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Length: 13822 (0x35fe) Types: TextFile Names: »V«
└─⟦85b835f43⟧ Bits:30000549 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Xlib rev 6.00 └─ ⟦0c20f784e⟧ »DATA« └─⟦1abbe589f⟧ └─⟦059497ac5⟧ └─⟦this⟧
--/ if R1000 then with Transport; with Transport_Defs; with System; --/ elsif Cdf_Hpux then --// with System_Interface; --// with Unix_Base_Types; --/ elsif TeleGen2 and then Unix then --// with Error_Messages; -- Unix Error Codes --/ end if; with Unchecked_Deallocation; with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; package Xlbmt_Network_Types is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Machine Network Types -- -- Xlbmt_Network_Types - Machine/Compiler dependent network interface types. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the name of Rational not be used in -- advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software -- without specific, written prior permission. -- -- Rational disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including -- all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall -- Rational be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or -- any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether -- in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out -- of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Array data type used when reading/writing data from/to the server network -- connection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --/ if R1000 then subtype X_Raw_Data is System.Byte; subtype X_Raw_Data_Array is System.Byte_String; subtype X_Raw_Data_Index is Natural; function "=" (A : X_Raw_Data; B : X_Raw_Data) return Boolean renames System."="; function "<=" (A : X_Raw_Data; B : X_Raw_Data) return Boolean renames System."<="; function ">=" (A : X_Raw_Data; B : X_Raw_Data) return Boolean renames System.">="; function "<" (A : X_Raw_Data; B : X_Raw_Data) return Boolean renames System."<"; function ">" (A : X_Raw_Data; B : X_Raw_Data) return Boolean renames System.">"; function "+" (A : X_Raw_Data; B : X_Raw_Data) return X_Raw_Data renames System."+"; -- function "-" (A : X_Raw_Data) return X_Raw_Data -- renames System."-"; function "abs" (A : X_Raw_Data) return X_Raw_Data renames System."abs"; function "-" (A : X_Raw_Data; B : X_Raw_Data) return X_Raw_Data renames System."-"; function "*" (A : X_Raw_Data; B : X_Raw_Data) return X_Raw_Data renames System."*"; function "/" (A : X_Raw_Data; B : X_Raw_Data) return X_Raw_Data renames System."/"; function "rem" (A : X_Raw_Data; B : X_Raw_Data) return X_Raw_Data renames System."rem"; function "&" (A : X_Raw_Data_Array; B : X_Raw_Data_Array) return X_Raw_Data_Array renames System."&"; function "=" (A : X_Raw_Data_Array; B : X_Raw_Data_Array) return Boolean renames System."="; --/ else --// --// type X_Raw_Data is new U_Char; --// type X_Raw_Data_Array is array (S_Natural range <>) of X_Raw_Data; --// subtype X_Raw_Data_Index is S_Natural; --// --/ end if; type X_Raw_Data_List is access X_Raw_Data_Array; --/ if Pack then --// pragma Pack (X_Raw_Data_Array); --/ end if; --/ if ENABLE_DEALLOCATION then pragma Enable_Deallocation (X_Raw_Data_List); --/ end if; None_X_Raw_Data_List : constant X_Raw_Data_List := null; procedure Free_X_Raw_Data_List is new Unchecked_Deallocation (X_Raw_Data_Array, X_Raw_Data_List); --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- System Dependent Networking Types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --/ if R1000 and R1000_Xlib_Only then --// --// subtype Connection_Id is Transport.Connection_Id; --// subtype Host_Id is Transport_Defs.Host_Id; --// subtype Status_Code is Transport_Defs.Status_Code; --// --// None_Connection_Id : constant Connection_Id := Transport.Null_Connection_Id; --// --// function "=" (A, B : Connection_Id) return Boolean renames Transport."="; --// function "=" (A, B : Host_Id) return Boolean renames Transport_Defs."="; --// function "=" (A, B : Status_Code) return Boolean renames Transport_Defs."="; --// --// function Image (Code : Status_Code) return String; --// --// Ok : constant Status_Code := Transport_Defs.Ok; --// Timed_Out : constant Status_Code := Transport_Defs.Timed_Out; --// No_Free_Memory : constant Status_Code := Transport_Defs.No_Free_Memory; --// --/ elsif R1000 and not R1000_Xlib_Only then subtype Host_Id is Transport_Defs.Host_Id; subtype Status_Code is Transport_Defs.Status_Code; function "=" (A, B : Transport.Connection_Id) return Boolean renames Transport."="; function "=" (A, B : Host_Id) return Boolean renames Transport_Defs."="; function "=" (A, B : Status_Code) return Boolean renames Transport_Defs."="; function Image (Code : Status_Code) return String; Ok : constant Status_Code := Transport_Defs.Ok; Timed_Out : constant Status_Code := Transport_Defs.Timed_Out; No_Free_Memory : constant Status_Code := Transport_Defs.No_Free_Memory; task type Notify_Complete_Task is entry Set_Not_Done; -- Called to reset flag entry Set_Done; -- Called to set flag entry Wait_For_Done; -- Called to wait for set flag end Notify_Complete_Task; type Notify_Complete is access Notify_Complete_Task; pragma Enable_Deallocation (Notify_Complete); None_Notify_Complete : constant Notify_Complete := null; type Connection_State is (Pending_Read_None, Pending_Read_Wait, Pending_Read_Done); type Connection_Id_Rec; type Connection_Id is access Connection_Id_Rec; task type Connection_Reader is entry Initialize (Connection : Connection_Id); entry Receive_Maybe (Status : out Status_Code; Data : in out X_Raw_Data_Array; Count : out X_Raw_Data_Index); entry Receive_Queue (Status : out Status_Code; Data : in out X_Raw_Data_Array; Count : out X_Raw_Data_Index; Notify : Notify_Complete); entry Receive_Must (Status : out Status_Code; Data : in out X_Raw_Data_Array; Count : out X_Raw_Data_Index); end Connection_Reader; type Connection_Id_Rec is record Connection : Transport.Connection_Id := Transport.Null_Connection_Id; State : Connection_State := Pending_Read_None; Reader : Connection_Reader; end record; pragma Enable_Deallocation (Connection_Id); None_Connection_Id : constant Connection_Id := null; procedure Free_Connection_Id is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Connection_Id_Rec, Connection_Id); --/ elsif Cdf_Hpux then --// --// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --// -- Connection_Id - socket number --// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --// --// type Connection_Id is new S_Long; --// --// None_Connection_Id : constant Connection_Id := 0; --// --// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --// -- Host_Id - An encoding of a network host address --// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --// --// type Host_Id is new S_Long; --// --// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --// -- Status_Code - An encoding of the outcome of a Transport operation. --// -- --// -- Ok - it worked --// -- Timed_Out - it has a time-limit and that limit expired --// -- Error - nonspecific error --// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --// --// subtype Status_Code is Unix_Base_Types.Int; --// --// function Image (Code : Status_Code) return String; --// function Get_Errno return Status_Code; --// --// Ok : constant Status_Code := 0; --// Timed_Out : constant Status_Code := System_Interface.Error.Ewouldblock; --// No_Free_Memory : constant Status_Code := System_Interface.Error.Enomem; --// --/ elsif TeleGen2 and then Unix then --// --// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --// -- Connection_Id - socket number --// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --// --// type Connection_Id is new S_Long; --// --// None_Connection_Id : constant Connection_Id := 0; --// --// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --// -- Host_Id - An encoding of a network host address --// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --// --// type Host_Id is new S_Long; --// --// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --// -- Status_Code - An encoding of the outcome of a Transport operation. --// -- --// -- Ok - it worked --// -- Timed_Out - it has a time-limit and that limit expired --// -- Error - nonspecific error --// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --// --// type Status_Code is new Error_Messages.Errors; --// --// function Image (Code : Status_Code) return String; --// function Get_Errno return Status_Code; --// --// Ok : constant Status_Code := Enoerror; --// Timed_Out : constant Status_Code := Ewouldblock; --// No_Free_Memory : constant Status_Code := Enomem; --// --/ else --// --// Need : Something_Here; --// --/ end if; --\f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Buffer - X_Display I/O Buffer type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Buffer (Length : X_Raw_Data_Index) is record Used : X_Raw_Data_Index := 0; Data : X_Raw_Data_Array (1 .. Length); end record; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Mutex - Multitask mutual exclusion type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --/ if not Multitask_Locking then --// --// type X_Mutex_Rec is --// record --// Flop : S_Natural range 0 .. 1 := 0; --// end record; --// --/ else task type X_Mutex_Rec is entry Lock; entry Unlock; entry Destroy_Self; end X_Mutex_Rec; --/ end if; type X_Mutex is access X_Mutex_Rec; --/ if ENABLE_DEALLOCATION then pragma Enable_Deallocation (X_Mutex); --/ end if; procedure Free_X_Mutex (M : in out X_Mutex); procedure Lock_Mutex (Mutex : X_Mutex); procedure Unlock_Mutex (Mutex : X_Mutex); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Mutex - Specifies the X_Mutex to un/locak -- -- If you don't want to know whether or not multitask locking is implemented -- for a particular library then use these procedures to lock/unlock a mutex. -- -- If, for this machine/OS/Ada-compiler combination, multi-task-locking is not -- supported for the X_Library then we raise X_Library_Confusion if two -- Lock_Mutex calls are made in succession, two Unlock_Mutex calls are made -- in succession, or if Unlock is called when the lock was not Lock'ed. -- -- Use the (Un)Lock_Display routines to lock/unlock the X_Mutex'es for -- X_Display's. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Network_Connection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Network_Connection is record Fd : Connection_Id; ----Network socket. Fd_Error : Status_Code := Ok; end record; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Network_Host_Address ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type X_Network_Host_Address is access Host_Id; --/ if ENABLE_DEALLOCATION then pragma Enable_Deallocation (X_Network_Host_Address); --/ end if; procedure Free_X_Network_Host_Address is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Host_Id, X_Network_Host_Address); None_X_Network_Host_Address : constant X_Network_Host_Address := null; end Xlbmt_Network_Types;