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Length: 12840 (0x3228) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« └─⟦458657fb6⟧ └─⟦1472c4407⟧ └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3 └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« └─⟦9b46a407a⟧ └─⟦2e03b931c⟧ └─⟦this⟧
separate (Generic_Elementary_Functions) procedure Kp_Logpw (X : in Common_Float; Z1, Z2 : out Common_Float) is -- On input, X is a floating-point value in Common_Float; -- On output, the values Z1, and Z2 are returned such that -- log(X) = Z1 + Z2 , where -- log(X) is the natural log of X. Moreover, Z1 only has a few -- digits followed by trailing zeros. -- Except for arguments Y that are very close to 1, computations -- needed in order to obtain Z1, and Z2 involve two steps. -- First, we decompose the argument X to the form -- X = 2**M * (F1 + F2), -- where 1 <= F1+F2 < 2, M has the value of an integer, -- F1 = 1 + j/64, j ranges from 0 to 64, and |F2| <= 1/128. -- Second, we approximate log( 1 + F2/F1 ) by an odd polynomial -- in U, where -- U = 2 F2 / (2 F2 + F1). -- Note that -- log( 1 + F2/F1 ) = log( 1 + U/2 ) - log( 1 - U/2 ). -- The core approximation calculates -- Poly = [log( 1 + U/2 ) - log( 1 - U/2 )]/U - 1. -- -- It is not hard to see that -- log(X) = M*log(2) + log(F1) + log( 1 + F2/F1 ). -- Hence, we return Z1 + Z2 as an accurate approximation to the -- sum above. The idea is that Z1 is the first few digits of -- the sum. Z2 is the correction to the sum accurate to full machine -- precision. -- -- -- If X is close to 1, satisfying |log(X)| < 1/64, then we use -- an approximation similar to the core approximation in Step 2 -- above to calculate log( 1 + (X-1) ). -- As far as the types used for internal computation are concerned, -- we use Common_Float to carry out Step 1, and use -- Working_Float to carry out Step 2. Y, F, F1, F2, G, U, U1, U2, V, W1, W2, Half_F2, Half_F2_H, Half_F2_L, Poly, A1, A2, T1, T2 : Common_Float; Index, I, K : Common_Int; L, Ll : Positive; Thres1 : constant := 16#0.FC07F560#; Thres2 : constant := 16#1.04080AB5#; begin L := (2 * Common_Float'Machine_Mantissa) / 5; Ll := Common_Float'Machine_Mantissa; -- I. Filter out exceptional arguments. if (X <= 0.0) then raise Argument_Error; end if; -- II. Check if the input argument is very close to 1.0 if (X >= Thres1 and X <= Thres2) then if (X >= 1.0) then F := X - 1.0; else F := X - 0.5; F := F - 0.5; end if; -- On machines with guard digit for subtraction, the conditions -- above can be replaced by X := X - 1.0 F1 := Leading_Part (F, L); F2 := F - F1; G := 1.0 / (2.0 + F); U := 2.0 * F * G; V := U * U; U1 := Leading_Part (U, L); U2 := G * ((2.0 * (F - U1) - U1 * F1) - U1 * F2); -- We now compute a polynomial approximation to log(1 + F2/F1) case Float_Type'Base'Digits is when 1 .. 6 => declare type Working_Float is digits 6; Q, R, S : Working_Float; begin R := Working_Float (U); S := Working_Float (V); Q := S * 8.33340_08285_51364E-02; Z2 := U2 + Common_Float (R * Q); end; when 7 .. 15 => declare type Working_Float is digits (15 + System.Max_Digits - abs (15 - System.Max_Digits)) / 2; -- this is min( 15, System.Max_Digits ) Q, R, S : Working_Float; begin R := Working_Float (U); S := Working_Float (V); Q := S * (8.33333_33333_33335_93622E-02 + S * (1.24999_99997_81386_68903E-02 + S * (2.23219_81075_85598_51206E-03))); Z2 := U2 + Common_Float (R * Q); end; when 16 => declare type Working_Float is digits (16 + System.Max_Digits - abs (16 - System.Max_Digits)) / 2; Q, R, S : Working_Float; begin R := Working_Float (U); S := Working_Float (V); Q := S * (8.33333_33333_33335_93622E-02 + S * (1.24999_99997_81386_68903E-02 + S * (2.23219_81075_85598_51206E-03))); Z2 := U2 + Common_Float (R * Q); end; when 17 .. 18 => declare type Working_Float is digits (18 + System.Max_Digits - abs (18 - System.Max_Digits)) / 2; Q, R, S : Working_Float; begin R := Working_Float (U); S := Working_Float (V); Q := S * (8.33333_33333_33335_93622E-02 + S * (1.24999_99997_81386_68903E-02 + S * (2.23219_81075_85598_51206E-03))); Z2 := U2 + Common_Float (R * Q); end; when 19 .. 27 => declare type Working_Float is digits (27 + System.Max_Digits - abs (27 - System.Max_Digits)) / 2; Q, R, S : Working_Float; begin R := Working_Float (U); S := Working_Float (V); Q := S * (8.33333_33333_33333_33333_33334_07301_529E-02 + S * (1.24999_99999_99999_99998_61732_74718_869E-02 + S * (2.23214_28571_42866_13712_34336_23012_985E-03 + S * (4.34027_77751_26439_67391_35491_00214_979E-04 + S * (8.87820_39767_24501_02052_39367_49695_054E-05))))); Z2 := U2 + Common_Float (R * Q); end; when 28 .. 33 => declare type Working_Float is digits (33 + System.Max_Digits - abs (33 - System.Max_Digits)) / 2; Q, R, S : Working_Float; begin R := Working_Float (U); S := Working_Float (V); Q := S * (8.33333_33333_33333_33333_33333_33332_96298_39318E-02 + S * (1.25000_00000_00000_00000_00000_93488_19499_40702E-02 + S * (2.23214_28571_42857_14277_26598_59261_40273_30694E-03 + S * (4.34027_77777_77814_30973_20354_95180_362E-04 + S * (8.87784_09009_03777_78533_78449_15942_610E-05 + S * (1.87809_65740_24066_11924_19609_24471_232E-05)))))); Z2 := U2 + Common_Float (R * Q); end; when others => raise Program_Error; -- assumption (1) is violated. end case; Z1 := U1; return; end if; -- End of the case when X is close to 1 -- III. General case. -- Step 1. Decomposition. -- Use the primitive function to extract K and F where -- X = radix**K * F, 1/radix <= F < 1. Decompose (X, F, K); if (Radix = 16) then K := 4 * K; while F < 0.5 loop F := F + F; K := K - 1; end loop; end if; -- Now X = 2**K * F, 1/2 <= F < 1. Index := Common_Int (2#1.0#E7 * F); F1 := Common_Float (Index) * 2#1.0#E-7; -- Again, on machines with gaurd digit for subtraction, the -- statements below can be replaced by Half_F2 := F - F1. if (F >= F1) then Half_F2 := F - F1; else F2 := F1 * 0.5; Half_F2 := (F - F2) - F2; end if; F1 := F1 + F1; F2 := Half_F2 + Half_F2; K := K - 1; -- At this point, X = 2**K * ( F1 + F2 ) where -- F1 := j/64, j = 64, 65, ..., 128 and |F2| <= 1/128. -- Step 2. Approximation. -- Calculate U := 2 F2 / ( 2 F1 + F2 ) = F2 / ( F1 + Half_F2 ) G := 1.0 / (F1 + Half_F2); U := F2 * G; V := U * U; U1 := Leading_Part (U, L); Half_F2_H := Leading_Part (Half_F2, L); Half_F2_L := Half_F2 - Half_F2_H; U2 := G * (((F2 - U1 * F1) - U1 * Half_F2_H) - U1 * Half_F2_L); -- Approximate [log(1+U/2)-log(1-U/2)]/U - 1. case Float_Type'Base'Digits is when 1 .. 6 => declare type Working_Float is digits 6; Q, R, S : Working_Float; begin R := Working_Float (U); S := Working_Float (V); Q := S * 8.33340_08285_51364E-02; W2 := U2 + Common_Float (R * Q); end; when 7 .. 15 => declare type Working_Float is digits (15 + System.Max_Digits - abs (15 - System.Max_Digits)) / 2; -- this is min( 15, System.Max_Digits ) Q, R, S : Working_Float; begin R := Working_Float (U); S := Working_Float (V); Q := S * (8.33333_33333_33335_93622E-02 + S * (1.24999_99997_81386_68903E-02 + S * (2.23219_81075_85598_51206E-03))); W2 := U2 + Common_Float (R * Q); end; when 16 => declare type Working_Float is digits (16 + System.Max_Digits - abs (16 - System.Max_Digits)) / 2; Q, R, S : Working_Float; begin R := Working_Float (U); S := Working_Float (V); Q := S * (8.33333_33333_33335_93622E-02 + S * (1.24999_99997_81386_68903E-02 + S * (2.23219_81075_85598_51206E-03))); W2 := U2 + Common_Float (R * Q); end; when 17 .. 18 => declare type Working_Float is digits (18 + System.Max_Digits - abs (18 - System.Max_Digits)) / 2; Q, R, S : Working_Float; begin R := Working_Float (U); S := Working_Float (V); Q := S * (8.33333_33333_33335_93622E-02 + S * (1.24999_99997_81386_68903E-02 + S * (2.23219_81075_85598_51206E-03))); W2 := U2 + Common_Float (R * Q); end; when 19 .. 27 => declare type Working_Float is digits (27 + System.Max_Digits - abs (27 - System.Max_Digits)) / 2; Q, R, S : Working_Float; begin R := Working_Float (U); S := Working_Float (V); Q := S * (8.33333_33333_33333_33333_33334_07301_529E-02 + S * (1.24999_99999_99999_99998_61732_74718_869E-02 + S * (2.23214_28571_42866_13712_34336_23012_985E-03 + S * (4.34027_77751_26439_67391_35491_00214_979E-04 + S * (8.87820_39767_24501_02052_39367_49695_054E-05))))); W2 := U2 + Common_Float (R * Q); end; when 28 .. 33 => declare type Working_Float is digits (33 + System.Max_Digits - abs (33 - System.Max_Digits)) / 2; Q, R, S : Working_Float; begin R := Working_Float (U); S := Working_Float (V); Q := S * (8.33333_33333_33333_33333_33333_33332_96298_39318E-02 + S * (1.25000_00000_00000_00000_00000_93488_19499_40702E-02 + S * (2.23214_28571_42857_14277_26598_59261_40273_30694E-03 + S * (4.34027_77777_77814_30973_20354_95180_362E-04 + S * (8.87784_09009_03777_78533_78449_15942_610E-05 + S * (1.87809_65740_24066_11924_19609_24471_232E-05)))))); W2 := U2 + Common_Float (R * Q); end; when others => raise Program_Error; -- assumption (1) is violated. end case; A2 := Common_Float (K); A1 := A2 * Pow_Log2_Lead + Pow_Log_Of_Jby64 (Index, Lead); A2 := A2 * Pow_Log2_Trail + Pow_Log_Of_Jby64 (Index, Trail); T1 := Leading_Part (A1 + U1, Ll - 2); -- force storage T2 := (A1 - T1) + U1; T2 := T2 + A2; W1 := Leading_Part (T1 + W2, L); Z2 := ((T1 - W1) + W2) + T2; Z1 := W1; return; end Kp_Logpw;