Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ T V

⟦ce9b3b15e⟧ TextFile

    Length: 4358 (0x1106)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦d10a02448⟧ Bits:30000409 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT, D_12_7_3
    └─ ⟦fc9b38f02⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 


with Default;
with Machine;
with System;
with System_Utilities;

package Terminal is

    subtype Port is Natural range 0 .. 4 * 16 * 16;

    -- valid terminal types
    -- Rational, VT100, Facit

    -- valid terminal rates
    --   DISABLE,     50,     75,    110,
    --   134_5,      150,    200,    300,
    --   600,       1200,   1800,   2400,
    --   4800,      9600,  19200,   EXT_REC_CLK

    subtype Stop_Bits_Range is System_Utilities.Stop_Bits_Range;
    subtype Character_Bits_Range is System_Utilities.Character_Bits_Range;
    subtype Parity_Kind is System_Utilities.Parity_Kind;
    -- None, Even, Odd

    function Current (S : Machine.Session_Id := Default.Session) return Port
        renames System_Utilities.Terminal;

    procedure Settings (Line : Port := Terminal.Current);
    -- print summary of current terminal

    procedure Set_Terminal_Type
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  To_Be : String := System_Utilities.Terminal_Type);

    procedure Set_Input_Rate (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                              To_Be : String := System_Utilities.Input_Rate);

    procedure Set_Output_Rate (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                               To_Be : String := System_Utilities.Output_Rate);

    procedure Set_Parity (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                          To_Be : Parity_Kind := System_Utilities.Parity);

    procedure Set_Stop_Bits (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                             To_Be : Stop_Bits_Range :=

    procedure Set_Character_Size (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                                  To_Be : Character_Bits_Range :=

    procedure Set_Xon_Xoff_Characters
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  Xon_Xoff : String := System_Utilities.Xon_Xoff_Characters);
    -- takes a 2-element string consisting of Xon followed by Xoff

    procedure Set_Xon_Xoff_Bytes (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                                  Xon_Xoff : System.Byte_String :=

    procedure Set_Flow_Control
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  To_Be : String := System_Utilities.Flow_Control);

    procedure Set_Receive_Xon_Xoff_Characters
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  Xon_Xoff : String := System_Utilities.

    procedure Set_Receive_Xon_Xoff_Bytes
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  Xon_Xoff : System.Byte_String :=

    procedure Set_Receive_Flow_Control
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  To_Be : String := System_Utilities.Receive_Flow_Control);

    procedure Set_Disconnect_On_Disconnect
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  Enabled : Boolean := System_Utilities.

    procedure Set_Logoff_On_Disconnect
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  Enabled : Boolean := System_Utilities.Logoff_On_Disconnect);

    procedure Set_Disconnect_On_Logoff
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  Enabled : Boolean := System_Utilities.Disconnect_On_Logoff);

    procedure Set_Disconnect_On_Failed_Login
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  Enabled : Boolean := System_Utilities.

    procedure Set_Log_Failed_Logins
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  Enabled : Boolean := System_Utilities.Log_Failed_Logins);

    procedure Set_Login_Disabled
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  Disabled : Boolean := System_Utilities.Login_Disabled);

    procedure Set_Detach_On_Disconnect
                 (Line : Port := Terminal.Current;
                  Enabled : Boolean := System_Utilities.Detach_On_Disconnect);

    pragma Subsystem (Os_Commands);
    pragma Module_Name (4, 3925);
end Terminal;