DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 4757 (0x1295) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦2f6cfab89⟧ Bits:30000547 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 94-01-04 └─ ⟦d65440be7⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Communications; with Errors; with Files; with Interchange; with Mac_Files; with Mac_Path; with Mac_Types; with Mac_Text; with Osutils; with Rational_Error; with System; with Talk_Utils; with Text_Io; use Text_Io; with Unchecked_Conversion; package body Last_Update_R is package Last_Update_F is procedure Of_Remote_File_In (Name : Mac_Text.Text); procedure In_Seconds_Out (Seconds : out Mac_Types.Longint); procedure Options_In (Options : Mac_Text.Text); procedure End_Last_Update; end Last_Update_F; package body Last_Update_F is Err : Mac_Types.Oserr := Mac_Types.Noerr; Refnum : Mac_Types.Integer; Mod_Time : Mac_Types.Longint; function As_Varinteger is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Mac_Types.Varinteger); function As_Varlongint is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Mac_Types.Varlongint); function As_Stringptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Mac_Types.Stringptr); function As_Hparmblkptr is new Unchecked_Conversion (Source => System.Address, Target => Files.Hparmblkptr); procedure Of_Remote_File_In (Name : Mac_Text.Text) is S : Mac_Types.Str255 := Mac_Text.Value (Name); Pb : Files.Filehparamblockrec; begin Pb.Iocompletion := null; Pb.Ionameptr := As_Stringptr (S'Address); Pb.Iovrefnum := 0; Pb.Iofdirindex := 0; Pb.Iodirid := 0; Err := Files.Pbhgetfinfo (As_Hparmblkptr (Pb'Address), False); if Err /= Mac_Types.Noerr then return; end if; Mod_Time := Pb.Ioflmddat; end Of_Remote_File_In; procedure Options_In (Options : Mac_Text.Text) is begin null; end Options_In; procedure In_Seconds_Out (Seconds : out Mac_Types.Longint) is Loc_Time : Mac_Types.Longint; begin Osutils.Getdatetime (Secs => Loc_Time); Seconds := Mod_Time - Loc_Time; end In_Seconds_Out; procedure End_Last_Update is begin if Err /= Mac_Types.Noerr then Rational_Error.Raise_Mac_Error (Err); end if; end End_Last_Update; end Last_Update_F; procedure Read (A_Connection : in out Communications.Connection) is I : Mac_Types.Longint; B : Boolean; T : Mac_Text.Text (256); begin Put_Line ("last_update_r:read begin"); Interchange.Get_Int (A_Connection, I); if I /= Talk_Utils.F_Of_Remote_File then Rational_Error.Raise_Error (Rational_Error.Internal_Error); end if; Interchange.Get_Text (A_Connection, T); Last_Update_F.Of_Remote_File_In (T); Interchange.Get_Int (A_Connection, I); if I /= Talk_Utils.F_Options then Rational_Error.Raise_Error (Rational_Error.Internal_Error); end if; Interchange.Get_Text (A_Connection, T); Last_Update_F.Options_In (T); Interchange.Get_Int (A_Connection, I); if I /= Talk_Utils.F_Delimitor then Rational_Error.Raise_Error (Rational_Error.Internal_Error); end if; Interchange.Get_Int (A_Connection, I); if I /= Talk_Utils.R_Last_Update then Rational_Error.Raise_Error (Rational_Error.Internal_Error); end if; Put_Line ("last_update_r:read end"); end Read; procedure Write (A_Connection : in out Communications.Connection) is begin Put_Line ("last_update_r:write begin"); declare I : Mac_Types.Longint; begin Last_Update_F.In_Seconds_Out (I); Put ("last_update_r:write seconds : "); Put (Mac_Types.Longint'Image (I)); Interchange.Put_Int (A_Connection, Talk_Utils.F_In_Seconds); Interchange.Put_Int (A_Connection, I); Last_Update_F.End_Last_Update; exception when others => Rational_Error.Report (A_Connection, Talk_Utils.R_Last_Update, Rational_Error.Get); end; Interchange.Put_Int (A_Connection, Talk_Utils.F_Delimitor); Interchange.Put_Int (A_Connection, Talk_Utils.R_Last_Update); Put_Line ("last_update_r:write end"); end Write; end Last_Update_R;