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Length: 232113 (0x38ab1) Types: R1K_ARCHIVE_DATA, TextFile Names: »DATA«
└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3 └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« └─⟦9b46a407a⟧ └─⟦this⟧
package Design_Implementation is procedure Complete (Include_Optional_Annotations : Boolean := False); procedure Definition (In_Place : Boolean := False; Visible : Boolean := True); procedure Enclosing (In_Place : Boolean := False); procedure Explain; procedure Format; procedure Show_Usage (In_World : String := "$$"); procedure Display_All_Targets; procedure Display_Target (For_World : String := "$$"); procedure Set_Target (To_Value : String := ">>DESIGN TARGET<<"; For_World : String := "$$"); procedure Display_All_Phases (For_World : String := "$$"); procedure Display_Phase (For_World : String := "$$"); procedure Set_Phase (To_Value : String := ">>DESIGN PHASE<<"; For_World : String := "$$"); function Current_Target_Image (For_World : String := "$$") return String; function Current_Phase_Image (For_World : String := "$$") return String; procedure Create_Model (Compiler_Model : String; Design_Facility_Model : String; New_Model_Name : String); pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3599); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Design_Implementation;with Errors; with Heap_Strings; with Mapping; package Abstract_Document is subtype Astring is Heap_Strings.Astring; subtype Pathname is String; subtype Pathnames is String; -- NAMING.NAME format. subtype Text is String; subtype Title_Text is String; Point : constant := 1.0 / 72; type Inches is digits 5 range 0.0 .. 100.0; -- For Graphic sizes Default_Size : constant Inches := 0.0; type Percentage is digits 5 range 0.0 .. 100.0; -- For Table column sizes Default_Percentage : constant Percentage := 1.0; type Position is (Left, Right, Center, Fill); -- For Cover_Item & column-header type Linkage_Info (Valid : Boolean := False) is private; Nil_Linkage : constant Linkage_Info; -- Return True if the Linkage_Info is null function Is_Nil (For_Linkage : Linkage_Info) return Boolean; subtype Font_Families is Text; Default_Font_Family : constant Font_Families := ""; subtype Font_Styles is Text; Default_Font_Style : constant Font_Styles := ""; type Point_Sizes is new Natural range 0 .. 255; Default_Point_Size : constant Point_Sizes := 0; Default_User_Info : constant Text := ""; type Format_Info (Valid : Boolean := False) is private; Nil_Format : constant Format_Info; -- Return True if the Format_Info is null function Is_Nil (For_Format : Format_Info) return Boolean; type Handle is private; type Access_Mode is (Read, Write, Read_Write); -- Open a document file procedure Open (The_Document : in out Handle; Name : Pathname; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Mode : Access_Mode := Abstract_Document.Read; Check_Obsolescence : Boolean := True); -- Create a new document file procedure Create (The_Document : in out Handle; Name : Pathname; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Mode : Access_Mode := Abstract_Document.Write; Check_Obsolescence : Boolean := True); -- Close a document file procedure Close (The_Document : in out Handle); -- If an interface operation raises FAILED, a status condition -- can be extracted from the handle associated with that operation, -- and an error message can be written. Failed : exception; Uninitialized_Handle : exception; -- Get the status condition associated with a document file procedure Get_Status (From_Handle : Handle; Result : in out Errors.Condition); pragma Page; -- Documents are organized as trees with nodes having a kind. -- Documents may be traversed by asking for Parent, Brother, -- and children starting at the Root node. -- Kind-dependent operations may be performed on nodes -- to extract interesting information about them. type Node_Kinds is (Nil, Root, Cover, Cover_Item, Paragraph, Appendix, Text_Block, File, Graphic, List, List_Item, Table, Table_Row, Table_Column, Table_Entry, White_Space, User_Defined, Future_Node_1, Future_Node_2, Future_Node_3, Future_Node_4); type Node is private; Nil_Node : constant Node; -- Return True if a Node is null function Is_Nil (For_Node : Node) return Boolean; -- Get the Node_Kind of a Node function Kind (Of_Node : Node) return Node_Kinds; -- Return True if a node is the Root node function Is_Root (A_Node : Node) return Boolean; -- Get the Root node of a document function Root_Node (Of_Document : Handle) return Node; -------------------------------------------------------- -- This generic VISITs the nodes in the document in -- -- the order appropriate for printing a document. -- -- NOTE : This generic generates garbage and thus -- -- should only be instantiated within a procedure -- -- or in a non-permanent job. -- -------------------------------------------------------- type Visit_Status is (Ok, Abandon_Children, Abandon_Brothers, Complete); generic with procedure Operation (On_Node : Node; Status : out Visit_Status); procedure Visit_Nodes (Start_Node : Node); pragma Page; ------------------------------ -- DOCUMENT ENTRY INTERFACE -- ------------------------------ package Specify is ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Every document must start with a COVER, which may be null, -- and every non-null Cover must contain at least one Cover_Item. -- A COVER_ITEM can only be inserted within a Cover, but a Cover -- can also contain File, Graphic, or White_Space nodes. -- The Cover is done when the first PARAGRAPH call is made, or -- when the document ends if there are no Paragraphs. ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Cover (Document : Handle; User_Info : Text; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); procedure Cover_Item (Document : Handle; Item : Title_Text; Line_Positions : Position := Abstract_Document.Center; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sectioning operations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- PARAGRAPH causes the section level to be reset to 1 and sets the -- level-1 section number (the current paragraph number) to NUMBERED. -- Every document must have at least one Paragraph, and -- Paragraph numbers (NUMBERED) must be in increasing order. -- A Paragraph is composed of a sequence of Text_Block, File, Graphic, -- List, Table, White_Space, User_Defined and/or sub-Paragraph nodes. -- NEW_LEVEL increments to the next section level and sets that -- level's section number to 0. Nothing is output to the document. -- NEXT_SUB_PARAGRAPH causes the current level's (rightmost) section -- number to be incremented. -- NEW_SUB_PARAGRAPH is equivalent to NEW_LEVEL followed by -- NEXT_SUB_PARAGRAPH, i.e., it increments to the next -- section level and sets that level's section number to 1. -- END_LEVEL decrements the section level. -- xxx_LEVEL operations are used for setting up a loop which uses -- NEXT_SUB_PARAGRAPH to generate nested sections. -- APPENDIX is like PARAGRAPH except for the numbering format -- (Roman numerals or letters). -- Appendix numbers (NUMBERED) must be in increasing order. -- A PARAGRAPH cannot follow an APPENDIX. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Paragraph (Document : Handle; Numbered : Positive; Title : Title_Text; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); procedure Appendix (Document : Handle; Numbered : Positive; Title : Title_Text; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); procedure New_Sub_Paragraph (Document : Handle; Title : Title_Text; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); procedure Next_Sub_Paragraph (Document : Handle; Title : Title_Text; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); procedure New_Level (Document : Handle); procedure End_Level (Document : Handle); ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- The TEXT_BLOCK procedure causes a block of text to be inserted -- in the body of the document (within a Paragraph or Appendix) -- or in the body of a List_Item. ----------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Text_Block (Document : Handle; T : Text; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Operations to insert text FILE or GRAPHIC objects into the DOCUMENT. -- They can go into the Cover, a Paragraph/Appendix, or a List_Item. -- For GRAPHIC objects, the FROM_PATHNAMES parameter may resolve to -- multiple objects. These objects map to device-dependent graphic -- files to be included in the generated markup language. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure File (Document : Handle; From_Pathnames : Pathnames; Explain : Text := ""; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); procedure Graphic (Document : Handle; From_Pathnames : Pathnames; Title : Title_Text; Preface : Text; Size : Inches := Abstract_Document.Default_Size; Perform_Scaling : Boolean := False; Explain : Text := ""; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- List description operations. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- A List is composed of one or more List_Items, each of which has a -- header, and a body composed of a sequence of Text_Block, File, -- Graphic, List, Table, White_Space, and/or User_Defined nodes. -- If Linkage and/or Format is not included in a List node when -- it is constructed (by a START_LIST), it can be inserted by -- the corresponding END_LIST. -------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Start_List (Document : Handle; Title : Title_Text; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); procedure List_Item (Document : Handle; Header_Text : Text; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); procedure End_List (Document : Handle; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Table description operations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- COLUMN_INFORMATION is used to define a table's columns. -- The column information is done when the first TABLE_ENTRY -- call is made. If COLUMNS is defaulted to 0, the actual number -- of columns supplied will be used, but otherwise the number -- supplied must match COLUMNS. All rows of a Table must be filled, -- so if there are 3 columns, the total number of Table_Entrys -- must be a multiple of 3. A Table must have at least one entry -- (at least one column and one row). -- If Linkage and/or Format is not included in a Table node when -- it is constructed (by a START_TABLE), it can be inserted by -- the corresponding END_TABLE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Start_Table (Document : Handle; Name : Title_Text; Preface : Text; Columns : Natural := 0; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); procedure Column_Information (Document : Handle; Title : Title_Text; Entry_Justification : Position := Abstract_Document.Center; Percentage_Size : Percentage := Abstract_Document.Default_Percentage; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); procedure Table_Entry (Document : Handle; Item_Text : Title_Text; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); procedure End_Table (Document : Handle; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Miscellaneous ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- These 'White-Space' nodes can appear in a Cover, Paragraph, -- Appendix, or List, but not in a Table. ---------------------------------------------------------------- procedure New_Page (Document : Handle; Count : Positive := 1); procedure Blank_Line (Document : Handle; Count : Positive := 1); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A USER_DEFINED node is similar to a TEXT_BLOCK but has an additional -- user-defined data that will not be presented in the PREVIEW OE. -- USER_DEFINED nodes can appear anywhere in a document. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure User_Defined (Document : Handle; T : Text; User_Data : Text; Linkage : Linkage_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Linkage; Format : Format_Info := Abstract_Document.Nil_Format); ----------------------------------------------- -- Routines for generating Linkages. -- Storage is allocated in the document's heap. ----------------------------------------------- function Gen_Linkage (Document : Handle; Explain : Text := ""; Definition : Mapping.Target_Info := Mapping.Nil_Target_Info; Usage : Mapping.Target_Info := Mapping.Nil_Target_Info; Derivation : Mapping.Target_Info := Mapping.Nil_Target_Info) return Linkage_Info; ----------------------------------------------- -- Construction operation for Format data. -- Storage is allocated in the document's heap. ----------------------------------------------- function Gen_Format (Document : Handle; Font_Family : Font_Families := Abstract_Document.Default_Font_Family; Font_Style : Font_Styles := Abstract_Document.Default_Font_Style; Point_Size : Point_Sizes := Abstract_Document.Default_Point_Size; User_Info : Text := Abstract_Document.Default_User_Info) return Format_Info; end Specify; pragma Page; -------------------------- -- EXTRACTION INTERFACE -- -------------------------- package Extract is --------------------------------- -- Node-independent operations -- --------------------------------- function Parent (Of_Node : Node) return Node; function Brother (Of_Node : Node) return Node; function Linkage (Of_Node : Node) return Linkage_Info; function Format (Of_Node : Node) return Format_Info; function Image (Of_Node : Node) return String; function Image (Of_Handle : Handle) return String; -- The following provide debugger Image functions -- -- for Abstract_Document's private types -- function Debug_Image (Of_Linkage : Linkage_Info; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_Format : Format_Info; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_Handle : Handle; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_Node : Node; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; -- ROOT -- function Cover (Root_Node : Node) return Node; function First_Paragraph (Root_Node : Node) return Node; -- COVER -- function First_Cover_Item (Cover_Node : Node) return Node; function Cover_Info (Cover_Node : Node) return String; function Cover_Item_Text (Cover_Item_Node : Node) return String; function Cover_Item_Justification (Cover_Item_Node : Node) return Position; -- PARAGRAPHs and APPENDIXs - composed of NUMBER and TITLE -- function Paragraph_Number (Paragraph_Or_Appendix_Node : Node) return String; -- eg : "3.4.5". function Para_Depth (Paragraph_Or_Appendix_Node : Node) return Natural; function Para_Index (Paragraph_Or_Appendix_Node : Node) return Natural; function Paragraph_Title (Paragraph_Or_Appendix_Node : Node) return String; function First_Contents (Paragraph_Or_Appendix_Node : Node) return Node; -- TEXT_BLOCKs and USER_DEFINED -- -- Use IMAGE, LINKAGE, and FORMAT to get info about these -- function User_Data (User_Defined_Node : Node) return String; -- GRAPHICs and FILEs - composed of FILE_NAME and optional scaling info function File_Name (Graphic_Or_File_Node : Node) return String; function Graphic_Title (Graphic_Node : Node) return String; function Graphic_Preface (Graphic_Node : Node) return String; function Graphic_Size (Graphic_Node : Node) return Inches; function Perform_Scaling (Graphic_Node : Node) return Boolean; -- LISTs - composed of LIST_ITEMs, each with a header. -- -- Use BROTHER on a LIST_ITEM node to get the next item. -- function List_Count (List_Node : Node) return Natural; function List_Title (List_Node : Node) return String; function First_List_Item (List_Node : Node) return Node; function Header_Text (List_Item_Node : Node) return String; function First_List_Contents (List_Item_Node : Node) return Node; -- TABLEs - composed of column information and rows of TABLE_ENTRYs -- function Table_Title (Table_Node : Node) return String; function Table_Preface (Table_Node : Node) return String; function Column_Count (Table_Node : Node) return Natural; function Row_Count (Table_Node : Node) return Natural; function First_Column (Table_Node : Node) return Node; function First_Row (Table_Node : Node) return Node; function Column_Title (Table_Column_Node : Node) return String; function Column_Justification (Table_Column_Node : Node) return Position; function Column_Percentage_Size (Table_Column_Node : Node) return Percentage; function First_Table_Entry (Table_Row_Node : Node) return Node; -- COLUMNs may have LINKAGE/FORMAT info; so may TABLE_ENTRYs. -- -- Use IMAGE, LINKAGE, and FORMAT to get info about TABLE_ENTRYs. -- -- Use BROTHER to get next for ROWs, COLUMNs, and TABLE_ENTRYs. -- -- WHITE_SPACE - composed of an image of the requested spacing -- -- (use IMAGE). ASCII.LFs indicate new lines, ASCII.FFs new pages. -- -- LINKAGE -- function Explain_Text (For_Linkage : Linkage_Info) return String; function Definition (For_Linkage : Linkage_Info) return Mapping.Target_Info; function Usage (For_Linkage : Linkage_Info) return Mapping.Target_Info; function Derivation (For_Linkage : Linkage_Info) return Mapping.Target_Info; function Image (Of_Linkage : Linkage_Info) return String; -- The following produce string representations of the items LINKed to function Definition (For_Linkage : Linkage_Info) return String; function Usage (For_Linkage : Linkage_Info) return String; function Derivation (For_Linkage : Linkage_Info) return String; -- FORMAT -- function Font_Family (For_Format : Format_Info) return Font_Families; function Font_Style (For_Format : Format_Info) return Font_Styles; function Point_Size (For_Format : Format_Info) return Point_Sizes; function User_Info (For_Format : Format_Info) return String; function Image (Of_Format : Format_Info) return String; -- Raise this exception if anything is wrong with the node -- Bad_Node : exception; -- Raise this exception if DEFINITION, USAGE or DERIVATION -- have resolution problems. Use the STATUS call to get the -- error status associated with the resolution problem. Bad_Linkage : exception; function Status return Errors.Condition; -- Returns the number of consecutive graphic nodes, including the -- specified node. If the specified node is not a graphic node, this -- function returns a value of zero. -- function Number_Of_Figures (Graphic_Node : Node) return Natural; -- Returns the last consecutive graphic node following the specified -- node. If there is only one graphics node, this becomes the identity -- function. -- function Last_Figure (Graphic_Node : Node) return Abstract_Document.Node; end Extract; -- Delete a document file procedure Delete (The_Document : Handle; Status : in out Errors.Condition); -- Get the Form of a document file --[This merely returns the null string for now] function Form (The_Document : Handle) return String; -- Return True if a document file is open function Is_Open (The_Document : Handle) return Boolean; -- Get the access mode (Read, Write, Read_Write) of a document file function Mode (The_Document : Handle) return Access_Mode; -- Get the name of a document file function Name (The_Document : Handle) return String; pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3590); pragma Bias_Key (27); private type Handle_Object; type Handle is access Handle_Object; pragma Segmented_Heap (Handle); type Node_Data (Kind : Node_Kinds := Nil; Has_Linkage : Boolean := False; Has_Format : Boolean := False); type Node is access Node_Data; pragma Segmented_Heap (Node); Nil_Node : constant Node := null; type String_Table_Index is new Natural range 0 .. 2 ** 16 - 1; type Linkage_Entry (Valid : Boolean := False) is record case Valid is when True => Explain : String_Table_Index; Definition : String_Table_Index; Usage : String_Table_Index; Derivation : String_Table_Index; when False => null; end case; end record; -- This structure is used to pass along linkage information. type Linkage_Info (Valid : Boolean := False) is record The_Entry : Linkage_Entry (Valid => Valid); case Valid is when True => Assoc_Node : Node; when False => null; end case; end record; Nil_Linkage : constant Linkage_Info := Linkage_Info'(Valid => False, The_Entry => Linkage_Entry'(Valid => False)); type Format_Entry (Valid : Boolean := False) is record case Valid is when True => Font_Family : String_Table_Index; Font_Style : String_Table_Index; Point_Size : Point_Sizes; User_Info : String_Table_Index; when False => null; end case; end record; -- This structure is used to pass along format information. type Format_Info (Valid : Boolean := False) is record The_Entry : Format_Entry (Valid => Valid); case Valid is when True => Assoc_Node : Node; when False => null; end case; end record; Nil_Format : constant Format_Info := Format_Info'(Valid => False, The_Entry => Format_Entry'(Valid => False)); -- The following limits are enforced for an Abstract Document: -- -- Maximum paragraph number = 65535 -- Maximum number of paragraph levels = 65535 -- Maximum paragraph nesting level = 15 -- Maximum number of items in a list = 65535 -- Maximum nesting level for lists = 15 -- Maximum number of columns in a table = 255 -- Maximum number of rows in a table = 65535 end Abstract_Document;with Directory; with Errors; package Design_Switches is type Kinds is (Options, Phase); function Value (Of_Switch : Kinds; In_World : String) return String; procedure Set (Switch : Kinds; To_Value : String; In_World : String); --| Raises: FAILED when TO_VALUE is not an appropriate --| value for SWITCH or when IN_WORLD is erroneous. Failed : exception; function Diagnosis return String; function Status return Errors.Condition; --| May be used to obtain further information on the cause of the --| FAILED exception. DIAGNOSIS returns "" after successful operations. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3592); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Design_Switches;with Directory_Tools; with Errors; with Heap_Strings; with System; package Document is package Object renames Directory_Tools.Object; type Element is private; Nil_Element : constant Element; function Is_Nil (An_Element : Element) return Boolean; type Classes is (Postscript, Lineprinter, Document_Db, Markup, Unknown); subtype Devices is Classes range Postscript .. Lineprinter; type Paragraph_Mark_Kinds is (Title, Number, None); subtype Paragraph_Mark is String; type Element_States is (Nil, Unresolved, Unmarked, Valid); -- An element resolves to a particular library object and can -- mark a particular paragraph in that object. -- -- The state of an element reflects this info : -- -- ELEMENT_STATE Reason for being in the state -- ------------- ----------------------------------- -- NIL Uninitialized or set to NIL_ELEMENT. -- UNRESOLVED RESOLVE of ELEMENT failed, no object exists, -- access violation or lock error. -- UNMARKED RESOLVE worked but no mark was set or -- mark did not exist in the object. -- MARKED RESOLVE worked and paragraph mark was found. function State_Of (The_Element : Element) return Element_States; function Last_Status_Of (The_Element : Element) return Errors.Condition; -- NIL, MARKED and UNMARKED with no mark set return ERRORS.OK. procedure Resolve (An_Element : in out Element; To_Pathname : String; Class : Classes := Unknown; Status : in out Errors.Condition); procedure Resolve (An_Element : in out Element; To_Handle : Object.Handle; Class : Classes := Unknown; Status : in out Errors.Condition); function Handle_Of (The_Element : Element) return Object.Handle; -- Returns a nil handle if the element is NIL or UNRESOLVED. function Pathname_Of (The_Element : Element) return String; -- Returns a null string if the element is NIL. function Class_Of (The_Element : Element) return Classes; -- Returns Unknown if the element is NIL or UNRESOLVED. procedure Set_Mark (Of_Element : in out Element; With_Paragraph_Mark_Kind : Paragraph_Mark_Kinds := None; With_Paragraph_Mark_Image : String := ""; Status : in out Errors.Condition); function Mark_Of (An_Element : Element; Which : Paragraph_Mark_Kinds) return String; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- ELEMENTs are not 'safe' objects. To save them in -- permanent objects (like files), they must be converted to -- ELEMENT_PERMANENT_REPRESENTATIONs. -- -- ELEMENT_PERMANENT_REPRESENTATIONs of elements in any -- ELEMENT_STATE can be made. If, after conversion from -- PERMANENT_REPRESENTATION back to ELEMENT, a previously -- UNRESOLVED or UNMARKED element can now be resolved or -- who's set mark now exists, the element state is changed -- and queries (like HANDLE_OF) may return different results. -- Similarly, if the object or mark has disappeared while -- the element was permanently stored, a previously MARKED -- or RESOLVED element may be restored as UNRESOLVED or UNMARKED. ----------------------------------------------------------- type Element_Permanent_Representation is new String; function Convert (An_Element : Element; Within : String := "<SUBSYSTEM>") return Element_Permanent_Representation; -- The WITHIN parameter specifies how fully qualified the -- representation is (or should be resolved). When converting from -- an element to a permanent representation, the values can be : -- <FULL> - The element's fully qualified resolution is -- returned. -- <SUBSYSTEM> - The resolution of the element is subsystem -- relative. Subsystem name and spec or load origin -- is preserved. -- <VIEW> - The resolution of the element is view relative. -- No origin information is preserved. -- -- Storage for <SUBSYSTEM> or <VIEW> representation are less than -- <FULL> but some origin information is lost. -- procedure Convert (An_Element_Rep : Element_Permanent_Representation; Result : out Element; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Within : String := "<DEFAULT>"); -- When converting from a permanent representation to an element, -- an attempt is made to fill in any missing information in the -- permanent representation from the WITHIN parameter. So, in all -- cases, if the permanent representation was FULLy resolved the -- WITHIN parameter is ignored, otherwise : -- <DEFAULT> - For <SUBSYSTEM>, the view selected by -- the current activity for the stored subsystem is -- used as the origin. The spec or load origin of the -- representation is used to pick the specific view. -- For <VIEW>, the current view context is used as -- the origin. -- subsystem name - For <SUBSYSTEM>, same as <DEFAULT>. -- For <VIEW>, the view selected by the current -- activity for the specified subsystem is used. -- The subsystem name can be followed by "'SPEC" or -- "'LOAD" to force use of the spec view or load -- view from the activity. (Defaults to Spec View) -- view name - For <SUBSYSTEM>, if the subsystem containing the -- specified view matches the representation's -- subsystem, the specified view is used. -- If no match, same as <DEFAULT>. -- For <VIEW> the specified view is used. function Unique_Id (For_Element : Element) return Long_Integer; -- Generates a unique number for any element. -- Useful for building maps for elements. ------------------- -- LIST operations ------------------- type Element_List is private; Nil_List : constant Element_List; -- Assignment on a LIST * * DOES NOT CAUSE A COPY TO BE MADE! * * -- Use COPY to do that. procedure Copy (From_List : Element_List; To_List : in out Element_List); procedure Add (An_Element : Element; To_List : in out Element_List); procedure Reset (A_List : in out Element_List); function Value (In_List : Element_List) return Element; procedure Next (In_List : in out Element_List); function Done (With_List : Element_List) return Boolean; -- These two operations return information relating to the cause/nature -- of the condition which caused FAILED to be raised. Failed : exception; function Diagnosis return String; function Status return Errors.Condition; --------------- -- UTILITIES --------------- ------------------------------------------------- -- Operations to bring up a window on an Element ------------------------------------------------- procedure Definition (On_Element : Element; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Library_Item_Only : Boolean := False; Status : in out Errors.Condition); -- The LIBRARY_ITEM_ONLY parameter specifies if definition for -- UNMARKED elements is to bring up a window on the contents of -- the element or a Library OE window of the library containing -- the element with the element name highlighted. -- Hide these ... procedure Convert (An_Element_Rep : Element_Permanent_Representation; Result : out Element; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Within : String := "<DEFAULT>"; Use_Heap : System.Segment); procedure Field_Copy (From_List : Element_List; To_List : in out Element_List); -- If a data type contains a LIST and that data type is stored -- in a segmented heap and a selector on that pointed-to object -- returns a LIST, use this to get the LIST out. -- It will un-normalize the internal segmented heap pointers. function Debug_Image (Of_Element : Element; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_List : Element_List; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3581); pragma Bias_Key (27); private type Element_Item; type Element is access Element_Item; pragma Segmented_Heap (Element); Nil_Element : constant Element := null; type Element_List_Item; type Element_List_Item_Pointer is access Element_List_Item; pragma Segmented_Heap (Element_List_Item_Pointer); type Element_List_Item is record An_Element : Element; Next : Element_List_Item_Pointer; end record; type Element_List is record Root : Element_List_Item_Pointer; Current : Element_List_Item_Pointer; end record; Nil_List : constant Element_List := (null, null); end Document;with Action; with Ada_Program; with Directory; with Errors; package Element_Cache is subtype Element is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Element_List is Ada_Program.Element_List; type Handle is limited private; type Modes is (Create, Read, Update); -------------------------- -- Old Style Interfaces -- -------------------------- -- These interfaces are obsolete and their use is discouraged. The -- preferred interfaces are declared below function Debug_Image. procedure Open (Cache : in out Handle; Mode : Modes; Name : String); procedure Close (Cache : in out Handle); procedure Destroy (Cache : in out Handle); subtype Key is String; procedure Add (An_Element : Element; To_Cache : in out Handle; With_Key : Key); procedure Remove (An_Element : Element; From_Cache : in out Handle; With_Key : Key); procedure Add (An_Element_List : Element_List; To_Cache : in out Handle; With_Key : Key); procedure Remove (An_Element_List : Element_List; From_Cache : in out Handle; With_Key : Key); procedure Retrieve (Elements : out Element_List; From_Cache : Handle; With_Key : Key; In_Context : String := "<DEFAULT>"); -- -- This operation does not raise FAILED when errors are detected -- during the retrieval of ELEMENTS from FROM_CACHE. Instead, as -- many valid elements as possible are retieved and placed in -- ELEMENTS. When the complete success of the retrieval operation -- must be known, STATUS and DIAGNOSIS can be queried after the call -- to RETRIVE in order to determine if any problems were encountered -- during the operation. Failed : exception; -- -- FAILED is raised when any of the above operations -- cannot be successfully completed. STATUS and DIAGNOSIS -- may be used to obtain additional information about the -- nature of the failure. function Diagnosis return String; function Status return Errors.Condition; function Debug_Image (Of_Handle : Handle; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; -------------------------- -- Preferred Interfaces -- -------------------------- -- The following subprograms provide the same functionality as their -- overloaded counterparts above, except that these subprograms -- provide a STATUS parameter where appropriate and generally do not -- raise the FAILED exception. procedure Open (Cache : in out Handle; Mode : Modes; Name : String; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id); -- -- When ACTION_ID = ACTION.NULL_ID, an action managed by the -- job is used by the open, and is finished as appropriate at -- the end of the job. When ACTION_ID /= ACTION.NULL_ID, -- ACTION_ID is used in subsequent operations and should be -- finished by the client which started it. procedure Close (Cache : in out Handle; Status : in out Errors.Condition); procedure Destroy (Cache : in out Handle; Status : in out Errors.Condition); type Storage_Formats is (Fully_Qualified, Subsystem_Relative, View_Relative); -- -- Type STORAGE_FORMATS determines how elements are -- represented in the cache. The permanent representation -- used in the caches is equivalent to that provided in the -- Ada_Program.Conversion.Convert operations. A summary of -- the storage formats is provided below. -- -- FULLY_QUALIFIED => The element's fully qualified resolution -- is stored. This format is useful for -- elements from non-subsystem contexts or -- when subsystem/view information must be -- saved. -- -- SUBSYSTEM_RELATIVE => The resolution of the element is subsystem -- relative. The subsystem name along with -- an SPEC/LOAD view indication are stored. -- This format is useful for elements in -- subystem contexts when retreival is desired -- in a potentially different view context. See -- the IN_CONTEXT parameter on procedure RETRIEVE -- below. -- -- VIEW_RELATIVE => The resolution of the element is completely -- view relative. No subsystem or SPEC/LOAD -- indication is stored. This format is useful -- for elements in subsystem contexts which will -- ALWAYS be retrieved in a particular -- subsystem/view pair. procedure Add (An_Element : Element; To_Cache : in out Handle; With_Key : Key; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Format : Storage_Formats := Element_Cache.Subsystem_Relative); -- -- Stores AN_ELEMENT in TO_CACHE under WITH_KEY in FORMAT -- representation. If AN_ELEMENT was previously ADD'ed -- with the same parameters, this operation is a no-op. -- When a single element is ADD'ed to the same cache with -- different values for the FORMAT parameter, separate -- entries for each given format are stored. -- -- NOTE: In order to REMOVE a given element from the cache, -- the same values for WITH_KEY and FORMAT must be provided. procedure Remove (An_Element : Element; From_Cache : in out Handle; With_Key : Key; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Format : Storage_Formats := Element_Cache.Subsystem_Relative); -- -- Removes AN_ELEMENT stored under WITH_KEY from FROM_CACHE in -- FORMAT representation. When AN_ELEMENT is not stored under -- WITH_KEY in the specified FORMAT, UNDEFINED_ELEMENT is returned -- in STATUS. When WITH_KEY is not defined in FROM_CACHE, -- UNDEFINED_KEY is returned in STATUS. procedure Add (An_Element_List : Element_List; To_Cache : in out Handle; With_Key : Key; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Format : Storage_Formats := Element_Cache.Subsystem_Relative); -- -- Equivalent to single element ADD as defined above on each -- element in AN_ELEMENT_LIST. procedure Remove (An_Element_List : Element_List; From_Cache : in out Handle; With_Key : Key; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Format : Storage_Formats := Element_Cache.Subsystem_Relative); -- -- Equivalent to single element REMOVE as defined above on each -- element in AN_ELEMENT_LIST. procedure Retrieve (Elements : out Element_List; From_Cache : Handle; With_Key : Key; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Format : Storage_Formats := Element_Cache.Subsystem_Relative; In_Context : String := "<DEFAULT>"); -- -- Restores the ELEMENTS that were saved in FROM_CACHE under -- WITH_KEY in FORMAT representation. The IN_CONTEXT parameter -- determines how the resolution of saved elements will be -- performed. In all cases, if the elements were saved in -- FULLY_QUALIFED format this parameter is ignored. Otherwise, the -- following algorithm is followed. -- -- <DEFAULT> => For elements saved in SUBSYSTEM_RELATIVE format, -- the view selected by the current activity and -- the stored subsystem is used as the origin. The -- spec or load origin of the representation is -- used to choose the specific view. For elements -- saved in VIEW_RELATIVE format, the current view -- context is used as the origin. -- -- Subsystem Name => For elements saved in SUBSYSTEM_RELATIVE format, -- this behaves the same as <DEFAULT>. For elements -- saved in VIEW_RELATIVE format, the view selected -- by the current activity for the given subsystem -- is used. The subsystem name can be followed by -- "'SPEC" or "'LOAD" to force use of the spec view -- or load view from the activity; DEFAULT: Spec View -- -- View Name => For elements saved in SUBSYSTEM_RELATIVE format, -- if the subsystem enclosing the given view name -- matches the representation's subsystem, the -- given view is used. Otherwise, this behaves -- the same as <DEFAULT>. For elements saved in -- VIEW_RELATIVE format the specified view is used. ---------------------- -- Cache Compaction -- ---------------------- procedure Compactify (The_Cache : in out Handle; Status : in out Errors.Condition); -- -- Reorganizes cache data structures into a more optimal format. -- Assert => MODE (THE_CACHE) /= READ. -------------------------- -- Cache Handle Queries -- -------------------------- function Is_Open (Cache : Handle) return Boolean; function Mode (Of_Cache : Handle) return Modes; -- -- Raises FAILED when not IS_OPEN (OF_CACHE) function Name (Of_Cache : Handle) return String; -- -- Raises FAILED when not IS_OPEN (OF_CACHE) function Object_Id (Of_Cache : Handle) return Directory.Object; -- -- Raises FAILED when not IS_OPEN (OF_CACHE) ------------------- -- Key Iterators -- ------------------- -- The following type and operations provide a means of -- iterating over the set of keys defined for a given cache. type Key_Iterator is private; procedure Initialize (Iterator : in out Key_Iterator; From_Cache : Handle); function Done (Iterator : Key_Iterator) return Boolean; function Value (Of_Iterator : Key_Iterator) return Key; procedure Next (The_Iterator : in out Key_Iterator); ------------------------------ -- Predefined Status Values -- ------------------------------ Undefined_Element : constant Errors.Error_Kinds := Errors.Make ("UNDEFINED_ELEMENT", Errors.Warn); Undefined_Key : constant Errors.Error_Kinds := Errors.Make ("UNDEFINED_KEY", Errors.Warn); pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3593); pragma Bias_Key (27); private type Handle_Data; type Handle is access Handle_Data; pragma Segmented_Heap (Handle); type Key_Data; type Key_Iterator is access Key_Data; pragma Segmented_Heap (Key_Iterator); end Element_Cache;with Profile; with Simple_Status; package Errors is subtype Error_Kinds is Simple_Status.Condition_Name; subtype Condition is Simple_Status.Condition; subtype Error_Severity is Simple_Status.Condition_Class; -- A CONDITION should be used to return error information from -- procedure calls. They are relatively large and should always -- be passed by mode IN OUT. -- -- A CONDITION consists of an ERROR_KINDS and a message string. The -- ERROR_KINDS indicates the type of error (if any) and how -- serious the error is (or if completion was successful). The -- Message provides additional information about the error. A -- CONDITION is self-initializing to severity Normal and an empty -- message. -- -- By convention, the set of defined ERROR_KINDS in an application -- should be standardized so that error conditions can be tested -- programmatically. ----- Error_Severity Constants -- Normal : constant Error_Severity := Simple_Status.Normal; Warn : constant Error_Severity := Simple_Status.Warning; Problem : constant Error_Severity := Simple_Status.Problem; Fatal : constant Error_Severity := Simple_Status.Fatal; function Make (Error_Name : String; Severity : Error_Severity) return Error_Kinds renames Simple_Status.Create_Condition_Name; -- -- Useful for creating predefined ERROR_KINDS. -- -- NOTE: The length of ERROR_NAME is limited to 63 characters. procedure Append_Condition (A_Condition : in out Condition; Owner : String; Error_Kind : Error_Kinds; Message : String); procedure Set_Ok (A_Condition : in out Condition) renames Simple_Status.Initialize; procedure Set (A_Condition : in out Condition; Error_Kind : Error_Kinds; Message : String) renames Simple_Status.Create_Condition; -- -- Augment A_CONDITION with a new ERROR_KIND and MESSAGE. The REPORT -- procedures declared below display the information most recently -- SET. Use REPORT_CONDITION at the end of this package to display -- all information stored in a given CONDITION. function Kind (Of_Condition : Condition) return Error_Kinds renames Simple_Status.Error_Type; -- -- Returns the current ERROR_KIND from OF_CONDITION. function Severity (Of_Condition : Condition) return Error_Severity renames Simple_Status.Severity; -- -- Returns the current ERROR_SEVERITY from OF_CONDITION. function Info (From_Condition : Condition) return String; -- -- Returns the most recently SET information contained in -- FROM_CONDITION formatted in a style suitable for use in -- generating log messages. The format of this information -- is ... ERROR_NAME & ", " & MESSAGE -- -- When either of ERROR_NAME or MESSAGE are the empty string, the -- intervening delimiter is omitted. In this description, -- ERROR_NAME refers to the value provided in the first parameter of -- MAKE, and MESSAGE refers to the value provided in the MESSAGE -- parameter of APPEND_CONDITION and SET. function Exception_Info return String; -- -- Called in the context of an exception handler, returns -- descriptive information about the name of the exception -- and the location at which it was raised. function Is_Error (A_Condition : Condition; Severity : Error_Severity := Errors.Warn) return Boolean renames Simple_Status.Error; -- -- Returns SEVERITY (A_CONDITION) >= SEVERITY. -- (e.g. IS_ERROR (NONE) => False; IS_ERROR (OPEN_ERROR) => True) function Is_Equal (A_Condition : Condition; An_Error : Error_Kinds) return Boolean renames Simple_Status.Equal; -- -- Returns KIND (A_CONDITION) = AN_ERROR. -- -- NOTE: The severity component of A_CONDITION does not -- participate in the comparison. ---------------------------------------------------------- -- The following are utilities for logging error messages ---------------------------------------------------------- subtype Log_Level is Profile.Msg_Kind; ----- Log_Level Constants -- Auxiliary : constant Log_Level := Profile.Auxiliary_Msg; Debug : constant Log_Level := Profile.Debug_Msg; Note : constant Log_Level := Profile.Note_Msg; Positive : constant Log_Level := Profile.Positive_Msg; Position : constant Log_Level := Profile.Position_Msg; Negative : constant Log_Level := Profile.Negative_Msg; Warning : constant Log_Level := Profile.Warning_Msg; Error : constant Log_Level := Profile.Error_Msg; Xception : constant Log_Level := Profile.Exception_Msg; Sharp : constant Log_Level := Profile.Sharp_Msg; At_Sign : constant Log_Level := Profile.At_Msg; Dollar : constant Log_Level := Profile.Dollar_Msg; procedure Report_Exception (Where, What : String; Level : Log_Level := Errors.Error; Dont_Log, In_Message_Window : Boolean := False); -- -- To be called in the context of an exception handler to -- display EXCEPTION_INFO in addition to information normally -- generated by REPORT below. procedure Report (Where, What : String; With_Condition : Condition; Level : Log_Level := Errors.Note; Dont_Log, In_Message_Window : Boolean := False); -- -- Generates a message of the following format to the current log -- device ... WHERE & "; " & WHAT & " (" & INFO (WITH_CONDITION) & ')' -- -- When WHERE is the null string, the semicolon separator is omitted -- from the display. When WITH_CONDITION contains good status, the -- parentheses and their contents are omitted from the display. procedure Report (Where, What : String; Level : Log_Level := Errors.Note; Dont_Log, In_Message_Window : Boolean := False); -- -- Generates a message of the following format to the current log -- device ... WHERE & "; " & WHAT -- -- When WHERE is the null string, the semicolon separator is omitted -- from the display. -------------------------------------------------------------- -- The following are errors used within the Design Facility -------------------------------------------------------------- None : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("NONE", Errors.Normal); Internal_Error : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("INTERNAL_ERROR", Errors.Fatal); Unknown : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("UNKNOWN", Errors.Fatal); Unhandled_Exception : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION", Errors.Fatal); Unimplemented : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("UNIMPLEMENTED", Errors.Fatal); Open_Error : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("OPEN_ERROR", Errors.Problem); Create_Error : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("CREATE_ERROR", Errors.Problem); Access_Error : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("ACCESS_ERROR", Errors.Problem); Lock_Error : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("LOCK_ERROR", Errors.Problem); Mapping_Error : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("MAPPING_ERROR", Errors.Problem); Inconsistency : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("INCONSISTENCY", Errors.Problem); Table_Overflow : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("TABLE_OVERFLOW", Errors.Problem); Undefined : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("UNDEFINED", Errors.Warn); Obsolete : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("OBSOLETE", Errors.Warn); Invalid_Options : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("INVALID_OPTIONS", Errors.Fatal); Warnings_Generated : constant Error_Kinds := Make ("WARNINGS_GENERATED", Errors.Warn); procedure Report_Condition (Status : Condition); -- -- Displays the accumulated information contained in STATUS. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3584); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Errors;with System; package Heap_Strings is type Astring is access String; pragma Segmented_Heap (Astring); --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- If you're going to do a lot of ASTRING allocation within a -- job, getting and initializing a STORAGE_HEAP object (and using -- the flavor of calls that take a STORAGE_HEAP) will improve -- preformance somewhat. --------------------------------------------------------------------- type Storage_Heap is private; function Initialize return Storage_Heap; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Allocate new ASTRINGs. The order below indicates the relative -- performance, the first is slowest, last is the fastest. -- The middle call allocates the new ASTRING on the STORAGE_HEAP of -- the FROM_POINTER param, if FROM_POINTER is uninitialized, the call -- is identical to the first. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function Allocate (Data : String) return Astring; function Allocate (Data : String; From_Pointer : Astring) return Astring; function Allocate (Data : String; From_Heap : Storage_Heap) return Astring; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Append to an ASTRING. If the target is uninitialized, append will -- allocate the strings on the default STORAGE_HEAP or on the -- source's STORAGE_HEAP (if it is an ASTRING and it is initialized). --------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure Append (To_Target : in out Astring; Source : String); procedure Append (To_Target : in out Astring; Source : Astring); procedure Replace (In_Target : Astring; The_Char, With_Char : Character); -- Hide this one ... function Allocate (Data : String; From_Heap : System.Segment) return Astring; pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3580); pragma Bias_Key (27); private type Storage_Heap is new System.Segment; end Heap_Strings;with Ada_Program; with Errors; with Document; with Pdl; with System; package Mapping is subtype Area is Pdl.Area; Nil_Area : Area renames Pdl.Default_Area; procedure Set (The_Area : out Area; First_Line : Natural; First_Column : Natural; Last_Line : Natural; Last_Column : Natural) renames Pdl.Set_Range; Nil_Document : Document.Element renames Document.Nil_Element; Nil_Pdl : Ada_Program.Element renames Ada_Program.Nil_Element; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- TARGET_INFOs are not 'safe' objects. To save them in -- permanent objects (like files) they must be converted to -- TARGET_INFO_PERMANENT_REPRESENTATIONs. ----------------------------------------------------------- type Target_Info is private; Nil_Target_Info : constant Target_Info; function Is_Nil (A_Target : Target_Info) return Boolean; function Create (Pdl_Reference : Ada_Program.Element := Nil_Pdl; Document_Reference : Document.Element := Nil_Document; Pdl_Area : Area := Nil_Area; Document_Area : Area := Nil_Area) return Target_Info; function Create (Pdl_References : Ada_Program.Element_List; Document_References : Document.Element_List) return Target_Info; procedure Add_Pdl_Reference (To_Target : in out Target_Info; Pdl_References : Ada_Program.Element_List); procedure Add_Pdl_Reference (To_Target : in out Target_Info; Pdl_Reference : Ada_Program.Element; Pdl_Area : Area := Nil_Area); procedure Add_Document_Reference (To_Target : in out Target_Info; Document_References : Document.Element_List); procedure Add_Document_Reference (To_Target : in out Target_Info; Document_Reference : Document.Element; Document_Area : Area := Nil_Area); function Contains_Pdl_Reference (In_Target : Target_Info) return Boolean; function Contains_Document_Reference (In_Target : Target_Info) return Boolean; function Documents_In (A_Target : Target_Info) return Document.Element_List; function Pdl_In (A_Target : Target_Info) return Ada_Program.Element_List; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- TARGET_INFOs are not 'safe' objects. To save them in -- permanent objects (like files), they must be converted to -- TARGET_INFO_PERMANENT_REPRESENTATIONs. ----------------------------------------------------------- type Target_Info_Permanent_Representation is new String; function Convert (Target : Target_Info; Within : String := "<SUBSYSTEM>") return Target_Info_Permanent_Representation; -- The WITHIN parameter specifies how fully qualified the -- representation is (or should be resolved). When converting from -- a target info to a permanent representation, the values can be : -- <FULL> - The info's fully qualified resolution is -- returned. -- <SUBSYSTEM> - The resolution of the info is subsystem -- relative. Subsystem name and spec or load origin -- is preserved. -- <VIEW> - The resolution of the element is view relative. -- No origin information is preserved. -- -- Storage for <SUBSYSTEM> or <VIEW> representation are less than -- <FULL> but some origin information is lost. -- procedure Convert (Target_Rep : Target_Info_Permanent_Representation; Result : out Target_Info; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Within : String := "<DEFAULT>"); -- When converting from a permanent representation to a target info, -- an attempt is made to fill in any missing information in the -- permanent representation from the WITHIN parameter. So, in all -- cases, if the permanent representation was FULLy resolved the -- WITHIN parameter is ignored, otherwise : -- <DEFAULT> - For <SUBSYSTEM>, the view selected by -- the current activity for the stored subsystem is -- used as the origin. The spec or load origin of the -- representation is used to pick the specific view. -- For <VIEW>, the current view context is used as -- the origin. -- subsystem name - For <SUBSYSTEM>, same as <DEFAULT>. -- For <VIEW>, the view selected by the current -- activity for the specified subsystem is used. -- The subsystem name can be followed by "'SPEC" or -- "'LOAD" to force use of the spec view or load -- view from the activity. (Defaults to Spec View) -- view name - For <SUBSYSTEM>, if the subsystem containing the -- specified view matches the representation's -- subsystem, the specified view is used. -- If no match, same as <DEFAULT>. -- For <VIEW> the specified view is used. procedure Definition (Of_Target_Info : Target_Info; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Status : in out Errors.Condition); -- Hide these ... procedure Convert (Target_Rep : Target_Info_Permanent_Representation; Result : out Target_Info; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Within : String := "<DEFAULT>"; Use_Heap : System.Segment); function Create (Pdl_Reference : Ada_Program.Element := Nil_Pdl; Document_Reference : Document.Element := Nil_Document; Pdl_Area : Area := Nil_Area; Document_Area : Area := Nil_Area; Use_Heap : System.Segment) return Target_Info; function Create (Pdl_References : Ada_Program.Element_List; Document_References : Document.Element_List; Use_Heap : System.Segment) return Target_Info; function Debug_Image (Of_Target_Info : Target_Info; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3583); pragma Bias_Key (27); private type Target_Data; type Target_Info is access Target_Data; pragma Segmented_Heap (Target_Info); Nil_Target_Info : constant Target_Info := null; end Mapping;with Ada_Program; with Errors; with Heap_Strings; with System; pragma Private_Eyes_Only; with Ada_Text; package Pdl is subtype Astring is Heap_Strings.Astring; ------------------------- ---- ADA ERROR MARKS ---- ------------------------- procedure Mark_Error (At_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Message : String); procedure Mark_Warning (At_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Message : String); -- For marking error or warning messages on a particular element node, -- these will show up a underlined/annotated areas in the AOE. -- Should be used only by knowledgeable individuals. ------------------------- ---- ERROR DIAGNOSIS ---- ------------------------- Failed : exception; -- This exception indicates a specification or internal error, more -- information can be extracted by calling DIAGNOSIS or STATUS. function Diagnosis return String; function Status return Errors.Condition; -- Whenever an error condition is detected (and exception is raised) -- a diagnostic message/status is stored. These functions retrieve the -- diagnostic for the most recent error. --------------- ---- AREAs ---- --------------- -- AREAs are used to indicate where a construct lives in the ada image. -- AREAs should only be used by knowledgeable individuals. type Area is private; Default_Area : constant Area; procedure Get_Range (Of_Area : Area; Start_Line, Start_Column, Finish_Line, Finish_Column : out Natural); procedure Set_Range (Of_Area : out Area; Start_Line, Start_Column, Finish_Line, Finish_Column : Natural); \f -------------------------------- ---- PDL REGISTRATION TYPES ---- -------------------------------- -------------- -- Analysis -- -------------- type Analysis_Mode is (Complete, Demote, Promote); type Unit_State is (Source, Installed, Coded); -- At the start of PDL Analysis, the user is called through the -- generic formal TRAVERSAL_PRE_OP. Several items of interest -- are passed to the user at this point. -- -- 1) The current analysis mode (Complete, Demote, Promote) -- 2) The current unit state (Source, Installed, Coded) -- 3) The desired goal state (Source, Installed, Coded) -- -- This information should be used to determine the exact form -- of analysis which is to be performed during the subsequent -- traversal. subtype Traversal_Control is Ada_Program.Traversal_Control; type Analysis_Status is (Success, Warning, Error); --------------------- -- Command Mapping -- --------------------- type Mapping_Operation is (Explain, Definition, Enclosing, Show_Usage); type Mapping_Parameters (For_Operation : Mapping_Operation) is record case For_Operation is when Definition | Enclosing => In_Place : Boolean; case For_Operation is when Definition => Visible : Boolean; when others => null; end case; when Explain => null; when Show_Usage => In_World : Heap_Strings.Astring; end case; end record; type Mapping_Status is (Success, Not_Defined, Error); -------------------- -- Identification -- -------------------- subtype Pdl_Names is String; type Pdl_Ids is (Pdl_01, Pdl_02, Pdl_03, Pdl_04, Pdl_05, Pdl_06, Pdl_07, Pdl_08, Pdl_09, Pdl_10, Pdl_11, Pdl_12); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Official Interface to the Design Facility Operations. -- -- The following operations require that one of the preceding -- PDL_IDS has been registered on the machine and is associated -- with the view in which they are executed. -- -- Each operation raises Pdl.Failed when it cannot be -- successfully completed. -- package Operations is procedure Complete (Include_Optional_Annotations : Boolean := False); procedure Definition (In_Place : Boolean := False; Visible : Boolean := True); procedure Enclosing (In_Place : Boolean := False); procedure Explain; procedure Format; procedure Show_Usage (In_World : String := ""); end Operations; \f ------------------------------ ---- ANNOTATION UTILITIES ---- ------------------------------ -- The following functions are used as defaults for the annotation -- generic. The defaults are the standard for Rational's PDL. procedure At_Recognizer (S : String; Keyword_Start, Keyword_End : out Natural; Argument_Start : out Natural); -- Recognizes strings that have '@' in them delimited by a ' '. -- Returns position of '@' +1, ' ' -1 and ' ' +1. function Bar_Recognizer (S : String) return Natural; -- Given a string, returns the position of the first non-blank -- characters after "--|". Returns 0 if the first non-blank -- characters are not "--|". Returns S'Last + 1 if there are -- no non-blank characters after the "--|". function At_Prepend (S : String) return String; -- Given a string, prepends '@' to it. function Bar_Prepend (S : String) return String; -- Given a string, prepends "--| " to it. ---------------------------- ---- ANNOTATION GENERIC ---- ---------------------------- generic type Keywords is (<>); -- Keywords'First MUST be the enumeral Nil type Phases is (<>); -- Phases'First MUST be the enumeral Nil type Elements is (<>); -- Elements'First MUST be the enumeral Nil type Rules is (<>); -- Rules'First MUST be the enumeral Nil with function Keyword_Image (Keyword : Keywords) return String is Keywords'Image; with function Phase_Image (Phase : Phases) return String is Phases'Image; with function Element_Image (Element : Elements) return String is Elements'Image; with function Rule_Image (Rule : Rules) return String is Rules'Image; with function Annotation_Recognizer (Comment_Line : String) return Natural is Bar_Recognizer; -- Used to identify comments that are annotations. -- Should return an index into COMMENT_LINE of the first non-blank -- characters after the annotation indication. Should return 0 -- if the comment line is not an annotation. Should return -- COMMENT_LINE'Last + 1 if there are no non-blank characters other -- than the annotation indicators. The default recognizes the -- characters "--|" as an annotation indicator. with procedure Keyword_Recognizer (S : String; Keyword_Start, Keyword_End : out Natural; Argument_Start : out Natural) is At_Recognizer; -- Returns the locations in the string to scan for a keyword -- and arguments. -- KEYWORD_START = 0 indicates this string can't contain a -- keyword. KEYWORD_END = 0 may be used to indicate that the -- keyword extends to the end of the string. ARGUMENT_START -- indicates the location to be used to start scanning for -- arguments (if set to 0 indicates no argument exists in S). -- Leading and trailing blanks between _START and _END are ignored. -- The default recognizes '@' as the keyword prefix and ' ' as -- the keyword terminator. with function Keyword_Generator (Keyword_Image : String) return String is At_Prepend; -- Returns the formatted string that the keyword recognizer would -- successfully recognize as a keyword. The default prepends an -- '@' to the keyword image. with function Annotation_Generator (Annotation_Image : String) return String is Bar_Prepend; -- Returns the formatted string that the annotation recognizer would -- successfully recognize as an annotation. The default prepends -- "--| " to the annotation image. package Annotation is ------------------------------ ---- ANNOTATION ARGUMENTS ---- ------------------------------ package Argument is type Kinds is (Nil, Name, Number, Text, Associated, Indexed, Prompt, List, Reserved_None); subtype Object_Kinds is Kinds range Name .. Prompt; subtype Object_Identifier_Kinds is Object_Kinds range Name .. Number; type Kind_Vector is array (Kinds) of Boolean; type Description is record Legal_Kinds : Kind_Vector; User_Check : Boolean := False; Prompt : Astring := null; Error_Message : Astring := null; Add_Prompt_Delimiters : Boolean := True; end record; function Create_Description (Legal_Kinds : Kind_Vector; User_Check : Boolean := False; Prompt : Astring := null; Error_Message : Astring := null; Add_Prompt_Delimiters : Boolean := True) return Description; -- -- This procedure is supplied as a convenience for generating -- a DESCRIPTION that has defaults. type Info is private; Nil_Info : constant Info; function Is_Nil (An_Info : Info) return Boolean; type Info_List is private; Nil_List : constant Info_List; function Is_Nil (A_List : Info_List) return Boolean; function Create_Default (Description_Info : Description) return Info; -- Creates an argument with the correct kind and image (a prompt -- if appropriate). This is mainly used in COMPLETION. function Kind (Of_Info : Info) return Kinds; -- NIL is returned if an uninitialized INFO is specified. function Image (Of_Info : Info) return String; -- Null string ("") is returned if an uninitialized INFO is specified. function Argument_Area (Of_Info : Info) return Area; -- DEFAULT_AREA is returned if an uninitialized INFO is specified or -- if the INFO was not extracted from an Annotation that is attached -- to an ADA_PROGRAM.ELEMENT. (e.g. created by CREATE_DEFAULT). function Associated_Ada_Program_Element (Of_Info : Info) return Ada_Program.Element; -- ADA_PROGRAM.NIL_ELEMENT is returned if an uninitialized INFO is -- specified or if the INFO was not extracted from an Annotation -- that is attached to an ADA_PROGRAM.ELEMENT. function Corresponding_Info (At_Area : Area; In_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Info; -- -- Returns the INFO described by AT_AREA and IN_ELEMENT. When -- these parameters do not correlate to an INFO, the NIL_INFO -- is returned. procedure Definition (Of_Info : Info; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Status : in out Errors.Condition); -- -- Brings up an Ada window on the Ada element attached to OF_INFO. --------------------------- -- Operations on OBJECTs -- --------------------------- -- Names : <ada-simple> -- | { <ada-simple or prompt>. } <ada-simple or prompt> -- | <directory-naming-expression> subtype Name_Info is Info; type Name_Kinds is (Ada_Simple, Ada_Complex, Naming_Expression, Id_Prompt, Not_A_Name); function Name_Kind (Of_Name : Name_Info) return Name_Kinds; function Segment_Count (Of_Name : Name_Info) return Positive; function Parent (Of_Name : Name_Info) return Name_Info; -- Returns the parent of the name -- Parent ("A.B.C") => "A.B" -- Parent ("A") => Nil_Info function Simple_Name (Of_Name : Name_Info) return Name_Info; -- Returns the simple name of the name -- Simple_Name ("A.B.C") => "C" -- Simple_Name ("A") => "A" -- Numbers : ada number subtype Number_Info is Info; type Number_Kinds is (Integer_Literal, Real_Literal, Not_A_Number); function Number_Kind (Of_Number : Number_Info) return Number_Kinds; function Value (Of_Integer_Number : Number_Info) return Long_Integer; -- -- Returns the integer value for OF_INTEGER_NUMBER. -- When NUMBER_KIND (OF_INTEGER_NUMBER) /= INTEGER_LITERAL, -- Long_Integer'First is returned. function Value (Of_Real_Number : Number_Info) return Float; -- -- Returns the float value for OF_REAL_NUMBER. -- When NUMBER_KIND (OF_REAL_NUMBER) /= REAL_LITERAL, -- Float'First is returned. -- Associated Arguments : <name> => <info> function Association_Name (For_Association : Info) return Name_Info; -- returns NAME_INFOs only. function Associated_Info (For_Association : Info) return Info; -- returns any KINDS. -- Indexed Arguments : <name> <list> subtype Indexed_Info is Info; function Indexed_Name (Of_Argument : Indexed_Info) return Name_Info; -- returns NAME_INFOs only. function Index_List (Of_Argument : Indexed_Info) return Info_List; -- returns a list of INFOs of any KINDS. ------------------------- -- Operations on LISTs -- ------------------------- function Initialize (From_Info : Info) return Info_List; -- Works on anything; -- If KIND is LIST, returns a iterator of list components. -- If KIND is TEXT, examines the TEXT for list delimiters and -- returns an iterator of those delimited components. -- delimiters are NEW LINES and commas. -- If KIND is anything else, returns a list containing the one -- component, FROM_INFO. procedure Copy (From : Info_List; To : out Info_List); -- -- The entire contents of FROM are copied onto TO regardless of -- the current 'position' of FROM. The previous contents of -- TO are lost, and INFOs are not shared between FROM and TO. procedure Append (An_Info : Info; To : in out Info_List); procedure Prepend (An_Info : Info; To : in out Info_List); procedure Append (From : Info_List; To : in out Info_List); function Length (Of_List : Info_List) return Natural; -- -- Returns the number of INFOs in OF_LIST. This operation is -- independent of the current 'position' in the list. When -- IS_NIL (OF_LIST), 0 is returned. function Done (On_List : Info_List) return Boolean; function Value (Of_List : Info_List) return Info; procedure Next (On_List : in out Info_List); procedure Reset (A_List : in out Info_List); function Value_Image (Of_List : Info_List) return String; -- Image of the current value, equivalent to the call: -- Argument.Image (Argument.Value (Of_List)) ---------------------------------- -- Argument Errors and Warnings -- ---------------------------------- procedure Mark_Error (On_Info : Info; Message : String); procedure Mark_Warning (On_Info : Info; Message : String); -- -- For marking error or warning messages on a particular arguments, -- these will show up a underlined/annotated areas in the AOE. -- -- Raises PDL.FAILED when IS_NIL (ON_INFO) is true OR -- when ON_INFO is not associated with an Ada image. ---------------------- -- Argument Parsing -- ---------------------- procedure Parse (Input : String; Result : out Info); -- -- Parses INPUT and produces an argument info in RESULT. -- Leading and trailing blanks are ignored. When INPUT -- has syntax errors, PDL.FAILED is raised. STATUS and -- DIAGNOSIS may be used to obtain additional information -- about the error. -- -- NOTE: Since RESULT is not associated with an -- ADA_PROGRAM.ELEMENT, the result cannot -- be used in a call to MARK_ERROR or -- MARK_WARNING. -- Hide these ... function Create (Kind : Kinds; Image : String; Use_Heap : System.Segment; Add_Prompt_Delimiters : Boolean := True) return Info; -- Creates an argument INFO. If the KIND is OBJECT_NAME the text string -- is resolved as a fully qualified object name. -- If the IMAGE is wrong for a particular KIND, FAILED is raised. -- If the IMAGE string is defaulted, a default INFO (that may not -- parse) is created. procedure Parse (Input : String; Use_Heap : System.Segment; Result : in out Info); -- Parse Input and produce an argument Info. Leading and -- trailing blanks are ignored. Failed will be raised if -- there is a syntax error in the argument. -- Note that the result cannot be used to MARK_xxx. procedure Parse (Associated : Ada_Program.Element; Argument_Image_Area : Area; Use_Heap : System.Segment; Result : in out Info); -- Parse argument specified by ARGUMENT_IMAGE_AREA in the -- ASSOCIATED ada program image and produce an argument INFO. -- Leading and trailing blanks are ignored. FAILED will be raised -- if there is a syntax error in the argument. procedure Field_Copy (From_Info : Info; To_Info : in out Info); -- If a data type contains an Info and that data type is stored -- in a segmented heap and a selector on that pointed to object -- returns an Info, use this to get the Info. It will un- -- normalize the internal segmented heap pointers. procedure Field_Copy (From_List : Info_List; To_List : in out Info_List); -- If a data type contains an Info_List and that data type is -- stored in a segmented heap and a selector on that pointed -- to object returns an Info, use this to get the Info. It -- will un-normalize the internal segmented heap pointers. function Debug_Image (Of_Info : Info; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_List : Info_List; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; private type Node_Data (Kind : Kinds); type Node is access Node_Data; pragma Segmented_Heap (Node); type Info is record -- True if this is from an Ada unit; False if it is -- from a string From_Ada_Unit : Boolean; -- This field is there if From_Ada_Unit is True Element : Ada_Program.Element; -- This field is there if From_Ada_Unit is False Source : Astring; -- This is the root of the Info Tree : Node; end record; Nil_Info : constant Info := Info'(From_Ada_Unit => False, Element => Ada_Program.Nil_Element, Source => null, Tree => null); type Info_List is record -- True if this is from an Ada unit; False if it is -- from a string From_Ada_Unit : Boolean; -- This field is there if From_Ada_Unit is True Element : Ada_Program.Element; -- This field is there if From_Ada_Unit is False Source : Astring; -- The number of elements in the list Length : Natural; -- First is the start of the list. Current is the -- current element of the list. First : Node; Current : Node; end record; Nil_List : constant Info_List := Info_List'(From_Ada_Unit => False, Element => Ada_Program.Nil_Element, Source => null, Length => 0, First => null, Current => null); end Argument; -- Annotation ELEMENTs form the basis for querying and manipulating -- annotations. Every ELEMENT is 'attached' to a ADA_PROGRAM.ELEMENT -- (unless the annotation is isolated - separated from all ada -- constructs by blank lines - or is generated by CREATE). type Kinds is (Invalid, Keyword, Simple); type Element is private; Nil_Element : constant Element; function Is_Nil (An_Element : Element) return Boolean; function Is_Attached (The_Annotation : Element) return Boolean; function Attached_To (The_Annotation : Element) return Ada_Program.Element; function Annotation_Area (The_Annotation : Element) return Area; function Corresponding_Element (At_Area : Area; In_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Element; -- -- Returns the ELEMENT described by AT_AREA and IN_ELEMENT. When -- these parameters do not correlate to any element, the NIL_ELEMENT -- is returned. procedure Definition (Of_Element : Element; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Status : in out Errors.Condition); -- -- Brings up an Ada window on OF_ELEMENT. This operation is -- intended only for ELEMENTs for which IS_ATTACHED (OF_ELEMENT) -- is TRUE. ---------------------- -- Query Operations -- ---------------------- function Kind (Of_Annotation : Element) return Kinds; function Image (Of_Annotation : Element) return String; function Keyword (Of_Annotation : Element) return Keywords; function Argument_Of (The_Annotation : Element) return Argument.Info; -- Argument and Keyword are valid only for Keyword -- kinds of annotations. FAILED is raised otherwise. -- BAD_ANNOTATION may be raised if the annotation is bogus. -- Use DIAGNOSE on that annotation to determine what the problem is. Bad_Annotation : exception; function Diagnose (An_Annotation : Element) return String; -- Returns an analysis of a bad annotation or the null string -- if nothing is wrong. ---------------------- -- Annotation Lists -- ---------------------- -- Annotation ELEMENT_LISTs are the obvious. Operations are provided -- to query and manipulate these lists. type Element_List is private; Nil_List : constant Element_List; -- Assignment on ELEMENT_LISTs DOES NOT CAUSE A COPY TO BE MADE! -- Use COPY to do that. procedure Copy (From_List : Element_List; To_List : in out Element_List); procedure Add (An_Element : Element; To_List : in out Element_List); procedure Append (A_List : Element_List; To_List : in out Element_List); function Done (The_List : Element_List) return Boolean; function Value (In_List : Element_List) return Element; procedure Next (In_List : in out Element_List); procedure Reset (The_List : in out Element_List); ----------------------------- -- Annotation Manipulation -- ----------------------------- -- The following are operations to query, modify and mark PDL. -- The mark and modification routines should only be used within -- the confines of the PDL definition code (toolsmith code -- registered by the PDL.ANNOTATION.DESCRIPTION generic) type Positions is (Before, After, Inside, Any); -- Annotations can live before, after or inside PDL elements. -- (inside is the same as after if the PDL element doesn't have -- internal structure, EG. Package specs or subprogram bodies -- have internal structure while IDs or variable decls don't) -- FIND and INSERT use the above enumeration to identify areas -- of interest. procedure Find (For_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Result : in out Element_List; Contains_Bad_Annotations : out Boolean; Position : Positions := Any); -- FIND can be used to find any annotations attached to an element. -- If CONTAINS_BAD_ANNOTATIONS is true, some elements in the list -- are bad (contain invalid keywords for example), use DIAGNOSE -- on each list element to figure out which elements are bad. -- The ATTACHED_TO and ATTACHED_AREA attributes of the annotation -- element(s) found reflect their positions within the ADA image. function Create (From_Image : String) return Element; function Create (From_Keyword : Keywords; With_Argument : Argument.Info) return Element; -- These can be used to create an annotation to be attached -- to an Ada_Program.Element with the Insert call. -- The ATTACHED_TO and ATTACHED_AREA attributes of the annotation -- element(s) are nil. procedure Insert (On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; An_Annotation : Element; Position : Positions := Before; After_Annotation : Element := Nil_Element; Leading_Blanks : Natural := 0); procedure Insert (On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Annotations : in out Element_List; Position : Positions := Before; After_Annotation : Element := Nil_Element; Leading_Blanks : Natural := 0); -- For adding annotations to the PDL. Mainly used in COMPLETion. -- The AFTER_ANNOTATION parameter can be used to indicate where -- in the image the new annotations are to be inserted. If -- the parameter is defaulted the new annotation(s) are inserted -- in such a way that FIND (with the same POSITION parameter) -- could locate them. -- If AFTER_ANNOTATION is not nil (and its ATTACHED_TO attribute -- is also not nil), it must be attached to ON_ELEMENT. -- POSITION = ANY is the same as the default. -- LEADING_BLANKS indicates how many blanks to put before the -- comment indicator ('--'). procedure Mark_Error (On_Annotation : Element; Message : String; Mark_Restriction : Area := Default_Area); procedure Mark_Warning (On_Annotation : Element; Message : String; Mark_Restriction : Area := Default_Area); -- For marking error or warning messages on a particular annotations, -- these will show up a underlined/annotated areas in the AOE. \f ------------------------------------------ ---- DESCRIPTION REGISTRATION GENERIC ---- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------- -- Relevance Vectors -- ----------------------- type Element_Relevance is array (Elements) of Boolean; type Rule_Relevance is array (Rules) of Boolean; Nil_Elements : constant Element_Relevance := (others => False); Nil_Rules : constant Rule_Relevance := (others => False); generic Pdl_Name : Pdl_Names; Pdl_Id : Pdl_Ids; Allow_Reregistration : Boolean := False; type Traversal_State is private; with procedure Get_Elements (Associated_With : Ada_Program.Element; State : in out Traversal_State; Result : out Element_Relevance); -- -- GET_ELEMENTS is invoked during Semanticize and PDL -- Completion to determine whether ASSOCIATED_WITH adheres -- to invariants defined for ELEMENTS in the -- ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION_FILE. This operation provides the -- mapping between Ada_Program Elements and the members of -- the ELEMENTS enumeration. When ASSOCIATED_WITH is not -- related to a corresponding Design Element, NIL_ELEMENTS should -- be returned in RESULT. -- -- This operation is used to perform the automatic insertion -- of annotations during PDL Completion and for PDL semantic -- error detection during Semanticize. -- with procedure Get_Rules (Associated_With : Ada_Program.Element; State : in out Traversal_State; Result : out Rule_Relevance); -- -- GET_RULES is invoked during Semanticize to determine -- whether ASSOCIATED_WITH adheres to invariants defined for -- RULES in the RULE_DESCRIPTION_FILE. This operation -- provides the mapping between Ada_Program Elements and the -- members of the RULES enumeration. When ASSOCIATED_WITH -- is not related to a corresponding Design Rule, NIL_RULES -- should be returned in RESULT. -- -- This operation is used to detect Design Rule violations -- during Semanticize. -- with procedure Argument_Check (For_Keyword : Keywords; With_Argument : Argument.Info; On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Status : out Analysis_Status; Message : out Astring); -- -- Invoked when a keyword argument is processed and the User_Check -- bit is set for that keyword after passing the gross syntax -- type checks. The MESSAGE is displayed in the Message window along -- with a success/failure message. -- with procedure Mapping_Link (For_Keyword : Keywords; With_Argument : Argument.Info; On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Operation : Mapping_Operation; Parameters : Mapping_Parameters; Status : out Mapping_Status); -- -- Invoked on a front door Definition, Enclosing, Explain or -- Show_Usage where a keyword is selected. The closest -- Ada_Program.Element 'attached' to the selection is -- provided for context. -- with procedure Traversal_Pre_Op (Current_State : Unit_State; Goal_State : Unit_State; Mode : Analysis_Mode; Phase : in out Phases; Root_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Major_Elements_Only : out Boolean; User_State : out Traversal_State); -- -- Invoked at the start of PDL Analysis to provide the user with -- various information about the Ada element to be analyzed and -- the kind of analysis to be performed. If this information is -- needed during the subsequent traversal, then the user should -- store the information in the TRAVERSAL_STATE parameter for -- subsequent availability. with procedure Element_Pre_Op (On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; User_State : in out Traversal_State; Control : out Traversal_Control); with procedure Element_Post_Op (On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; User_State : in out Traversal_State; Control : out Traversal_Control); with procedure Traversal_Post_Op (User_State : in out Traversal_State; Status : out Analysis_Status; Message : out Astring); -- -- Invoked upon traversal of an ada program during -- completion, semanticization, promotion, and demotion. -- The traversal is depth first and may be controlled by the -- CONTROL parameter, which determines at what level the -- traversal should continue. See ADA_PROGRAM.TRAVERSAL_CONTROL -- for a detailed explanation of the mechanisms for controlling -- the traversal. -- -- TRAVERSAL_PRE_OP is called once before traversal starts -- and may be used to initialize user state. -- -- TRAVERSAL_POST_OP is called once after the traversal is -- done. If TRAVERSAL_POST_OP returns STATUS = ERROR or -- WARNING, then the unit will not be Installed -- and MESSAGE is displayed on the user's message window. -- -- If STATUS = ERROR and MODE = SEMANTICIZE, then -- the semanticize operation is considered a failure. -- pragma Must_Be_Constrained (Yes => Traversal_State); package Description is -------------------------------------- -- Description Types and Operations -- -------------------------------------- -- KEYWORD DESCRIPTION INFORMATION function Argument_Description (Of_Keyword : Keywords) return Argument.Description; procedure Set_Description (Of_Keyword : Keywords; To : Argument.Description); -- -- This operation is provided for backward compatibility to -- previous releases. -- ELEMENT DESCRIPTION INFORMATION type Annotation_Presence is (Nil, Forbidden, Optional, Required, Required_Non_Prompt); type Presence_Vector is array (Keywords) of Annotation_Presence; function Presence (Of_Keyword : Keywords; On_Element : Elements; At_Phase : Phases) return Annotation_Presence; function Keyword_Presence (For_Element : Elements; At_Phase : Phases) return Presence_Vector; -- RULE DESCRIPTION INFORMATION type Rule_Enforcement is (Nil, Forbidden, Required); function Enforcement (Of_Rule : Rules; At_Phase : Phases) return Rule_Enforcement; -------------------------- -- Description Analysis -- -------------------------- procedure Register (Keyword_Description_File : String; Element_Description_File : String; Rule_Description_File : String; Response : String := "<VERBOSE>"); -- -- REGISTER provides the vehicle for registering the -- description of Design Elements and Design Rules of a given -- PDL. This instantiation must be elaborated in order to -- provide the connection between the Design Facility common -- commands and the user specified PDL analysis operations. -- -- The call to an instantiation of DESCRIPTION.REGISTER reads -- the given Description Files and registers the Keyword, -- Element, and Rule descriptions with the Design Facility PDL -- Entry mechanisms. -- -- If the all of the Description File parameters are the -- empty string (""), then the NIL enumeral restriction is -- not enforced. This is provided for backward compatibility -- with clients which choose not to use the new PDL -- Description mechanisms. -- -- If any errors are detected in the Description Files, -- diagnostic messages are generated into the job log and -- the exception FAILED is raised. Otherwise, the call does -- not return. -- end Description; -- -- Hide these ... -- function Create (From_Image : String; Use_Heap : System.Segment) return Element; function Create (From_Keyword : Keywords; With_Argument : Argument.Info; Use_Heap : System.Segment) return Element; procedure Field_Copy (From_List : Element_List; To_List : in out Element_List); -- if a data type contains an ELEMENT_LIST and that data type is -- stored in a segmented heap and a selector on that pointed to -- object returns an ELEMENT_LIST, use this to get the -- ELEMENT_LIST out, it will un-normalize the internal segmented -- heap pointers. package Keyword_Utilities is function Contains_Keyword (In_String : String) return Boolean; type Keyword_Status is (Valid_Keyword, Not_A_Comment, Not_An_Annotation, Not_A_Keyword, Invalid_Keyword); procedure Keyword_Value (In_String : String; Keyword : out Keywords; Argument_Start : out Natural; Status : out Keyword_Status); -- Find the keyword annotation in the string IN_STRING. -- If a match is found, ARGUMENT_START is set to the char index -- after the keyword image and KEYWORD is set to the match value. -- STATUS is set to reflect success or the reason for failure. -- If INVALID_KEYWORD is detected ARGUMENT_START is left set to -- the char index of the keyword. -- If NOT_A_KEYWORD is detected ARGUMENT_START is left set to -- the char index of the first non-blank characters after the -- annotation indication (if there are no non-blanks, then -- IN_STRING'last + 1 is returned). end Keyword_Utilities; function Debug_Image (Of_Element : Element; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_List : Element_List; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; private type Element_Data; type Element is access Element_Data; pragma Segmented_Heap (Element); Nil_Element : constant Element := null; type List_Data; type List_Data_Pointer is access List_Data; pragma Segmented_Heap (List_Data_Pointer); type Element_List is record Root, Tail : List_Data_Pointer; Current : List_Data_Pointer; end record; Nil_List : constant Element_List := (null, null, null); end Annotation; ----- HIDE THESE ... -- function Debug_Image (Of_Area : Area; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; subtype Pdl_Keys is System.Package_Type; procedure Kill (Pdl_Key : Pdl_Keys; Status : in out Errors.Condition); pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3598); pragma Bias_Key (27); private type Area is new Ada_Text.Area; Default_Area : constant Area := Area (Ada_Text.Nil_Area); end Pdl;with Abstract_Document; package Preview is procedure Examine (Document_Name : String := "<CURSOR>"; Form : String := ""; In_Place : Boolean := False); procedure Find (Node : Abstract_Document.Node; Document_Name : String; Form : String := ""; In_Place : Boolean := False); pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3591); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Preview;with Ada_Text; with Directory_Tools; with Object_Editor; with Mapping; with Ada_Program; with Document; package Traversal_Utilities is ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bring up a window on an object, Highlight a particular element -- in that object (unless the element IS the object, as in the last call) -- If the definition fails, and the FAIL_MESSAGE /= NO_MESSAGE the the -- Message will be put into the message window (with a beep) with a -- diagnosis for failure appended (in parens). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Default_Message : constant String := "Definition Failed "; No_Message : constant String := ""; procedure Def (On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Success : out Boolean; Fail_Message : String := Default_Message); procedure Def (On_Element_List : Ada_Program.Element_List; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Success : out Boolean; Fail_Message : String := Default_Message); procedure Def (On_Document : Document.Element; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Success : out Boolean; Fail_Message : String := Default_Message); procedure Def (On_Document_List : Document.Element_List; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Success : out Boolean; Fail_Message : String := Default_Message); procedure Def (On_Target : Mapping.Target_Info; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Success : out Boolean; Fail_Message : String := Default_Message); -- This operation can be used to obtain selections on arbitrary -- AREAs of an Ada image. (e.g. Annotations and Arguments) subtype Area is Ada_Text.Area; procedure Def (On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; In_Area : Area; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Success : out Boolean; Fail_Message : String := Default_Message); procedure Cursor_Info (Line, Column : out Natural; Focus : out Object_Editor.Focus; Handle : out Directory_Tools.Object.Handle); function Line_Image (Line : Positive) return String; pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3588); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Traversal_Utilities;with Action; with Directory_Tools; with Diana; with Errors; with Ada_Text; package Ada_Program is -- -- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- package Object renames Directory_Tools.Object; type Element is private; Nil_Element : constant Element; -- Ada programs are composed of a hierarchical structure -- of elements. Operations are defined to determine what -- kind a particular element is and to decompose elements -- into sub-elements (children). -- -- Each element may also have attributes that provide information -- about that element. For example, all declaration elements will -- have a name (identifier) associated with them. Certain static -- expressions may have a value associated with them. Operations -- are defined to provide this information for specific kinds of -- elements. -- -- If a query for a specific attribute is made to an inappropriate -- kind of element the Inappropriate_Program_Element exception is raised. -- -- Some elements "make reference to" other elements. -- Declarations, for example, define named elements. -- Other elements such as statements and expressions may make -- reference to declarations. -- -- Operations are available to find defining elements from -- the elements that use those definitions. -- -- All elements have an image, that is, a pretty printing of -- that fragment of the program. Images of elements other than -- top level kinds and IDs may not be very meaningful. -- The images of these elements may be locked, or inaccessible -- and so these operations may fail. -- -- Comments may be isolated, adjacent to or attached to an element. -- Comments that stand alone or are adjacent to an element -- are generally intended to be related to some program element such -- as a declaration or statement. This relation must be derived from the -- convention established in the program using this interface and is not -- captured in the semantics of this interface. -- -- Many operations in this interface traverse from one program tree to -- another. If in this traversal a new Ada object must be opened, the -- traversal may fail due to a lock or access error. In this case -- the FAILED exception is raised. -- -- When an operation fails for any reason (a defined exception -- propagates out of the operation) the DIAGNOSIS and STATUS calls -- may be made to find out why the operation failed. pragma Page; function Is_Nil (Program_Element : Element) return Boolean; -- Some program elements have optional attributes or sub-elements. -- In the case where an attribute or sub-element could, but does -- does not actually exist, a nil element will be returned. function Parent (Program_Element : Element) return Element; -- Returns the immediate parent element of the specified element. -- If the element is a compilation_unit, (see definition below and -- package Compilation_Unit) a nil element is returned. function Line_Number (Of_Element : Element) return Natural; -- Returns the line number on which the element resides. -- A nil element returns 0. -- This operation uses the element's image. procedure Definition (Of_Element : Element; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Status : in out Errors.Condition); -- -- Brings up an Ada object editor on the unit containing OF_ELEMENT. ------------------------------------------------------------------ type Element_Iterator is private; -- A (read only) ordered set of Elements. Nil_Iterator : constant Element_Iterator; procedure Next (Iter : in out Element_Iterator); function Done (Iter : Element_Iterator) return Boolean; function Value (Iter : Element_Iterator) return Element; procedure Reset (Iter : in out Element_Iterator); -- Resets the iterator to the beginning of the list. ------------------------------------------------------------------ type Element_List is private; -- A (read/write) ordered list of Elements. Nil_List : constant Element_List; -- Elements lists are used for collecting together lists of elements -- during traversal. -- Assignment on LISTs DOES NOT CAUSE A COPY TO BE MADE! -- Use COPY to do that. procedure Copy (From_Iter : Element_Iterator; To_List : out Element_List); procedure Copy (From_List : Element_List; To_List : out Element_List); -- The entire contents of FROM_xxx is copied regardless of the current -- 'position' of FROM_xxx or TO_LIST. -- The contents of TO_LIST are lost. procedure Append (Program_Element : Element; To_List : in out Element_List); procedure Prepend (Program_Element : Element; To_List : in out Element_List); procedure Append (From_List : Element_List; To_List : in out Element_List); -- Append/Prepend to the end/beginning of TO_LIST. The current position -- of the list is undefined after these calls. generic with function Discard (Program_Element : Element) return Boolean; procedure Filter (Source_List : Element_List; Target_List : out Element_List); generic with function Discard (Program_Element : Element) return Boolean; procedure Filter_Iterator (Source_Iterator : Element_Iterator; Target_List : out Element_List); procedure Next (List : in out Element_List); function Done (List : Element_List) return Boolean; function Value (List : Element_List) return Element; procedure Reset (List : in out Element_List); -- Resets the list to the beginning. procedure Invert (List : in out Element_List); -- Reverse the ordering of the given element list. ------------------------------------------------------------------ type Traversal_Control is (Continue, Abandon_Children, Abandon_Siblings, Terminate_Immediately); generic type State_Record is private; with procedure Pre_Operation (Program_Element : Element; State : in out State_Record; Control : in out Traversal_Control); with procedure Post_Operation (Program_Element : Element; State : in out State_Record; Control : in out Traversal_Control); procedure Depth_First_Traversal (Root_Element : Element; State : in out State_Record; Major_Elements_Only : Boolean := True); -- Performs a depth-first traversal of Ada_Program elements rooted at -- the given element. If Major_Elements_Only is True, then only -- MAJOR Ada_Program elements are visited (see ELEMENT_KINDS enumeration -- below) -- -- For each element: -- The formal procedure Pre_Operation is called when first visiting -- the element. All sub-elements are then visited and then the -- Post_Operation procedure is called when returning from visiting all -- sub_elements. The State variable is passed from call to call. -- -- Traversal can be controlled with the Control parameter. -- The Abandon_Children option prevents traversal to the current element's -- children, but picks up with the next sibling. -- The Abandon_Sibling option abandons traversal through the -- remaining siblings but continues traversal at the parent. -- The Terminate_Immediately option does the obvious. -- -- NOTES: -- Abandon_Children in a POST_OPERATION is the same as CONTINUE (all -- the children have already been visited). -- Abandon_Siblings in a PRE_OPERATION skips the associated -- POST_OPERATION. ------------------------------------------------------------------ type Line_Iterator is private; subtype Line is String; function Done (Iter : Line_Iterator) return Boolean; function Value (Iter : Line_Iterator) return Line; procedure Next (Iter : in out Line_Iterator); function Image (Program_Element : Element) return Line_Iterator; -- The image of a program element is made up of some number of lines. -- Images can be iterated over to get each individual line. function Image (Program_Element : Element) return String; -- The image of a program element in a single string. Lines are separated -- by Ascii.Lf characters. function Preceding_Comments (An_Element : Element) return Line_Iterator; function Following_Comments (An_Element : Element) return Line_Iterator; -- Returns the comments, if any, that appear before or after the specified -- element (including blank lines) Non blank comment lines include "--"s. -- This function is appropriate for major elements such as statements, -- declarations, context clauses, and generally things that can appear on -- on a line by themselves. If no comments are present, a nil iterator is -- returned. function Internal_Comments (An_Element : Element) return Line_Iterator; -- Returns the comments, if any, that appear attached to the internal -- structure of an element. Examples of elements that have internal -- structure are: Package Specs, Procedure Bodies. function Attached_Comments (An_Element : Element) return Line_Iterator; -- Returns the comments, if any, that are directly attached to -- an element. In the case that no comments exist, a "Done" -- iterator will be returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- MAJOR program elements: type Element_Kinds is (A_Compilation_Unit, A_Context_Clause, A_Declaration, A_Statement, A_Pragma, A_Representation_Clause, Not_A_Major_Element); function Kind (Program_Element : Element) return Element_Kinds; -- Once the KIND of an element is determined, further decomposition -- or selection can be done by calling functions in the package that -- deals with a specific element kind. (e.g. the COMPILATION_UNITS -- package for kind A_COMPILATION_UNIT) subtype Association is Element; subtype Choice is Element; subtype Compilation_Unit is Element; subtype Context_Clause is Element; subtype Declaration is Element; subtype Expression is Element; subtype Name is Element; subtype Pragma_Usage is Element; subtype Representation_Clause is Element; subtype Statement is Element; subtype Type_Definition is Element; subtype Association_Iterator is Element_Iterator; subtype Choice_Iterator is Element_Iterator; subtype Compilation_Unit_Iterator is Element_Iterator; subtype Context_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator is Element_Iterator; subtype Declaration_Or_Context_Clause_Or_Representation_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator is Element_Iterator; subtype Expression_Iterator is Element_Iterator; subtype Name_Iterator is Element_Iterator; subtype Pragma_Iterator is Element_Iterator; subtype Representation_Clause_Iterator is Element_Iterator; subtype Statement_Or_Pragma_Iterator is Element_Iterator; subtype Type_Definition_Iterator is Element_Iterator; -- Note that some of the iterators can mix items of different major -- kinds. Their name attempts to convey this information. For -- instance a declarative part can contain, besides declarations, -- context clauses (viz. use clauses), representation clauses or -- pragmas. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- IDENTIFIERS: -- LRM 2.3 subtype Identifier_Definition is Element; subtype Identifier_Reference is Element; -- The image of all Identifier_Definitions and Identifier_References -- will provide the string name. type Id_Kinds is (An_Identifier_Definition, An_Identifier_Reference, Not_An_Identifier); function Id_Kind (An_Identifier : Element) return Id_Kinds; function Definition (Reference : Element; Visible : Boolean := True) return Identifier_Definition; -- This call follows the ADA OBJECT EDITOR definition model. The -- parameter VISIBLE indicates a preference. It may be that the -- returned definition is not visible. function Usage (Reference : Element; Global : Boolean := True; Limit : String := "<ALL_WORLDS>"; Closure : Boolean := False) return Element_List; -- This call follows the ADA OBJECT EDITOR show usage model. function Other_Part (Reference : Element) return Identifier_Definition; -- Returns the other part of the given reference. If the given -- reference has no other part, it returns Nil_Element. This call -- follows the ADA OBJECT EDITOR other part model. function String_Name (An_Identifier : Element) return String; ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PROMPTS: -- subtype Prompt is Element; function Is_Prompt (An_Element : Element) return Boolean; type Prompt_Kinds is (An_Alternative_Prompt, A_Compilation_Unit_Prompt, A_Context_Clause_Prompt, A_Declaration_Prompt, An_Expression_Prompt, A_Generic_Parameter_Prompt, An_Identifier_Prompt, A_Pragma_Prompt, A_Statement_Prompt, Not_A_Prompt); function Prompt_Kind (A_Prompt : Element) return Prompt_Kinds; ------------------------------------------------------------------ package Conversion is function Normalize (Tree : Diana.Tree) return Element; -- Given an arbitrary diana tree find the closest corresponding -- ELEMENT. (This routine may walk UP a diana tree); function Convert (A_Tree : Diana.Tree) return Element; function Convert (An_Element : Element) return Diana.Tree; procedure Register_Action (Action_Id : Action.Id); -- Once an action is registered, all "opens" will be performed -- under the specified action. Opens can be implicitly performed -- when one traverses to definitions located in other objects -- or if one accesses the element's image. procedure Close_All_Objects; -- -- Closes all objects opened by the current job. This operation -- DOES NOT affect the Actions associated with the current job. procedure Finish_Action; -- Closes all objects opened under the previously registered -- action or under the default action. This operation is similar -- to CLOSE_ALL_OBJECTS except that the currently registered -- action is also committed. -- Construction of iterators: function Build_Element_Iterator (Sequence : Diana.Sequence) return Element_Iterator; function Build_Element_Iterator (Seq_Type : Diana.Seq_Type) return Element_Iterator; -- Conversion functions to and from directory object handles and names. function To_Directory_Object (Comp_Unit : Compilation_Unit) return Object.Handle; function To_Compilation_Unit (Directory_Object : Object.Handle; Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id) return Compilation_Unit; -- If the default Null_Id is provided, the currently registered -- action will be used for this and all subsequent opens. -- If no action has previously been registered, then one will be -- constructed. -- If a non-null action is specified it will be used for this open -- and registered for all subsequent opens. function Resolve (Element_Name : String) return Element; -- Does the best it can to resolve an unambiguous name of an -- element to it's internal form. See notes below for GET_NAME. function Resolve (Element_Names : String; Visible : Boolean := True; Look_Through_Stubs : Boolean := True) return Element_List; -- -- Resolves any name to a list of one or more Ada_Program -- Elements. This form of RESOLVE behaves in a way similar to -- COMMON.DEFINITION. When ELEMENT_NAMES resolves to multiple -- units/declarations, the VISIBLE parameter has no effect. If -- the name resolves to a subunit, the stub is returned if -- Look_Through_Stubs is False, and the subunit if it is True. -- This procedure is declared at the end of this package -- to maintain compatibility. -- -- procedure Resolve (Element_Names : String; -- Result : out Element_List; -- Status : in out Errors.Condition; -- Context : Directory_Tools.Naming.Context := -- Directory_Tools.Naming.Default_Context; -- Objects_Only : Boolean := False); -- -- Resolves (ambiguous) naming expression in the given context. -- This operation is similar in behavior to -- Directory_Tools.Naming.Resolution'N(2). If Objects_Only is -- true, only library level objects that match the name will be -- included; when false, Ada_Program Elements will be included -- in RESULT even if no separate directory object is associated -- with them. function Get_Name (Of_Element : Element) return String; -- Does the best it can to give a fully resolved name of the -- element, this works well for declarations and comp_units but -- may not give useful results for other kinds of elements. -- If it succeeds, the string may be used in RESOLVE to convert back -- to the originating ELEMENT ------------------------------------ function Handle_Of (The_Element : Element) return Ada_Text.Handle; -- Returns the currently open handle for the Ada image containing -- THE_ELEMENT. If no handle exists, one will be opened and -- future calls will return that handle. -- ELEMENTs cannot be stored in permanent objects -- like files. Use the following operations to generate an external -- representation that can be saved and converted. type Element_Permanent_Representation is new String; function Convert (An_Element : Element; Within : String := "<SUBSYSTEM>") return Element_Permanent_Representation; -- The WITHIN parameter specifies how fully qualified the -- representation is (or should be resolved). When converting from -- an element to a permanent representation, the values can be : -- <FULL> - The element's fully qualified resolution is -- returned. -- <SUBSYSTEM> - The resolution of the element is subsystem -- relative. Subsystem name and spec or load origin -- is preserved. -- <VIEW> - The resolution of the element is view relative. -- No origin information is preserved. -- -- Storage for <SUBSYSTEM> or <VIEW> representation are less than -- <FULL> but some origin information is lost. -- procedure Convert (An_Element_Rep : Element_Permanent_Representation; Result : out Element; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Within : String := "<DEFAULT>"); -- When converting from a permanent representation to an element, -- an attempt is made to fill in any missing information in the -- permanent representation from the WITHIN parameter. So, in all -- cases, if the permanent representation was FULLy resolved the -- WITHIN parameter is ignored, otherwise : -- <DEFAULT> - For <SUBSYSTEM>, the view selected by -- the current activity for the stored subsystem is -- used as the origin. The spec or load origin of the -- representation is used to pick the specific view. -- For <VIEW>, the current view context is used as -- the origin. -- subsystem name - For <SUBSYSTEM>, same as <DEFAULT>. -- For <VIEW>, the view selected by the current -- activity for the specified subsystem is used. -- The subsystem name can be followed by "'SPEC" or -- "'LOAD" to force use of the spec view or load -- view from the activity. (Defaults to Spec View) -- view name - For <SUBSYSTEM>, if the subsystem containing the -- specified view matches the representation's -- subsystem, the specified view is used. -- If no match, same as <DEFAULT>. -- For <VIEW> the specified view is used. function Unique_Id (For_Element : Element) return Long_Integer; -- Generates a unique number for any element. -- Useful for building maps for elements. -- This procedure is provided here to maintain compatibility. -- procedure Resolve (Element_Names : String; Result : out Element_List; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Context : Directory_Tools.Naming.Context := Directory_Tools.Naming.Default_Context; Objects_Only : Boolean := False); -- -- Resolves (ambiguous) naming expression in the given context. -- This operation is similar in behavior to -- Directory_Tools.Naming.Resolution'N(2). If Objects_Only is -- true, only library level objects that match the name will be -- included; when false, Ada_Program Elements will be included -- in RESULT even if no separate directory object is associated -- with them. end Conversion; Inappropriate_Program_Element : exception; -- Raised when an operation is applied to an inappropriate -- program element. -- Use the DIAGNOSIS or STATUS calls to get more info. Failed : exception; -- Catch-all exception raised when an operation fails for reasons other -- than the above inappropriate element reason. -- Use the DIAGNOSIS or STATUS calls to get more info. function Diagnosis return String; function Status return Errors.Condition; -- Whenever an error condition is detected (and exception is raised) -- a diagnostic message/status is stored. These functions retrieve the -- diagnostic for the most recent error. -- The following provide debugger image functions for the -- private types defined in this package. function Debug_Image (Of_Element : Element; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_Iterator : Element_Iterator; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_List : Element_List; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_Lines : Line_Iterator; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; -- -- Hide these interfaces ... -- procedure Field_Copy (From_List : Element_List; To_List : in out Element_List); -- if a data type contains a LIST and that data type is -- stored in a segmented heap and a selector on that pointed -- to object returns a LIST, use this to get the LIST out, it -- will un-normalize the internal segmented heap pointers. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3570); pragma Bias_Key (27); private type Element is new Diana.Tree; Nil_Element : constant Element := Element (Diana.Empty); -- ELEMENT_ITERATORs are read only type Iterator_Kinds is (Sequence, Seq_Type); type Element_Iterator is record Kind : Iterator_Kinds; Sequence_Root, Sequence_Current : Diana.Sequence; Seq_Type_Root, Seq_Type_Current : Diana.Seq_Type; end record; Nil_Iterator : constant Element_Iterator := Element_Iterator'(Kind => Sequence, Sequence_Root => Diana.Sequence'(Diana.Make), Sequence_Current => Diana.Sequence'(Diana.Make), Seq_Type_Root => Diana.Seq_Type'(Diana.Make), Seq_Type_Current => Diana.Seq_Type'(Diana.Make)); -- ELEMENT_LISTs are read/write type Element_List is record First, Current, Last : Diana.Temp_Seq; end record; Nil_List : constant Element_List := Element_List'(First => Diana.Temp_Seq'(Diana.Make), Current => Diana.Temp_Seq'(Diana.Make), Last => Diana.Temp_Seq'(Diana.Make)); type Line_Iterator is new Ada_Text.Iterator; end Ada_Program;with Ada_Program; package Associations is -- -- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- LRM 3.7.2, 6.4.1 and 12.3 -- This package provides operations on argument associations, -- generic associations and parameter associations. -- Local Renamings: subtype Association is Ada_Program.Association; subtype Identifier_Definition is Ada_Program.Identifier_Definition; subtype Name_Expression is Ada_Program.Expression; ------------------------------------------------------------------- type Association_Kinds is (Named_Association, Positional_Association, Defaulted, Not_An_Association); function Association_Kind (An_Association : Association) return Association_Kinds; -- Returns the kind of an association. function Formal_Parameter (An_Association : Association) return Identifier_Definition; -- Returns the identifier of the formal name for the given -- association. This function tries hard to return an identifier -- definition. However, in the case of a pragma argument, only a -- reference can be returned. function Actual_Parameter (An_Association : Association) return Name_Expression; -- Returns the actual name or expression for the given association. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3578); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Associations;with Ada_Program; package Compilation_Units is -- -- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- LRM 10.1 -- -- Compilation units are composed of two distinct parts: -- A context clause part and a declarative part. -- The context clause part may contain actual context clauses -- (with and use clauses) and pragmas. -- The declaration associated with a compilation unit can either -- be a package, procedure, function, or subunit. -- Local Renamings: subtype Compilation_Unit is Ada_Program.Compilation_Unit; subtype Context_Clause is Ada_Program.Context_Clause; subtype Declaration is Ada_Program.Declaration; subtype Context_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator is Ada_Program.Context_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator; subtype Name_Iterator is Ada_Program.Name_Iterator; subtype Pragma_Iterator is Ada_Program.Pragma_Iterator; --------------------------------------------------------------- function Unit_Declaration (A_Compilation_Unit : Compilation_Unit) return Declaration; -- Returns the package, procedure, or function declaration of the -- compilation unit. (Library and Secondary units as defined in the -- LRM. The operations on declarations can be used to further -- decompose these elements. function Context_Clause_Elements (Of_Compilation_Unit : Compilation_Unit) return Context_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator; -- Returns a list of context clauses and pragmas that -- reside in the context part of the compilation unit. -- Context clauses are made up of one or more unit references. -- -- ie with Bar; -- has one unit reference -- use Foo, Bar; -- has two named unit references -- -- All context clauses have an Image but only their elements -- have a name. type Context_Clause_Kinds is (A_With_Clause, A_Use_Clause, Not_A_Context_Clause); function Context_Clause_Kind (A_Context_Clause : Context_Clause) return Context_Clause_Kinds; function Referenced_Units (A_Context_Clause : Context_Clause) return Name_Iterator; -- Returns a list of identifier references in a context clause function Parent_Compilation_Unit (Of_Program_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Compilation_Unit; -- Returns the compilation unit that contains a particular -- program element. If the PROGRAM_ELEMENT in question is a -- compilation unit then this is an identity function. function Is_Subunit (A_Compilation_Unit : Compilation_Unit) return Boolean; -- Returns true if the compilation unit is a package, subprogram, or task -- subunit. function Subunit_Parent (Of_Subunit : Compilation_Unit) return Compilation_Unit; -- Returns the compilation unit that is the parent unit of the subunit. function Body_Stub (Of_Subunit : Compilation_Unit) return Declaration; -- Returns the subunit declaration in the parent. function Attached_Pragmas (To_Compilation_Unit : Compilation_Unit) return Pragma_Iterator; -- Returns the list of pragmas attached to a compilation unit. Only -- those pragmas that follow the compilation unit are returned here. -- Pragmas that precede the compilation unit are part of the context -- clause. function Is_Main_Program (Procedure_Or_Function : Compilation_Unit) return Boolean; -- Returns true if the unit has a pragma Main attached. subtype Name_Expression is Ada_Program.Expression; function Parent_Unit_Name (Of_Subunit : Compilation_Unit) return Name_Expression; -- Returns a name expression describing the parent unit. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3571); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Compilation_Units;with Ada_Program; package Declarations is -- -- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- LRM Chapter 3 -- Local Renaming: subtype Compilation_Unit is Ada_Program.Compilation_Unit; subtype Declaration is Ada_Program.Declaration; subtype Expression is Ada_Program.Expression; subtype Name_Expression is Ada_Program.Name; subtype Statement is Ada_Program.Statement; subtype Type_Definition is Ada_Program.Type_Definition; subtype Association_Iterator is Ada_Program.Association_Iterator; subtype Declarative_Part_Iterator is Ada_Program. Declaration_Or_Context_Clause_Or_Representation_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator; --------------------------------------------------------------- type Declaration_Kinds is (A_Variable_Declaration, A_Constant_Declaration, A_Deferred_Constant_Declaration, An_Integer_Number_Declaration, A_Real_Number_Declaration, A_Type_Declaration, An_Incomplete_Type_Declaration, A_Subtype_Declaration, A_Package_Declaration, A_Package_Body_Declaration, A_Procedure_Declaration, A_Procedure_Body_Declaration, A_Function_Declaration, A_Function_Body_Declaration, A_Package_Rename_Declaration, A_Procedure_Rename_Declaration, A_Function_Rename_Declaration, An_Object_Rename_Declaration, An_Exception_Rename_Declaration, A_Generic_Package_Declaration, A_Generic_Procedure_Declaration, A_Generic_Function_Declaration, A_Package_Instantiation, A_Procedure_Instantiation, A_Function_Instantiation, A_Task_Declaration, A_Task_Body_Declaration, A_Task_Type_Declaration, An_Entry_Declaration, An_Exception_Declaration, A_Procedure_Subunit, A_Function_Subunit, A_Package_Subunit, A_Task_Subunit, A_Subprogram_Formal_Parameter, A_Generic_Formal_Parameter, A_Discriminant, A_Record_Component, Not_A_Declaration); function Kind (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Declaration_Kinds; subtype Object_Declaration is Declaration; -- LRM 3.2.1 subtype Type_Declaration is Declaration; -- LRM 3.3.1 subtype Subtype_Declaration is Declaration; -- LRM 3.3.2 subtype Package_Declaration is Declaration; -- LRM 7.1 subtype Procedure_Declaration is Declaration; -- LRM 6.1 subtype Function_Declaration is Declaration; -- LRM 6.1 subtype Task_Declaration is Declaration; -- LRM 9.1 subtype Task_Specification is Type_Definition; -- LRM 9.2 subtype Entry_Declaration is Declaration; -- LRM 9.5 subtype Exception_Declaration is Declaration; -- LRM 11.1 function Is_Visible (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Boolean; -- Returns True for units that are library level package or subprogram -- specs, and for declarations inside library level package specs. function Is_In_Private_Part (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Boolean; -- Returns true is the declaration appears in the private part -- of a package. function Is_Generic_Formal (Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Boolean; -- Returns true if a subprogram, type or object declaration is -- a generic formal parameter or was derived from the GENERIC_PARAMETERS -- selector. function Is_Subprogram_Formal (Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Boolean; -- Returns true if the element was derived from the -- SUBPROGRAM_PARAMETERS selector. function Identifiers (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Ada_Program.Element_List; -- Returns a list of the identifier(s) introduced by the declaration. function Name (A_Declaration : Declaration) return String; -- Returns the identifier(s) image. Basically the same as calling -- ADA_PROGRAM.STRING_NAME on the result of IDENTIFIERS for a -- declaration. function Enclosing_Declaration (Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Declaration; -- Returns the enclosing declaration for any element. -- NOTE: This is the identity function if given a declaration. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- OBJECT DECLARATIONS - LRM 3.2.1 -- The following operations apply to object declarations, component -- declarations and discriminant specifications. function Is_Initialized (Object_Decl : Object_Declaration) return Boolean; -- Determines whether the object declaration includes an initial -- value. function Initial_Value (Object_Decl : Object_Declaration) return Expression; -- Returns the optional expression that initializes an object or number -- declaration, NIL_ELEMENT is otherwise returned. function Object_Type (Object_Declaration_Or_Id : Object_Declaration) return Type_Definition; -- Returns the subtype indication following the colon in the object -- declaration. This function will take either a declaration element -- or identifier definition associated with the declaration. function Type_Mark (Subprogram_Formal_Or_Deferred_Constant : Declaration) return Name_Expression; -- Returns the type mark associated with Subprogram Formal -- parameters and Deferred Constants. Selectors in -- NAMES_AND_EXPRESSIONS can then be used to extract more information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- TYPE DECLARATIONS - LRM 3.3 function Is_Private (Type_Decl : Type_Declaration) return Boolean; function Is_Limited (Type_Decl : Type_Declaration) return Boolean; function Is_Incomplete (Type_Decl : Type_Declaration) return Boolean; function Type_Specification (Type_Declaration_Or_Id : Declaration) return Type_Definition; -- Returns the type definition for a given type or subtype declaration -- or the identifier definition associated with the declaration. -- See the enumeration TYPE_INFORMATION.TYPE_DEFINITION_KINDS for -- the various kinds of type definitions. function Full_Type_Declaration (Type_Declaration_Or_Id : Declaration) return Type_Declaration; -- Given the declaration of an incomplete type, returns the -- corresponding full type declaration. A nil element is returned -- if the full type declaration is not yet compiled. NOTE: this is -- the identity function if given a non-incomplete type declaration. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- PROGRAM UNIT DECLARATIONS -- LRM Chapters 5, 6, 9 -- Program units are package, subprogram, and task specifications -- and bodies. function Is_Spec (Program_Unit : Declaration) return Boolean; -- Determines whether a package, procedure, function, or task -- is a specification. function Is_Package (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Boolean; function Is_Task (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Boolean; function Is_Procedure (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Boolean; function Is_Function (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Boolean; function Is_Subprogram (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Boolean; -- Determines if a declaration is a particular kind of program unit -- declaration regardless if it is generic, an instantiation, rename, -- spec or body. function Specification (Decl_Or_Id : Declaration) return Declaration; -- Returns the specification of a program unit declaration or identifier. -- If a specification is provided the same element is returned. If no -- specification exists a nil element is returned. function Unit_Body (Decl_Or_Id : Declaration) return Declaration; -- Returns the body for a given program unit declaration or identifier -- definition associated with the declaration. If a body is input, -- the same element is returned. If no body exists a nil element is -- returned. If a stub is given, the subunit is returned. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- PACKAGES -- LRM Chapter 7 function Visible_Part_Declarations (Package_Specification : Package_Declaration) return Declarative_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of all declarations, representation -- specifications, and pragmas in the visible part of a package in -- the order of appearance. When applied to a package -- instantiation, this operation yields the instance's visible -- declarations. function Private_Part_Declarations (Package_Specification : Package_Declaration) return Declarative_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of all declarations, representation -- specifications, and pragmas in the private part of the package in -- order of appearance. When applied to a package instantiation, -- this operation yields the instance's private declarations. function Package_Body_Block (Package_Body : Package_Declaration) return Statement; -- Returns the block statement for a package body including -- the declarative part, any elaboration statements, and -- exception handler if any. The selectors for blocks in STATEMENTS -- can then be used for further decomposition. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- SUBPROGRAMS subtype Subprogram_Formal_Parameter is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Subprogram_Formal_Parameter_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; type Subprogram_Parameter_Kinds is (Default_In_Parameter, In_Parameter, Out_Parameter, In_Out_Parameter, Not_A_Parameter); function Subprogram_Parameter_Kind (Of_Parameter : Subprogram_Formal_Parameter) return Subprogram_Parameter_Kinds; function Subprogram_Parameters (Subprogram_Or_Entry : Declaration) return Subprogram_Formal_Parameter_Iterator; -- Returns an ordered list of formal parameter declarations. -- Use IS_INITIALIZED and INITIAL_VALUE to query -- the information related to the presence of the default parameter -- initialization, and use TYPE_MARK to obtain the parameter type mark. -- When applied to a subprogram instantiation, this operation yields -- the instance's parameters. function Return_Type (Of_Function : Function_Declaration) return Name_Expression; -- Returns the name expression of the return type, selectors in -- NAMES_AND_EXPRESSIONS can then be used to extract more information. -- When applied to a function instantiation, this operation yields -- the instance's return type. function Is_Operator_Definition (Function_Declaration : Declaration) return Boolean; function Subprogram_Block (Subprogram_Body : Declaration) return Statement; -- Returns the block statement for the body including -- the declarative part, any elaboration statements, and -- exception handler if any. The selectors for blocks in STATEMENTS -- can then be used for further decomposition. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- RENAMINGS -- LRM Chapter 8.5 function Is_Renaming_Declaration (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Boolean; function Renamed_Name (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Name_Expression; -- Returns the name of the entity being renamed. It can be a simple -- name, an operator symbol, an indexed component, a slice, a -- selected component or an attribute. function Renamed_Declaration (A_Declaration : Declaration) return Declaration; -- If applied to the renaming of a simple name, an operator symbol -- or an expanded name, returns the name's declaration. Returns nil -- element otherwise. Use of this function is discouraged. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- GENERIC PACKAGE and SUBPROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS -- LRM Chapter 12 function Is_Generic (Package_Or_Subprogram_Decl : Declaration) return Boolean; subtype Generic_Formal_Parameter is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Generic_Formal_Parameter_Or_Pragma_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; type Generic_Parameter_Kinds is (Subprogram, Object, Private_Type, Limited_Private_Type, Discrete_Type, Integer_Type, Floating_Point_Type, Fixed_Point_Type, Array_Type, Access_Type, Not_A_Generic_Parameter); function Generic_Parameter_Kind (Generic_Parameter : Generic_Formal_Parameter) return Generic_Parameter_Kinds; function Generic_Parameters (Generic_Decl : Declaration) return Generic_Formal_Parameter_Or_Pragma_Iterator; -- Returns a list of formal parameters to the generic in order of -- appearance. -- Object parameters can be decomposed with subprogram formal parameter -- and object declaration operations. -- Array and access type declarations can be decomposed with the -- operations corresponding to their types. -- Subprogram parameters can be queried by the following operations and -- can be further decomposed with subprogram declaration operations. type Generic_Formal_Subprogram_Default_Kinds is (Box, Name, None, Not_A_Generic_Formal_Subprogram); function Generic_Formal_Subprogram_Default_Kind (A_Generic_Formal_Subprogram : Generic_Formal_Parameter) return Generic_Formal_Subprogram_Default_Kinds; function Generic_Formal_Subprogram_Default (A_Generic_Formal_Subprogram : Generic_Formal_Parameter) return Name_Expression; function Is_Generic_Instantiation (Package_Or_Subprogram_Decl : Declaration) return Boolean; function Generic_Unit_Declaration (Generic_Instantiation_Or_Unit_Declaration : Declaration) return Declaration; -- Returns the declaration of the generic unit being instantiated. function Generic_Instantiation_Parameters (Generic_Instantiation : Declaration) return Association_Iterator; -- Returns an ordered list of parameter associations of a generic -- instantiation. The operations defined in package ASSOCIATIONS -- can be used to decompose them. function Generic_Actual_Parameters (Generic_Instantiation : Declaration) return Association_Iterator renames Generic_Instantiation_Parameters; -- Use of this form is discouraged. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- TASK DECLARATIONS -- LRM Chapter 9 function Task_Type_Specification (Task_Decl : Task_Declaration) return Task_Specification; -- Returns a task specification for a given task declaration. function Entry_Declarations (Task_Decl : Task_Declaration) return Declarative_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of entry declarations associated with a TASK declaration. function Task_Body_Block (Task_Body : Task_Declaration) return Statement; -- Returns the block statement for the body including -- the declarative part, any elaboration statements, and -- exception handler if any. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- ENTRY DECLARATIONS -- LRM Chapter 9.5 -- The operations available for decomposing subprograms will -- also work for entry declarations. subtype Family_Index_Range is Ada_Program.Element; function Family_Index (Entry_Family : Entry_Declaration) return Family_Index_Range; -- Returns the index range for the entry family. If the entry is not -- a family, a nil element is returned. -- Use operations on discrete ranges in TYPE_INFORMATION to analyze -- the family index range. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- EXCEPTION DECLARATIONS -- LRM Chapter 11 -- The selector IDENTIFIERS can be used to get a list of identifier -- definitions introduced by an exception declaration. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- SUBUNIT STUBS -- LRM Chapter 10.2 function Subunit (Of_Body_Stub : Declaration) return Compilation_Unit; -- Returns the compilation unit corresponding to the subunit stub. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3572); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Declarations;with Ada_Program; package Names_And_Expressions is -- -- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- LRM Chapter 4 -- This chapter contains operations for manipulating names and -- expressions. -- Local Renamings: subtype Declaration is Ada_Program.Declaration; subtype Expression is Ada_Program.Expression; subtype Name_Expression is Ada_Program.Name; subtype Name is Ada_Program.Name; subtype Subtype_Indication is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Type_Definition is Ada_Program.Type_Definition; subtype Association_Iterator is Ada_Program.Association_Iterator; subtype Choice_Iterator is Ada_Program.Choice_Iterator; subtype Expression_Iterator is Ada_Program.Expression_Iterator; --------------------------------------------------------------------- function Expression_Type (An_Expression : Expression) return Type_Definition; -- Returns the type specification for the expression. type Expression_Kinds is (A_Simple_Name, An_Operator_Symbol, -- LRM 4.1 An_Indexed_Component, -- LRM 4.1.1 A_Slice, -- LRM 4.1.2 A_Selected_Component, -- LRM 4.1.3 An_Attribute, -- LRM 4.1.4 A_Character_Literal, An_Integer_Literal, A_Real_Literal, An_Enumeration_Literal, A_Null_Literal, A_String_Literal,-- LRM 4.2 An_Aggregate, -- LRM 4.3 A_Type_Conversion, -- LRM 4.6 A_Qualified_Expression, -- LRM 4.7 An_Allocator, -- LRM 4.8 A_Complex_Expression, -- LRM 4.4/5 A_Function_Call, Not_An_Expression); function Kind (An_Expression : Expression) return Expression_Kinds; function Is_Constant (A_Name : Name) return Boolean; -- Returns True if the given name is constant. The name must be -- of a syntactic form suitable for the left hand side of an -- assignment (ie. not an attribute, a character, etc.). function Is_Static (An_Expression : Expression) return Boolean; function Static_Value (An_Integer_Expression : Expression) return Long_Integer; function Static_Value (A_Character_Expression : Expression) return Character; function Static_Value (A_Real_Expression : Expression) return Float; function Static_Value (A_String_Expression : Expression) return String; -- Note that STATIC_VALUE for strings will not return the quotes around -- a string literal. function Used_Names (An_Expression : Expression) return Ada_Program.Element_List; -- Returns a list of names of objects/types and operators in an expression. -- EG. the expression (A + B.D (Q'(4))) would return the list : -- A : A_SIMPLE_NAME -- + : AN_OPERATOR_SYMBOL -- B.D : A_SELECTED_COMPONENT -- Q : A_SIMPLE_NAME -- 4 : A_NUMERIC_LITERAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAMES LRM 4.1 -- -- Simple_Names and operator symbols are instances of identifier references -- The Ada_program.Definition function will return the defining Id. subtype Discrete_Range is Ada_Program.Element; function Prefix (Of_Name : Name) return Name; -- Returns the prefix (the construct to the left of the rightmost -- left paren in indexed or sliced objects, the rightmost 'dot' for -- selected components or the rightmost tick for attributes). -- LRM 4.1.1 -- Array component function Index_Expressions (An_Indexed_Component : Name) return Expression_Iterator; -- Returns a list of expressions (possibly only one) within the parens. -- LRM 4.1.2 function Slice_Range (A_Slice : Name) return Discrete_Range; -- LRM 4.1.3 type Selection_Kinds is (Record_Discriminant, -- LRM 4.1.3 (a) Record_Component, -- LRM 4.1.3 (b) Task_Entry, -- LRM 4.1.3 (c) Access_Object, -- LRM 4.1.3 (d) Expanded_Name -- LRM 4.1.3 (e,f) ); function Selection_Kind (Selected_Component : Name) return Selection_Kinds; function Selector (Selected_Component : Name) return Name; -- Returns the selector (the construct to the right of the rightmost -- 'dot' in the selected component). Fails on selections of kind -- Access_Object. -- LRM 4.1.3 (a,b) function Record_Object (Discriminant_Or_Component_Selection : Name) return Declaration; -- Returns the record object declaration for the selected object. function Selected_Component (Discriminant_Or_Component_Selection : Name) return Ada_Program.Element; -- Returns the component declaration or discriminant in the record type -- declaration. Operations in the package Declarations can be used to -- manipulate record components. -- LRM 4.1.3 (c) function Selected_Task_Entry (Task_Entry_Selection : Name) return Declaration; -- Returns the entry declaration within the task type. -- LRM 4.1.3 (d) function Selected_Access_Type (Access_Object_Selection : Name) return Declaration; -- Returns the access type declaration. -- LRM 4.1.3 (f) function Named_Declaration (Expanded_Name : Name) return Declaration; -- Returns the named declaration. -- LRM 4.1.4 type Attribute_Designator_Kinds is (Address_Attribute, Aft_Attribute, Base_Attribute, Callable_Attribute, Constrained_Attribute, Count_Attribute, Delta_Attribute, Digits_Attribute, Emax_Attribute, Epsilon_Attribute, First_Attribute, First_Bit_Attribute, Fore_Attribute, Image_Attribute, Large_Attribute, Last_Attribute, Last_Bit_Attribute, Length_Attribute, Machine_Emax_Attribute, Machine_Emin_Attribute, Machine_Mantissa_Attribute, Machine_Overflows_Attribute, Machine_Radix_Attribute, Machine_Rounds_Attribute, Mantissa_Attribute, Pos_Attribute, Position_Attribute, Pred_Attribute, Range_Attribute, Safe_Emax_Attribute, Safe_Large_Attribute, Safe_Small_Attribute, Size_Attribute, Small_Attribute, Storage_Size_Attribute, Succ_Attribute, Terminated_Attribute, Val_Attribute, Value_Attribute, Width_Attribute, Not_A_Predefined_Attribute); function Attribute_Designator_Kind (Attribute : Name) return Attribute_Designator_Kinds; -- Returns the kind of an attribute. If the attribute is -- implementation-specific, Not_A_Predefined_Attribute is returned. function Attribute_Designator_Name (Attribute : Name) return String; -- This is the preferred way to analyze an implementation-specific -- attribute. It returns an uppercase string for the attribute -- simple name. function Attribute_Designator_Name (Attribute : Name) return Name; -- The Simple_Name returned here is only intended for use by -- ADA_PROGRAM.STRING_NAME. Use of this function is discouraged. function Attribute_Designator_Argument (Attribute : Name) return Expression; -- Returns the static expression associated with the optional argument -- of the attribute designator if one exists, Nil_Element otherwise. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LITERALS LRM 4.2 -- -- The value of literals can be determined by using the -- STATIC_VALUE selectors. function Is_Literal (An_Expression : Expression) return Boolean; function Position_Number (An_Enumeration_Or_Character_Literal : Expression) return Long_Integer; -- Returns the cardinality of the enumeration literal within the base type -- of the enumeration type. (same as "'POS") function Representation_Value (An_Enumeration_Or_Character_Literal : Expression) return Long_Integer; -- Returns the internal representation of the enumeration literal. -- (same as "'POS" if no rep spec defined for the enumeration type) function Enumeration_Definition (An_Enumeration_Or_Character_Literal : Expression) return Declaration; -- Since characters are enumerations, both regular enumeration and -- character literals have enumeration root type declarations. The -- operations in DECLARATIONS can be used to further analyze these -- declarations. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AGGREGATES LRM 4.3 subtype Aggregate_Component is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Aggregate_Component_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; function Components (An_Aggregate : Expression; Normalized : Boolean := False) return Aggregate_Component_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the components of an aggregate. -- If NORMALIZED is true a normalized list of the components of -- an aggregate is returned (using positional notation). -- NOTE THAT NORMALIZED INFO IS NOT AVAILIABLE FOR ARRAY AGGREGATES. function Component_Choices (Component : Aggregate_Component) return Choice_Iterator; -- Returns the list of choices in the aggregate component. -- May be a nil list if positional notation is used. -- Use the CHOICE operations in TYPE_INFORMATION for further analysis. function Component_Expression (Component : Aggregate_Component) return Expression; -- Returns the expression for the component association. function Aggregate_Range (An_Aggregate : Expression) return Discrete_Range; -- For an array aggregate, returns a range specifying the bounds of -- the aggregate. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TYPE CONVERSIONS and QUALIFIED EXPRESSIONS -- LRM 4.6, 4.7 function Type_Mark (Type_Conversion_Or_Qualified_Expression : Expression) return Name; -- Returns the name of the type to which the expression is -- being converted or the qualifying type. Use DEFINITION to get -- the the defining type id. function Converted_Or_Qualified_Expression (Type_Conversion_Or_Qualified_Expression : Expression) return Expression; -- Returns the expression being converted or qualified. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ALLOCATORS LRM 4.8 type Allocation_Kinds is (Allocation_From_Subtype, Allocation_From_Qualified_Expression); function Allocator_Kind (An_Allocator : Expression) return Allocation_Kinds; function Allocation_Type (An_Allocator : Expression) return Subtype_Indication; -- Returns the subtype indication for the object being allocated. function Qualified_Object_Expression (An_Allocator : Expression) return Expression; -- Returns the qualified expression for the object being allocated. -- (in other words the KIND of the returned expression will be -- A_QUALIFIED_EXPRESSION) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- COMPLEX EXPRESSIONS - LRM 4.4 -- -- When an expression kind is A_COMPLEX_EXPRESSION the following -- operations can be used to do more detailed analysis. subtype Special_Operation is Expression; subtype Parenthesized_Expression is Expression; subtype Range_Info is Ada_Program.Element; type Complex_Expression_Kinds is (A_Parenthesized_Expression, A_Special_Operation, Not_A_Complex_Expression); function Complex_Expression_Kind (An_Expression : Expression) return Complex_Expression_Kinds; function Expression_Parenthesized (A_Parenthesized_Expression : Parenthesized_Expression) return Expression; -- Returns the expression within the parenthesis. type Special_Operation_Kinds is (In_Range, Not_In_Range, In_Type, Not_In_Type, And_Then, Or_Else, Not_A_Special_Operation); function Special_Operation_Kind (An_Operation : Special_Operation) return Special_Operation_Kinds; function Special_Operation_Left_Hand_Side (For_Special_Operation : Special_Operation) return Expression; -- All special operation left hand sides are expressions. function In_Range_Operation_Right_Hand_Side (For_In_Range_Operation : Special_Operation) return Range_Info; -- The right hand side for an IN_RANGE operation is a range which can be -- analyzed using the range operations in TYPE_INFORMATION. function In_Type_Operation_Right_Hand_Side (For_In_Type_Operation : Special_Operation) return Name; -- The right hand side for an IN_TYPE operation is a type mark which is -- a name and can be further analyzed using this package. function Short_Circuit_Operation_Right_Hand_Side (For_Short_Circuit_Operation : Special_Operation) return Expression; -- The right hand side for a short circuit operation can be any -- expression kind which can be further analyzed using this package. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FUNCTION CALLS -- Note that references to enumeration literals renamed as functions -- are treated as genuine function calls. function Is_Prefix_Call (A_Function_Call : Expression) return Boolean; -- Returns true if the function call is in prefix form. -- EG. - Foo (A, B); -- Returns TRUE -- "<" (A, B); -- Returns TRUE -- ... A < B ... -- Returns FALSE function Is_Predefined (A_Function_Call : Expression) return Boolean; -- Returns true if the function call has no real declaration associated -- with it. (EG. STANDARD."+") function Called_Function (A_Function_Call : Expression) return Declaration; -- Returns the declaration of the called function if it is not predefined, -- NIL_ELEMENT otherwise. function Function_Call_Parameters (A_Function_Call : Expression; Normalized : Boolean := False) return Association_Iterator; -- Returns a list of actual parameters for the call. If Normalized -- is set to true, the (unspecified) default parameters will also be -- included in the iterator. Use the operations from package -- ASSOCIATIONS to further decompose the associations. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3573); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Names_And_Expressions;with Ada_Program; package Pragmas is -- -- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- LRM 2.8 -- This package provides operations on pragma elements -- Local Renamings: subtype Pragma_Usage is Ada_Program.Pragma_Usage; subtype Declaration is Ada_Program.Declaration; subtype Association_Iterator is Ada_Program.Association_Iterator; ------------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Predefined (A_Pragma : Pragma_Usage) return Boolean; type Pragma_Kinds is (Controlled, Elaborate, Inline, Interface, List, Memory_Size, Optimize, Pack, Page, Priority, Shared, Storage_Unit, Suppress, System_Name, Not_A_Predefined_Pragma); Unknown : constant Pragma_Kinds := Not_A_Predefined_Pragma; function Kind (A_Pragma : Pragma_Usage) return Pragma_Kinds; -- Returns the kind of a pragma. Returns Not_A_Predefined_Pragma on -- implementation-specific pragmas. function Name (A_Pragma : Pragma_Usage) return String; -- Returns the uppercase simple name of any pragma. This is the way -- to analyze implementation-specific pragmas. function Arguments (A_Pragma : Pragma_Usage) return Association_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the arguments to a pragma. Operations from -- package ASSOCIATIONS can be used to decompose them. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3574); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Pragmas;with Ada_Program; package Representation_Clauses is -- -- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- LRM Chapter 13 -- Local Renamings: subtype Declaration is Ada_Program.Declaration; subtype Expression is Ada_Program.Expression; subtype Identifier_Definition is Ada_Program.Identifier_Definition; subtype Representation_Clause is Ada_Program.Representation_Clause; subtype Type_Definition is Ada_Program.Element; ------------------------------------------------------------------- type Representation_Clause_Kinds is (A_Length_Clause, An_Enumeration_Representation_Clause, A_Record_Representation_Clause, An_Address_Clause, Not_A_Representation_Clause); function Kind (Clause : Representation_Clause) return Representation_Clause_Kinds; function Associated_Type (Clause : Representation_Clause) return Type_Definition; -- Returns the definition of the type specified in the length clause, -- enumeration representation clause or record representation clause. function Associated_Size (For_Type : Type_Definition) return Expression; -- Returns the expression that describes the size associated with a type -- definition if there is a rep spec associated with this type, -- NIL_ELEMENT otherwise. function Associated_Storage_Size (For_Type : Type_Definition) return Expression; -- Returns the expression that describes the size associated with a type -- definition. Valid for access and task types and their derived types. function Associated_Enumeration_Representation (For_Enumeration_Literal : Identifier_Definition) return Expression; -- Returns the expression that describes the representation of -- enumeration literal. function Associated_Enumeration_Representation (For_Enumeration_Literal : Identifier_Definition) return Long_Integer; -- Returns the representation value associated with -- FOR_ENUMERATION_LITERAL. function Associated_Record_Representation (Record_Or_Component : Ada_Program.Element) return Representation_Clause; -- Returns the representation spec associated with the element. function Associated_Address (For_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Ada_Program.Element; -- Returns the element that defines the address value of FOR_ELEMENT, -- valid for VARs, CONSTANTs, PACKAGEs, ENTRYs and TASK SPECs (or -- their associated IDs). -- For all the above routines, if no associated element exists -- a NIL_ELEMENT is returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LRM 13.2 type Length_Clause_Attribute_Kinds is (Size, Collection_Storage_Size, Task_Storage_Size, Small); function Attribute_Kind (A_Length_Clause : Representation_Clause) return Length_Clause_Attribute_Kinds; ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LRM 13.3 function Representation_Aggregate (Enumeration_Clause : Representation_Clause) return Expression; -- Returns the aggregate of the representation clause. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LRM 13.4 function Alignment_Expression (Record_Clause : Representation_Clause) return Expression; -- Returns the alignment expression for the representation clause. -- If an alignment expression is not present, a nil element is -- returned. subtype A_Range is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Record_Component_Clause is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Record_Component_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; function Clause_Components (Record_Clause : Representation_Clause) return Record_Component_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the components of the record clause in order -- of appearance. function Valid_Component (Component_Clause : Record_Component_Clause) return Boolean; -- Some components can be PRAGMAs, this return true if this component -- is NOT a pragma. function Component_Name (Component_Clause : Record_Component_Clause) return String; -- Returns the name of the component. function Component_Offset (Component_Clause : Record_Component_Clause) return Expression; -- Returns the offset expression for the component. function Component_Range (Component_Clause : Record_Component_Clause) return A_Range; -- Returns the range constraint for the component. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LRM 13.5 function Addressed_Declaration (Address_Clause : Representation_Clause) return Declaration; -- Returns the declaration of the object, subprogram or entry -- whose address is being specified. function Address_Expression (Address_Clause : Representation_Clause) return Expression; -- Returns the expression for the address of the declaration. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3575); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Representation_Clauses;with Ada_Program; with Declarations; package Statements is -- -- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- LRM Chapter 5 -- Local Renames: subtype Association is Ada_Program.Association; subtype Declaration is Ada_Program.Declaration; subtype Expression is Ada_Program.Expression; subtype Identifier_Reference is Ada_Program.Identifier_Reference; subtype Name_Expression is Ada_Program.Name; subtype Name is Ada_Program.Name; subtype Statement is Ada_Program.Statement; subtype Association_Iterator is Ada_Program.Association_Iterator; subtype Choice_Iterator is Ada_Program.Choice_Iterator; subtype Declarative_Part_Iterator is Ada_Program. Declaration_Or_Context_Clause_Or_Representation_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator; subtype Expression_Iterator is Ada_Program.Expression_Iterator; subtype Name_Iterator is Ada_Program.Name_Iterator; subtype Statement_Part_Iterator is Ada_Program.Statement_Or_Pragma_Iterator; ------------------------------------------------------------------- function Is_Labeled (A_Statement : Statement) return Boolean; function Labels (A_Statement : Statement) return Name_Iterator; -- Returns an iterator on the names of the labels of a statement. A -- statement can have several labels. function Label_Name (A_Statement : Statement) return String; -- Returns the null string if no label is present. Use of this -- function is discouraged. function Is_Named_Statement (A_Statement : Statement) return Boolean; -- Returns true if applied to a loop or block that has a name. function Statement_Name (A_Statement : Statement) return Name; -- Returns the name of a block or loop. Returns Nil_Element if not -- a block or loop, or if no name is present. type Statement_Kinds is -- Simple statements: (A_Null_Statement, An_Assignment_Statement, A_Procedure_Call_Statement, An_Exit_Statement, A_Return_Statement, A_Goto_Statement, An_Entry_Call_Statement, A_Delay_Statement, An_Abort_Statement, A_Raise_Statement, A_Code_Statement, -- compound statements: An_If_Statement, A_Case_Statement, A_Loop_Statement, A_Block_Statement, An_Accept_Statement, A_Select_Statement, A_Conditional_Entry_Call_Statement, A_Timed_Entry_Call_Statement, Not_A_Statement); function Kind (A_Statement : Statement) return Statement_Kinds; --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS - LRM 5.2 function Object_Assigned_To (Assignment_Statement : Statement) return Name; -- Returns the name of object to which the assignment is being made. function Assignment_Expression (Assignment_Statement : Statement) return Expression; -- Returns the expression on the right hand side of the assignment. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- EXIT STATEMENTS - LRM 5.7 function Exit_Label (Exit_Statement : Statement) return String; -- Returns the name of the exited loop if present, "" if not present function Exit_Condition (Exit_Statement : Statement) return Expression; -- Returns the when condition of the exit statement if present; -- returns a nil element if not present. function Loop_Exited (Exit_Statement : Statement) return Statement; -- Returns the loop statement exited by this exit statement. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RETURN STATEMENTS - LRM 5.8 function Return_Expression (Return_Statement : Statement) return Expression; -- Returns the expression returned in the statement. -- If no expression exists, a nil element is returned. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GOTO STATEMENTS - LRM 5.9 function Goto_Label (Goto_Statement : Statement) return String; -- Returns the name of label to which the goto statement may go. function Destination_Statement (Goto_Statement : Statement) return Statement; -- Returns the statement to which the goto statement may go. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IF STATEMENTS - LRM 5.3 subtype If_Statement_Arm is Ada_Program.Element; subtype If_Statement_Arm_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; function If_Arm_List (If_Statement : Statement) return If_Statement_Arm_Iterator; -- returns a list of the arms of the if statement function Is_Else_Arm (Arm : If_Statement_Arm) return Boolean; -- Returns true if the arm is an 'ELSE' arm, false if the arm is an -- 'IF' or 'ELSIF'. The function Condition_Expression below may be used -- on the arm in the false case. function Condition_Expression (If_Arm : If_Statement_Arm) return Expression; -- Returns the condition expression for an if statement or elsif arm. function If_Arm_Statements (Arm : If_Statement_Arm) return Statement_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the statements and pragmas in an arm. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CASE STATEMENTS - LRM 5.4 function Case_Expression (Case_Statement : Statement) return Expression; -- Returns the expression of the case statement that determines -- which alternative will be taken. subtype Case_Statement_Alternative is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Case_Statement_Alternative_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; function Case_Arms_List (Case_Statement : Statement) return Case_Statement_Alternative_Iterator; -- Return a list of all alternatives of the case statement. function Is_When_Others (Case_Alternative : Case_Statement_Alternative) return Boolean; function Case_Alternative_Choices (Case_Alternative : Case_Statement_Alternative) return Choice_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the 'WHEN <choice> | <choice>' choices. -- Use the TYPE_INFORMATION package's CHOICES queries to extract -- further information about the <choice>s. function Case_Alternative_Statements (Case_Alternative : Case_Statement_Alternative) return Statement_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the statements and pragmas in this alternative. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LOOP STATEMENTS - LRM 5.5 subtype For_Loop_Range is Ada_Program.Element; type Loop_Kinds is (A_For_Loop, A_While_Loop, A_Simple_Loop); function Loop_Kind (Loop_Statement : Statement) return Loop_Kinds; function While_Condition (Loop_Statement : Statement) return Expression; -- Returns the condition expression associated with the while loop. function For_Loop_Index (Loop_Statement : Statement) return For_Loop_Range; -- Returns the range for the loop index. -- Use the TYPE_INFORMATION package's operations for discrete ranges -- for more information. function For_Loop_Index_Variable (Loop_Statement : Statement) return String; -- Returns the name of the loop index variable. function Is_Reverse_Iterator (Loop_Statement : Statement) return Boolean; function Loop_Statements (Loop_Statement : Statement) return Statement_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the statements pragmas in the body part of -- the loop statement. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BLOCK STATEMENTS - LRM 5.6 function Declarative_Items (Block_Statement : Statement) return Declarative_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the declarations, pragmas, representation -- specifications, and use clauses in the declarative part of the block. -- A "Done" iterator indicates that there are no declarations. function Block_Body_Statements (Block_Statement : Statement) return Statement_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the statements and pragmas in the body part of the -- block. subtype Exception_Handler_Arm is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Exception_Handler_Arm_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; function Block_Exception_Handler_Arms (Block_Statement : Statement) return Exception_Handler_Arm_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the exception handler arms of the block. function Exception_Choices (Exception_Arm : Exception_Handler_Arm) return Choice_Iterator; -- Returns a list of exception choices in the handler arm. -- Use the TYPE_INFORMATION package's CHOICES queries to extract -- further information about the <choice>s. function Handler_Statements (Exception_Arm : Exception_Handler_Arm) return Statement_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the statements and pragmas in the body part of -- the handler. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PROCEDURE CALL STATEMENTS - LRM 6.4 function Called_Procedure (Procedure_Or_Entry_Call_Statement : Statement) return Declaration; -- Returns the declaration of the called procedure or entry. function Procedure_Call_Parameters (Procedure_Or_Entry_Call_Statement : Statement; Normalized : Boolean := False) return Association_Iterator; -- Returns a list of actual parameters for the call. -- If Normalized is set to true, the (unspecified) default -- parameters will also be included in the iterator. function Parameter_Expression (Parameter : Association) return Expression; -- Returns the expression passed in for the actual parameter. Use -- of this function is discouraged. Operations from package -- PARAMETER_ASSOCIATIONS should be used instead. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RAISE STATEMENTS - LRM 11.3 function Raised_Exception (Raise_Statement : Statement) return Name; -- Returns the name of the raised exception or NIL_ELEMENT if there is -- none. The NAMES_AND_EXPRESSIONS package can be used to decompose -- the name. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CODE STATEMENTS - LRM 13.8 function Qualified_Expression (Code_Statement : Statement) return Expression; -- Returns the qualified expression representing the code statement. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ENTRY CALL STATEMENTS - LRM 9.5 function Family_Index (Entry_Call_Or_Accept_Statement : Statement) return Expression; -- Returns NIL_ELEMENT if not a family call/accept. -- The operations on procedure calls and actual parameters defined above -- may be used to get more information about an entry calls. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ACCEPT STATEMENTS - LRM 9.5 function Accepted_Entry (Accept_Statement : Statement) return Declarations.Entry_Declaration; -- Returns the declaration of the entry accepted in this statement. function Accept_Body_Statements (Accept_Statement : Statement) return Statement_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the statements and pragmas in the body part of -- the accept statement. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DELAY STATEMENTS - LRM 9.6 function Delay_Expression (Delay_Statement : Statement) return Expression; -- Returns the expression for the time of the delay --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SELECT, CONDITIONAL ENTRY and TIMED ENTRY STATEMENTS - LRM 9.7 subtype Select_Alternative is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Select_Alternative_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; function Select_Alternatives (Selective_Wait : Statement) return Select_Alternative_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the alternatives in the selective_wait statement. function Is_Guarded (Alternative : Select_Alternative) return Boolean; -- Returns true if a select alternative has a guard. function Guard (Alternative : Select_Alternative) return Expression; -- Returns the conditional expression guarding the alternative. -- May return a nil element if there is no guard. type Select_Alternative_Kinds is (Accept_Alternative, Delay_Alternative, Terminate_Alternative, Not_A_Select_Alternative); function Select_Alternative_Kind (Alternative : Select_Alternative) return Select_Alternative_Kinds; function Select_Alternative_Statements (Accept_Or_Delay_Alternative : Select_Alternative) return Statement_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the statements and pragmas in the the accept or -- delay alternative including the accept statement and delay statements -- themselves. function Else_Statements (Selective_Wait_Or_Conditional_Entry_Call : Statement) return Statement_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of statements and pragmas contained in the else -- part of a selective_wait or conditional_entry_call. If no else -- part exists, a "DONE" iterator is returned. function Timed_Statements (Timed_Entry_Call : Statement) return Statement_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of statements and pragmas contained in the or -- part of a timed entry call, including the delay statement itself. function Entry_Call_Statements (Conditional_Or_Timed_Entry_Call : Statement) return Statement_Part_Iterator; -- Returns the statement list associated with the conditional or -- timed entry call, including the actual entry call statement. Use -- the ELSE_STATEMENTS or TIMED_STATEMENTS selector functions the get -- the rest of the information about the call. --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ABORT STATEMENTS - LRM 9.10 function Aborted_Tasks (Abort_Statement : Statement) return Name_Iterator; -- Returns a list of NAME_EXPRESSIONS for the aborted tasks. -- Use ADA_PROGRAM.DEFINITION to get to the task declaration, or -- the NAMES_AND_EXPRESSIONS package to decompose the names. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3576); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Statements;with Ada_Program; package Type_Information is -- -- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- Local Renaming: subtype Declaration is Ada_Program.Declaration; subtype Name_Expression is Ada_Program.Expression; subtype Expression is Ada_Program.Expression; subtype Identifier_Reference is Ada_Program.Identifier_Reference; subtype Statement is Ada_Program.Statement; subtype Task_Specification is Ada_Program.Type_Definition; subtype Type_Definition is Ada_Program.Type_Definition; subtype Association_Iterator is Ada_Program.Association_Iterator; subtype Choice_Iterator is Ada_Program.Choice_Iterator; subtype Declarative_Part_Iterator is Ada_Program. Declaration_Or_Context_Clause_Or_Representation_Clause_Or_Pragma_Iterator; subtype Name_Iterator is Ada_Program.Name_Iterator; --------------------------------------------------------------- type Type_Definition_Kinds is (A_Subtype_Indication, An_Enumeration_Type_Definition, An_Integer_Type_Definition, A_Float_Type_Definition, A_Fixed_Type_Definition, An_Array_Type_Definition, A_Record_Type_Definition, An_Access_Type_Definition, A_Derived_Type_Definition, A_Task_Type_Definition, A_Private_Type_Definition, A_Limited_Private_Type_Definition, Not_A_Type_Definition); function Kind (A_Type_Definition : Type_Definition) return Type_Definition_Kinds; function Parent_Declaration (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Declaration; -- Returns the declaration associated with the type definition, if -- any is available. Anonymous types for example have no associated -- declaration. function Base_Type (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Type_Definition; -- Returns the base type of the specified type definition as per LRM 3.3. -- All subtypes are constraints applied to some base type. This function -- returns that base type. function Type_Structure (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Type_Definition; -- Returns the type structure from which the specified type definition has -- been derived. This function will unwind recursive derivations until the -- type definition derives a new representation or is no longer derived. -- This function is different from GROUND_TYPE only for enumerations or -- records that have derivations with rep specs. function Ground_Type (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Type_Definition; -- This function recursively unwinds all type derivations and subtyping -- to arrive at a type definition which is neither a derived type or a -- subtype. function Last_Constraint (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Type_Definition; -- This function recursively unwinds subtyping to arrive at a type -- definition which is either the base_type or imposes constraints. function Is_Predefined (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Boolean; -- returns true if the type definition is one of: -- Boolean, Character, String, Integer, Natural, Positive, Float function Is_Universal (Type_Def : Type_Definition) return Boolean; -- returns true if the type definition is a universal integer, -- universal fixed or universal float. subtype Subtype_Indication is Type_Definition; subtype Enumeration_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Integer_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Float_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Fixed_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Array_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Record_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Access_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Derived_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; subtype Task_Type_Definition is Type_Definition; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- TYPE CONSTRAINTS: subtype Type_Constraint is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Discrete_Range_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; subtype Discriminant_Association_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; type Type_Constraint_Kinds is (A_Simple_Range, A_Range_Attribute, A_Floating_Point_Constraint, A_Fixed_Point_Constraint, An_Index_Constraint, A_Discriminant_Constraint, Not_A_Constraint); function Constraint_Kind (A_Constraint : Type_Constraint) return Type_Constraint_Kinds; function Discrete_Ranges (Of_Index_Constraint : Type_Constraint) return Discrete_Range_Iterator; -- Returns the list of Discrete_Range components of an Index_Constraint function Discriminant_Associations (Of_Discriminant_Constraint : Type_Constraint) return Discriminant_Association_Iterator; -- Returns the list of discriminant associations of -- a Discriminant_Constraint. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DISCRETE RANGES: subtype Discrete_Range is Ada_Program.Element; -- LRM 3.6 type Range_Kinds is (A_Simple_Range, A_Range_Attribute, A_Subtype_Indication, Not_A_Range); function Range_Kind (A_Discrete_Range : Discrete_Range) return Range_Kinds; subtype Range_Info is Ada_Program.Element; procedure Bounds (A_Range : Range_Info; Lower, Upper : out Expression); -- This procedure returns the simple expression for the -- upper and lower bounds of a range if one is present -- NIL_ELEMENTs otherwise. -- Note that range attributes are expressions and can be analyzed -- by using the attribute operations in NAMES_AND_EXPRESSIONS. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- CHOICES: subtype Choice is Ada_Program.Element; type Choice_Kinds is (A_Simple_Expression, A_Discrete_Range, Others_Choice, An_Identifier_Reference, Not_A_Choice); function Choice_Kind (A_Choice : Choice) return Choice_Kinds; function Choice_Expression (A_Choice : Choice) return Expression; function Choice_Range (A_Choice : Choice) return Discrete_Range; function Choice_Identifier (A_Choice : Choice) return Identifier_Reference; --------------------------------------------------------------- -- SUBTYPE_INDICATIONS & TYPE_MARKS - LRM 3.3.2 function Type_Mark (A_Subtype_Indication : Subtype_Indication) return Name_Expression; -- Returns the type mark of a subtype indication. -- The NAMES_AND_EXPRESSION package provides selectors to do further -- decomposition. function Constraint (A_Subtype_Indication : Subtype_Indication) return Type_Constraint; -- Returns the constraint applied to the subtype indication. A nil -- element is returned if no constraint is present. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- ENUMERATION TYPES - LRM 3.5.1 function Enumeration_Literals (Enumeration_Type : Enumeration_Type_Definition) return Name_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the literals declared an enumeration type -- declaration. Each of these elements has a Name. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- INTEGER TYPES - LRM 3.5.4 function Integer_Constraint (Integer_Type : Integer_Type_Definition) return Range_Info; -- Returns the range constraint on the integer type declaration. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- REAL TYPES - LRM 3.5.6 function Digits_Accuracy_Definition (Floating_Point_Type : Float_Type_Definition) return Expression; -- Returns the digits accuracy definition of a floating point type -- definition or floating point constraint. function Floating_Point_Constraint (Floating_Point_Type : Float_Type_Definition) return Range_Info; -- Returns the range constraint of a floating point type declaration. function Delta_Accuracy_Definition (Fixed_Point_Type : Fixed_Type_Definition) return Expression; -- Returns the delta accuracy definition of a fixed point type definition -- or fixed point constraint. function Fixed_Point_Constraint (Fixed_Point_Type : Fixed_Type_Definition) return Range_Info; -- Returns the range constraint of the fixed point type definition. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- ARRAY TYPES - LRM 3.6 function Is_Constrained_Array (Array_Type : Array_Type_Definition) return Boolean; function Index_Constraints (Constrained_Array_Type : Array_Type_Definition) return Discrete_Range_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the discrete range constraints for an -- constrained array type declaration. function Index_Subtype_Definitions (Unconstrained_Array_Type : Array_Type_Definition) return Name_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the Index_Subtypes (Type_Marks) for an -- unconstrained array type declaration. function Component_Type (Array_Type : Array_Type_Definition) return Subtype_Indication; -- Returns the specification of the array component type. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- DISCRIMINANTS - LRM 3.7.1 subtype Type_Definition_Or_Declaration is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Discriminant_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; function Is_Discriminated (A_Type : Type_Definition_Or_Declaration) return Boolean; -- This function applies to private, limited private, incomplete or -- record types. It returns True if this type has discriminants. -- It may be applied to type declaration to handle the case of -- incomplete types. function Discriminants (A_Type : Type_Definition_Or_Declaration) return Discriminant_Iterator; -- Returns a list of discriminants of the type. These elements may -- then be manipulated with the functions provided in package -- Declarations. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- RECORD TYPES - LRM 3.7 subtype Record_Component is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Record_Component_Or_Pragma_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; subtype Variant is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Variant_Or_Pragma_Iterator is Ada_Program.Element_Iterator; function Record_Components (Record_Type : Record_Type_Definition) return Record_Component_Or_Pragma_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the record components of the record declaration. type Component_Kinds is (A_Null_Component, A_Variable_Component, A_Variant_Part_Component, Not_A_Component); -- A component can be a Variable, NULL or Variant_Part. -- A Null_Component is a NIL_ELEMENT. -- The operations on Variables can be used to decompose Variable_Components. function Component_Kind (Component : Record_Component) return Component_Kinds; function Associated_Discriminant (Variant_Part : Record_Component) return Identifier_Reference; function Variant_Item_List (Variant_Part : Record_Component) return Variant_Or_Pragma_Iterator; -- Returns a list of variants that make up the record component. function Variant_Choices (Variant_Item : Variant) return Choice_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the 'WHEN <choice> | <choice>' choices. -- Use the above CHOICES queries to extract further information. function Inner_Record_Components (Variant_Item : Variant) return Record_Component_Or_Pragma_Iterator; -- Returns a list of the record components of the inner record declaration. -- Use Component_Kind to analyze further. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- ACCESS TYPES - LRM 3.8 function Access_To (Access_Type : Access_Type_Definition) return Subtype_Indication; -- Returns the subtype indication associated with the access type. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- DERIVED TYPES - LRM 3.4 function Derived_From (Derived_Type : Derived_Type_Definition) return Subtype_Indication; -- Returns the subtype indication associated with the derived type. --------------------------------------------------------------- -- TASK TYPE DEFINITIONS -- LRM Chapter 9 function Task_Components (Task_Spec : Task_Specification) return Declarative_Part_Iterator; -- Returns a list of entry declarations, representation clauses -- and pragmas in a task specification. The list is in order of appearance. -- The operations on subprogram declarations can be used to -- decompose task entries. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3577); pragma Bias_Key (27); end Type_Information;
INDEX: ⟦35606d003⟧ R1K_ARCHIVE_INDEX DATA: ⟦c84a2ac9b⟧ R1K_ARCHIVE_DATA, TextFile
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