =>
                             (Pragmas.Declaration => True, others => False),
                          Arguments => Preserve_Layout_Args,
                          Last_Required_Argument => 1,
                          For_Target => Target_Key_Name);


        Os_Task_Arguments : constant Pragmas.Argument_Array :=
           (1 => Pragmas.Build_Expression_Argument
                    (Name => "Priority",
                     Valid_Expressions =>
                        Checking.Build (Expression_Type => "System.Priority",
                                        Constraint => Checking.Null_Constraint
                                        For_Target => Target_Key_Name),
                     For_Target => Target_Key_Name));

        Os_Task_Pragma : constant Pragmas.Target_Pragma :=
           Pragmas.Build (Name => "Os_Task",
                          Valid_Locations => (Pragmas.Declaration => True,
                                              Pragmas.Task_Spec => True,
                                              others => False),
                          Arguments => Os_Task_Arguments,
                          Last_Required_Argument => 1,
                          For_Target => Target_Key_Name);

        Pragma_List : constant Pragmas.Target_Pragma_Array :=
           (Comment_Pragma, Images_Pragma, Linkname_Pragma, Os_Task_Pragma,
            Interface_Information_Pragma, No_Suppress_Pragma,
            Preserve_Layout_Pragma, Suppress_All_Pragma);

        Ada_Pragmas : constant Pragmas.Ada_Pragma_Array :=
           (Pragmas.Controlled_Pragma => False,
            Pragmas.Elaborate_Pragma => True,
            Pragmas.Inline_Pragma => True,
            Pragmas.Interface_Pragma => True,
            Pragmas.List_Pragma => True,
            Pragmas.Memory_Size_Pragma => False,
            Pragmas.Optimize_Pragma => False,
            Pragmas.Pack_Pragma => True,
            Pragmas.Page_Pragma => True,
            Pragmas.Priority_Pragma => True,
            Pragmas.Shared_Pragma => False,
            Pragmas.Storage_Unit_Pragma => False,
            Pragmas.Suppress_Pragma => True,
            Pragmas.System_Name_Pragma => False);      --[ ??? ]

        Pragma_Object : Pragmas.Object :=
           Pragmas.Build (Supported_Ada_Pragmas => Ada_Pragmas,
                          Target_Pragmas => Pragma_List,
                          Interface_Languages =>
                             (Text.Build ("Assembly", Target_Key_Name),
                              Text.Build ("C", Target_Key_Name),
                              Text.Build ("Fortran", Target_Key_Name)),
                          For_Target => Target_Key_Name);
        if not Is_Authorized (Rs6000_Target) then

               (Message =>
                   "The " & Rs6000_Target &
                      " target has not been authorized on this machine.",
                Kind => Profile.Error_Msg);
            raise Program_Error;
        end if;

        return Pragma_Object;

    end Get_Pragma_Info;

    function Get_Rep_Spec_Info
                (Target_Key_Name : String) return Rep_Specs.Object is
        if not Is_Authorized (Rs6000_Target) then

               (Message =>
                   "The " & Rs6000_Target &
                      " target has not been authorized on this machine.",
                Kind => Profile.Error_Msg);
            raise Program_Error;
        end if;

        return Rep_Specs.Build (For_Target => Target_Key_Name);
    end Get_Rep_Spec_Info;
end Rci_Semantics;