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Length: 63207 (0xf6e7) Types: TextFile Names: »BROWSER_DATA_FILE«
└─⟦180fe333a⟧ Bits:30000405 8mm tape, Rational 1000, SW CATALOG, 10_20_0 └─ ⟦5cb1d1d7f⟧ »DATA« └─⟦this⟧
@CATALOG=RATIONAL SOFTWARE LIBRARY CATALOG @LOCATION=CUSTOMER @VERSION=D_10_20_0 Copyright 1988 by Rational Document Control Number: XXXXX Rev XXX, XX/XX/87 This document subject to change without notice. Ada is a registered trademark of the U.S. Government (Ada Joint Program Office). MacIntosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Rational and R1000 are registered trademarks, and Rational Environment and Rational Subsystems are trademarks of Rational. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T. VAX and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. @SECTION=Preface @KIND=TEXT The Rational Software Library is a collection of software that offers useful tools and utilities to users of the Rational Environment. These tools and utilities include support for: - Math library functions - Graphics - Testing - Ada and Environment training - Communication protocols - Library management - Personal workspace management - System programming This software is distributed separately from the standard interfaces of the Rational Environment for several reasons. Many of the software packages have been developed in the public domain and rehosted on the Rational Environment. Some packages have been developed by third-party implementors. Other packages represent specific tools built by Rational on top of the Rational Environment. Often these utilities address specific functional objectives and do not represent general mechanisms that would normally be included in the Environment. The Rational Software Library has been accumulated from four sources: * Public domain software: The public domain software has been gathered from various sources, primarily the Simtel repository. It is offered as a convenience to Rational's customers. * Rational Environment utilities: The Environment utilities have been written by Rational to enhance the utility of the Rational Environment in various ways. These tools are useful in the areas of system management, project development, and personal workspace management. In addition, they serve as excellent examples of tool building on top of Environment interfaces, and illustrate how the Environment mechanisms can be extended. * Rational system programming interfaces: These package specifications provide access to the low-level mechanisms of the Rational Environment. They are particularly useful for building tools that extend the Environment to support application-specific requirements. * Third-party software packages: These packages represent Ada software that has been developed and rehosted on the Rational Environment by vendors other than Rational, or by Rational's customers. These interfaces generally require separate licensing agreements. * Each entry in this catalog contains the following standard information, as defined in the Appendix: - Support class - Documentation - Software rights - Distribution - Reference @SECTION=Ada Library Utilities @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=ADA_LIBRARY_UTILITIES These tools provide useful operations for maintaining Ada libraries and Ada units. @ITEM=Replace Id Utility @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=REPLACE_ID_UTILITY @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Two procedures are provided. One replaces every occurrence of an identifier with a new identifier in the compilation closure of an Ada unit. The other replaces every occurrence of an identifier with a new identifier in a set of Ada units specified by some wildcarded name. @ITEM=Split Tools @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=SPLIT_TOOLS @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Splits large unit bodies into a series of subunits and a body with the corresponding unit stubs automatically. Useful for breaking up very large bodies into a more manageable set of pieces. @ITEM=With Clause Analysis @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=WITH_CLAUSE_ANALYSIS @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Determines which of the with clauses, if any, attached to an Ada unit are not required. A with clause is not required if no visible interface in the with'd package is used in the with'ing unit. It may be possible to move a with clause from a unit's specification to its body, or from a body to a subunit. This software identifies opportunities to make these kinds of moves as well. @SECTION=Benchmarks @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=BENCHMARKS This subsection constitutes a series of benchmarking tests from various public domain sources, and from Rational. Three public domain suites are currently available: ACEC, PIWG, and 1985 Los Angeles Compiler Fair. @ITEM=ACEC Test Suite @KIND=FREE_FORM @LOCATION=ACEC @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Hardcopy User Guide SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Ada Validation Facility ASD/ADOL Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 Developed by the Institute for Defense Analysis and part of the DOD Ada Compiler Evaluation Capability (ACEC) test suite. The test units are organized into two major groups. The first group tests performance and capacity issues. The second group evaluates non-mandatory features and special algorithms. A user guide is available from the above address. @ITEM=PIWG Tests @KIND=FREE_FORM @LOCATION=PIWG_12_87 @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : On-Line User Directions SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : PIWG, Attention: Jon Squire, Chairman Westinghouse Defense Electronics Center P.O. Box 746, MS 4760 Baltimore, MD 21203 This software is a result of efforts by the Performance Issues Working Group, a SIGAda users' committee. This suite consists of tests that evaluate the execution speed of various Ada features and one large compilation speed test. @ITEM=1985 Los Angeles Compiler Fair Tests @KIND=FREE_FORM @LOCATION=LOS_ANGELES_COMPILER_FAIR_TESTS_1985 @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : None Available Focuses primarily on feature correctness and execution performance. This test suite was used at the 1985 Los Angeles Compiler Fair. @ITEM=Rational Benchmarking @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=RATIONAL_BENCHMARKING @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Offers some semi-automated tools for comparing incremental compilation to batch compilation, and for estimating link time. Can be used for analysis and comparison of R1000 capabilities. @SECTION=Communication Utilities @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=COMMUNICATION_UTILITIES This subsection supports various forms of electrical communication with other host machines. Both network and synchronous RS-232 utilities are provided. @ITEM=Cyclic Redundancy Checks @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=CYCLIC_REDUNDANCY_CHECKS @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Calculates 16-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codes. These codes are commonly used for error detection in data communications systems. A 16-bit checksum derived from a packet of data is appended to the packet on transmission and is checked on reception. If the checksum doesn't match, the packet has been garbled in transmission. The basic calculator package can calculate any 16-bit CRC (including CRC-16 and CRC-CCITT) on any string of bytes. 12-bit CRC's and non-byte-aligned data are NOT supported. Also included are an example for calculating CRC-CCITT, a small test program, and a text file describing the theory of operation. @ITEM=Kermit @KIND=CODE_ONLY @LOCATION=KERMIT @SPEC_VIEW=REV2_4_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=CODE2_4_0 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Code Archive REFERENCE : Rational Performs character-oriented transmission over serial telecommunication lines. The protocol is carried out by KERMIT programs on each end of the serial connection, sending "packets" back and forth. The sender sends filenames, file contents, and control information; the receiver acknowledges (positively or negatively) each packet. The supplied code view is executable on an R1000. @ITEM=Record Boundary Marking @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=RECORD_BOUNDARY_MARKING @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Implements a scheme for marking record boundaries within a binary byte file. Each record is preceded by its length measure in bytes, encoded in 2 bytes, and followed by 2 zero bytes. Records longer than 2**16 bytes are represented as several blocks, each preceeded by its length, followed by 2 zero bytes. This scheme supports records of unlimited length, with a minimum overhead of 4 bytes per record. @ITEM=Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Server @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=TRIVIAL_FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_SERVER @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides a simple protocol to transfer files. TFTP is built on top of the Internet User Datagram Protocol (RFC 768) and is used to move files on different networks. It is designed to be small and easy to implement. Therefore, it lacks most of the features of regular FTP. The only thing it can do is read and write files (or mail) from/to a remote server. It cannot list directories, and it has no procedures for user authentication. @ITEM=Vax Math Package RPC Server @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=VAX_MATH_PKG_RPC_SERVER @IMPORT=!TOOLS.NETWORK.REV9_1_SPEC @IMPORT=!TOOLS.RPC.REV9_1_SPEC @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_2 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Contains an RPC Server for the Dec Math Library. This is provided primarily as a example of how to write an RPC server. For additional details consult the RPC section of the Rational Networking Documentation. Two directories are provided. One containing software intended to execute on the R1000, the other containing software intended for the VAX. The VAX software must be copied, compiled and executed on the VAX. @ITEM=Xmodem Interface @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=XMODEM_INTERFACE @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides the ability to transfer textual and binary information to/from the R1000 to another host. Many communication programs use a file transfer method called XModem (also known as Modem, Modem7, or Christensen protocol), which allows dissimilar computer systems to exchange files, regardless of the type of hardware or communication software being used. There is no "standard" implementation of XModem. The communication programs that use XModem vary widely in their command structure. This implementation supports upload and download of binary and text files from the Rational Environment to a remote host. This software does not include an XModem implementation for the remote host, such as Red Ryder on the MacIntosh. @SECTION=Directory Tools @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=DIRECTORY_TOOLS Software in this section supplements the tools for manipulating directory objects in the Environment. @ITEM=Directory Tools Package @KIND=ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT CLASS : B DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Standard DISTRIBUTION : Environment REFERENCE : Rational Allows the user to access information in the Environment directory system programmatically. Facilities are included for: * Resolving object pathnames * Iterating over sets of objects * Traversing to parent and child objects * Getting information about specific objects, including the kind of object, how big it is, who last modified it, when it was last modified, its compilation state if it is an Ada unit, and numerous other statistics @ITEM=Modified Objects @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=MODIFIED_OBJECTS @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides a mechanism for initializing a directory and determining which units within that directory have been modified (edited) since the last time a check was made. This mechanism is useful for increasing efficiency when only modified units need to be processed. @ITEM=Objects @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=OBJECTS @IMPORT=!SOFTWARE_CATALOGS.CATALOGS.CUSTOMER.SECTIONS.REUSABLE_COMPONENTS.MISCELLANEOUS_COMPONENTS.REV1_0_SPEC @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational The package Object_Info provides many useful predicates for inquiring about Environment objects. Operations include questions about any object, questions particular to Ada objects, and CMVC-related questions. The package Object_Sets provides several useful interfaces for manipulating sets of library objects. Operations include the standard Union, Difference, and Intersection operations; sorting and filtering operations; and set generation based on compilation and/or execution relationships between objects. @ITEM=Portability Checker @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=PORTABILITY_CHECKER @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational This tool determines whether or not a particular library structure containing Ada units can be successfully ported to another machine. It does this by checking whether all links within the structure are allowable. If all links are allowable, the structure can be copied to another machine and successfully compiled. @SECTION=Input/Output @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=INPUT_OUTPUT These interfaces provide basic I/O mechanisms and I/O utilities written on top of the Environment I/O packages. @ITEM=Device-Independent I/O @KIND=ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT CLASS : B DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Standard DISTRIBUTION : Environment REFERENCE : Rational Provides a uniform method of accessing sequential devices, including files, terminals, windows, printers, and tape drives. The assumption is made that devices deal in bytes or characters rather than elemental types. @ITEM=Pipes @KIND=ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT CLASS : B DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Standard DISTRIBUTION : Environment REFERENCE : Rational Allows asynchronous reading and writing of queue-ordered message streams. Messages can be of any predefined or user-defined type. This interface allows message communication between separately executing programs (jobs) on the Rational Environment. @ITEM=Window Io Utilities @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=WINDOW_IO_UTILITIES @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_7 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides several utilities written on top of the Environment Window_IO interface. Facilities include: * Basic utilities: provides cursor positioning, image operations, user-input prompting, and iteration over all lines in a window image * Forms package: provides an interface for defining form entries and for parsing user responses. It allows a client program to display a form and to wait for the user to edit the form entries. When the user indicates that the form is complete, the form is parsed and an iterator of responses is provided to the client program. * Key definitions: offers a template for establishing named terminal keys so that tools can interpret raw keyboard input. * Terminal fonts: defines useful terminal fonts for display including dim, bold, reverse video, and blinking. * Electric menu: provides interfaces to define menu items, to display a complete menu, and to request user selection. Selection is available by arrow keys or by the first letter of the item. * Multiple selection menu: provides interfaces to define menu items, to display a menu, and to request user selection. Interfaces are also available for defining operations which manipulate items in the list. The user may select multiple items in the menu and specify an operation that applies to all selected items. * Display management: manages display scrolling for images of large user-defined objects. * Split windows: defines two window subsections allowing asynchronous writes to either window. The program manages independent scrolling of each window subsections. * Boxes and lines: provides an interface for drawing labelled boxes and lines within a window image. @SECTION=Miscellaneous @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=MISCELLANEOUS This software includes various utilities that do not fit into any specific category. @ITEM=Calculator @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=CALCULATOR @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides a calculator similar to a TI pocket calculator. @ITEM=Line Counting @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=LINE_COUNTING @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Displays a list of all specified units and the total number of lines, blank lines, comment lines, and lines ending in a semicolon for each unit. @ITEM=Login Message @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=LOGIN_MESSAGE @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_2 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Randomly selects and displays an interesting quote in the Environment Message window. It is often called a "quote-of-the-day" program on other systems. @ITEM=Phone Utility @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=PHONE_UTILITY @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_2 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Allows two-way asynchronous communication between two users on the Rational Environment. This communication is especially useful when one user is logged in from a remote modem and cannot use the telephone to communicate with another user. @SECTION=NOSC Tools @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=NOSC_TOOLS In 1985, the Naval Ocean Systems Center commissioned a set of tools written in Ada that was designed to complement vendor-supplied compilation tools. Rational has extracted these tools from the Simtel repository and rehosted those that were complete and executable. GENERAL REFERENCE: Naval Ocean Systems Center 271 Catalina Boulevard San Diego, CA 92152 @ITEM=Complexity Measures Tool @KIND=FREE_FORM @LOCATION=COMPLEXITY_MEASURES_TOOL @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Hardcopy User Guide and Technical Report SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : EVB Software Engineering, Inc. 451 Hungerford Drive, Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20850 Measures the "complexity" of Ada programs using three different metrics: Halstead metrics, the McCabe metric, and lines of code. Halstead metrics predict program attributes (such as effort required to implement, error-proneness, and time to understand) from a measure of the number of operands and operators, the program size, and the number of unique identifiers. The McCabe metric measures complexity by determining the amount of branching in the control flow of a program. @ITEM=Manpower Tools @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=MANPOWER_TOOLS @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_WORKING @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : On-Line User Manual SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : GTE Western Division 100 Ferguson Drive Mountain View, CA 94039 Calculates the amount of effort and the corresponding time schedule for projects of specified size. It plots a series of graphs showing the tradeoffs between effort and milestone completion time. @ITEM=Pager @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=PAGER @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_WORKING @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : On-Line User Guide SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Richard Conn TI Ada Technology Branch McKinney, TX 75067 Creates, extracts from, and scans paged files. A paged file combines one or more files into a single file to reduce the number of files in directories. @ITEM=Program Metrics Tools @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=PROGRAM_METRICS_TOOLS @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_WORKING @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : On-Line User Guide SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Intermetrics, Inc. 733 Concord Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 Tests and evaluates static and dynamic attributes of Ada programs. The tools specifically support: * Evaluation of Ada program performance characteristics * Evaluation of execution paths * Analysis of the statistical behavior of programs (including minimum, maximum, and average variable values) @ITEM=Speller @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=SPELLER @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_WORKING @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : On-Line User Guide/Help SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : John Foreman Texas Instruments, Inc. P.O. Box 801, MS 8007 McKinney, TX 75069 Offers an interactive spelling checker with an extensive dictionary. Rational has modified the I/O interface slightly to work with Environment windows. @ITEM=Tracker Utility @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=TRACKER_UTILITY @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_WORKING @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Extensive On-Line User Guide SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : GTE Western Division 100 Ferguson Drive Mountain View, CA 94039 Tracks the progress of software projects. This is an interactive, menu-driven management tool. Using data stored by the development team, several reports concerning project milestone completion can be generated. @SECTION=Numeric Utilities @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=NUMERIC_UTILITIES This section contains software for math-intensive applications. @ITEM=Math Library @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=MATH_LIBRARY @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_2 @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Various: see package specifications Offers a collection of mathematical interfaces, including the following: * Numeric primitives: defines precise numeric constants and min, max, truncate, and round functions * Bit functions: provides bit operations on integer types * Core math functions: provides square root, cube root, log, log10, exp, and exponential functions * Trigonometric functions: provides standard trigonometric functions including arc and hyperbolic functions * Matrix operations: defines vector and matrix types and algebraic operations on them * Set package: provides generic set operations, including union, intersection, and membership @ITEM=Portable Random Number Generator @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=RANDOM_NUMBERS @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_2 @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Ada Letters (Mar 88) This software appeared in Ada Letters (March 88). It is advertised as a portable random number generator. It is portable in the sense that given the same seeds it should generate the same psuedo-random sequence on any computer with 12 bit integer arithmetic and 24 bit floating point arithmetic. @ITEM=Universal Arithmetic @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=UNIVERSAL_ARITHMETIC @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : None Available Offers infinite-precision arithmetic operations (i.e. "*", "/", "+", "**") on integer and real numbers. @SECTION=Personal Workspace Management @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=PERSONAL_WORKSPACE_MANAGEMENT These tools comprise utilities useful for personal and project management on the R1000. @ITEM=Calendar Tools @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=CALENDAR_TOOLS @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides the ability to maintain and display an appointment calendar. The user can define future appointments and list them by day and month. One useful utility is a listing, upon login, of all appointments for the current day. @ITEM=Glance At Specification @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=GLANCE_AT_SPEC @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_2 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides the ability to quickly glance at the specification of an Ada Unit. @ITEM=IBM PC Keymap Files @KIND=FREE_FORM @LOCATION=IBM_PC_SUPPORT @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides files which, when loaded on an IBM PC class personal computer, allow it to emulate a Rational or Facit terminal. Files for printing keymaps to match are also provided. In order to work, it is necessary for the IBM PC to be running "Reflection 2" from Walker, Richer and Quinn, Inc. It is also necessary to be running KERMIT on the R1000. Detailed instructions are contained in the Read_Me file in the item. @ITEM=Non-Standard Keymaps @KIND=FREE_FORM @LOCATION=NON_STANDARD_KEYMAPS @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides a keymaps for the the following terminal interfaces: Apollo IBM RT MACINTOSH 2 PS 2 VT220 Contributions have been made from Rational's customer base. A keymap for the Rational and Facit terminal that more closely matches the keystroke commands of the EMACS editor is also provided. @ITEM=Logical Name Manager @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=LOGICAL_NAME_MANAGER @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides a mechanism for defining logical names (that is, short names for much larger references) and using them with traversal tools. The most useful application is the definition of short-name references for frequently visited places coupled with a Definition utility. @ITEM=Login Procedure Examples @KIND=FREE_FORM @LOCATION=LOGIN_PROCEDURE_EXAMPLES @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Contains several example login procedures that perform initial setup of a user's workspace. These procedures can be used as is or tailored to user-specific needs. @SECTION=Program Library Database Utilities @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=PROGRAM_LIBRARY_DATABASE_UTILITIES Software in this section provides utilities for processing the DIANA representation of Ada units. @ITEM=LRM Interface Utilities @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=LRM_INTERFACE_UTILITIES @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_2 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides a collection utilities that extend opertions found in the LRM Interfaces in !Tools.LRM. Currently, decomposition of boolean expressions and range constraints on numeric types are supported. @ITEM=DIANA Packages @KIND=ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT CLASS : B DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications, DIANA Reference Manual SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Standard DISTRIBUTION : Environment REFERENCE : Rational Provide a programmatic, read-only interface to the DIANA representation of Ada units. The DIANA representation contains the results of the parsing and semantic processing components of compilation. This interface allows traversal of the DIANA tree for extraction of syntactic and semantic information about an Ada program. The DIANA Reference Manual is maintained by Tartan Laboratories, Inc., 477 Melwood Avenue, Pittsburg, PA 15213. @ITEM=LRM Interfaces @KIND=ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT CLASS : B DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Standard DISTRIBUTION : Environment REFERENCE : Rational Provides a higher-level interface to DIANA that is aligned very closely with the Ada Language Reference Manual. This interface provides the ability to traverse the syntactic structure of an Ada program, using LRM terminology for each construct. Semantic queries (like the resolution of names) are also available. Currently, LRM Interfaces are authorized via the Rational Design Facility. @ITEM=Rep Spec Consistency Checker @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=REP_SPEC_CHECKER @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides the ability to check the consistency of Chapter 13 Representation specifications compiled with the Ignore_Unsupported_Rep_Specs switch set to True. @ITEM=Tree Traversal Generic @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=TREE_TRAVERSAL_GENERIC @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides a mechanism for applying a processing operation to each node of a DIANA tree. Information, for example, can be accumulated from nodes of interest and later formatted into a summary report. @SECTION=Reference Manuals @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=REFERENCE_MANUALS This section contains various reference manuals. @ITEM=Language Reference Manual @KIND=FREE_FORM @LOCATION=LANGUAGE_REFERENCE_MANUAL @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Index SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO) Department of Defense, OUSD (R&E) Washington, D.C. 20301 On-line listing of the Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language (LRM); organized by section and includes all appendices, the index, and the table of contents. @SECTION=Reusable Components @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=REUSABLE_COMPONENTS This section contains various reusable software components. @ITEM=Booch Components @KIND=CODE_ONLY @LOCATION=BOOCH_COMPONENTS @SPEC_VIEW=REV2_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=CODE2_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Hardcover Textbook and Reference Manual/ Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Standard DISTRIBUTION : Code Archive REFERENCE : Rational In the book entitled "Software Components with Ada: Structures, Tools, and Subsystems" (Benjamin-Cummings, Menlo Park, CA), Grady Booch defines a taxonomy for reuseable components. Software implementing these components is made available through this catalog. Included are: Structures: - Stacks - Lists - Strings - Bags - Queues - Deques - Maps - Sets - Rings - Pipes - Trees - Graphs Utilities: - Filtering - Sorting - Searching - Pattern matching @ITEM=EPFL Components @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=EPFL_COMPONENTS @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=FALSE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Public Domain DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Mr. Strohmeier Dept.DMA EPFL CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland tel: +41 (21) 474343 This world contains general purpose software components developped at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), or in english the "Swiss Federal Institute of Technology" in Lausanne, Switzerland. They are carefully crafted ADT (abstract data types) packages implementing Sets, Queues, Stacks, Associative tables, for either static or dynamic types. In their terminology, a static type is a type which is neither a limited type nor an access type. When an actual generic access type is associated with a generic static type, objects would be shared, i.e. only the access value would be stored, without copying the accessed object. On the opposite, a dynamic type may be limited or an access type. However a dynamic type must have the feature that every object has an implied initial value. The implementation is based on balanced AVL binary trees. The packages manage an internal free list to avoid returning each free item to the system (up to a certain limit). The directory 'components' contains the actual components, and the directory 'tests' contains a set of tests to check that they execute correctly when ported. The components represent 18150 lines and 7640 semicolons. The tests around 40000 lines and 23630 semicolons. @ITEM=Miscellaneous Components @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=MISCELLANEOUS_COMPONENTS @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : None Available Provides a variety of services including string utilities, error reaction, file iteration, field iteration, and various generic abstractions. @SECTION=Software Catalog Tools @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=SOFTWARE_CATALOG_TOOLS This section contains only one item, which is the toolset used to release and maintain the software catalog itself. @ITEM=Software Catalog Tools @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=SOFTWARE_CATALOG_TOOLS @IMPORT=!SOFTWARE_CATALOGS.CATALOGS.CUSTOMER.SECTIONS.REUSABLE_COMPONENTS.MISCELLANEOUS_COMPONENTS.REV1_0_SPEC @IMPORT=!SOFTWARE_CATALOGS.CATALOGS.CUSTOMER.SECTIONS.DIRECTORY_TOOLS.OBJECTS.REV1_0_SPEC @IMPORT=!SOFTWARE_CATALOGS.CATALOGS.CUSTOMER.SECTIONS.INPUT_OUTPUT.WINDOW_IO_UTILITIES.REV1_0_SPEC @IMPORT=!TOOLS.DOCUMENT_FORMATTER.REV10_6_SPEC @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational This item contains the toolset used to release and maintain the software catalog itself. The tools are designed to be flexible enough that they can be used by anyone to create software catalogs of their own. Multiple catalogs, and multiple versions of a given catalog, can co-exist on the same machine. The Read_Me file explains how to use the tools. @SECTION=Subsystem Utilities @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=SUBSYSTEM_UTILITIES This group of tools supports the use of Rational Subsystems on the Rational Environment. @ITEM=Activity Tools @KIND=ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT CLASS : B DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Standard DISTRIBUTION : Environment REFERENCE : Rational Provides a programmatic interface for manipulating and extracting information from activities. @ITEM=Check Out To Person @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=CHECK_OUT_TO_PERSON @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides the abillity to enforce a check out to person policy. This means that while an object is checked out, only the person that checked it out may edit the object, and only that person may check it back in. @ITEM=Subsystem Traversal Tools @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=SUBSYSTEM_TRAVERSAL_TOOLS @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides convenient utilities for traversing the structure of a system decomposed into Subsystems. Typically, a user would select a declaration of a subsystem and hit a key bound to one of the traversal interfaces. This would take the user directly to the desired part of the Subsystem structure. All traversing can be done relative to a user's default activity or can be set explicitly by the user. @ITEM=Work Order Problem Reporting System @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=WORK_ORDER_SPR_SYSTEM @IMPORT=!SOFTWARE_CATALOGS.CATALOGS.CUSTOMER.SECTIONS.INPUT_OUTPUT.WINDOW_IO_UTILITIES.REV1_0_SPEC @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides an example problem reporting system written against the work order interfaces. This implementation is a prototype and intended as an example. It is not intended as a working system for production use. @SECTION=System Manager Tools @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=SYSTEM_MANAGER_TOOLS These interfaces provide useful facilities for system management of the Rational Environment. @ITEM=Batch Queues @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=BATCH_QUEUE @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_9 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides the ability to define multiple batch queues for scheduling future execution of jobs. Full control of job output is provided. Jobs can be made restartable after machine crash. @ITEM=Destruction Utilities @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=DESTRUCTION_UTILITIES @IMPORT=!SOFTWARE_CATALOGS.CATALOGS.CUSTOMER.SECTIONS.REUSABLE_COMPONENTS.MISCELLANEOUS_COMPONENTS.REV1_0_SPEC @IMPORT=!SOFTWARE_CATALOGS.CATALOGS.CUSTOMER.SECTIONS.DIRECTORY_TOOLS.OBJECTS.REV1_0_SPEC @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides two interfaces for destroying library structures. Procedure Destroy_All: takes a wildcarded pathname and destroys everything it names. Will overcome frozen, checked-out, and controlled objects. Will overcome imports across subsystem and/or world boundaries. Is generally able to destroy all objects except those with locks. Procedure Destroy_Users: takes a wildcarded pathname resolving to users, and destroys each user it names. Deletes the user's group and individual ids, destroys the users' searchlists and error logs. Then calls "Destroy_All" on the user's home world. Both utilities are EXTREMELY POWERFUL and must be used with caution. @ITEM=Disk Utilization Tools @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=DISK_UTILIZATION_TOOLS @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides two interfaces for analyzing disk utilization: * The Subsystem_Space_Report program will generate space reports for a set of subsystems. It will break out the space consumed for those subsystems in the following categories : Overhead, Spec_Views, Working_Views, and Released_Views. * The package World_Space contains tools to collect data on disk space utilization to a file and provides an abstract interface to read this data. A procedure Report is also included that tabulates the information from this file into a "World Space Report". @ITEM=Job Accounting @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=JOB_ACCOUNTING @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Allows access to user connect time, CPU utilization, and job activity. Coupled with information about user disk utilization, this information can be formatted into machine accounting reports. All information is available on a user/session basis. @ITEM=Miscellaneous Utilities @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=MISC_UTILITIES @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Contains several tools useful for performing system management. The include: * Backup Utilities - Supports the making of a system backup. * Port Utilities - Displays port diagnostics and resets port configurations. * User Information - Stores and retrieves information about system users. such as their phone numbers, work addresses, and project names. @ITEM=Printing Utilities @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=PRINTING_UTILITIES @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_2 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Three utilities are provided: The first supports printing of documents on laser printers. It consructs the correct options string for the Queue.Print command to print images on on the laser printer. The second utility supports the automatic setup of network printer devices at system initialization time. This tool parses a file located by default in "!Machine" that defines the cofiguration of all printers on the network. The third utility will print any object (ada, text, output window, mail message, mailbox, etc). on a laser printer. It will also print objects located on other machines by first ftp'ing the object over to the local machine, then queing them for printing. @ITEM=System Reboot Server @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=REBOOT_SERVER @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational The Reboot Server is a tool used to auto-reboot the R1000 on a regular basis. (Rational Customer Support Center recommends once a week). @ITEM=User Session Management @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=SESSION_MANAGEMENT @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_2 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational These tools provide two capabilities: * One allows a user to logout all other sessions that he or she may be logged into * Another monitors all ports and logs the session using that port out if no activity is recorded during the interval. @ITEM=System Utilization Tools @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=SYSTEM_UTILIZATION_TOOLS @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides tools for monitoring machine utilization including disk consumption cpu usage and the number of user logins. @SECTION=Tape Utilities @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=TAPE_UTILITIES These utilities support the transfer of data via various standard tape formats. @ITEM=MVS Tape Utilities @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=MVS_TAPE_UTILITIES @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides operations to display the contents of MVS tapes and to read MVS tapes onto the R1000. Performs EBCDIC to ASCII conversion. Cannot handle binary files. Cannot write MVS format tapes. @ITEM=Parse From Tape @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=PARSE_FROM_TAPE @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_2 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides the ability to parse Ada files from ASCII tapes directly into a directory in the Rational Environment. This avoids any potential name conflicts with individual files on the tape. Name conflicts often occur due to name truncation into the 17-character ASCII format. @ITEM=Tape Specific I/O @KIND=ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT CLASS : B DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Standard DISTRIBUTION : Environment REFERENCE : Rational Provides a low-level programmatic interface for controlling I/O to and from tapes. @ITEM=TAR Format Utilities @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=TAR_FORMAT_UTILITIES @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_2 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented_Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Reads and/or writes tapes in TAR format. TAR format is primarily used by UNIX systems for archiving files. Files read from the tape are stored in R1000 binary files, with names derived from the names on the tape. This package includes commands to: * List the names of files on the tape * Produce a hexadecimal or ASCII dump of files on a tape * Copy files from a tape into R1000 binary files This utility is limited to tapes with 4Kbyte physical blocks, which means that no more than 8 records (at 512 bytes per record) can be in a single block. @SECTION=Testing Tools @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=TESTING_TOOLS The following utilities support the testing of Ada programs at the unit and system level. @ITEM=Debug Tools @KIND=ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT CLASS : B DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Standard DISTRIBUTION : Environment REFERENCE : Rational Provides a programmatic interface for controlling execution of the Rational Debugger. Two specific capabilities are of special value: * The ability to define images for user-defined types and to register them with the Debugger * The ability to determine the name of any predefined or user-defined exception for display (This allows a program to determine which exception has been caught by a when others clause.) @ITEM=Regression Testing Tools @KIND=CODE_ONLY @LOCATION=REGRESSION_TESTING_TOOLS @SPEC_VIEW=REV10_1_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=CODE10_1_0 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Standard DISTRIBUTION : Code Archive REFERENCE : Rational Designed to eliminate much of the tedium of unit-level and system-level regression testing. Specific test output can be identified as "golden" for use in comparison with current test output. The tools manage all test output and provide linkage with unit versions under test. @ITEM=Unit Test Generator @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=UNIT_TEST_GENERATOR @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_4 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : On-Line User Guide/Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Standard DISTRIBUTION : Code Archive REFERENCE : Rational Automatically generates a unit test program given an Ada procedure or function. It works in a similar way to Create_Body_Part. The user is required to complete the following: * String images of private and complex composite parameter types. * Input and expected output values for subprogram parameters. The resulting unit test program displays all input values, calls the subprogram interface, displays all output values, compares the actual output values against expected output values, and prints "PASSED" or "FAILED" depending on the compare. It also captures all I/O output (with Text_Io and the like) and reports any exceptions raised by the unit under test. @SECTION=Training Tools @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=TRAINING_TOOLS These interfaces support training activities on the Rational Environment. They support learning of both the Environment and developing Ada programs on the Environment. @ITEM=Training Scripts @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=TRAINING_SCRIPTS @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : User Instructions/Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides a menu-driven interface that steps students through a series of exercises with the Environment. These scripts are designed to work with and to complement "Rational Environment Training--Fundamentals" materials. Topics covered include: - Simple Ada program development - Testing Ada programs - Basic Debugger operation - Modifying Ada programs @ITEM=Ada Training Problems @KIND=FREE_FORM @LOCATION=ADA_TRAINING_PROBLEMS @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Student Directions Instructor Notes Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Comprises a set of Ada problems designed to train programmers new to the Ada language. It is heavily oriented towards teaching Ada development on the Rational Environment. It supports three levels of difficulty: * Level 1: A one or two day project designed to introduce the student to coding in Ada on the Rational Environment. The student is asked to provide a body for a procedure specifications using only Text_Io. * Level 2: Introduces abstraction, use of reusable Environment interfaces, and advanced Ada features. Students are asked to provide an implementation of a package specification which includes private types. The instantiation of a generic interface may be required. These problems cover a two or three day period. * Level 3: Investigates the design of package interfaces and of layered abstractions. Students are asked to complete the design of a 6 to 8 package system with the help of an instructor. The implementation of generic bodies is required. This project is also suitable for team development as a lead-in to Rational Subsystems. These problems cover approximately one week. @SECTION=Universal Host Support @KIND=ITEMS @LOCATION=UNIVERSAL_HOST_TOOLS These interfaces support training activities on the Rational Environment. They support learning of both the Environment and developing Ada programs on the Environment. @ITEM=Target Build Utility Instantiations @KIND=VISIBLE_UNITS @LOCATION=TBU_INSTANTIATIONS @IMPORT=!TOOLS.TARGET_BUILD_UTILITY.REV9_3_SPEC @SPEC_VIEW=REV1_0_SPEC @LOAD_VIEW=REV1_0_1 @PROPRIETARY=TRUE SUPPORT CLASS : C DOCUMENTATION : Commented Specifications SOFTWARE RIGHTS : Source DISTRIBUTION : Archive REFERENCE : Rational Provides various instantiation of the target builder. Current entries include: * IBM MVS for Intermetrics compiler. * IBM PC for the Alsys compiler. * IBM VM for the Alsys compiler. @SECTION=Appendix @KIND=TEXT This section defines the notations used throughout this document. SUPPORT CLASS: The support class (A, B, or C) refers to the level of support available on a particular item in the software catalog: Class A * Complete documentation * Training available * Fully maintained * Full support from Rational Customer Support Response Center and from Technical Representatives Class B * Limited documentation (might only be well-commented specifications) * Limited training available in some cases * Fully maintained * Full support from Rational Customer Support Response Center Class C * Limited documentation * No training available * Bug reports accepted; periodic maintenance releases of best-effort fixes * Best-effort support from Rational Customer Support Response Center DOCUMENTATION: This entry describes the documentation available for the software. Many entries have "Commented Specifications" only, which means that the Ada specification contains comments on its use. Other entries contain references to other forms of documentation, such as user guides and their availability on-line or as hardcopy. SOFTWARE RIGHTS: This entry refers to the licensing rights that accompany the item: Standard Software marked Standard requires Rational's Software License Terms and Conditions (generally this means an object-code only license). Source Software marked Source requires Rational's Software License Terms and Conditions together with the Source Code Rights Addendum (generally this means unlimited rights to use and to modify source code but limited distribution rights). Public Domain Software marked Public Domain means that the code has been retrieved from the public domain and is governed by the restrictions placed on it by its author(s). Special Software marked Special requires special license considerations. Contact the Rational Marketing Information Center for further information. DISTRIBUTION: This entry refers to the mode of distribution of the software: Environment Software marked Environment is distributed as part of the standard release of the Rational Environment, and is available in the directory structure of the Environment. Archive Software marked Archive is distributed with both specs and bodies visible, and the implementation can be viewed and/or modified by the user. Code Archive Software marked Code Archive is distributed with only specs visible, and the implementation can neither be viewed nor modified by the user. REFERENCE: The reference, if available, indicates the person or organization responsible for the software. @MODEL=!MODEL.R1000 @MODEL=!MODEL.R1000_PORTABLE @MODEL=!MODEL.R1000_IMPLEMENTATION @LINK=!COMMANDS.ACCESS_LIST @LINK=!COMMANDS.ACTION_UTILITIES @LINK=!COMMANDS.ACTIVITY @LINK=!COMMANDS.ADA @LINK=!COMMANDS.ARCHIVE @LINK=!COMMANDS.CMVC @LINK=!COMMANDS.CMVC_MAINTENANCE @LINK=!COMMANDS.COMMAND @LINK=!COMMANDS.COMMON @LINK=!COMMANDS.COMPILATION @LINK=!COMMANDS.DAEMON @LINK=!COMMANDS.DEBUG @LINK=!COMMANDS.DIANA_TREE @LINK=!COMMANDS.DISK_SPACE @LINK=!COMMANDS.EDITOR @LINK=!COMMANDS.FILE_UTILITIES @LINK=!COMMANDS.FTP @LINK=!COMMANDS.JOB @LINK=!COMMANDS.LIBRARY @LINK=!COMMANDS.LINKS @LINK=!COMMANDS.LOG @LINK=!COMMANDS.MAIL @LINK=!COMMANDS.MESSAGE @LINK=!COMMANDS.NETWORK @LINK=!COMMANDS.OPERATOR @LINK=!COMMANDS.PROGRAM @LINK=!COMMANDS.QUEUE @LINK=!COMMANDS.SCHEDULER @LINK=!COMMANDS.SEARCH_LIST @LINK=!COMMANDS.SWITCHES @LINK=!COMMANDS.SYSTEM_BACKUP @LINK=!COMMANDS.TAPE @LINK=!COMMANDS.TELNET @LINK=!COMMANDS.TERMINAL @LINK=!COMMANDS.TEXT @LINK=!COMMANDS.TRANSPORT_ROUTE @LINK=!COMMANDS.WHAT @LINK=!COMMANDS.WORK_ORDER @LINK=!COMPILER_INTERFACE.DIANA_EXPAND @LINK=!COMPILER_INTERFACE.INDIRECT_ATTRIBUTES @LINK=!COMPILER_INTERFACE.R1000_CODE_GENERATOR @LINK=!COMPILER_INTERFACE.SIMPLIFIER @LINK=!COMPILER_INTERFACE.UNITS_IN_PROGRAM @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.ACTION @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.ACTIVITY_IMPLEMENTATION @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.CMVC_IMPLEMENTATION @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.CMVC_IMPLEMENTATION_ERRORS @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.CMVC_IMPLEMENTATION_UTILITIES @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.DEFAULT @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.DEPENDENCY_DATA_BASE @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.DIANA @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.DIANA_RENAMES @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.DIRECTORY @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.ERROR_MESSAGES @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.ERROR_REPORTING @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.JOB_SEGMENT @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.LIMIT_OPERATIONS @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.LINKS_IMPLEMENTATION @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.LOAD_VIEW @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.LOW_LEVEL_ACTION @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.MACHINE @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.OBJECT_CLASS @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.OBJECT_SUBCLASS @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.PRODUCT_AUTHORIZATION @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTES @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.SNAPSHOT_NOTIFICATION @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.SWITCH_IMPLEMENTATION @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.UNIVERSAL @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.WORK_ORDER_ERRORS @LINK=!IMPLEMENTATION.WORK_ORDER_IMPLEMENTATION @LINK=!IO.DEVICE_INDEPENDENT_IO @LINK=!IO.DIRECT_IO @LINK=!IO.IO @LINK=!IO.IO_EXCEPTIONS @LINK=!IO.OBJECT_SET @LINK=!IO.PIPE @LINK=!IO.POLYMORPHIC_IO @LINK=!IO.POLYMORPHIC_SEQUENTIAL_IO @LINK=!IO.SEQUENTIAL_IO @LINK=!IO.TAPE_SPECIFIC @LINK=!IO.TERMINAL_SPECIFIC @LINK=!IO.TEXT_IO @LINK=!IO.WINDOW_IO @LINK=!LRM.CALENDAR @LINK=!LRM.MACHINE_CODE @LINK=!LRM.SYSTEM @LINK=!LRM.UNCHECKED_CONVERSION @LINK=!LRM.UNCHECKED_DEALLOCATION @LINK=!TOOLS.ACCESS_LIST_TOOLS @LINK=!TOOLS.ADA_OBJECT_EDITOR @LINK=!TOOLS.ADA_TEXT @LINK=!TOOLS.ALLOWS_DEALLOCATION @LINK=!TOOLS.BIT_OPERATIONS @LINK=!TOOLS.BOUNDED_STRING @LINK=!TOOLS.CONCURRENT_MAP_GENERIC @LINK=!TOOLS.DEBUG_TOOLS @LINK=!TOOLS.DIANA_OBJECT_EDITOR @LINK=!TOOLS.DIRECTORY_TOOLS @LINK=!TOOLS.DISK_DAEMON @LINK=!TOOLS.HASH @LINK=!TOOLS.LIBRARY_OBJECT_EDITOR @LINK=!TOOLS.LINK_TOOLS @LINK=!TOOLS.LIST_GENERIC @LINK=!TOOLS.MAP_GENERIC @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.BYTE_DEFS @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.BYTE_STRING_IO @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.FILE_TRANSFER @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.FTP_DEFS @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.FTP_NAME_MAP @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.FTP_PRODUCT @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.FTP_PROFILE @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.FTP_SERVER @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.HOST_ID_IO @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.INTERCHANGE @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.INTERCHANGE_DEFS @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.NETWORK_PRODUCT @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.RPC @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.RPC_ACCESS_UTILITIES @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.RPC_CLIENT @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.RPC_PRODUCT @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.RPC_SERVER @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.TCP_IP_BOOT @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.TCP_IP_DUMP @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.TELNET_PRODUCT @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.TELNET_PROFILE @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.TRANSFER_GENERIC @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.TRANSPORT @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.TRANSPORT_DEFS @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.TRANSPORT_INTERCHANGE @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.TRANSPORT_NAME @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.TRANSPORT_SERVER @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.TRANSPORT_SERVER_JOB @LINK=!TOOLS.NETWORKING.TRANSPORT_STREAM @LINK=!TOOLS.OBJECT_EDITOR @LINK=!TOOLS.PARAMETER_PARSER @LINK=!TOOLS.PROFILE @LINK=!TOOLS.QUEUE_GENERIC @LINK=!TOOLS.RANDOM @LINK=!TOOLS.SCRIPT @LINK=!TOOLS.SET_GENERIC @LINK=!TOOLS.SIMPLE_STATUS @LINK=!TOOLS.STACK_GENERIC @LINK=!TOOLS.STRING_MAP_GENERIC @LINK=!TOOLS.STRING_TABLE @LINK=!TOOLS.STRING_UTILITIES @LINK=!TOOLS.SYSTEM_UTILITIES @LINK=!TOOLS.TABLE_FORMATTER @LINK=!TOOLS.TABLE_SORT_GENERIC @LINK=!TOOLS.TAPE_TOOLS @LINK=!TOOLS.TIME_UTILITIES @LINK=!TOOLS.UNBOUNDED_STRING @LINK=!TOOLS.UNCHECKED_CONVERSIONS