Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦c77acf7d3⟧ TextFile

    Length: 39892 (0x9bd4)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »menu.c«


└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 
                └─ ⟦this⟧ »./menu.c« 
└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 
                └─ ⟦this⟧ »./menu.c« 
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 
                └─ ⟦this⟧ »./menu.c« 


#ifdef SCCS
static char sccsid[]="@(#)menu.c	1.7 Stellar 87/10/16";
 *	$XConsortium: menu.c,v 1.10 88/10/05 11:16:29 jim Exp $

#include <X11/copyright.h>

 * Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts.
 *                         All Rights Reserved
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
 * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
 * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
 * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
 * supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital Equipment
 * Corporation not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
 * distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/Shell.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#include "menu.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
#ifdef hpux
#undef SIGCHLD
#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "ptyx.h"
#include "data.h"

#ifdef RIOS
#include <signal.h>
#endif /* RIOS */

#ifndef lint
static char rcs_id[] = "$XConsortium: menu.c,v 1.10 88/10/05 11:16:29 jim Exp $";
#endif	lint

#define DEFMENUPAD	3

#define XOR(a,b)	((a&(~b)) | ((~a)&b))

#define	SetStateFlags(item)	item->itemFlags = (item->itemFlags &\
				 ~(itemStateMask | itemChanged)) |\
				 ((item->itemFlags & itemSetMask) >>\

static char Check_MarkBits[] = {
   0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00,
   0x31, 0x00, 0x1b, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00

static GC MenuGC, MenuInverseGC, MenuInvertGC, MenuGrayGC;
static int gotGCs = FALSE;

Pixmap Gray_Tile, Check_Normal_Tile, Check_Inverse_Tile, Check_Tile;
Menu   Menu_Default;
Cursor Menu_DefaultCursor;
char  *Menu_DefaultFont;

int default_menuBorder = DEFMENUBORDER;
int default_menuPad = DEFMENUPAD;

static XtResource resourceList[] = {
  {"menuBorder", "MenuBorder", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
     XtOffset (Menu *, menuBorderWidth), XtRInt, (caddr_t)&default_menuBorder},
  {"menuPad", "MenuPad", XtRInt, sizeof(int),
     XtOffset (Menu *, menuItemPad), XtRInt, (caddr_t) &default_menuPad}

static Draw_Item();
static Draw_Menu();
static Map_Menu();
static Move_Menu();
static Recalc_Menu();

 * AddMenuItem() adds a menu item to an existing menu, at the end of the
 * list, which are number sequentially from zero.  The menuitem index is
 * return, or -1 if failed.

AddMenuItem(menu, text)
register Menu *menu;
register char *text;
	register MenuItem *menuitem, **next;
	register int i;
	extern char *malloc();

	if(!menu || !text || (menuitem = (MenuItem *)malloc(sizeof(MenuItem)))
	 == (MenuItem *)0)
	bzero((char *)menuitem, sizeof(MenuItem));
	menuitem->itemText = text;
	menuitem->itemTextLength = strlen(text);
	for(i = 0, next = &menu->menuItems ; *next ; i++)
		next = &(*next)->nextItem;
	*next = menuitem;
	menu->menuFlags |= menuChanged;

void InitMenu(name)
register char *name;
	register XtermWidget xw = term;
	register char *cp;
	static int didthisonce = FALSE;
	Display *dpy = XtDisplay(xw);
	Pixel background = xw->core.background_pixel;
	Pixel foreground = xw->screen.foreground;

	if (didthisonce) return;
	didthisonce = TRUE;
	 * If the gray tile hasn't been set up, do it now.
		Gray_Tile = XtGrayPixmap(XtScreen(xw));
	if (!Check_Tile) {
	        extern Pixmap Make_tile();
	        Check_Normal_Tile =
		  Make_tile(checkMarkWidth, checkMarkHeight,
			    Check_MarkBits, foreground, background,
			   (unsigned int)DefaultDepth(dpy,DefaultScreen(dpy)));
	        Check_Inverse_Tile =
		  Make_tile(checkMarkWidth, checkMarkHeight,
			    Check_MarkBits, background, foreground,
			   (unsigned int)DefaultDepth(dpy,DefaultScreen(dpy)));
		Check_Tile = Check_Normal_Tile;
	Menu_Default.menuFlags = menuChanged;
	Menu_Default.menuInitialItem = -1;
	XtGetSubresources((Widget)xw, (caddr_t)&Menu_Default, "menu", "Menu",
           resourceList, XtNumber(resourceList), NULL, 0);

	Menu_Default.menuFontInfo = vt100_resource.f_m;
	if (Menu_Default.menuFontInfo == NULL) {
	    if (xw->screen.fnt_norm) {
		Menu_Default.menuFontInfo = xw->screen.fnt_norm;
		MenugcFontMask = VTgcFontMask;
	    } else {
		Display *dpy = XtDisplay (xw);
		Menu_Default.menuFontInfo =
		  XQueryFont (dpy, DefaultGC (dpy, DefaultScreen (dpy))->gid);
		MenugcFontMask = 0;

 * ItemFlags returns the state of item "n" of the menu.
ItemFlags(menu, n)
register Menu *menu;
register int n;
	register MenuItem *item;

	if(!menu || !menu->menuItems || n < 0)
	for(item = menu->menuItems ; n > 0 ; n--)
		if(!(item = item->nextItem))
	return((item->itemFlags & itemSetMask) >> itemSetMaskShift);

 * ItemText changes the text of item "n" of the menu.
ItemText(menu, n, text)
register Menu *menu;
register int n;
char *text;
	register MenuItem *item;

	if(!menu || !menu->menuItems || n < 0 || !text)
	for(item = menu->menuItems ; n > 0 ; n--)
		if(!(item = item->nextItem))
	item->itemText = text;
	menu->menuFlags |= menuChanged;

 * NewMenu() returns a pointer to an initialized new Menu structure, or NULL
 * if failed.
 * The Menu structure _menuDefault contains the default menu settings.
Menu *NewMenu (name)
char *name;
	register Menu *menu;
	register XtermWidget xw = term;
	XGCValues xgc;
	extern char *malloc();
	extern XFontStruct *XLoadQueryFont();
	register Display *dpy = XtDisplay(xw);
	Pixel background = xw->core.background_pixel;
	Pixel foreground = xw->screen.foreground;

	 * If the GrayTile hasn't been defined, InitMenu() was never
	 * run, so exit.
		return((Menu *)0);
	 * Allocate the memory for the menu structure.
	if((menu = (Menu *)malloc(sizeof(Menu))) == (Menu *)0)
		return((Menu *)0);
	 * Initialize to default values.
	*menu = Menu_Default;
	 * If the menu cursor hasn't been given, make a default one.
	if(!menu->menuCursor) {
		if(!Menu_DefaultCursor) {
			if(!(Menu_DefaultCursor =
			   XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_left_ptr)))
				return((Menu *)0);
		menu->menuCursor = Menu_DefaultCursor;
	 * Initialze the default background and border pixmaps and foreground
	 * and background colors (black and white).
	menu->menuFgColor = foreground;
	menu->menuBgColor = background;
	if(!gotGCs) {
	        xgc.foreground = menu->menuFgColor;
	        xgc.function = GXinvert;
	        xgc.plane_mask = XOR(menu->menuFgColor, menu->menuBgColor);
	        MenuInvertGC = XCreateGC(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
        	  GCForeground+GCFunction+GCPlaneMask, &xgc);
	        xgc.foreground = menu->menuFgColor;
	        xgc.background = menu->menuBgColor;
	        xgc.font = menu->menuFontInfo->fid;
	        xgc.function = GXcopy;
	        xgc.fill_style = FillSolid;
	        MenuGC = XCreateGC(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
	        xgc.foreground = menu->menuBgColor;
	        xgc.background = menu->menuFgColor;
	        xgc.font = menu->menuFontInfo->fid;
	        xgc.function = GXcopy;
	        xgc.fill_style = FillSolid;
	        MenuInverseGC = XCreateGC(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
	        xgc.foreground = menu->menuFgColor;
	        xgc.background = menu->menuBgColor;
		xgc.function = GXcopy;
	        xgc.stipple = Gray_Tile;
	        xgc.fill_style = FillStippled;
	        MenuGrayGC = XCreateGC(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
		gotGCs = TRUE;
	 * Set the menu title.  If name is NULL or is an empty string, no
	 * title will be displayed.
	if(name && *name) {
		menu->menuTitleLength = strlen(menu->menuTitle = name);
		menu->menuTitleWidth = XTextWidth(menu->menuFontInfo, name, 
		menu->menuItemTop = menu->menuFontInfo->ascent + 
		 menu->menuFontInfo->descent + 2 * menu->menuItemPad + 1;
	} else
		menu->menuTitleLength = menu->menuTitleWidth =
		 menu->menuItemTop = 0;

 * SetItemCheck sets the check state of item "n" of the menu to "state".
SetItemCheck(menu, n, state)
register Menu *menu;
register int n;
int state;
	register MenuItem *item;

	if(!menu || !menu->menuItems || n < 0)
	for(item = menu->menuItems ; n > 0 ; n--)
		if(!(item = item->nextItem))
		item->itemFlags |= itemSetChecked;
		item->itemFlags &= ~itemSetChecked;
	if(((item->itemFlags & itemSetMask) >> itemSetMaskShift) !=
	 (item->itemFlags & itemStateMask)) {
		item->itemFlags |= itemChanged;
		menu->menuFlags |= menuItemChanged;
	} else
		item->itemFlags &= ~itemChanged;

 * SetItemDisable sets the disable state of item "n" of the menu to "state".
SetItemDisable(menu, n, state)
register Menu *menu;
register int n;
int state;
	register MenuItem *item;

	if(!menu || !menu->menuItems || n < 0)
	for(item = menu->menuItems ; n > 0 ; n--)
		if(!(item = item->nextItem))
		item->itemFlags |= itemSetDisabled;
		item->itemFlags &= ~itemSetDisabled;
	if(((item->itemFlags & itemSetMask) >> itemSetMaskShift) !=
	 (item->itemFlags & itemStateMask)) {
		item->itemFlags |= itemChanged;
		menu->menuFlags |= menuItemChanged;
	} else
		item->itemFlags &= ~itemChanged;

static Menu *menu;
static MenuItem *item;
static int i;
static MenuItem *hilited_item;
static int drawn;
static int changed;
int y, n, hilited_y, hilited_n, in_window;
static MenuItem *Mouse_InItem(), *Y_InItem();
static Unmap_Menu();

void MenuExposeWindow(w, closure, event)
Widget w;
caddr_t closure;
XEvent *event;
	register XtermWidget xw = (XtermWidget) w;
	 * If we have a saved pixmap, display it.  Otherwise
	 * redraw the menu and save it away.
	if (event->type == NoExpose) return;

	 * If the menu has changed in any way and we want to
	 * save the menu, throw away any existing save menu
	 * image and make a new one.

	 * See which item the cursor may currently be in.  If
	 * it is in a non-disabled item, hilite it.
	if(hilited_item = Mouse_InItem(menu, &hilited_y, &hilited_n))
		XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, 
			       MenuInvertGC, 0, hilited_y,
			       (unsigned int)menu->menuWidth,
			       (unsigned int)hilited_item->itemHeight);

void MenuMouseMoved(w, closure, event)
Widget w;
caddr_t closure;
XMotionEvent *event;
	register XtermWidget xw = (XtermWidget) w;
	if(!drawn || !in_window)
	 * See which item the cursor may currently be in.  If
	 * the item has changed, unhilite the old one and
	 * then hilited the new one.
	y = event->y;
	if((item = Y_InItem(menu, &y, &n)) != hilited_item) {
			XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, 
				       MenuInvertGC, 0, hilited_y,
				       (unsigned int)menu->menuWidth,
				       (unsigned int)hilited_item->itemHeight);
		if(hilited_item = item) {
			XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, 
				       MenuInvertGC, 0,
				       hilited_y = y,
				       (unsigned int)menu->menuWidth,
				       (unsigned int)item->itemHeight);
			hilited_n = n;

void MenuEnterWindow(w, closure, event)
Widget w;
caddr_t closure;
XEvent *event;
	in_window = TRUE;
	MenuMouseMoved(w, closure, (XMotionEvent*)event);

void MenuLeaveWindow(w, closure, event)
Widget w;
caddr_t closure;
XEvent *event;
	register XtermWidget xw = (XtermWidget) w;
	 * Unhilite any window that is currently hilited.
	if(hilited_item) {
		XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, 
			       MenuInvertGC, 0, hilited_y,
			       (unsigned int)menu->menuWidth,
			       (unsigned int)hilited_item->itemHeight);
		hilited_item = (MenuItem *)0;
	in_window = FALSE;

int menu_grab = FALSE;

void MenuButtonReleased(w, closure, event)
Widget w;
caddr_t closure;
XButtonEvent *event;
	register XtermWidget xw = (XtermWidget) w;
	extern FinishModeMenu();

	 * return the index number of any selected menu
	 * item.

	if (! AllButtonsUp(event->state, event->button))

	XUngrabPointer(XtDisplay(xw), CurrentTime);
	menu_grab = FALSE;
	if(in_window) {
		y = event->y;
		if((item = Y_InItem(menu, &y, &n)) != hilited_item) {
			XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, 
				       MenuInvertGC, 0,
				       (unsigned int)menu->menuWidth,
				       (unsigned int)hilited_item->itemHeight);
		    if(hilited_item = item) {
			XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, 
				       MenuInvertGC, 0,
				       hilited_y = y,
				       (unsigned int)menu->menuWidth,
				       (unsigned int)hilited_item->itemHeight);
			hilited_n = n;
	menu->menuFlags &= ~(menuChanged | menuItemChanged);
	drawn = 0;
		FinishModeMenu(menu->menuInitialItem = hilited_n,
		FinishModeMenu(-1, event->time);

 * TrackMenu does most of the work of displaying the menu and tracking the
 * mouse.
TrackMenu(lmenu, event)
register Menu *lmenu;
register XButtonPressedEvent *event;
	register XtermWidget xw = term;
	XButtonReleasedEvent ev;
	XSetWindowAttributes attr;

	menu = lmenu;
	hilited_item = (MenuItem *)0;
	 * Check that things are reasonable.
	if(!menu || !event || !menu->menuItems || event->type != ButtonPress)
	 * Set the changed flag and clear the menu changed flags.
	changed = menu->menuFlags & (menuChanged | menuItemChanged);
	 * If the entire menu has changed, throw away any saved pixmap and
	 * then call RecalcMenu().
	if(changed & menuChanged) {
		changed &= ~menuItemChanged;
	 * Now if the window was never created, go ahead and make it.  Otherwise
	 * if the menu has changed, resize the window.
	if(!menu->menuWindow) {
#define SETARG( XtN, XtV )	XtSetArg( args[argi], XtN, XtV ); argi++
	    Arg	args[2];
	    int	argi = 0;
	    SETARG( XtNgeometry, NULL );	/* Never let user set this. */
#undef SETARG

	    menu->menuWidget =
	      XtCreatePopupShell ("Xterm Menu", transientShellWidgetClass, xw,
				  args, (Cardinal)argi);
	    XtResizeWidget (menu->menuWidget,
			    menu->menuWidth, menu->menuHeight,
	    XtRealizeWidget (menu->menuWidget);
	    menu->menuWindow = XtWindow (menu->menuWidget);
	    attr.override_redirect = True;
	    attr.border_pixmap = XtGrayPixmap(XtScreen(xw));
	    attr.background_pixel = menu->menuBgColor;
	    attr.cursor = menu->menuCursor;
	    attr.save_under = True;
	    XChangeWindowAttributes (XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, 
				     (CWBorderPixmap | CWBackPixel | 
				      CWOverrideRedirect | CWCursor |
				      CWSaveUnder), &attr);

	    XtAddEventHandler(menu->menuWidget, ExposureMask, FALSE,
			      MenuExposeWindow, (caddr_t)NULL);
	    XtAddEventHandler(menu->menuWidget, EnterWindowMask, FALSE,
			      MenuEnterWindow, (caddr_t)NULL);
	    XtAddEventHandler(menu->menuWidget, LeaveWindowMask, FALSE,
			      MenuLeaveWindow, (caddr_t)NULL);
	    XtAddEventHandler(menu->menuWidget, PointerMotionMask, FALSE,
			      MenuMouseMoved, (caddr_t)NULL);
	    XtAddEventHandler(menu->menuWidget, ButtonReleaseMask, FALSE,
			      MenuButtonReleased, (caddr_t)NULL);

	} else if(changed & menuChanged)
	 	XtResizeWidget(menu->menuWidget, menu->menuWidth, menu->menuHeight,
	 * Figure out where the menu is supposed to go, from the initial button
	 * press, and move the window there.  Then map the menu.
	if(!Move_Menu(menu, event) || !Map_Menu(menu))

	in_window = TRUE;
	XGrabPointer(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, FALSE,
		     EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | PointerMotionMask
		     | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask,
		     GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None,
		     menu->menuCursor, CurrentTime);
	return 0;

 * Recalculate all of the various menu and item variables.
static Recalc_Menu(menu)
register Menu *menu;
	register MenuItem *item;
	register int max, height, fontheight;

	 * We must have already gotten the menu font.
	 * Initialize the various max width variables.
	fontheight = menu->menuFontInfo->ascent + menu->menuFontInfo->descent;
	height = menu->menuItemTop;
	menu->menuMaxTextWidth = menu->menuTitleWidth;
	 * The item height is the maximum of the font height and the
	 * checkbox height.
	max = fontheight;
	if(checkMarkHeight > max)
		max = checkMarkHeight;
	 * Go through the menu item list.
	for(item = menu->menuItems ; item ; item = item->nextItem) {
		 * If the item text is a single dash, we assume this is
		 * a line separator and treat it special.
		if(XStrCmp(item->itemText, "-") == 0)
			height += (item->itemHeight = lineSeparatorHeight);
		else {
			height += (item->itemHeight = max);
			 * Check the text width with the max value stored in
			 * menu.
			if((item->itemTextWidth = XTextWidth(
			  menu->menuFontInfo, item->itemText,
			  strlen(item->itemText))) > menu->menuMaxTextWidth)
				menu->menuMaxTextWidth = item->itemTextWidth;
		 * If the itemChanged flag is set, set the state bits.
		if(item->itemFlags & itemChanged) {
			item->itemFlags = (item->itemFlags & ~itemStateMask) |
			 ((item->itemFlags & itemSetMask) >> itemSetMaskShift);
			item->itemFlags &= ~itemChanged;
	 * Set the menu height and then set the menu width.
	menu->menuHeight = height;
	menu->menuWidth = 3 * menu->menuItemPad + menu->menuMaxTextWidth +

 * Figure out where to popup the menu, relative to the where the button was
 * pressed.
static Move_Menu(menu, ev)
register Menu *menu;
XButtonPressedEvent *ev;
	register int n, x, y;
	register XtermWidget xw = term;
	int total_width;
	 * Try to popup the menu so that the cursor is centered within the
	 * width of the menu, but compensate if that would run it outside
	 * the display area.
	total_width = menu->menuWidth + 2 * menu->menuBorderWidth;
	if((x = ev->x_root - total_width / 2) < 0)
		x = 0;
	else if(x + total_width > DisplayWidth(XtDisplay(xw),
		x = DisplayWidth(XtDisplay(xw),
				 DefaultScreen(XtDisplay(xw))) - total_width;
	 * If the menu extends above outside of the display, warp
	 * the mouse vertically so the menu will all show up.
	if((y = ev->y_root) < 0) {
/* don't bother warping pointer 
		XWarpPointer(XtDisplay(xw), None, 
		  DefaultRootWindow(XtDisplay(xw)), 0, 0, 0, 0, ev->x_root, 
		y = 0;
	} else if((n = y + menu->menuHeight + 2 * menu->menuBorderWidth - 
	  DisplayHeight(XtDisplay(xw), DefaultScreen(XtDisplay(xw)))) > 0) {
/* don't bother warping pointer 
		XWarpPointer(XtDisplay(xw), None,
		 DefaultRootWindow(XtDisplay(xw)), 0, 0, 0, 0, ev->x_root, 
		  ev->y_root - n);
		y -= n;
	XtMoveWidget(menu->menuWidget, x, y);

 * Map the menu window.
static Map_Menu(menu)
register Menu *menu;
	register XtermWidget xw = term;

	 * Actually map the window.
        XRaiseWindow (XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow);
        XtPopup (menu->menuWidget, XtGrabNone);
	menu->menuFlags |= menuMapped;

 * Draw the entire menu in the blank window.
static Draw_Menu(menu)
register Menu *menu;
	register MenuItem *item;
	register int top = menu->menuItemTop;
	register int x = menu->menuItemPad;
	register int dim;
	register XtermWidget xw = term;

	 * If we have a menu title, draw it first, centered and hilited.
	if(menu->menuTitleLength) {
		XFillRectangle(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, 
			       MenuGC, 0, 0,
			       (unsigned int)menu->menuWidth,
			       (unsigned int)top - 1);
		XDrawImageString(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, 
		 MenuInverseGC, (menu->menuWidth -
		 menu->menuTitleWidth) / 2, 
		 menu->menuTitle, menu->menuTitleLength);
	 * For each item in the list, first draw any check mark and then
	 * draw the rest of it.
	for(item = menu->menuItems ; item ; item = item->nextItem) {
		dim = (item->itemFlags & itemDisabled);
		 * Draw the check mark, possibly dimmed, wherever is necessary.
		if(item->itemFlags & itemChecked) {
			 Check_Tile, menu->menuWindow, 
			 dim ? MenuGrayGC : MenuGC,
			 0, 0, checkMarkWidth, checkMarkHeight, x, 
			 top + (item->itemHeight - checkMarkHeight) / 2);
		 * Draw the item, possibly dimmed.
		Draw_Item(menu, item, top, dim);
		top += item->itemHeight;

 * Modify the item at vertical position y.  This routine is table driven and
 * the state and set bits are each 2 bits long, contiguous, the least
 * significant bits in the flag word and with the state bits in bits 0 & 1.

#define	drawCheck	0x10
#define	removeCheck	0x08
#define	dimCheck	0x04
#define	drawItem	0x02
#define	dimItem		0x01

static char Modify_Table[] = {
	0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x0a, 0x01, 0x00, 0x09, 0x08,
	0x10, 0x12, 0x00, 0x12, 0x15, 0x14, 0x05, 0x00
#if 0
* static Modify_Item(menu, item, top)
* register Menu *menu;
* register MenuItem *item;
* int top;
* {
* 	register int x = menu->menuItemPad;
* 	register int y;
* 	register int center = top + item->itemHeight / 2;
* 	register int func = Modify_Table[item->itemFlags &
* 	 (itemStateMask | itemSetMask)];
* 	register XtermWidget xw = term;
* 	/*
* 	 * If we really won't be making a change, return.
* 	 */
* 	if(func == 0)
* 		return;
* 	/*
* 	 * Draw the check mark if needed, possibly dimmed.
* 	 */
* 	y = center - (checkMarkHeight / 2);
* 	if(func & (drawCheck | dimCheck))
* 		XCopyArea(XtDisplay(xw), 
* 		 Check_Tile, menu->menuWindow, 
* 		 (func & dimCheck) ? MenuGrayGC : MenuGC,
* 		 0, 0, checkMarkWidth, checkMarkHeight, x, 
* 		  y = top + (item->itemHeight - checkMarkHeight) / 2);
* 	/*
* 	 * Remove the check mark if needed.
* 	 */
* 	if(func & removeCheck)
* 		XClearArea(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, 
* 		 x, y, checkMarkWidth, checkMarkHeight, FALSE);
* 	/*
* 	 * Call Draw_Item if we need to draw or dim the item.
* 	 */
* 	if((x = func & dimItem) || (func & drawItem))
* 		Draw_Item(menu, item, top, x);
* 	/*
* 	 * Update state flags.
* 	 */
* 	SetStateFlags(item);
* }
#endif /* 0 */

 * Draw the item (less check mark) at vertical position y.
 * Dim the item if "dim" is set.
static Draw_Item(menu, item, y, dim)
register Menu *menu;
register MenuItem *item;
register int y;
int  dim;
	register int x = 2 * menu->menuItemPad + checkMarkWidth;
	register int center = y + item->itemHeight / 2;
	register XtermWidget xw = term;

	 * If the item text is a single dash, draw a separating line.
	if(XStrCmp(item->itemText, "-") == 0) {
		XDrawLine(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow,  MenuGC,
		 0, center, menu->menuWidth, center);
	 * Draw and/or dim the text, centered vertically.
	y = center - 
	 ((menu->menuFontInfo->ascent + menu->menuFontInfo->descent)/ 2);
	if(dim) {
		XDrawString(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, MenuGrayGC,
		 x, y+menu->menuFontInfo->ascent, 
		 item->itemText, item->itemTextLength);
	} else
		XDrawImageString(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, 
		 MenuGC, x, y+menu->menuFontInfo->ascent, 
		 item->itemText, item->itemTextLength);

 * Determine which enabled menu item the mouse is currently in.  Return the
 * top position of this item and its item number.  Set inwindow to whether
 * we are or not.
static MenuItem *Mouse_InItem(menu, top, n)
register Menu *menu;
int *top, *n;
	int 		 	x, y, rootx, rooty;
	unsigned int	 	mask;
	Window 		 	subw, root;
	static MenuItem 	*Y_InItem();
	register XtermWidget 	 xw = term;

	 * Find out where the mouse is.  If its not in the menu window,
	 * return NULL.
	XQueryPointer(XtDisplay(xw), menu->menuWindow, 
	&root, &subw, &rootx, &rooty, &x, &y, &mask);
	if((x <0) || (y < 0) || 
	   (x > menu->menuWidth) || (y > menu->menuHeight)) {
		return((MenuItem *)0);
	 * Call Y_InItem().
	*top = y;
	return(Y_InItem(menu, top, n));

 * Return which enabled item the locator is in.  Also return the
 * top position of this item and its item number.  Initial y passed
 * in top.
static MenuItem *Y_InItem(menu, top, n)
register Menu *menu;
int *top, *n;
	register MenuItem *item;
	register int t, i;
	register int y = *top;

	 * Go through the item list.  "t" is the vertical position of the
	 * current item and "i" is its item number.
	t = menu->menuItemTop;
	 * If the mouse is before the first item, return.
	if(y < t)
		return((MenuItem *)0);
	for(i = 0, item = menu->menuItems ; item ; i++, item = item->nextItem) {
		 * If the y coordinate is within this menu item, then return.
		 * But don't return disable items.
		if(t + item->itemHeight > y) {
			if(item->itemFlags & itemDisabled)
				return((MenuItem *)0);
			*top = t;
			*n = i;
		t += item->itemHeight;
	 * Should never get here.
	return((MenuItem *)0);

 * Unmap_Menu() unmaps a menu, if it is currently mapped.
static Unmap_Menu(menu)
register Menu *menu;
	register int i;
/*	register XtermWidget xw = term; */

	if(!menu || !(menu->menuFlags & menuMapped))
	XtPopdown (menu->menuWidget);
	menu->menuFlags &= ~menuMapped;

MenuResetGCs (bgp, fgp)
    Pixel *bgp, *fgp;
    register XtermWidget xw = term;
    Display *dpy = XtDisplay (xw);
    XGCValues xgc;

    *bgp = xw->core.background_pixel;
    *fgp = xw->screen.foreground;

    if (MenuInvertGC) {
	xgc.foreground = *fgp;
	xgc.plane_mask = XOR(*fgp, *bgp);
	XChangeGC (dpy, MenuInvertGC, (GCForeground | GCPlaneMask), &xgc);

    if (MenuGC) {
	xgc.foreground = *fgp;
	xgc.background = *bgp;
	XChangeGC (dpy, MenuGC, (GCForeground | GCBackground), &xgc);

    if (MenuInverseGC) {
	xgc.foreground = *bgp;
	xgc.background = *fgp;
	XChangeGC (dpy, MenuInverseGC, (GCForeground | GCBackground), &xgc);

    if (MenuGrayGC) {
	xgc.foreground = *fgp;
	xgc.background = *bgp;
	xgc.function = *fgp ? GXor : GXand;
	XChangeGC (dpy, MenuGrayGC,
		   (GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFunction), &xgc);

    if (Check_Tile) {
	Check_Tile = ((Check_Tile == Check_Normal_Tile) ? Check_Inverse_Tile :



static void do_securekbd(), do_allowsends(), do_visualbell(), do_logging(),
  do_redraw(), /* do_suspend(), do_continue(), do_interrupt(), do_hangup(), */
  /* do_terminate(), do_kill(), */ do_quit(), do_scrollbar(), do_jumpscroll(),
  do_reversevideo(), do_autowrap(), do_reversewrap(), do_autolinefeed(),
  do_appcursor(), do_appkeypad(), do_scrollkey(), do_scrollttyoutput(),
  do_allow132(), do_cursesemul(), do_marginbell(),
  do_altscreen(), do_softreset(), do_hardreset();

static void handle_send_signal (gw, sig)
    Widget gw;
    int sig;
    register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

    if (screen->pid > 1) killpg (screen->pid, sig);

 * action routines

void DoSecureKeyboard (time)
    Time time;
    do_securekbd ( NULL, NULL);

static void do_securekbd (closure, data)
    caddr_t closure, data;
    register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;
    Time time = CurrentTime;		/* XXX - wrong */

    if (screen->grabbedKbd) {
	XUngrabKeyboard (screen->display, time);
	ReverseVideo (term);
	screen->grabbedKbd = FALSE;
    } else {
	if (XGrabKeyboard (screen->display, term->core.parent->core.window,
			   True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, time)
	    != GrabSuccess) {
	    XBell (screen->display, 100);
	} else {
	    ReverseVideo (term);
	    screen->grabbedKbd = TRUE;

static void do_allowsends (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

    screen->allowSendEvents = !screen->allowSendEvents;

static void do_visualbell (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

    screen->visualbell = !screen->visualbell;

static void do_logging (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

    if (screen->logging) {
	CloseLog (screen);
    } else {
	StartLog (screen);

static void do_redraw (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    Redraw ();

 * The following cases use the pid instead of the process group so that we
 * don't get hosed by programs that change their process group

#if 0
* static void do_suspend (gw, closure, data)
*     Widget gw;
*     caddr_t closure, data;
* {
* #ifdef SIGTSTP
*     handle_send_signal (gw, SIGTSTP);
* #endif
* }
* static void do_continue (gw, closure, data)
*     Widget gw;
*     caddr_t closure, data;
* {
* #ifdef SIGCONT
*     handle_send_signal (gw, SIGCONT);
* #endif
* }
* static void do_interrupt (gw, closure, data)
*     Widget gw;
*     caddr_t closure, data;
* {
*     handle_send_signal (gw, SIGINT);
* }
* static void do_hangup (gw, closure, data)
*     Widget gw;
*     caddr_t closure, data;
* {
*     handle_send_signal (gw, SIGHUP);
* }
* static void do_terminate (gw, closure, data)
*     Widget gw;
*     caddr_t closure, data;
* {
*     handle_send_signal (gw, SIGTERM);
* }
* static void do_kill (gw, closure, data)
*     Widget gw;
*     caddr_t closure, data;
* {
*     handle_send_signal (gw, SIGKILL);
* }
#endif /* 0 */

static void do_quit (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    Cleanup (0);

 * vt menu callbacks

static void do_scrollbar (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

    if (screen->scrollbar) {
	ScrollBarOff (screen);
    } else {
	ScrollBarOn (term, FALSE, FALSE);

static void do_jumpscroll (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

    term->flags ^= SMOOTHSCROLL;
    if (term->flags & SMOOTHSCROLL) {
	screen->jumpscroll = FALSE;
	if (screen->scroll_amt) FlushScroll(screen);
    } else {
	screen->jumpscroll = TRUE;

static void do_reversevideo (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    term->flags ^= REVERSE_VIDEO;
    ReverseVideo (term);

static void do_autowrap (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    term->flags ^= WRAPAROUND;

static void do_reversewrap (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    term->flags ^= REVERSEWRAP;

static void do_autolinefeed (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    term->flags ^= LINEFEED;

static void do_appcursor (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    term->keyboard.flags ^= CURSOR_APL;

static void do_appkeypad (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    term->keyboard.flags ^= KYPD_APL;

static void do_scrollkey (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

    screen->scrollkey = !screen->scrollkey;

static void do_scrollttyoutput (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

    screen->scrollttyoutput = !screen->scrollttyoutput;

static void do_allow132 (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

    screen->c132 = !screen->c132;

static void do_cursesemul (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

    screen->curses = !screen->curses;

static void do_marginbell (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    register TScreen *screen = &term->screen;

    if (!(screen->marginbell = !screen->marginbell)) screen->bellarmed = -1;

static void do_altscreen (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    /* do nothing for now; eventually, will want to flip screen */

static void do_softreset (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    VTReset (FALSE);

static void do_hardreset (gw, closure, data)
    Widget gw;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    VTReset (TRUE);

 * public handler routines

static void handle_toggle (proc, var, params, nparams, w, closure, data)
    void (*proc)();
    int var;
    String *params;
    Cardinal nparams;
    Widget w;
    caddr_t closure, data;
    int dir = -2;

    switch (nparams) {
      case 0:
	dir = -1;
      case 1:
	if (XmuCompareISOLatin1 (params[0], "on") == 0) dir = 1;
	else if (XmuCompareISOLatin1 (params[0], "off") == 0) dir = 0;
	else if (XmuCompareISOLatin1 (params[0], "toggle") == 0) dir = -1;

    switch (dir) {
      case -2:

      case -1:
	(*proc) (w, closure, data);

      case 0:
	if (var) (*proc) (w, closure, data);
	else Bell();

      case 1:
	if (!var) (*proc) (w, closure, data);
	else Bell();

void HandleAllowSends(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_allowsends, (int) term->screen.allowSendEvents,
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleVisualBell(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_visualbell, (int) term->screen.visualbell,
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleLogging(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_logging, (int) term->screen.logging,
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleRedraw(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    do_redraw(w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleSendSignal(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    static struct sigtab {
	char *name;
	int sig;
    } signals[] = {
#ifdef SIGTSTP
	{ "suspend",	SIGTSTP },
	{ "tstp",	SIGTSTP },
#ifdef SIGCONT
	{ "cont",	SIGCONT },
	{ "int",	SIGINT },
	{ "hup",	SIGHUP },
	{ "term",	SIGTERM },
	{ "kill",	SIGKILL },
	{ NULL, 0 },

    if (*param_count == 1) {
	struct sigtab *st;

	for (st = signals; st->name; st++) {
	    if (XmuCompareISOLatin1 (st->name, params[0]) == 0) {
		handle_send_signal (w, st->sig);
	/* one could allow numeric values, but that would be a security hole */


void HandleQuit(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    do_quit(w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleScrollbar(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_scrollbar, (int) term->screen.scrollbar,
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleJumpscroll(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_jumpscroll, (int) term->screen.jumpscroll,
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleReverseVideo(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_reversevideo, (int) (term->flags & REVERSE_VIDEO),
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleAutoWrap(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_autowrap, (int) (term->flags & WRAPAROUND),
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleReverseWrap(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_reversewrap, (int) (term->flags & REVERSEWRAP),
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleAutoLineFeed(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_autolinefeed, (int) (term->flags & LINEFEED),
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleAppCursor(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_appcursor, (int) (term->keyboard.flags & CURSOR_APL),
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleAppKeypad(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_appkeypad, (int) (term->keyboard.flags & KYPD_APL),
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleScrollKey(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_scrollkey, (int) term->screen.scrollkey,
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleScrollTtyOutput(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_scrollttyoutput, (int) term->screen.scrollttyoutput,
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleAllow132(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_allow132, (int) term->screen.c132,
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleCursesEmul(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_cursesemul, (int) term->screen.curses,
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleMarginBell(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    handle_toggle (do_marginbell, (int) term->screen.marginbell,
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleAltScreen(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    /* eventually want to see if sensitive or not */
    handle_toggle (do_altscreen, (int) term->screen.alternate,
		   params, *param_count, w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleSoftReset(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    do_softreset(w, NULL, NULL);

void HandleHardReset(w, event, params, param_count)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    String *params;
    Cardinal *param_count;
    do_hardreset(w, NULL, NULL);