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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦d6728b350⟧ TextFile

    Length: 4797 (0x12bd)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦407de186f⟧ Bits:30000749 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RCFSUN
    └─ ⟦e5cd75ab4⟧ »DATA« 


with System;
-- ***************************************************************************
--    The generic package CONSOLE_IO provides asynchronous (interrupt  driven)
--    input and output, XON/XOFF protocol,  line  edit  and  echoing.   It  is
--    target independent but is parameterized by  target  dependent  routines.
--    The console input and output devices can be physically the  same  device
--    (such as a serial port) or independent devices (such as a  keyboard  and
--    a memory mapped screen).

--    The output device must be able to  generate  an  interrupt  when  it  is
--    ready to send a character.  It is assumed that  the  same  interrupt  is
--    used for both input and output. The  interrupt  handler  must  pass  the
--    character received as parameter to the procedure ALSYX103_INTERRUPT_CALL
--    as defined in the USCODXXX.ASM. The interrupt handler must also pass a
--    status in the second byte of the 32 bit parameter:
--       1 : character received
--       2 : device ready to send
--       3 : character received + device ready to send
-- ***************************************************************************


    Xon_Xoff : in Boolean := True;
    -- The XON_XOFF parameter specifies whether automatic XON_XOFF  control  is
    -- to be activated. If FALSE, the characters  XON  and  XOFF  are  not
    -- treated specially, but are processed  like  any  other  characters.  If
    -- XON_XOFF is TRUE, XON and XOFF are treated specially as follows:
    --   If an XOFF is received, no  further  characters  are  transmitted
    --   until a corresponding XON character is received.
    --   If the buffer is nearly full, an XOFF is transmitted to stop the host
    --   from sending further characters.  An XON is then sent when the buffer
    --   easily accomodate additional characters.
    -- The XON_XOFF parameter must be set to false if  the  console  output
    -- device is not the same as the console input device.

    Echo : in Boolean := True;
    -- True if incoming characters must be echoed.

    Line_Edit : Boolean := True;
    -- In this mode , BS or DEL cancels the previously received character .
    -- If ECHO is TRUE, the sequence  BS  '  '  BS  is  sent;  otherwise,  the
    -- terminal  is  put  in  "raw"  mode and  the  characters  BS  and  DEL
    -- are transmitted unchanged.

    In_Buf_Size : in Positive := 512;
    -- Size of the input buffer. If XON_XOFF is FALSE, the  calling program has
    -- the responsibility to issue GET calls sufficiently often  to ensure that
    -- the buffer does not become  full. In LINE_EDIT mode, the input buffer
    -- must be greater than the maximum line length. If ECHO is true, an echo      -- buffer of the same size as the input buffer is allocated.

    Out_Buf_Size : in Positive := 512;
    -- Size of the output buffer. It is recommended to define  a  size  greater
    -- or equal to the maximum line length to let high priority tasks send  one
    -- full line without blocking.

    with function Get_Serial_Vector_Offset return Natural is <>;
    -- This function returns the vector offset (or 4*vector) used
    -- by  the serial port.

    with procedure Put_Char (C : Character) is <>;
    -- Sends the given character on the console output device.  This  procedure
    -- is called only  when the transmission of the characters has not  been
    -- suspended after the reception of an XOFF.
    -- This procedure must wait until the device is ready before initiating
    -- the transmission of the character, but it should not wait until the
    -- transmission of the character is finished.

package Console_Io is

    Xon : constant Character := Ascii.Dc1;
    Xoff : constant Character := Ascii.Dc3;

    Buffer_Full : exception;
    -- Raised when the input or the echo buffer is full (this is very unlikely
    -- if the XON_XOFF protocol is set to TRUE).

    function Get return Character;
    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- Returns the next character received on the  console  input  device.   In
    -- LINE_EDIT mode (MAX_LINE_LENGTH > 0), the  character  is  returned  only
    -- after a full line has been input, otherwise the  character  is  returned
    -- as soon as it is available.
    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    procedure Put (S : System.Address; Count : Integer);
    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- Sends the given character. If the output buffer  is  full,  the  calling
    -- task is suspended (the exception BUFFER_FULL is not raised).
    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

end Console_Io;