DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 15632 (0x3d10) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦149519bd4⟧ Bits:30000546 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93-07-13 └─ ⟦124ff5788⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦f64eaa120⟧ Bits:30000752 8mm tape, Rational 1000, !projects 93 02 16 └─ ⟦6f12a12be⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
WITH Interchange_Float; WITH Pragma_Assert; PACKAGE BODY Interchange IS SUBTYPE Padding_Type IS Byte_String (1 .. 1); Padding : CONSTANT Padding_Type := (OTHERS => 0); Radix : CONSTANT Long_Integer := Long_Integer (Byte'Last) + 1; SUBTYPE Signed_Byte_Range IS Long_Integer RANGE -(Radix / 2) .. (Radix / 2) - 1; Scale_A : CONSTANT Standard.Natural := Interchange_Defs.Duration_Magnitude; Scale_B : CONSTANT Standard.Natural := (10 ** 9) / Scale_A; -- PRAGMA Assert (Scale_A * Scale_B = 10 ** 9); Junk : Boolean := Pragma_Assert.Check (Scale_A * Scale_B = 10 ** 9); Half_Scale_B : CONSTANT Standard.Natural := Scale_B / 2; Half_Scale_A : CONSTANT Standard.Duration := (Standard.Duration'Delta * Scale_A) / 2; FUNCTION Convert (X : Standard.Duration) RETURN Interchange.Duration IS Seconds : Interchange.Integer; Fraction : Standard.Duration; Nanoseconds : Standard.Natural; BEGIN Seconds := Interchange.Integer (X); Fraction := X - Standard.Duration (Seconds); IF Fraction < 0.0 THEN Seconds := Seconds - 1; Fraction := X - Standard.Duration (Seconds); END IF; -- PRAGMA Assert (Fraction >= 0.0); Pragma_Assert.Check (Fraction >= 0.0); -- PRAGMA Assert (Fraction < 1.0); Pragma_Assert.Check (Fraction < 1.0); Nanoseconds := Standard.Natural (Fraction * Scale_A) * Scale_B; IF Nanoseconds > Standard.Natural (Interchange.Nanosecond_Count'Last) THEN -- duration'delta < 10 ** -9 Seconds := Seconds + 1; Nanoseconds := 0; END IF; RETURN Interchange.Duration'(Seconds, Interchange.Nanosecond_Count (Nanoseconds)); EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Convert; FUNCTION Convert (X : Interchange.Duration) RETURN Standard.Duration IS Fraction : Standard.Duration; BEGIN Fraction := Standard.Duration ((Standard.Natural (X.Nanoseconds) + Half_Scale_B) / Scale_B); -- Adding Half_Scale_B before dividing by Scale_B has the effect of -- rounding to the NEAREST Integer, rather than the next smallest. Fraction := (Fraction + Half_Scale_A) / Scale_A; -- The Ada LRM does not specify how rounding is done when dividing -- a Duration (fixed-point) by an Integer. The R1000 rounds DOWN. -- Adding Half_Scale_A before dividing by Scale_A has the effect of -- rounding to the NEAREST Duration, rather than the next smallest. RETURN Standard.Duration (X.Seconds) + Fraction; EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Convert; FUNCTION Convert (X : Calendar.Time) RETURN Interchange.Time IS Seconds : Calendar.Day_Duration; Y : Time; BEGIN Calendar.Split (X, Calendar.Year_Number (Y.Year), Calendar.Month_Number (Y.Month), Calendar.Day_Number (Y.Day), Seconds); Y.Seconds := Convert (Seconds); RETURN Y; EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Convert; FUNCTION Convert (X : Interchange.Time) RETURN Calendar.Time IS BEGIN RETURN Calendar.Time_Of (Calendar.Year_Number (X.Year), Calendar.Month_Number (X.Month), Calendar.Day_Number (X.Day), Convert (X.Seconds)); EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Convert; PACKAGE BODY Operations IS PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Long_Integer; Bytes : Interchange.Natural) IS Data_Copy : Long_Integer := Data; Data_Byte : Byte_String (1 .. Standard.Natural (Bytes)); Temp : Long_Integer; BEGIN IF Bytes <= 0 THEN IF Data /= 0 THEN RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END IF; ELSE FOR I IN REVERSE 2 .. Data_Byte'Last LOOP Temp := Data_Copy MOD Radix; Data_Byte (I) := Byte (Temp); Data_Copy := (Data_Copy - Temp) / Radix; END LOOP; Data_Byte (1) := Byte (Signed_Byte_Range (Data_Copy) MOD Radix); Put (Into, Data_Byte); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Put; PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Long_Integer; Bytes : Interchange.Natural) IS Data_Byte : Byte_String (1 .. Standard.Natural (Bytes)); Data_Copy : Long_Integer; BEGIN IF Bytes <= 0 THEN Data := 0; ELSE Get (From, Data_Byte); Data_Copy := Long_Integer (Data_Byte (1)); IF Data_Copy > Signed_Byte_Range'Last THEN Data_Copy := Data_Copy - Radix; END IF; FOR I IN 2 .. Data_Byte'Last LOOP Data_Copy := (Data_Copy * Radix) + Long_Integer (Data_Byte (I)); END LOOP; Data := Data_Copy; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Get; PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Short_Integer) IS BEGIN Put (Into, Long_Integer (Data), 2); END Put; PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Short_Integer) IS BEGIN Get (From, Long_Integer (Data), 2); END Get; PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Integer) IS BEGIN Put (Into, Long_Integer (Data), 4); END Put; PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Integer) IS BEGIN Get (From, Long_Integer (Data), 4); END Get; PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Long_Integer) IS Data_Copy : Long_Integer := Data; Bytes : Interchange.Natural; BEGIN IF Data_Copy = 0 THEN Bytes := 0; ELSE Bytes := 1; WHILE NOT (Data_Copy IN Signed_Byte_Range) LOOP Bytes := Bytes + 1; Data_Copy := Data_Copy / Radix; END LOOP; END IF; Put (Into, Bytes); Put (Into, Data, Bytes); IF Bytes MOD 2 /= 0 THEN Put (Into, Padding); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Put; PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Long_Integer) IS Bytes : Interchange.Natural; -- JMK 7/14/86 Padding : Padding_Type; BEGIN Get (From, Bytes); Get (From, Data, Bytes); IF Bytes MOD 2 /= 0 THEN Get (From, Padding); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Get; PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Float) IS BEGIN Put (Into, Byte_String (Interchange_Float.Convert (Interchange_Defs.Float (Data)))); EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Put; PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Long_Float) IS BEGIN Put (Into, Byte_String (Interchange_Float.Convert (Interchange_Defs.Long_Float (Data)))); EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Put; PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Float) IS Bytes : Byte_String (1 .. Interchange_Float.Float'Length); BEGIN Get (From, Bytes); Data := Interchange.Float (Interchange_Float.Convert (Interchange_Float.Float (Bytes))); EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Get; PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Long_Float) IS Bytes : Byte_String (1 .. Interchange_Float.Long_Float'Length); BEGIN Get (From, Bytes); Data := Interchange.Long_Float (Interchange_Float.Convert (Interchange_Float.Long_Float (Bytes))); EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Get; PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Duration) IS BEGIN Put (Into, Data.Seconds); Put (Into, Data.Nanoseconds); END Put; PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Duration) IS BEGIN Get (From, Data.Seconds); Get (From, Data.Nanoseconds); END Get; PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Time) IS BEGIN Put (Into, Data.Year); Put (Into, Data.Month); Put (Into, Data.Day); Put (Into, Data.Seconds); END Put; PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Time) IS BEGIN Get (From, Data.Year); Get (From, Data.Month); Get (From, Data.Day); Get (From, Data.Seconds); END Get; PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Standard.Boolean) IS BEGIN IF Data THEN Put (Into, Interchange.Short_Natural (1)); ELSE Put (Into, Interchange.Short_Natural (0)); END IF; END Put; PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Standard.Boolean) IS Temp : Interchange.Short_Natural; BEGIN Get (From, Temp); Data := (Temp /= 0); END Get; PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Standard.Character) IS BEGIN Put (Into, Interchange.Short_Natural (Standard.Character'Pos (Data))); EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Put; PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Standard.Character) IS Temp : Interchange.Short_Natural; BEGIN Get (From, Temp); Data := Standard.Character'Val (Temp); EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Get; PROCEDURE Put_Byte_String (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Byte_String) IS BEGIN Put (Into, Interchange.Natural (Data'Length)); Put (Into, Data); IF Data'Length MOD 2 /= 0 THEN Put (Into, Padding); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Put_Byte_String; FUNCTION Get_Byte_String (From : Stream_Id) RETURN Interchange.Byte_String IS Length : Interchange.Natural; Padding : Padding_Type; BEGIN Get (From, Length); DECLARE Answer : Interchange.Byte_String (1 .. Standard.Natural (Length)); BEGIN Get (From, Answer); IF Answer'Length MOD 2 /= 0 THEN Get (From, Padding); END IF; RETURN Answer; END; EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Get_Byte_String; PROCEDURE Put_String (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Standard.String) IS Bytes : Interchange.Byte_String (Data'First .. Data'Last); BEGIN FOR I IN Data'Range LOOP Bytes (I) := Interchange.Byte (Character'Pos (Data (I))); END LOOP; Put_Byte_String (Into, Bytes); EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Put_String; FUNCTION Get_String (From : Stream_Id) RETURN Standard.String IS Bytes : CONSTANT Interchange.Byte_String := Get_Byte_String (From); Answer : Standard.String (Bytes'First .. Bytes'Last); BEGIN FOR I IN Answer'Range LOOP Answer (I) := Standard.Character'Val (Bytes (I)); END LOOP; RETURN Answer; EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Get_String; PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Interchange.Byte) IS BEGIN Put (Into, Interchange.Short_Natural (Data)); END Put; PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Interchange.Byte) IS BEGIN Get (From, Interchange.Short_Integer (Data)); EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Get; PACKAGE BODY Discrete IS PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Discrete_Type) IS BEGIN Put (Into, Interchange.Short_Natural (Discrete_Type'Pos (Data))); EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Put; PROCEDURE Get (From : Stream_Id; Data : OUT Discrete_Type) IS Pos : Interchange.Short_Natural; BEGIN Get (From, Pos); Data := Discrete_Type'Val (Pos); EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Get; END Discrete; PACKAGE BODY Vector IS PROCEDURE Put (Into : Stream_Id; Data : Vector_Type) IS BEGIN Put (Into, Interchange.Natural (Data'Length)); FOR I IN Data'Range LOOP Put (Into, Data (I)); END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Put; FUNCTION Get (From : Stream_Id) RETURN Vector_Type IS Length : Interchange.Natural; BEGIN Get (From, Length); DECLARE Data : Vector_Type (Index_Type'First .. Index_Type'Val (Index_Type'Pos (Index_Type'First) + Length - 1)); BEGIN FOR I IN Data'Range LOOP Get (From, Data (I)); END LOOP; RETURN Data; END; EXCEPTION WHEN Standard.Constraint_Error | Standard.Numeric_Error => RAISE Interchange.Constraint_Error; END Get; END Vector; END Operations; END Interchange;