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Length: 11364 (0x2c64) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦afbc8121e⟧ Bits:30000532 8mm tape, Rational 1000, MC68020_OS2000 7_2_2 └─ ⟦77aa8350c⟧ »DATA« └─⟦f794ecd1d⟧ └─⟦24d1ddd49⟧ └─⟦this⟧
-- The use of this system is subject to the software license terms and -- conditions agreed upon between Rational and the Customer. -- -- Copyright 1988 by Rational. -- -- RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND -- -- Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to -- restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in -- Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013. -- -- -- Rational -- 3320 Scott Boulevard -- Santa Clara, California 95054-3197 -- -- PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF RATIONAL; -- USE OR COPYING WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION -- IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. THIS MATERIAL IS PROTECTED AS -- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK UNDER THE U.S. COPYRIGHT ACT OF -- 1976. CREATED 1988. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. -- -- with Storage_Management; with Unchecked_Conversion; separate (Task_Management) package body Storage_Manager is pragma Suppress_All; package Sm renames Storage_Management; function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (System_Address, Task_Id); function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (System_Address, Wait_List_Link); function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (System_Address, Branch_Table_Link); function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (System_Address, Buffer_List); function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (System_Address, Address_Ref); function "=" (L, R : Mq.Upper_Part) return Boolean renames Mq."="; function "=" (L, R : Mq.Lower_Part) return Boolean renames Mq."="; function "=" (L, R : Tt.Wait_List_Link) return Boolean renames Tt."="; function "=" (L, R : Tt.Branch_Table_Link) return Boolean renames Tt."="; Tcb_Size : constant Integer := Task_Control_Block'Size / 8; Buffer_Item_Size : constant Integer := Tt.Buffer_Item'Size / 8; Accept_List_Size : constant Integer := 20; -- (2 * 8) + 4; type Wait_List_Skin_Init is record Max_Index : Mq.Wait_List_Index; end record; type For_Wait_List_Skin_Init is access Wait_List_Skin_Init; for For_Wait_List_Skin_Init'Storage_Size use 0; function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (Wait_List_Link, For_Wait_List_Skin_Init); type Branch_Table_Skin_Init is record Max_Entry : Entry_Id; end record; type For_Branch_Table_Skin_Init is access Branch_Table_Skin_Init; for For_Branch_Table_Skin_Init'Storage_Size use 0; function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (Branch_Table_Link, For_Branch_Table_Skin_Init); function Wait_List_Size (Max_Index : Entry_Number) return Integer is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); Element_Size : constant := 8; Discrim_Size : constant := 4; begin return (Element_Size * (Integer (Max_Index) + 1)) + Discrim_Size; end Wait_List_Size; function Branch_Table_Size (Max_Index : Entry_Number) return Integer is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); Element_Size : constant := 2; Discrim_Size : constant := 2; begin return (Element_Size * (Integer (Max_Index) + 1)) + Discrim_Size; end Branch_Table_Size; function New_Task_Control_Block return Task_Id is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); The_Task : Task_Id; begin The_Task := Convert (Sm.Allocate_Fixed_Cell (Units => Tcb_Size, Collection => Tt.Tcb_Collection)); The_Task.Queues.Wait_List := null; The_Task.Queues.Accept_List := null; The_Task.Queues.Branch_Table := null; return The_Task; end New_Task_Control_Block; procedure Free_Tcb (A_Tcb : in out Task_Id) is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); begin A_Tcb.Checksum := A_Tcb.Checksum / 2; -- trash the checksum Sm.Deallocate_Fixed_Cell (Units => Tcb_Size, Collection => Tt.Tcb_Collection, Cell => Convert (A_Tcb'Address)); end Free_Tcb; function New_Queues (Entries : Entry_Number; Current_Task : Task_Id) return Queue_Info is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); Result : Queue_Info; Status : Mq.Stratus; Last_Q : Mq.Wait_List_Index := Mq.Wait_List_Index (Entries); begin Result.Wait_List := Convert (Sm.Allocate_Fixed_Cell (Units => Wait_List_Size (Entries), Collection => Tt.Wait_List_Collection)); Convert (Result.Wait_List).Max_Index := Mq.Wait_List_Index (Entries); Result.Branch_Table := Convert (Sm.Allocate_Fixed_Cell (Units => Branch_Table_Size (Entries), Collection => Tt.Branch_Table_Collection)); Convert (Result.Branch_Table).Max_Entry := Entries; Result.Accept_List := Convert (Sm.Allocate_Fixed_Cell (Units => Accept_List_Size, Collection => Tt.Wait_List_Collection)); Convert (Result.Accept_List).Max_Index := 1; declare Result_Wait_List : Wait_List_Skin renames Result.Wait_List.all; Result_Accept_List : Wait_List_Skin renames Result.Accept_List.all; begin Mq.Create (Max_Message_Size => Reply_Message_Size, Max_Message_Count => 3, Result => Status, New_Queue => Result_Wait_List.List (Reply_Queue_Index).Wait_Queue); if Status = Mq.Q_Quesiz then Debugging.Put_Message ("Unable to create utility queue"); -- already released the lock, so just raise raise Storage_Error; else if Safety_Check then Checking.Check_Message_Queue_Status (Status, Err.Bad_Status_From_Create, Current_Task => Current_Task); end if; end if; Result_Wait_List.List (Reply_Queue_Index).Not_Active := False; Result_Wait_List.List (Reply_Queue_Index).Ipc_Queue := False; Result_Accept_List.List (Reply_Queue_Index) := Result_Wait_List.List (Reply_Queue_Index); -- Result_Accept_List.List (1).Wait_Queue := Message_Queue.Null_Id; Result_Accept_List.List (1).Wait_Queue.Upper := 0; Result_Accept_List.List (1).Wait_Queue.Lower := 0; Result_Accept_List.List (1).Not_Active := False; Result_Accept_List.List (1).Ipc_Queue := False; for I in First_Entry_Index .. Mq.Wait_List_Index (Entries) loop Mq.Create (Max_Message_Size => Entry_Call_Message_Size, Max_Message_Count => 64, -- ?? Result => Status, New_Queue => Result_Wait_List.List (I).Wait_Queue); if Status = Mq.Q_Quesiz then -- create failed; note last succeeded queue Last_Q := I - 1; exit; else if Safety_Check then Checking.Check_Message_Queue_Status (Status, Err.Bad_Status_From_Create, Current_Task => Current_Task); end if; end if; Result_Wait_List.List (I).Not_Active := True; Result_Wait_List.List (I).Ipc_Queue := False; end loop; if Last_Q /= Mq.Wait_List_Index (Entries) then -- create did not succeed for I in Last_Q .. Mq.Wait_List_Index (Entries) loop Result_Wait_List.List (I).Wait_Queue.Upper := 0; Result_Wait_List.List (I).Wait_Queue.Lower := 0; end loop; Debugging.Put_Message ("Unable to create new queues"); Free_Queues (Result, Current_Task); -- already released the lock, so just raise raise Storage_Error; end if; end; return Result; end New_Queues; procedure Free_Queues (Queues : in out Queue_Info; Current_Task : Task_Id) is pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); Status : Mq.Stratus; begin if Queues.Wait_List /= null then for I in Queues.Wait_List.List'Range loop declare The_Queue : Mq.Id renames Queues.Wait_List.List (I).Wait_Queue; begin -- if The_Queue /= Mq.Null_Id then if The_Queue.Upper /= 0 or else The_Queue.Lower /= 0 then Mq.Delete (The_Queue, Status); end if; end; end loop; Sm.Deallocate_Fixed_Cell (Units => Wait_List_Size (Entry_Number (Queues.Wait_List.Max_Index)), Collection => Tt.Wait_List_Collection, Cell => Convert (Queues.Wait_List'Address)); end if; if Queues.Branch_Table /= null then Sm.Deallocate_Fixed_Cell (Units => Branch_Table_Size (Queues.Branch_Table.Max_Entry), Collection => Tt.Branch_Table_Collection, Cell => Convert (Queues.Branch_Table'Address)); end if; if Queues.Accept_List /= null then Sm.Deallocate_Fixed_Cell (Units => Accept_List_Size, Collection => Tt.Wait_List_Collection, Cell => Convert (Queues.Accept_List'Address)); end if; end Free_Queues; function New_Buffer_Item (With_Buffer : Integer; Slot_Data : Integer; Next_Item : Buffer_List) return Buffer_List is -- Called with lock; lock is released before return; pragma Routine_Number (Runtime_Ids.Internal); Result : Buffer_List; begin if Buffer_Free_List = null then Release_Lock; Result := Convert (Sm.Allocate_Fixed_Cell (Units => Buffer_Item_Size, Collection => Tt.Buffer_Item_Collection)); else Result := Buffer_Free_List; Buffer_Free_List := Result.Next; Release_Lock; end if; Result.Buffer := With_Buffer; Result.Slot_Data := Slot_Data; Result.Next := Next_Item; return Result; end New_Buffer_Item; end Storage_Manager; pragma Runtime_Unit (Unit_Number => Runtime_Ids.Runtime_Compunit, Elab_Routine_Number => Runtime_Ids.Internal);