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Rational R1000/400 Tapes

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⟦eb2098039⟧ TextFile

    Length: 6936 (0x1b18)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »V«


└─⟦bdeee703f⟧ Bits:30000538 8mm tape, Rational 1000, RWI 10_1_1
    └─ ⟦545705153⟧ »DATA« 
└─⟦5f3412b64⟧ Bits:30000745 8mm tape, Rational 1000, ENVIRONMENT 12_6_5 TOOLS 
    └─ ⟦91c658230⟧ »DATA« 


with Ftp_Profile;

package Rwi_Install is

-- Unlike RXI, RWI does not require the installation of workstation files
-- instead one is require to install software on the PC via a diskette

-- the following is the install procedures fr the PC

-- The RWI diskette contains three files in its root directory.
--     1. RWI.EXE
--     2. FONTRES.FON
--     3. RWI.MNU
-- Put the RWI Diskette in the appropriate drive (the examples that
-- follow assume that this drive is A:).
-- Install each of these files as follows:
-- Installing RWI.EXE and RWI.MNU:
-- You can copy rwi.exe and rwi.mnu into any directory on your path.
-- for example, if you want to create a directory called:
--     C:\RWI
-- enter:
--     C> md \rwi
--     C> cd \rwi
--     C> copy a:\rwi.*
-- Append the following to the end of your PATH command in your
--     C:\RWI;
-- For example:
-- RWI.MNU is an example of a custom menu file. Refer to the RWI User's
-- Guide for instructions on using this file.
-- RWI.EXE is the executable that you run from Windows.
-- Installing FONTRES.FON:
-- 1.  Run Windows
-- 2.  Go to the program manager, pull down the File menu, and select the Run
--     command
-- 3.  Enter CONTROL in the Command Line prompt of the Run dialog box
-- 4.  Press the OK button
-- 5.  Double click on the Fonts icon in the Control Panel dialog box
-- 6.  Click on the Add button of the Fonts dialog box
-- 7.  Enter A:\FONTRES.FON in the Font prompt of the Add Font Files dialog box
-- 8.  Press the OK button
-- 9.  Look in the Installed Fonts list box to see that the
--     "Terminal Rational set 1" is now installed.
-- 10. Click on the OK button to exit the Control Panel
-- Running RWI:
-- 1. Run Windows
-- 2. Go to the program manager, pull down the File menu, and select the Run
--    command
-- 3. Enter RWI in the Command Line prompt of the Run dialog box
-- 4. Press the OK button
-- Refer to the RWI User's Guide for instructions on running RWI.

-- The general installation steps for the mythical XYZ terminal type are:
--  1) Execute the Rxi_Install.Machine_Editor_Data_Files procedure to install
--      the various XYZ keymap files on your R1000.  This automatically
--      enables any product-specific commands contained in the new keymap(s).
--      Commands are enabled if the pertinent product is authorized for
--      this R1000.
--      This step also creates XYZ entries in the
--      !Machine.Editor_Data.Terminal_Types and Terminal_Recognition files.
--      This step is performed for all "real" and all "parasite" terminal
--      types that will be used to talk to the R1000.  It installs the R1000
--      "key map" for this terminal type and it tells the R1000 how to perform
--      auto-recogniton of the new terminal type when a user logs into the
--      R1000.
--      This step is performed once for each rxi terminal type that your site
--      will be using, real or parasite.


-- Terminal_Type - Supported terminal/keyboard types.
-- These are all of the supported variations for RWI.  There are variations
-- in:
--      - workstation/MS-Windows Version
--      - keyboard
--      - TCP/IP vendor

    type Terminal_Type is  

-- Workstation:      IBM PC Clone
-- Operating System: MS Windows 3.0
-- Keyboard:         PC 101 extended keyboard




    procedure Machine_Editor_Data_Files
                 (Keyboard  : Terminal_Type;  
                  Overrides : String := "foo=>FALSE,bar=>true");
--  Keyboard            - Specifies the RWI-based terminal type being installed.
--  Overrides           - Specifies any authorization parameters that you may
--                          wish to use for overrides in the
--                          Enable_Product_Keymaps step.
-- Used to perform two tasks in the !Machine.Editor_Data area on the local
-- R1000.
-- 1) Copies the appropriate files from the release area over to the local
--    !Machine.Editor_Data area.  The files are:
--    - XYZ_Key_Names    - defines the key names for the XYZ terminal type
--    - XYZ_Keys         - defines the recognition sequences for the XYZ keys
--    - XYZ_Commands     - defines the environmental keybindings for XYZ
--    - XYZ_User_Commands- users can Compilation.Parse this to obtain an "empty"
--                          XYZ_Commands in their home area
--    This command copies these files.  If any of these files already exist in
--    !Machine.Editor_Data then they are replaced by the copy.  The Key_Names
--    and Commands files will be promoted to Installed automatically.
--    The Enable_Product_Keymaps utility is used to "enable" all product
--    specific keybindings.  They are enabled according to the product
--    authorizations in-effect at the time this procedure is executed.
-- 2) Installs a line like the following in the local !Machine.Editor_Data.
--    Terminal_Types file:
--      XYZ Rational 80 80
--    and one like this in the local !Machine.Editor_Data.Terminal_Recognition
--    file:
--      XYZ [pcnnnc
--    (the nnn is determined by the number of keys on thee pc keyboard.
--    If either file does not currently exist then it is created.
--    If either file exists then the appropriate line is appended to the end of
--    the file.
-- This command only needs to be done one time for a particular terminal type
-- upon a particular R1000.  No damage will result if it is performed more than
-- one time; it will however cause the repeated demotion and repromotion of any
-- units that refer to any XYZ_Key_Names that already exists and it will result
-- in unnecessary (and harmless) duplicate entries in the Terminal_Types and
-- Terminal_Recognition files.
-- Individual sites may wish to change the default screen size for different
-- terminal types as specified by the numeric values in the Terminal_Types
-- file.




end Rwi_Install;