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Length: 16299 (0x3fab) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2 └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« └─⟦f794ecd1d⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Log; with Machine; with Byte_Defs; with Transport; with Transport_Defs; with Transport_Name; with String_Utilities; with Device_Independent_Io; procedure Os2000_Transfer (Local_File : String; Remote_File : String; Transliterate : Boolean; Transfer_Type : Os2000_Transfer_Utilities.Transfer_Type; Remote_Machine : String; Response : Profile.Response_Profile) is subtype Byte is Byte_Defs.Byte; subtype Byte_String is Byte_Defs.Byte_String; function "=" (L, R : Byte) return Boolean renames Byte_Defs."="; package Tp renames Transport; package Tn renames Transport_Name; package Td renames Transport_Defs; package Util renames Os2000_Transfer_Utilities; package Dio renames Device_Independent_Io; Handshake_Socket : constant Transport_Defs.Socket_Id := (1, 13); -- This is the socket on which the OS2000 server will -- wait for commands. Sockets less than (4,0) are -- treated as privileged by OS2000 TCP/IP implementation. -- Long_Time : constant Duration := 300.0; -- 5 minutes Primary : Tp.Connection_Id; Secondary : Tp.Connection_Id; Status : Td.Status_Code; Count : Natural; Debug : constant Boolean := Util.Debug; task Transceiver is entry Start (Network : Td.Network_Name); entry Wait_For_Connection; entry Finish; end Transceiver; procedure Put_Debug (Msg : String) is begin Log.Put_Line (Msg, Kind => Profile.Debug_Msg, Response => Response); end Put_Debug; function Setup_Ax25_Port (Host : Td.Host_Id; Network : Td.Network_Name) return String is -- The_Job : constant String := Long_Integer'Image -- (Long_Integer (Machine.Get_Task_Id)); -- Disable : constant String := -- Transport.Set_Options -- (Network, -- -- for Ax25 the port number is first byte of host id -- Context => Integer'Image (Integer (Host (Host'First))), -- Options => "ENABLED => FALSE"); begin return Transport.Set_Options (Network, -- for Ax25 the port number is first byte of host id Context => Integer'Image (Integer (Host (Host'First))), Options => "ENABLED => TRUE," & "PROTOCOL_HALF => DCE"); -- "LEVEL_0 => (TASK =>" & The_Job & ")," & -- "LEVEL_2 => (MONITOR => TRUE)," & -- "LEVEL_3 => (MONITOR => TRUE)"); end Setup_Ax25_Port; -- function Disable_Ax25_Port -- (Host : Td.Host_Id; Network : Td.Network_Name) return String is -- begin -- return Transport.Set_Options -- (Network, -- -- for Ax25 the port number is first byte of host id -- Context => Integer'Image (Integer (Host (Host'First))), -- Options => "ENABLED => FALSE"); -- end Disable_Ax25_Port; procedure Transmit (Connection : Tp.Connection_Id; Data : Byte_String) is Status : Td.Status_Code; Total : Natural; Count : Natural; begin Tp.Transmit (Connection, Status, Data, Total); Util.Check_Transmit (Status, Response); while Total < Data'Length loop Tp.Transmit (Connection, Status, Data (Data'First + Total .. Data'Last), Count); Util.Check_Transmit (Status, Response); Total := Total + Count; end loop; end Transmit; task body Transceiver is Status : Td.Status_Code; Count : Natural; Total : Natural := 0; File : Dio.File_Type; Rws : Natural; procedure Process_Output_Buffer (S : in out Byte_String; Count : Natural) is -- change Lf to Cr on output begin for I in S'First .. S'First + Count - 1 loop if S (I) = Character'Pos (Ascii.Lf) then S (I) := Character'Pos (Ascii.Cr); end if; end loop; end Process_Output_Buffer; procedure Process_Input_Buffer (S : in out Byte_String; Count : Natural) is -- change Cr to Lf on input begin for I in S'First .. S'First + Count - 1 loop if S (I) = Character'Pos (Ascii.Cr) then S (I) := Character'Pos (Ascii.Lf); end if; end loop; end Process_Input_Buffer; begin begin accept Start (Network : Td.Network_Name) do Tp.Open (Secondary, Status, Network); Util.Check_Open (Status, Response); if Debug then Put_Debug ("Transceiver opened."); end if; end Start; if Debug then Put_Debug ("Transceiver connecting ..."); end if; Tp.Connect (Secondary, Status); if Debug then Put_Debug ("Transceiver connected."); end if; accept Wait_For_Connection do Util.Check_Connect (Status, Response); end Wait_For_Connection; exception when Util.Check_Failed => Log.Put_Line ("Transceiver terminating due to Open or Connect failure", Kind => Profile.Negative_Msg, Response => Response); raise; end; declare S : Byte_String (1 .. 1024); Rf_Status : Util.Remote_File_Status; begin Tp.Receive (Secondary, Status, S, Count, Long_Time); Util.Check_Receive (Status, Response); Rf_Status := Util.Extract_Status (S (1 .. Count)); case Rf_Status is when Util.Success => null; when others => Log.Put_Line ("OS2000 unable to open file due to " & Util.Remote_File_Status'Image (Rf_Status), Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Response); raise Util.No_Remote_File; end case; begin case Transfer_Type is when Util.Put_Exe | Util.Put_File => Dio.Open (File, Dio.In_File, Local_File); Log.Put_Line ("Opened R1000 file " & Local_File, Kind => Profile.Positive_Msg, Response => Response); when Util.Get_File => Dio.Create (File, Dio.Out_File, Local_File); Log.Put_Line ("Created R1000 file " & Local_File, Kind => Profile.Positive_Msg, Response => Response); end case; exception when others => Log.Put_Line ("Couldn't open R1000 file " & Local_File, Kind => Profile.Error_Msg, Response => Response); raise Util.No_Local_File; end; Rws := 0; case Transfer_Type is when Util.Put_Exe | Util.Put_File => Count := 0; while not Dio.End_Of_File (File) loop Dio.Read (File, S, Count); if Debug then Put_Debug ("Number of bytes read: " & Integer'Image (Count)); end if; if Transliterate then Process_Output_Buffer (S, Count); end if; if Count = S'Length then Transmit (Secondary, S); Rws := Rws + 1; elsif Count > 0 then Transmit (Secondary, S (1 .. Count)); Rws := Rws + 1; else exit; end if; Total := Total + Count; end loop; if Transliterate and then (Count > 0) and then (S (Count) /= Character'Pos (Ascii.Cr)) then S (S'First) := Character'Pos (Ascii.Cr); Transmit (Secondary, S (1 .. 1)); Rws := Rws + 1; end if; when Util.Get_File => loop Tp.Receive (Secondary, Status, S, Count, Long_Time); if Count > 0 then Util.Check_Receive (Status, Response); if Transliterate then Process_Input_Buffer (S, Count); end if; if Count = S'Length then Dio.Write (File, S); else Dio.Write (File, S (1 .. Count)); end if; Total := Total + Count; else exit; end if; end loop; declare Excess : Byte_String (1 .. 1); begin loop Tp.Receive (Secondary, Status, Excess, Count); if Count > 0 then Log.Put_Line ("Excess data received: " & Character'Val (Excess (1)), Kind => Profile.Warning_Msg, Response => Response); end if; exit when not Tp.Is_Connected (Secondary); end loop; end; end case; if Debug then Put_Debug ("Number of read/writes: " & Integer'Image (Rws)); end if; Log.Put_Line ("Number of bytes transferred = " & Integer'Image (Total), Kind => Profile.Positive_Msg, Response => Response); Dio.Close (File); Log.Put_Line ("Closed file " & Local_File, Kind => Profile.Positive_Msg, Response => Response); exception when Util.No_Remote_File | Util.No_Local_File => Log.Put_Line ("Transceiver not attempting transfer", Kind => Profile.Negative_Msg, Response => Response); when others => Log.Put_Line ("Transceiver got an unexpected exception in transfer.", Kind => Profile.Exception_Msg, Response => Response); end; Tp.Disconnect (Secondary); Tp.Close (Secondary); accept Finish; exception when Util.Check_Failed => null; when others => Log.Put_Line ("Transceiver got an unexpected exception.", Kind => Profile.Exception_Msg, Response => Response); end Transceiver; procedure Connect (Connection : Tp.Connection_Id; Host : Td.Host_Id; Socket : Td.Socket_Id) is Retries : constant := 20; Backoff : constant Duration := 3.0; Status : Td.Status_Code; begin for I in 1 .. Retries loop Tp.Connect (Connection, Status, Host, Socket); case Status is when Td.Not_Initialized | Td.Connection_Refused => delay Backoff; when others => exit; end case; end loop; Util.Check_Connect (Status, Response); end Connect; begin declare Machine : constant String := Util.Remote_Machine (Remote_Machine, Response); Network : constant Td.Network_Name := Util.Network (Machine, Response); Host : constant Td.Host_Id := Util.Host (Machine, Response); Is_Ax25 : constant Boolean := String_Utilities.Equal (String (Network), "AX25", Ignore_Case => True); begin Log.Put_Line ("Initiating OS2000 transfer to remote machine " & String_Utilities.Upper_Case (Machine), Kind => Profile.Positive_Msg, Response => Response); if Is_Ax25 then declare Result : constant String := Setup_Ax25_Port (Host, Network); begin if Result'Length > 0 then Log.Put_Line ("Ax25 Options rejected: " & Result, Kind => Profile.Negative_Msg, Response => Response); end if; end; end if; begin Tp.Open (Primary, Status, Network); Util.Check_Open (Status, Response); Connect (Primary, Host, Handshake_Socket); Transceiver.Start (Network); while not Tp.Is_Connecting_Passive (Secondary) loop delay 0.5; end loop; exception when Util.Check_Failed => Log.Put_Line ("Aborting transfer because Open or Connect failed.", Kind => Profile.Negative_Msg, Response => Response); raise; when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception in OS2000 transfer initialization", Kind => Profile.Exception_Msg, Response => Response); raise; end; declare My_Socket : constant Td.Socket_Id := Tp.Local_Socket (Secondary); begin if Debug then Put_Debug ("Secondary local socket = "); for I in My_Socket'Range loop Put_Debug (Integer'Image (Integer (My_Socket (I)))); end loop; end if; end; Transmit (Primary, Util.Make_Command (Tp.Local_Socket (Secondary), Transfer_Type)); if Debug then Put_Debug ("***TRANSMIT status => " & Td.Image (Status)); end if; Transceiver.Wait_For_Connection; declare Send_Name : Byte_String (Remote_File'First .. Remote_File'Last); begin Log.Put_Line ("Requesting OS2000 to open file " & String_Utilities.Upper_Case (Remote_File), Kind => Profile.Positive_Msg, Response => Response); for I in Remote_File'Range loop Send_Name (I) := Character'Pos (Remote_File (I)); end loop; Transmit (Primary, Send_Name); end; Transceiver.Finish; Tp.Disconnect (Primary); Tp.Close (Primary); Log.Put_Line ("[OS2000 transfer complete]", Kind => Profile.Auxiliary_Msg, Response => Response); end; exception when Util.Remote_Machine_Unknown => Log.Put_Line ("Aborting transfer because remote machine unknown", Kind => Profile.Negative_Msg, Response => Response); abort Transceiver; when Util.Check_Failed => abort Transceiver; when others => Log.Put_Line ("Unexpected exception in OS2000 transfer.", Kind => Profile.Exception_Msg, Response => Response); abort Transceiver; raise; end Os2000_Transfer;