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Length: 6250 (0x186a) Types: TextFile Names: »BUILD_COM«
└─⟦d0624311f⟧ Bits:30000529 8mm tape, Rational 1000, DTIA 2_1_7 └─ ⟦f494b5154⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
$! $! @BUILD Installation_Directory $! $! The default value for Installation_Directory is []. $! $ on control_y then $ goto INTERRUPTED $ on warning then $ goto BUILD_ERROR $ INSTALL = P1 $ if "''INSTALL'" .eqs. "" then $ INSTALL := "[]" $ INSTNOD = f$parse("''INSTALL'",,,"node","no_conceal") $ INSTDEV = f$parse("''INSTALL'",,,"device","no_conceal") $ INSTDIR = f$parse("''INSTALL'",,,"directory","no_conceal") $ write SYS$OUTPUT "Existing files in ''INSTNOD'''INSTDEV'''INSTDIR' will be destroyed" $ deassign SYS$INPUT $ read SYS$INPUT ANS/error=INTERRUPTED - /end_of_file=INTERRUPTED - /prompt="Do you wish to proceed ? [N] " $ if "''ANS'" .eqs. "" then ANS := "NO" $ if .not. "''ANS'" then goto INTERRUPTED $ set default 'INSTALL' $ on error then $ continue $ write SYS$OUTPUT "Deleting obsolete files" $ set file [...]*.*;*/exclude=(DTIA*.SAV,BUILD.COM,FTP_TO_BACKUP.FDL)- /protection=(O:RWED,S:RWED) $ delete [...]*.*;*/exclude=(DTIA*.SAV,BUILD.COM,FTP_TO_BACKUP.FDL,*.DIR) $ delete *.DIR;* $ purge [...]*.*/keep=1 $ NWKDIR = f$trnlnm("TWG$ETC") $ if "''NWKDIR'" .eqs. "" then $ goto TRY_MULTINET $IS_WOLLONGONG: $ NWK := "WOLLONGONG" $ SERVICES := "TWG$ETC:[000000]SERVICES.;" $ LINE := "dtia 2000/tcp" $ goto CHECK_SERVICE $TRY_MULTINET: $ NWKDIR = f$trnlnm("MULTINET") $ if "''NWKDIR'" .eqs. "" then $ goto TRY_UCX $IS_MULTINET: $ NWK := "MULTINET" $ SERVICES := "MULTINET:HOSTS.LOCAL" $ LINE := "SERVICE : TCP : 2000 : DTIA :" $ goto CHECK_SERVICE $TRY_UCX: $ NWKDIR = f$trnlnm("UCX$HOST") $ if "''NWKDIR'" .eqs. "" then $ goto TCP_IP_ERROR $IS_UCX: $ NWK := "UCX" $! SERVICES := "?" ! Ultrix Connection version 1.3 $! LINE := "SERVICE : TCP : 2000 : DTIA :" ! does not provide a services $ goto RESTORE_BACKUP ! database. $CHECK_SERVICE: $ on warning then goto SOCKET_ERROR $ write SYS$OUTPUT "Checking DTIA socket definition in ''SERVICES'" $ search/noexact 'SERVICES' "DTIA" $ SEARCH_STATUS = f$integer($STATUS) $ SEARCH_STATUS[2,30] = 0 $ if SEARCH_STATUS .NE. 1 then $ goto SOCKET_ERROR $RESTORE_BACKUP: $ on warning then $ goto BUILD_ERROR $ write SYS$OUTPUT "Converting backup file" $ exchange/network/fdl=FTP_TO_BACKUP.FDL DTIA_'NWK'.SAV DTIA_'NWK'.BCK $ write SYS$OUTPUT "Deleting unconverted files" $ delete FTP_TO_BACKUP.FDL;*, DTIA_'NWK'.SAV;* $ write SYS$OUTPUT "Restoring from backup" $ backup DTIA_'NWK'.BCK/save *.*;* $ write SYS$OUTPUT "Deleting backup file" $ delete DTIA_'NWK'.BCK;* $ open/write DTIA_RESTART DTIA_RESTART.COM $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ on control_y then $ goto RESTART_ERROR" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ on warning then $ goto RESTART_ERROR" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ if .not. f$privilege(""DETACH"") then $ goto PRIV_ERROR" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ CTX := """"" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$LOOP:" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ PID = f$pid(CTX)" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ if PID .eqs. """" then $ goto ENDLOOP" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ NAME = f$getjpi(PID,""prcnam"")" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ if f$extract(0,4,NAME) .eqs. ""DTIA"" then $ stop/id='PID'" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ goto LOOP $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ENDLOOP:" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ run/detached -" $ write DTIA_RESTART " /privileges=(NETMBX) -" $ write DTIA_RESTART " /page_file=50000 -" $ write DTIA_RESTART " /buffer_limit=75000 -" $ write DTIA_RESTART " /uic=SYSTEM -" $ write DTIA_RESTART " /process_name=""DTIA Server"" -" $ write DTIA_RESTART " /output=NL: -" $ write DTIA_RESTART " ''INSTNOD'''INSTDEV'''INSTDIR'SERVER.EXE" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ exit" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$PRIV_ERROR: $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ write SYS$ERROR ""You must have privilege DETACH to start the DTIA server.""" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ exit %X10000002" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$RESTART_ERROR: $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ write SYS$ERROR ""Unable to start DTIA server.""" $ write DTIA_RESTART "$ exit %X10000002" $ close DTIA_RESTART $ write SYS$OUTPUT "You should add in your SYSTARTUP file the line:" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "@''INSTNOD'''INSTDEV'''INSTDIR'DTIA_RESTART.COM" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "You can use the same command interactively to start/restart" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "the DTIA server." $ write SYS$OUTPUT "" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "In your SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM file add the line:" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "IF (F$MODE() .EQS. ""NETWORK"") THEN DEFINE DTIA ''INSTNOD'''INSTDEV'''INSTDIR'" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "This logical is used to locate the session server command file and executable." $ write SYS$OUTPUT "To access a remote DECnet node with the server, define this logical on the" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "remote node to point to a directory containing RUN.COM and SESSION_SERVER.EXE." $ write SYS$OUTPUT "" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "All nodes running the session server must be running VMS 5.4 or above." $ write SYS$OUTPUT "" $ read SYS$INPUT ANS/error=INTERRUPTED - /end_of_file=INTERRUPTED - /prompt="Do you want to recompile the Ada sources ? [N] " $ if "''ANS'" .eqs. "" then $ ANS := "NO" $ if .not. "''ANS'" then $ goto COMPILED $ write SYS$OUTPUT "Compiling Ada files" $ on warning then $ goto COMPILE_ERROR $ @'INSTDIR'COMPILE_SERVER [.ADALIB] TRUE $COMPILED: $ exit $SOCKET_ERROR: $ write SYS$OUTPUT "" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "You must insert in file ''SERVICES' " $ write SYS$OUTPUT "the following line:" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "''LINE'" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "NB: you may use another number than 2000. If you do so," $ write SYS$OUTPUT "make sure that you update !MACHINE.TRANSPORT_SERVICES on" $ write SYS$OUTPUT "the R1000s." $ write SYS$ERROR "Missing socket definition in ''SERVICES'" $ exit %X10000002 $COMPILE_ERROR: $ exit 'STATUS' $TCP_IP_ERROR: $ write SYS$ERROR "You should have either the Multinet, Wollongong or the Ultrix Connection" $ write SYS$ERROR "TCP/IP package installed before installing DTIA". $ exit %X10000002 $BUILD_ERROR: $ on error then $ continue $ close DTIA_RESTART $ write SYS$ERROR "Build failed" $ exit %X10000002 $INTERRUPTED: $ on error then $ continue $ close DTIA_RESTART $ write SYS$ERROR "Build interrupted by user" $ exit %X10000002