DataMuseum.dkPresents historical artifacts from the history of: Rational R1000/400 Tapes |
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Length: 5919 (0x171f) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦bad92a95e⟧ Bits:30000535 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RPC 1_0_2 └─ ⟦bb34fe6e2⟧ »DATA« └─⟦15d8b76c6⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Bounded_String; with String_Utilities; with String_Table; with Directory_Tools; with Ftp; with Unix_Remote_Commands; with Text_Io; procedure Install (Remote_Machine : String := "<Ftp_Profile>"; Username : String := "<Ftp_Profile>"; Password : String := "<Ftp_Profile>"; Remote_Directory : String := "<Ftp_Profile>"; Output : String := "<DEFAULT>"; Error : String := "<DEFAULT>"; Response : String := "<profile>") is use Directory_Tools; Suffix : constant String := ".ad"; Iter : Object.Iterator; Compilation_Kind : Ada_Object.Compilation_Kind; Compilation_Kind_Suffixes : constant array (Ada_Object.Library_Unit .. Ada_Object.Subunit) of Character := (Ada_Object.Library_Unit => 'a', Ada_Object.Library_Unit_Body => 'b', Ada_Object.Subunit => 's'); Table : String_Table.Table := String_Table.New_Table; Item : String_Table.Item; function "=" (L, R : String_Table.Item) return Boolean renames String_Table."="; St_Iter : String_Table.Iterator; Target_Name_Max_Length : constant := 14; Target_Name_Prefix_Max_Length : Integer := Target_Name_Max_Length - (Suffix'Length + 1); Target_Name : Bounded_String.Variable_String (Target_Name_Prefix_Max_Length); Collision_Resolver : Character; begin Iter := Naming.Resolution (Name => "!machine.release.rpc.[_current].[_current]", Objects_Only => True); while not Object.Done (Iter) loop declare Simple_Name : constant String := String_Utilities.Lower_Case (Naming.Simple_Name (Object.Value (Iter))); begin Compilation_Kind := Ada_Object.Kind (Object.Value (Iter)); if Compilation_Kind in Ada_Object.Library_Unit .. Ada_Object.Subunit then if Simple_Name'Length <= Target_Name_Prefix_Max_Length then Bounded_String.Copy (Target_Name, Simple_Name); else Bounded_String.Copy (Target_Name, Simple_Name (Simple_Name'First .. Simple_Name'First + Target_Name_Prefix_Max_Length - 1)); end if; Collision_Resolver := '0'; loop Item := String_Table.Find (Bounded_String.Image (Target_Name) & Suffix & Compilation_Kind_Suffixes (Compilation_Kind), Table); exit when Item = String_Table.Nil; Bounded_String.Replace (Target_Name, Bounded_String.Length (Target_Name), Collision_Resolver); if Collision_Resolver = '9' then Collision_Resolver := 'a'; else Collision_Resolver := Character'Succ (Collision_Resolver); end if; end loop; Item := String_Table.Unique (Bounded_String.Image (Target_Name) & Suffix & Compilation_Kind_Suffixes (Compilation_Kind), Table); Ftp.Put (From_Local_File => Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Object.Value (Iter)), To_Remote_File => String_Table.Image (Item), Remote_Machine => Remote_Machine, Username => Username, Password => Password, Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory, Append_To_File => False); elsif String_Utilities.Equal (Simple_Name, "Transport_body") then Item := String_Table.Unique ("transport.adb", Table); Ftp.Put (From_Local_File => Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Object.Value (Iter)), To_Remote_File => String_Table.Image (Item), Remote_Machine => Remote_Machine, Username => Username, Password => Password, Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory, Append_To_File => False); end if; end; Object.Next (Iter); end loop; Unix_Remote_Commands.Put_Text_File (From_Local_File => "!machine.release.rpc.[_current].makefile", To_Remote_File => "ada.make.out", Remote_Machine => Remote_Machine, Remote_Username => Username, Remote_Password => Password, Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory, Append_To_File => False, Response => Response); Unix_Remote_Commands.Run (Command => "chmod +x ada.make.out", Remote_Machine => Remote_Machine, Remote_Username => Username, Remote_Password => Password, Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory, Output => Output, Error => Error, Response => Response); Unix_Remote_Commands.Run (Command => "ada.make.out", Remote_Machine => Remote_Machine, Remote_Username => Username, Remote_Password => Password, Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory, Output => Output, Error => Error, Response => Response); end Install;