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Length: 12379 (0x305b) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦a7d1ea751⟧ Bits:30000550 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !users!projects 94_04_11 └─ ⟦129cab021⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
with Text_Io; with Les_Types; use Les_Types; with Char; use Char; package body Lex is type State is (St_Normal, St_Slash, St_Com_St, St_Com_End, St_Less, St_Great, St_Let, St_Word, St_Litt, St_Quote, St_Number, St_Found); type Keyword is record Name : Pointeur_Chaine; Letoken : Token; end record; type Tableau_Kewords is array (Positive range <>) of Keyword; Keywords : constant Tableau_Kewords := ((new String'("ARCCOS"), L_Arccos), (new String'("ARCCOT"), L_Arccot), (new String'("ARCCOTH"), L_Arccoth), (new String'("ARCSIN"), L_Arcsin), (new String'("ARCTAN"), L_Arctan), (new String'("ARCTANH"), L_Arctanh), (new String'("COS"), L_Cos), (new String'("COTH"), L_Coth), (new String'("SIN"), L_Sin), (new String'("SINH"), L_Sinh), (new String'("TAN"), L_Tan), (new String'("TANH"), L_Tanh), (new String'("a"), L_A), (new String'("acteur"), L_Acteur), (new String'("activer"), L_Activer), (new String'("alors"), L_Alors), (new String'("attendre"), L_Attendre), (new String'("aucun"), L_Aucun), (new String'("bien"), L_Bien), (new String'("binaire"), L_Binaire), (new String'("changer"), L_Changer), (new String'("collection"), L_Collection), (new String'("dans"), L_Dans), (new String'("debut"), L_Debut), (new String'("discret"), L_Discret), (new String'("effet"), L_Effet), (new String'("est"), L_Est), (new String'("et"), L_Et), (new String'("evoluer"), L_Evoluer), (new String'("executer"), L_Executer), (new String'("experience"), L_Experience), (new String'("faire"), L_Faire), (new String'("faux"), L_Faux), (new String'("fin"), L_Fin), (new String'("fois"), L_Fois), (new String'("fonction"), L_Funct), (new String'("flottant"), L_Flottant), (new String'("fugitif"), L_Fugitif), (new String'("materiel"), L_Materiel), (new String'("non"), L_Non), (new String'("ou"), L_Ou), (new String'("oui"), L_Oui), (new String'("puis"), L_Puis), (new String'("que"), L_Que), (new String'("registre"), L_Registre), (new String'("repeter"), L_Repeter), (new String'("representation"), L_Representation), (new String'("retourne"), L_Retourne), (new String'("selon"), L_Selon), (new String'("si"), L_Si), (new String'("sinon"), L_Sinon), (new String'("spectacle"), L_Spectacle), (new String'("station"), L_Station), (new String'("tant"), L_Tant), (new String'("temporel"), L_Temporel), (new String'("theatre"), L_Theatre), (new String'("vrai"), L_Vrai) ); The_File : Text_Io.File_Type; Current_Value : String (1 .. 256); Long_Current_Value : Integer := 0; Current_Token : Token; Eof : constant Character := '$'; Nombre_Flottant : Float; function Keyword_To_Token (Word : Pointeur_Chaine) return Token is Low, High, Mid : Integer; B : Boolean; begin Low := 1; High := Keywords'Last (1); while (Low <= High) loop Mid := (Low + High) / 2; if (Word.all < Keywords (Mid).Name.all) then High := Mid - 1; else if (Word.all = Keywords (Mid).Name.all) then return Keywords (Mid).Letoken; else Low := Mid + 1; end if; end if; end loop; return L_Reg; end Keyword_To_Token; function Lex_Get_Value1 return Pointeur_Chaine is Chaine : Pointeur_Chaine; begin if Long_Current_Value /= 0 then Chaine := new String'(Current_Value (1 .. Long_Current_Value)); return Chaine; else return null; end if; end Lex_Get_Value1; function Lex_Get_Token1 return Token is begin return Current_Token; end Lex_Get_Token1; function Lex_At_End1 (Afile : Text_Io.File_Type) return Boolean is begin return Char_At_End (Afile); end Lex_At_End1; function Isalpha (C : Character) return Boolean is begin case C is when 'A' .. 'Z' => return True; when 'a' .. 'z' => return True; when others => return False; end case; end Isalpha; function Isdigit (C : Character) return Boolean is begin if C in '0' .. '9' or C = '.' then return True; else return False; end if; end Isdigit; procedure Lex_Next_Token1 (Afile : Text_Io.File_Type) is Crt : String (1 .. 256); C : Character; The_State : State; Long_Chaine : Integer := 0; begin if not (Char_At_End (Afile)) then Crt := Current_Value; The_State := St_Normal; while (The_State /= St_Found) loop if not (Char_At_End (Afile)) then Char_Next (Afile); C := Char_Value (Afile); else C := Eof; end if; case (The_State) is when St_Normal => case C is when Eof => Current_Token := L_Eof; The_State := St_Found; when ' ' => null; when Ascii.Nul .. Ascii.Us => null; when '/' => The_State := St_Slash; when '<' => The_State := St_Less; when '>' => The_State := St_Great; when '=' => Current_Token := L_Eq; The_State := St_Found; when '-' => Current_Token := L_Moins; The_State := St_Found; when '+' => Current_Token := L_Plus; The_State := St_Found; when '*' => Current_Token := L_Star; The_State := St_Found; when ';' => Current_Token := L_Separ; The_State := St_Found; when ',' => Current_Token := L_Virg; The_State := St_Found; when '?' => Current_Token := L_Prt; The_State := St_Found; when '(' => Current_Token := L_Open; The_State := St_Found; when ')' => Current_Token := L_Close; The_State := St_Found; when '%' => Current_Token := L_Mod; The_State := St_Found; when ':' => The_State := St_Let; when '\' => The_State := St_Litt; when others => if (Isalpha (C)) then Long_Chaine := Long_Chaine + 1; Crt (Long_Chaine) := C; The_State := St_Word; else if Isdigit (C) then Long_Chaine := Long_Chaine + 1; Crt (Long_Chaine) := C; The_State := St_Number; else Current_Token := L_Unk; The_State := St_Found; end if; end if; end case; when St_Slash => if (C = '*') then The_State := St_Com_St; else Char_Unget (Afile); Current_Token := L_Div; The_State := St_Found; end if; when St_Com_End => if (C = '*') then The_State := St_Com_End; end if; when St_Less => case C is when '=' => Current_Token := L_Leq; The_State := St_Found; when '>' => Current_Token := L_Neq; The_State := St_Found; when others => Char_Unget (Afile); Current_Token := L_Lt; The_State := St_Found; end case; when St_Great => if (C = '=') then Current_Token := L_Geq; else Char_Unget (Afile); Current_Token := L_Gt; end if; The_State := St_Found; when St_Let => if (C = '=') then Current_Token := L_Affect; else Current_Token := L_Dp; end if; The_State := St_Found; when St_Word => if (Isalpha (C)) or Isdigit (C) then Long_Chaine := Long_Chaine + 1; Crt (Long_Chaine) := C; else Char_Unget (Afile); Current_Token := Keyword_To_Token (Lex_Get_Value1); The_State := St_Found; end if; when St_Litt => if (C = '\') then The_State := St_Quote; else Long_Chaine := Long_Chaine + 1; Crt (Long_Chaine) := C; end if; when St_Quote => if (C = '\') then Long_Chaine := Long_Chaine + 1; Crt (Long_Chaine) := C; The_State := St_Litt; else Current_Token := L_Str; The_State := St_Found; end if; when St_Number => if (Isdigit (C)) then Long_Chaine := Long_Chaine + 1; Crt (Long_Chaine) := C; else Char_Unget (Afile); Current_Token := L_Digit; The_State := St_Found; end if; when others => null; end case; Long_Current_Value := Long_Chaine; Current_Value (1 .. Long_Chaine) := Crt (1 .. Long_Chaine); end loop; else Current_Token := L_Eof; end if; --Text_Io.Put_Line ("####### : #" & Current_Value (1 .. Long_Chaine)); end Lex_Next_Token1; procedure Lex_Open1 (Afile : Text_Io.File_Type) is begin Char_Open (Afile); end Lex_Open1; end Lex;