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Length: 19087 (0x4a8f) Types: TextFile Names: »STEPS«
└─⟦bad92a95e⟧ Bits:30000535 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RPC 1_0_2 └─ ⟦bb34fe6e2⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
AUTHORIZATION_CHECK => ( declare subtype Bogus is Natural range 0 .. 1; package Pp is new Parameter_Parser (Bogus); Iter : Pp.Iterator := Pp.Parse ("CMVC, CMVC.Source_Control,Motorola_68K,MC68020_HP_Unix"); Error : Natural := 0; function Product_Name (Iter : Pp.Iterator) return String is begin if String_Utilities.Equal (Pp.Name (Iter), "NAME") then return Pp.Get_Image (Iter); else return Pp.Name (Iter); end if; end Product_Name; begin while not Pp.Done (Iter) loop declare Name : constant String := Product_Name (Iter); begin if "!Implementation".Product_Authorization.Is_Registered (Name) then Log.Put_Line (Name & " is authorized", Profile.Note_Msg); else Log.Put_Line ("Need to Authorize " & Name, Profile.Error_Msg); Error := Error + 1; end if; end; Pp.Next (Iter); end loop; if Error /= 0 then Log.Put_Line ("Do not proceed until all these products have been authorized", Profile.Error_Msg); Do_Step ("PROMPT=AUTHORIZE_PRODUCT"); end if; end; ) AUTHORIZE_PRODUCT => ( "!Implementation".Product_Authorization.Register (Product_Name => ">>Product Name<<", Authorization_Code => ">> Code <<"); ) USERS_CHECK => ( declare Iter : System_Utilities.Session_Iterator; Total : Natural := 0; use System_Utilities; begin Operator.Limit_Login (Sessions => 1); Log.Put_Line ("Limited logins to 1 user", Profile.Positive_Msg); Init (Iter); while not Done (Iter) loop if Value (Iter) /= Get_Session then Log.Put_Line ("User " & User_Name (Value (Iter)) & " is still logged in. Have s/he log off before proceeding", Profile.Warning_Msg); end if; Next (Iter); end loop; end; ) COMPILER_CHECK => ( declare function Job_Running (N : String; Kind : Profile.Msg_Kind := Profile.Error_Msg) return Boolean is Found : Boolean := False; begin for J in System_Utilities.Job_Id loop begin if String_Utilities.Locate (N, System_Utilities.Job_Name (J)) /= 0 then Log.Put_Line ("Job " & System_Utilities.Job_Name (J) & " is running", Profile.Positive_Msg); Found := True; end if; exception when others => null; end; end loop; if not Found then Log.Put_Line ("Job " & N & " is not running", Kind); end if; return Found; end Job_Running; begin if Job_Running ("Motorola_68k Compiler Control") and Job_Running ("Cross Compiler Common Layer") and Job_Running ("Motorola_68k Stream_1") then null; end if; end; ) RELEASE_RESTORE => ( Io.Set_Output ("!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Restore_Release_Log"); Archive.Restore (Options => "replace,promote", Device => "Release"); Lib.Unfreeze (Existing => "!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.R1000_0_2", Recursive => True, Response => "<ERRORS>"); Lib.Unfreeze (Existing => "!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.Mc68020_Hpux_Cdf_0_2", Recursive => True, Response => "<ERRORS>"); Io.Reset_Output; Log.Filter_Errors (Log_File => "!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Restore_Release_Log", Destination => "!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Restore_Release_Log_Summary", Auxiliaries => False, Warnings => False, Exceptions => True); Common.Definition ("!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Restore_Release_Log_Summary"); ) MODIFY_R1000 => ( declare use Editor, Text, Common; function Read_Line (Prompt : String; Min_Length : Natural := 1) return String is begin loop Io.Put (Prompt); declare S : constant String := Io.Get_Line; begin if S'Length >= Min_Length then return S; else Io.Put_Line ("*** Must enter a value with at least" & Natural'Image (Min_Length) & " characters"); end if; end; end loop; end Read_Line; begin Editor.Window.Frames (4); declare Remote_Host : constant String := Read_Line ("Remote Host (example - note ',' separator: 89,2,23,4): ", 7); begin Common.Edit ("!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.R1000_0_2.UNITS.COMPLEX_CLIENT'BODY"); Editor.Image.Beginning_Of (Offset => 0); Editor.Search.Next (Target => "remote_host", Wildcard => False); Editor.Line.End_Of (Offset => 0); Editor.Word.Delete_Backward (Repeat => 4); Editor.Char.Insert_String (Remote_Host); Ada.Code_Unit; if Directory_Tools.Naming.Full_Name ("!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.R1000_0_2.UNITS.COMPLEX_CLIENT'BODY'S(Coded)") = "" then Log.Put_Line ("!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.R1000_0_2.UNITS.COMPLEX_CLIENT did not compile", Profile.Error_Msg); end if; end; end; ) MODIFY_CDF => ( declare use Editor, Text, Common; function Read_Line (Prompt : String; Min_Length : Natural := 1) return String is begin loop Io.Put (Prompt); declare S : constant String := Io.Get_Line; begin if S'Length >= Min_Length then return S; else Io.Put_Line ("*** Must enter a value with at least" & Natural'Image (Min_Length) & " characters"); end if; end; end loop; end Read_Line; function R1000_Tcp_Ip_Host_Id return String is F : Io.File_Type; begin Io.Open (F, Io.In_File, "!Machine.Tcp_IP_Host_ID"); declare S : constant String := Io.Get_Line (F); N : String (1 .. S'Length) := S; begin Io.Close (F); for I in N'Range loop if N (I) = '.' then N (I) := ','; end if; end loop; return N; end; end R1000_Tcp_Ip_Host_Id; begin Editor.Window.Frames (4); declare R1000_Host : constant String := R1000_Tcp_Ip_Host_Id; Machine : constant String := Read_Line ("Remote Machine : "); Directory : constant String := Read_Line ("Remote Directory : "); Username : constant String := Read_Line ("Remote Username : "); Password : constant String := Read_Line ("Remote Password : "); begin Switches.Set (Spec => "FTP.Remote_Machine:=""" & Machine & """;FTP.Remote_Directory:=""" & Directory & """;FTP.Username:=""" & Username & """;FTP.Password:=""" & Password & '"', File => "!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.MC68020_HPUX_CDF_0_2.STATE.COMPILER_SWITCHES", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Common.Edit ("!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.MC68020_HPUX_CDF_0_2.UNITS.COMPLEX_CLIENT'BODY"); Editor.Image.Beginning_Of (Offset => 0); Editor.Search.Next (Target => "remote_host", Wildcard => False); Editor.Line.End_Of (Offset => 0); Editor.Word.Delete_Backward (Repeat => 4); Editor.Char.Insert_String (R1000_Host); Ada.Code_Unit; if Directory_Tools.Naming.Full_Name ("!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.MC68020_HPUX_CDF_0_2.UNITS.COMPLEX_CLIENT'BODY'S(CODED)") = "" then Log.Put_Line ("!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.MC68020_HPUX_CDF_0_2.UNITS.COMPLEX_CLIENT did not compile", Profile.Error_Msg); end if; end; end; ) COMPILE_RPC_EXAMPLE => ( Compilation.Demote (Unit => "!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.MC68020_HPUX_CDF_0_2.UNITS.[SERVER_DRIVER'BODY,Client_Driver'Body]", Goal => Compilation.Installed, Limit => "<ALL_WORLDS>", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Compilation.Make (Unit => "!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.[R1000_0_2,MC68020_HPUX_CDF_0_2].UNITS.[SERVER_DRIVER'BODY,Client_Driver'Body]", Scope => Compilation.Load_Views, Goal => Compilation.Coded, Limit => "<ALL_WORLDS>", Response => "<ERRORS>"); ) INSTALL_DEMO_SW => ( declare use Editor, Text, Common; function Read_Line (Prompt : String; Min_Length : Natural := 1) return String is begin loop Io.Put (Prompt); declare S : constant String := Io.Get_Line; begin if S'Length >= Min_Length then return S; else Io.Put_Line ("*** Must enter a value with at least" & Natural'Image (Min_Length) & " characters"); end if; end; end loop; end Read_Line; procedure Fix_Makefile is begin Io.Set_Input ("!MACHINE.RELEASE.RPC.REV1_0_2.MAKEFILE"); Io.Set_Output ("!MACHINE.RELEASE.RPC.REV1_0_2.MAKEFILE_NEW"); while not Io.End_Of_File loop declare S : constant String := Io.Get_Line; begin if String_Utilities.Locate ("server&", S) = 0 then Io.Put_Line (S); end if; end; end loop; Io.Reset_Input; Io.Reset_Output; Library.Move (From => "!MACHINE.RELEASE.RPC.REV1_0_2.MAKEFILE_NEW", To => "!MACHINE.RELEASE.RPC.REV1_0_2.MAKEFILE", Response => "<ERRORS>"); end Fix_Makefile; begin Library.Context (To_Be => "!MACHINE.RELEASE.RPC.REV1_0_2.INSTALL", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Io.Put_Line ("starting"); declare Machine : constant String := Read_Line ("Remote Machine : "); Directory : constant String := Read_Line ("Remote Directory : "); Username : constant String := Read_Line ("Remote Username : "); Password : constant String := Read_Line ("Remote Password : "); begin Io.Set_Output ("!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Install_Demo_Log"); Switches.Create (File => "!Machine.Release.Rpc.Rev1_0_2.Switches", Category => 'L', Response => "<ERRORS>"); Switches.Associate (File => "!Machine.Release.Rpc.Rev1_0_2.Switches", Library => "!Machine.Release.Rpc.Rev1_0_2", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Switches.Set (Spec => "Ftp.Send_Port_Enabled:=FALSE;Ftp.Remote_Machine:=""" & Machine & """;Ftp.Remote_Directory:=""" & Directory & """;Ftp.Password:=""" & Password & """;Ftp.Username:=""" & Username & '"', File => "!Machine.Release.Rpc.Rev1_0_2.Switches", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Library.Context ("!Machine.Release.Rpc.Rev1_0_2", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Fix_Makefile; "!MACHINE.RELEASE.RPC.REV1_0_2".Install (Remote_Machine => Machine, Username => Username, Password => Password, Remote_Directory => Directory, Output => "!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Install_Demo_Remote_Log", Error => "!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Install_Demo_Remote_Error_Log", Response => "<PROFILE>"); end; Io.Reset_Output; Log.Filter_Errors (Log_File => "!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Install_Demo_Log", Destination => "!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Install_Demo_Log_Summary", Auxiliaries => False, Warnings => False, Exceptions => True); Common.Definition ("!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Install_Demo_Log_Summary"); end; ) DEMO_CDF_CLIENT => ( declare Id : Program.Job_Id; Status : Program.Condition; begin Editor.Window.Frames (5); Program.Create_Job (S => """!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.R1000_0_2.UNITS"".SERVER_DRIVER", Job => Id, Status => Status, Options => "Name => MC68020_HP_Unix_RPC_Demo_Server", Response => "<PROFILE>"); delay 5.0; Library.Context (To_Be => "!Targets.Implementation.RPC_Example.MC68020_HPUX_CDF_0_2.Units", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Unix_Remote_Commands.Run (Command => "CLIENT_DRIVER", Remote_Machine => "<DEFAULT>", Remote_Username => "<DEFAULT>", Remote_Password => "<DEFAULT>", Remote_Directory => "<DEFAULT>", Output => "<WINDOW>", Input => "<WINDOW>", Error => "<DEFAULT>", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Job.Kill (Id); end; ) DEMO_R1000_CLIENT => ( declare Id : Program.Job_Id; Status : Program.Condition; begin Editor.Window.Frames (5); Program.Create_Job (S => "Unix_Remote_Commands.Run (Command => ""SERVER_DRIVER""," & "Output => ""<WINDOW>""," & "Input => ""<WINDOW>""," & "Response => ""<PROFILE>"");", Job => Id, Status => Status, Context => "!Targets.Implementation.RPC_Example.MC68020_HPUX_CDF_0_2.Units", Options => "Name => MC68020_HP_Unix_RPC_CDF_Demo_Server", Response => "<ERRORS>"); delay 10.0; "!Targets.Implementation.RPC_Example.R1000_0_2.Units". Client_Driver; Library.Context ("!Targets.Implementation.RPC_Example.MC68020_HPUX_CDF_0_2.Units", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Unix_Remote_Commands.Run (Command => "ps -e|grep SERVER_DRIVER|awk '{print $1}'", Output => "!machine.Temporary.Server_ID", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Io.Set_Input ("!machine.temporary.server_id"); Unix_Remote_Commands.Run (Command => "kill " & Io.Get_Line, Response => "<ERRORS>"); end; ) TARGET_DEMO_CDF_CLIENT => ( declare Id : Program.Job_Id; Status : Program.Condition; begin Editor.Window.Frames (5); Program.Create_Job (S => """!TARGETS.IMPLEMENTATION.RPC_EXAMPLE.R1000_0_2.UNITS"".SERVER_DRIVER", Job => Id, Status => Status, Options => "Name => MC68020_HP_Unix_RPC_Demo_Server", Response => "<PROFILE>"); delay 5.0; Library.Context (To_Be => "!Machine.Release.Rpc.Rev1_0_2", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Unix_Remote_Commands.Run (Command => "client", Remote_Machine => "<DEFAULT>", Remote_Username => "<DEFAULT>", Remote_Password => "<DEFAULT>", Remote_Directory => "<DEFAULT>", Output => "<WINDOW>", Input => "<WINDOW>", Error => "<DEFAULT>", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Job.Kill (Id); end; ) TARGET_DEMO_R1000_CLIENT => ( declare Id : Program.Job_Id; Status : Program.Condition; begin Editor.Window.Frames (5); Program.Create_Job (S => "Unix_Remote_Commands.Run (Command => ""server""," & "Output => ""<WINDOW>""," & "Input => ""<WINDOW>""," & "Response => ""<PROFILE>"");", Job => Id, Status => Status, Context => "!Machine.Release.Rpc.Rev1_0_2", Options => "Name => MC68020_HP_Unix_RPC_CDF_Demo_Server", Response => "<ERRORS>"); delay 10.0; "!Targets.Implementation.RPC_Example.R1000_0_2.Units". Client_Driver; Library.Context ("!Machine.Release.Rpc.Rev1_0_2", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Unix_Remote_Commands.Run (Command => "ps -e|grep server|awk '{print $1}'", Output => "!machine.Temporary.Server_ID", Response => "<ERRORS>"); Io.Set_Input ("!machine.temporary.server_id"); Unix_Remote_Commands.Run (Command => "kill " & Io.Get_Line, Response => "<ERRORS>"); end; ) RESTORE_NOTES => ( Archive.Restore (Device => "Release_Notes"); ) TEST_RESTORE => ( Io.Set_Output ("!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Restore_Tests_Log"); Archive.Restore (Options => "Promote", Device => "Tests"); Io.Reset_Output; Log.Filter_Errors (Log_File => "!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Restore_Tests_Log", Destination => "!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Restore_Tests_Log_Summary", Auxiliaries => False, Warnings => False, Exceptions => True); Common.Definition ("!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2.Logs.Restore_Tests_Log_Summary"); ) RECORD_INSTALLATION => ( declare Product : constant String := Directory_Tools.Naming.Simple_Name (Directory_Tools.Naming.Full_Name ("^")); Release : constant String := Directory_Tools.Naming.Simple_Name (Directory_Tools.Naming.Full_Name ("$")); Product_Info : constant String := "(RELEASE => " & Release & ", DATE => (" & Time_Utilities.Image (Time_Utilities.Get_Time, Time_Utilities.Year_Month_Day) & "), USER => " & System_Utilities.User_Name & '.' & System_Utilities.Session_Name & ")"; Product_Filename : constant String := "!Machine.Release.Current.Products"; F : Io.File_Type; begin Log.Put_Line ("Allowing unlimited logins", Profile.Positive_Msg); Operator.Limit_Login; Io.Append (F, Name => Product_Filename); Io.Put_Line (F, Product & " => " & Product_Info); Io.Close (F); Log.Put_Line ("Recording product " & Product & " current release as " & Release, Profile.Positive_Msg); end; ) DESTROY_ARCHIVE => ( Library.Delete ("!Machine.Release.Archive.RPC.Release1_0_2"); )