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Length: 7625 (0x1dc9) Types: TextFile Names: »V«
└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13 └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
-- Copyright (c) 1990 Meridian Software Systems, Inc. -- with Mac_Types; use Mac_Types; package Sound is Swmode : constant := -1; Ftmode : constant := 1; Ffmode : constant := 0; Synthcodersrc : constant := 16#736E7468#; -- "snth" Soundlistrsrc : constant := 16#736E6420#; -- "snd " Notesynth : constant := 1; Wavetablesynth : constant := 3; Sampledsynth : constant := 5; Midisynthin : constant := 7; Midisynthout : constant := 9; Midiinitchanfilter : constant := 16#10#; Midiinitrawmode : constant := 16#100#; Twelthroottwo : constant := 1.05946309434; Infinitetime : constant := 16#7FFFFFFF#; Nullcmd : constant := 0; Initcmd : constant := 1; Freecmd : constant := 2; Quietcmd : constant := 3; Flushcmd : constant := 4; Waitcmd : constant := 10; Pausecmd : constant := 11; Resumecmd : constant := 12; Callbackcmd : constant := 13; Synccmd : constant := 14; Emptycmd : constant := 15; Ticklecmd : constant := 20; Requestnextcmd : constant := 21; Howoftencmd : constant := 22; Wakeupcmd : constant := 23; Availablecmd : constant := 24; Versioncmd : constant := 25; Scalecmd : constant := 30; Tempocmd : constant := 31; Notecmd : constant := 40; Restcmd : constant := 41; Freqcmd : constant := 42; Ampcmd : constant := 43; Timbrecmd : constant := 44; Wavetablecmd : constant := 60; Phasecmd : constant := 61; Soundcmd : constant := 80; Buffercmd : constant := 81; Ratecmd : constant := 82; Mididatacmd : constant := 100; Setptrbit : constant := 16#8000#; Stdqlength : constant := 128; Datapointerflag : constant := 16#8000#; Initchanleft : constant := 2; Initchanright : constant := 3; Initchan0 : constant := 4; Initchan1 : constant := 5; Initchan2 : constant := 6; Initchan3 : constant := 7; Initsrate22k : constant := 16#20#; Initsrate44k : constant := 16#30#; Initmono : constant := 16#80#; Initstereo : constant := 16#C0#; Firstsoundformat : constant := 1; type Freewave is array (0 .. 30000) of Byte; type Ffsynthrec is record Mode : Mac_Types.Integer; Count : Fixed; Wavebytes : Freewave; end record; type Ffsynthptr is access Ffsynthrec; type Tone is record Count : Mac_Types.Integer; Amplitude : Mac_Types.Integer; Duration : Mac_Types.Integer; end record; type Tones is array (0 .. 5000) of Tone; type Swsynthrec is record Mode : Mac_Types.Integer; Triplets : Tones; end record; type Swsynthptr is access Swsynthrec; type Wave is array (0 .. 255) of Byte; type Waveptr is access Wave; type Ftsoundrec is record Duration : Mac_Types.Integer; Sound1rate : Fixed; Sound1phase : Longint; Sound2rate : Fixed; Sound2phase : Longint; Sound3rate : Fixed; Sound3phase : Longint; Sound4rate : Fixed; Sound4phase : Longint; Sound1wave : Waveptr; Sound2wave : Waveptr; Sound3wave : Waveptr; Sound4wave : Waveptr; end record; type Ftsndrecptr is access Ftsoundrec; type Ftsynthrec is record Mode : Mac_Types.Integer; Sndrec : Ftsndrecptr; end record; type Ftsynthptr is access Ftsynthrec; type Sndcommand is record Cmd : Mac_Types.Integer; Param1 : Mac_Types.Integer; Param2 : Longint; end record; subtype Time is Longint; type Modifierstub; type Modifierstubptr is access Modifierstub; type Modifierstub is record Nextstub : Modifierstubptr; Code : Procptr; Userinfo : Longint; Count : Time; Every : Time; Flags : Signedbyte; Hstate : Signedbyte; end record; type Sndchannel; type Sndchannelptr is access Sndchannel; type Array0_127sndcommand is array (0 .. 127) of Sndcommand; type Sndchannel is record Nextchan : Sndchannelptr; Firstmod : Modifierstubptr; Callback : Procptr; Userinfo : Longint; Wait : Time; Cmdinprogress : Sndcommand; Flags : Mac_Types.Integer; Qlength : Mac_Types.Integer; Qhead : Mac_Types.Integer; Qtail : Mac_Types.Integer; Queue : Array0_127sndcommand; end record; type Array0_1byte is array (0 .. 1) of Byte; type Soundheader is record Sampleptr : Ptr; Length : Longint; Samplerate : Fixed; Loopstart : Longint; Loopend : Longint; Basenote : Mac_Types.Integer; Samplearea : Array0_1byte; end record; type Soundheaderptr is access Soundheader; type Modref is record Modnumber : Mac_Types.Integer; Modinit : Longint; end record; function Snddocommand (Chan : Sndchannelptr; Cmd : Sndcommand; Nowait : Boolean) return Oserr; pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Snddocommand, "16#A803#"); function Snddoimmediate (Chan : Sndchannelptr; Cmd : Sndcommand) return Oserr; pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Snddoimmediate, "16#A804#"); function Sndnewchannel (Chan : Sndchannelptr; Synth : Mac_Types.Integer; Init : Longint; Userroutine : Procptr) return Oserr; pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Sndnewchannel, "16#A807#"); function Snddisposechannel (Chan : Sndchannelptr; Quietnow : Boolean) return Oserr; pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Snddisposechannel, "16#A801#"); function Sndplay (Chan : Sndchannelptr; Sndhdl : Handle; Async : Boolean) return Oserr; pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Sndplay, "16#A805#"); function Sndcontrol (Id : Mac_Types.Integer; Cmd : Sndcommand) return Oserr; pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Sndcontrol, "16#A806#"); procedure Setsoundvol (Level : Mac_Types.Integer); pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Setsoundvol, "SETSOUNDVOL"); procedure Getsoundvol (Level : in out Mac_Types.Integer); pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Getsoundvol, "GETSOUNDVOL"); procedure Startsound (Synthrec : Ptr; Numbytes : Longint; Completionrtn : Procptr); pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Startsound, "STARTSOUND"); procedure Stopsound; pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Stopsound, "STOPSOUND"); function Sounddone return Boolean; pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Sounddone, "SOUNDDONE"); function Sndaddmodifier (Chan : Sndchannelptr; Modifier : Procptr; Id : Mac_Types.Integer; Init : Longint) return Oserr; pragma Interface (Mpwpascal, Sndaddmodifier, "16#A802#"); generic with procedure Routine (Chan : Sndchannelptr; Cmd : Sndcommand); procedure Usercallbackroutine; generic with procedure Routine; procedure Usercompletionroutine; generic with function Routine (Chan : Sndchannelptr; Cmd : Sndcommand; Firstmod : Modifierstubptr) return Boolean; procedure Usermodifierroutine; end Sound;