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⟦e40c866f3⟧ TextFile

    Length: 80760 (0x13b78)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »RCI_RELEASE2_0_5_LPT«


└─⟦5829e5ed5⟧ Bits:30000534 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RCI 2_0_5
    └─ ⟦c9a165082⟧ »DATA« 



                        Rational Compilation Integrator
                              Release Information

                                 Release 2_0_5



       Copyright  1992 by Rational

       Part Number: 508-003279-002

       December 1992 (Software Release 2_0_5)

       DEC,   VAX,   and   VMS   are  trademarks  of  Digital  Equipment

       UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.

       Rational  and  R1000  are  registered  trademarks  and   Rational
       Environment and Rational Subsystems are trademarks
       of Rational.

                             3320 Scott Boulevard
                      Santa Clara, California  95054-3197


                                                           Release 2_0_5

       1.  Overview

       This  release  note  describes  Release  2_0_5  of  the  Rational
       Compilation  Integrator  (RCI),   also   referred   to   as   the
       Customizable  RCI.  The purpose of this release is to enhance and
       expand Release  1_2_2  of  the  Customizable  Remote  Compilation
       Facility (RCF), the previous version of this product.

       This   release  provides  support  for  CMVC  integration,  batch
       operations,  spec   views,   cached   Telnet   connections,   and
       restructured state information, in addition to problem fixes.

       For  a  complete  list  of fixed bugs, refer to Section 6, "Fixed
       Problems" of this document.

       2.  RCI Components

       The following  RCI  components  are  installed  as  part  of  the

                           -- Main RCI release world

                           -- Encoded Rci Errors

                           -- Rci command interface

                           -- Rci Programmatic Interface

                           -- Rci Customization Interface

                           -- Rational Reusable Components

       For  more  information  on installation of this product, refer to
       the installation instructions delivered with  this  release.  For
       user information, refer to the RCI User's Manual.

       3.  Upgrade Impact

       This  section  describes upgrade issues for the Customizable RCI,
       your site-specific extensions, and the Rational Environment.

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                      1\f

       RCI Release Information

       3.1.  Rci Product Name

       In this release, the product name changes  from  Rational  Remote
       Compilation  Facility  (RCF)  to  Rational Compilation Integrator
       (RCI). As of  this  release,  the  RCI  no  longer  supports  Rcf
       packages.  Corresponding names for all packages have changed from
       Rcf to Rci.

       3.2.  Upgrading the Customizable RCI

       Installing the RCI handles base product upgrade requirements.

       Upgrade the following related areas in the RCI  base  product  to
       support new functionality:

       *  Convert   customer-developed   tools   that  depended  on  Rcf
          interfaces to import the corresponding Rci specs.

       *  If you plan to use spec views, convert combined subsystems  to
          spec/load subsystems, since CMVC only allows you to spawn spec
          views in a spec-load subsystem. See Section 5.4  and  the  RCI
          User's Manual for more information.

       3.3.  Upgrading Your Extensions

       To   use  this  release,  you  must  upgrade  your  existing  RCF
       extensions. Appendix B provides  step  by  step  instructions  to
       complete this process.

       Other changes to the RCI affect your extension:

       *  The  meaning  of  the  Release  Preprocess and Postprocess has
          changed in this release. The RCI  calls  these  extensions  in
          addition   to,   as  opposed  to  instead  of,  the  Make_Path
          Extensions, in the following order:

          -   Release Preprocess

          -   Make_Path Preprocess

          -   View created

          -   Make_Path Postprocess

          -   Units coded if so specified

          -   Release Postprocess.

          The customization  impact  of  this  change  is  that  release
          extensions  should  no  longer  simply  call the corresponding
          Make_Path extensions, as they  are  already  called.  Instead,
          they  should  only  contain  Release-specific  operations (for
          example, freezing the remote  directory  after  the  release).

       2                                      December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

          Note  that  the  Make_Path  extensions  take a new For_Release
          parameter, that notifies the customization whether the current
          view-spawning operation is a release or not.

       *  Make_Path  Postprocess  is  no longer responsible for creating
          parent directories of the directory specified in  the  Remote-
          _Directory  parameter.  The  RCI itself takes care of this for
          Rci.Build_Remote_Library (and Rci.Rebuild_Remote_Library)  and
          view-creating   CMVC   operations.   You   should  remove  any
          modifications you have included  in  Make_Path_Postprocess  to
          manage parent directory creation.

       3.4.  Upgrading the Rational Environment

       The  Rational  Environment Release D_12_7_3 (Delta3_1) includes a
       number of enhancements that allow the RCI 2_0 to work better. The
       following  known  problems  occur  with  RCI  running  on Release
       D_12_6_5 (Delta3_0):

       *  Cmvc.Make_Path takes secondary referencers and secondary state
          files  that  belong  to  body  units  in  the  source view and
          attaches them to corresponding spec units in  the  destination

       *  Using  a  CMVC operation to change a secondary unit causes the
          associated primary unit to be demoted in Release D_12_6_5 even
          if one specifies Allow_Demotion => False.

       *  Although  error messages are printed, the RCI on D_12_6_5 does
          not prevent the user from creating load_views with RCI  target

       *  Performing  an  Accept_Changes  operation from one RCI view to
          another does not bring secondary information associated with a
          unit  if that unit did not previously exist in the destination

       *  Configuration-only releases leave  flattened  secondary  state
          information   in  the  source  view  after  the  operation  is

       *  Destroy_View_Postprocess is not called in Release D_12_6_5. It
          is  called  under  Release  D_12_7_3  unless  the  view  being
          destroyed is set to Host_Only.

       You can correct all of these problems by upgrading your  Rational
       Envrionment to Release D_12_7_3.

       4.  Prerequisites

       Before  you  use  the  RCI,  confirm  the  following prerequisite

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                      3\f

       RCI Release Information

       *  The R1000 is running Rational Environment  Release  D_12_6_5
          (or higher).

       *  The  host  R1000 and remote compilation server are on the same

       *  An  entry  in  !Machine.Transport_Name_Map   identifies   host
          communications  operations.  The  entry  should  appear in the
          following format:

          tcp/id local_host rational

       *  An entry in !Machine.Transport_Name_Map identifies the  remote
          compilation   server.   For   example,  where  tcp/ip  is  the
          communications protocol, is the internet  address,
          Tilden  is  the  logical  machine  name, and Aix is the remote
          compilation operating system, the entry appears as follows:

          tcp/ip Tilden Aix

       *  The network communication server is running. The RCI  supports
          two  modes  of  file  transfer and command execution: DTIA and

          DTIA is not a prerequisite for extensions using the Telnet/FTP
          transfer mode.

          If  you  are  using a extension with a DTIA transfer mode, the
          DTIA server must be installed on the host R1000 and running on
          the remote compilation platform.

          To detect if the host server is running:

          -  Execute What.Users.

          -  Search  for  job  name DTIA Remote_Operations Server in the

          To detect if the remote DTIA server is running, refer  to  the
          DTIA installation instructions.

       5.  New Features

       This  section describes the features added since Release 1_2_2 of
       the Customizable RCF.

       See the RCI  User's  Manual  for  more  detailed  information  on
       features described in this section.

       4                                      December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

       5.1.  CMVC Integration

       This  RCI  release  incorporates  the  functionality  of  package
       Rcf_Cmvc into the Rational Environment's CMVC operations. In most
       cases you should use Cmvc commands in place of Rcf_Cmvc commands.

       In  general,  CMVC  commands use values controlled by library and
       session switches to determine values for the remote  machine  and
       directory. Package Rci_Cmvc replaces package Rcf_Cmvc, but should
       be used under limited circumstances. Package Rci_Cmvc contains  a
       limited  number of commands for view-creation operations in which
       you need  to  provide  explicit  values  for  Remote_Machine  and
       Remote_Directory  parameters.  Rci_Cmvc  commands  use  the  same
       parameter profile (but not necessarily default values)  as  their
       corresponding  Cmvc  commands  with  the  exception  of  the  two
       additional parameters, Remote_Machine and Remote_Directory.

       Package Rci_Cmvc contains the following commands:

       *  Build

       *  Copy

       *  Initial

       *  Make_Path

       *  Make_Spec_View

       *  Make_Subpath

       *  Release

       5.2.  Using Cmvc.Destroy_View

       This release incorporates  the  functionality  of  the  Rcf_Cmvc-
       .Destroy_View  command  (which  is  no longer supported) into the
       Cmvc.Destroy_View command. Since this command does not include  a
       Destroy_Remote_Library  parameter, the value in the Rci.Host_Only
       library switch determines whether or not to  destroy  the  remote
       library. If Rci.Host_Only contains its default value (False), the
       command destroys the remote library (specified in the host view's
       Ftp.Remote_Directory  library  switch)  and the host view. If you
       set Rci.Host_Only to True, the command destroys the host view but
       takes no action on the remote compilation platform.

       5.3.  Rci Switches

       This release contains the following new switches:

       *  Session_Rci.Auto_Create_Remote_Directory

       *  Rci.Auto_Transfer

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                      5\f

       RCI Release Information

       *  Rci.Custom_Key_Default_Machine

       *  Session_Rci.Custom_Key_Default_Machine

       *  Rci.Custom_Key_Default_Roof

       *  Session_Rci.Custom_Key_Default_Roof

       *  Rci.Operation_Mode

       *  Rci.Optimize_Download

       *  Rci.Remote_Library

       *  Session_Rci.Retrieve_Executable

       5.4.  Using Spec Views

       The  RCI  provides support, with some limitations, for Spec_Views
       with  the  Cmvc.Make_Spec_View  and  the  Rci_Cmvc.Make_Spec_View

       The  RCI  does  not  support load views or activity-based dynamic
       linking. Spec views are intended to represent  place-holders  for
       target  combined-views.  The  RCI  does  not maintain consistency
       between spec view units and combined-view units, or between  spec
       view units and remote units.

       CMVC   only   permits  you  to  spawn  spec  views  in  spec-load
       subsystems. If you have done previous RCI development in combined
       subsystems,  you  need  to convert those to spec-load to use spec

       Note, also, that when using spec-load subsystems, you may need to
       set  Create_Combined_View  to  True for the various view-creation
       operations. This is because the  default  behavior  in  spec-load
       subsystems is to create load views.

       5.5.  Setting FTP Switches with Remote-Library Creation Commands

       When  you  create  a  remote directory using one of the following

       *  Cmvc (or Rci_Cmvc) view-creation commands

       *  Rci.Build_Remote_Library or Rci.Rebuild_Remote_Library

       and the command successfully creates the  remote  directory,  the
       RCI  sets values in the view's Ftp.Remote_Machine and Ftp.Remote-
       _Directory library switches. If the command fails, the  RCI  does
       not set values in these switches.

       6                                      December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

       5.6.  Batch Operations

       You can register RCI extensions for either batch compilation mode
       or interactive  mode.  Under  batch  compilation  mode,  the  RCI
       supports  operations  to  generate  batch  scripts,  execute  the
       scripts on the remote compilation  platform,  transfer  units  to
       different machines, and upload associated files.

       5.7.  State Information Restructuring

       RCI   Rev2_0_0  obsolesces  the  TBU-based  RCI  state  files  in
       View_Name.Tools.Tool_State.  It  replaces  them  with  a  set  of
       separate files in the Tool_State directory.

       This  change  also extends the maximum unit-option length to 1024

       5.8.  Telnet Connection Caching

       The RCI caches remote connections. After  a  user  establishes  a
       connection, the RCI does not acquire new connections for the same
       user to the same remote machine, for  as  long  as  the  original
       connection remains in the cache.

       The RCI caches a maximum of four connections on the host machine.
       The amount  of  time  a  connection  is  held  in  the  cache  is
       customizable, but users should be aware that holding a connection
       ties up a network port, and users may run out of available Telnet
       ports  on the machine because the RCI has cached them and may not
       free them for the duration specified in the  cache  specification
       file.  In  such  cases,  you can still free the ports by making a
       call to the  programmatic  interface  Release_Unused_Connections.
       This call releases unused cached connections.

       6.  Fixed Problems

       This section describes problems fixed since RCF Release 1_2_2.

       Fixes noted as Customizers Only apply to customization components
       of the RCI. Customizers should check these fixes;  general  users
       can ignore these sections.

       The  following  table provides the PRS number of the problem, the
       section number of the description in this release note,  and  the
       PRS summary of the problem.

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                      7\f

       RCI Release Information

                           Summary of Fixed Problems

       |              |     |                                        |
       |  PRS Number  | Sec |              PRS Summary               |
       |              | Num |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |none          |6.3  |CUSTOMIZER ONLY                         |
       |              |     |The RCI ignores Remote_Unit_Name        |
       |              |     |extension values                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |1227523-Gato- |6.2  |Allow EXE retrieve to be an option on   |
       |Mboy          |     |customization                           |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |1546259-Jazm- |6.9  |Need target semantic checking in        |
       |Jak           |     |spec/load views                         |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |2002254-Gato- |6.10 |Build Remote Library message needs      |
       |Mboy          |     |additional information                  |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |2264311-Blut- |6.11 |rcf_cmvc package needs total            |
       |Smp           |     |compatibility                           |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |3178322-Blut- |6.12 |RCF initialization log messages         |
       |Smp           |     |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |329380-Jazm-  |6.13 |Slow response time                      |
       |Jak           |     |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |3483464-Gato- |6.14 |Log reporting problem with              |
       |Mboy          |     |RCF.DISPLAY_UNIT_OPTIONS                |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |4136360-Bozo- |6.15 |Rcf.Rebuild_Remote_Library gets error   |
       |Hvz           |     |messages if View parameter is an Ada    |
       |              |     |unit.                                   |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |4718267-Gato- |6.1  |Download time should be download edit   |
       |Mboy          |     |time                                    |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |5095347-Gato- |6.16 |csr6688: RCF_CMVC.ACCEPT_CHANGES uses   |
       |Mboy          |     |excess time after completion of         |
       |              |     |cmvc.accept_changes                     |

       8                                      December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

       |              |     |                                        |
       |  PRS Number  | Sec |              PRS Summary               |
       |              | Num |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |5185401-Gato- |6.6  |RCI should check for null remote        |
       |Mboy          |     |directory                               |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |5374578-Gato- |6.15 |RCI, Rebuild_Remote_Library             |
       |Mboy          |     |demote/promote context needs changed    |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |606019-Gato-  |6.17 |IMPORTS ON R1000 and RS6000 alib.list   |
       |Mboy          |     |not consistent                          |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |6182774-Jazm- |6.4  |CUSTOMIZER ONLY                         |
       |Jak           |     |Destroy_View_Postprocess not being      |
       |              |     |called                                  |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |6272895-Gato- |6.18 |When doing an Accept_remote_changes, if |
       |Mboy          |     |a unit fails, command fails             |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |6314946-Blut- |6.19 |RCF_Execute_Remote_Command ::: output   |
       |Smp           |     |log message                             |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |7099998-Gato- |6.19 |Log message for EXECUTE_REMOTE_COMMAND  |
       |Mboy          |     |has too many commas                     |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |7421117-Gato- |6.20 |Release configuration Conflict          |
       |Mboy          |     |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |7905886-Gato- |6.5  |RCF_CMVC.BUILD does not restore the     |
       |Mboy          |     |state file                              |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |821379-Wood-  |6.21 |Erroneous/incomplete/unclean Start      |
       |Hvz           |     |messages {":::"} for Rcf commands       |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |8509773-Gato- |6.4  |CUSTOMIZER ONLY                         |
       |Mboy          |     |Destroy_View_Postprocess should be      |
       |              |     |called.                                 |

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                      9\f

       RCI Release Information

       |              |     |                                        |
       |  PRS Number  | Sec |              PRS Summary               |
       |              | Num |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9018679-Gato- |6.22 |Suggestion: Fix -i options to work      |
       |Mboy          |     |better when including multiple libraries|
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9123690-0157-0|6.23 |csr5073: RCF.IMPORT and MAKE_PATH should|
       |              |     |allow mult views.                       |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9123690-0167-4|6.8  |CUSTOMIZER ONLY                         |
       |              |     |csr5691: Assocatied file retrieval on   |
       |              |     |warning not correct                     |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9123690-0173-4|6.7  |csr5983: Indirect files not working     |
       |              |     |correctly                               |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9123690-0175-6|6.24 |RCI-invalid values using Swithes.Change |

       6.1.  Downloading Units

       PRS Number => 4718267-Gato-Mboy

       In previous releases, the RCI used the download time of an object
       to determine whether it needed to be downloaded. When units  were
       compiled, the RCI checked to see if the edit time was more recent
       than the download time for the object; that is, if the  unit  had
       been  edited  since it was last downloaded, the unit needed to be
       downloaded. In some cases,  particularly  using  Archive.Copy  to
       move  units  into  a new view, the edit time of the unit may have
       been older than the download time, so the RCI  did  not  download
       the unit.

       Instead  of  recording the download time, the RCI now records the
       edit time when it downloads the unit. It compares the edit  times
       to determine whether or not to download the unit.

       A new switch, Rci.Optimize_Download, has been added to the RCI to
       control downloading units in interactive mode.  If  you  set  the
       value  of  the  switch  to  False, when you compile them, the RCI
       downloads all units regardless of the  edit  times.  The  default
       value of the switch is True.

       10                                     December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

       6.2.  Uploading Executable Files

       PRS Number => 1227523-Gato-Mboy

       In previous releases and depending on the specific extension, the
       RCI automatically uploaded the executable module created  by  the
       remote   linker.  A  new  session  switch,  Session_Rci.Retrieve-
       _Executable, has been added to the RCI to  determine  whether  or
       not  the  RCI should upload the executable module to the host. In
       general, if you want to upload the  executable  module,  set  the
       value  of  the  Session_Rci.Retrieve_Executable  switch  to True.
       Check your extension-specific documentation for more  information
       about uploading executable files.

       6.3.  Customized Remote_Unit_Name Value

       PRS Number => none

       The RCI previously ignored the value returned by the customizable
       Remote_Unit_Name extension. In this release,  the  RCI  uses  the
       customized  name  for the unit and stores that value in the state

       6.4.  Destroy_View_Postprocess

       PRS Number => 6182774-Jazm-Jak; 8509773-Gato_Mboy

       The Destroy_View_Postprocess procedure was not called in previous
       RCI releases.

       The  RCI,  under  D12_7_0  and later versions of the Environment,
       calls Destroy_View_Postprocess. You  can  manage  remote  library
       destruction   from  this  extension.  See  Appendix  B  for  more
       information on new parameters.

       Note: You must wait until you have installed Release D_12_7_3  to
       use this fix.

       6.5.  Rci_Cmvc.Build and the State File

       PRS Number => 7905886-Gato-Mboy

       In  previous  releases,  you had to specify the Goal parameter as
       Goal => Compilation.Source when restoring from a configuration to
       avoid errors resulting from a nonexistent state file.

       Rci_Cmvc.Build,  as  well  as  all  Rci_Cmvc  operations,  simply
       invokes its Cmvc counterpart in this release of the RCI, after

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                     11\f

       RCI Release Information

       storing remote library information. Cmvc.Build now refreshes  the
       state information before recoding units, so you no longer need to
       set Goal => Compilation.Source.

       6.6.  Null Remote_Directory Library Switch

       PRS Number => 5185401-Gato-Mboy

       In previous releases, if the Remote_Directory library switch  was
       inadvertently  set to null, when you promoted units to coded, the
       RCI tried to  download  and  compile  the  units  on  the  remote
       compilation platform.

       The RCI no longer attempts to code units if the Remote_Machine or
       Remote_Directory library switches are set to null.

       6.7.  Cmvc.Accept_Changes and Indirect Files

       PRS Number => 9123690-0173-4

       Cmvc.Accept_Changes  (and   Rci_Cmvc.Accept_Changes)   previously
       could produce errors when you used an indirect file as the Source

       Fixed; CMVC integration eliminates this action.

       6.8.  Associated-file Retrieval On Warning

       PRS Number => 9123690-0167-4

       In previous releases, the presence of warning  messages  did  not
       alter   file   retrieval   behavior  in  the  remote  compilation
       operation. If there were no errors in the output  log,  then  the
       RCI  retrieved  files specified to be retrieved under "On_Normal"
       or "Always" conditions. The RCI did not recognize warnings, so no
       files were retrieved under that condition.

       The  presence  of  warnings  in  an  otherwise  error free target
       compilation  with  a   Telnet   customization   establishes   the
       "On_Warning"  file  retrieval  state.  The  RCI  retrieves  files
       specified  to  be  retrieved  "On_Warning",  as  well  as   files
       specified to be retrieved "On_Normal" and "Always".

       6.9.  Target Semantic Checking in Spec Views

       PRS Number => 1546259-Jazm-Jak

       The  RCI  2_0_5  supports spec views and the corresponding target
       semantic checking.

       12                                     December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

       See Section 5.4, "Using Spec Views" and the RCI User's Manual for
       more information about using spec views.

       6.10.  Rci.Build_Remote_Library Message

       PRS Number => 2002254-Gato-Mboy

       Fixed;   Rci.Build_Remote_Library   now   properly  displays  its
       parameters on startup.

       6.11.  Package Rcf_Cmvc and CMVC Compatability

       PRS Number => 2264311-Blut-Smp

       Cmvc integration provides  most  Rcf_Cmvc  functionality  through
       direct  use  of  Cmvc  and  a default switch naming mechanism for
       remote locations.

       Package Rci_Cmvc replaces package Rcf_Cmvc, but  should  be  used
       under  limited  circumstances. It contains view-creation commands
       that provide finer control of  remote  library  location  through
       Remote_Directory and Remote_Machine parameters.

       6.12.  RCI Initialization Messages

       PRS Number =>3178322-Blut-Smp

       Fixed;   RCI   initialization   now   reports  more  descriptive,
       user-friendly error messages.

       6.13.  Improved Response Time with Telnet Connection Caching

       PRS Number => 329380-Jazm-Jak

       Fixed; Caching Telnet connections improves response time.

       6.14.  Rci.Display_Unit_Options Report

       PRS Number => 3483464-Gato-Mboy

       Fixed; The Rci.Display_Unit_Options command does not  attempt  to
       display unit options for anything other than Ada units.

       6.15.  Rci.Rebuild _Remote_Library View Parameter

       PRS Number => 4136360-Bozo-Hvz; 5374578-Gato-Mboy

       In  previous releases, Rcf.Rebuild_Remote_Library generated error
       messages if you specified an Ada unit in the View parameter.

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                     13\f

       RCI Release Information

       Rci.Rebuild_Remote_Library now  obtains  the  enclosing  view  of
       objects specified in the View parameter.

       6.16.  Rcf_Cmvc.Accept_Changes

       PRS Number => 5095347-Gato-Mboy; CSR6688

       Fixed; Cmvc.Accept_Changes replaces Rcf_Cmvc.Accept_Changes.

       6.17.  Inconsistent Imports

       PRS Number => 606019-Gato-Mboy

       Previous to this release, the Rcf.Refresh_View, Rcf.Build_Remote-
       _Library, and Rcf.Rebuild_Remote_Library commands did not  always
       create  correct  import  lists  (alib.list  files)  on the remote
       compilation platform.

       In particular, whenever you used these commands to build a set of
       remote  libraries  from  a  set of host views, the remote imports
       list would be incorrect unless you  built  the  remote  libraries
       from the bottom up (that is, starting with the views that have no
       imports then building their clients, then building the next layer
       of clients, and so on).

       When  you use the Rci.Refresh_View, Rci.Build_Remote_Library, and
       Rci.Rebuild_Remote_Library commands,  the  remote  imports  lists
       will  be  correct  regardless of the order in which you build the
       remote libraries.

       6.18.  Rci.Accept_Remote_Changes with Missing Units

       PRS Number => 6272895-Gato-Mboy

       During an Rcf.Accept_Remote_Changes operation on  several  units,
       if  one  of  those  specified  units  did not exist on the remote
       compilation platform, the RCI would quit, and not accept  changes
       from the remaining units.

       Now  the  RCI  prints an error mesage indicating that the unit is
       not found on the remote platform, and continues to accept changes
       for the remaining units.

       6.19.  Rci.Execute_Remote_Command Message Format

       PRS Number => 6314946-Blut-Smp; 7099998-Gato-Mboy

       Fixed;  the  Rci.Execute_Remote_Command  output message format is
       now correct.

       14                                     December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

       6.20.  Cmvc.Release Naming Conflict

       PRS Number => 7421117-Gato-Mboy

       Fixed; with Cmvc integration, the RCI cannot get out of sync with
       CMVC on Release naming.

       6.21.  Rci Message Format

       PRS Number => 821379-Wood-Hvz

       Fixed;  the  RCI  now  provides  more  descriptive, clearer start
       messages for Rci commands.

       6.22.  Including Multiple Libraries with -i Options

       PRS Number => 9018679-Gato-Mboy

       In previous releases, it was difficult  to  support  -i  compiler
       options to include multiple libraries.

       A  possible  solution  for long -i parameter lists is to use unit
       options. The maximum length of the unit option has been  expanded
       to hold up to 1024 characters per unit to support this.

       6.23.  Multiple Views with Import and Make_Path

       PRS Number => 9123690-0157-0; CSR5073

       Fixed;  with  CMVC  integration,  Cmvc.Import  and Cmvc.Make_Path
       accept multiple views.

       6.24.  Setting Invalid Switch Values

       PRS Number => 9123690-0175-6

       Fixed; the RCI now does type checking to prevent you from setting
       boolean switches to non-boolean values.

       7.  Limitations

       This  section  describes  limitations  in  Release  2_0_5  of the
       Customizable RCI.

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                     15\f

       RCI Release Information

       7.1.  Demoting Units with Cmvc.Destroy_View


       The RCI does not call Demote Preprocess and Postprocess  for  RCI
       units demoted by a Cmvc.Destroy_View operation.

       7.2.  Time-Stamp and Error Handling Support


       The RCI does not yet use the new hooks added to the customization
       to obtain remote  file  time-stamp  information  and  to  perform
       perform pattern matching on output from the remote machine.

       Providing  values  for  these  hooks in your customization has no

       7.3.  Rci.Remote_Library Switch

       The RCI now stores the value for the remote program library for a
       given  view  in  the  view's compiler library switch, Rci.Remote-

       If you alter the value of that switch, it can  cause  unspecified

       Note: Do not change the value of the Rci.Remote_Library switch.

       7.4.  Target Compiler Restrictions with Generics

       Units  that  instantiate  generics  declared in that unit are not
       considered to depend on the unit that provides the generic  body.
       This  requires  the  RCI  to tolerate certain cyclic dependencies
       that are accepted on compilers such as the Telesoft Rs6000.  Note
       that some target compilers produce errors when attempting to code
       such a unit, preventing coding from taking place. Customers  that
       use  these  more restrictive compilers do not get the benefits of
       the host cyclic dependency check.

       7.5.  Using Only_Change_Imports

       Users must be careful  using  the  Only_Change_Imports  parameter
       when  spawning  RCI  views  from  R1000  views  (or any view of a
       different target key). CMVC rejects view-spawning operations that

       *  Set Only_Change_Imports to True

       *  Introduce a different model

       *  List specific views in the Views_To_Import field

       16                                     December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

       The default value of Only_Change_Imports is True; you may need to
       set it to False if the second and third conditions exist.

       7.6.  Creating Spec Views

       You can only make a spec view from a combined view in a spec-load
       subsystem, not in a combined subsystem.

       See Section 5.4, "Using Spec Views", for more information.

       7.7.  Restarting the RCI

       If you kill the RCI, then immediately restart it,  you  may  kill
       the host Environment. Wait a few seconds to restart the RCI.

       7.8.  Compilation Order Involving Generics

       Compilation  ordering involving generics assumes macro expansion,
       regardless of  how  your  site-specific  extension  or  Rational-
       supported  extension has been implemented. The RCI always assumes
       macro expansions and introduces additional coding dependencies as
       a result.

       7.9.  Renamed Inlined Subroutines

       In   some  cases,  the  RCI  does  not  properly  handle  inlined
       subroutines that are renamed, or are contained in  packages  that
       are  renamed.  In particular, the RCI may not consider units that
       call these routines  through  renames  dependent  on  the  inline
       bodies.  Also, if the renamed routine is in a different view from
       the caller, the RCI may fail with an exception when it  tries  to
       install the caller.

       7.10.  Coding Subunits and Parents

       PRS Number => 9123690-0167-0

       Coding  a subunit requires that the parent be coded first. In the
       RCI, if units are installed, it is assumed that they will code on
       the remote compilation platform. The RCI does not provide special
       case handling for an unusual error in the event that an Ada  unit
       fails to code on the remote compilation platform. The compilation
       operation does not record whether it has tried and failed to code
       the  parent  unit.  The RCI tries to code the subunit even though
       the parent has failed to code.

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                     17\f

       RCI Release Information

       7.11.  Using DTIA and UNIX Shells

       PRS Number => 4514072-Gato-Mboy

       When you use the RCI in conjunction with DTIA and UNIX, the  UNIX
       default login shell must be "ksh". If the default shell is "csh",
       then the RCI job hangs on some commands and returns  a  "Variable
       Syntax"  message.  Killing  the RCI leaves certain processes, csh
       and in.dtia, running on the remote UNIX system.

       Use the following steps to remove those jobs:

       1. Log in to the remote UNIX system.

       2. Use the UNIX kill -9 command  for  that  system  to  kill  the
          remaining associated jobs.

       7.12.  Telnet Logins

       For  extensions  using  the Telnet/FTP transfer mode, remote user
       logins cannot request input. If they do, such logins hang.

       7.13.  Prompting For Passwords

       The RCI no longer supports the Prompt For Password feature.

       7.14.  Archive.Copy/Archive.Restore Operations

       Note the following  conditions  when  you  use  Archive.Copy  and
       Archive.Restore with the Customizable RCI.

       7.14.1.  Archiving and Restoring Views

       Archive.Copy   and   Archive.Restore   refresh   all   RCI  state
       information  when  copying/restoring  a   view,   including   the

       *  Remote unit names

       *  Unit download timestamps

       *  Unit options

       Compiler_Switches  are  copied  from the source view. This leaves
       the  switches  Ftp.Remote_Machine,  Ftp.Remote_Directory,   Ftp.-
       Username, and Ftp.Password unchanged.

       You  are  encouraged  to  copy  views  using  the  Goal_State  =>
       Installed option.

       18                                     December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

       After the archive operation has completed, use  Rci.Build_Remote-
       _Library to build a new remote library for the host view.

       7.14.2.  Copying and Restoring Secondaries

       Archive  does  not  copy sub-objects such as secondary referencer
       files. Before you copy a view containing  secondaries  to  a  new
       location,  run  Rci.Expand_Secondary_Referencers to put secondary
       referencer files into a form that can be copied. Once  your  copy
       operation  has  completed, run Rci.Collapse_Secondary_Referencers
       to restore the secondary referencer sub-objects.

       7.15.  Trace_Command_Output And Rci.Execute_Remote_Command

       Since Trace_Command_Output is  a  library  switch,  and  Execute-
       _Remote_Command  is  a  command  that  is not associated with any
       library context, this switch is not recognized by this command.

       7.16.  Rci.Execute_Remote_Command

       Rci.Execute_Remote_Command  cannot  run  commands  that   require

       7.17.  COTS Specifications

       Caution: Rational Technical Representatives must not upload third
       party vendor specifications into the RCI predefined areas.

       As the customer, you must contact your  third  party  vendor  for
       information  regarding  license  and  restrictions  or  to obtain
       written permission to upload or copy specifications yourself.

       7.18.  Associated Files Retrieval For Secondaries

       When processing a secondary file,  the  RCI  does  not  call  the
       Retrieve_Associated_Files Preprocess and Postprocess extensions.

       7.19.  Overloading Attributes

       The  types  of  the attribute prefixes must be mutually exclusive
       when you customize to overload vendor-specific attributes.

       8.  Known Problems

       Following is a list  of  problems  known  at  the  time  of  this

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                     19\f

       RCI Release Information

       8.1.  Nonexistent Page Error Exception

       Nonexistent Page Errors can occur when the RCI is not elaborated.

       To determine if the RCI is elaborated:

       1. Execute What.Users.

       2. Search for the job name Rci_Compiler Rev2_0_5.

       If the RCI_Compiler is not running:

       1. Run Start_Rci_Main.

       2. Use Custom_Key.Register to register your extension.

       8.2.  Remote Access Control

       The  remote  DTIA server creates all remote files with the access

        rw-  r-- r--

       This permission setting gives read and write  permission  to  the
       owner  of the file, but read permission only to group and others.
       This can prevent multiple host R1000 users with different  remote
       userids from operating on the same set of host views.

       Note: This only affects extensions that use DTIA.

       8.3.  File Transfer Using FTP

       File  transfer  can  fail  occasionally  for extensions using the
       Telnet/FTP transfer mode. In this  case,  the  RCI  attempts  the
       transfer  three times before it stops trying to transfer. If none
       of the attempts succeed, the host unit is  not  promoted  to  the
       coded state.

       8.4.  RCI Compiler Switch Modification

       Any  changes  to  the Compiler_Switches file while the RCI is not
       elaborated cause all RCI switches in that file to revert to their
       default values when the RCI is next elaborated.

       8.5.  Compilation Warnings

       When  you  execute  a  Compilation.Make  operation  that includes
       predefined units in its closure, it  generates  warning  messages
       stating  that  the  predefined units have no bodies. Ignore these

       20                                     December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

       Workaround: Set  the  Rational  Environment  Semantics.Subsystem-
       _Interface  library switch to True. Setting this switch indicates
       that the world should be treated as a subsystem interface, a spec
       view, and thus the units do not require bodies.

       8.6.  Rci.Upload_Unit Remote_Unit_Name Parameter

       The  Rci.Upload_Unit  prompts  with ">>REMOTE UNIT NAME<< for the
       value of the remote unit name. This  value  should  be  a  simple
       name,  since  the  RCI appends it to the remote directory name to
       create the name of the unit to upload.

       8.7.  Response Parameter With Compilation Operations

       PRS Number => 903338-Gato-Mboy

       Setting   the   Response   parameter   in   Compilation.Make   or
       Compilation.Promote has no effect on RCI messages.

       8.8.  Rci.Accept_Remote_Changes Temporary File

       PRS Number => 7288788-Gato-Mboy

       The  Rci.Accept_Remote_Changes  command creates a temporary file,
       Rci_Temp_<Time_Stamp>, in the directory containing the host unit.
       If  the  changes  are  not  parsed  successfully  on the Rational
       Environment,  then  the  RCI  leaves  this  file  behind  without
       deleting it.

       8.9.  Rci.Check_Consistency Temporary File

       PRS Number => 7554142-Gato-Mboy

       Rci.Check_Consistency  creates a temporary file, <Unit_Name>_Tmp,
       in the directory containing the host unit. If  you  have  already
       created a file with the same name, then the operation fails. This
       also causes the same error as Rci.Accept_Remote_Changes.

       8.10.  Limited Private Types In Predefined Units

       PRS Number => 7059170-Gato-Mboy

       If an extension names a limited private type  from  a  predefined
       package, it generates a name resolution error. An extension names
       a type if the string representation  of  the  type  name  appears
       anywhere  in  the  extension.  For  example,  if  you  define  an
       attribute that  returns  a  value  of  type  System.Address,  and
       System.Address  is  a  limited  private type, the following error
       occurs during registration:

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                     21\f

       RCI Release Information

       Name resolution failure for type 'System.Address': AMBIGUOUS.

       If you make the type private, the error message does not occur.

       8.11.  Private Type Equality Operator In Package System

       PRS Number => 4348467-Gato-Mboy

       An error occurs when you attempt to rename the equality  operator
       of  a  private  type in package System. This works if the type is
       not private.

       9.  Documentation

       The  Rational   Compilation   Integrator:   User's   Manual,   PN
       4000-00500, Revision 2.0, provides additional information for RCI

       10.  Training

       Rational Target Tools Training: Rational  Compilation  Integrator
       Fundamentals, PN 7000-00653, Revision 2.0, provides user training
       for the RCI.

       22                                     December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

                                  Appendix A
                            Fixed Problems History

       This appendix describes problems fixed in  previous  releases  of
       the  product since RCF Release 1_0_3. Descriptions of these fixes
       are in the  RCF:  Release  Information  Release  1_1_1  Note  (PN
       508-003255-007) and Release 1_2_2 Note (PN 508-003255-009).

       Fixes  noted as Customizer Only apply to customization components
       of the RCF. Customizers should check these fixes;  general  users
       can ignore these sections.

       The  following  table provides the PRS number of the problem, the
       release in which the problem was fixed, and the  PRS  summary  of
       the problem.

                           History of Fixed Problems

       |              |     |                                        |
       |  PRS Number  | Rel |              PRS Summary               |
       |              | Num |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |none          |1_1_1|Compilation from detached jobs          |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |none          |1_1_1|DTIA and Telnet/FTP connections have    |
       |              |     |broken and hung                         |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |none          |1_2_2|Incremental pragma inline disallowal    |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |none          |1_1_1|Customizer Only                         |
       |              |     |Remote_Command_Interface error statuses |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |none          |1_2_2|Subunits of a generic body not coded    |
       |              |     |before the instantiation                |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |none          |1_2_2|Telnet Connection Echo Option           |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |1548835-Blut- |1_2_2|Missing Reusable Component subunits have|
       |Smp           |     |been provided                           |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |169982-Gato-  |1_2_2|Customizer Only                         |
       |Mboy          |     |Invalid parameters for                  |
       |              |     |Promote_Preprocess using secondaries    |

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                     23\f

       RCI Release Information

       |              |     |                                        |
       |  PRS Number  | Rel |              PRS Summary               |
       |              | Num |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |2394595-Gato- |1_2_2|RCI error during import                 |
       |Mboy          |     |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |244898-Jazm-  |1_2_2|Rcf.Accept_Remote_Changes should check  |
       |Jak           |     |out units                               |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |2523423-Gato- |1_2_2|Invalid compilation order created during|
       |Mboy          |     |multiple dependent views                |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |2760406-Blut- |1_2_2|rcf compiler locks terminal_nnn lines if|
       |Smp           |     |job.kill of a rcf command               |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |2912557-Jazm- |1_1_1|Slow demotion in RCI views              |
       |Jak           |     |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |308411-Jazm-  |1_1_1|Private type recognition problems       |
       |Jak           |     |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |3546124-Jazm- |1_1_1|Customizer Only                         |
       |Jak           |     |Delete phase went away in customizations|
       |              |     |                                        |
       |3617494-Gato- |1_2_2|Link with Make_Uncoded_Units does not   |
       |Mboy          |     |work                                    |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |3907848-Jazm- |1_1_1|Ftp waits too long between retries      |
       |Jak           |     |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |4379654-Gato- |1_1_1|Implementation defined attributes do not|
       |Mboy          |     |work for expanded names                 |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |4514072-Gato- |1_2_2|DTIA doesn't close down csh process     |
       |Mboy          |     |properly                                |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |5379137-Gato- |1_2_2|RCF holds on to telnet port when link   |
       |Mboy          |     |fails.                                  |

       24                                     December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

       |              |     |                                        |
       |  PRS Number  | Rel |              PRS Summary               |
       |              | Num |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |5386182-Gato- |1_2_2|Customizer Only                         |
       |Mboy          |     |CSR6322: RCI promote gets error UNIT    |
       |              |     |<UNIT_NAME> unknown to the RCF          |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |5772860-Gato- |1_1_1|Problem with remote import command      |
       |Mboy          |     |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |6133452-Jazm- |1_2_2|Privileges required for registering a   |
       |Jak           |     |target key                              |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |6158281-Jazm- |1_2_2|Customizer Only                         |
       |Jak           |     |create_predefined_library should check  |
       |              |     |length of target key                    |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |6164103-Blut- |1_2_2|RCI Initialize 2 minute delay needs to  |
       |Smp           |     |be lengthened                           |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |6663531-Jazm- |1_1_1|New Feature                             |
       |Jak           |     |Initialization routine should match RDF |
       |              |     |format                                  |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |6785680-Gato- |1_1_1|Customizer Only                         |
       |Mboy          |     |RCI passes a null "views_to_import"     |
       |              |     |iterator into IMPORT_PREPROCESS         |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |680047-Gato-  |1_1_1|Problem with "IS_PRE_OPTION" on Link    |
       |Mboy          |     |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |7185171-Gato- |1_1_1|Cannot have a single view which uses    |
       |Mboy          |     |both the RDF and RCI                    |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |7274371-Gato- |1_2_2|RCF_CMVC.REMOVE_IMPORTS not working     |
       |Mboy          |     |correctly.                              |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |7443648-Gato- |1_1_1|Problem with built-in operators         |
       |Mboy          |     |                                        |

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                     25\f

       RCI Release Information

       |              |     |                                        |
       |  PRS Number  | Rel |              PRS Summary               |
       |              | Num |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |8046554-Gato- |1_1_1|Customizer Only                         |
       |Mboy          |     |Type definitions during customization   |
       |              |     |registrations are case sensitive        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |8105473-Gato- |1_1_1|Version error occurs during demote and  |
       |Mboy          |     |during link using RCI                   |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |8385064-Jazm- |1_1_1|Customizer Only                         |
       |Jak           |     |Rcf_Cmvc.Release calls wrong library    |
       |              |     |extension routines                      |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9080824-Jazm- |1_1_1|Customizer Only                         |
       |Jak           |     |Null option problem                     |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9123690-0166-7|1_1_1|Csr5674: Problem with associated file   |
       |              |     |name formation                          |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9123690-0166-8|1_1_1|Customizer Only                         |
       |              |     |Csr5679: RCF_LINK doesn't retrieve all  |
       |              |     |associated files                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9123690-0166-9|1_1_1|Csr5680: RCI Binary File retrieval      |
       |              |     |doesn't work                            |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9123690-0172-4|1_2_2|Better interpretation of VAX error codes|
       |              |     |needed for RCI                          |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9348469-Jazm- |1_2_2|Customizer Only                         |
       |Jak           |     |status not always being checked for     |
       |              |     |preprocess                              |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9523197-Jazm- |1_2_2|Problem resolving <cursor> in           |
       |Jak           |     |Rcf_Cmvc.Import                         |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |959311-Jazm-  |1_1_1|Csr6036: Overloading of Attributes      |
       |Jak           |     |                                        |

       26                                     December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

       |              |     |                                        |
       |  PRS Number  | Rel |              PRS Summary               |
       |              | Num |                                        |
       |              |     |                                        |
       |9930958-Jazm- |1_2_2|Nonexistent_Page_Error while promoting a|
       |Jak           |     |unit                                    |

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                     27\f

       RCI Release Information

       28                                     December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

                                  Appendix B
                         Upgrading RCI Customizaitons

       In  order  to  take  advantage  of new functionality and run your
       customized extension with RCI 2_0_5, you  need  to  upgrade  your
       extension.  This appendix outlines steps to upgrade your existing
       Rev1_2_2-compatible extension to Rev2_0.  This  procedure  should
       take  between  one and two hours to upgrade your customization to
       run "as is" under Rev2_0. Allow additional time if  you  want  to
       implement the batch extensions.

       Use the following steps to upgrade your extension:

       1. Install  RCI_Rev2_0_0  of  the  base  product,  following  the
          installation instructions.

       2. Archive.Copy your customization from:

          !Targets.Implementation.RCF_Customization to

       3. Create a new view of your customization for Rev2_0 of the base
          product using Cmvc.Make_Path setting:

          VIEW_TO_IMPORT => "!targets.implementation.
          ONLY_CHANGE_IMPORTS => False;

       4. Make general changes to your customization as follows:

          *  Change    all    references   from   RCF_Customization   to

          *  Change all references from RCF_Customization_Interface to

          *  Change all references from RCF_Programmatic_Interface to

          *  Change all textual references from RCF to RCI.

       5. Modify <Your_Target_Key>'spec:

          *  Procedure register should allow two new parameters (see the
             example  in  the  customization template (which is supplied
             with the base RCI product).

             Batch_Mode : Boolean := False
             Allow_Standard_Rebuild : Boolean := False

          *  Batch_Mode will  be  used  to  tell  the  customization  to
             register  in  batch  mode.  This will cause the creation of
             batch scripts during the  execution  of  batch  extensions,
             instead of normal downloading of files to the target.

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                     29\f

       RCI Release Information

          *  Allow_Standard_Rebuild  is  passed on to RCI_Customization-
             .Register. It indicates  whether  a  new  package  Standard
             should  be  built  automatically,  if  the Standard_Version
             defined  in  Get_Predefined_Info  is  different  from   the
             Standard_Version  that  currently resides in the predefined
             world. Changing the Standard_Version requires  demotion  of
             package  Standard  and dependent units. Unless specified in
             the customization, the  default  value  of  Allow_Standard-
             _Rebuild in RCI_Customization.Register is False.

       6. Modify <Your_Target_Key>'body:

          *  Make  the  specified  changes  to the Register procedure to
             correspond to the spec.

          *  Add the following declaration  to  indicate  the  operation
             mode   (batch  or  interactive),  setting  the  default  to

             The_Operation_Mode : Op.Operation_Mode := Op.Interactive;

          *  Add the following function in the declarative part  of  the
             Register  procedure.  It  will be used to append the string
             _batch to the end of the job name if the  customization  is
             registered as a batch customization.

              function Operation_Mode return String is
              if Batch_Mode then
              return "_batch";
              end if;
              return "";
              end Operation_Mode;

          *  In    the   body   of   the   Register   procedure,   reset
             The_Operation_Mode to batch  according  to  the  Batch_Mode
             parameter (see Customization template).

              if Batch_Mode then
              The_Operation_Mode := Op.Batch;
              end if;
              -- Override the default operation mode

          *  Add  the  Allow_Standard_Rebuild  parameter  to the call to

          *  Add Operation_Mode to the  name  of  the  customization  in
             Program.Run_Job  (see  following  example  or customization

          ".rs6000_aix_ibm'view.units""" &
          ".register_all_extensions(""" & T_Name & """);",
          Context =>

       30                                     December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5

          Options => "Name => " & "RCI_Rev2_0_0_Rs6000_Aix_Ibm_" &
          (Get_Transfer_Type) & Operation_Mode & ",
          output => !machine.error_logs." & T_Name & "_extensions_log");

       7. Add the following parameters to Get_Operational_Info:

          Ada_Name_Is_Lower_Case => true,
          -- indicates ada name on target must be lower case
          The_Operation_Mode => The_Operation_Mode,
          -- Set in the body
          Generate_Batch_Compile_Commands => False,
          Run_Script_Command => "sh",
          -- Target commands to execute script
          Copy_Command => "copy",
          -- for tape operations, command to copy from tape
          Batch_Move_Script_File_Name => "move_script_name",
          -- name of the move script file
          Create_Dir_Command => "mkdir",
          -- target command for creating new directory
          Date_Command => "", -- future
          Date_File_Suffix => "" -- future

       8. Modify Get_Telnet_Info:

          A new parameter was added  to  the  TC_Characteristics  record
          called   Telnet_Protocol_Local_Echo.   This  parameter  has  a
          default value of False. This parameter does  not  need  to  be
          changed  unless your compilation platform requires the host to
          echo data sent to it.

       9. Modify Library_Extensions'spec:

          Procedure Destroy_View_Postprocess has two new parameters.

              REMOTE_MACHINE : string;
              REMOTE_DIRECTORY : string;

           Add these new parameters (see customization template).

          Note that Destroy_View_Postprocess will not be called in  D3.0
          of the Environment. Environment version D3.1 will be the first
          release to call Destroy_View_Postprocess.

       10. Modify Library_Extensions'body:

          Add the two new  parameters  to  the  Destroy_View_Postprocess

       11. Modify Library_Extensions'spec:

          Procedures Make_Path_Preprocess and Make_Path_Postprocess have
          a new parameter:

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                     31\f

       RCI Release Information

              FOR_RELEASE : BOOLEAN;

           Add this new parameter (see customization template).

       12. Modify Library_Extensions'body:

          Add  the  new  parameter  to  the   Make_Path_Preprocess   and
          Make_Path_Postprocess procedures.

       13. Modify All_Extensions'body:

          A  new  package  Batch_Extensions  is  provided  with the base
          product in  the  template  customization.  You  will  need  to
          implement  this  if  you  want  to operate in batch mode. This
          additional package  is  reflected  in  the  Extensions_Generic

          Update All_Extensions'body as follows:

          *  With package Batch_Extensions

          *  Change  package  All_Extensions  to  reflect  the following
             additional procedures in Extensions_Generic.


       32                                     December 1992     RATIONAL\f

                                                           Release 2_0_5


       1.  Overview                                                    1
       2.  RCI Components                                              1
       3.  Upgrade Impact                                              1
          3.1.  Rci Product Name                                       2
          3.2.  Upgrading the Customizable RCI                         2
          3.3.  Upgrading Your Extensions                              2
          3.4.  Upgrading the Rational Environment                     3
       4.  Prerequisites                                               3
       5.  New Features                                                4
          5.1.  CMVC Integration                                       5
          5.2.  Using Cmvc.Destroy_View                                5
          5.3.  Rci Switches                                           5
          5.4.  Using Spec Views                                       6
          5.5.  Setting FTP Switches with Remote-Library Creation
          Commands                                                     6
          5.6.  Batch Operations                                       7
          5.7.  State Information Restructuring                        7
          5.8.  Telnet Connection Caching                              7
       6.  Fixed Problems                                              7
          6.1.  Downloading Units                                     10
          6.2.  Uploading Executable Files                            11
          6.3.  Customized Remote_Unit_Name Value                     11
          6.4.  Destroy_View_Postprocess                              11
          6.5.  Rci_Cmvc.Build and the State File                     11
          6.6.  Null Remote_Directory Library Switch                  12
          6.7.  Cmvc.Accept_Changes and Indirect Files                12
          6.8.  Associated-file Retrieval On Warning                  12
          6.9.  Target Semantic Checking in Spec Views                12
          6.10.  Rci.Build_Remote_Library Message                     13
          6.11.  Package Rcf_Cmvc and CMVC Compatability              13
          6.12.  RCI Initialization Messages                          13
          6.13.  Improved Response Time with Telnet Connection Caching13
          6.14.  Rci.Display_Unit_Options Report                      13
          6.15.  Rci.Rebuild _Remote_Library View Parameter           13
          6.16.  Rcf_Cmvc.Accept_Changes                              14
          6.17.  Inconsistent Imports                                 14
          6.18.  Rci.Accept_Remote_Changes with Missing Units         14
          6.19.  Rci.Execute_Remote_Command Message Format            14
          6.20.  Cmvc.Release Naming Conflict                         15
          6.21.  Rci Message Format                                   15
          6.22.  Including Multiple Libraries with -i Options         15
          6.23.  Multiple Views with Import and Make_Path             15
          6.24.  Setting Invalid Switch Values                        15
       7.  Limitations                                                15
          7.1.  Demoting Units with Cmvc.Destroy_View                 16
          7.2.  Time-Stamp and Error Handling Support                 16
          7.3.  Rci.Remote_Library Switch                             16
          7.4.  Target Compiler Restrictions with Generics            16
          7.5.  Using Only_Change_Imports                             16
          7.6.  Creating Spec Views                                   17
          7.7.  Restarting the RCI                                    17
          7.8.  Compilation Order Involving Generics                  17

       RATIONAL     December 1992                                    iii\f

       RCI Release Information

          7.9.  Renamed Inlined Subroutines                           17
          7.10.  Coding Subunits and Parents                          17
          7.11.  Using DTIA and UNIX Shells                           18
          7.12.  Telnet Logins                                        18
          7.13.  Prompting For Passwords                              18
          7.14.  Archive.Copy/Archive.Restore Operations              18
             7.14.1.  Archiving and Restoring Views                   18
             7.14.2.  Copying and Restoring Secondaries               19
          7.15.  Trace_Command_Output And Rci.Execute_Remote_Command  19
          7.16.  Rci.Execute_Remote_Command                           19
          7.17.  COTS Specifications                                  19
          7.18.  Associated Files Retrieval For Secondaries           19
          7.19.  Overloading Attributes                               19
       8.  Known Problems                                             19
          8.1.  Nonexistent Page Error Exception                      20
          8.2.  Remote Access Control                                 20
          8.3.  File Transfer Using FTP                               20
          8.4.  RCI Compiler Switch Modification                      20
          8.5.  Compilation Warnings                                  20
          8.6.  Rci.Upload_Unit Remote_Unit_Name Parameter            21
          8.7.  Response Parameter With Compilation Operations        21
          8.8.  Rci.Accept_Remote_Changes Temporary File              21
          8.9.  Rci.Check_Consistency Temporary File                  21
          8.10.  Limited Private Types In Predefined Units            21
          8.11.  Private Type Equality Operator In Package System     22
       9.  Documentation                                              22
       10.  Training                                                  22
       A  Fixed Problems History                                      23
       B  Upgrading RCI Customizaitons                                29

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