Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400 Tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400 Tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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Index: ┃ T V

⟦d2c133bc2⟧ TextFile

    Length: 3145 (0xc49)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00
    └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« 


with Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
use Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
with Xlbt_Basic;  
use Xlbt_Basic;  
with Xlbt_Font;  
use Xlbt_Font;  
with Xlbt_Gc;  
use Xlbt_Gc;  
with Xlbt_Hint;  
use Xlbt_Hint;  
with Xlbt_Image;  
use Xlbt_Image;  
with Xlbt_String;  
use Xlbt_String;

package Xload_Main is
-- Xload - a version of the xload program for R1000's
-- Author: Gary E. Barnes        March 1991
-- Xload_Main - Used by all modules.
-- 03/14/91 GEB  - Translate to Ada using only Xlib; Xt isn't ready yet.

--  \f

    Quit    : exception; -- Used for normal termination.
    Abandon : exception; -- Used for abnormal termination.

-- Xload Resources

    type Xload_Resources_Rec is  
            Foreground    : X_Pixel;          -- Default foreground color
            Background    : X_Pixel;          -- Default background color
            Cursor        : X_Cursor;         -- Name of cursor to use
            Debug         : Boolean;          -- Debug printouts
            Geometry      : X_String_Pointer; -- Geometry for the board
            Iconic        : Boolean;          -- Do we start as an icon?
            Icon_Name     : X_String_Pointer; -- Name for the icon
            Icon_Geometry : X_String_Pointer; -- Size for the icon
            Reverse_Video : Boolean;          -- Do all in reverse?
            Which_Load    : Natural;          -- 0,1,5,15 minute load avg
            Use_Dashes    : Boolean;          -- Use dashed lines or not.
            Interval      : Positive;         -- Update every this many seconds.
            Levels        : S_Short;          -- Display this many lines
            Font          : X_Font_Struct;    -- The font to use.

            Host : X_String_Pointer;

        end record;  
    type Display_State is (S_Play, S_Sample);

    Xload_Resources : Xload_Resources_Rec;-- Application resources

    Dpy   : X_Display;                     -- The display connection
    Xload : X_Window;                      -- The top level window

    Normal_Gc : X_Gc;                         -- Copy, fg=blk, bg=wht
    Xor_Gc    : X_Gc;                         -- Xor, fg=blk, bg=wht

    procedure Main (Display    : X_String;  
                    Geometry   : X_String := "70x40";  
                    Which_Load : Natural  := 1;  
                    Interval   : Positive := 10;  
                    Levels     : Positive := 2;  
                    Font       : X_String := "*cour*med*r*norm*--10*";  
                    Use_Dashes : Boolean  := False);
-- Our Main-Line Code.

end Xload_Main;