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Length: 38810 (0x979a) Types: TextFile Names: »B«
└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00 └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« └─⟦1abbe589f⟧ └─⟦059497ac5⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Unchecked_Conversion; with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbt_Basic3; use Xlbt_Basic3; with Xlbt_Exceptions; use Xlbt_Exceptions; with Xlbt_Image3; use Xlbt_Image3; with Xlbt_String; use Xlbt_String; with Xlbp_Image; use Xlbp_Image; with Xlbp_Proc_Var; use Xlbp_Proc_Var; with Xlbit_Library4; use Xlbit_Library4; with Xlbmp_Error_Log; use Xlbmp_Error_Log; package body Xlbip_Image_Internal is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Internal Image Operations -- -- Xlbip_Image_Internal - Operations for images. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- Copyright 1985 - 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT or Rational not be -- used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software -- without specific, written prior permission. -- -- MIT and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, -- including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no -- event shall MIT or Rational be liable for any special, indirect or -- consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, -- data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other -- tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance -- of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\f subtype U_Char_4_Array is U_Char_Array (0 .. 3); function To_U_Char is new Unchecked_Conversion (X_Pixel, U_Char_4_Array); function From_U_Char is new Unchecked_Conversion (U_Char_4_Array, X_Pixel); subtype U_Char_0_31 is U_Char range 0 .. 31; Private_Lo_Mask : constant U_Char_Array (0 .. 16#09# - 1) := (16#00#, 16#01#, 16#03#, 16#07#, 16#0F#, 16#1F#, 16#3F#, 16#7F#, 16#FF#); Private_Hi_Mask : constant U_Char_Array (0 .. 16#09# - 1) := (16#FF#, 16#FE#, 16#FC#, 16#F8#, 16#F0#, 16#E0#, 16#C0#, 16#80#, 16#00#); Low_Bits_Table : constant X_Pixel_Array (0 .. 32) := (16#00000000#, 16#00000001#, 16#00000003#, 16#00000007#, 16#0000000F#, 16#0000001F#, 16#0000003F#, 16#0000007F#, 16#000000FF#, 16#000001FF#, 16#000003FF#, 16#000007FF#, 16#00000FFF#, 16#00001FFF#, 16#00003FFF#, 16#00007FFF#, 16#0000FFFF#, 16#0001FFFF#, 16#0003FFFF#, 16#0007FFFF#, 16#000FFFFF#, 16#001FFFFF#, 16#003FFFFF#, 16#007FFFFF#, 16#00FFFFFF#, 16#01FFFFFF#, 16#03FFFFFF#, 16#07FFFFFF#, 16#0FFFFFFF#, 16#1FFFFFFF#, 16#3FFFFFFF#, 16#7FFFFFFF#, -1); --\f procedure Private_X_Report_Bad_Image (Errtype : X_String; Error : String; Routine : X_String) is begin X_Report_Error ("XlibError", "BadImage", "Xlib; Bad image %1 {%2} found in routine %3.", Errtype, To_X_String (Error), Routine); raise X_Library_Confusion; end Private_X_Report_Bad_Image; --\f procedure Private_Reverse_Bytes (Bp : in out U_Char_Array) is begin for I in Bp'Range loop Bp (I) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (Bp (I))); end loop; end Private_Reverse_Bytes; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This module provides rudimentary manipulation routines for image data -- structures. The functions provided are: -- -- X_Create_Image Creates a default X_Image data structure -- private_X_Destroy_Image Deletes an X_Image data structure -- private_X_Get_Pixel Reads a pixel from an image data structure -- private_X_Get_Pixel_8 Reads a pixel from an 8-bit Z image data structure -- private_X_Get_Pixel_1 Reads a pixel from a 1-bit image data structure -- private_X_Put_Pixel Writes a pixel into an image data structure -- private_X_Put_Pixel_8 Writes a pixel into an 8-bit Z image data structure -- private_X_Put_Pixel_1 Writes a pixel into a 1-bit image data structure -- private_X_Sub_Image Clones a new (sub)image from an existing one -- private_X_Set_Image Writes an image data pattern into another image -- private_X_Add_Pixel Adds a constant value to every pixel in an image -- -- The logic contained in these routines makes several assumptions about -- the image data structures, and at least for current implementations -- these assumptions are believed to be true. They are: -- -- For all formats, bits_per_pixel is less than or equal to 32. -- For X_Y formats, bitmap_unit is 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits. -- For Z format, bits_per_pixel is 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 or 32 bits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Private_Normalize_Image_Bits (Bpt : in out U_Char_Array; Nb : S_Natural; -- # bytes to normalize Byte_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order; Unit_Size : U_Char; -- size of bitmap_unit or Z_pixel Bit_Order : X_Byte_Bit_Order) is begin if Byte_Order = Msb_First and Byte_Order /= Bit_Order then case Unit_Size is when 4 => for Bpi in Bpt'First .. Bpt'First + Nb - 1 loop -- swap nibble Bpt (Bpi) := Bpt (Bpi) / 16 + Bpt (Bpi) rem 16 * 16; end loop; when 16 => Private_Swap_Short (Bpt (Bpt'First .. Bpt'First + Nb - 1)); when 24 => Private_Swap_Three (Bpt (Bpt'First .. Bpt'First + Nb - 1)); when 32 => Private_Swap_Long (Bpt (Bpt'First .. Bpt'First + Nb - 1)); when others => raise X_Library_Confusion; end case; end if; if Bit_Order = Msb_First then Private_Reverse_Bytes (Bpt (Bpt'First .. Bpt'First + Nb - 1)); end if; end Private_Normalize_Image_Bits; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Round_Up (N_Bytes : U_Short; Pad : U_Short) return S_Natural is begin return ((S_Natural (N_Bytes) + S_Natural (Pad) - 1) / S_Natural (Pad)) * S_Natural (Pad); end Round_Up; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Round_Up (N_Bytes : U_Short; Pad : U_Char) return S_Natural is begin return ((S_Natural (N_Bytes) + S_Natural (Pad) - 1) / S_Natural (Pad)) * S_Natural (Pad); end Round_Up; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Macros -- -- The ROUND_UP macro rounds up a quantity to the specified boundary. -- -- The X_Y_NORMALIZE macro determines whether X_Y format data requires -- normalization and calls a routine to do so if needed. The logic in -- this module is designed for LSB_First byte and bit order, so -- normalization is done as required to present the data in this order. -- -- The Z_NORMALIZE macro performs byte and nibble order normalization if -- required for Z format data. -- -- The X_Y_INDEX macro computes the index to the starting byte (char) boundary -- for a bitmap_unit containing a pixel with coordinates x and y for image -- data in X_Y format. -- -- The Z_INDEX macro computes the index to the starting byte (char) boundary -- for a pixel with coordinates x and y for image data in Z_Pixmap format. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\f procedure X_Y_Normalize (Bp : in out U_Char_Array; N_Bytes : S_Natural; Image : X_Image) is begin if ((Image.Byte_Order = Msb_First) or else (Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order = Msb_First)) then Private_Normalize_Image_Bits (Bp, N_Bytes, Image.Byte_Order, Image.Bitmap_Unit, Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order); end if; end X_Y_Normalize; --\f procedure Z_Normalize (Bp : in out U_Char_Array; N_Bytes : S_Natural; Image : X_Image) is begin if (Image.Byte_Order = Msb_First) then Private_Normalize_Image_Bits (Bp, N_Bytes, Msb_First, Image.Bits_Per_Pixel, Lsb_First); end if; end Z_Normalize; --\f function X_Y_Index (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Image : X_Image) return S_Natural is begin return Image.Data'First + S_Natural (Y) * S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line) + ((S_Natural (X) + S_Natural (Image.X_Offset)) / S_Natural (Image.Bitmap_Unit)) * S_Natural (Image.Bitmap_Unit / 8); end X_Y_Index; --\f function Z_Index (X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Image : X_Image) return S_Natural is begin return Image.Data'First + S_Natural (Y) * S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line) + S_Natural (X) * S_Natural (Image.Bits_Per_Pixel) / 8; end Z_Index; --\f procedure Private_Put_Bits (Src : U_Char_Array;-- source bit string Dst_Offset : U_Char_0_31; -- bit offset into destination Num_Bits : S_Natural; -- number of bits to copy to dest. Dst : in out -- destination bit string U_Char_Array) is Chlo : U_Char; Chhi : U_Char; Hibits : S_Natural; Srci : S_Natural := Src'First; Dsti : S_Natural := Dst'First; L_Dst_Offset : S_Natural := S_Natural (Dst_Offset); L_Num_Bits : S_Natural := S_Natural (Num_Bits); begin Dsti := Dsti + L_Dst_Offset / 8; L_Dst_Offset := L_Dst_Offset rem 8; Hibits := 8 - L_Dst_Offset; Chlo := Dst (Dsti) and Private_Lo_Mask (L_Dst_Offset); loop Chhi := Shift (Src (Srci), Integer (L_Dst_Offset)) and Private_Hi_Mask (L_Dst_Offset); if L_Num_Bits <= Hibits then Chhi := Chhi and Private_Lo_Mask (L_Dst_Offset + L_Num_Bits); Dst (Dsti) := (Dst (Dsti) and Private_Hi_Mask (L_Dst_Offset + L_Num_Bits)) or Chlo or Chhi; exit; end if; Dst (Dsti) := Chhi or Chlo; Dsti := Dsti + 1; L_Num_Bits := L_Num_Bits - Hibits; Chlo := Shift (Src (Srci) and Private_Hi_Mask (Hibits), -Integer (Hibits)); Srci := Srci + 1; if L_Num_Bits <= L_Dst_Offset then Chlo := Chlo and Private_Lo_Mask (L_Num_Bits); Dst (Dsti) := (Dst (Dsti) and Private_Hi_Mask (L_Num_Bits)) or Chlo; exit; end if; L_Num_Bits := L_Num_Bits - L_Dst_Offset; end loop; end Private_Put_Bits; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Add_Pixel -- -- Adds a constant value to every pixel in a pixmap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Private_X_Add_Pixel (Image : X_Image; Value : X_Pixel) is Pixel : X_Pixel; Pixes : U_Char_4_Array; Src : S_Natural; N_Bytes : S_Natural; begin if Value = 0 then return; end if; if Image.Depth = 1 then -- The only value that we can add here to an X_Y_Bitmap -- is one. Since 1 + value := ~value for one bit wide -- data, we do this quickly by taking the ones complement -- of the entire bitmap data (offset and pad included!). -- Note that we don't need to be concerned with bit or -- byte order at all. -- for I in Image.Data'Range loop -- Believe it or not; this is logical negation in Ada. Image.Data (I) := U_Char ((-Integer (Image.Data (I))) - 1); end loop; elsif Image.Format = X_Y_Pixmap then -- this is slow, may do better later for Y in S_Short range 0 .. S_Short (Image.Height) - 1 loop for X in S_Short range 0 .. S_Short (Image.Width) - 1 loop Pixel := X_Get_Pixel (Image, X, Y); Pixel := Pixel + Value; X_Put_Pixel (Image, X, Y, Pixel); end loop; end loop; elsif Image.Format = Z_Pixmap then -- If the bits_per_pixel makes the alignment occur on even -- byte boundaries, perform the addition by stepping thru -- the data one pixel at a time. Otherwise, do it the slow -- way by calling get and put pixel. -- if Image.Bits_Per_Pixel rem 8 = 0 then N_Bytes := Round_Up (U_Short (Image.Bits_Per_Pixel), U_Short (8)) / 8; for Y in S_Short range 0 .. S_Short (Image.Height) - 1 loop Src := Z_Index (0, Y, Image); for X in S_Short range 0 .. S_Short (Image.Width) - 1 loop Pixes := (others => 0); Pixes (0 .. N_Bytes - 1) := Image.Data (Src .. Src + N_Bytes - 1); Z_Normalize (Pixes, N_Bytes, Image); Pixel := From_U_Char (Pixes); Pixel := Pixel + Value; Pixes := To_U_Char (Pixel); Z_Normalize (Pixes, N_Bytes, Image); Image.Data (Src .. Src + N_Bytes - 1) := Pixes (0 .. N_Bytes - 1); Src := Src + N_Bytes; end loop; end loop; else for Y in S_Short range 0 .. S_Short (Image.Height) - 1 loop for X in S_Short range 0 .. S_Short (Image.Width) - 1 loop Pixel := X_Get_Pixel (Image, X, Y); Pixel := Pixel + Value; X_Put_Pixel (Image, X, Y, Pixel); end loop; end loop; end if; else -- should never get here Private_X_Report_Bad_Image ("format", X_Image_Format'Image (Image.Format), "private_X_Add_Pixel"); end if; end Private_X_Add_Pixel; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Get_Pixel -- -- Returns the specified pixel. The X and Y coordinates are relative to -- the origin (upper left [0,0]) of the image. The pixel value is returned -- in normalized format, i.e. the LSB of the long is the LSB of the pixel. -- The algorithm used is: -- -- copy the source bitmap_unit or Z_pixel into temp -- normalize temp if needed -- extract the pixel bits into return value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Private_X_Get_Pixel (Image : X_Image; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) return X_Pixel is Pixel : X_Pixel; Pixes : U_Char_4_Array; Src : S_Natural; Plane : S_Natural; N_Bytes : S_Natural; Bits : S_Natural; begin if Image.Depth = 1 then Src := X_Y_Index (X, Y, Image); Pixes := (others => 0); N_Bytes := S_Natural (Image.Bitmap_Unit) / 8; Pixes (0 .. N_Bytes - 1) := Image.Data (Src .. Src + N_Bytes - 1); X_Y_Normalize (Pixes, N_Bytes, Image); Bits := S_Natural (X + Image.X_Offset) rem S_Natural (Image.Bitmap_Unit); Pixel := X_Pixel (Shift (S_Long (Pixes (Bits / 8)), -Integer (Bits mod 8)) and 1); elsif Image.Format = X_Y_Pixmap then Pixel := 0; Plane := 0; N_Bytes := S_Natural (Image.Bitmap_Unit) / 8; for I in 0 .. Image.Depth - 1 loop Src := X_Y_Index (X, Y, Image) + Plane; Pixes := (others => 0); Pixes (0 .. N_Bytes - 1) := Image.Data (Src .. Src + N_Bytes - 1); X_Y_Normalize (Pixes, N_Bytes, Image); Bits := S_Natural (X + Image.X_Offset) rem S_Natural (Image.Bitmap_Unit); Pixel := Shift (Pixel, 1) or (Shift (X_Pixel (Pixes (Bits / 8)), -Integer (Bits rem 8)) and 1); Plane := Plane + S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line * Image.Height); end loop; elsif Image.Format = Z_Pixmap then Src := Z_Index (X, Y, Image); Pixes := (others => 0); N_Bytes := Round_Up (U_Short (Image.Bits_Per_Pixel), U_Short (8)) / 8; Pixes (0 .. N_Bytes - 1) := Image.Data (Src .. Src + N_Bytes - 1); Z_Normalize (Pixes, N_Bytes, Image); Pixel := 0; for I in reverse Pixes'Range loop Pixel := Shift (Pixel, 8) or X_Pixel (Pixes (I)); end loop; if Image.Bits_Per_Pixel = 4 then if X rem 2 /= 0 then Pixel := Shift (Pixel, -4); else Pixel := Pixel and 16#0F#; end if; end if; else -- should never get here Private_X_Report_Bad_Image ("format", X_Image_Format'Image (Image.Format), "private_X_Get_Pixel"); end if; if Image.Bits_Per_Pixel = Image.Depth then return Pixel; else return Pixel and Low_Bits_Table (S_Natural (Image.Depth)); end if; end Private_X_Get_Pixel; --\f function Private_X_Get_Pixel_8 (Image : X_Image; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) return X_Pixel is Pixel : X_Pixel; begin if Image.Format = Z_Pixmap and then Image.Bits_Per_Pixel = 8 then Pixel := X_Pixel (Image.Data (Image.Data'First + S_Natural (Y * S_Short (Image.Bytes_Per_Line) + X))); if Image.Depth /= 8 then Pixel := Pixel and Low_Bits_Table (S_Natural (Image.Depth)); end if; return Pixel; else Private_X_Init_Image_Func_Ptrs (Image); return X_Get_Pixel (Image, X, Y); end if; end Private_X_Get_Pixel_8; --\f function Private_X_Get_Pixel_1 (Image : X_Image; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short) return X_Pixel is Bit : U_Char; Xoff : S_Natural; Yoff : S_Natural; begin if Image.Depth = 1 and then Image.Byte_Order = Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order then Xoff := S_Natural (X + Image.X_Offset); Yoff := S_Natural (Y * S_Short (Image.Bytes_Per_Line)) + (Xoff / 2 ** 3); Xoff := Xoff rem 8; if Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order = Msb_First then Bit := 2 ** Natural (7 - Xoff); else Bit := 2 ** Natural (Xoff); end if; if (Image.Data (Image.Data'First + Yoff) and Bit) /= 0 then return 1; else return 0; end if; else Private_X_Init_Image_Func_Ptrs (Image); return X_Get_Pixel (Image, X, Y); end if; end Private_X_Get_Pixel_1; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Put_Pixel -- -- Overwrites the specified pixel. The X and Y coordinates are relative to -- the origin (upper left [0,0]) of the image. The input pixel value must be -- in normalized format, i.e. the LSB of the long is the LSB of the pixel. -- The algorithm used is: -- -- copy the destination bitmap_unit or Z_pixel to temp -- normalize temp if needed -- copy the pixel bits into the temp -- renormalize temp if needed -- copy the temp back into the destination image data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Private_X_Put_Pixel (Image : X_Image; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Pixel : X_Pixel) is Px : X_Pixel; Lpixel : X_Pixel := Pixel; Npixel : X_Pixel; Pixes : U_Char_4_Array; Raw : U_Char_4_Array; Src : S_Natural; Plane : S_Natural; N_Bytes : S_Natural; I : U_Char; begin if Image.Depth = 4 then Lpixel := Lpixel and 16#F#; end if; Npixel := Lpixel; for I in Pixes'Range loop Pixes (I) := U_Char (Lpixel and 16#FF#); Lpixel := Lpixel / X_Pixel (2 ** 8); end loop; if Image.Depth = 1 then Src := X_Y_Index (X, Y, Image); Pixes := (others => 0); N_Bytes := S_Natural (Image.Bitmap_Unit) / 8; Pixes (0 .. N_Bytes - 1) := Image.Data (Src .. Src + N_Bytes - 1); X_Y_Normalize (Pixes, N_Bytes, Image); I := U_Char (X + Image.X_Offset) rem Image.Bitmap_Unit; Raw := To_U_Char (Lpixel); Private_Put_Bits (Raw, I, 1, Pixes); X_Y_Normalize (Pixes, N_Bytes, Image); Image.Data (Src .. Src + N_Bytes - 1) := Pixes (0 .. N_Bytes - 1); elsif Image.Format = X_Y_Pixmap then Plane := S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line * Image.Height) * S_Natural (Image.Depth - 1); -- do least signif plane 1st N_Bytes := S_Natural (Image.Bitmap_Unit) / 8; for J in 0 .. Image.Depth - 1 loop Src := X_Y_Index (X, Y, Image) + Plane; Pixes := (others => 0); Pixes (0 .. N_Bytes - 1) := Image.Data (Src .. Src + N_Bytes - 1); X_Y_Normalize (Pixes, N_Bytes, Image); I := U_Char (X + Image.X_Offset) rem Image.Bitmap_Unit; Raw := To_U_Char (Px); Private_Put_Bits (Raw, I, 1, Pixes); X_Y_Normalize (Pixes, N_Bytes, Image); Image.Data (Src .. Src + N_Bytes - 1) := Pixes (0 .. N_Bytes - 1); Npixel := Npixel / 2; Px := Npixel; for I in Pixes'Range loop Pixes (I) := U_Char (Npixel and 16#FF#); Npixel := Npixel / X_Pixel (2 ** 8); end loop; Plane := Plane - S_Natural (Image.Bytes_Per_Line * Image.Height); end loop; elsif Image.Format = Z_Pixmap then Src := Z_Index (X, Y, Image); Pixes := (others => 0); N_Bytes := Round_Up (U_Short (Image.Bits_Per_Pixel), U_Short (8)) / 8; Pixes (0 .. N_Bytes - 1) := Image.Data (Src .. Src + N_Bytes - 1); Z_Normalize (Pixes, N_Bytes, Image); Raw := To_U_Char (Lpixel); Private_Put_Bits (Raw, U_Char ((X * S_Short (Image.Bits_Per_Pixel)) rem 8), S_Long (Image.Bits_Per_Pixel), Pixes); Z_Normalize (Pixes, N_Bytes, Image); Image.Data (Src .. Src + N_Bytes - 1) := Pixes (0 .. N_Bytes - 1); else -- should never get here Private_X_Report_Bad_Image ("format", X_Image_Format'Image (Image.Format), "private_X_Put_Pixel"); end if; end Private_X_Put_Pixel; --\f procedure Private_X_Put_Pixel_8 (Image : X_Image; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Pixel : X_Pixel) is begin if Image.Format = Z_Pixmap and then Image.Bits_Per_Pixel = 8 then Image.Data (Image.Data'First + S_Natural (Y * S_Short (Image.Bytes_Per_Line) + X)) := U_Char (Pixel); else Private_X_Init_Image_Func_Ptrs (Image); X_Put_Pixel (Image, X, Y, Pixel); end if; end Private_X_Put_Pixel_8; --\f procedure Private_X_Put_Pixel_1 (Image : X_Image; X : S_Short; Y : S_Short; Pixel : X_Pixel) is Bit : U_Char; Xoff : S_Natural; Yoff : S_Natural; begin if Image.Depth = 1 and then Image.Byte_Order = Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order then Xoff := S_Natural (X + Image.X_Offset); Yoff := S_Natural (Y * S_Short (Image.Bytes_Per_Line)) + (Xoff / 2 ** 3); Xoff := Xoff rem 8; if Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order = Msb_First then Bit := 2 ** Natural (7 - Xoff); else Bit := 2 ** Natural (Xoff); end if; Yoff := Yoff + Image.Data'First; if Pixel rem 1 /= 0 then Image.Data (Yoff) := Image.Data (Yoff) or Bit; else Image.Data (Yoff) := Image.Data (Yoff) and not Bit; end if; else Private_X_Init_Image_Func_Ptrs (Image); X_Put_Pixel (Image, X, Y, Pixel); end if; end Private_X_Put_Pixel_1; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Sub_Image -- -- Creates a new image that is a subsection of an existing one. -- Allocates the memory necessary for the neww image data structure. -- Pointer to new image is returned. The algorithm used is repetitive -- calls to get and put pixel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Private_X_Sub_Image (Image : X_Image; X : S_Short; -- starting x coordinate in Image Y : S_Short; -- starting y coordinate in Image Width : U_Short; -- width in pixels of new subimage Height : U_Short -- height in pixels of new subimage ) return X_Image is Subimage : X_Image; Dsize : S_Natural; Pixel : X_Pixel; begin Subimage := new X_Image_Rec; Subimage.Width := Width; Subimage.Height := Height; Subimage.X_Offset := 0; Subimage.Format := Image.Format; Subimage.Byte_Order := Image.Byte_Order; Subimage.Bitmap_Unit := Image.Bitmap_Unit; Subimage.Bitmap_Bit_Order := Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order; Subimage.Bitmap_Pad := Image.Bitmap_Pad; Subimage.Bits_Per_Pixel := Image.Bits_Per_Pixel; Subimage.Depth := Image.Depth; -- -- compute per line accelerator. -- if (Subimage.Format = Z_Pixmap) then Subimage.Bytes_Per_Line := U_Short (Round_Up (U_Short (Subimage.Bits_Per_Pixel) * Width, Subimage.Bitmap_Pad / 8)); else Subimage.Bytes_Per_Line := U_Short (Round_Up (Width, Subimage.Bitmap_Pad / 8)); end if; Subimage.Obdata := null; Private_X_Init_Image_Func_Ptrs (Subimage); Dsize := S_Natural (Subimage.Bytes_Per_Line) * S_Natural (Height); if Subimage.Format = X_Y_Pixmap then Dsize := Dsize * S_Natural (Subimage.Depth); end if; Subimage.Data := new U_Char_Array (1 .. Dsize); -- -- Test for cases where the new subimage is larger than the region -- that we are copying from the existing data. In those cases, -- copy the area of the existing image, and allow the "uncovered" -- area of new subimage to remain with zero filled pixels. -- declare L_Height : S_Short := S_Short (Height); L_Width : S_Short := S_Short (Width); begin if L_Height > S_Short (Image.Height) - Y then L_Height := S_Short (Image.Height) - Y; end if; if L_Width > S_Short (Image.Width) - X then L_Width := S_Short (Image.Width) - X; end if; for Row in Y .. Y + L_Height - 1 loop for Col in X .. X + L_Width - 1 loop Pixel := X_Get_Pixel (Image, Col, Row); X_Put_Pixel (Subimage, (Col - X), (Row - Y), Pixel); end loop; end loop; end; return Subimage; exception when others => Free_X_Image (Subimage); raise; end Private_X_Sub_Image; --\f function Default_X_Add_Pixel_Type is new Proc_Var_X_Add_Pixel.Value (Private_X_Add_Pixel); function Default_X_Create_Image_Type is new Proc_Var_X_Create_Image.Value (X_Create_Image); function Default_X_Destroy_Image_Type is new Proc_Var_X_Destroy_Image.Value (Free_X_Image); function Default_X_Get_Pixel_Type is new Proc_Var_X_Get_Pixel.Value (Private_X_Get_Pixel); function Default_X_Get_Pixel_8_Type is new Proc_Var_X_Get_Pixel.Value (Private_X_Get_Pixel_8); function Default_X_Get_Pixel_1_Type is new Proc_Var_X_Get_Pixel.Value (Private_X_Get_Pixel_1); function Default_X_Put_Pixel_Type is new Proc_Var_X_Put_Pixel.Value (Private_X_Put_Pixel); function Default_X_Put_Pixel_8_Type is new Proc_Var_X_Put_Pixel.Value (Private_X_Put_Pixel_8); function Default_X_Put_Pixel_1_Type is new Proc_Var_X_Put_Pixel.Value (Private_X_Put_Pixel_1); function Default_X_Sub_Image_Type is new Proc_Var_X_Sub_Image.Value (Private_X_Sub_Image); --\f -- This routine initializes the image object function pointers. The -- intent is to provide native (i.e. fast) routines for native format images -- only using the generic (i.e. slow) routines when fast ones don't exist. -- However, with the current rather botched external interface, clients may -- have to mung image attributes after the image gets created, so the fast -- routines always have to check to make sure the optimization is still -- valid, and reinitialize the functions if not. procedure Private_X_Init_Image_Func_Ptrs (Image : X_Image) is begin Image.F.Create_Image := Proc_Var_X_Create_Image.From_Pv (Default_X_Create_Image_Type); Image.F.Destroy_Image := Proc_Var_X_Destroy_Image.From_Pv (Default_X_Destroy_Image_Type); if Image.Format = Z_Pixmap and then Image.Bits_Per_Pixel = 8 then Image.F.Get_Pixel := Proc_Var_X_Get_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Get_Pixel_8_Type); Image.F.Put_Pixel := Proc_Var_X_Put_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Put_Pixel_8_Type); elsif Image.Depth = 1 and then Image.Byte_Order = Image.Bitmap_Bit_Order then Image.F.Get_Pixel := Proc_Var_X_Get_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Get_Pixel_1_Type); Image.F.Put_Pixel := Proc_Var_X_Put_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Put_Pixel_1_Type); else Image.F.Get_Pixel := Proc_Var_X_Get_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Get_Pixel_Type); Image.F.Put_Pixel := Proc_Var_X_Put_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Put_Pixel_Type); end if; Image.F.Sub_Image := Proc_Var_X_Sub_Image.From_Pv (Default_X_Sub_Image_Type); Image.F.Add_Pixel := Proc_Var_X_Add_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Add_Pixel_Type); -- Image.F.Set_Image := -- proc_var_X_Set_Image_Type.from_pv( -- Default_X_Set_Image_Type); end Private_X_Init_Image_Func_Ptrs; --\f procedure Private_Swap_Bits (B : in out U_Char_Array) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- For each byte in the buffer; swap the bits within each byte so that they -- run in the opposite direction. Bit 0 becomes bit 7; bit 7 becomes bit 0; -- bit 1 becomes bit 6; etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin for I in B'Range loop B (I) := Private_Reverse_Byte (S_Natural (B (I))); end loop; end Private_Swap_Bits; --\f procedure Private_Swap_Short (P : in out U_Char_Array) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- For each half-word in the buffer, swap the byte pairs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I : S_Natural := P'First; C : U_Char; begin for J in reverse P'First .. P'First + P'Length / 2 - 1 loop C := P (I); P (I) := P (I + 1); P (I + 1) := C; I := I + 2; end loop; end Private_Swap_Short; --\f procedure Private_Swap_Long (P : in out U_Char_Array) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- For each full-word in the buffer; reverse the order of the 4 bytes. -- We expect the buffer'Length to be a multiple of 4; if it isn't then the -- last 1, 2, or 3 bytes ('Length rem 4) are not touched. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I : S_Natural := P'First; C : U_Char; begin for J in P'First .. P'First + P'Length / 4 - 1 loop C := P (I); P (I) := P (I + 3); P (I + 3) := C; C := P (I + 2); P (I + 2) := P (I + 1); P (I + 1) := C; I := I + 4; end loop; end Private_Swap_Long; --\f procedure Private_Swap_Three (P : in out U_Char_Array) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- We have groups of 24-bits (presumably we have a group of 3-byte colormap -- values) and we need to swap them from big to little (or little to big) -- endian. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I : S_Natural := P'First; C : U_Char; begin for J in P'First .. P'First + P'Length / 3 - 1 loop C := P (I); P (I) := P (I + 2); P (I + 2) := C; I := I + 3; end loop; end Private_Swap_Three; --\f begin X_Lib_Default_X_Add_Pixel := Proc_Var_X_Add_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Add_Pixel_Type); X_Lib_Default_X_Create_Image := Proc_Var_X_Create_Image.From_Pv (Default_X_Create_Image_Type); X_Lib_Default_X_Destroy_Image := Proc_Var_X_Destroy_Image.From_Pv (Default_X_Destroy_Image_Type); X_Lib_Default_X_Get_Pixel := Proc_Var_X_Get_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Get_Pixel_Type); X_Lib_Default_X_Get_Pixel_8 := Proc_Var_X_Get_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Get_Pixel_8_Type); X_Lib_Default_X_Get_Pixel_1 := Proc_Var_X_Get_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Get_Pixel_1_Type); X_Lib_Default_X_Put_Pixel := Proc_Var_X_Put_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Put_Pixel_Type); X_Lib_Default_X_Put_Pixel_8 := Proc_Var_X_Put_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Put_Pixel_8_Type); X_Lib_Default_X_Put_Pixel_1 := Proc_Var_X_Put_Pixel.From_Pv (Default_X_Put_Pixel_1_Type); X_Lib_Default_X_Sub_Image := Proc_Var_X_Sub_Image.From_Pv (Default_X_Sub_Image_Type); end Xlbip_Image_Internal;